temperature field measurement in titanium alloy during

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Temperature field measurement in titanium alloy duringhigh strain rate loading - Adiabatic shear bands

phenomenonNicolas Ranc, Laurent Tavarella, Vincent Pina, Philippe Hervé

To cite this version:Nicolas Ranc, Laurent Tavarella, Vincent Pina, Philippe Hervé. Temperature field measurement intitanium alloy during high strain rate loading - Adiabatic shear bands phenomenon. Mechanics ofMaterials, Elsevier, 2008, 40 (4-5), pp.255-270. �10.1016/j.mechmat.2007.08.002�. �hal-00205125�

Temperature field measurement in titanium alloy during highstrain rate loading—Adiabatic shear bands phenomenon

N. Ranc a,b,*, L. Taravella c, V. Pina a, P. Herve a




L.E.E.E., E.A.387, Université de Paris X, Nanterre, 1, Chemin Desvallières, 92410 Ville d’Avray, FranceL.M.S.P., U.M.R. C.N.R.S. No. 8106, ENSAM – ESEM, 151, Boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France Centre

d’Expertises Parisien, DGA/DET, 16 Bis Avenue Prieur de la Côte d’Or, 94114 Arcueil Cedex, France

This paper concerns the study of the damage and failure mechanisms of metallic materials under

dynamic loading. For high strain rates, it appears a strain localization in narrow bands called adiabatic shear bands (ASB). As the loading dura-tion is very short, the dissipation of the mechanical energy into heat generates strong temperature heterogeneities. To study the mechanisms of initiation and propagation of ASB during a dynamic torsion test, we developed an experimental device to measure temperature by pyrometry: for the ‘‘low temperatures’’ ranging between 50 �C and 300 �C, we use a bar of 32 InSb infrared detectors in order to study temperature heterogeneities during the ASB formation. The acquisition frequency is 1 MHz and the spatial resolution is 43 lm. For the ‘‘high temperatures’’ ranging between 800 �C and 1700 �C, we use an intensified camera whose spectral band is in the visible range. The spatial resolution is 2 lm and the aperture time is 10 ls. This device shows that the temperature could exceed 1100 �C with temperature heterogeneity inside the band. The ‘‘low temperatures’’ device allows us to observe the formation of one or two adiabatic shear bands on temperature recording along the torsion axis of the specimen. In order to explain these results, we propose a mechanism of multiple ASB formation followed by interactions and annihilations of the ASB.

Keywords: Adiabatic shear bands; Visible pyrometry; Infrared pyrometry; Multiple initiation; Localization

1. Introduction

Adiabatic shearing is a fracture mechanism gen-erally observed in materials during dynamical load-ing. This phenomenon is characterized by alocalization of the plastic deformation in narrow

* Corresponding author. Address: L.M.S.P., U.M.R. C.N.R.S.No. 8106, ENSAM – ESEM, 151, Boulevard de l’Hopital, 75013Paris, France. Tel.: +33 1 44 24 61 45; fax: +33 1 44 24 64 68.

E-mail address: nicolas.ranc@paris.ensam.fr (N. Ranc).


bands. Depending on materials, the width of thesebands can vary between 10 and a few hundredmicrometers.

The mechanisms of these adiabatic shear bandsformation was first explained by Zener and Hollo-mon (1944): in metallic materials, a large proportionof the plastic deformation energy is converted intoheat. During a dynamical loading, as the deforma-tion duration is very short, the heat transfers byconduction in the material are negligible. That iswhy these shear bands are called adiabatic shear

bands (ASB). The consequence of this effect is alocal growth of the temperature in these bands (sev-eral hundreds of degrees Celsius), a thermal soften-ing of the material and a local increase of the plasticdeformation. This catastrophic process is character-istic of a plastic instability. However on the scale ofthe band, conduction is not negligible. In fact, thethermal properties and more precisely the thermaldiffusivity determine the thickness of the band (Mer-zer, 1982). Generally, intense plastic shear strain inthe band is the precursor of voids growth and crackinitiation and propagation.

Many processes of fast metal forming generateadiabatic shear bands. The most characteristicexamples are high speed machining (Molinariet al., 2002; Burns and Davies, 2002) and armourperforation by kinetic energy projectiles (Magness,1992; Magness et al., 1995).

Since their discovery by Tresca (1878), the adia-batic shear bands always arouse a great deal ofinterest within the scientific community (Bai andDodd, 1992 and Wright, 2002). However, in spiteof many works on the subject, all the mechanismsof initiation and propagation are not completelyknown today. For example, concerning the experi-mental level, the design of a measurement deviceadapted to time and space scales of adiabatic shearbands remains a delicate work. The formation dura-tion of an ASB is indeed about 10 ls and the bandwidth is around 10 lm.

