the 10 most dangerous mistakes you probably make with …...the answer to getting over your...

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The 10 Most Dangerous Mistakes YOU Probably Make

with Your Diet & Health — And What to Do About It...

By Laura Wilson,

Natural Health Nutritionist, Author, Coach & Speaker

Here Are the Top Ten Reasons Why People Fail with Achieving Great Health & The Body They Desire —

And How to Make Sure YOU Avoid Every One of These Deadly Common Mistakes...

DISCLAIMER: This report is written in a no-fluff, straight to the point manner. It could well push your buttons and cause you to question long-held beliefs. That’s a good thing! Mull over what is said in this report and come back to it. I’d advise also getting my book The Alkaline 5 Diet, available cheaply in your local book store or from Amazon and more details can be found at - this will help you to move forward with your life and eating to avoid these mistakes for good, giving you new recipes and skills for your health toolbox! The information in this report is not intended to replace medical intervention and you should seek medical advice when changing your diet significantly. MISTAKE #1: Thinking You Need Meat For Protein Have you ever heard of anyone with a protein deficiency? Me neither. The reason for that is that there is no such thing.

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There is a malnutrition ailment called kwashiokor that affects many third world African people – which is a deficiency of food in general, not JUST protein. Symptoms of kwashiorkor include apathy, diarrhea, inactivity, failure to grow, flaky skin, fatty liver, and edema (swelling) of the belly. You never hear of anyone having these symptoms (unless they have an eating disorder which again, is a sign of malnutrition in general), yet we see diseases of a protein EXCESS all over the place. Excess protein causes too much acidity in our bodies and puts a big strain on our liver and kidneys, which can lead to kidney disease over time. This excess acidity forces our body to neutralise the acid by using its alkaline minerals (our alkaline ‘buffer’ reserves). Where do we get these minerals from, such as Calcium? We leach them from our bones and teeth. Osteoporosis anyone? Dr T Colin Campbell, who conducted the largest and most comprehensive study of human nutrition that has ever been done – The China Study, says that: “There is a strong correlation between dietary protein intake and cancer of the breast, prostate, pancreas, and colon.” Are these diseases commonplace. Um, yes – try 40% of our population and growing. So on the basis of risk factors alone, I don’t know about you but I’d rather err on the side of less rather than more protein.

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So how much protein is enough? 5-10% of your daily calories is ample. So if you’re eating 2500 calories per day, that’s no more than 250 calories in total from protein. When it comes to protein, more is NOT better. 5-10% is the amount is advocated by the world’s top nutritionists – doctors and athletes who have massive success in achieving natural health and healing of disease. To name a few of these doctors, they are Douglas Graham, John McDougall, Neal Barnard, Dean Ornish and I strongly recommend you watch some of their videos on YouTube and check out their websites. So now the AMOUNT of daily protein we need is out of the way, let’s look at the SOURCE of protein. Not all proteins are created equal. There is a massive difference between animal-based proteins and plant-based proteins. I bet the first thing you think of when I say protein is a big red juicy steak or a chicken breast – even I still do and I’ve been vegetarian for years! That’s the meat industry’s clever marketing. And hats off to them. If you can associate your product with a common word, then you have achieved the ultimate level in branding and advertising. Kind of like when you think of a tablet device you think of an Apple iPad (even though there’s many other tablet makes out there), or saying “I’ll FedEx it to you” meaning overnight delivery service. So in our society protein = meat. The words are synonymous.

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But this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the RIGHT protein source for us. For lions and tigers and dogs, yes. BUT NOT FOR US. Here’s the new view you should adopt… Protein = leafy green vegetables. Why? Because meat is very hard for us to digest and it is a far too concentrated source of protein for our bodies to break down and re-assimilate into new cells in our body without massive effort and use of resources. Ever felt like you need a BIG nap after a steak meal or a roast dinner? Of course you have, this is why. Meat is also extremely toxic with all of the antibiotics and artificial hormones fed to animals to make them grow bigger and faster, can you imaging the horrible effect they have on our bodies? In addition, contrary to popular belief, consuming animal flesh spikes an INSULIN RESPONSE in the body. Sugar gets the blame, but there’s another culprit at work here. Eating meat can lead to insulin resistance and withering of the pancreas, setting the stage for type 2 diabetes. Regardless of how ‘lean’ the meat, eating animals means eating high amounts of fat and cholesterol (the leanest meats are still 20% fat, which is HIGH FAT). As we all know, saturated fats lead to all sorts of cardiovascular problems including heart disease, atherosclerosis and stroke.

