telling the workforce story with social media

Post on 19-Oct-2014



Social Media



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Presentation for PA Workforce Development Conference--May 8, 2014


Workforce Stories and Social Media

Presented by Michele Martin, The Bamboo Project, Inc.Presented by Michele Martin, The Bamboo Project, Inc. PA Workforce Development Association Conference-May 8, 2014

Michele MartinAdvocating for Social Media in Workforce Development since 2007!

Is This You?

We’re Going on a Journey. . .

To Explore Some Key Questions

So You Can . . .

One bite at a time. . .

Telling a Great Story on Social Media

“Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook”

Jabs are lightweight pieces ofcontent that make customers laugh,think, question, etc.

Right hooks are calls to action that benefit your organization.

Give, give, give. . . Ask!Source: Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World

Qualities of a Great Social Media Story

It’s Native

“Each platform has unique language, culture, sensibility and style.”

Who is on the platform?

What appeals there?

How does your story fit into the psychology and habits of your audience?

Doesn’t interrupt

Replicate the experience your audience wants to have on their preferred platform:





Doesn’t make demands (often)



Inviting to look at

Fun to read

Made for your customer, not for you!

Leverages Pop Culture

It’s Micro

“Tiny, unique nuggets of information, commentary, humor or inspiration that you re-imagine every day as you respond to today’s events, culture and conversations.”

Consistent and self-aware

What core feelings do you want to evoke?

What core messages are you trying to convey?

How does every post, tweet, comment, pic confirm your brand identity and tell your core story?

If you want to succeed. . .

Have a personality

Know your audience(s)—one size does NOT fit all!

Emphasize the visual over the verbal

Use multimedia

Be consistent

A Social Media Case Study

How They Do It

Know their target audience and what is important to them

Integrated social media strategy based on their audience: Website Blog posts Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram LinkedIn Email

Their content. . . Is relevant to their audience

Appeals to positive identity and inspires positive emotions “You can do it—we’ll help!” “You’re not alone” “We know you want to succeed—here’s how!” “We’re fun, but we take our careers seriously.”

Is very visual

Is the right fit for the platform where it’s posted.

Start with Your Stories

We respond to stories that:

Focus on people

Evoke particular emotions

Include both visual AND verbal



Inspire us to think, ask questions and/or act

1. Listen . . . What are the core needs, interests and behaviors of the people we are trying to influence? What are their preferred platforms?

Job seekers?



Community members?

Policy makers?

Help Job Seekers to. . .

Find a job

Access resources and opportunities

Take the right actions at the right times

Make informed choices

Feel less isolated and alone

Feel like positive, contributing members of society

Help Businesses To. . .

Fill positions

Accomplish business objectives

Stay competitive

Start-up and move to the next level

Feel connected

Feel competent and successful

Break it down. . .

Job Seekers By industry?

By age?

By occupation?

By where they are in their career path?

By educational level?


By industry?

By job title? (HR and C-suite are interested in different things)

By business size?

2. Create. . .

How do we want our audiences to FEEL?

What do we want our audiences to DO?

How can we bring value, rather than noise to their day?

How can we be targeted and relevant to their needs?

What do we want to accomplish?

What they DON’T Need!

Legislative/regulatory background

Funding source info



3. Deliver. . .

What channels/platforms will you use?

What core messages will you communicate?

How will you measure success?

Who will be responsible for what?

How will you learn as you go?

How will you refine and re-target as you go?

4. Participate!

Join online conversations

Share/re-share appropriate content

Follow/interact with key people/organizations that reinforce your message

Interact with fans, followers, etc.

Some Story Frames

Story Frame 1— “We are a Tribe” GOAL: Create credibility, community, trust.

“Connection before Content”

Show you understand the needs/issues of people like me.

See me as a whole, positive person

“Happy Thursday, Musers!”

Story Frame 2--Solve my Problem! GOAL: Relieve frustration, anxiety, concern

What problem does your audience have? How do you solve it in a unique way? (Remember—it isn’t

always about your services, either) How can they get their problem solved?

Help me “simplify”

Help me make better choices

Help me take the right action at the right time

Story Frame 3-Make Me a Hero! GOAL: Inspire, support

How does your audience view themselves? What positive views do they have of themselves?

How would they LIKE to appear/be perceived?

What stories can you tell that reinforce/inspire this positive view?

How can you feature their content/knowledge?

Story Frame 4—Entertain Me

GOAL: Let people know you’re human, create rapport

Make me smile or LOL

Make me think

Make me cry (in a good way)

Inspire me!

Telling Your Story on Social Media

You can be . . .

Make it Visual!



Core Tools and Platforms


•Include an image to make it more visually appealing•Headlines matter!•Make your website a blog (


•People come to connect, socialize and catch up.•Want content that’s relevant, fun and useful.•Create/promote your Fan Page•Ask questions and invite user feedback•Use images—quotes work well!


Create organizational page

Use images

Post updates, share relevant content

Invite LinkedIn followers

Create/use targeted LinkedIn Groups


•Users come for news and information•Post an image (horizontal is better)•Use Tweetdeck or Hootsuite to schedule tweets•Use .@replies to respond to questions/comments•Engage with your followers—follow, RT/MT


•Make it interesting/entertaining—avoid talking heads•Lots of visuals•Jing, Animoto, 9 Slides for recording presentations•5 minutes

Email Newsletters

Include a strong image

Link to online content, such as blog post or slide show

Create campaigns on specific topics

Create subgroups and sub-campaigns to target specific audiences

Use to deliver online learning

Expand Your Horizons

•Can embed slides in a blog post•Can embed “Call to Action” link•Can curate and share other Slideshare presentations


Google Hangouts on Air

•Webinars, panel presentations, events•Laptop, mobile devices•Record and post to YouTube•Embed in other sites, your blog, etc.


•LMI, local info could be adapted•Make research, etc. more visual


Create “boards” to organize “pins.”

A pin is a piece of content you find online.

Emphasizes the visual

Can add commentary to a board or to an individual pin

Pin your content and other relevant content from other users—or anywhere on the web!

Aggregators (, Storify,

Promote Social Media

On website

In email signatures

Across channels

Pay Attention to Stats!

Survey your customers—where are they the most active and what info do they want?

Know your stats—they vary based on platform.

Monitor and use to refine messages

Ways to Get it Done

Pick a platform and experiment

Make it a project to do with an intern

Have different staff post to different channels

Work with a marketing class

Sponsor a Hackathon

Find a start-up or freelancer (remember you can be virtual!)

In Summary. . .


The right story for the right tool

Consistency and focus are important

Track progress and refine based on feedback

Be human!

More Info. . .


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