temporary cyst formation in phytoplankton: a response to...

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Temporary cyst formation in phytoplankton: a response to allelopathic competitors?

Fistarol, G O; Legrand, C; Rengefors, Karin; Graneli, E

Published in:Environmental Microbiology



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Citation for published version (APA):Fistarol, G. O., Legrand, C., Rengefors, K., & Graneli, E. (2004). Temporary cyst formation in phytoplankton: aresponse to allelopathic competitors? Environmental Microbiology, 6(8), 791-798. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1462-2920.2004.00609.x

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Environmental Microbiology (2004) 6(8), 791–798 doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2004.00609.x

© 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKEMIEnvironmental Microbiology 1462-2912Society for Applied Microbiology and Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 200468791798Original ArticleTemporary cysts as a response to allelopathyG. O. Fistarol, C. Legrand, K.

Rengefors and E. Granéli

Received 7 November, 2003; accepted 23 January, 2004. *Forcorrespondence. E mail giovana.salomon@hik.se; Tel. (+46)480447325.

Temporary cyst formation in phytoplankton: a response to allelopathic competitors?

Giovana O. Fistarol,1* Catherine Legrand,1 Karin Rengefors2 and Edna Granéli11Division of Marine Science, Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences, University of Kalmar, S 392 31 Kalmar, Sweden.2Limnology, Department of Ecology, Ecology Building, Lund University, S 223 62 Lund, Sweden.


Competition among phytoplankton for limitingresources may involve direct or indirect interactions.A direct interaction of competitors is the release ofchemicals that inhibit other species, a process knownas allelopathy. Here, we investigated the allelopathiceffect of three toxic microalgae species (Alexandriumtamarense, Karenia mikimotoi and Chrysochromulinapolylepis) on a natural population of the dinoflagellateScrippsiella trochoidea. Our major findings were thatin addition to causing death of S. trochoidea cells, theallelopathic species also induced the formation oftemporary cysts in S. trochoidea. Because cysts werenot lysed, encystment may act as a defence mecha-nism for S. trochoidea to resist allelochemicals, espe-cially when the allelopathic effect is moderate. Byforming temporary cysts, S. trochoidea may be ableto overcome the effect of allelochemicals, and therebyhave an adaptive advantage over other organismsunable to do so.


Phytoplankton compete for the same limiting resources,including nutrients and light. The exploitation of a commonresource has led to a number of adaptations, in whichvarious species have evolved different abilities to betterexploit a resource, and thereby improve their competitiveability. This is referred to as indirect competition (Lampertand Sommer, 1997). However, some species can have adirect effect on their competitors, for example through therelease of chemicals, known as allelopathy (Lampert andSommer, 1997). Chemically mediated interactions havebeen reported for aquatic environments, especially pred-

ator–prey interactions (Van Donk et al., 1999 and refer-ences within; Wolfe, 2000), but also allelopathy (Pratt,1966; Keating, 1977; Vardi et al., 2002; Fistarol et al.,2003). Allelopathy is the release of organic compoundsby plants or microorganisms that affect their potentialcompetitors for resources (Rice, 1984). It is a chemicallyelicited interaction mediated by many types of compoundswith different sites and modes of action (Seigler, 1996).

In allelopathic interactions, the species that are notkilled by allelochemicals must possess some strategy tosurvive such conditions, such as avoidance or tolerancemechanisms. To our knowledge, the only report of a sur-vival strategy is the formation of what was considered tobe temporary cysts by the dinoflagellate Heterocapsa cir-cularisquama, to avoid being killed by another dinoflagel-late and diatoms (Uchida et al., 1996; 1999). Because themechanisms of how phytoplankton could resist chemicalattack have not been reported, it is unknown whetherphytoplankton could, for example, release enzymes whichwould destroy/neutralize the allelochemicals. Neverthe-less, it is likely that a behavioural strategy could be usedas a mechanism to tolerate allelochemicals. Such aresponse could be that the target species would tempo-rarily avoid the allelopathic competitor. This type of avoid-ance strategy has been detected in some phytoplanktonspecies in order to avoid ingestion by grazers. For exam-ple, the raphidophyte Gonyostomum semen and thedinoflagellate Peridinium aciculiferum avoid grazers by notgerminating/migrating to the water column in the presenceof zooplankton (Hansson, 1996; Rengefors et al., 1998),and instead remain as resting cysts on the sediment.

