term 2, week 8 18 june 2020 - nemingha public school

Post on 22-Apr-2022






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Phone 6760 9225 Fax 6760 9479 Email nemingha-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au Web nemingha-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

Term 2, Week 8 18 June 2020

On Monday we held a small celebration at the morning assembly presenting the school with the wall hanging that was a part of our online learning. It was many combined hours of work both from children and parents, but many, many hours of sewing for Mrs Ryan. She carefully matched squares with artistic flair making sure that they fitted with each other, and then very cleverly sewed it all together.

Thanks to Mrs Ryan and Mr Baldwin, who attached it to a wall in the hall. It looks magnificent.

On Monday, cleaners across the world celebrated International Cleaners Day. This is a very important day to cleaners because it highlights the fact that the work they do is very critical in keeping buildings clean and hygienic to protect workers and the public from flu pandemics and other germs.

Our classes presented our cleaners Kim and Julie with cards of appreciation on Wednesday.

Thank you to the parents who have returned the forms for ASCA this year. Mr Jackson will be meeting with them next week to go through the requirements for their examinations. Stay tuned.

Orla presented our cleaner, Julie McGregor, with a card of appreciation

for the important work she does.

Newslink Page 2

“Ready ... set ... GO!”Christopher Jackson, Principal

I was watching our students run the cross country course yesterday preparing for our “carnival you’re having when not having a carnival” on Friday. I cast my mind back to when when I too ran great distances from the Quirindi tip to home. It seemed like I ran a mile, in what also seemed like a minute! Now I do manage to walk each afternoon and recognise I’m probably not as fit as I used to be. I am very proud of the effort our students put into preparation for tomorrow’s cross country and know it will be a fun morning.

Running is something children want to do naturally, and that was evident this week. When it comes to running as a sport or regular activity, you can’t beat it as a means to promote fitness. Cross country running is an inexpensive activity which requires no special equipment. Find good quality running shoes that fit well and “off you go!”.

While the children will not have the opportunity to progress further to the next PSSA event, we are still encouraging

them to run hard. We will still have trophies, medals and ribbons for those who compete, so we hope to have it as

close to what we normally have each year. It is unfortunate that we wont be able to have parents attending the morning on site, but hopefully this will change early next term.

There is also an article in this week’s Newslink, which I urge parents to look at, outlining the PSSA events that have been cancelled due to the pandemic.

Good luck to everyone tomorrow. Remember to wear your house colours and bring along a hat and drink bottle.

“Running cross country is the closest man will ever get to flying.”

Joseph VanderStel

Anyone for a game of volleyball?On Monday our students had a wonderful surprise in the playground. After a number of weeks our new volleyball court was completed. Thanks to the P&C, who provided funds for this initiative. Our students are truly lucky to have such a marvellous playground facility.

Dear Parents,

School photographs are scheduled to be taken by aaddvvaanncceeddlliiffee. Whilst an envelope and flyer will be distributed shortly, if

possible it is our preference that ordering be completed online to reduce administration and potential security issues related

to the return of cash and envelopes on photo day.

Orders for packages and sibling photographs can be placed securely online at wwwwww..aaddvvaanncceeddlliiffee..ccoomm..aauu using our school’s

unique 99 ddiiggiitt aaddvvaanncceeddoorrddeerr ccooddee. Portrait and group package orders are due by photography day.

Should you wish to purchase a sibling photograph online, the order must be placed no later than the day before photography

day. Sibling photographs will only be taken if an order has been placed.

Should you have any queries concerning school photographs or online ordering, please direct them via email to


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ORDER NOW go to www.advancedlife.com.au and enter the code



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Dear Parents,

School photographs are scheduled to be taken by advancedlife. Whilst an envelope and flyer will be distributed shortly, if possible it is our preference that ordering be completed online to reduce administration and potential security issues related to the return of cash and envelopes on photo day.

Orders for packages and sibling photographs can be placed securely online at www.advancedlife.com.au using our schools unique 9 digit advancedorder code. Portrait and group package orders are due by photography day.

Should you wish to purchase a sibling photograph online, the order must be placed no later than the day before photography day. Sibling photographs will only be taken if an order has been placed.

Should you have any questions concerning school photographs or online ordering, please direct them via email to enquiries@advancedlife.com.au.


