th round / 6. pavel vortuba od blizu pavel vortuba, ~e{ki...

Post on 04-Mar-2021






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A close up of Pavel Votruba

Pavel Votruba, a Czech international master andinternational arbiter, is an unique individual who hasseen both sides of the chess board, both as player andarbiter. For the past three chess Olympiads he has beengiven the task of handling tense matches at the topboards, a position which requires a firm but diplomaticapproach. Pavel has known the top players since theywere juniors in the 1988 – 1990 era. Being the chiefarbiter of the most important event of the century inPrague in 2002, he has interacted with the players atboth professional and personal levels, too.Pavel understands the pressures and predicaments oftop players and has a charismatic approach to dealingwith every tense situation. Fluent in Russian, English,German, Italian and his native language, Czech, he isa role model for arbiters, with all the important qualitiesthat go to make a top international arbiter.



On the Bled Olympiad

The conditions are excellent and we are playing chessat a pleasant venue which has an interesting andglorious chess tradition. Chess players have been in-spired by Bled and we now attained chess as one familywhich is a unique feat for the organisers.

Qualities of a chess arbiter

He should be pleasant but strict with the rules and, mostimportantly, keep his cool under pressure. He shouldhave an interest in chess and it helps to have been achess player, and a good sense of humour is necessary.He must develop the ability to resolve unpleasant situa-tions with respect for both players. Knowledge of otherlanguages will improve his communication skills.

Vaidyanathan Ravikumar


Pavel Vortuba od blizu

PAVEL VORTUBA, ~e{ki mednarodni mojster inmednarodni sodnik, je posebne vrste ~lovek, ki se jetekom ‘ivljenja zna{el na obeh straneh {ahovnice, kot{ahist in kot sodnik. Na zadnjih treh {ahovskiholimpiadah je bil zadol‘en za napete partije najve~jihmojstrov, kar je zadol‘itev, ki zahteva trden, adiplomatski pristop. Pavel pozna najbolj{e igralce {e iz~asov, ko so bili juniorji v obdobju med letoma 1988 in1990. S svojim nastopom kot glavni sodnik nanajpomembnej{em dogodku stoletja v Pragi 2002 je{ahiste spoznal na profesionalnem, kot tudi na osebnemnivoju.Pavel razume pritiske in zadrege najbolj{ih {ahistov inkarizmati~no pristopi k obravnavi vsake {e tako napetesituacije. S svojim teko~im znanjem ru{~ine, angle{~ine,nem{~ine, italijan{~ine in svojega maternega jezika~e{~ine, ter vsemi pomembnimi kvalitetami, ki jihpotrebuje vrhunski mednarodni sodnik, je vzor vsemsodnikom.



O blejski olimpiadi

Pogoji so izvrstni in {ah igramo v prijaznem okolju, kiima zanimivo in veli~astno {ahovsko tradicijo. [ahiste jeBled navdihnil in sedaj smo resni~no pridobili vse{ahiste kot eno dru‘ino, kar je pravo navdu{enje zaorganizatorje.

Kvalitete {ahovskega sodnika

Mora biti prijazen, vendar se dosledno dr‘ati pravil, innajpomembnej{e, ohraniti mora hladno glavo tudi podpritiskom. [ah ga mora zanimati in vsekakor je velikplus, ~e je sam igral {ah, ravno tako pa mu smisel zahumor lahko zgolj pomaga. Razviti mora sposobnostre{evanja zapletenih situacij na na~in, ki ga lahko oba{ahista sprejmeta. Znanje tujih jezikov mu bo na vsakna~in pomagalo v vzpostavitvi komunikacije.

Vaidyanathan Ravikumar


Slovenian best chess player of all time, Dr. Milan Vidmar,learned chess when he was fifteen years old, and went onto become one of the leading grandmasters in the world, acandidate even for world champion. Today, exactly ahundred years later, the story is quite different. Anyonenot already a very strong master at fifteen (the title is notimportant so much as the knowledge) has no real chanceof stepping onto the world stage in the game of kings.Top players are getting younger and younger. A goodthirty years back, a player was held to reach full maturityin late thirties, and could only then fuse knowledge,experience and creativity to the full. Not that this rulebound Bobby Fischer, who became far the youngestgrandmaster at the age of fifteen, at an inter-zone tourna-ment in Portoro‘s. He was also a candidate for worldchampion. Bobby, though, was a great exception, a worldsensation who inspired interest in chess even among thosewho had been entirely uninterested in the game on sixtyfour black and white squares, let alone attracted to it.Fischer was a genius, and that was more or less that,acceptable without great additional reasons. A genius.And precocious children are something else. There havebeen quite a few in chess, three of which are best known.The first was certainly Jose Roul Capablanca, the greatCuban, who was among the leading players in the worldfor a decade, and also world champion from 1921-1927.Nobody taught him chess. He grasped the rules by watch-ing his father play. He was barely four and a half when hebetrayed the child genius in him. He noticed that hisfather had made a mistake and broke into laughter. Toavoid a beating, he had to say why he had laughed. Theydidn’t believe him, of course, but when his father’s oppo-nent went on to win the game easily, there was not theslightest doubt about his talent. The parents were moreshocked than surprised, so from then on, little Josecouldn’t play chess of his own volition. Samuel Reshevskywas not yet going to school when he was already playingsimultaneous games and beating very good chess players.He developed into a top grandmaster, although the Ameri-can was never actually in the narrow circle of candidatesfor world champion. The Spaniard Arturo Pomar alsobecame a grandmaster, though never rose above the greyaverage, although he had caused great enthusiasm as achild with his extraordinary knowledge.After Fischer, we had to wait exactly twenty years for a newgrandmaster to appear at fifteen. It was the then unknownGari Kasparov, who came to Banjaluka without a title,without a rating, but easily defeated the grandmaster elite,and of course greatly exceeded the grandmaster norm.