The ASB formation mechanism proposed byZener and Holomon suggests that the temperatureis a very interesting parameter in order to studythe formation and the propagation of the adiabaticshear bands. Many experimental works were inter-ested in the measurement of the temperature in thebands. Taking into account the low width of thesebands and the speed of the phenomenon, pyrometryis an experimental technique particularly adapted tothe temperature determination in an ASB. More-over, in the last few years, the constant improve-ment of the performances of the detectors and ofthe associated optical systems allowed to increasethe measurements precision as well as the spaceand temporal resolutions. The first pyrometric mea-surements used to understand mechanical propertiesof materials were carried out by Moss and Pond(1975). They used a germanium semiconductordoped with copper to measure the temperature var-iation at the surface of a copper specimen duringelongation. Since 1979, Costin et al. have measuredan increase in 100 �C inside an adiabatic shear band


by using an InSb mono-detector of 1 mm in diame-ter. In 1987, Hartley et al. measured the temperatureprofile along the useful part of a torsion specimenwith a bar of 10 photovoltaic InSb detectors. Tolimit the chromatic aberrations, the optical deviceis made up of a spherical mirror. It enables themto have two space resolutions of 20 lm and250 lm. The tested materials are the 1018CRS steel(width of a band: 250 lm) and the 1020HRS steel(size of a band: 150 lm). The maximum increasein temperature is about 450 �C. In 1988, Marchandand Duffy used a bar of 12 InSb detectors with aCassegrain optical device to limit the chromaticand spherical aberrations. With this device, theycan visualize on the torsion specimen twelve zonesof 35 lm by 35 lm and spaced of 11 lm. The max-imum temperature reached 590 �C in a HY100 steel.This same experiment was also carried out later in1992 by Duffy and Chi on various steels and in1998 by Liao and Duffy on the titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V. With a better space resolution (17 lm),the authors could measure maximum temperaturesbetween 440 �C and 550 �C in Ti–6Al–4V. In 1996,Zhou et al. measured the temperature in an adia-batic shear band on the section of an impact loadedpre-notched plates at various speeds. The specimenmaterials were the Ti–6Al–4V and C300 steel. Theyused a bar of 16 InSb detectors of 80 lm by 80 lm.In the case of C300 steel, they observed intense heat-ing over a width of around 200 lm. The heatingamplitude depended on the impact speed and for aprojectile speed of 40 ms�1, the maximum tempera-ture exceeded 1400 �C. In the case of the Ti–6Al–4V, the authors remarked that the heating was morediffuse and that the highest temperature was lower(about 450 �C for a projectile speed of 64 ms�1).To limit the temperature error due to the uncertain-ties on the emissivity value, Pina developed in 1997a new measurement device based on the monochro-matic visible pyrometry (wavelength: 0.634 lm).The temperatures measured in titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V reached 1300 �C during a punching test.The time and space resolutions are, respectively5 ls and approximately 4 lm. A measurement ininfrared spectral range (wavelength around 5 lm),more sensitive to the variation of the emissivity,enabled him to detect the a–b phase transition atthe temperature of 996 �C. More recently, in 2001,Guduru et al. highlighted the two-dimensional char-acter of the ASB by visualizing the temperature fieldat a distance of 5.5 mm of a crack point during theshear band formation. They used a matrix of 8 · 8

HgCdTe detectors coupled to an optical system witha magnification of 0.9. The observed zone of onedetector on the specimen is an area of 110 lm per110 lm and the refresh time of the camera is about1 ls. They reported that the temperature distribu-tion along the band is highly non-uniform with dis-crete regions of high temperature. The distancebetween two hot points varied between 250 lmand 1.0 mm.

The objective of these various works was primar-ily to evaluate the maximum temperature reached infully formed adiabatic shear band (stage 3 suggestedby Marchand and Duffy, 1988). The temperaturemeasurement devices quickly developed thanks tothe improved performance of the detection systems(optical device and detector). By studying the mea-sured data of ASB temperature available in the liter-ature, we can notice a relation between the value ofthe measured temperature and the spatial resolutionof the thermal elements. When the space resolutionincrease, the measured temperature increase and theprecision of measure increase. We can also note thedifficulty to quantify the band temperature in tita-nium alloy Ti–6Al–4V, which can be explained bythe fact that the bandwidths are almost 10 timeslower in the Ti–6Al–4V than in steels. Apart fromthe works of Guduru et al. in 2001, the experimentaldevices used in the literature do not allow the quan-tification of the low temperatures (under 200 �C)corresponding to the beginning of the strain locali-zation (stages 1 and 2 defined by Marchand andDuffy, 1988). The main difficulty of the low temper-atures measurements is the weak level of the emittedsignal.

The main objective of this paper is to betterunderstand the strain and fracture mechanismswhich predominate during a dynamic loading andin particular during the formation of adiabatic shearbands. To answer this question, we designed anexperimental device which allows to accuratelyquantify the temperature field on the specimen sur-face during a dynamic loading. This system wasadapted to the torsion Kolsky bars device classicallyused to form ASB. However, it is impossible todesign one pyrometer which is able to detect a tem-perature range between 50 �C and 1670 �C (meltingpoint of Ti–6Al–4V) with a sufficient precision. Inthis paper, we are thus particularly interested intwo different temperature ranges:

The first, called ‘‘low temperatures’’, relates totemperature ranging between 50 �C and 300 �C. Itcorresponds to the onset of the plastic strain locali-


zation which occurs between 100 �C and 150 �C(transition from stage 1 to stage 2 defined by Marc-hand and Duffy). The objective is to detect temper-ature heterogeneities just before the localizationwhich would likely generate an adiabatic shearband. Therefore, the ‘‘low temperatures’’ devicerequires a temporal resolution of about 1 ls. Thedifficulty associated with the low temperaturescomes from the low level of the radiation emittedby the surface.

