terms are in alphabetical order. freedom of speech, press (newspapers), religion, protest...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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 Women get the right to vote in 1919  Suffrage Movement  Some states let women vote earlier arch-is-women%E2%80%99s-history- month-%E2%80%93-overlea-plays-a- role-in-women%E2%80%99s-right-to- vote/


Terms are in Alphabetical Order Freedom of Speech, Press (newspapers), Religion, Protest (peaceful) Protects political and creative rights Limited Cannot harm or limit others freedomcontent/uploads/2009/08/image1.png Women get the right to vote in 1919 Suffrage Movement Some states let women vote earlierarch-is-women%E2%80%99s-history- month-%E2%80%93-overlea-plays-a- role-in-women%E2%80%99s-right-to- vote/ 1971 Voting age lowered to 18. Response to Vietnam War. 18 year olds could be drafted to fight in war but not voteanniversary-of-the-26th-amendment Students protest for 18 year old vote. King or Queen Has total power Can do whatever they want./monarchism.html Farming changed human life. Could stay in one place No more hunt and gather Industrialization changed farming Machines allowed more work. Less workers needed Farmers moved to city (urbanization)ge_69/ z5fFW.jpg Taking over an area of land. The United States annexed Texas and Hawaii.s/annexation-texas.htm Giving in to make someone happy. Many leaders let Hitler take land and do what he wanted. They were afraid of another war. Let Hitler get strong and lead to World War II Cartoon showing Hitler walking all over leaders who did not stand up to him.htm Favor a specific point of view. Can be seen in political commercials May use facts but present them to favor one side Many people believe Fox News favors Republicans. 1954 Supreme Court case. Legally ended segregation (separation of black and white). Took many years to make it actually happenbrown.html Business owners get money to start business. If business fails they get nothing but if it succeeds they get money (profit). Market economy Prices set by business and people Say where you got your information from. May be in your writing or at the end. It is important to cite credible (believable ) sources.nwizard.html Break a law that you believe is wrong (violates the social contract) Non-violent Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and Ceasar Chavez used civil disobedience to change their world.oto/46/76?&show_interstitial=1&u=%2Fph otos%2Fphoto Rights that belong to a citizen. May include voting, free speech and others. Many groups have had to fight for their civil rights.?isbn= 13 th Amendment Ended Slavery 14 th Amendment Made former slaves citizens. (equal protection. 15 th Amendment protected the right to vote.11/04/celebrating-our-civil-war.html Conflict between United States and Soviet Union (Russia) Dark blue countries sided with U.S. Red countries sided with Russia Never a direct war Tried to influence other countriesar1.htm A strong country controlling a weaker country. Use the country to make money. European countries were the most recent colonizers. Map showing how European countries colonized Africa.htm Government decides what to make, how much to make and how much it will cost. Business are often owned by the state. Communist countries use a command economy. Soviet Union North Korea Cubas/story.php?title=units-1-2-lsn- government-vocabulary-review To make things better for everyone. Sometimes individual rights need to be put aside for common good.cracy Belief that everyone should be equal in all ways. no privately owned businesses. Usually a command economy Hammer and sickle communist symbols that represent regular workers. The man pictured is Lenin. He lead Russia to become the communist Soviet Union.t-flag-lenin-p-6740.html Wont fight in a war because they are against violence. Sometimes do non combat jobs. Shows balance between individual rights and needs of the governmentandsmoke/2010/08/06/protecting- pharmacist-conscientious-objectors-in- washington/ Power is passed down through family. Power is limited They cannot do whatever they want A Constitution (rules about government) says what they can and cannot dofootball/fixing-football-five-borrowed-rules-at- a-time.html Idea that United States needed to stop communism from going outside of Russia. Lead to wars in Korea and Vietnam./TheColdWar.htm After WWII Jewish people in Europe wanted somewhere else to go. England used part of its colony, Palestine to create a home for them. It has caused conflict between Muslim Palestinians and the Jewish people who moved there. It is an issue that continues to cause conflict