“terrestrial” worlds of our solar system

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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“Terrestrial” Worlds of Our Solar System. Mercury Rotates 3 times for every 2 Revolutions (Orbits) . . .  A 3:2 Gravitational “Resonance”. 1 Mercury “ Solar Day ” (176 Earth Days) = 2 Mercury Years ! (88 Earth Days). Mercury’s Caloris Basin … . More Effects of Impact !. Venus !. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


“Terrestrial” Worlds of Our Solar System

Mercury Rotates 3 times for every 2 Revolutions (Orbits) . . .

A 3:2 Gravitational “Resonance”

1 Mercury “Solar Day” (176 Earth Days) = 2 Mercury Years! (88 Earth Days)

Mercury’s Caloris Basin…

More Effects of Impact!

Welcome to… Venus!

Using infrared "windows" in Venus' atmosphere, the Venus Express spacecraft can see through the planet's thick cloud cover to study the land surface.

“Sif Mons”

(Volcanoes of Venus)

“Gula Mons”

Soviet Venera 9(1975)

Venera 14 (1982)(True Color Image)

Barringer (Meteor) Crater

(near Flagstaff, Arizona)

Manicouagen Reservoir

(the “eye of Quebec”) Þ 60-mile wide Impact Crater

from a 3-mile-wide Asteroid, hitting Earth more than 200 Million Years ago!

Welcome to… Mars!

“Olympus Mons” (and friends)

A Surface Map of Mars (…with positions of our Visiting Rovers!)

Methane On Mars?

NASA's Curiosity Rover Finds No Sign Of Key Compound

Free-Flowing Water on Mars… In the Past?

Signs of Life in Meteorite ALH84001 from Mars…?!(…found in Antarctica in 1984…)

(Probably Not… Generally Considered Too Small to be “Microbe Fossils”)

A “Face”

on Mars…?

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