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Texas 4-H & Youth DevelopmentClub & Group Chartering Instructions



Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating

2012-2013 Texas 4-H Chartering Instructions

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INTRODUCTIONThe Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is committed to protecting our 4-H program, its members, the name/emblem and image in Texas and the country. This protection comes through the commitment and requirement for all county, district, region, and state level 4-H clubs and groups to have current charters and understand the value of those charters.

Chartering 4-H clubs and organizations, or granting permission for groups to operate in the name of 4-H, dates back many decades. Texas 4-H began to charter all clubs and affiliated groups following a directive from National 4-H Headquarters in Washington D.C. in 2003.

With recent changes at the national level, chartering is now state-based. Therefore, starting with the 2012-2013 Texas 4-H year, 4-H clubs/groups fall “under” an organization called “Texas 4-H, Inc.” This document outlines the requirements for Texas 4-H club/groups and affiliates to follow and meet in order to fall under the umbrella of Texas 4-H, Inc.

More specifically, this document provides an overview, as well as instructions for both county offices and club/group leadership to understand the need and requirements for chartering a 4-H club/group in Texas.

WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF CHARTERING A 4-H CLUB/GROUPChartering is a legal event which allows faculty to verify the financial, business (with list of officers, volunteers, etc.) and legal documentation for each group operating in the name of 4-H. The chartering of a local 4-H club or group by the Texas 4-H Office allows the club or group authorization to use the 4-H name and emblem.

WHAT IS A CHARTER?The charter becomes a permit for use of the 4-H club name and emblem. It allows a group to function with all the rights and privileges of 4-H membership. Once a club/group is officially chartered, the county office can download a letter from 4-H CONNECT with the club name and 4-H year to validate their charter recognition for the 4-H year.

WHAT 4-H CLUBS/GROUPS MUST BE CHARTERED IN ORDER TO USE THE 4-H NAME AND EMBLEM?ALL 4-H community, project, activity clubs, or groups in Texas must be formed and chartered by OCTOBER 31, 2012.

Groups include, but are not limited to, the following:• County 4-H Council • County Volunteer Leaders Association • County 4-H Booster Club • County 4-H Clover Kids Groups• County 4-H Ambassador Program • County 4-H Foundations• District 4-H Program Development Committee • District 4-H Council • District Volunteer Leaders Association • Texas 4-H Council • Texas 4-H Youth Development Foundation

Groups that wish to use the 4-H name and emblem but are not under the direction of Extension and have an independent board of directors should be issued a memorandum of understanding (MOU) regarding use of the 4-H name and emblem. Examples would be stock show boards, private foundations or fund raising groups. The letter would come from the County Extension Agent and grant them permission to use the name and emblem if their work is in the best interest of the local 4-H program. (See supplement for an MOU example).

A Texas 4-H charter is required for official recognition to a club and/or group within the Texas 4-H and Youth Development Program.

2012-2013 Texas 4-H Chartering Instructions

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REQUIREMENTS FOR RECEIVING A 4-H CHARTERTo begin the chartering process for a 4-H club/group, a group must have the following information decided prior to applying for a charter:• General Information:

• An official club/group name• Primary club/group contact (club manager)• Club/group complete mailing address (can use the county Extension office address)• An initial plan of operation (meeting day of month, location, time, etc).

• Membership:• Five of more members from at least two different families • Two or more teen and/or adult leaders • Membership/contact list• Elected officers (list of officers must be provided)• All membes enrolled in at least one 4-H project experience

• Bylaws• By laws which includes a dissolution clause indicating residual dollars and resources (assets) purchased through the club will

become property of county 4 H program should the club/group dissolve (must be submitted annually)• Financial Accountibility/Bank Information

• Employee Identification Number (EIN). This number can be applied for and received through the Internal Revenue Service. EIN Notes: • DONOTputanyone’ssocialsecurityoninformationpertainingtotheclub/group’sfinancialinformation.• IfapplyingfornewEINorupdatinginformationonclub/groupEINitisabestpracticetochangetheclub/groupaddresstothatof


• Proposed Budget (presented and approved annually by club/group membership)• Bank Information

• Account(s) Location • Account(s) Require Two Signatures (Youth: Club Treasurer & Adult: Club Manager - but must be from different families)• Phone Number of Banking Institution(s)• Type of Bank Account(s) (Checking/Savings/Investment)• A copy of at least one bank statement.

