term 1 issue 5 1st april 2015 olr newsletter church’s year, holy week, the final week of lent and...

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Mass & Devotions in Ordinary Time Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil 6:00pm Sunday 8:00am & 9:30am

Weekday Masses Monday -Thursday 9:00am Friday 11:45am

Saturday 9:00am

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 9:30am & 5:00pm

OLR The Entrance Church Liturgy of the Hours Saturday 8:40am

Rosary Monday-Thursday 8:35am Friday 11:20am Saturday 9:30am

Cenacle Wednesday 9:30am

Christian Meditation Group Friday 10:30am (Muldoon Room)

OLR Newsletter

Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, The Entrance SHELLY BEACH ROAD, SHELLY BEACH NSW 2261 – P.O. BOX 210, THE ENTRANCE 2261

Ph: 4332 5594 Fax: 4334 5599 Email: olrte@dbb.catholic.edu.au

Website: http://www.olrtedbb.catholic.edu.au/

Term 1 Issue 5 1st April 2015

Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.

We have entered into the most solemn week of

the Church’s year, Holy Week, the final week of Lent and the week in which we celebrate the

mystery of our salvation through the death and resurrection of Christ. Despite His triumphal

entry into Jerusalem, Jesus knew what was ahead of Him, but because of His love for us

and the will of His Father, He resolutely rode into Jerusalem. And so the week unfolds.

On Holy Thursday we remember how, in His

darkest moment, betrayed by Judas, about to be denied by Peter, knowing that most of the other disciples would flee, He took

bread and wine and declared these to be His body and blood given for us.

On Good Friday Jesus offered the ultimate sacrifice, His death on the Cross. It

appeared to His followers that all was lost, the powers of darkness had won but God’s plan prevailed, and on the third day Jesus rose from the dead as He had

promised. The women who went to the tomb saw that the stone had been rolled away and an angel told them “He is risen, He is not here, see the place where they

laid Him.”

We can imagine what took place before their discovery: Jesus rose from death alone in the darkness of the tomb.

He removed his own burial cloths and folded them. Jesus then took off his head

covering, rolled it up and put it in a separate place.

From inside the tomb, he moved the heavy stone aside and stepped out into the early-morning darkness.

Like the disciples, we are challenged to believe that He rose from the dead. We have had over 2,000 years to understand that the Easter Gospel invites us to

step into the tomb and rediscover that Jesus’ resurrection is a promise to us. We come to know that, like him, we too, shall rise from the dead.

Dying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life, Alleluia, Alleluia

Important Upcoming Dates for your Calendar

The last week of Term 1 is a time for us to look back to our beginning of the year hopes and

aspirations, celebrate our achievements and reflect on those good intentions that may have been

sidelined or put on the backburner. We have an unambiguous focus on learning and all term

teachers and support staff have worked to design, plan and implement programs to meet the

learning needs of students. Individual programs have been negotiated with teachers and parents

for those students requiring additional support. Kindergarten and Year 1 teachers have had

opportunities for professional learning in assessing reading levels and planning for continued

improvement. The Assistant Principals, the Literacy Coach and I have had individual

conversations with teachers regarding classroom practice in a range of areas including the

writing process and setting the environment for students to experience success in learning. Staff

meetings have been times to develop a shared approach to Maths learning and assessment, the

use of ICT and refining our understanding of Positive Behaviour for Learning. I am in classrooms

on a regular basis and I can say without equivocation the commitment of OLR staff to providing

best practice schooling is second to none. Your children are being supported and challenged to

become expert learners. Hopefully we’ll all go home on Thursday tired but happy!

A major highlight of the term has been the process undertaken to determine the model of parent

involvement and engagement here at OLR this year. Thanks to those many parents who

attended the series of meetings or who completed surveys, helping us develop a clear sense of

who we are. I am delighted to announce we have a new parent body, the OLR Community

Network! Thanks to Kevin Gilmore-Burrell who prepared an overview of the discussions which

helped us clarify the roles and teams. Congratulations and thanks to the parents who accepted

positions, President – Kevin Gilmore-Burrell, Vice-President – Coral Davidson, Secretary – Cassi

White and Mel Carter, Treasurer – Frances O’Sullivan and Nikki Douglas, Parent Education –

Susan Sullivan and Tracey McSkimming, Social Justice – Jenny Vaughan and Frances

O’Sullivan, Class Parent Coordinator – Amanda Bone and Shannon Bandy, Working Bee/

Learning Environment – Jon Simmons and Paul Lynch. The Minutes of the Meeting can be

found on the Parent Portal of the website. The first meeting of our new group will take place in

Week 2, April 29 at 7:00 PM in the VSR, all welcome!

