ten words of grace #2 may 29, 2011

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Matthew 24:36

But about that day or hour no one

knows, not even the angels in

heaven, nor the Son, but only the


“It is both disturbing and unfortunate that so many still cling to what can only be described as a

fairy tale.”

2 Thessalonians 1:6-7

God is just: He will pay back

trouble to those who trouble you

and give relief to you who are

troubled, and to us as well. This will

happen when the Lord Jesus is

revealed from heaven in blazing

fire with his powerful angels.

2 Thessalonians 1:8-9

He will punish those who do not

know God and do not obey the

gospel of our Lord Jesus. They will

be punished with everlasting

destruction and shut out from the

presence of the Lord and from the

glory of his might

2 Thessalonians 1:10a

on the day he comes to be glorified

in his holy people and to be

marveled at among all those who

have believed.

Prepare to

meet your

God! (Amos 4:12)

We live in a broken world!

Romans 8:21

The creation itself will be liberated

from its bondage to decay.

John 16:33

I have told you these things, so that

in me you may have peace. In this

world you will have trouble. But

take heart! I have overcome the



Rediscovering the Good News that We Dare Not Forget!


129 questions and answers

52 Lord’s Day Readings

The Heidelberg Catechism (1563)

The Good News

We Almost



the Gospel in a

16th Century

Catechism by

Kevin DeYoung.

The Ten

Words of Grace

Not Obsolete

Not Oppressive

Not Optional

Exodus 20:1-2

And God spoke all these words:

“I am the LORD your God, who

brought you out of Egypt, out of

the land of slavery.

Exodus 20:3

You shall have no other gods

before me.

Exodus 20:4-5a

You shall not make for yourself an

image in the form of anything in

heaven above or on the earth

beneath or in the waters below.

You shall not bow down to them or

worship them;

Exodus 20:5b-6

for I, the LORD your God, am a

jealous God, punishing the children for

the sin of the parents to the third and

fourth generation of those who hate

me, but showing love to a thousand

generations of those who love me and

keep my commandments.

Exodus 20:3

You shall have no other gods

before me.

Exodus 20:4-5a

You shall not make for yourself an

image in the form of anything in

heaven above or on the earth

beneath or in the waters below.

You shall not bow down to them or

worship them;

#1 - Prohibits the worship of wrong


#2 - Prohibits the worship of the

right God in the wrong way

1 Samuel 5:1-2

After the Philistines had captured

the ark of God, they took it from

Ebenezer to Ashdod. Then they

carried the ark into Dagon’s

temple and set it beside Dagon.

1 Samuel 5:3

When the people of Ashdod rose

early the next day, there was

Dagon, fallen on his face on the

ground before the ark of the

LORD! They took Dagon and put

him back in his place.

1 Samuel 5:4

But the following morning when they

rose, there was Dagon, fallen on his

face on the ground before the ark of

the LORD! His head and hands had

been broken off and were lying on

the threshold; only his body


1 Samuel 5:5

That is why to this day neither the

priests of Dagon nor any others

who enter Dagon’s temple at

Ashdod step on the threshold.

God is forbidding the making of

any kind of image of himself!

1. God cannot be limited in his

presence to any image.

1 Kings 8:27

But will God really dwell on earth?

The heavens, even the highest

heaven, cannot contain you. How

much less this temple I have built.

1. God cannot be limited in his

presence to any image.

2. God’s nature cannot be

captured by any single image.

The golden calf of Exodus 32

How does this

2nd Word of

Grace apply to

us today in our


digital world?

Exodus 20:5b-6

for I, the LORD your God, am a

jealous God, punishing the children for

the sin of the parents to the third and

fourth generation of those who hate

me, but showing love to a thousand

generations of those who love me and

keep my commandments.

Isaiah 55:8

“For my thoughts are not your

thoughts, neither are your ways my

ways,” declares the LORD. “As the

heavens are higher than the earth, so

are my ways higher than your ways

and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

We purpose to

know the Word of

God better in

order to better

know the God of

the Word!

Rediscovering the Good News

that We Dare Not Forget!


Next Sunday – Watch What you


Lord’s Day Reading #36-37

Are you

worshipping the

God of YOUR

box? Or the God

of the Universe as

revealed in HIS


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