tests that teach

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8/10/2019 Tests That Teach

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I. Fill in the blanks with one word suitable in the context:

When he heard a voice... 1... him, he was standing at . . .2... door of his box, with a flag in his .. .

3..., furled round its . . .4... pole. One would have thought, considering . . .5... nature of the

ground, that he . . .... not have doubted from what !uarter the . . ."... came# but instead of loo$ing

up to . . .%... & stood on the top of the steep cutting nearl' .(... his head, he turned himself...1)...

and loo$ed down the *ine.

II. Write a letter to a pen-friend recommendin him!her to read a book "ou like.

III. a# Translate into Enlish:

1. +u voi putea sa reusesc la examene dac nu ma a-uti.

2. s vrea s nu mai fiu asa de neindem/natic.

3. +ici 0onathan nici ran$ nu stiu de cele int/mplate saptamana trecut.

4. *am intrebat de-a de trei ori p/na acum, dar nu pare s ma fi auit.

5. ratele meu aran-ase ca cineva s ne duc la hotel.

b# Finish each of the sentences in such a wa" that it means the same

as the sentence written before it:

1. We have almost run out of sugar 

here is .............................................

2. he film was so fascinating that the' couldn6t help watching it to the end.

&t was .............................................

3. his boo$ didn6t impress me as much as the previous one.

& didn6t thin$ .............................................

4. 7he didn6t see an' of them around at that time.

7he denied .............................................

5. 8e felt sorr' he forgot about her.

8e wished .............................................

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%. Fill in the blanks with one word suitable in the context:

om 7ponson, at fift'three, was a ... 1... successful man. 8e has wor$ed up a ...2... business,

married a charming ...3..., and built himself a good house ...4... the *ondon suburbs that was


...5... modern as to be pretentious ...... so conventional as to be dull. 8e had ..."... taste. 8is son,

9ob, nineteen, was ...%..: well at Oxford# his daughter, pril, ... (... sixteen, who was at a good

school, had no ...1)... to use ma$eup or to flirt.

II. Imaine a dialoue at a weddin part" where "ou are pa"in compliments to the

bride and brideroom.

III. a# Translate into Enlish:

1. 7e poate s ma fi inselat dar nici unul din cei doi nu seamn cu fratele br.

2. ;e abia dup ce sia ridicat privirea si a vut c sa intunecat sia dat seama de cat timp


3. imp de dou ile a intrebat disperat pe toat lumea ce se va int/mpla cu el dac va trebui

s se mute in alt oras.

4. +as fi creut dac nas fi vut cu ochii mei.

5. s prefera s nu mergi singur acas la aceast or t/rie.

b# Finish each of the sentences in such a wa" that it means the same

as the sentence written before it:

&. 8e is such a smart bo' that he has won all the competitions.

he bo' is .............................................

2. he film wasn6t better than the boo$.

he film was .............................................

3. *et6s bu' some food, because the shops ma' be closed tomorrow.

*et6s bu' some food in .............................................

4. &t6s almost certain that he was out of town last wee$.

8e .............................................

5. <Will 'ou help me with m' luggage, please=> she said.

7he as$ed me if .............................................

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I. Fill in the blanks with one word suitable in the context:.

he ... 1... were even more preoccupied the bo'.. .2... his own wor$ and his own friends, the girl

with . . .3.... he' were polite to om, but if he . . .4... into the room when the' were . . .5... a

friend, there was at once a . . .... of constraint. ?ven if the' were alone . . ."..., he perceived that

when he came . . .%... them the' were slightl' embarrassed, and . . .(... the sub-ect of... 1)...,

whatever it was.

II. Write a description of "our best friend considerin both his!her character and

his!her appearance. '%$-%( lines#

III. a# Translate into Enlish.

1. ?ste timpul s te maturiei.

2. @ sti 0ohn a refuat s ne a-ute.