The second range, called ‘‘high temperatures’’(temperatures between 800 �C and 1700 �C) willallow to quantify the maximum temperaturesreached in a fully formed shear bands and perhapsto justify that the temperature inside the band isclose to the melting point. In this study we haverather chosen to make only one measurement ofthe temperature field but with a very good spatialresolution (few microns). Moreover, for high tem-peratures and high plastic strains (high variationsof the surface roughness), it is very difficult to quan-tify the evolution of the emissivity during a test. Inorder to limit the errors on the temperature determi-nation related to the uncertainty on the emissivity,we chose a pyrometer whose spectral range is inthe visible domain and thus less sensitive to the sur-face emissivity.

After this introduction, the first part of this paperwill relate to the presentation of the temperaturemeasurement system. In the second part, we willpresent and analyze the obtained results.

2. Experimental device

2.1. Material and specimen geometry

2.1.1. Material

The material used for the specimen is the tita-nium alloy Ti–6Al–4V. At room temperature, theTi–6Al–4V whose composition is given in the Table1, presents a biphasic structure ab. The thermomechanical treatment included an ironworks in theb field (temperature higher than 996 �C), a rollingin the ab field (between 930 �C and 960 �C) andan annealing for 1 h at 790 �C, followed by a cool-ing in the furnace. Fig. 1 shows the transversecross-section microstructure of this alloy. It is madeof quasi equiaxed a grains (grain size between 5 and10 microns) and b grains in minority around the agrains. We can also notice the presence of rollingbands in which the a grains have a very lengthenedmorphology (grains width near 3 or 4 microns).

Table 1Chemical composition of the Ti–6Al–4V titanium alloy

Element Al V O C N Fe TiWeight % 6.26 3.88 0.17 0.01 0.006 0.0017 89.67

Fig. 1. Transverse cross-section microstructure of the titaniumalloy Ti–6Al–4V.

Torsion specimen

Strain gageOutput barInput bar



Strain gage

Fig. 3. Torsion Kolsky bar device.

2.1.2. Geometry of the specimen

The torsion specimen has a thin wall tubulargeometry with two flanges for attachment to theloading device. This geometry is similar to that usedby Marchand and Duffy (1988) and later by otherauthors (Deltort, 1994; Liao and Duffy, 1998). Thistype of specimen has the advantage of allowing thedirect visualization of the ASB formation. However,the tubular part of the specimen has a small reduc-tion of the section in its center in order to be certainthat the shear band does not appear on the edges.Fig. 2a and b, respectively show a photograph anda plan of the torsion specimen. The thickness ofthe thin wall is 0.4 mm and the length of the tubularpart is 2 mm. In order to have a good reproducabil-ity of the tests, we paid particular attention to thecoaxiality of interior and external cylindrical

Fig. 2. Geometry of the torsion specimen (a) photogr


surfaces which directly controls the thickness ofthe thin wall and to the roughness of various sur-faces of the useful part.

2.2. Loading device

The dynamic tests were performed with the tor-sion Kolsky (split-Hopkinson) bar device. Thistechnique enables to request dynamically and todetermine the nominal shear strain and shear stressin the specimen. It was developed by Kolsky in 1949and it was used by numerous authors to study theASB (Hartley et al. in 1987, Marchand and Duffyin 1988, Deltort in 1994 and Liao and Duffy in1998). In this paper, we will detail only briefly thistechnique. For more information, this experimentaldevice is detailed in Hartley et al. (1987). The prin-ciple of this technique is based on the elastic wavepropagation along two cylindrical bars in alumin-ium alloy (the input bar and the output bar). Thediameter of the bars is 3 cm and their length is3 m. The torsion specimen is fixed between thesetwo bars.

Before the test, the input bar is subjected to a tor-que between the hydraulic engine and a brake(Fig. 3). The brake is released suddenly and a tor-sion loading pulse is propagated along the inputbar. When it reaches the specimen, a part of the inci-dent pulse is transmitted to the output bar and the





aph of the specimen; (b) plan of the useful part.

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 14000












in ºC

Surface temperature in ºC

InSb (λ max = 4.5μm; ε = 0.25)

Intensified camera (ε = 0.4)

Fig. 4. Difference between the radiance temperature and the realtemperature for an InSb detector and an intensified camera.

other is reflected in the input bar. The shear straininduced by the loading pulse is measured by straingauges placed in the centre of the bars. As shownby Kolsky in 1949, these time evolutions of strainallow to determine the average shear stress andthe nominal shear strain of the specimen.