Uniforms: Students will return to school in their Summer Uniform. Please note that students will

be in their Winter Uniform from Monday 25th May. From the beginning of term to Friday, 22nd

May, students can wear either FULL Summer OR Full Winter uniform, not pieces of each. Please

ensure that students wear their correct uniform at all times. Sports shoes MUST be mostly white

sand-shoes or Joggers only. If there is colour on them, it must be blue. Please see attached

Uniform Policy

From the Principal

Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.

1st April— Kinder 2016 Parent Information Night 7pm (New Families)

2nd April—Holy Thursday—last day of Term 1

20th April—Students return for the start of Term 2

21st April - Easter Liturgy 12:30 pm

24th April—Anzac Day Liturgy 9.15am

Long Service Leave: At the beginning of Term 2 Mrs Jeannine Edwards will be on LSL for the

first two weeks and we welcome Kate Broadhurst to Kinder Red for this time. Ms Kay Taylor will

be taking LSL from her teaching days (Tuesday and Wednesday) for the whole of Term 2. Kay

will still be available as Chaplain on Wednesday’s & Friday’s. Mrs Maree Sawyer will commence

her role as Literacy Coach from the beginning of Term 2 and will be out of class two days a

week. Mrs Jackie Little will be teaching 4 Gold on these days. Mrs Gai Epple, Learning Support

Assistant, will be also on LSL for the first two weeks of term.

Class Parents 2015: Thank you to all the parents who volunteered for this position. Please find

in this Newsletter the list of who the Class Parents are for 2015. We will have the Class Parents

Commissioning Service on Monday 27th April at 2.10pm.

MEDICATION AT SCHOOL: Due to new WHS laws, we are no longer allowed to administer over the counter medications (paracetamol, allergy medication etc) without a letter from your child’s doctor stating the name of the medication, dosage and time of day it can be given. This letter needs to be signed by the doctor and have the doctor’s stamp on it. We are still able to administer prescription medications with appropriate documentation (please check with the office). These medications MUST be in the original container with the pharmacy labels. If you have any questions about these new policies, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

Kate Clancy Acting Principal

Please join us in our whole school celebration of Holy Week, the most important

week of the year in our faith and the Catholic Church. Each grade will present an

event in the lead up to Good Friday. This will take place this Thursday in our

school Chapel and commence 12:00 pm.

Kinder will open our liturgy celebrating Passion Sunday followed by Year 3 who

will re- enact The Last Supper. Year One tells us how Jesus prayed in the garden

whilst Year 2 leads us to a deeper understanding of Jesus’ arrest. Our liturgy will

conclude with Year 4 sharing Jesus’ crucifixion and burial.

Year 5 and Year 6 will continue celebrating the joy of Easter when we return in Term 2.

(Tuesday, 21st April at 12:30 pm)

We look forward to seeing you there and celebrating with us.

Wishing you a very Holy and joyous Easter.

Lisa-Marie Peers

Liturgy Co-Ordinator.

Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.


Parents who have returned their “Enrolling a child in Kindergarten 2016” form to school will re-

ceive their Enrolment Packs through their Eldest child. If you have not completed this form but

have a sibling ready for school next year, please contact the office.

Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.

From the Assistant Principals

EASTER LITURGIES: Easter is the high point of our Catholic faith. It is through Christ’s death

and resurrection that we come to know of our own salvation in Heaven. We encourage you

and your family to take advantage of our beautiful Easter liturgies in our church at The En-


Holy Thursday 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper

8-11pm Gethsemane Adoration

Good Friday 10am Stations of the Cross

3pm Celebration of the Passion of the Lord

Holy Saturday 9.30am & 4.30pm Confessions

6pm Easter Vigil Mass

Easter Sunday 8am & 9.30am Resurrection Mass


This week’s rule is WE ARE RESPONSIBLE when we make good choices.