 @ +u se poate s fi fost at/t de nepoliticos.

3. r vrea s fi putut conta pe sora ei.

4. +ici unul dintre cei doi btr/ni nu a recunoscuto.

5. Aunostintele intrun singur domeniu nu sunt suflciente pentru a reusi in viat.

b# Finish each of the sentences in such a wa" that it means the same

as the sentence written before it:

1. 7he started learning ?nglish four 'ears ago.

7he has .............................................

2. <What news have 'ou got from 0erem'=> he as$ed.

8e as$ed me .............................................

3. Ba'be the train was late.

he train.............................................

4. 8e onl' behaves li$e that because he is upset.

8e wouldn6t .............................................

5. 7he hasn6t ta$en care of her cat latel', as she6s been so bus'.

he cat .............................................

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I. Fill in the blanks with one word suitable in the context:

&t was ebruar', but when he ... 1... Westford he was surprised for a ...2..., to find that both its

hotels were...3.... Onl' the village pub, he Aase &s ltered, was .. .4... open for visitors, and as he

...5... in the coffeeroom, he appeared to be the onl' ......, except for a commercial traveller, one

7ims, .. ."... dignified 'oung man who addressed him .. .%... the most formal politeness and . . .(...

a strong tendenc' to tal$ politics politics ... 1)... what he called the Chighest level6.

II. Write a letter to politel" refuse an in*itation to a part".

III. a# Translate into Enlish:

1. r fi trebuit s a-ung pana Dcum. rebuie s se fi intamplat ceva.

2. 7e pare c el vrea s ne dea o m/n de a-utor.

3. +ici na intrat bine in camera, c sa si intins pe pat si a inceput s pl/ng.

4. +iciodat nu mia trecut asa ceva prin minte.

5. 7e spune c iernile vor fi din ce in ce mai friguroase.

b# Finish each of the sentences in such a wa" that it means the same as the

sentence written before it:

&. &t6s !uite a long time since & last saw the two of them.


2. <Aan 'ou bring m' boo$ bac$ tomorrow, please= Bi$e as$ed his friend.

Bi$e as$ed his friend if.............................................

3. 7ome children pla'ing football probabl' bro$e the window.

he window .............................................

4. 7he onl' left so earl' because she didn6t feel well.

7he wouldn6t .............................................

5. 7omeone should accompan' her to the station.


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I. Fill in the blanks with one word suitable in the context:

or 'ears he had been hiding this $nowledge, -ust as he ... 1... alwa's pretended that he

en-o'ed .. .2... so much as his famil' life. 8ow ...3... had he boasted of the s'mpathetic devotion

of his wife and .4..., sa'ing how luc$ he was compared with so ma' .. .5..., who found

themselves ciphers in their own homes. Wh', wh' had he gone on ...... himself these lies, living

a .. ."... of h'pocris'= &t was as if he had been drugged or was it . . .%... that the air was so thic$ 

with nonsense that it was . . .(... impossible for an' man to see the ...1)..., even the biggest, the

most obvious truth=

II. +ou are on the airport and a entleman who has missed the announcement about

the,. fliht to isbon has asked "ou to inform him about it. Write a dialoue to pro*ide him

with the necessar" directions. E1)12 linesF.

III. a# Translate into Enlish:

1. Goate se va duce in excursie dac va avea voie.

2. 7a intamplat ca *isa si 0im sH se intlneasc chiar in acelasi loc din nou.

3. 7e luda cu lucrarea lui de parca ar fi fost ceva extraordinar.

4. Aredea c stie totul foarte bine, dar reultatul lui a dovedit ca sa inselat.

5. ;ac mai asculta, ai avea mai putine probleme dec/t ai avut p/n acum.

b# Finish each of the sentences in such a wa" that it means the same

as the sentence written before it:

1. &t6s ages since 0ane last wrote a letter to me.

0ane .............................................