Dinoflagellates are a group of eukaryotic, flagellatedphytoplankton (Taylor, 1987) with many members that canform cysts. Cyst formation allows them to alternativelyinhabit the water column as motile cells, or the benthosas cysts, and is usually explained as an adaptation toreduce mortality during periods of unfavourable environ-mental conditions (Dale, 1983; Fryxell, 1983; Pfiester andAnderson, 1987). Dinoflagellates can form two basictypes of cysts: (i) resting (hypnozygotic) cysts, a productof sexual reproduction; and (ii) temporary (pellicular)cysts, also referred to as thin walled cysts (Pfiester andAnderson, 1987). Induction of sexuality and formation ofresting cysts appear to be induced by stressful environ-mental conditions, such as turbulence or nutrient limita-tion. However, endogenous processes are also involved

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in encystment (von Stosch, 1973; Pfiester, 1975; Ander-son and Keafer, 1987). Temporary cysts are also formedunder adverse conditions. Though, temporary cysts, asopposed to resting cysts, can quickly re-establish a veg-etative, motile existence, when conditions become favour-able again, thus allowing cells to withstand short-termenvironmental fluctuations (Anderson, 1998). Both restingand temporary cysts show high chemical resistance (Fen-some et al., 1996; Kokinos et al., 1998).

As temporary cysts are believed to be an escape fromunfavourable conditions, and because of their high chem-ical resistance, they may act as a defence mechanism,not only to abiotic stress factors, but also to organic chem-ical compounds. Given the widespread occurrence of pre-dation, phagotrophy, parasitism, allelopathy, and thepresence of sexual interactions in dinoflagellates, it islikely that most, if not all of them, may respond to chemicalclues released by other aquatic organisms.

We tested the response of diverse organisms from anatural plankton community to allelochemicals releasedby three toxic microalgae species (the dinoflagellatesAlexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech KAC 02, andKarenia mikimotoi Gert Hansen and Moestrup Tinduff 95,and the prymnesiophyte Chrysochromulina polylepisManton and Parke strains CCMP 289 and K-0259). Herewe report the effects on the dominant dinoflagellate(Fistarol et al., 2004) in that community, Scrippsiella tro-choidea (Stein) Loeblich III, as it showed a differentresponse from all the other members of the planktoncommunity. The allelochemicals caused death of S. tro-choidea and also induced formation of temporary cysts.After observing these two responses, we tested whetherthe formation of temporary cysts showed any correlationwith the mortality caused by the allelochemicals. We foundthat algal filtrates causing higher mortality induced lessformation of temporary cysts, probably because cell mem-brane damage occurred before cysts could be formed.The two C. polylepis strains will, hereafter, be referred onlyas CCMP 289 and K-0259, their strains names.


Scrippsiella trochoidea was the dominant dinoflagellate

on the plankton community from Trondheimsfjord, Norway,during the period between September 3–9 (Fistarol et al.,2004). Two distinct effects were observed on S. trochoideaafter exposure to cell-free filtrates of the three toxicmicroalgae: (i) death of S. trochoidea, which was shownby the decrease of S. trochoidea cell numbers in thefiltrate treatment, and by the observation of lysed cells andempty thecae during the cell counts, and (ii) formation oftemporary cysts. Both cell death and cyst formation wereconsidered to be a result of allelopathy, as both were theeffect of one microorganism upon another caused byreleased compounds.

A decrease in S. trochoidea intact cell numbers wasobserved after three days of exposure to filtrate from thetoxic algae (Table 1). At the end of the experiment, thenumber of intact S. trochoidea cells in the treatments thatreceived filtrates from A. tamarense, K. mikimotoi andCCMP 289 were significantly lower than in the controls(Student’s t-test, P < 0.0001, P < 0.02, P < 0.012, respec-tively) (Table 1). Compared to the beginning of the exper-iment, S. trochoidea cell numbers decreased in thetreatment that received filtrate from K-0259, whereasthe cell numbers increased in the control. Despite this, thedifference in the S. trochoidea cell numbers betweentreatment with filtrate from K-0259 and the control was notsignificant (Student’s t-test, P >0.10).