2.3. Temperature field measurement device

2.3.1. Pyrometry technique

To quantify the temperature during the ASB for-mation, we chose a measurement technique bypyrometry. The principle of this technique consistsof determining a surface temperature from the mea-surement of its emitted energy. The pyrometry tech-nique has many advantages: firstly, it is a non-intrusive measurement technique which does notdisturb the temperature field on the surface. Sec-ondly, this technique has a very short response time(in our case lower than a microsecond). Finally, itallows to visualize temperature cartographies withvery good space resolution (lower than 10 lm).The design of a pyrometer consists of choosing aspectral range, which is linked to the measured tem-perature and the spectral sensitivity of the selecteddetector. The pyrometry technique and the variousselection criteria of the detectors are detailed byRanc et al. in 2004 and Ranc in 2004.

The energy emitted by a black body surface (per-fect emitter) presents a maximum for a wavelengthkmax. For ‘‘low temperatures’’ (200 �C) and for‘‘high temperatures’’ (1000 �C) this maximum is inthe near infrared domain, respectively for the wave-lengths of 6 lm and 2 lm. In pyrometry, anothersignificant quantity is the radiance sensitivity tothe temperature variations. It is characterized bythe ratio 1=I0

k@I0k=@T where I0

k is the spectral inten-sity defined as the power radiated by a unit surfacein a direction d and in a solid angle of one steradian.For a black body, the sensitivity is higher when thewavelength decreases. So, to increase the sensitivityof a pyrometer, it is necessary to choose the smallestpossible wavelength. The choice of the spectralrange of the pyrometer is thus a compromisebetween the lowest possible wavelength and a suffi-cient emitted energy which can be detected. In thisstudy, for the ‘‘low temperatures’’ range, we chosean InSb infrared detector (between 1 lm and5.5 lm) and for the ‘‘high temperatures’’ range, wechose a intensified CCD camera whose spectralband is in the visible range (between 0.4 lm and0.8 lm).


The radiative behavior of a real surface is differ-ent from a black body’s. The spectral emissivity isdefined as the ratio between the spectral intensityof the real surface and the spectral intensity of ablack body in the same temperature. Its value liesbetween 0 and 1. The emissivity is a thermo-opticalproperty of the surface which depends on the mate-rial (Palik, 1985), the surface roughness (Herve,1977), the physical state of material (solid–liquid)(Antoni Zdziobek et al., 1997), the surface tempera-ture (Piriou, 1973), the direction of emission (Birke-bak and Eckert, 1965) and the wavelength(Hiernaut et al., 1986).

The main error during a temperature measure-ment by pyrometry is related to uncertainty on theemissivity value of the surface. During the mechan-ical loading, the plastic deformation modifies theroughness of the specimen surface and its tempera-ture and therefore the emissivity. If we make theassumption that the surface behaves like a blackbody so that its emissivity is equal to 1, we obtainthe radiance temperature noted Tk. Fig. 4 representsthe difference between the radiance temperature andthe real temperature according to the real surfacetemperature. On this graph, the emissivity is sup-posed to be constant in the sensitivity range of eachpyrometer and is estimated from bibliographicaldata bases (Touloukian and DeWitt, 1970). In nearinfrared and visible ranges, the emissivity valueswere, respectively taken equal to 0.25 and 0.4. Fora temperature of 200 �C in the infrared range, theerror on temperature is 81 �C and the correspondingrelative error is 17%. A variation of 10% of theemissivity value causes, respectively an error of5 �C (1%). For a temperature of 1000 �C in the vis-ible range, the error is 70 �C (relative error of 6%).

Chamber at ambianttemperature

Specimen at thetemperature T

Lens Detector

Fig. 5. Experimental device to measure emissivity for the ‘‘lowtemperatures’’ range in the near infrared spectral range.

100 150 200 250 3000.00









t em



Temperature in ºC

frosted TA6V (Ra = 0.869µm) polished TA6V (Ra = 0.021µm) machining TA6V (Ra = 0.287µm)

Fig. 6. Apparent emissivity evolution according to the temper-ature and the surface roughness.

An emissivity variation of 10% causes an error of8 �C (0.6%).

2.3.2. Measurement of the emissivity in the infrared


The error obtained in the ‘‘low temperatures’’range is too significant. To limit these errors in theinfrared range, the emissivity was measured in atemperature range between 75 �C and 350 �C andfor different surface roughness. These measurementsare taken on a square specimen of 5 cm dimensionand 2 mm thickness. A half of the specimen waspainted with a strongly emissive black paint. Thiszone is used as a black body reference. The otherhalf is made up of Ti–6Al–4V with three differentroughnesses: the first corresponds to a polished mir-ror (Ra = 0.021 lm), the second a machining rough-ness identical to the torsion specimen(Ra = 0.297 lm) and the third a frosted surface(Ra = 0.869 lm). The specimen is fixed on a heaterand placed in a chamber. Its temperature is mea-sured by a thermocouple. The comparison betweenthe photovoltaic InSb detector signal correspondingto the painted part and the unpainted part allows todetermine the emissivity associated with the InSbdetector spectrum noted enSb. We can write the rela-tion between this emissivity and the monochromaticemissivity:

eInSb ¼R k2

k1eðk; T ÞgðkÞL0

kðk; T ÞdkR k2


kðk; T Þdkð1Þ

With g the detector efficiency, k1 and k2, wavelengthrange of the detector sensitivity.

