ten tips to focus your negotiations

Post on 25-May-2015






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Focusing your negotiations to find opportunities for all


Focus your negotiations T o F i n d o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r a l l

Ten Tips To

J e s ú s H e r r e r a

This is not a negotiation's course .

These are just ten reflections that can be useful.

When to start

“Necessity Never

Made a Good


Benjamin Franklin

#1 Defining your expectations

You have to define three possible alternatives. The ideal situation, the worst acceptable result and the red

line you do not want to cross

#2 The more knowledge you have the more you will win

You have to know everything not only about the subject to negotiate but, what is more important about

the needs of your opponent

# 3 Adapting your style

A negot iat ion process i s a communicat ion process that i s

condi t ioned by the env i ronment

Your patience can be devastating to the other

negotiator if they are in a hurry because they start to

believe that you are not under pressure to conclude

the deal.

# 4 Don't be in a hurry

# 5 Be willing to walk away

The fisherman knows that To sink the hook deeper not only does he have to push hard, occasionally he must

unwind the rope

# 6 Looking for Commonalities

When you can share a common interest or find a common ground with another person, they'll have a harder time being in a confrontation with you.

# 7 Acknowledging counters or objections

Acknowledging objections makes the other person feel heard and avoids ending the


A negotiation process is an ongoing search for balance between two parts that should not be broken at any time

# 8 Don’t give anything without something in return

# 9 Seeking a Win-Win Outcome

In most cases this means lose lose because both sides have to give something up

# 10 Don’t take it personally Personal emotions are not usually good travel mates in a negotiation


“A negotiation ends when both parties feel completely satisfied with the result achieved. That is why it is good to take 1minute2think before ending anything”


h t t p : / / t a k e 1 m i n u t e 2 t h i n k . b l o g s p o t . c o m . e s / /

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b L O G

J e s ú s H e r r e r a

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