The number of S. trochoidea temporary cysts increasedafter exposure to algal filtrates and was significantlyhigher in all filtrate treatments than in the respective con-trol on day 3 (Student’s t-test, P < 0.05, for all treatments)(Fig. 1). Even though K-0259 filtrate did not cause a sig-nificant decrease in the number of intact S. trochoideacells, this filtrate significantly induced the formation oftemporary cysts (Student’s t-test, P < 0.002). The percent-age of the total affected cells (see Experimental proce-dures) that formed temporary cysts varied among thefiltrate treatments (Fig. 2). Filtrate from K-0259, the onecausing the lowest mortality, induced the highest forma-tion of temporary cysts (84% of the affected cells formedcysts).

The percentage of dead S. trochoidea cells also varieddepending on the origin of the filtrate it was exposed to.Alexandrium tamarense filtrate caused the highest cell

Table 1. Scrippsiella trochoidea intact cell numbers, before and after exposure to filtrate from the different toxic microalgae (n = 3, mean ± SD).

Toxic microalgae

Scrippsiella trochoidea (cell l-1)

Start of experiment

After 3 days of exposure

filtrate control

Alexandrium tamarense 9570 ± 853 2420 ± 151 10333 ± 718Karenia mikimotoi 9570 ± 853 7440 ± 746 10597 ± 1254Chrysochromulina polylepis CCMP 289 10600 ± 212 6390 ± 1043 11285 ± 1635Chrysochromulina polylepis K-0259 10600 ± 212 9240 ± 531 11285 ± 1635

Temporary cysts as a response to allelopathy 793

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death (PD = 39%), whereas K-0259 caused the lowest(PD = 3%) (Fig. 2). A negative correlation was foundbetween the percentage of dead S. trochoidea cells andthe percentage of cells that became temporary cysts(R2 = 0.69; significance of the regression = t-test,P < 0.001), i.e. the stronger the effect of the filtrate, thefewer cysts were formed.


We found that the dinoflagellate S. trochoidea form tem-porary cyst when exposed to allelochemicals, which arereleased by competing microalgae. To our knowledge, thisis among the first evidence available of a behaviouraldefence to allelopathy among phytoplankton. Scrippsiellatrochoidea was the only organism in the plankton commu-nity from Trondheimsfjord to show this response. Theother phytoplankton organisms, when exposed to thesame filtrates, died or decreased their growth rate(Fistarol et al., 2004; G. O. Fistarol, unpublished).

Scrippsiella trochoidea occurs in the Trondheimsfjordalmost through the year, from April to October. Alexan-drium and Chrysochromulina have been reported to co-occur with S. trochoidea in April (Chuaychan, 1998), butthey probably also co-occur during the whole year, asChuaychan reports the presence of dinoflagellates andflagellates, which are grouped as a class, during the wholeyear. Karenia occurs in April and then again from July toOctober.

Cell death and encystment

All toxic microalgae tested induced temporary cyst forma-tion in some S. trochoidea cells, while other cells werekilled by lysis. We have observed that strong allelopathiceffects cause the cells to lyse quickly (within 1–24 h,depending on the allelopathic species and the targetorganisms). Based on this observation, and as lysed cells

did not form cysts, we hypothesized that a stronger allelo-pathic effect allows fewer temporary cysts to be formed,as the cell membrane is probably permanently damagedbefore cysts are formed. Thus, strong allelopathic effectswould cause a higher mortality, while mild allelopathiceffects could cause other, non-lethal, effects, e.g. cystformation. Our hypothesis was supported by the negativecorrelation obtained between the percentage of dead cellsand the percentage of cysts formed.

The fact that some S. trochoidea cells responded toallelochemicals by forming temporary cysts indicates thatthey must have receptors to respond to chemical cues.This notion is supported by a study of Balzer (1996), whoshowed that addition of melatonin induces formation of

Fig. 1. Concentration of Scrippsiella trochoidea temporary cysts in the treatments that received filtrate from the toxic algae and in the controls at the end of the experiment (day 3) (n = 3, mean ± SD).

Fig. 2. Negative correlation between the percentage of dead cells (PD) and the percentage of temporary cysts (PC), in each of the filtrate treatments (ANOVA, P < 0.01, and R2 = 0.69).

