technology and culture exam material

Post on 22-Oct-2014






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Title: HSS 105 Test 1 Chapters 1-5

1. Volti 6th Ed, Ch4006


___ stated that “there is often no a priori reason to do one thing rather than another, particularly if neither had been done before.”

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Correct Answer


A. Eugene Ferguson



2. Volti 6th ed, Ch2009


The pneumatic molding machines adopted by the McCormick reaper manufacturing plants in the 1880s ___.

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Correct Answer


C. Produced an inferior product



3. Volti 6th ed,Ch1003


Volti states that technological enthusiasm is primarily about ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


B. National prestige



4. Volti 6th Ed,Ch3006


The ____ industry is an industry less likely to be shaped by concerns about costs.

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Correct Answer


. Defense    

5. Volti 6th Ed, Ch4003


The ___study determined that a number of innovations, such as videocassette recorders, depended on prior scientific research.

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Correct Answer


. TRACES    


6. Volti 6th ed, Ch2010


Luddite assaults came to an end due to all of the following except ___.

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Correct Answer


. Exile to Canada



7. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 5001


Which of the following is not critical for the successful adoption of foreign technology?

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Ability to copy an example of a machine



8. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 5006


China at the end of 2007 had an approximate ratio of one car per 23 persons, about ___ the ratio in the developed countries.

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Correct Answer


. 1/10    


9. Volti 6th ed,Ch1010


According to Volti, belief in UFOs represents ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


A. Faith in higher technology


B. Distrust of people that control technology



10. Volti 6th ed,Ch1008


___ wrote that “All my means are sane, my motive and subject mad.”

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Correct Answer


Herman Melville



11. Volti 6th ed,Ch1009


Rationality implies all of the following except ___.

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Correct Answer


D. Subjectivity    


12. Volti 6th ed, Ch2002


According to Volti, technological changes often lead to ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


. Redistributing wealth and income



13. Volti 6th Ed,Ch3009


___ stated that “The idea that an invention reaches a stage of commercial profitability first and is then ‘introduced’ is… simple minded.”

  Student Response


Correct Answer


. Nathan Rosenberg



14. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 5002


Which of the following is not a problem associated with transferring technologies to less developed nations?

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Use technologies that are still relatively labor intensive



15. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 5008


The ___ was Paul David’s term for the number of acres that would justify the purchase of the mechanical reaper.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Threshold size



16. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 5004

  According to Volti, ___ was the country that had produced the most technological innovations up to 1500.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


. China    


17. Volti 6th Ed,Ch3010


Agricultural extension agents struggled to introduce hybrid corn to New Mexico farmers in the late 1940s due to ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


. Characteristics of the cornmeal produced



18. Volti 6th ed, Ch2005


Technological fixes cannot always work because ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Social and technical problems differ in their specificity



19. Volti 6th Ed,Ch3002


According to Thomas Hughes, social constructivism is most valid when ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


. A technology is at an early stage of development



20. Volti 6th ed,Ch1002


___ explains that technologies often develop alternative purposes.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


. Law of the Hammer



21. Volti 6th Ed,Ch3012


___ stated “Utility is in my opinion the test of value in matters of invention, and that a discovery which can be applied to no use, or is not good for something is good for nothing.”

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Correct Answer


. Benjamin Franklin



22. Volti 6th ed,Ch1005


Which of the following is an example of a failure of technology?

  Student Response


Correct Answer


A. Bhopal chemical plant


B. Chernobyl nuclear plant


C. Space shuttle Columbia


D. All of the above



23. Volti 6th Ed,Ch3008

  According to Volti, the development of penicillin provides an excellent illustration of the many facets of the ___ process.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


. Scaling-up    


24. Volti 6th ed,Ch1007


___ is a method of controlling a system by reinserting in it the results of its past performance.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


. Feedback    


25. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 5005


___ relied on foreign technology as a means of developing economic strength.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


A. Great Britain


B. Japan    

C. United States


D. All of the above



26. Volti 6th Ed, Ch4005

  Johannes Kepler developed and employed the calculus of variation in order to ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


. Derive optimum dimensions of beer




27. Volti 6th Ed, Ch4007


Scientific theories must be logically consistent and rationally articulated, but their ultimate source is ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


. Human creativity



28. Volti 6th ed, Ch2007


According to Volti, The introduction of steel axes to the Yir Yoront resulted in all of the following except ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


. Increased cultural stability



29. Volti 6th ed, Ch2006


Scientific Management involves all of the following except___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Worker adaptation to workplace problems



30. Volti 6th Ed,Ch3007

  If the traffic loads borne in 1910 had been carried by railroads employing the technologies of 1870, the additional costs would have amounted to ___.

