tendor of esi

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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7/31/2019 Tendor of Esi

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EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE HOSPITALRohini, Sector-15, New Delhi – 110085

` Website: www.esic.nic.in 

Tender Notice 

Tenders are invited by Medical Superintendent ESI Hospital Sector-15, Rohini-110085 for

AMC of Medical equipments/instruments installed in this hospital

Interested firms are requested to collect tender form with list of Medical

equipments/instruments and terms & conditions from Dy. Medical Superintendent ESI Hospital,

Rohini on any working day from 10.00 A.M. to 3.00 P.M. & on Saturday from 10.00 AM to 12.00

noon up to 14.06.10 at the cost of Rs 200/- in the form of demand draft/Banker Cheque(Non

Refundable) in favour of ESIC FUND ACCOUNT No. 1, New Delhi. Tender documents can also be

downloaded from Website- www.esic.nic.in ; in that case DD/Banker Cheque for the cost of tender

document is to be enclosed with tender. Tender form is to be submitted complete in all respects alongwith prescribed EMD in favour of ESIC FUND ACCOUNT No.1 New Delhi in form of DD or Banker

cheque only.

Tender complete in all respects must be deposited in tender box kept in DMS room up to 1.00

pm on due date of opening. Tender received late will not be entertained.

Tender will be opened on 14.06.10 at 2.30 pm in DMS room, in the presence of bidders or their

authorized representatives. If due date of opening is declared holiday, tender will be opened on next

working day at same time and place.

Medical Superintendent reserves the right to reject any tender or all without assigning anyreason(s) thereof.

Medical Superintendent

Fax: 27553098

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EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE HOSPITALRohini, Sector-15, New Delhi – 110085

Website: www.esic.nic.in 


Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital Rohini, Sector-15, New Delhi-15. invites sealed bids forrepair and maintenance of medical Instruments and Equipments installed at various departments of this

hospital. Interested firms are requested to collect tender form with terms &conditions from Dy.

Medical Superintendent office on any working day from 10am to 3pm and on Saturday from 10am to12pm by 12.06.10 at a cost of Rs. 200/- in the form of demand draft/Bankers Cheque (Non-refundable)

in favour of ESIC Fund Account no1 New Delhi.

Tender documents can also be downloaded from hospital website www.esic.nic.in, and

DD/Banker’s Cheque for Rs200/- shall have to be enclosed with the tender as the cost of the tender

form. Tender form complete in all respects along with EMD of Rs. 20,000/- in form of DD/ Banker’s

Cheque infavour of ESI fund A/c no 1 must be dropped in the tender box kept in Dy. MedicalSuperintendent room up to 1.00pm by14.06.10. The tender will be opened on the same day i.e14.06.10

at 2.30 pm in Dy. Medical Superintendent room. If any representative of the tender wishes to be

present at the time of opening, he can do so. Tender received late will not be entertained. The tendersshould be submitted in sealed envelope addressed to the Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital, Rohini,

Sector-15. The Envelope should be super subscribed “Tender for AMC of Medical Equipments and

Instruments”. The rates should preferably be typed in words as well as in figures, free from erasing and

over writing and error in typing. Any erasing/error correction must be attested by the bidder otherwisethe rates in r/o that particular item shall not be considered. Each page of the tender must be signed by

the bidder along with seal of the firm. Covering letter should indicate the list of enclosures.. List of equipments is enclosed as annexure-A & B. Terms and conditions of the contract is enclosed as

annexure C and format of undertaking is enclosed as annexure D. Medical Superintendent reserves the right to reject any tender or all without assigning any reason


Medical Superintendent

Fax: 27553098

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Annexure-A Non -Comprehensive AMC