The emissivity measured by this experimentaldevice takes into account the reflexion on the sam-ple of the thermal radiation of the chamber at ambi-ent temperature (Fig. 5). It is thus about anapparent emissivity. In the experimental configura-tion associated to adiabatic shear bands, this reflex-ion of the environment at ambient temperature onthe specimen is also present. The temperature eval-uation during a torsion loading must, therefore,use this apparent emissivity. The apparent emissiv-ity of Ti–6Al–4V is given in Fig. 6 for differentroughness.

To check that the surface does not oxidize, wecarried out a cycle of rise followed by a descent ofthe surface temperature. The emissivities measuredin the rise and in the descent are appreciably equal.Oxidation does not occur in our temperature rangeand for our test duration. Fig. 6 shows that the


apparent emissivity varies a little with the tempera-ture in our studied temperature range. During theplastic deformation, the surface roughness increases(transition from a machined state to a rough state).The experimental data show that the apparent emis-sivity vary a little for these two surface qualities.For dynamical torsion tests, we will take it equalto 0.25 ± 0.025. This uncertainty on the emissivitycorresponds to an error on temperature 4 �C for asurface temperature of 50 �C (relative error: 1%)and 10 �C for a surface temperature of 280 �C (rel-ative error: 2%).

2.3.3. Experimental device associated with the study

of adiabatic shear bandsFor the ‘‘low temperatures’’ range, we use a bar

of 32 photovoltaic InSb detectors which is cooledwith liquid nitrogen. The detectors are coupled witha unit magnification optical system made up of twoparabolic mirrors in order to limit chromatic andgeometrical aberrations. The focal length of thetwo mirrors is 152 mm. The spectral range of thedetectors are in the infrared range (wavelengths

Visualizationzone of theintensified


Visualizationzone of the barof 32 detectors

Useful partof the specimen


Fig. 7. Visualization zones of the bar of InSb detectors and the intensified camera on the useful part of the specimen.

(1) bar of 32 InSb detectors, (2) intensified camera, (3) InSb mono-detector, (4) alignment laser, (5) torsion specimen, (6) input and output bars, (7) dichroic and beamsplitter plates, (8) glass lens,

(9) plane mirrors, (10) parabolic mirrors, (11) beamsplitter cube

Fig. 8. Experimental device to measure temperature.


20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1606.0









ut s


l in


Temperature in ºC

800 900 1000 1100 1200 13000








al le


Temperature in ºC

Fig. 9. Calibration curves according to the black body temper-ature. (a) InSb detector: ‘‘low temperatures’’ range; (b) intensifiedcamera (aperture time: 10 ls): ‘‘high temperatures’’ range.

between 1 lm and 5.5 lm). The size of the detectorsis 43 lm by 43 lm and their response time is 500 ns.The space between two detectors is 18 lm and thetotal length is 1.934 mm. The visualized zone onthe specimen is represented in Fig. 7. Each detectoroutput signal is amplified and recorded by a dataacquisition system with a sampling rate of 1 MHz.In order to correlate the strain, the stress and thetemperature evolutions, we use the same temporalreference for the data acquisition.

For the ‘‘high temperatures’’ range, we use a 16bit numerical intensified CCD camera with a GaAsphotocathode. Its spectral band is located in the vis-ible range between 0.4 lm and 0.8 lm wavelengths.The energy radiated by the specimen is focused onthe camera using a glass lens with a focal lengthof 100 mm. The magnification of the optical systemis about 5. The observation field of the camera(around 2 mm · 2 mm) is given on Fig. 7. The totalpixel number of the camera is about 1024 · 1024.Thus a pixel corresponds to a zone of 2 lm by2 lm on the torsion specimen. The aperture timesof the camera vary between 10 ls and 20 ls. Duringa dynamic torsion test, we carried out only oneimage because the refresh time of the CCD(100 Hz) is much larger than the ASB formationduration.

As the ASB formation duration is very short (afew tens of microseconds), it is difficult to preciselyrelease the opening of the intensified camera. Tosolve this problem, we chose to trigger the camerafrom an InSb photovoltaic mono-detector signalwhich visualizes the totality of the useful part ofthe specimen (size of the observation zone: 2 mmby 2 mm). This detector allows to detect a signifi-cant increase in the temperature on the useful partof the specimen and to give a temporal referencein order to trigger the camera. The response timeof the detector is about 500 ns, which allows a suffi-ciently precise release.

In order to align the various detectors on the cen-tre of the useful part of the specimen, we use analignment HeNe laser. A general scheme of the opti-cal device is given in Fig. 8.

The pyrometers are calibrated on two blackbodies, one for the ‘‘low temperatures’’ (manufac-turer: Minirad System Inc.; model RBB-1000; preci-sion between 2 �C and 3 �C; emissivity: 0.98 ± 1%),the other for the ‘‘high temperatures’’ (manufac-turer: Pyrox; precision between 2 �C and 3 �C; emis-sivity: 0.99 ± 1%). The calibration curves are givenin Fig. 9a and b.