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e Answer

$1.3 billion



31. Volti 6th ed, Ch2015


Today, the term “Luddite” implies opposition to modern technology.

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Correct Answer



32. Volti 6th Ed, Ch4011


Technological problems can be often solved with no understanding of what is going on.

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Correct Answer



33. Volti 6th ed,Ch1012


Technological progress is not the same as progress in general.

Student Response Value

Correct Answer



34. Volti 6th Ed,Ch3017


Agricultural extension agents successfully introduced hybrid corn to New Mexico farmers in the late 1940s.

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Correct Answer



35. Volti 6th Ed,Ch3013


The research component of R&D is the most expensive.

Student Response Value

Correct Answer



36. Volti 6th ed, Ch2013


Technologies fall or stand on their intrinsic merits.

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Correct Answer



37. Volti 6th Ed,Ch3019


Centrally planned economies rest on the assumption that economic activities can be reduced to predictable routines.

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Correct Answer



38. Volti 6th ed,Ch1015


According to Volti, when confronting technology, most of us are poorly informed spectators.

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Correct Answer



39. Volti 6th Ed,Ch3016


A bottleneck that restricts the continued development of a particular technology creates strong economic incentives to find new technologies that clear the obstruction.

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Correct Answer



40. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 5012


According to Mira Wilkins, “Often the product, or the description in the patent, or mere drawings and instructions, are adequate for transfers of technology.”

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Correct Answer



41. Volti 6th ed, Ch2014


The basic fallacy of Scientific Management is that politics can replace administration.

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Correct Answer



42. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 5013


Although the mechanical reaper was invented in the 1830s, 20 years elapsed before it evolved into a workable implement.

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Correct Answer



43. Volti 6th ed,Ch1014


Technology has generated massive powers available to human society and as individuals we exert much of that power.

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Correct Answer



44. Volti 6th ed,Ch1011

  Manifestations of human creativity, like technology, tend to be dynamic and cumulative.

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45. Volti 6th Ed, Ch4014


An excessive focus on the principles and methods of science may restrict creativity and lead to an overly rigid approach to the solving of technical problems.

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Correct Answer


46. Volti 6th Ed, Ch4013


When knowledge is “pushed” from science into technology, it often happens indirectly.

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Correct Answer



47. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 5011


The effective use of foreign technologies requires a labor force with a broad range of skills.

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Correct Answer



48. Volti 6th ed, Ch2016


The federal government is a relatively minor source of financial support for research and development.

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Correct Answer



49. Volti 6th Ed, Ch4010


Project Hindsight researchers found that a median delay of nine years separated the completion of a scientific research project from its application.

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Correct Answer



50. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 5010


The economic success of the European continent was based on their focus on internal technological developments.

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Correct Answer



****** Question 9 shows answers “A” & “B” – this is correct because the answer is both of them. Hope this clears up (if any) concerns.Title: HSS 105 Test 2 Chapters 6-11

1. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 7010


Which of the following is not a problem associated with diagnostic technologies?

  Student Response


Correct Answer


A. Increased standardization of medical practices



2. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 8005


At least ___ percent of processed foods found in American supermarkets contain one or more genetically modified ingredients.

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Value Correct Answer




3. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 8006

  ___ stated that “From the moment of conception, environmental factors and genetic factors are in an ongoing ‘dialogue’ with one another about building a person.”

  Student Response


Correct Answer


David Moore



4. Volti 6th ed, Ch 10003


Technological advances will not lead to job losses if the demand for products or services ___ at the same pace as ___ in productivity.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Increase, Increase



5. Volti 6th ed, Ch 11007


Division of labor does all of the following except ___.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Makes use of skilled laborers



6. Volti 6th ed, Ch 6002


The greenhouse effect involves all of the following except ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


The inability of radiant energy to penetrate the earth’s atmosphere



7. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 8001

  ___ found that chromosomes were the site of the key agent of heredity.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Thomas Hunt Morgan



8. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 7009


According to the study mentioned in the text, ___ percent of tests performed could have been eliminated with no evident loss in the quality of patient care.