• Annual Financial Report presented to membership and approved. (existing club/goup)

4-H CLUB/GROUP CHARTERING CHECKLIST To complete the annual chartering process, both the county Extension office and club manger(s) need to work together to gather all information, scan into a pdf format and upload into 4-H CONNECT by October 31st of the current year. The basic information required for chartering include:• Annual Charter Application (Form TX4HMGT-Chtr-SuppE-2012-2013)• A letter from the Internal Revnue Service verifying the EIN Number, contact person, and address for the club/group. (This could

also be your orginal information received from the IRS when the club applied for an EIN).• Copy of club/group Bylaws which includes a dissolution clause indicating residual dollars and resources (assets) purchased

through the club will become property of county 4 H program should the club/group dissolve (must be submitted annually).• Copy of the latest bank statement(s) for all accounts held by the club/group.• Copy of the annual proposed/approved budget for the club/group.

In addition to the items required for annual chartering, the county Extension office may also ask for the following reporting processes/documents: • Annual planning sheet for club (Club programs/community service, etc.) • Fund raising request forms (Applications for club fund raisers) • Monthly reporting of attendance, program presented and community service on the 4-H CONNECT management system.

REVOKING OF A CHARTER FOR A CLUB/GROUPCounty Extension Agents may request a Charter to be pulled if clubs are not following Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Texas 4-H Inc., and/or National 4-H Headquarters procedures. Examples would include clubs that do not meet the minimum number of members, no enrolled adult volunteers, not submitting requested paperwork in a timely fashion, members not enrolled on 4-H CONNECT, etc.

2012-2013 Texas 4-H Chartering Instructions

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PROCESS FOR CHARTERING A 4-H CLUB/GROUPBelow are the steps for completing the chartering process:1. County 4-H Coordinator should meet with all club/group leaders annually to explain the requirements for club/group chartering.

(Can be most effective incorporating it into club managers/project leaders trainings conducted during this period.)2. County Extension Agents should distribute necessary forms along with a deadline date for all information to be submitted back

to County Extension Office to club managers/project leaders. (State deadline for adding and chartering a club is OCTOBER 31, 2012, so county deadline should be established early to allow for any following up and “late” submissions.)

3. Club managers/project leaders responsible for club/group will complete all necessary forms and gather all information needed for the chartering processs. Information will be scanned into pdf format by manager or county office. (SmartphoneappssuchasGeniusScancanbeusedfortakingscansofdocumentandsubmitting).

4. Once chartering information is received in the County Extension Office it should be organized electronically into club folders with each document save clearly as to its name and year. This information will then be uploaded into 4-H CONNECT once reivewed and approved by county Extension agent(s).

5. The County Extension Agent(s) should review all information and ensure that it is complete, correct, and meets all requirements for requesting a charter.

6. Once approved, the County Extension Office will go on-line to 4-H CONNECT and into the club information page. At this point they will update the club information on the screen, which can be gather from the chartering Form. After updating information, then upload each document into is respective box under the respective club.

7. After information is uploaded and saved, the Texas 4-H Office will review information and once complete, the current year’s chartering letter will be uploaded back to the club page. This chartering letter can then be downloaded by the county Extension Office when office or club is needing verification of inclusion in Texas 4-H.

FUND RAISING ORGANIZATIONS USING THE 4-H NAME AND EMBLEM Complete the “Fund Raising Planning and Organization Sheet” (see form - page 12) for each 4-H Club or Group and make sure that all required elements are complete and attached to the application. Make sure that required signatures are complete before submitting to the Texas 4-H Office.

FILING OF IRS 990NDon’t Throw Away Your Tax-Exempt Status!Beginning in 2008, small tax-exempt organizations have a new filing requirement. It’s short, easy and electronic – it’s the new e-Postcard. If you are a tax-exempt organization that normally has annual gross receipts of $50,000 or less and does not have to file Form 990 or 990-EZ, you must file the e-Postcard.

If you think this new filing requirement may apply to your organization, go to www.irs.gov/eo for complete details and while you’re there sign up for Exempt Organization’s free email newsletter, EO Update, to receive up-to-date information posted on the charity pages of irs.gov.

SUPPLEMENTAL PUBLICATIONS USED FOR THE CHARTERING PROCESSSupplement A: Example Letter of Memorandum of Agreement - Use of 4-H Name and EmblemSupplement B: Sample 4-H Club BylawsSupplement C: Annual Review of Suppor Group FundsSupplement D: Fund Raising and Organizational SheetSupplement E: Annual Charter Application

More information pertaining to IRS Filing will be released to county offices and clubs in late 2012 or early 2013 as the transition to Texas 4-H, Inc. continues.

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