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asexual cysts (temporary) in the dinoflagellate Gonyaulaxpolyedra. The differential response of S. trochoidea cells,i.e. cyst formation versus lysis, can be the result of differ-ences in the physiological status of the cells within the S.trochoidea population. Within a population, there are cellsthat are growing, dividing (Gisselson et al., 1999), dying,and also cells with, e.g. different cellular nutrient status(Gisselson et al., 2001; Rengefors et al., 2003). It seemsplausible that cells in different growth phases and withdifferent physiological status would respond differently tostress conditions, as, for example, to allelochemicals.Similarly, not all dinoflagellate cells within a given popula-tion form resting cysts under stress conditions, and thepercentage of encystment can range from 2 to 40%(Anderson et al., 1985; Lirdwitayaprasit et al., 1990;Kremp and Heiskanen, 1999).

Inducible defence

Microorganisms have complex and sophisticated sen-sory and behavioural adaptations to respond to changesand chemical signals that occur in their environment(Wolfe, 2000). Their responses to stimuli can be bydevelopmental changes, attachment or endocytosis(uptake of extracellular material by invagination of theplasma membrane), or movement. The developmentalchanges include mating, aggregation or colony forma-tion, and encystment (Wolfe, 2000). Some of theresponses triggered by chemical cues will act asdefence mechanisms. Inducible defences are phenotypicresponses induced directly by cues associated withbiotic agents (e.g. phytoplankton allelochemicals; chemi-cals released by predators) that can reduce the effectsof subsequent attacks by these agents (Harvell and Toll-rian, 1999). As no lysis of S. trochoidea cysts wasobserved, we suggest that temporary encystment of S.trochoidea may act as a defence mechanism induced byallelochemicals released into the medium, and be usedby S. trochoidea to survive the effect of these com-pounds. Further investigation is necessary to determineif and when excystment occurs after the allelochemicaleffect ceases, for example, after the cyst sinks or afterthe allelochemicals are degraded.

Inducible defences (morphological – colony forming,spines; and palatability) have been observed in phy-toplankton, as reviewed by Van Donk et al. (1999). Nev-ertheless, they only describe response to chemicalsreleased by predators (zooplankton), and encystment wasnot one of the defence mechanisms observed. Inductionof encystment in dinoflagellates caused by other phy-toplankton has been reported only for the dinoflagellateHeterocapsa circularisquama (Uchida et al., 1996; 1999).These authors reported that H. circularisquama, whengrown with the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium mikimotoi

(now Karenia mikimotoi) (Uchida et al., 1999) and thediatoms Chaetoceros didymus, Stephanopixis palmerianaand Licmophora sp. (Uchida et al., 1996), ceased move-ment and became round or elliptical in shape, which theauthors considered to be temporary cysts. These cystsrecover to the motile form again when isolated and cul-tured in fresh medium. However, Uchida et al. (1999)claimed that cell contact is necessary for G. mikimotoi toinduce cyst formation on H. circularisquama. The effect ofthe diatoms was also caused when diatoms cells weremixed with H. circularisquama, but it was not tested if cellcontact was necessary for this to occur. We show herethat the exposure of S. trochoidea just to the cell-freefiltrate of the toxic algae tested induced formation of tem-porary cysts.

Implications for community ecology

Interactions between organisms may cause them to co-evolve. It is believed that during the course of evolution,when chemical–mediated interactions are involved, theorganisms that were able to take advantage of, tolerate,or avoid external metabolites from their neighbours, wouldbe selected. The organisms that failed to tolerate, or avoidexternal metabolites must have become extinct (Lucas,1947). Because most allelopathic studies report receptororganisms with no tolerance strategy, Lewis (1986)argued that the lack of a defence against a particularallelochemical is inconsistent with natural selection prin-ciples. Lewis (1986) claimed that the above could only beexpected if allelopathic interactions were sporadic, e.g.during bloom events. Lewis’ view was justified by the lackof examples of resistant strategies against allelochemi-cals. However, here we provide an example of a tolerance/avoidance mechanism to overcome the effect of alle-lochemicals, which indicates that the selective pressurefor a resistant form may occur.

