the #1 enemy to your health and fitness goals

Post on 22-Jun-2015






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Discover how to avoid the biggest enemy to achieving your health and fitness goals?


The #1 Enemy to Your Health and Fitness Goals

Coach Jimmy Hays Nelson

I had the privilege of traveling to Los Angeles for the annual Team Beachbody Coach Summit.

It was a gathering of 3000 of the nearly 60,000 Team Beachbody Coaches from all over the country.

We get together to learn about new programs/products scheduled to come out in the next year, like the new P90X2!

There are fantastic celebrations honoring people for their body transformations!

But probably the biggest draw is the opportunity for people to workout with their favorite trainers like Tony Horton, Shaun T, and Chalene Johnson!

A perfect example of this was Saturday morning when the streets in front of the Staples Center were blocked off for an enormous group workout with each Beachbody Celebrity Trainer taking a portion of the workout!

The energy, support, and excitement that morning was greater than any concert or sporting event I had ever attended.

People of all shapes and sizes, amazing weight loss stories, and those just getting started, all in one accord doing their part to end the trend of

obesity in America.

As I looked around, it dawned on me that all these people were success stories and a potential source of hope to someone else wanting to change their life.

It didn’t matter if they had lost 1 pound or 100 pounds, or maybe they haven’t lost any weight but for the first time in their life they are excited to wake up each day to be a part of a cause bigger than themselves.

That hope and momentum was created by plugging into a community, by being part of a tribe, a pack, a crew of people all rowing in the same direction.

And it dawned on me, if this group is responsible for so much success, then it is obvious what the #1

enemy to people trying to lose weight and live healthier lives is….



I know when I was 100 pounds heavier, and growing up as an overweight kid there were many times where I felt isolated.

Even though I had friends and constantly tried to be the social guy that surrounded myself with people, down in the pit of my stomach I still felt lonely.

Like I was the imposter outsider in a world of fit and pretty people.


I knew down deep I didn’t belong, I was different, and I would do anything to have life come as easily to me as it seemed to come for others.

It’s not like I hadn’t tried to lose weight numerous times throughout high school and college.

DOES THIS SCENARIO SOUND FAMILIAR: Start a new exercise program or diet telling

yourself THIS is going to be the time it works.

You hit the ground running excited for the new life you have chosen for yourself.

The first 2 days go well, you start to believe you have turned the corner only to fall off the wagon on day 3!

Maybe it was donut day at the office or you had to stay up late and justified extra sleep over your morning workout.


Whatever the reason, you’ve lost momentum;

You beat yourself up and think ‘what’s the use- it’s just too hard!’

And because you were going at it alone, there wasn’t anyone there to tell you different, so what did you do –

You gave up

Let’s go back to that crowd of 3000 working out together in the streets of L.A….

Do you think that at one point in their fitness journey they had a bad day, fell off the wagon,

wanted to give up?

You bet they did!

But the difference is they surrounded themselves with a support force field. By deciding to join the

community of Beachbody Coaches they insulated themselves against 90% of the reasons most people

fail in their quest to live healthier lives.

In this community they now have access to:

Others going thru the exact same struggle they are

People who have already walked their road and are there to help

Incentives like trips and cash prizes for their results

The ability to reach out and help others get started, keeping them motivated to set a good example

I don’t know if my solution of joining the Beachbody Coaching community is the

solution you have been looking for, but I would love to share a few testimonials of people who joined my team in the midst

of their weight loss journey

Since starting January 10th,2011 my measurements go like this…

Weight 264.4 to 197.2Waist 51″ to 37″Hips 43″ to 36″Chest 55″ to 46″R. arm 13.5 to 12.75 L. arm 12.5 to 12.5R thigh 23.8″ to 19″L. thigh 23.5″ to 20″

Body fat estimate in WOWY has gone from 36% to 22% body fat loss of 14% and total inch count at 39.05″ lost!


Thanks for all the support, you guys and gals are awesome! Special thanks to my awesome wife who has motivated everyday to dig deeper! – Larry Dull

Before starting p90x. I was in very bad shape health wise. My cholesterol was 350 and I was 200lbs. My doctor told me I could have a heart attack any time due to my cholesterol and my job as a police officer. Since then I have done p90x, then Insanity and just got done Asylum.

I have lost 50lbs, 8 inches from my waist and thanks to Shakeology my cholesterol is down to 195 with no medications. I am very happy with my results and I keep adding things to the works out to make them harder. Thanks to every one on my team for your support and help. A big thanks to my coach Kelly and Jimmy Nelson you guys are great!!!! – Todd Pressman


Do you believe having a support system would help you achieve your health &

fitness goals?

I would love to work with you to help your goals become reality.

So if you are ready to lose those first 10 pounds, leave me a message on my

Facebook Page and let’s talk right away!

I Can’t Wait to Hear from You!

Jimmy Hays Nelson Beachbody Coach is a self-proclaimed ‘former fat guy’. In his mid 20’s he was an overweight college dropout, who found himself living back at home with his parents. Knowing something had to change, he took action.

Through his transformation journey he lost 100 pounds, started his own business, was featured in the Shaun T workout series INSANITY, and has been seen multiple times on QVC with his buddy Tony Horton promoting P90X.

He founded NELSONGY FITNESS with his wife Kelly to reach out to give hope and support to those that are dissatisfied with their current situation. Whether you are lacking physically, emotionally, financially, or nutritionally we are here to help you see REAL RESULTS!

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