today. How much can you trust a source of information. An expert would be more credible than a friend. Closest Cold War between U.S and Soviet Union came to being an all out war. Russia sent missiles to Cuba and the U.S. blocked them. Resolved peacefully after 14 days. U.S. President John Kennedy and Cuban Leader Fidel Castrohttp://www.ew.com/ew/gallery/0,, _ ,00.html Government that is run by one person who has total power. Uses the police and the military to control country through fear.ncyclopedia/Dictatorship/ If the Federal Reserve lowers the rate it becomes cheaper to get loans. If the rate goes up less purchasing happens. It is used to control the economy.om/2007/08/fed-blinkedlet-bailout- begingot-gold.html To go against ones country. Fear of being called disloyal makes people afraid to challenge government.maldonado/ Being picked to be in the army without a choice. Last draft was during Vietnam War. 18 year olds still must register. Increases in taxes raise money for the government. Too much of an increase can slow down spending and cause unemployment. Too low taxes cause fewer services to be offered5ofpart1.html In certain circumstances the government may take your property. Ex. To build a needed road. Must prove it in court and pay you for it.08/24/eminent-domain-rick- perry-and-the-trans-texas- corridor/ Period of time when thinking about government changed. Ideas like the social contract and natural rights came to be. John Locke, Montesquieu are two of the writersenlightenment.html Variation in culture or place of origin. Better way to describe differences than race The United States is very diverse. Idea that people should exist only for the government they live in. Often used by dictators. Very little personal freedom or room to question leaders.pean-history/fascism-movement.htm Makes decision that control the value of money. Effects how banks do business. Controversial and powerful.blog/2011/08/03/19-reasons-why-the- federal-reserve-has-ruined-our- economy/ Splitting power between states and national government. Ohio has different laws than Utah Ex. Ohio now allows casino gambling. State laws cant go against national laws French got rid of Monarch in 1790s. Inspired by American Revolution and Enlightenment. Motto translates to: Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood The edge of a country. The U.S. frontier had been the West. Life is typically hard on the frontier. People go there for opportunity. Land, Money, etc. Movement of African Americans from the South to the North and West. Went looking for jobs. Went to escape racism Jim Crow Laws Segregation Separate but unequal Map of migration from the South.tegory/the-great-migration/ U.S. is nation of immigrants. Biggest challenge is how for new groups and old groups to get along. New groups often cause fear and discrimination Wealthy, powerful countries try to control other lands. Similar to colonialism.emes/imperialism/index.cfm U.S. citizens have certain freedoms. They must balance these freedoms with the good of the country. Can come into conflict with goals of the country. During the 1800s more factories and machines were used. People moved to cities to work. (urbanization) Lead to more products to buy at lower prices. Lead to bad working conditions and change in lifestyle.nd-with-industrialization-came- future.html During World War II Asian Americans in the West were forced to live in concentration camps. They had to leave their homes and possessions behind. The guns and barbed wire faced them. System of racist laws in the South. Separated white and black. Used to keep people down. Founded after World War I to stop another awful war. Countries were supposed to work out problems. U.S. Refused to join even though President Wilson thought of the idea. Had no power and could not stop World War II from happening Prices agreed on by seller and buy. Related to capitalism. U.S. is mostly a market economy. Businesses decide what they want to make. Blends market command and traditional economies. Most economies are mixed in some way. Ex. Canada runs the healthcare system but stores are free to do what they want. Leader whos power comes from their family. King or Queen When one company controls all the business. If there was only one grocery store what would happen? Prices would go up. Not good for consumer. Big problem in late 1800s Agreement that allowed free trade between Mexico, Canada and the United States. Said to help businesses. Concern American jobs would go to Mexico.uperhighway_facts.htm Original inhabitants of U.S. Were forced constantly west by Europeans. Faced continued discrimination.rs_series/forced_move-trail_of_tears.html