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Value Correct Answer




9. Volti 6th ed, Ch 10006


According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which of the following occupational categories has the largest estimated numerical employment increase in the United States from 2006 to 2016?

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Correct Answer




10. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 8002


The Human Genome Project completed and published their sequencing in ___.

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Value Correct Answer




11. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 7002


Which of the following is not associated with medical care in regions with large proportions of specialists?

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Reduced periods of hospitalization



12. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 7008

  Which of the following is not an accurate statement about the Jarvik-7 artificial heart?

  Student Response


Correct Answer


The FDA approved its use as a permanent replacement for a human heart



13. Volti 6th ed, Ch 6008


Improved energy intensity in the United States can be partly attributed to ___.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


The growth of the service industry



14. Volti 6th ed, Ch 6005


According to the text, which of the following is not a consequence of soil erosion?

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


The decrease of costs associated with farming



15. Volti 6th ed, Ch 9001


Technologies in “primitive” societies are simple due to all of the following except ___.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Reliance on division of labor



16. Volti 6th ed, Ch 9003

  Marshall Sahlins stated that “the amount of work per capita ___ with the evolution of culture, and the amount of leisure per capita ___.”

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Increases, Decreases



17. Volti 6th ed, Ch 11004


Which of the following was not a consequence of the Factory system?

  Student Response


Correct Answer


More informal managerial methods



18. Volti 6th ed, Ch 10004


According to the text, the automobile is directly or indirectly responsible for at least one out of every ___ jobs in the American economy.

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Value Correct Answer




19. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 7004


Which of the following categories was responsible for the greatest percentage of medical payments in 1960?

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Individual families



20. Volti 6th ed, Ch 6009

  Highly centralized governments may struggle with improving environmental policies for all of the following reasons except ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


They can force people to sacrifice their individual interests



21. Volti 6th ed, Ch 6011


The United States has less than five percent of the world’s population but it consumes ___ percent of the world’s resources.

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Value Correct Answer





22. Volti 6th ed, Ch 11002


___ stated that “Wanting to abolish authority in large-scale industry is tantamount to wanting to abolish industry itself….”

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Friedrich Engels



23. Volti 6th ed, Ch 11003


The putting out system ___.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Resulted in a slow pace of production



24. Volti 6th ed, Ch 6010


The American economy may struggle with improving environmental policies due to ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Government programs aimed at keeping the price of energy low



25. Volti 6th ed, Ch 9004

  The earliest form of agriculture is ___.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Sedentary Farming



26. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 7001


Which of the following has contributed the least to gains in life span and improvements in the physical quality of life?

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Value Correct Answer




27. Volti 6th ed, Ch 10001


What did the Jackson, Mississippi, Daily News in the late 1930s state should be “driven right out of the cotton fields and sunk into the Mississippi River”?

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Mechanical cotton pickers



28. Volti 6th ed, Ch 11001


The factory system controlled the temporal aspects of work as it controlled ___.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


The pace of work, the time of work, and the length of the work day



29. Volti 6th ed, Ch 10010

  All of the following except ___ have contributed to growing income inequality.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Increases in government benefits for the poor



30. Volti 6th ed, Ch 6006


According to the text, which of the following is not an accurate characteristic of nuclear energy?

  Student Response


Correct Answer


It can be used as a substitute for fossil fuel use



31. Volti 6th ed, Ch 6016


The federal government’s generally weak and wavering support of R&D is one of the reasons that reliance on fossil fuels has decreased only marginally since 1973.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



32. Volti 6th ed, Ch 10015


According to Volti, the more “productive” a service job is, the more satisfying it is for the consumer.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



33. Volti 6th ed, Ch 10016


The private sector generally has failed to take a leading role in improving worker’s skills because employers fear that their workers will use their newly acquired skills to obtain better paying positions elsewhere.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



34. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 7013

  Payments for patients in their last year of life account for over 40 percent of Medicare


Student Response Value Correct Answer



35. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 7014


An informal study of cardiologists showed that half of bypass operations are performed with no clear indication of their necessity.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



36. Volti 6th ed, Ch 11017


Most of the jobs with the largest numerical employment increases projected from 2002 to 2012 require advanced training.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



37. Volti 6th ed, Ch 9013


With slave labor, there is little incentive to develop and introduce labor-saving machinery.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



38. Volti 6th ed, Ch 10017


Unemployment is much more likely to occur during periods of technological advance.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



39. Volti 6th ed, Ch 6012


According to the text, half of the years from 1995 to 2006 ranked among the 12 warmest years since 1850.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



40. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 8007


The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1980 that a human-made organism was not entitled to patent protection.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



41. Volti 6th ed, Ch 6015


The solar energy that strikes the earth in 10 minutes equals the world’s annual consumption of energy.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



42. Volti 6th ed, Ch 10012


Examples conclusively prove that technological advance is incompatible with high levels of employment.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



43. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 7012


The Seattle Artificial Kidney Center Admissions and Policy Committee made life-or death decisions about the use of limited resources based on the presumed worth of the patient.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



44. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 7015


Only 21 percent of Americans indicate a willingness to ration costly new medical technologies.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



45. Volti 6th ed, Ch 11016

  Today the typical workplace is not the factory but the office.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



46. Volti 6th ed, Ch 6013


In 2006 Americans generated an average of 4.6 pounds of municipal solid waste per person every day.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



47. Volti 6th ed, Ch 10014


Over the last century, many of the jobs performed by manufacturing workers have been lost to mechanization, yet total employment has undergone a massive increase.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



48. Volti 6th ed, Ch 11014


The “putting-out” system was popular before the Industrial Revolution.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



49. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 8013


The U.S. government has barred the use of federal funds for human cloning research.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



50. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 8010


Humans have an estimated 20-25,000 genes arrayed along the 46 chromosomes found in every cell.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



Title: HSS 105 Test 3 Chapters 12-15

1. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 15011


Which of the following is not a classification of chemical weapons?

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Value Correct Answer




2. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 14008


By the year 1914 more than ___ percent of the world’s land mass was dominated by Europe.

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Value Correct Answer




3. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 12010


The first American penny paper made its appearance in the ____.

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Value Correct Answer




4. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 14005


By the middle of the sixteenth century the fortified castles that had long been immune to direct attack were now vulnerable due to all of the following innovations except ____.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Mobile artillery



5. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 13015

  According to the text, which of the following is an explanation for falling CD sales?

  Student Response


Correct Answer


A. Appeal of alternative forms of entertainment


B. High prices    

C. Lack of new and interesting music


6. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 12009


Which of the following represents the correct chronological listing (from earliest to latest in time)?

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Steam-powered printing press, Rotary press, Linotype machine


7. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 13012


Video game addiction is characterized by all of the following except ___.

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Value Correct Answer


Severe bouts of insomnia


8. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 15002


According to Volti, firearms were particularly well suited to armies raised by ___.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Centralized, bureaucratically organized states where discipline was more highly valued than freedom


9. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 13006

  The number of hours spent watching television ___ as the education levels of viewers ___.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Declines, Rises



10. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 15010


___ mandates that all of the nations of Latin America except Cuba remain nuclear free.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Treaty of Tlateloco


11. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 12001


Which of the following accurately represents how ancient written languages were used?

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Value Correct Answer


A. To keep financial accounts


B. For spiritual purposes


C. To extend influence over others


12. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 15009


___ attempted to restrict the spreading of nuclear weapons.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Nonproliferation Treaty


13. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 12006


___ praised printing as “God’s highest and extremest act of grace, whereby the business of the Gospel is driven forward.”

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Martin Luther


14. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 13004

  Which of these companies was not a major stockholder of RCA?

  Student Response


Correct Answer


British Marconi


15. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 14006


Which of the following represents the correct chronological order from oldest to newest innovation?

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Value Correct Answer


Matchlock, Wheellock, Flintlock


16. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 15004


Post WWI Germany was well suited to embrace new military technologies due to all of the following except ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Thriving German economy in the 1920s allowed for greater military investments



17. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 14007


The development of the battleship resulted in ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


A strong impetus to imperial expansion


18. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 14001


Which of the following would not be classified as siege machinery?

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Value Correct Answer



19. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 13003

  The ___ was the first workable electronic television camera.

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Value Correct Answer




20. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 13007


___% of TV programs contain some violence.

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Value Correct Answer




21. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 12011


Yellow Journalism played a role in ____.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Declaration of war against Spain


22. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 14009


Strategic bombing ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Resulted in thousands of civilian casualties


23. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 15005


All of the following except ___ were limitations of the B-17.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Insufficient flight range



24. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 12005

  Which of the following was not a consequence of the printing press?

  Student Valu Correct Feedback

Response e Answer

Unified the Christian church


25. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 14004


Which of the following is not a characteristic of the trebuchet?