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Also, ponder this: The strongest body builders in the world are VEGAN. Where are they getting their protein from? OK, so let’s address the elephant in the room…”But I LIKE eating meat” Actually, you don’t. Do you like eating raw meat? Do you salivate when you see a cow in a field, or roadkill? Do you have to stop yourself from jumping on your dog or cat and taking a bite out of them? I am guessing not. All TRUE meat eaters would answer YES to these questions. We have to stew, fry, slow cook, spice and flavour our meat beyond all original recognition and eat it with other foods like potatoes and rice and pasta in order for us to be able to eat and enjoy it and even be SAFE for us to eat. Carnivores do not have to do this. Dead, raw, rotting meat is perfectly digestible by and delicious to these animals. “But we have canine teeth” one person always retorts. Come on. Do our teeth LOOK like fangs? Could they pierce a pig’s skin? Could they hold down a cow? No. A BANANA on the other hand. Ah, now we can catch a banana and we can hold it down, peel it with our perfect-for-the-job fingers and devour it with our perfectly-formed-for-plant-food flat-edged teeth. And it is delicious as is, unadulterated and RAW.

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The answer to getting over your ‘love’ of meat is to continue to eat all the foods which MAKE THE MEAT TASTE NICE – spices and herbs and potatoes and rice etc. For example, try a lentil curry or a nut roast dinner or spaghetti Bolognese with mushrooms and courgettes and olives and a herby tomato sauce. Is there really any difference between a vegetable soup and a chicken soup, or a vegetable samosa and a chicken samosa? Not really, the hearty and satisfying flavours are still there. The beauty is, you’ll be getting your recommended 5-10% of daily calories from protein by simply eating your normal meals WITHOUT the meat. MISTAKE #2: Thinking You Need Dairy For Calcium & Strong Bones Like the meat industry, the dairy industry also has us by the metaphorical balls when it comes to their powerful marketing message, that we’ve all been conditioned to believe: Calcium = milk Wrong. Like meat and protein, dairy products are a terrible way for us to get calcium in our diets. Dairy is hugely acidifying to our bodies and again, it takes a massive amount of resources and ALKALINE MINERALS to neutralise the acid and actually extract the nutrients from the milk. Here’s the irony: Because we have to actually use our own body’s alkaline minerals (calcium, magnesium) to break

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down milk, the net effect is a LOSS of calcium from the bones. The Harvard Nurses study of over 78,000 women concluded that consuming dairy INCREASES risk of osteoporosis. Can you believe this?! I realise that this doesn’t make a lot of logical sense, given all the hype we hear about milk for strong bones and protein for muscles and the Paleo diet’s convincing arguments. It’s hard to ACCEPT... but GET OVER IT. Please read my blog post on the dangers of dairy for more info: Here’s what Bruce Friedrich, Director of Vegan Campaigns at PETA has to say on the dairy issue: “The dairy industry has a powerful hold on the nutrition industry in this country [US]; it pays huge numbers of dietitians, doctors, and researchers to push dairy, spending more than $300 million annually, just at the national level, to retain a market for its products. The dairy industry has infiltrated schools, bought off sports stars, celebrities, and politicians, pushing all the while an agenda based on profit, rather than public health.” If you need any extra reasons to ditch dairy from your diet, try these… Standard dairy cows are medicated with recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) to stimulate a much higher than normal milk production.

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This causes severe stress that results in mastitis, an infection of the udders of sick and stressed cows and creates white blood cells – pus cells. This infection is, of course, treated with antibiotics, helping to breed more antibiotic resistant organisms. Typically, one litre (a little over a quart) of Californian milk contains around 500 million pus cells. YUCK! You may think other countries are better, no they are not. 89% of the dairy herds in the United States have cows infected with leukaemia. Milk from these cows is passed for pasteurisation and sent out as bottled milk for sale and consumption as normal. Pasteurisation should kill these cells, but you cannot rely on this, as many untreated milk disaster stories have shown. Plus, are you comfortable drinking millions of dead leukaemia cells? You might ask: “What happens to other species of mammals when they are exposed to the bovine leukaemia virus?” It's a fair question and the answer is not reassuring. Virtually all animals exposed to the virus develop leukaemia, including humans. So if milk is out, what’s the answer to getting adequate calcium in our diets? Like protein, a fabulous source of calcium is leafy greens – spinach, kale, watercress, rocket, bok choi, romaine lettuce. Two great milk replacements that I recommend are almond milk and coconut milk (in a tall carton, not a can that you’d use for curries).