There are examples of allelopathic effects among sev-eral phytoplankton species, some lethal, and some inhib-itory (Pratt, 1966; Arzul et al., 1999; Rengefors andLegrand, 2001; Fistarol et al., 2003; Granéli and Johans-son, 2003; Legrand et al., 2003 and references within).The presence of inhibitory but non-lethal effects, indicatesthat those species that can survive, albeit growth-inhibited, under such allelopathic attacks, may have sometolerance to allelochemicals. Because there is solid evi-dence that allelopathy among phytoplankton occurs in theenvironment (Keating, 1977; Vardi et al., 2002), we mayexpect to find more examples of tolerance or avoidancemechanisms to allelochemicals. These examples wouldprovide further evidence that allelopathic interactions docause selective pressure on the target phytoplankton, astoxic algal compounds do on herbivores (Hairston et al.,2001).

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Therefore, the ability to form temporary cysts might bean adaptive advantage for S. trochoidea. We do not claimthat the ability of S. trochoidea to form temporary cystshas evolved as a result of allelopathic interactions. How-ever, because this organism has the ability to encyst, S.trochoidea might be able to survive the effects of alle-lochemicals, while other organisms that do not have anyavoidance/tolerance mechanism might not. Phytoplanktonspecies that have a tolerance mechanism may, thereforecoexist with other allelopathic algae. Scrippsiella tro-choidea often dominates dinoflagellate communities, andthe capacity to form cysts, together with other character-istics of this species, such as the ability to tolerate a widevariety of environmental conditions (Kim and Han, 2000),may explain S. trochoidea’s success.

We found that, besides cell death (Fig. 3,a), temporarycyst formation (Fig. 3,b) occurred in S. trochoidea as aresponse to allelochemicals, and we suggest that thismechanism may be used by this species as a strategy toavoid chemical interaction. Our results showed that theproportion of cells that died and that became cysts,depended on the strength of the allelochemicals, andprobably on differences in the physiological status of thecells within S. trochoidea population. As no lysis of cystswas observed (Fig. 3,c), temporary encystment mighthelp S. trochoidea survive chemical mediated interac-tions, such as allelopathy, especially when exposed toweak allelochemicals. Temporary cyst formation maytherefore give S. trochoidea a competitive advantage overother species of microalgae that cannot tolerate alle-lochemicals. Further investigations are needed on the fateof the cysts when released from the exposure to theallelochemicals (Fig. 3,d). Temporary cyst formation is

one of the possible tolerance mechanisms that we mayfind among phytoplankton species. Because of the wide-spread occurrence of chemical interactions in the aquaticenvironment, we may expect to find more examples ofsuch mechanisms. The lack of observations until now maybe because of the few studies on algal defence mecha-nisms triggered by other phytoplankton. The increase inobservations of other defence mechanisms would supportthe hypothesis that co-evolution and selection will favourallelochemical resistant populations/species.

Experimental procedures

The allelopathic effect of the toxic dinoflagellates Alexan-drium tamarense (KAC 02), and Karenia mikimotoi (Tinduff95), and the prymnesiophyte Chrysochromulina polylepis(strains CCMP 289 and K-0259) was tested on S. trochoideawithin a natural plankton community. S. trochoidea was thedominant dinoflagellate from the plankton community inHopavågen Bay (Trondheimsfjord, Norway) during the periodfrom 3 to 9 September (Fistarol et al., 2004). The three toxicmicroalgae also occur in Trondheimsfjord (Norway) and co-occur with S. trochoidea (Chuaychan, 1998).

Sampling of the plankton community

Scrippsiella trochoidea was part of a natural plankton com-munity from Trondheimsfjord, Norway. The natural planktoncommunities were collected on two occasions in late summer2001: on September 3, for the experiments with Alexandriumtamarense and Karenia mikimotoi, and on September 9, forthe experiments with the two Chrysochromulina polylepisstrains. The water temperature was 13.6∞C and salinity31.8‰ on September 3, and 14∞C and 31.5‰ on September9. The plankton community was sampled from 2 to 6 m depth

Fig. 3. Schematic model of the effect of alle-lochemicals on Scrippsiella trochoidea. Alle-lochemicals released from Alexandrium tamarense, Karenia mikimotoi and Chrysochro-mulina polylepis caused (a) death of the S. trochoidea cells, and (b) induced formation of temporary cysts. (c) No lysis of S. trochoidea temporary cysts was observed. (d) Further investigations will determine if the cysts return to the vegetative state.