Despite the great shock, Kasparov was not so far ahead ofhis times as Fischer. As far as the grandmaster title goes, oneafter another began to destroy his achievement. First wasthe Hungarian Judit Polgar, followed by her compatriot,Peter Leko. The title of youngest grandmaster then fell to theFrenchman, Etienne Bacrot, followed by RuslanPonomarjov. After him came the Chinese Ksiand‘i Bu andthe Azerbaijan, Teimor Radjabov. The boundaries some-times dropped by less than a month. And now, here in Bled,the FIDE Congress will confirm a new youngest grandmas-ter in the world. For the moment, that will stand at twelveyears and eight months. That was the age of the youngeststar in the world of chess, the Ukranian, Sergej Karjakin,when he fulfilled the conditions for the highest title.Unbelievable though it is, it is certainly not the finalachievement. If not today, an even younger will certainlyfollow tomorrow. Somewhere there must be a limit. Giventhe current level of development, it is hard to believe thatthe grandmaster record will drop below the teenagecategory.All these record holders are only external indicators of thewave of youth in world chess. Those in the front rank aresupported from the rear by numerous only slightly less goodpeers. Top chess has been unbelievably ’ juvinated’ in a veryshort time. Where is the line now to define the best years?There is none. It is increasingly dependent on the indi-vidual, but at the same time, more than obvious that eventhe very young are gathering more than enough knowledge,as well as experience, so even though they go into thetournament arena very early, they are well up to it.If we said in the introduction that the best years for a topchess player were the late thirties, they are now the twen-ties. Ponomarjov, the world champion, who celebrated histwentieth birthday this year, although a herald of the newgeneration, is still more an exception than the rule.And who is first among the young, who achieved most asa child? There are no electronic scales here, of course.Even ratings don’t really help, since the world chessfederation only introduced them in 1970, and inflationhas not yet put anyone really under the microscope. Andone more problem. Genuine comparisons are only possiblein the same time frame. Fischer was at least a step aheadof everybody here. Nobody else of his age has been acandidate for world champion. Nobody. Bobby worked soto speak alone, nobody so young has advanced so deeplyinto the mysteries of the game of kings. There is no specu-lation here. If there has to be one name, then it has to beFischer’s.

Georg Mohr


Na{ najbolj{i {ahist vseh ~asov dr. Milan Vidmar se jenau~il igrati {ah, ko je bil star petnajst let, in vendar seje prebil med vodilne velemojstre sveta in postal celokandidat za svetovnega prvaka. Danes, natanko sto letpozneje, je zgodba povsem druga~na. Kdor pripetnajstih letih ni ‘e zelo mo~an mojster (naslov ninajbolj pomemben, pomembno je znanje), nima pravnobenih mo‘nosti, da bi v kraljevski igri kdaj koli stopilna svetovni oder.Vrhunski {ahisti namre~ postajajo vse mlaj{i in mlaj{i. [epred dobrimi tridesetimi leti je veljalo, da {ahistidokon~no dozorijo v poznih tridesetih letih, da lahko{ele takrat v polni meri zdru‘ijo znanje, izku{nje inustvarjalnost. Tega pravila ni omajal niti Robert Fischer,ki je leta 1958 na medconskem turnirju v Portoro‘u spetnajstimi leti postal dale~ najmlaj{i velemojster in tudikandidat za svetovnega prvaka. Bobby je bil pa~ levelika izjema, svetovna senzacija, ki je vzbudilzanimanje za {ah tudi pri tistih, ki jih igra na{tiriin{estdesetih ~rno-belih poljih sploh ni zanimala,kaj {ele privla~ila.Fischer je bil genij in to so vsi sprejemali kot bolj alimanj preprosto dejstvo, ki ne potrebuje dodatnihrazlag. Genij. Nekaj drugega pa so ~ude‘ni otroci. V{ahu jih ni bilo malo, najbolj znani pa so trije. Prvi mednjimi je bil vsekakor Jose Roul Capablanca, velikiKubanec, ki je bil desetletja med vodilnimi igralci svetain v letih 1921–1927 tudi svetovni prvak. Bil je samouk,ki je {ahovska pravila spoznal, ko je gledal o~eta priigri. Imel je komajda {tiri leta in pol, ko ga je izdalaotro{ka pristnost. Opazil je, da je o~e naredil napako, inprasnil v smeh. Da ne bi bil tepen, je moral povedati,zakaj se smeje. Seveda mu niso verjeli, toda ko jenamesto o~etovega nasprotnika nadaljeval igro ingladko zmagal, ni bilo najmanj{ega dvoma o njegovemtalentu. Star{i so bili bolj {okirani kot presene~eni, zatomali Jose odtlej ni smel igrati {aha po mili volji. Drugi,Samuel Reshevsky, {e ni hodil v {olo, ko je ‘e igralsimultanke in premagoval zelo dobre {ahiste. Razvil seje v vrhunskega velemojstra, vendar pa v o‘jem krogukandidatov za svetovnega prvaka Ameri~an ni bilnikoli. Prav tako je velemojster postal [panec ArturoPomar, vendar pa se nikdar ni dvignil nad sivopovpre~je, ~eprav je kot otrok navdu{eval zneverjetnim znanjem.Po Fischerju je bilo treba ~akati natanko dvajset let, da seje pri petnajstih pojavil nov velemojster. To je bil takratpovsem neznani Gari Kasparov, ki je pri{el v Banjalukobrez naslova, brez ratinga, pa vendar gladko zmagal