3. Results and discussion

3.1. General results

A series of 21 tests were carried out. Table 2 sumsup these different tests and gives the associated nom-inal strain rate. Figs. 10 and 11 show the ‘‘low tem-peratures’’ results obtained during the dynamic testof torsion T19 at a nominal strain rate of 1920 s�1.Fig. 10 represents the simultaneous evolution of thetemperature measured in the centre of the adiabaticshear band and the average shear stress according tothe nominal shear strain of the specimen. At thebeginning of the test (stage 1), we note a quasi linearincrease in the temperature with the nominal shearstrain (approximately 0.5 K/ls). The yield stressthen remains quasi constant equal to approximately700 MPa. From a nominal deformation of a littlemore than 50%, the flow stress begins to drop rap-idly and a very fast increase in the temperaturebetween 10 K/ls and 15 K/ls (stage 2) appears. Itcorresponds to the formation of an adiabatic shearband. The temperature at the beginning of this stage

Table 2Dynamic torsion tests

Test reference Strain rate in s�1

T1 1020T2 1330T3 1180T4 1060T5 1300T6 1320T7 1310T8 1510T9 1810T10 1500T11 1480T12 1100T13 1930T14 1390T15 1410T16 1850T17 1730T18 1940T19 1920T20 2040T21 2020

Fig. 11. Temperature heterogeneity on the specimen surfaceduring T19 test (bar of InSb detectors).

is approximately 130 �C. Fig. 11 represents the tem-perature variation measured by the bar of 32 InSbdetectors (infrared range) according to time andthe axial position on the specimen. The detector sat-urates for a temperature higher than 280 �C becausethis measurement device was designed only for lowtemperatures. We can notice that stage 1 corre-sponds to a domain of homogeneous temperatureand thus of homogeneous plastic deformationwhereas stage 2 highlights a strong temperatureheterogeneity.

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.30









Time in µs

Shear stress


r st


in M


Nominal shear st



0 50 100 150

Fig. 10. Stress and temperature


The intensified camera is released from a thresh-old on the InSb detector signal with a delay of 40 ls.The aperture time of the camera is 10 ls. The signalof the InSb detector and the opening of the cameraare represented in Fig. 12 according to time and thenominal shear deformation. The thermographyobtained by the intensified camera is given inFig. 13. The dotted line corresponds to the visuali-zation zone of the bar of 32 detectors. The maxi-mum radiance temperature is about 1000 �C. Ifwe suppose that the emissivity in the visible fieldis about 0.4, the difference between the radianceand the real temperature is 80 �C (relative variationof 6%). The real temperature would then be1080 �C.

0.4 0.5 0.6rain







300STAGE 2




in º


200 250 300

evolution during T19 test.

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80










in ºC

Mono-detector Bar of 32 detectors release of the camera




in ºC

Nominal shear strain

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Time in µs







Duration 10µs


Fig. 12. Release of the intensified camera (T19 test).

Fig. 13. Radiance temperature field during adiabatic shear bandpropagation (T19 test, aperture time: 10 ls).

T2 T4 T6 T8 T10 T12 T14 T16 T18 T200.0









al lo



n sh




Test reference

Fig. 14. Nominal localization strain; dispersion of the experi-mental values.

3.2. Adiabatic shear band initiation

3.2.1. Nominal localization strainWe can define the nominal localization shear

strain as the nominal shear strain correspondingto a drop of 10% of the average shear stress. Duringvarious dynamic torsion tests of dynamic torsion,we can notice a small dispersion in the nominallocalization strain value (Fig. 14). The average ofthe nominal localization strain is 0.56 with a stan-dard deviation of 0.04.

3.2.2. Multiple initiations of adiabatic shear bands

A metallographic observation after the testalways reveals the presence of only one ASB whichextends only 80–90% around the specimen circum-


ference. During the dynamic tests, we can some-times observe a homogeneous temperature fieldbecause our experimental device visualizes onlyone side of the useful part of the specimen. In theother cases, we can observe at the localization onsettime the formation of one or two adiabatic shearbands on temperature recording along the axis ofthe specimen. Figs. 15 and 16 show the observationof a single ASB in the visualized zone by the bar of32 detectors during the test T4. On the contrary, wecan notice during test T17 the formation of a firstband in the center of the useful part of the specimenand a second on the left of the specimen a few tensof microseconds later (Fig. 17). We can even noticein Fig. 17 the presence of a third incipient band onthe right part of the specimen which stops quickly.It is thus highly probable that several ASB start

Fig. 15. Initiation of one shear band: T4 test (3D temperaturevisualization).

Fig. 17. Initiation of two shear bands: T17 test (2D temperaturevisualization).

simultaneously. In Fig. 17, the distance between theband 1 and the band 2 is about 1 mm. The order ofmagnitude of this value is in good agreement withthe band spacing measured by Xue et al. (2002) dur-ing a radial collapse of a thick-walled cylinder test.In the case of the titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V, theauthors estimated a shear band spacing of 0.53 mm.