S.No. Name of the Equipment Quantity

1 Microscope(binocular) Olympus 4

2 Syring infusion pump 4

3 ECG Machine(BPL) 24 Continuos Passive mobilizer 1

5 Cardiac Monitor with defib 2

6 Anaesthesia Machine ESAB 4

7 Electric Cautery Eclipse 3

8 Phillips Phililwx major halogen O.T. 4

9 Phillips Phililwx standard mobile 4

10 Anaesthesia Ventilator 3

11 Hydroculator 1

12 Infant resuscitation Unit 3

13 Hot & Cold Sterilizer 1

14 Non Pressure bowl Sterizer 3

15 Hot air oven 4

16 X- ray film processor 1

17 IFT- 4 stimuler MEMIKT40 1

18 Hand Dyna momenter IMI 2947 1

19 Pinch gauge Machine IMI 2389 1

20 Tilt Table MEMTTEZ 2

21 Short wave Diathermy MEMSOOD 1

22 Ultrasound Solis state MEMUSS 1

23 Horizontal Autoclave 1

24 Cardiac Monitor with Defib(digitex) 1

25 Celing Light double dome 2

26 infusion Pump 4

27 Deep Fridge 1

28 Vitractomy Machine (Appasamy) 1

29 Hag's slit lamp 900bm 1

30 Respiratory Ventilator Evita Dura L 1

31 Goldman Perimeter 1

32 Operational Microscope Japan 1

33 Capnograph BCI 2

34 Halothane Vaporizer 335 Fibreoptic System of light for ENT 1

36 Microtome 2

37 Isoflorane Vaporizer 2

38 Microscope monocular 2

39 Tissue processor 2

40 Man Man Drill 2

41 Automatic Tourniquet 2

42 Pulse Oximeter (Datex) 1

43 Pulse Oximeter(L&T) 1

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Annexure-B Each time repair

S.No. Name of Equipment

1 Boiling water bath visco

2 Water bath with temperature

3 VDRL shaker4 Cryo unit

5 Aerosil O.T. disinfector

7 Oxygen flow meter

8 Needle destroye

9 Rectangular Sterilizer

10 Nebulizer

11 Laryngoscope Adult

12 Laryangoscope Paed.

13 Dressing Drum

14 Slide warmer

15 Parrafin wax bath

16 Pressure regulator for oxygen

17 DLC Counter

18 Centrifuge Machine

19 Distillation Plant

20 Calorimeter

21 Foetal Doppler

22 Opthalmoscope beta/200

23 Otoscope beta/200

24 Weighing Machine Adult

25 Weighing Machine Paed

26 Electric plaster cutter

27 Ultraviolet lamp

28 Hip circumducter

29 Autopipettes of various size

30 Chemical balance

31 Tissue floation bath

32 Automatic knife sharpner

33 Retinoscope

34 Automatic slide staining m/c

35 Electronic weighing balance36 Ambu bag adult

37 Ambu bag Paed

38 Static cycle with electric timer

39 Neonate incubator


1.Eligibility:- the firm must have three year experience in undertaking the repair and maintenancework of medical equipments and instruments out of which one year should be in any govt. hospital of 

bed strength 100 or more ( Proof of experience must be attached)2. The Tender should be in a sealed envelope addressed to the Medical Superintendent, ESIHospital, Rohini.Sector-15. Delhi-85.The Envelope should be superscribed with the name of the


3. Tender Form should reach this office latest by 1.00 P.M. on ………The tender will be opened at

2.30 P.M on the same day in Dy. Medical Superintendent room. In any case this day is declared aholiday, tender will be opened on the next working day at same time and place .Tender received late

will not be entertained.

4. Earnest Money of Rs.Twenty Thousand only (20000/-) is to be deposited along with the tendereither through Banker's cheque or D.D payable in favour of "ESIC fund Account No.1".The EMD

deposited with earlier tenders will not be adjusted against this tender. Tenders without EMD will not

be entertained.

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5. Rates should be valid for two Years from the date of approval of the Medical Superintendent andwill be final.

6. Rates should be quoted for each item separately and it should not be for whole group.

7. The tenderer is required to submit an undertaking as per the Performa enclosed on a stamp paper of Rs.50/- along with contact.

8. Tax rate should be mentioned along with rates separately

9. You shall have to provide four Regular preventive maintenance services in a year, besides attendingany number of calls as and when required.

10. AMC holder shall calibrate the equipment along with each service, if equipment needs calibration.11. Each and every complaint /call will be attended within 24 hours, failing which other firms / companies will be approached to repair the machines/ equipments and expenses will be borne by your


12. In case any equipment. / Machine / instrument found / remain non- functional / non / working more

than seven days, proportionate amount will be deducted form the contract value / amount, beside anyexpenditure incurred by this hospital on the same.

