
Post on 12-Aug-2015






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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

In order to video many if our progress

interviews and other bloopers we had to use IOS7 on a number of

occasions which in the future when

encountering any apple software

/hardware I will be able to easily adapt

and use the technology especially as my

household is dominated by apple



Final cut pro was an absolute myth in my mind and I had no intention to

use it after having an abysmal experience with apple in the past.

However when learning how to edit cut crop and shape shots as with all apple programmes I started to enjoy it and thought it was a very useful asset to have, considering the fact

that our editor ditched our group and so did our replacement leaving me the producer and the director to do

the majority of the editing. The use of actually adding MP3 files importing videos from an SD card and creating

a film is without doubt the most enthralling and CV-blowing

technology and skill that I have learnt.

The skill although not directly involved was the use of the

camera. It presented to me a future in the

career of being a cameraman for a

production company as now I know how to operate a reasonably

high standard camera which is vital

in creating a production.

researchIn order to select the perfect music I used WSHH. It is a very well established website internationally, especially with the teenage age group hence why I thought it was vital to use this website for the mise en scene. Now although I did not believe costume was heavily influenced I can confirm the music for the love scene Drake pound Cake was seen on this particular website. Although I listened to it repetitively on Soundcloud I am in high doubt it would not of been promoted by Soundcloud, hence why I believe I am glad now to have learnt about WSHH and know how to navigate through the website.

Intriguingly there is an unforgettably similar correlation between the amount of times I used have used Soundcloud, its growth in the stock market and time passed in this particular project. It is no coincidence due to the fact that learning how to use Soundcloud has been an absolute pleasure. This is as from the first instance it is completely compatible for not just a teenager but anyone using it. It is a multi-purpose app and website. It stores music for you, let’s you share and also has a large data base of sounds all of which are absolutely free.

Google, what can I say? The heart to all my problems, well most of them. Most of them such as just finding out what time my local bus comes. But no, Google is so much more than that and in this project I have discovered some of it’s hidden beauties in which I had no idea existed. The main asset is as Google states for itself; “One account for everything”. This without doubt is extremely useful, as now I do not have to log onto YouTube, blogger, Gmail and a tone of other websites as I'm already logged in and can effortlessly navigate, something before this project, I had absolutely no clue existed. It has made the presentation, research and other processes so much easier.

Wikipedia has yet again been a loyal servant, providing me with whatever I can imagine in my outgoing mind effortlessly. However what I have learnt is not the actual website but a feature until this project started I had token no notice off. The references at the bottom of each article are actually vital for example when researching how Drake is an artist who is into the romantic relationship genre I realised that underneath he was successful when seeing the reference came from the Grammy website that he was a winner proving he was successful hence portraying Wikipedia was able to back up the information effectively.


A basic tool which I have had to use throughout my whole computering career. Microsoft word is essential tool in storing information simply and clearly in which I can further develop. Over the course of the project I have only reinforced my knowledge brushing rusty parts of the features such as text highlighting and underlining as well as practising and cementing past skills that I have previously acquired. In addition word was very helpful as I could just copy and paste text into blogger on order to produce my blog when I opted rarely to write a paragraph or two.

PowerPoint combined with slideshare were also a vital tool in presentation as it allowed a more visual type of presentation to be achieved. I learned how to use the design background change of colour during the project which although not being a big fan of PowerPoint I do believe will attract whoever is observing presentations more effectively. Combined with slideshare which was needed to insert the PowerPoint's through a link in a presentations embedded code completed this section of the presentation. Slideshare was a completely new concept to me. Just making an account and uploading PowerPoint's is a useful skill now considering I can upload my PowerPoint's in a web format.

For every single time I have used YouTube, I have only ever watched videos. Says a lot about the purpose of YouTube. But after almost 7 years of use I have finally uploaded and now confidently know how to upload YouTube videos. ( I expect a medal and awards ceremony!). Yes, I now have learnt how to personally upload a YouTube video, I thank this project for this opportunity.

Blogger and blogs in general I have never used, didn’t like the sound of and still don’t really enjoy using. However actually learning how to use blogger has of course made me understand the real importance of using alternative methods in order to present in a new way. And of course the benefit is that it’s free. Yes free I say not like Microsoft office where you have to pay around £60 to use, after programming it in your computer which is just simply and utterly useless hassle.


These are the two main types of communications that were used during production. Twitter direct messages were one alternative and one which never let me down as twitter hard ever gets repaired for maintenance whereas what's app which was used by other members do have a habit of being unreliable and cannot be used on a PC. I have an account which I have had experience in using hence why it could be useful for future communication for example in a film company as well as being very useful to me in this particular case. An example between me and our director using twitter for communication is evoked below:

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