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MISTAKE #3: Blaming Carbs Carbs get a bad rap. Don’t fall for the ‘carbs are bad’ or ‘carbs are fattening’ lies. We are DESIGNED to be eating MAINLY carbs in our diet – around 80% of our calories should come from carbohydrates in the form of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, sugary foods (yes SUGAR). How do I know this? Because when we fuel ourselves with too much protein or too much fat, we invariably run into health problems. If you are experiencing any kind of health problems and think that it’s to do with eating fruit in your diet, you are wrong. It’s because you are either combing your foods badly or eating too much protein or fat. Let me ask you, when I run a long distance race and need to take on some fuel at around mile 17, what do you think I (and any other athlete would) eat? A burger? A portion of lean chicken breast? A cup of olive oil? An avocado? NO. A banana, some dates or a sugary drink… CARBOHYDRATES. A running race is not different to living your life everyday – we don’t suddenly require different food for running than we do for walking the dog, or playing with our kids, or going shopping, or building a house, or driving a car, or working in an office. Fuel yourself with carbs and cut down on the fat and protein.

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The optimum macronutrient ratio for your daily calories is 80% carbs, 10% fat and 10% protein (commonly known as the 80/10/10 Diet, as Dr Douglas Graham coined it). You will NOT get fat on this diet of high carbs, you will get lean and trim and you will have much more energy. Want to know something MAGIC? We have ‘fat genes’. These genes determine whether your calories are burned or stored as fat and can be influenced by our diet. The fat genes are STIMULATED by fat. We can ‘switch off’ the fat genes by eating a high carbohydrate and low fat diet. This means that it’s virtually IMPOSSIBLE to overeat and store excess calories as fat on a high carb, low fat diet. It also means that we can all enjoy the same virtually effortless weight control as the naturally thin people we have always admired. Dr Neal Barnard wrote a book on this called “Turn Off The Fat Genes”. Personally, since I’ve been eating a high carb, low fat fully vegan diet over the past few years, I have NEVER EATEN MORE and never felt so satisfied and energised, whilst simultaneously losing fat. I have lost a stone of fat in the past year and here’s my typical breakfast: 150g (550 calories) of brown rice with vegetables and a low fat sweet and spicy sauce and a 5 banana and kale smoothie – a total of around 1200 calories, before 9am! Now you might think that I am able to eat big because of all the running I do (a fair bit per week). Well that is not true. I have been running for 15 years now and at times I

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have even gained weight, when I erred onto a higher fat diet for a while (even though it was flax seed oil and avocadoes and the ‘good fats’). This brings us onto the next mistake… MISTAKE #4: Using Refined Oils Have you heard the term ‘you need to eat fat to burn fat’? It’s a ridiculous phrase that’s been around for a while and it is simply not true, as I’ve explained above talking about the ‘fat genes’. It is true that some fats are better than others. Certainly Omega 3, 6 and 9s are essential fatty acids and animal saturated fats are not required in any way, shape or form for a healthy diet and are a one way road to heart disease. BUT we should be getting our fats from whole foods, not refined oils – even if it’s a good source of Omegas, like flax oil or olive oil, it is too much fat. We know that our optimum daily calorie ratio is 80% carbs, 10% protein and 10% fat. Here’s the thing: Gram for gram, fats contain over twice as many calories (9 calories per gram) than carbs or protein (at 4 calories per gram each). What this means is that it’s VERY easy to overeat on fats, especially when using refined oils. Consider the fact that even fruits and vegetables contain around 5% calories from fat, that means that if all you ate was fruit and veg on, say, a 2000 calorie diet, you could only add another 100 calories from fat to be at 10% total calories from fat.

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For almost a year, I made the mistake of wanting to go raw vegan, which in itself is good but the problem was finding an abundance of fresh, organic fruit to eat massive quantities of every day. So I swapped cooked carbs such as rice, grains, bread, pasta for raw flax crackers and nut butters and salads drizzled with olive oil. A lot of alkaline diet ‘experts’ still advocate this kind of eating. They do not know any better and they are definitely not athletes because I found my athletic performance declined dramatically during this period of eating high fat. All of a sudden (and without really realising it) I was consuming around 30-60% of my daily calories from fat. I started gaining weight, felt terrible and thought it was because I was going through some kind of detox. I had my blood analysed and it turned out, my blood cells were sticking together, as a result of too much fat. This is how degenerative disease starts. Our blood cells need to be oxygenated and free flowing – which comes from a LOW FAT and high carbohydrate diet. Don’t make this mistake. In our Western society, the average person eats 30-40% of their calories as fat. If you are a meat and dairy eater, this will be you. Make the change now please. Also, if you are cooking with oils, there is a danger of the oil ‘hydrogenating’ as in ‘hydrogenated vegetable oil’ that you read on the labels of a lot of cheap confectionary and junk type foods, which are trans fatty acids. In other words – BAD NEWS. These types of fats are serious disease causers and you should steer well clear of them. The answer to not using refined fats is to simply make the same meals you would make but WITHOUT the oil and