13. Payment will be made on quarterly basis, after submission of bills in triplicate along with

satisfactory service report duly verified by the HOD or I/C of user unit.14. Annual Maintenance Contract would be continued subject to the satisfaction of the Medical

Superintendent and may be terminated at any time without assigning any reason.

15. It may also be noted that there should be no negligence in providing services of any type, if anycomplaint is received the contract will be terminated with immediate effect.

16. Repair should be done in the hospital premises, as far as possible. If it is necessary to take to

equipments to the work- shop proper written permission or gate pass should be obtained from the

Authority.17. No verbal or written enquiry will be entertained in respect of acceptance or rejection of the tender.

18. The Medical Superintendent, E.S.I. Hospital Rohini,Sector-15, Delhi-85, reserves all the rights to

accept or reject any tenders or all tender without assigning any reason.19. AMC rates must be quoted for comprehensive and non-comprehensive maintenance separately.

Comprehensive means with spares and non-comprehensive means without spares. In case of non-

comprehensive the cost of spares up to Rs.200/- each item will have to be born by the contractor. Firm

should quote rates of spares along with AMC/ CMC. 21. The manufacturers or their authorized service agents/authorized dealer of the equipment shall be

accorded preference in award of tender.

22. Photocopy of latest Income Tax clearance/PAN No. should be enclosed with the tender.

23. Photocopy of latest Service Tax clearance/Service Tax No. should be enclosed with the tender.

24. In case, the contractor notices missing of any part of the equipment, the same has to be brought to

the notice of the officer In-Charge;and HOD, otherwise responsibility for the same will lie on thecontractor.

25. Tender forms are not transferable.

26. The quotation should be unconditional.27. Any act on the part of the contractor to influence anybody in the hospital shall make his tender

liable for rejection.28. In the event of any breach/violation of conditions of the contract, security money is liable to beforfeited.

29. The tenderer submitting a tender would be presumed to have gone through understood and

accepted all the terms and conditions.

30. Security deposit by the successful bidder will have to be deposited in the form of DemandDraft/Banker Cheque for the amount decided as per norms i.e. 5% of value of the contracted amount in

the favour of ESIC Fund A/C No. 1, payable at Delhi.

31. Contract holder will not be allowed to sublet the work to any other agency.32. If any Tenderer fail to fulfill the above terms or violate any above terms his tender will berejected summarily. Without assigning any reason or justifications.

33.The quantity mentioned against each items in annexure A is provisional and liable to change.However the exact quantity will be initiated at the time of award of contract34. For suction machine: - The rate of CMC/AMC and rate of one time repair should be mentioned


35. AMC/CMC Contract will be valid for only two years from date of award which can be extendedby competent authority.

36. The firm should have submitted details of supporting experienced, qualified trained

engineer/technical staff.37. Lowest rates certificate should have submitted by the firm.

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Annexure DFormat of undertaking to be submitted along with tender for annual maintenance contract for medicalequipments / instruments.


1.I,the undersigned certifies that I have gone through the terms and conditions mentioned in the tenderdocument and undertake to comply with them.

2 The rates quoted by me are valid and binding upon me for the entire period of contract.

3. I, the undersigned hereby bind myself for Annual Maintenance Contract of equipments/instrumentsas per list enclosed to Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital, Rohini,Sector-15. Delhi - 85 during theperiod of contract.

4.The earnest money of Rs.20000/- , deposited vide Banker Cheque/Demand Draft

no.___________Dt.___________ is attached herewith.5.Should any delay occur on the part of making equipment functional, the hospital shall stand

authorized to get the necessary repairs done from other sources and deduct the amount incurred on

such repairs from our bills dues.6.The conditions herein contained shall form part of and shall be taken included in the agreement itself.

7. The decision of the Medical Superintendent will be final and binding upon me.

8. That the spares supplied by me would be of the best quality.

9. That if spares supplied by me are found to be of defective or beyond repair the same shall bereplaced by me at my own cost.

10. That I shall maintain the equipments and ensure timely visits to avoid any hardships.

11. That I shall keep the fact in mind that equipments are vital in a hospital and arrange for earlyrepairs in the best interest of patient care.

12. That I hereby undertake to bear any loss or damage caused to the hospital authorities through the

usage of equipment/instruments repaired/serviced by me.

Signature of Bidder



Contact No.

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