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using a Niskin-bottle (a non-reversing water sampler bottle).At the laboratory, the samples were subsequently filteredthrough a 150 mm mesh-size nylon net, in order to removethe mesozooplankton.

Experimental set-up

The toxic microalgae were grown in f/2 medium (Guillard,1975) at 20∞C, 32‰, and a light:dark cycle of 16 : 8 h. Theexperiments were performed in triplicate by adding cell-freefiltrate of the three toxic microalgae, separately, to the naturalplankton community. The cultures were in exponential growthwhen the filtrates were obtained. Filtrates (150 ml) from eachof the toxic microalgae were added to triplicate tissue cultureflasks (750 ml) containing 350 ml of the plankton community.Cell-free filtrates were obtained by gentle filtration (a pres-sure lower than -2 kPa was used to create initial vacuum forthe filtration) of the algal cultures through GF/F glass fibrefilters. Controls were made by adding the correspondingamount of f/2 medium, instead of filtrate, with nitrate andphosphate concentrations adjusted to the same levels foundin the filtrates from each toxic algal culture, to avoid discrep-ancies caused by different nutrient conditions. Controls weremade to observe the plankton community without the inter-ference of the algal filtrates. For each filtrate treatment, onecontrol (also in triplicate) was made, except for the two C.polylepis strains that had the same control. The additions ofalgal filtrate and medium used as control, to the planktoncommunity, were made daily for three days. Each day, 150 mlwas removed from the test bottles, and replaced with freshfiltrate or medium used as control. The bottles were incubatedat 14∞C.

Samples for cell counts were taken at the beginning andat the end of the experiment. During the microscopical obser-vations, we counted the number of intact S. trochoidea cellsand the number of temporary cysts. The total differencebetween the number of intact cells in the control (NIcont) andin the respective filtrate treatment (NIfilt) represents the totalaffected cells (TA) (dead cells plus cells that formed cysts)(Equation 1).

NIcont - NIfilt = TA (1)

By subtracting the number of cysts (C) counted from TA, wecould determine how many cells died (D) (Equation 2).

TA - C = D (2)

The allelopathic effect was considered to be stronger whenit resulted in higher mortality. The control represents howmuch S. trochoidea would have grown if there was no inter-ference of allelochemicals. Thus, by knowing the number ofcells that died, we could calculate the percentage of deadcells (PD) relative to the control (Equation 3). In this equa-tion, NIcont is the intact cell concentration in the control onthe third day of the experiment, and D is the number of deadS. trochoidea cells in the filtrate treatment on the corre-sponding day. Through these calculations, we could assesswhich algal filtrate caused the strongest effect (i.e. highestmortality).


=¥( )100

Given that two effects (mortality and cyst formation) wereobserved, we also assessed, based on the total affected cells(TA), the percentage of cells that formed temporary cysts(PC, percentage of cysts) (Equation 4). Equation 4 repre-sents the percentage of temporary cysts in relation to totalaffected cells.


Analytical procedure

Cell counts of S. trochoidea were made in samples preservedwith Lugol’s solution. Samples were settled and counted withan inverted microscope using the method described by Uter-möhl (1958). At least 100–250 intact cells and 100–250 cystswere counted per sample.

Statistical analysis

Statistical analyses were performed using the software SPSS10 for Macintosh. Student’s t-test was used to compare dif-ferences between means: differences in S. trochoidea cellnumbers and cysts, at the end of the experiment, betweeneach filtrate treatment and the respective control. A linearregression was used to correlate mortality (percentage ofdead cells) with the number of temporary cysts formed ineach of the filtrate treatment. Student’s t-test was used toverify if the regression was significant. The data were testedfor normality and homogeneity of variance.


We are grateful to M. Johansson and F. Norén for helpingwith sampling at Hopavågen and the excellent team spirit,and to M. Chauton and E. Erard Le Denn for providing thecultures of A. tamarense (KAC 02) and K. mikimotoi(Tinduff95). We thank Jean Stevenson for editing the English,and P. S. Salomon for helping to prepare Figure 3. Financialsupport was provided by the Brazilian National ResearchCouncil (CNPq) (PhD grant to G.O.F., process 200384/00–7), and the program Improving Human Potential – Transna-tional Access to Research Infrastructure Program of theEuropean Commission, Trondheim Marine RI (grant to C.L.,2001).


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