pred velemojstrsko elito in seveda krepko presegelvelemojstrsko normo. Kljub velikemu {oku pa Kasparovni bil tako dale~ pred ~asom kot Fischer. Vsaj kar sevelemojstrskega naslova ti~e, so njegov dose‘ek ru{ilikar po vrsti. Najprej Mad‘arka Judit Polgar, ki jo jenasledil rojak Peter Leko. Nato je naslov najmlaj{egavelemojstra dobil Francoz Etienne Bacrot, nasledil pa gaje Ruslan Ponomarjov. Za njim sta pri{la Kitajec Ksiand‘iBu in Azerbajd‘anec Teimor Radjabov. Mejo so v~asihspu{~ali tudi za manj kot mesec dni, prav na Bledu pa bokongres FIDE potrdil novega najmlaj{ega velemojstra nasvetu. Meja bo zaenkrat obstala pri dvanajstih letih inosmih mesecih. Toliko je bil namre~ star najmlaj{izvezdnik svetovnega {aha, Ukrajinec Sergej Karjakin, koje izpolnil vse pogoje za najvi{ji naslov.To je neverjeten, vendar pa vsekakor ne kon~nidose‘ek. ^e ne danes, ga bo jutri nasledil {e mlaj{i. Pavseeno nekje mora biti meja. Pri sedanji razvitosti bi reste‘ko verjeli, da bomo velemojstrske rekorderje na{lizunaj najstni{ke kategorije.Vsi ti rekorderji pa so le zunanji pokazateljimladostni{kega vala v svetovnem {ahu, ki jim v prvivrsti varujejo hrbet {tevilni samo malo slab{i vrstniki.Vrhunski {ah se je v zelo kratkem ~asu prav neverjetnopomladil. Kje je zdaj lo~nica, ki bi opredeljevalanajbolj{a leta? Ni je. Vse bolj je vse odvisno odposameznika, hkrati pa je ve~ kot o~itno, da si mladi ‘ekmalu naberejo ve~ kot dovolj znanja, pa tudi izku{enjjim ne manjka, saj gredo v turnirsko areno ‘e zelozgodaj.^e smo v uvodu govorili, da so bila v~asih najbolj{a letaza vrhunske {ahiste pozna trideseta leta, so to zdajdvajseta. Ponomarjov, svetovni prvak, ki je letospraznoval svoj devetnajsti rojstni dan, je sicer znanilecnove generacije, vendar je {e vseeno bolj izjema kotpravilo.In kdo je prvi med mladimi, prvi med otroki dosegelnajve~? Elektronske tehtnice tu seveda ni. Tudi z ratingisi ne bi dosti pomagali, saj jih je svetovna {ahovskafederacija uvedla {ele leta 1970, inflacije pa {e nih~e nivzel prav zares pod drobnogled. In {e ena te‘ava je.Resni~ne primerjave so mo‘ne le v istem ~asovnemobdobju. Tu je bil Fischer najmanj korak pred vsemi.Nih~e v njegovih letih ni bil kandidat za svetovnegaprvaka. Nih~e, Bobby je delal tako reko~ sam, ni takomlad tako globoko prodrl v skrivnosti kraljevske igre.Brez {pekulacije tu ne gre. ^e pa je treba izre~i enoime, potem je to vendarle Fischerjevo.

Georg Mohr


When do you think you people should start totrain chess?

Gretarsson Helgi AssIcelandI think as young as possible, like 10years old. Something like that.

Michele GodenaItalyChess is for young and adults. Ibegan to play when I was 5. Ofcourse it is better to start earlier toget good results.

Tizenge MbambaraZambiaI think somebody should startplaying chess when he is about 10or 9. Because you have to make alot of things.

Johann AlvarezVenezuelaI think the proper age is 12, starttraining well. From 12 to 18 isgood age in this moment to becomeGM, because there are a lot oftournaments to play and you havegood motivation, a good age to playchess.


Marjorie AlvarezCosta RicaI think, that age to start trainingchess in order to really become agood player is around 7, 8. Nomore than that. And after thatfurther training you have to bemore even or less strong player ataround 14. But you have to startvery young and aroung 20 years

you already have to be a GM in order to do something.