Idea of John Locke. Life, liberty and property. Every person is born with those rights.009/07/14/self-defense-a-human- right/human-rights-every-human-has- rights/ Process by which an immigrant becomes a citizen.com/2009/11/25/the-gop-should- support-earnedlegalization-lead-on- immigration-reform/ Set of programs to help U.S out of the depression. Jobs on government projects Social Security for the retired. Gave government a lot of power. Idea of President Franklin Roosevelt Mural showing the President caring about a worker.erence/new-deal.html In 1899 U.S. wanted everyone to trade equally with China. It had been divided up between European countries. Goal was to sell products to the Chinese_Learning/History_17B/Lecture08/open_do or_notes.htm Designed to influence elections. Groups collect money and buy advertisements. Are allowed to spend as much as they want. Completed in X by the U.S. Allowed U.S. Navy to move more quickly. Allowed U.S. to control trade and influence Latin Americarican-history/panama-canal.htm 1896 Supreme Court case. New Orleans civil rights organization wanted to challenge segregation. Supreme Court decided that separate was okay as long as it was equal in quality.lec02/02_05.htm Document that comes from the time period being studies. Journals, newspapers, photographs and posters are some examples. Best tools to develop own understandinges/primarysources.asp Late 1800s Early 1900s Progressive means moving forward. NOT Civil Rights Era Improved working conditions. No child labor, shorter hours, better pay Protected consumers. No poison in food or medicine. Helped the needy. Better housing and social programs.ur/Baker_00/2002_p7/ak_p7/childlabor.h tml Established by Plessy v. Ferguson. Allowed for blacks and whites to have separate schools, busses, theaters etc. Although separate they were never equal.uide-Historical.htm Idea developed during the enlightenment. Government agrees to respect rights and people agree to respect government. If government violates rights then people can get rid of government Egypt and Libya are examples of contract being broken.the-social-contract-destroyed-in- 4-minutes/ The right to vote. Has expanded (grown) through the years. Originally only white male property owners over 21 could vote. Tax on things that come into the country. Used to make objects made in home country more desireable. Imported (brought in from another country) goods become more expensive.tml/tariff.htm A government run by religious leaders based on religion. Iran is an example of a theocracy. Religious groups around the world try to make their countries follow their beliefs. The Constitution of the United States makes it impossible to have a theocracy.ocracy-enemy-democracy How the world did business before money. Trading and bartering was key. Baker trades bread to a shoemaker for shoes. May involve religion or tradition. Some religions ban loaning money with interest.articles/save-money-through-bartering- your-products-or-services html Ended World War I Blamed Germany for the war. Must pay allies for war. Must give up land. Cannot have much of a military. German resentment lead to Hitler and World War II Cartoon showing the Treaty of Versailles being forced on Germany by the Allies.versailles.htm The 1 st Amendment protects citizens right to complain publicly. As long as certain rules are followed any type of protest is allowed. Even very unpopular ideas can be expressed. Anti-gay protests outside funerals for U.S. soliders killed overseas. The Occupy protests were examples of protected protest.wall-street-if-banks-are-too-big-to-fail- are-people-too-small-to-matter/ Formed after World War II. Tries to solve international problems before violence happens. Tries to protect vulnerable people around the world. Former President Bush addressing the United Nations.entBushUN.htm Labor union that formed to protect farm workers who had been treated poorly. Low pay, no water or bathrooms. Most farm workers in the west had been and continue to be Latino. Ceasar Chavez became an hero for labor and Latin Americans. UFWA Leader Ceasar Chavezml Person who helped the king rule. Specifically used for Spanish colonies The Viceroyalty of New Spain is now a large part of the U.S. and Mexico The viceroyalty of New Spain.mographicsandMonterey/New_Spain _1821.html German government formed after World War I. Massive economic issues caused it to fail. Money was worthless Unemployment Its failure lead to Hitler coming to power./entry/Weimar_Republic Wiemar woman burning money because it was too worthless to buy wood or coal

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