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


They depended on torsion springs made from hair



26. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 15006


In reference to war, 18th century political thinkers believed ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


War was an unfortunate consequence of human behavior


27. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 13011


In 2001 a U.S. Surgeon General report speculated that video games might stimulate more aggressive and violent behavior than television viewing because ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Video game players are actual participants in onscreen violence


28. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 13009

  According to the text, humans usually do not commit violent acts for all of the following reasons except ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


We have a strong emotion connection to our fellow human beings


29. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 12008


As late as the middle of the eighteenth century, ___ percent of English men and more than ___ percent of English women were illiterate.

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Value Correct Answer


40, 60    


30. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 13008


“Naturalistic” studies involve studying the connection of television viewing habits and aggressive behavior by ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Showing two groups of children television programs (one groups’ is violent in nature and the other is not) and then having the children observed at home or school


31. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 15018


Dependency on computers and their networks protects nations from attacks by terrorists.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



32. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 14011

  According to the text, knightly combat was the most important aspect of medieval warfare.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



33. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 15013


The use of firearms did not require high levels of skill.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



34. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 13022


Over 70% of the population of North America uses the internet

Student Response Value Correct Answer



35. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 14012


Greek fire was more effective as a defensive weapon than as an offensive one.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



36. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 12018


The sinking of the American battleship Maine was exploited by yellow journalists.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



37. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 14010


The most fearful weapons of antiquity were catapults

Student Response Value Correct Answer



38. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 13019

  Video games require a level of attention and involvement that television viewing does not require.

Student Response Value Correct Answer


39. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 14014


Standardization often acts as an incentive for technological progress.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



40. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 14013


European armies of the eighteenth century served as the prototype of new forms of civilian organization.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



41. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 12016


Benefit of the Clergy allowed members of the Christian clergy to not be tried by the secular court system.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



42. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 15014


The airplane has rendered conventional warfare obsolete.

Student Response Value Correct Answer


43. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 13021


In 1970, survey respondents indicated for the first time that television had replaced newspapers as their prime source of news

Student Response Value Correct Answer



44. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 13016

  Samuel Morse invented broadcast radio in the 1920s

Student Response Value Correct Answer



45. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 15019


The goal of terrorism is to generate widespread fear and insecurity among the population that has been targeted

Student Response Value Correct Answer



46. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 15012


Weapons are developed and put into service simply because of their intrinsic superiority.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



47. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 12012


Of the approximately 5000 languages, over half appear in written form.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



48. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 15017


By 1918 for every soldier that died of wounds, five died of disease.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



49. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 14016


Increasingly sophisticated weapons have opened the psychological distance between the warrior and his victims.

Student Response Value Correct Answer


50. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 12013

  Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press.

Student Response Value Correct Answer



Title: HSS 105 Test 4 Chapters 16-18

1. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18010


According to Ernest Fitzgerald, what are the two phases of a major program?

  Student Response


Correct Answer


“It’s too early to tell” and “It’s too late to stop”


2. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16005


According to Volti, when public choices depend on expert information on a wide spread scale ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Democracy becomes an illusion


3. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18006


___ percent of “pure” scientific research conducted in the United States is financed by the federal government.

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Value Correct Answer



4. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18001


The Constitution stipulates that Congress is to “promote the Progress of Science and ___ by securing for limited Tim to Authors and Inventors the Exclusive Rights to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Useful Arts    


5. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17009

  Electronic monitoring of employees results in ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Enhanced managerial control


6. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17012


___ stated “There is a basic incompatibility of the inventor and the large corporation.”

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Jack Kilby    

7. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18004


The private sector supplies about ___ of the funds used for the nation’s R&D efforts.

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Value Correct Answer



8. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17011


According to the text, it can be reasonably asserted that R&D efforts will be ___ in industries where key technologies are judged to have ___ potential for further development.

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Value Correct Answer


Extensive, High


9. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17010


Throughout most of the history of the automotive industry, the relationship between suppliers and original equipment manufacturers was ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


That of independent buyers and sellers



10. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17008

  New network-based information technologies allow for ___.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


A. Decentralization of managerial authority


B. Greater centralized managerial control


11. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16006


According to Volti, when major policy decisions are at stake, experts will likely find that their technical knowledge ___.