Ummer P.T. KoyaIndiaWe start to coach, to teach childrenat age of 5. We start early and theresult is, there are a lot of GMs.They are very disciplined and theyare really assets for the country.

Bragi KristjanssonIcelandI think it’s good for young people tostart training, at an early age,maybe 6, 7 years. Today it’s betterfor young people to play.

Emmanuel BergSwedenI started training chess at 5. I thinkis good to start at this age, well, itdoesn’t matter if you have 5 or 7.But it is very important to get agood coach at age 10. Youngpeople get coach earlier. I train 5hours per day. After many years ofhard work, if you want to be the

best it is easier to learn when you are younger.



Pri kateri starosti menite da bi ljudje moralipri~eti trenirati {ah?

Gretarsson Helgi AssIslandijaPo mojem mnenju tem preje tembolje. Pri okoli 10. letih starosti alipa kaj podobnega.

Michele GodenaItalija[ah je igra za mlade in stare. Jazsem pri~ela igrati {ah pri 5. letih.Seveda je za doseganje dobrihrezultatov bolje, da se pri~ne igrati~im preje.

Tizenge MbambaraZambijaMenim, da bi moral otrok pri~eti zigranjem {aha pri 9. ali 10. letih,ker se je potrebno nau~iti velikostvari.

Johann AlvarezVenezuelaMenim, da je najbolj{a starost zapravi trening 12 let. Starost med 18. letom je dobra da ~lovekpostane velemojster, ker je velikoturnirjev na katerih lahkonastopate in zato imate dobromotivacijo. To je dobra starost zaigranje {aha.

Marjorie AlvarezKostarikaMenim, da ~e otrok ‘eli postatiresni~no dober {ahist mora pri~etitrenirati pri 7. ali 8. letih. Ni~ ve~kot to. Pri okoli 14. letih mora biti‘e bolj ali manj dober {ahist. Todaza~eti mora zelo mlad in ~e ho~ekaj profesionalno storiti mora priokoli 20. letih ‘e biti velemojster.

Ummer P.T. KoyaIndijaMi pri~nemo u~iti, trenirati otrokepri 5. letih. Mi pri~nemo zgodaj inrezultat tega je, da imamo velikovelemojstrov. So zelo dobrodisciplinirani in dobropredstavljajo na{o dr‘avo.

Bragi KristjanssonIslandijaMenim da je dobro za mlade ljudi,da pri~nejo trenirati zelo mladi, pripribli‘no 6. ali 7. letih. Danes jevedno bolje za mlade ljudi, daigrajo.

Emmanuel Berg[vedskaPri~el sem trenirati {ah pri 5. letih.Menim, da je dobro pri~eti pri takistarosti, no, v resnici ni nikakr{nerazlike med 5. ali 7. letom starosti.Zelo je pomembno dobiti dobregatrenerja pri 10. letih. Mladi ljudjedobijo trenerja preje. Sam treniram5 ur na dan. Po mnogih letih

te‘kega dela, ~e ‘eli{ biti najbolj{i je veliko la‘je seu~iti, ko si mlaj{i.


STEFAN POPA POPA’S: Alexei Shirov,


There are dozens ofcastles and manorsaround Slovenia thatboast museums andgalleries. Particularlyattractive to tourists aretwo castle-hotels thatallow guests to experienceluxury in a medievalsetting. The first is theunique Oto~ec Castle onits island in the middle ofthe Krka River, and thesecond is Mokrice Castle,the only castle inSlovenia to preserve aworking drawbridge.Both castles are in thevicinity of the DolenjskeToplice and Terme ^ate`

centuries have notchanged, DobrovoManor in the middle ofGori{ka Brda which hostsregular concerts ofclassical music, andBogen{perk Castle wherethe 17th century poly-math Janez VajkardValvasor compiled hisGlory of the Duchy ofCarniola, an extensivecollection of historicaland topographical stud-ies such as no otherEuropean nation of thetime possessed. In themajority of our preservedcastles, there are galler-ies, restaurants, andwedding halls in addi-

health spas, and there isan excellent golf coursebeside Mokrice Castle.Among the best preservedcastles and manorhouses in Slovenia arePtuj Castle which domi-nates the town, TaborLa{ko Castle which boaststop cultural events andcuisine, Predjamski gradCastle whose rooms areconnected by secretpassages to a karst cave,Bled Castle on the cliffoverlooking the lake withits unique view of theJulian Alps, PodsredaCastle whose 12th cen-tury appearance the

above Nova Gorica areparticularly interesting.The Cistercian monasteryat Sti~na, the oldest suchinstitution in Slovenia,has a special placeamong Slovene monas-teries and contains theSlovene Religious Mu-seum. The best known,however, is theCarthusian monastery atPleterje with its richlibrary and art gallery.The unique architectureof the Cistercian monas-tery at Kostanjevica onthe Krka River, which hasone of the largestarcaded courtyards inCentral Europe, is ofspecial interest. Therooms of this formermonastery now houseseveral permanent artcollections, and since1961 the internationalForma Viva sculpturesymposium with itspermanent open-aircollection has been heldhere.