2. 8ave 'ou ever heard about his discover'=

Aan 'ou remember .............................................

3. <8ow man' hours do 'ou wor$ dail'=> she as$ed.

7he as$ed him .............................................

4. We have such nois' neighbours.

Our neighbours .............................................

5. 8is sister helped him and so did his brother.

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I. Fill in the blanks with one word suitable in the context:

t one time people thought that 7tonehenge...E1F... a ;ruid temple. he ;ruids...E2F... Aeltic

religious groups who were suppressed in Ireat 9ritain soon.. E3F.. .the +orman Aon!uest. 7ome

 people believe that the' were groups of priests.. .E4F. . .others regard them as medicinemen who

 practised human sacrifice and cannibalism.

...E5F... 7tonehenge had existed 1,))) 'ears before the arrival of the ;ruids, this. ..EF... has been

re-ected but it is possible that the ;ruids used it as a temple. he theor' is.. .E"F... alive toda' b'

members of group called the CBost ncient Order of ;ruids6 who perform m'stic rites.. .E%F...

dawn on the summer solstice. ?ver' 'ear the' meet at 7tonehenge.. E(F... greet the first

midsummer .sunlight...E 1)F... it falls on the stones and la' out s'mbolic elements of fire, water,

 bread, salt and a rose.

II. /ein a tourist in ondon "ou ha*e lost "our wa". Write a dialoue between "ou and

a policeman who is tellin "ou how to find "our wa". '%$-%( lines#.

III. a# Translate into Enlish:

1. ?l e unul dintre acei oameni care au putini bani si putini prieteni.

2. *a c/teva minute dup ce a plecat trenul controlorul a intrat in compartment si nea cerut


3. @ Aum arata profesorul tu de france=

 @ ? inalt si foarte slab, are parul blond si ochi albastri.

4. 7e uita la mine de un sfert de ora de parca nu mar recunoaste.

5. A/nd sunt oamenii indreptatiti s schimbe guvernul=

b# 0hoose the correct *ersion:

1. &f the' ... us the' were coming so late, we wouldn6t have waited for them so long.

. told 9. had told A. would have told ;. were told

2. & wonder ... his new girlfriend might be li$e.

. how 9. what A. which ;. who

3. B' brother ... have been here 'esterda', he has been awa' for two wee$s now.

. mustn6t 9. shouldn6t A. ma' not ;. can6t

4. We sta'ing indoors for a tal$ tonight to going out again.

. li$e 9. rather A. want ;. prefer 

5. & consider it6s time 'ou ... to behave 'ourself 

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. start 9. would start A. started ;. will start


I. Fill in the blanks with one word suitable in the context:

&n 1(2), when the Gilgrim athers...E1F.. the roc$' coast of the +ew World, their Bother Aountr'

had alread'. ..E2F. . .centuries of histor'.. .E3F. . .her. he Jniversities.. .E4F. ..Oxford and

Aambridge.. .E5F. . centuries old# Ahaucer, Ahristopher Barlowe, 7ha$espeare, 9en 0ohnson. ..

EF... lived and died leaving the imperishable beaut' of. .E"F...wor$. ..E%F. ..future generations.

ll...E(F...?ngland great cathedrals stood in massive ma-est', lin$ing one generation...E 1 )F...the


II. 2ake up a dialoue between two friends talkin about their likes and dislikes. '%3-

%$ lines#.

Ill. a# Translate into Enlish:

1. s vrea s nu te duci cu ei in excursia asta. i at/t de mult de lucru in acest sfarsit de


2. ?chipa-ul freca puntea atat de caraghios inc/t capitanul nu se putea abtine s nu rada.

3. ;esi au vut multe furtuni pe mare, aceasta pare s fie mai infricostoare ca oricare alta.

4. &ncepu s se intunece si copilul sa speriat foarte tare.

5. &nainte de a porni la drum am aseptat ca ei s se intoarc

b# 0hoose the correct *ersion:

1. he librarian as$ed me what ... li$e to read.