NAPLAN: Early next term our Year 3 & 5 students will sit the NAPLAN Tests. NAPLAN tests the sorts of skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. These include reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and numeracy. NAPLAN complements classroom-based assessment but adds a ‘national’ component. The results give schools and systems the ability to measure their students’ achievements against National Minimum Stand-ards and against other States and Territories. There are many forms of assessment that teachers need to examine to determine how a student is progressing at school. NAPLAN is just one of them. It is unique because it provides nationally comparable data. NAPLAN is not a pass/fail type test. It looks at what level students are achieving in literacy and numeracy compared with their peers throughout Australia. It is a test that cannot be specifically studied for, and students are not expected to do so. Teachers and schools want an honest picture of what students can do in the areas of literacy and numeracy so that they can plan for improvement. If you want more information about NAPLAN go to http://www.nap.edu.au . The NAPLAN tests will take place May 12-14. If you have any concerns about NAPLAN, do not

hesitate to see your child’s teacher.

GOOGLE SITE: Over the past few weeks OLR has been developing a school Google site. This is

an e-platform for learning and a way of connecting home and school. The site is password pro-

tected so cannot be accessed by the general public. To access the site, click on the ‘Student Por-

tal’ link on the home page of the school website: http://www.olrtedbb.catholic.edu.au/ . Using your

child’s username and password, follow the links to the site and open your child’s class tab. Your

child should know his/her username and password. If not, check with your child’s teacher. Enjoy

the site!

RSL Visit: The SRC and Sports Vice-Captains were the last of the groups to visit the Long Jetty

RSL Sub-branch last Friday. They toured the Museum and had a talk from the volunteers who

work at this amazing place before enjoying lunch, once again generously provided by Diggers.

On returning to school it was very pleasing to receive a call from Diggers congratulating the stu-

dents on their behaviour and the excellent manners they displayed.

Class Parents for 2015:

KB Joanne M & Ladele J KG Melissa C & Amanda B KR Alicia K-S 1B Frances O’S & Vanessa S 1G Lyndell H & Jasmin S 2B Jade J & Janelle M 2G Kathryn C 2RMelissa C & Sharon McC 3B Eva F & Jennifer V 3G Belinda B & Kylie H 4B Frances O’S & Jasmin S 4G Paul L & Tracey McS 4R Katie H 5B Tracey McS & Kylie B 5G Kylie B 6B Belinda B & Gerri M 6G Kylie H & Lauren E

Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.

Chaplaincy News

Faith in Jesus Christ, a gift for life!

Thank you mum and Dad.

Eight of us from the OLR community joined in a morning of prayerful reflection on the ‘Stations of the

Cross for Our Times’ and this was followed by morning tea and a long chat! Holy Week began last

Sunday with Palm Sunday and it opened the Church to the holiest of times for Christians all over the

world. This leads us on to Holy Thursday (the commemoration of Jesus’ Last Supper), Good Friday

(the memorial of Jesus’ suffering and death) and Easter Sunday, the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection.

This is such a meaningful story in the lives and faith of Christians that it is celebrated over a period

known as the Octave of Easter (8 days) followed by the season called Eastertide which extends until

Pentecost (the feast of the coming of the Holy Spirit ). As a school community we will be remembering

this sacred story in liturgical commemorations this week. After the holidays, in Eastertide, we will

celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection. Over the school holidays please connect your family to some of the

wonderful Holy Week ceremonies with fellow Christians in your Parish. Check the Parish websites for

dates and times of ceremonies. The future of our Catholic faith is in the seeds planted within families

and this is your awesome gift and responsibility when you commit your children to Baptism. Take this

responsibility as a privilege and a joy and embrace the opportunities given to help your children grow

with faith in Jesus Christ. There can be no greater gift for life!

COMMISSIONING SERVICE FOR CLASS PARENTS: All Class Parents are invited to attend the

Commissioning to your roles on Monday 27th April at 2:10 in the Hall.