tion to museums.The heritage of every artperiod is preserved inSlovenia’s churches andmonasteries. Among thenumerous pilgrimagechurches, those in Brezje,on Ptujska gora nearPtuj, and on Sveta gora


V Sloveniji je na ducategradov in dvorcev, vkaterih domujejo muzejiin galerije. [e posebejprivla~na za turiste stadva v hotela preurejenagradova, ki turistomomogo~ata, da izkusijoizobilje v srednjeve{kemokolju. Prvi je edinstveniGrad Oto~ec na oto~kusredi reke Krke, drugi paGrad Mokrice, edini gradv Sloveniji, ki se pona{a s{e vedno delujo~imdvi‘nim mostom. Obagradova sta v bli‘inizdravili{~ Dolenjsketoplice in Terme ^ate‘,poleg Gradu Mokrice pa

izgled iz 12. stoletja,dvorec Dobrovo vGori{kih brdih, ki rednogosti koncerte klasi~neglasbe, in gradBogen{perk, kjer jepolihistor Janez VajkardValvasor v 17. stoletjuspisal svojo SlavoVojvodine Kranjske,podrobno in ob{irnozbirko histori~nih intopografskih {tudij,kakr{nih ni premogelnoben narod tedanjeEvrope. V ve~ini na{ihohranjenih gradov lahkopoleg muzejev najdemotudi galerije, restavracijein poro~ne dvorane.Dedi{~ina vsakega

se nahaja prvovrstnoigri{~e za golf.Med najbolje ohranjenimigradovi in dvorci vSloveniji so Ptujski grad,ki obvladuje mesto Ptuj,grad Tabor v La{kem, kigosti najbolj{e kulturnein kulinari~ne dogodke,Predjamski grad,katerega sobe sopovezane preko skrivnihhodnikov s kra{ko jamo,Blejski grad na vrhupe~ine, ki se dviguje nadjezerom in ponujaedinstven pogled naJulijske Alpe, gradPodsreda, ki {e vednoohranja svoj prvotni

gori nad Novo Gorico.Cistercijanski samostan vSti~ni, najstarej{a tovrstnainstitucija naSlovenskem, zavzemaposebno mesto medslovenskimi samostani; vnjem domuje tudiSlovenski muzej religije.Najbolj znan pa je sevedakartuzijanski samostan vPleterju s svojo bogatozalo‘eno knji‘nico ingalerijo. Posebnaarhitekturacistercijanskegasamostana v Kostanjevicina Krki, ki premoreenega izmed najve~jiharkadnih dvori{~ vcentralni Evropi, je {eposebej zanimiva. Vprostorih teganekdanjega samostana sedanes nahajajo {tevilnestalne umetnostne zbirkein od leta 1961 poteka tumednarodni kiparskisimpozij Forma viva, kivklju~uje tudi stalnozbirko na prostem.


umetnostno-zgodovinskega obdobjaje ohranjena v slovenskihcerkvah in samostanih.Med {tevilnimiromarskimi cerkvami sonajbolj zanimive cerkevna Brezjah, na Ptujskigori pri Ptuju ter na Sveti



The island church with the wishing bell attractspractically every visitor. It is easiest to get there by thetraditional boat – a »pletno«. The pleasant ride overthe lake includes a half hour stop on the island (orby agreement). The boats are available from theHealth Park, below Park Hotel, at Mline and at therowing centre.Other trips around the lake are also possible byagreement.


Oto{ka cerkev z zvonom ‘eljà privla~i skoraj vsakegaobiskovalca. Tja je najla‘e priti s tradicionalnim~olnom – pletno. ^udovita vo‘nja po jezeruvklju~uje tudi polurni postanek na otoku (ali podogovoru). ^olni so na voljo v Zdravili{kem parkupod hotelom Park, na Mlinem ali pri vesla{kemklubu.Po dogovoru se lahko organizira tudi druge izlete pojezeru.


In 1929 the match for the chess champion of theworld was played between Alexander Aljehin andEfim Bogoljubov. The winner of the match, Aljehinhad the honour of delivering a speech at the finalbanquette:’Last night I had a very strange dream. I dreamt thatI died, arrived at the heaven’s gate and knockedupon it. Saint Peter opened the gate and asked me bymy name. When he heard that I am a chess playerand a good one at that, he absolutely refused to letme in. He said that there is no room for chess playersin heaven. Sadly, I turned around and at the lastmoment I saw Bogoljubov strolling across the gar-dens of heaven. He seemed to have no worries at all.I asked: ’But what is Bogoljubov doing in heaven, forhe is also a chess player?’ St. Peter replied: ’A chessplayer? Huh, he only thinks he is a chess player.’Then he slammed the door in my face.


Before a tournament the first world championWilhem Steinitz was asked to give an opinion as tothe favourite for victory.’That would of course be me. All my competitors haveto play much tougher opponents – they all must playagainst Steinitz, while for me that it is not neces-sary.’

Once Steinitz was ridding in a train and a gentle-man and his nine-year-old daughter joined him inthe compartment. They started talking and the littlegirl asked him:’Sir, what do you do for a living?’’Nothing special. I am a chess player.’The girl replied: ’How wonderful, when I was youngI also liked to play with marbles.