3.2.3. Delay between the increase in temperature and

the stress drop

We can note during the dynamic torsion tests thepresence of a temporal shift between the stress dropat the onset of the localization and the fast increase

Fig. 16. Initiation of one shear band: T4


in the temperature in the ASB center. The tests T14and T17, respectively highlight a delay of 2 ls(Fig. 18a) and 44 ls (Fig. 18b). The graphic inFig. 19 shows the delay measured on all of the testscarried out. The delay cannot be given when theband occurs on the opposite side of the observationzone. The value of 44 ls represents the maximummeasured delay for all performed tests. In Fig. 19,we write down the number of observed bands foreach test. This temporal shift can be explained bythe fact that a band starts on the opposite of theobserved side and propagates all around the speci-men before being observed by the bar of InSb detec-tors. A delay of 60 ls was already measured byMarchand and Duffy in a HY100 steel (1988).

test (2D temperature visualization).

400 500 600 700 800 9000








in ºC


r st


in M


Time in µs

Shear stress









400 500 600 700 800 9000









Shear stress



r st


in M


Time in µs












in ºC

Fig. 18. Delay between the average stress drop and the increase in temperature: (a) T14 test; (b) T17 test.

T2 T4 T6 T8 T10 T12 T14 T16 T18 T20







1 ba


2 ba


1 ba


3 ba


1 ba


1 ba


2 ba


2 ba


2 ba


1 ba


1 ba



ay in


Test reference

Fig. 19. Measurements of the delay for the different tests.

3.2.4. Proposition of a nucleation mechanism of the


In their experimental study, Marchand and Duffy(1988) noted that at the same moment, the bands


are not all formed necessarily in the same normalplan to the torsion axis direction and that the localplastic deformation in the band is very heteroge-neous around the specimen. To explain these resultsthey proposed two different mechanisms of bandformation. In the first case, the ASB formationwould break up into a stage of bands nucleationat various places around the circumference of thespecimen at the same moment and a stage of growthand coalescence of nuclei in order to form only oneband around the specimen; the second possiblemechanism would be characterized by the forma-tion of only one band in a point of the specimen cir-cumference followed by its propagation around thespecimen. The fact that the bands are not in thesame plan supports the first mechanism whereas agreat disparity of the plastic strain around the spec-imen would support the second mechanism. How-ever, today still many questions remain concerningthe existence of these mechanisms.

Our experimental observations in the ‘‘low tem-peratures’’ range show that several bands can starton the useful part of the specimen. On the otherhand, the metallographic post-mortem observationsand thermographies of the bands in the final phase(‘‘high temperatures’’ range) reveal on the contraryalways only one band. We can thus think that thereis an interaction between its incipient bands whichleads to the annihilation of a great number of initiateASB. Moreover, the existence of a delay between thestress drop and the fast increase in the temperaturein the center of ASB shows that at least only oneband can propagate on almost the totality of thespecimen circumference. The interaction betweenASB was already investigated in 1998 by Nesterenkoet al. through the radial collapse of a thick-walledcylinder under high strain rate. In 2002, Xue et al.suggested a new model for ASB initiation and prop-agation based on the deactivation of ASB embryos.In a similar way, we can explain our experimentalresults with a mechanism of ASB initiation and evo-lution which break up into two stages:

Fig. 20. Adiabatic shear band thermographies during d


– In the first stage: several ASB initiate simulta-neously at various places in the useful part ofthe specimen and begin to grow in an indepen-dent way.

– In the second stage: when the plastic strainincreases, the first band which will start to prop-agate will create a stress relaxation (stress drop)which extends all around the specimen. At theend, this first band will deactivate all the otherincipient bands and propagate along the circum-ference of the specimen.

In graph 19 we can also notice that generallyfor a weak delay, we always observes the initiationof only one band. On the other hand for a delayclose to the maximum (44 ls), it is likely that wecan observe the initiation of several bands. Thiscan be explained by the fact that the band whichwill deactivate all the other bands starts on theopposite side of the specimen. This observationthus supports the mechanism which we presentedpreviously.

ynamic torsion tests. (a) T1 test and (b) T13 test.

3.3. Maximal temperature inside ASB

Fig. 20 shows two thermographies of ASB at thepropagation stage. For each test, the evolution ofthe stress, the temperature measured by one ofthe 32 InSb detectors located at the center of theASB as well as the camera opening are given inFig. 21.

The maximum temperatures inside the band areabout 1000 �C and 1100 �C, respectively for the testsT1 and T13. They are higher than those measuredby Zhou et al. in 1996 and Liao and Duffy in 1998the Ti–6Al–4V but remain lower than that measuredby Pina in 1997 and our previous work on adynamic punching device (Ranc et al., 2000). Tak-ing into account the uncertainties on the precisionof the release of the camera starting from the InSbdetector signal, it was difficult to control the dura-tion between the stress drop and the camera open-

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.40









Shear stress


r st


in M


Nominal shear

Temperature: bar of infra-red detectors

Température: intensified camera (Aperture time: 10µ

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.30









Shear stress


r st


in M


Nominal shear

Temperature: bar of infra-red detectors

Température: intensifiedcamera (Aperture time: 2


Fig. 21. Temperatures measurements (low and high te


ing. This can explain why we do not measure themaximum temperature reached inside the ASB.We can also wonder whether the temperature is sta-tionary during the opening time of 10 ls or 20 ls. Ifit is not the case, the real temperature would beobviously higher.

