teen drug abuse

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Erika , Angel, Shayvonne,


Drugs are a chemical substance that can affect the way our bodies work.

They can be helpful or harmful.

They can have different effects by depending how often we take them, how much we

take, and what type of drug we take.

Teen Drug Abuse

- Marijuana

- Alcohol

- Cigarettes

- Cocaine

- Methane

- Ecstasy

These are only a few that teens use.

Drugs Teens Use

Marijuana can damage your lungs and can elevate your blood pressure.

Nicotine which is found in cigarettes have an increased risk for lung and heart disease

and stroke.

Cocaine affects the central nervous system, giving users a quick, intense feeling of power

and energy.

Ecstasy can cause dry mouth, cramps, blurred vision, chills, sweating, and

nausea.Ecstasy also raises the temperature of the body. This increase can sometimes

cause organ damage or even death.

Dangers of Drugs

Why do teens use drugs1. To fit in with the crowd-No one wants to feel left out so sometimes they make bad

decision like taking drugs to cover up insecurities.

2. To help relax or escape pain -It easier than dealing with problems or asking for help

3. To reduce boredom- It’s been said that “idle hands are the devil’s tools” – and similarly,

that an “idle mind is the devil’s playground.” In other words, boredom can quickly get

anyone – and especially a restless teen – into all sorts of trouble.

4. To feel more mature -Adolescents often want to be treated like adults. “I’m not a kid

anymore” is a frequent saying, especially when they want benefits that come with age.

With age teens are drawn to things that make them feel like an adult – older, more

mature, more sophisticated.

5. To Experiment -It's human nature to want to experiment. Trying things out helps you

decide if they're right for you. But it's also human nature to avoid things that are obviously

bad for you. You wouldn't experiment with jumping off a Bridge.

Teens become psychologically attached to drugs just to feel good, escape stress, and deal

with life.

Teens can also get so addicted since they start at a very young age.

Even after one use, drugs can create both physical and psychological cravings that make it

very difficult for teens to stop.

Why do teens get so addicted

Statistic of teen using drugs

Find healthy ways to cope with stress- Some people start using drugs to deal with anxiety

and stress, but in actuality drugs are only a temporary fix.

Seek therapy or counseling-Many people experience highs and lows that can be difficult

to manage.People who use drugs are often the people who are attempt to self-medicate

for their psychological issues.

Practice Healthier Living Habits. Exercise, eating well and meditation are excellent ways

to avoid using drugs .Very often, the outcome you feel from living a healthier lifestyle can

help you resist the urge to use drugs to escape . A healthy body helps you cope with

day-to-day stress.

How to Prevent The Use of Drugs





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