Aleksander Aljehin was sitting in a coffee house ob-serving two amateurs playing a game of chess. Aman came up to him and asked:’Sir, would you play a game of chess with me?’’I would be delighted, but I insist that you have theadvantage of a rook.’The man was surprised: ’But how, you do not evenknow me?’The grand champion replied: ’That is precisely thereason why.’


Leta 1929 sta za naslov svetovnega prvaka igralaAleksander Aljehin in Efim Bogoljubov. Aljehin jedvoboj dobil, zato je imel ~ast, da na zaklju~nembanketu prevzeme besedo:»Danes sem imel zelo ~udne sanje. Sanjal sem, dasem umrl in potrkal sem na rajska vrata. Sveti Petermi je odprl in me vpra{al po imenu. Ko je sli{al, dasem {ahist, in {e dober povrhu, me nikakor ni hotelspustiti naprej, ~e{ da v raju za {ahiste ni prostora.@alosten sem se obrnil in v zadnjem hipu zagledalBogoljubova, ki se je brezskrbno sprehajal po rajskihvrtovih. »Toda, kaj pa dela Bogoljubov v raju, saj jetudi on {ahist?« sem vpra{al. »[ahist? Ah, on samomisli, da je {ahist«, mi je odvrnil sveti Peter indokon~no zaloputnil z vrati.«


Prvega svetovnega prvaka Wilhelma Steinitza sopred nekim turnirjem vpra{ali, kdo je favorit zakon~no zmago.»Seveda sem to jaz. Moji konkurenti imajo namre~mnogo te`je nasprotnike – vsi morajo igrati protiSteinitzu, meni pa to ne bo potrebno!«

Steinitz se je neko~ vozil z vlakom in v kupeju sta semu pridru‘ila uglajeni gospod in njegova devetletnah~era. Razvil se je pogovor in deklica vpra{a:»Gospod, s ~im se pa ukvarjate?«»Ni~ posebnega, {ahist sem.«»Kako ~udovito,« mu odvrne dekletce, »tudi samasem se, ko sem bila {e majhna, tako rada igrala sfrnikolami!«

Aleksander Aljehin je sedel v kavarni in opazovaldva amaterja pri {ahovski partiji. Pristopi nekmo`akar in vpra{a:»Gospod, ali bi `eleli tudi vi odigrati partijo z menoj?«»Rad, toda zahtevam, da sprejmete trdnjavoprednosti!«»Toda kako, saj me sploh ne poznate?« je bil za~udenmo`ak.»Ravno zato,« mu odvrne veliki prvak.




Address: Festivalna Dvorana hall, Cesta svobode 11, BledOpening hours: 10.00 am – 10.00 pmTelephone number: +386 4 535 81 30Fax number: +386 4 535 87 30

The Press Centre is open for all accredited journalists only.The Press Centre will dispose of video equipment for live broadcasts of the competition, TV set and daily newspa-pers in different languages.

At the Press Centre you have available the following technical equipment:· 35 personal computers with the Windows 2000 operating system and a direct Internet connection· 24 work stations for notebooks, of which 19 with standard telephone connections for modems and four ISDN

telephone connections· 3 fax machines, with the possibility of sending faxes abroad· 10 telephones, with the possibility of making international calls· 10 analogue lines for notebooks· 2 network printers

Telephone calls and fax services can be paid for at the Press Centres itself.

All journalists will receive a list of names and contacts for getting into touch with the coaches of individual chessteams. Through them, they will be able to contact individual players.Chess players can be approached and contacted in the mixed zone, located in the first floor of the south exten-sion of the Sports Hall (labelled with MN)

Information on the latest results of the competition, and current developments and events will be available inthe daily issues of the Olympic Bulletin (in print and electronic form) and on the Press Centre notice board andon the


Only photographers and camera crews, authorised by the organiser, may work in the playing venue.

To enter the playing area (this is the place where the games are played) photographers and all members of acamera crew need to wear visibly the special badges provided by the organiser.

During the first 15 minutes of each round photographers and camera crews may work in the playing area inareas designed by the chief arbiter.

After this period of 15 minutes, film or televison cameras and recording instruments may be brought into thespectator area, installed and operated, only by special permission of the organiser. Televison cameras must beunobtrusive and may only be used if the chief arbiter deems their use to be unobstrusive.

Flash and extra light are only permitted during the first 15 minutes.

Press centre is open until 10.30 pm.



All the games of the Olympiad will be played on electronic chess boards. All moves made on all boards will be registered by the boards-to-computer system and translated further for game display on the World Wide Web and on the screens in the playing hall. Please, take thisfact into consideration. Playing on electronic chessboards does not require a special approach, but some care should be taken to ensurecorrect and effective functioning of the system.

1. Misplaced PiecesBoard may fail to register a move if a piece was placed partially out of its destination field. Regularly, it means that the game registrationcannot be continued and the Web displays stops. This shall not be a problem if the operators notice it promptly and inform the arbiters ofthe necessity to correct the positioning. Therefore, the arbiters are at power to correct the positioning of pieces. However, this should bedone without creating any disturbances to players.