SATURDAY 25th APRIL ANZAC DAWN SERVICE AND MARCH: All Mini-Vinnies students particularly

are reminded that they traditionally form the guard of honour at the Cenotaph for the Dawn Service. As

this is the Centenary of Anzac it is important that we have a healthy representation of students . The

Dawn Service is 5:30am but we will have to be at the top of the Cenotaph by 4:45am due to the

expected crowd. More information will follow when we return to school.

I look forward to seeing you in Church as well as the shopping centre.

Many Blessings. Kay Taylor (Chaplain)

Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.

Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School, The Entrance STUDENT ABSENTEE NOTE

We are required by law to record all absences for children enrolled in our school with an accompanying


My child ____________________________________of class__________ was absent from


on the following date/s:


Please sign below to indicate that your permission was given for this/these days absent.

I ________________________________ verify that my child was absent from school with my

permission on the dates above.


Signature:____________________________________________ Date:__________________





Last day of Term 1

Frances O’S, Sharn S,

Nicole J



Ella L, Renee T,

Danielle R





Nicky D, Catherine T,

Kelly O’s



Susie S, Gillian R Monday


Vanessa C, Alicia K-S,

Danielle H



Sharon McC, Kathryn C Tuesday


Brenda N, Lauren W,

Michelle M



Desley G-B, Susan Sm,

Robyn McF



Linda C, Susan Sm,

Catherine T

Canteen News

I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter Meal Deal.

A reminder that we no longer provide Sushi.

Thank you to everyone for their support this term and we

look forward to doing it all again next term.

Wishing you all a Happy Easter.

Healthy Eating

Sue MacSween

Canteen Co-Ordinator

Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.

School Band Holiday Workshop Do you have bored children sitting around the house during the Easter School Holidays?

Is getting your child to practise their instrument becoming a chore?

Why not consider coming along to one of TSA’s Easter Holiday Combined Band Workshops?! These workshops

are all the best bits of regular Band Camp (minus the

waterslide and disco!) rolled into the one day. For most beginners it will be their first introduction to band and for our senior students it will be a chance to join to-

gether with other senior students from other schools and tackle some more chal-lenging repertoire. For more information and to enrol for the workshop, please

visit www.teachingservices.com.au

Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.

Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School Uniform Policy

EARRINGS:- A maximum of 2 earrings per child i.e. on in each ear, are to be worn. Only

a plain stud or small sleeper will be permitted (unless your child has just had their ears

pierced, then they are permitted to wear the earrings put in for the specified time).

NECKLACES:- A Crucifix or religious type of necklace may be worn provided it is un-

der the school uniform. NO shells, pearls, beads, trinkets, leather straps etc will be permit-


RINGS:-One ring will be permitted if it is flat eg signet or birth rings of great emotional,

sentimental or cultural significance. NO rings that have raised areas eg. Claw settings, will

be permitted.

BANGLES:- NO bangles or wrist jewellery, including charm bracelets, friendship brace-

lets etc. are to be worn to school other than a wrist watch or birth bangle that is now too

small to be removed over the hand. Rubber promotional bands and “power bracelets” are

not permitted.

NAIL POLISH:- NO nail polish of any colour or type will be permitted.

HAIR:- Any students, male or female, with hair over their face or eyes must have it

clipped back by either a hair clip (in the school colour) or by tying it back. Hair of shoul-

der length or longer, both male and female, must be worn tied back. Hair should be clean

and well groomed and complement the uniform. No extremes of style, cut or length.

HAIR ACCESSORIES: Plain blue (in the school colour) ribbon, scrunchies and elastics

will be permitted only. NO flowers, coloured hair accessories etc will be permitted. Hair

styles which restrict the effective wearing of the school hat will also not be permitted.

HAIR COLOUR: Hair colour should be natural.

SHOES: Black leather lace up, or Velcro shoes – not joggers or boots. SOCKS:- White anklet socks are only permitted on Sports Days and must be plain white

or the OLR sports socks sold by the Uniform shop and only worn with the Sports Uniform.

The school blue short socks should be worn on other days.

GIRLS UNIFORMS:- Length should be a sensible, practical and modest length.

BOYS SHORTS:- The band on the boys school and sports shorts must be worn at a rea-

sonable height, NOT hip height or below, boxer shorts and underpants are not to be visible.