. would & 9. & would A. do & ;. &

2. &f onl' he ... more attentive when driving home last night.

. was 9. were A. had been ;. would be

3. &6d rather 'ou ... ma$ing such a noise.

. stopped 9. stop A. will stop ;. are stopping

4. he' left ... 9arcelona this wee$.

. from 9. for A. to ;. in

5. here are ... good restaurants in this district# we should tr' somewhere else.

. a few 9. few A. little ;. man'

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I. Fill in the blanks with one word suitable in the context:

Leiss of ran$furt in Ierman' discovered in 1%1 that musical sounds could be...E1F...alone on

electric wire to a much...E2F... distance than the'.. .E3F. . .travel without the help of electricit', but

it was not...E4F. ..1%" that the first telephone cable to carr' ordinar' speech...E5F... invented...

EF...Grofessor Iraham 9ell, of merica.

...E"F...same 'ear ?dison invented his Ccarbon transmitter6...E%F...which 9ell6s telephone would

have been much less useful. his instrument increased...E(F...a wonderful degree the sound sent...

E1)F...the wire. &t is reall' the microphone the magnifier of little sounds.

II. Imaine a talk in "our famil" about a rock concert "ou ha*e recentl" been to. '%3-%$


III. a# Translate into Enlish:

1. ;e obicei nu beau cafea, dar acum beau una pentru c am mult de lucru si vreau s stau

trea pn tariu.

2. Ma place Barin Greda= &ati citit toate romanele=

3. And au vut filmul recomandat de fratele ei cel mai mare=

4. Bai bine teai plimba putin prin parc dec/t s te -oci cu ppusile# tiar face bine, nu crei=

5. 7unt dou saptam/ni de c/nd nu iam vut pe colegii mei. undear putea fi=

b# 0hoose the correct *ersion:

1. 8e suggested ... a taxi.

. for us to ta$e 9. that we should ta$e A. we are to ta$e ;. us to

2. & wish 'ou ... how to behave 'ourself some da'.

. will learn 9. learned A. learn ;. would learn

3. he' were all surprised ... his unexpected appearance

. at 9. with A. b' ;. for 

4. & usuall' li$e to visit beautiful places twice. here are ... places &6d li$e to go to again.

. a little 9. few A. a few ;. little

5. he bab' was cr'ing# it was obvious that she didn6t ... it.

. loo$ for 9. loo$ after A. loo$ into ;. loo$ li$e

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I. Fill in the blanks with one word suitable in the context:

Ning ?dward the Aonfessor first decided to... ElF... a palace beside Liver hames...E2F...the 11th


...E3F...successors extended the palace and...E4F...it their m residence. Iraduall', Westminster...

E5F... the centre of government -ustice. t first, Garliament...EF... organised b' the monarch he.. .

E"F... governing the countr'. Over the centuries power graduall'...E%F... from the monarch...E(F...

Garliament but not...E1)F... few problemsK

II. Write a letter to a pen-friend to let him!her know about "our hobbies and collections.

'%$-%( lines#.

III. a# Translate into Enlish:

1. plecat &a imisoara cu avionul de team s nlu piarda inceputul conferintei despre

 poluarea mediului incon-urator.

2. Ba intrebat unde ma duc si c/nd ma intorc.

3. veam de g/nd sal intreb cum i1 cheam si cati ani are, dar de-a plecase.

4. A/nd am a-uns acas familia mea discuta cu vecinii de alturi despre noua scoal ce urma

sa se construiasc in cartier.

5. A/nd Bihai va absolvi liceul fratele lui va fi plecat de-a in Aanada.

b# 0hoose the correct *ersion:

&. his furniture............................................., too much space.