2. Time ControlTime Control shall be 90 moves for the whole game. Each player shall receive an extra 30 seconds thinking time after each move played,commencing from the first move.

3. ScoresheetsFor recording the game we have 3 scoresheets. The last scoresheet belongs to player. The two other scoresheets must be given after thegame to the sector arbiter.

Before the start of the game the deputy chief arbiter will write the code of the game on the scoresheet: M/W - Round# - Match# - Board#.For instance: M04113 means: this is the scoresheet of the game played in the men’s section, round 4, match 11, board 3.

The players themselves will write the names on the scoresheet.

When the game has been finished the result of the game must be written on the scoresheet, the players and the match arbiter will sign thescoresheets.

4. The result sheets (protocols)The match arbiter writes the result of every game and the match on the result sheet. At the end of the match the two captains and thematch arbiter must sign the result sheet and the match arbiter brings this to sector arbiter.

Be careful: If the result of the second or fourth board is 1-0, you must write 0-1 on the result sheet. If the result on board 2 or 4 is 0-1,please write 1-0 on the result sheet.

5. The team captainsA captain is entitled to advise the players of his team to make or accept an offer of a draw or to resign a game. He must confine himself togive only brief information, based only on any number of circumstances pertaining to the match. He may say to player, “offer a draw”, or“accept the draw”, or “resign the game”. The captain should abstain from any intervention during the play. He should not give any informa-tion to the player concerning the position on the board, nor consult any other person as to state of the game, just as players are subject tothe same prohibitions.

6. The conclusion of the gameThere are games played on electronic boards. At the moment a game finishes the arbiter must go to the board and he has to keep the finalposition on the board. It is forbidden to analyse on the electronic chessboards. Notice: do not put the pieces in the initial position.

To save the game the arbiter has to act in the following way:

When White won the game (1-0), he has to place the white king on e4 and the black king on d5.

When Black won the game (0-1), he has to place the white king on d4 and the black king on e5.

In case of a draw (0.5-0.5), he has to place the white king on e4 and the black king on e4.Internet access for all players

Internet access for all players

We are informing all players that they have the possibility of free Internet access at the School for Hotel Man-agement and Tourism on Pre{ernova 22, every day between 9 am and 8 pm. They will be only too glad togive you directions at every hotel reception desk or at the Information centre in the Festival hall.

Each and every captain of the national chess team will receive one issue of each number of the daily Olympiadbulletin. Ask at the information centre.

All accredited reporters can obtain their issue of the daily bulletin at the Press centre in the Festival hall.



Naslov: Festivalna Dvorana, Cesta svobode 11, BledObratovalne ure: 10.00 - 22.00Telefon: +386 4 535 81 30Fax: +386 4 535 87 30

Novinarsko sredi{~e je odprto samo za akreditirane novinarje.Novinarsko sredi{~e bo razpolagalo z video opremo za prenose turnirja v ‘ivo, TV in dnevnim ~asopisjem vrazli~nih jezikih.

V novinarskem sredi{~u so vam na voljo naslednji tehni~ni pripomo~ki:

– 35 osebnih ra~unalnikov z operacijskim sistemom Windows 2000 in direktno internet povezavo– 24 delovnih mest za prenosnike, 19 s standardno modemsko povezavo, {tiri mesta pa imajo ISDN telefonske

priklju~ke– 3 faxi z mo‘nostjo po{iljanja faksov v tujino– 10 telefonskih aparatov z mo‘nostjo mednarodnih klicev– 10 analognih linij za prenosnike– 2 mre‘na tiskalnika

Ra~une za telefonske klice in faks storitve lahko poravnate v samem novinarskem sredi{~u.

Vsi novinarji bodo prejeli seznam imen in kontaktov, da bodo lahko stopili v kontakt z trenerji posameznih{ahovskih ekip. Skozi njih bodo lahko pri{li tudi do posameznih igralcev. Igralcem se lahko pristopi le v me{anizoni, ki se nahaja v prvem nadstropju ju‘nega prizidka [portne dvorane (ozna~eno z MN).

Informacije o najnovej{ih rezultatih turnirja in teko~i razpleti ter dogodki bodo objavljeni v dnevnih izdajahOlimpijskega biltena (v tiskani in elektronski obliki), na oglasni deski v novinarskem sredi{~u in na internet


Zgolj fotografi in snemalne ekipe, ki so poobla{~eni s strani organizatorja lahko delujejo znotraj igralne hale.

Za vstop v [portno dvorano morajo vsi fotografi in snemalne ekipe imeti jasno vidne priponke, ki jih je razdelilorganizator.

Prvih 15 minut vsakega kroga lahko fotografi in snemalne ekipe snemajo v [portni dvorani, vendar zgolj tam,kjer dolo~i glavni sodnik.

Po tem obdobju petnajstih minut, se lahko fotoaparate, televizijske kamere in ostale snemalne pripomo~keprenese v gledali{ko zono, kjer se jih lahko postavi in pusti delovati, vendar zgolj s posebnim dovoljenjemorganizatorja. Televizijske kamere morajo biti nemote~e in se jih lahko uporabi le, ~e glavni sodnik meni, da jenjihova uporaba nemote~a.