SCHOOL SHIRTS :- All school shirts (summer for males and winter for male and fe-

male) must be tucked in at all times ie. whilst in transit to and from school and whilst at


SPORTS SHIRTS:- On Sports Days, Sports shirts may be worn out and will only need

tucking in if they are not neatly hemmed.

Variation to Uniforms At times children may need to be without part of their official school uniform, including

hat. Should this occur we ask that you send in a note to the class teacher

Please see next page for Student Uniform Requirements

Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.

Girls (Summer) BLUE Check dress

SKY BLUE socks (ankle length)

BLACK Leather shoes (lace up or buckle, not joggers or boots)

NAVY BLUE ribbons or Scrunchie

HAT / Cap (with school logo on)

Boys (Summer) NAVY BLUE Shorts (with longer legs)

BLUE short sleeve shirt (with logo printed on pocket)

BLACK Leather shoes (lace up, not joggers)


HAT / Cap (with school logo on)

Girls (Winter) ROYAL BLUE Serge Pinafore, or

ROYAL BLUE Winter Slacks

SKY BLUE Shirt (Peter Pan style)

NAVY BLUE Sloppy Joe or Zip Jacket with school logo

NAVY BLUE Tights with Pinafore

SKY BLUE SOCKS with Slacks

BLACK Leather Shoes (as above)

NAVY BLUE Ribbons or Scrunchie

Boys (Winter) NAVY BLUE Trousers (Long trousers not shorts)

BLUE Shirt (Long sleeve)

NAVY BLUE Sloppy Joe or Zip Jacket with school logo

BLACK Leather shoes (as above)

Girls (Sports Uniform) SKY BLUE T-Shirt (with collar, with logo printed)

ROYAL BLUE Pleated skirt or Unisex shorts

WHITE Sand-shoes / Joggers

NAVY BLUE Track Pants (NO stripes)


HAT (with school logo)

Boys (Sports Uniform) SKY BLUE T-Shirt (with collar, with logo)

ROYAL BLUE Unisex Shorts

WHITE Sand-shoes / Joggers

NAVY BLUE Track Pants (NO stripes)


HAT (with school logo)

School Bags NAVY BLUE SCHOOL bag with school logo printed on.

Student Uniforms

Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.

Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.

What's On @ Mary MacKillop Place! Upcoming Programs and Events

April School Holiday Program (13 – 17 April) Come and discover the story of Mary MacKillop - Australia's first Saint! Follow the Kids’ Trail with Mary’s

pet dog ‘Bobs’. Listen to stories, enjoy art and craft activities, explore Mary’s home and the School


Session runs from 10.30 – 12.30

$8 per primary school aged child

Address: Mary MacKillop Place Museum, 7 Mount St, North Sydney

Enquiries & bookings: 02 8912 4883 or mackillop@sosj.org.au

Wednesdays live @ the Museum! (22 & 29 April, 6, 13 & 20 May) Australian Catholic University students present - 'Mary MacKillop and Fr Julian Tenison Woods in the

1800s: Colonial tales enacted; unearthing hidden stories behind the collection'. Join us in the Museum

for an exciting series of drama performances. Australian Catholic University students will unearth hid-

den stories behind artefacts in the Museum collection. Performances are scheduled on the above

dates and will run from 10am to 2pm.

'Treasures under the Southern Cross: Celebrating 20 years of shared stories'

exhibition (21 May - 30 November) This exhibition brings together stories that represent areas of the Sisters of St Joseph's mission work in

various regions in Australia and from around the world. The exhibition will highlight twenty objects from

the Museum's collection and their related stories. The exhibition will be open to the public on 21 May.

Mary MacKillop Place Open Day (Sunday 24 May) Celebrate a unique legacy in the life of Mary MacKillop by visiting this significant spiritual and heritage

site in the heart of North Sydney. Visit Mary's tomb in the Memorial Chapel built in her honour. Enjoy

FREE ENTRY to the museum which displays the Sisters of St Joseph Collection. Browse the Gift Shop &

Cafe where you can purchase a memento or enjoy some light refreshments. (10am - 4pm)

For more information about Mary MacKillop Place, please visit our website


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Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.

Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the School Principal.

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