However, for opening times of about 10 ls, theband does not seem like a continuous line but ratherone hot point or a series of hot points on thermo-graphies (see also Fig. 13). During the test T19,the distance between two hot points can be esti-mated between 250 lm and 300 lm. Two explana-tions of this phenomenon can be given tounderstand the formation of these hot points onthermographies: first these observations can beexplained by the void nucleation and growth insidethe fully formed adiabatic shear band. These voidswere already observed by various authors (Baiet al. in 1993 and Xue et al. in 2002) in a post-mor-

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8









1100 ºC

s) Tem



in ºC

0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7strain







920 ºC





in ºC

mperature ranges). (a) T1 test and (b) T13 test.

tem microstructural characterization of ASB in thesame titanium alloy. The second explanation isbased on the fact that at the observation time, acrack is already formed along the shear band andthe friction at the contact zone on the crack sur-faces creates a series of hot points. However the sec-ond explanation seems less probable because thenormal stress on the crack surface is very weak (orequal to zero) and thus the energy dissipated intoheat and the temperature variations associated withthis phenomenon remain weak. Moreover, the rela-tive displacement of the crack tips remains alsoweak.

4. Conclusion

To study the initiation and propagation mecha-nisms of adiabatic shear bands, we developed anexperimental device to measure temperature bypyrometry. We are more particularly interested intwo ranges of temperature: one of the originalitiesof this work was to design a device which allowsthe detection of temperatures ranging between50 �C and 300 �C (called ‘‘low temperatures’’ range)in order to study the ASB initiation and in particu-lar temperature heterogeneities just before initia-tion. In addition, to study the ASB propagationstage and to quantify the maximum temperaturesreached in the center of the band, we developed apyrometer able to measure temperatures rangingbetween 800 �C and 1700 �C (‘‘high temperatures’’ranges) with a spatial resolution lower than theASB size (a few tens of micrometers in Ti–6Al–4Valloy).

The main difficulties of the design of our mea-surement system are primarily related to the bandsize (a few hundred micrometers in the initiationstage and a few tens of micrometers in the propaga-tion stage) and to the duration of ASB formationwhich is about 50 ls. For the low temperatures,the space resolution is 43 lm and the acquisitionfrequency is 1 MHz. Taking into account the lowenergy levels to be detected, the optical device wasoptimized to collect the maximum of the radiatedflux. Measurement is taken in the near infrared fieldfor wavelengths ranging between 1 lm and 5.5 lmwith a bar to 32 InSb photovoltaic detectors.

For the ‘‘high temperatures’’ range, the space res-olution is 2 lm. As the radiated power is more sig-nificant, we chose an intensified CCD camerawhose visible spectral range between the wave-


lengths 0.4 lm and 0.8 lm. The aperture time ofthe intensified camera is 10 ls or 20 ls. Its releaseis carried out from the signal delivered by an InSbmono-detector detecting an increase in tempera-ture on the totality of the zone visualized by thecamera.

Another difficulty of the pyrometry technique isrelated to the uncertainties on the emissivity. Theemissivity can depend on the surface temperature,of the surface roughness, and the possible phasetransitions. For the low temperatures, the emissivitywas measured in the case of a Ti–6Al–4V alloy fortemperatures ranging between 75 �C and 300 �Cand for various surface roughnesses. The resultsshowed a weak variation of the emissivity in ourtemperature and roughness ranges. Thus, the emis-sivity will be supposed to be constant during thedynamic tests. For the high temperatures, one ofthe originalities of this work is to choose shortestpossible wavelengths in order to limit the errordue to uncertainty on the emissivity.

The experimental device of temperature measure-ment was then tested on a dynamic torsion test oftorsion on the torsion Kolsky bars. The specimenhas a tubular geometry with a small reduction ofthe section in the center of the useful part. Strainrates of the tests are between 1000 s�1 and2000 s�1. The ‘‘low temperature’’ device allows toobserve two stages: a first stage where the tempera-ture remains homogeneous and a second stagewhere the temperature increases very quickly onlyinside the band. On the other hand, the intensifiedcamera enabled us to quantify maximum tempera-tures inside the band reaching 1100 �C. Thermogra-phies show heterogeneities of temperature in thecenter of the band which characterize the voidnucleation and growth inside the shear band.

Measurements in the ‘‘low temperatures’’ rangeshowed that according to the tests, it is possible toobserve the initiation of one or two adiabatic shearbands. It is thus highly probable that several ASBinitiate simultaneously. However the metallographicobservations after tests always show the presence ofonly one fully formed band around the circumfer-ence of the specimen.

To explain these results, we used the followinginitiation mechanism: several ASB will start simul-taneously and begin to grow in an independentway. When one ASB begin to propagate, it will cre-ate a stress relaxation (stress drop) and will deacti-vate some other started bands. At the end, onlyone band will deactivate all the other incipient

bands and propagate along all the circumference ofthe specimen.


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