. ta$es in 9. ta$es up A. ta$es over 

2. Onl' after he had entered the room ............................................. that he had gone to the



. he realised 9. has he realised A. did he realise

3. he' are said to be ver' rich. he' must have ............................................. mone' on the


. man' 9. much A. a lot

4. he chairman and the board agreed ............................................. the same points.

. on 9. with A. to

5. he crew ............................................. wor$ing hard on dec$.

. used to 9. are used to A. usuall'

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I. Fill in the blanks with one word suitable in the context:

...ElF...television is one of the great 9ritish pastimesK 9roadcasting ...E2F... the Jnited Ningdom is

controlled...E3F... the 9ritish 9roadcasting Aorporation and the &ndependent 9roadcasting

uthorit'. he 99A... E4F... its income from the government,...E5F...the private companies

controlled b' &9 earn mone'... EF...advertising. +ational radio is controlled b' the 99A and

listeners.. .E"F... choose between four stations.

...E%F...are man' local stations,...E(F... private and some run b' the 99A. heir programmes

consist ...E1)F... music and local news.

II. Write an article with the title 67ooked on 8ock 2usic9 '%( lines#

III. a# Translate into Enlish:

1. Au cine tot vorbesti acum in timpul meciului=

2. Goate ca e unul dintre cei mai buni din clas la chimie dar cunostintele lui de cultur

generala sunt foarte slabe.

3. A/inii par s fie cele mai inteligente animale, nui asa=

4. &eri, la bain, nam putut inota mai mult de 5)) de metri, desi inot foarte bine.

5. Baria invata limba germana de la trei ani.

b# 0hoose the correct *ersion:

1. Irandpa . . .............................................bring sweets to his grandchildren and tell them stories

whenever he came to town.

. would 9. used to A. was used to

2. he' ............................................. so much# ever'thing had been done for them.

. mustn6t have prepared 9. needn6t have prepared A. shouldn6t have prepared

3. We were completel' ta$en ............................................. surprise and didn6t $now what to do or


. with 9. b' A. at

4. +o sooner had the thieves seen the policemen, ............................................. the' ran awa'.

. that 9. when A. than

5. 8e said he would get on time onl' if the meeting ............................................. earlier as


. finished 9. would finish A. is finished

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Fill in the blanks with one word suitable in the context:

he first people...E 1 F...the merican continent came from sia. he' came...E2F...the 9ering

7trait from 7iberia to las$a...E3F... various times when the sea level dropped. he first migration

might have been...E4F...earl' as 4),))) 'ears ago. Once in merica,...E5F...people migrated east

across +orth merica and south...EF... Aentral and 7outh merica. When Aolumbus...E"F... in the

fifteenth centur', there...E%F... perhaps 1) million people in +orth merica alone. he'...

E(F...developed man' $inds of societies. hese were the people that Aolumbus called C&ndians6,...

E1)F...the mista$en belief that he had reached the ?ast &ndies.

II. +ou and "our famil" are wonderin about the reasons for some uests late arri*al Write

a dialoue usin at least three modal *erbs. ;nderline them. '%3-%$ lines#.

III. a# Translate into Enlish:

&. i mai auit vreodata o asemenea prostie=

2. ;ac nu vii &a ora , vom pleca far tine la teatru.

3. ?a c&toreste rareori cu trenul. ;e obicei merge cu avionul acas.

4. Grintii lor au plecat devreme ca sa nu intarie la petrecere.

5. ?a facea orice pentru el, muncea nopti dea rndul, far s doarma, atunci c/nd avea de

terminat o &ucrare importanta.

b# 8ephrase the followin sentences without chanin their meanin:

1. ou mustn6t forget to call on Brs. ?vans at o6cloc$ sharp.

ou must remember .............................................

2. <Ba'be she was right after allK>

8e admitted she.............................................

3. 7he onl' refused because she didn6t $now what it was all about.

&f she.............................................

4. ou can6t trust people who have lied once.


5. & can6t wait to see 'ou next monthK

& loo$ forward.............................................

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