ORDER NOWgo to www.advancedlife.com.au and enter the code


KINDER ENROLMENTS FOR 2021If you know of anyone living within our zone who may be interested in sending their children to Nemingha in 2021, could you please ask them to contact the office as soon as possible.

Newslink Page 3

What’s cooking in the canteenOur full menu is back!From tomorrow we will be back to operating with our full canteen menu. Thank you for your understanding during this time.

Please make sure that lunch and recess orders are written on separate bags and that your child’s class is included on the bags. Thank you.

Renae MumfordCanteen and Clothing Pool ManagerPhone 0417 029 377

Busy time in the gardenby Maeve Graham and Indiana Davis

In Kitchen/Garden Year 3 made salt dough and it was so fun making it. We also designed seed packets which had to include what time of year to

plant the seed, how deep and the time until harvesting.

We planted the chive seedlings that we’d grown last term from seed and we did lots and lots of weeding.

Introducing our staff ...

Christopher JacksonPrincipal

Years of ServiceTeacher and Principal for 34 years.

Previous schoolsPremer Public School (1986-87), Eschol Park (1988-89), Mt Parry (1990-92), Spring Ridge (1993-2002), Wallabadah (2003-2016).

Interests and hobbiesPlaying the piano, walking (along a beach or bush track), going to the theatre.

Schools attended as a student

Quirindi Public School and Quirindi High School.

Teaching is the best job. I enjoy every bit of my job. It has its ups and downs but on the whole it’s so rewarding seeing young men and women given opportunities to strive to be the best they can be.

MUSIC TUITIONLessons will resume Week 1 of Term 3. Notes asking for confirmation of re-enrolment have been sent home to students of Mr Blaxland, Mr Weaver, Mr Aurisch and The Con. If you are interested in your child learning a musical instrument (esp. brass and woodwind), please contact the office.

Newslink Page 4

All program participants will need to be registered for Holistic Family Support to access our free services including groups. This course will be cancelled 7 days prior to the commencement date if there aren’t enough registrations. Centacare NENW acknowledges the traditional custodians of this land, and pays respect to the elders past and present.

NSW School Sport and North West Sport cancellations

We have received notification regarding the cancellation of a number of sporting events between now and the end of the year. We will continue to try and keep you updated as information filters down from the NSW School Sport Unit.

The School Sport Unit wishes to advise that the following Sports events have been cancelled for Term 3, 2020:

y NSWPSSA Cross Country

y NSWPSSA Netball state championship

y NSWPSSA Boys Touch state championship

y NSWPSSA Rugby Union state championship

y NSWPSSA Girls Rugby 7s

y NSWPSSA Golf state championship

y NSWPSSA Boys Softball state championship

y NSWPSSA Girls Touch state championship

y NSWPSSA Girls Softball state championship

y NSW All Schools cross country

y NSW All Schools touch football trials

y NSW All Schools football tri-series

y NSW All Schools opens netball tri-series

The following Sports events have been cancelled for Term 4, 2020:

y NSWPSSA Athletics

All NSWPSSA knockouts/statewide competitions have also been cancelled for 2020.

The health and wellbeing of everyone involved is paramount and at the heart of this decision.

We recognise the pressures that schools are currently experiencing and supporting staff and students remains our highest priority.

P&C NewsHi Fellow Fundraisers -

The Pie Drive orders are starting to trickle through nicely, so keep up the good work!

Change of closing dateOrders are now due by Monday 22 June, at the request of Watson’s Kitchen. Please ensure all orders are either emailed or handed into the office by 3.30pm at the latest.

Collection detailsBec Macdonald has kindly offered the use of the yard beside her house for us to provide drive-through order pick-ups from 3pm until 5pm. Bec’s house is the last house just before the school as you approach from the Nemingha side. There is a small side street that you can pull into off Nundle Road. We will have signage to help direct you in and out.

DeliveryWe can possibly arrange delivery to any businesses that place multiple large orders. Please contact me directly if you would like to take up this offer.

Once again, thank you for supporting your school.

Bec Jordan0428 717 987

LATE ARRIVAL PROCEDURESIf you are late getting your child to school, please do not drop them at the gate but make sure that you come to the office to sign them in.

Your child will need to take the sign-in slip, which explains why they were late, to their classroom teacher.

If your child needs to leave early, you should come to the office so that staff can contact the class teacher and the absence can be recorded.

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