texila invites lmc’s and study centers to partner with it for online programs

Post on 11-Jul-2015






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Texila invites LMC’s and

Study Centers to partner

with it for online programs

• Texila American University offersan excellent opportunity for the Learning Management Centers and Study centers to partner with an Internationally Recognized University.

TAU Invites LMC’s

• Texila American University, one of the World class universities, invites the Learning Management Centers and Study centers for the academic partnership for the online programs.

Distance and Online Programs

• The distance and online programs offered by TAU are career oriented at the Diploma, Bachelor and Masters/Postgraduate and Doctoral level through wide networks worldwide.

Distance and Online Programs

• Currently TAU has 8 distance and online schools that renders better E-learning experience through the technology oriented Learning Management System (LMS).

Distance and Online Programs

All the distance and online programs come under the Schools listed below:

• School of Behavioral Science • School of Clinical Research• School of Nursing• School of Public health• School of Information Technology• School of Management • School of Education • School of Alternative Medicine

Benefits for LMC’s

• LMC’s would be benefitted through different aspects by partnering with a world class International Medical University. The Centers or the Associates can further act as the representative of the University in the relevant religions.

• Students studying in Learning Management centers will have face to face interaction with the faculties and the exams and final assessments will be done by TAU.

TAU – UCN Partnership

• Texila American University and UNESCO- IAU member Universidad Central de Nicaragua (UCN) (English name: Central University of Nicaragua) have signed an agreement to collaborate academically as well as to support each other in the areas of scientific research.

TAU – UCN Partnership

• The students would receive the globally recognized joint degree from the University of Central Nicaragua (UCN), in academic partnership with Texila American University (TAU).

TAU Credentials

• TAU is Registered with the National Accreditation Council, Guyana and listed in the International Medical Education Directory (IMED), World Health Organization (WHO) –The AVICENNA Directory, the Association of Common wealth Universities (ACU).

TAU Credentials

• Texila is also the member of ICDE (International Council for Open and Distance Education, Global Alliance for Medical Education (GAME), AMEE, an International Association for Medical Education, United Nations Global Compact Program (UN Global), GUIDE Association (Global Universities in Distance Education)and with the International Association for Distance Learning (IADL), United Kingdom

• If you want to explore, contact us by clicking this link http://www.tauedu.org/learning-management-centre.htmland enjoy our fresh approach

Texila American University

• Texila American University (TAU) is one of the reputed Medical Schools in the Caribbean, with its campus located in Guyana. Since its inception, TAU has been rendering the best-class education with a high deal of professionalism and exactness. http://www.tauedu.org

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