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Value Correct Answer


Cannot easily be converted into political influence


12. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16002


___ stated “Man’s power over nature is really the power of some men over others with nature as their instrument.”

  Student Response


Correct Answer


C.S. Lewis    

13. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17007


In general, research has indicated that advanced information technologies have done all of the following except ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Decreased the amount of information



14. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18005

  It can be argued that during the post-World War II era the United States had a de facto policy of supporting technological development, but unlike Japan, much of it has been driven by ___ rather than ___ considerations.

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Correct Answer


Military, Commercial


15. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18007


The very notion that the government has a legitimate right to regulate private industry originated with ___ in the first half of the nineteenth century.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


The explosion of steam boilers


16. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16007


According to the text, recommendations of advisory committees of recognized experts are likely to be ignored for all of the following reasons except ___.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


Their recommendations are not trusted


17. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18002


Government is involved with technological development in all of the following ways except ____.

  Student Response


Correct Answer


By creating focusing events


18. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18003


Volti discusses problems associated with cars, like pollution, as an example of ___.

  Student Response

Value Correct Answer


Negative externality


19. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16009

  Samuel Florman stated that the characteristics of a good manager were having a feeling for all of the following except ___.

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Correct Answer


Spatial relationships


20. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16008


According to Kenneth Galbraith, technostructure focuses on ___.

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Managers and engineers with specialized knowledge


21. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18008


Congress affects the course of technological development through all of the following except ___.

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Court determinations


22. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17006


Computerized information systems may be used to ___.

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A. Empower workers


B. Extend the power of managers


C. Give workers claim to higher wages


23. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16004

  Economically developed countries have ___ specialization than less developed ones, making social interactions ___.

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More, Frequent


24. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16001


Social constructivism offers the possibility for ___ human agency compared to technological determinism.

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25. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16003


Which of the following is not a shortcoming of the theory of cultural lag?

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Sociocultural changes can often be more easily measured than technological changes


26. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17001


Which of the following is an element of organizational structure?

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A. The amount of worker specialization


B. The extent to which authority is centralized


C. The number and importance of formal rules


27. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17005

  Which individual’s organization theory deals with the degree of variability of the raw materials processed by a organization and the extent to which problem-solving

procedures can be routinized?

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Charles Perrow


28. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17004


According to Joan Woodward, mass-production technologies are characterized by all of the following except ___.

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Broadly defined job duties


29. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18009


The iron triangle represents ____.

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Congressional committees, government agencies, and special interest groups


30. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17003


All of the following except ___ were important variables in the studies performed by Joan Woodward.

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The educational requirements for first-line managers


31. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16015


The technostructure was primarily concerned with maximizing profit.

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32. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16016


The essence of professionalism is autonomy.

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33. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18014


The Soviet launch of Sputnik is a good example of a focusing event.

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34. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18012


The free rider concept is that some technologies that are paid for by the middle class will primarily benefit the wealthiest in a society.

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35. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16010


It is likely that the ability to influence the course of technological change will be evenly distributed among the population.

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36. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16014


Wielding power requires the mobilization of a constituency and the ability to create a broad base of support.

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37. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17014


As the idea took hold that an organization’s structure was influenced by the technology it employed, it became apparent that one of the cherished notions of management, that there is “one best way” to organize things, is correct.

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38. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18013

  There is a cabinet-level Department of Technology in the United States that guides U.S. involvement in technological development.

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39. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17013


Mass-production technologies had a regular flow of worker-management communication that was not filtered according to hierarchical position.

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40. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16012


Value judgments involving social consequences to a decision necessarily take the expert well outside the realm of his or her expertise.

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41. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16013


Max Weber explained that organizations commonly seek to expand their power by making their knowledge public.

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42. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17015


A technology might be selected not because of its innate superiority, but because it meets the needs of the power holders within that organization.

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43. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17020


Small organizations are often better equipped to do development work.

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44. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17018


The growing use of the telephone in the early twentieth century reduced the need for traditional forms of communication.

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45. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 16011


The “knowledge explosion” has made all of us relative ignoramuses.

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46. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17017


A new information technology, no matter how radical, is only one of many influences on a particular organization.

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47. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18016


Since there is no centralized approach to the governance of technology in the United States, many key decisions are made at the middle levels of government.

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48. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17019


Old fashion, face-to-face communication is usually essential for organizational tasks.

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49. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 18015


A technology that produces large-scale failures is more likely to generate opposition than one that produces a series of small-scale failures.

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50. Volti 6th Ed, Ch 17016


Managers realize that control of information has been an essential element of their authority.

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