Bliskavice in dodatno osvetljavo lahko uporabljate zgolj v prvih 15. minutah.

Tiskovno sredi{~e je odprto do 22.30.



Vse partije na olimpiadi se bodo igrale na elektronskih {ahovnicah. Vsi premiki na vseh {ahovnicah bodo registrirani na sistemu {ahovnica-ra~unalnik in prevedeni za prikaz partije na svetovnem spletu in ekranih v igralni hali. Prosimo, da upo{tevate to dejstvo. Igranje naelektronskih {ahovnicah ne zahteva posebnega pristopa, toda nekaj pozornosti je nujno, da se zagotovi pravilno in u~inkovito delovanjesistema.

1. Nepravilno polo‘ene figure

Obstaja mo‘nost, da {ahovnica ne bo upo{tevala premika, ~e je figura bila postavljena deloma izven svojega destinacijskega polja. Topomeni, da se partija ne more ve~ zapisovati in prenos na svetovnem spletu se bo prenehal. To ne bo problem, ~e bodo operaterji to opazilipravo~asno in informirali sodnike, tako da lahko le-ti popravijo pozicijo figure. Se pravi, da imajo sodniki pooblastilo, da popravijo pozicijofigur. Toda, ta premik mora biti storjen na na~in, ki nikakor ne moti ali ovira igralce.

2. ^asovna kontrola

^asovna kontrola bo 90 potez za celotno igro. Vsak igralec bo dobil dodatnih 30 sekund za razmislek po vsaki odigrani potezi, za~en{i sprvo.

3. Razpredelnice partije

Za zapisovanje partije imamo 3 razpredelnice. Zadnja razpredelnica pripada igralcu. Ostali dve razpredelnici morata biti oddani sektorskemusodniku po kon~ani partiji.

Pred za~etkom partije bo namestnik glavnega sodnika napisal kodo partije na razpredelnico: M/W – Krog#-Tekma#-[ahovnica#. Na primer:M04113 pomeni: to je razpredelnica za partijo odigrano v mo{ki konkurenci, krog 4, Tekma 11, {ahovnica 3.

Igralci bodo sami napisali svoja imena v razpredelnico.

Po kon~ani partiji mora biti rezultat partije napisan na razpredelnico, ki mora biti podpisana s strani igralcev in sodnika tekme.

4. Razpredelnice rezultatov

Sodnik tekme vpi{e rezultate vseh partij in tekem v razpredelnico. Na koncu tekme mora biti ta razpredelnica podpisana s strani obehkapetanov mo{tva in sodnika tekme, ki potem nese razpredelnico sodniku sektorja.

Pozor: ^e je rezultat na drugi ali ~etrti {ahovnici 1-0, morate vpisati 0-1 v razpredelnico. ^e je rezultat na {ahovnici 2 ali 4 0-1, prosimovpi{ite 1-0 v razpredelnico.

5. Kapetani mo{tevKapetan ima pravico priporo~iti igralcem svojega mo{tva da sprejmejo ali ponudijo remi ali pa predajo partijo. Pri tem lahko poda zgoljnajpomembnej{e informacije, ki se nana{ajo zgolj na okoli{~ine, ki se ti~ejo tekme. Lahko svetuje igralcu »ponudi remi«, »sprejmi remi« ali»predaj partijo«. Kapetan naj se vzdr‘i kakr{nihkoli intervencij med igro. Ni mu dovoljeno podajati kakr{nihkoli informacij, ki bi se tikalepozicije na {ahovnici, igralcu, niti se posvetovati s tretjo osebo o stanju partije, na isti na~in kot je to prepovedano igralcem.

6. Konec igre

Te partije so igrane na elektronskih {ahovnicah. V trenutku ko je partije konec, mora sodnik pristopiti do {ahovnice, da zadr‘i kon~no pozicijofigur na {ahovnici. Analiziranje na elektronskih {ahovnicah je prepovedano. Pozor: Ne postavljajte figur v prvotno pozicijo.

Za shranitev partije mora sodnik storiti slede~e:

V primeru zmage belega igralca (1-0) mora postaviti belega kralja na E4 in ~rnega kralja na D5.V primeru zmage ~rnega igralca (0-1) mora postaviti belega kralja na D4 in ~rnega kralja na E5.V primeru remija (0.5-0.5) mora postaviti belega kralja na E4 in ~rnega kralja na E4.

Dostop do interneta – Internet cafe

Vse igralce obve{~amo, da imajo mo‘nost zastonj dostopa do interneta v Vi{ji strokovni {oli za gostinstvo inturizem, Pre{ernova 22, vsak dan od 9.00 do 20.00. Tja vas bodo znali napotiti v vsaki recepciji hotela in vinfo sredi{~u v Festivalni dvorani.

En izvod posamezne {tevilke olimpijskega biltena dobijo vsi kapetani {ahovskih reprezentanc.

Vsi akreditirani novinarji lahko svoj izvod dnevnega biltena dvignejo v novinarskem sredi{~u v Festivalni dvorani.


6TH ROUND BULLETIN31 October 2002


BILTEN 6. KOLA31. oktober 2002


BLED 2002

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