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make your own sauces, as many packaged ones contain refined oils. Simple. You would be unlikely to find a low fat version of pasta and tomato sauce or a curry less tasty than a high fat one. MISTAKE #5: Not Reading or Understanding Food Labels It would be nice to think that the food standard powers-that-be have our best interests at heart when it comes to food being safe for us to consume, wouldn’t it? Well, unfortunately we are not living in that kind of world or time. We are living in an age where genetic modification of our foodstuff is rife and, despite old Bill Gates advocating that GM foods are the best thing since sliced bread to end world hunger, there is strong evidence to show that GM foods lead to cancer and other horrible diseases. We don’t want genetically modified foods in our diet if we can at all help it. On top of that, there are obviously all kinds of flavour enhancers, colourings, preservatives, sweeteners and more. Some key things to avoid are aspartame, modified maize starch, monosodium glutamate, high fructose corn syrup, sulphites, nitrates. If I was to list all the things you need to look out for and avoid, this report would be about 500 pages long. So let’s make this really simple.

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If you turn over the packet of food that you’re about to buy and it has ANY ingredient that sounds like a chemical and that you can’t visibly picture in your mind, like you can a tomato or flour or black pepper, then put it back on the shelf and move along. You might be thinking “well that includes just about everything in the supermarkets”. That’s right. That’s why it’s imperative to eat simply and prepare your own foods as a standard practice. The good thing is that with the diet plan I’ve come up with for you, it makes it very easy and quick. MISTAKE #6: Cooking Everything Cooking food – specifically vegetables, ‘denatures’ the enzymes that aid our digestion and results in an 80% loss of nutrients. And MICROWAVING food is VERY dangerous as it produces very harmful ‘radiolytic’ compounds. Again, this may sound incredible – “how come I don’t know about this?!” I know what you mean, but you have to understand that the laws and regulations on food safety are very profit-driven and are not made with full integrity. YOU have to be vigilant. Get rid of your microwave please, right away, as my family did a few years ago when I found this stuff out. Ok, so raw food… It’s essential that we consume at least one meal per day of raw foods – fruits and vegetables, to get lots if minerals and vitamins in our diet.

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This could be a big salad or a plate of cut veg. If this sounds unappealing to you then here’s the easiest way to make sure you get your raw alkaline foods in – make a green smoothie. Blend fruits with leafy greens such as spinach and kale for a tasty, on the go, nutritious meal. Which brings us to Mistake 7… MISTAKE #7: Not Getting Enough Raw Greens Into Your Diet Regularly You should aim for at least 5 portions of raw vegetables per day, as well as 5 portions of fruit. Green vegetables are great because they contain chlorophyll, which is pure plant sunlight energy. Chlorophyll is only one molecule different to our own blood’s haemoglobin and this makes it an excellent blood builder and cleanser and alkalizer (good disease prevention and healing measure). Foods to choose every day include wheatgrass juice (grown or bought fresh, or powdered), spinach, kale, rocket, watercress, romaine lettuce, cucumber, broccoli, celery. Again, you can get 5 veg in one easy hit by making a green smoothie. On top of green veg, most days I have a raw carrot, a few cherry tomatoes and red pepper. MISTAKE #8: Thinking A Few Glasses of Water is Enough

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Most people are chronically dehydrated. I’m sure you’ve heard this before. But how do you know if you are or not? If you are urinating at least 10 times per day and at each visit your urine is CLEAR, then you are fine. If your bathroom visits are not that frequent and your urine is straw or yellow in colour, you ARE DEHYDRATED and need to up your pure water intake every day. Aim to drink 2-4 litres per day, depending on your size and activity levels. You may need to fill 2 litre bottles with water every day for a while until you get used to drinking more water and can gauge it intuitively. You want to be drinking pure, alkaline water too – avoid tap water, which is full of toxins, heavy metals and often fluoridated. See my website for options for getting pure, clean and alkalizing water in your home. MISTAKE #9: Buying Into Cancer Industry Propaganda Ever heard of ‘pinkwashing’? It’s the huge and highly effective campaign that the breast cancer industry promotes – just keep wearing your pink ribbon and keep giving us more money please for this ‘war on cancer’. The cancer research industry is full of "someday we'll find a pharmaceutical cure" promises. If money was what it took to find a ‘cure’ for cancer, then they would have found it by now. Cancer treatment has been proven to be largely ineffective and chemotherapy and radiotherapy are hugely traumatic to the body. The success rate is not good at all

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and the ROOT cause of cancer is NOT addressed by traditional medicine. It’s a joke and what’s more, a complete SCAM. Cancer is BIG business. Wake up. We need to stand up against the cancer research industry not cancer. If you currently give money to any of these organisations, STOP IMMEDIATELY. The only people they are looking to save are themselves. I know this first hand. I used to work as a medical research manager. I saw how it operates. The funding for medical research comes from the drug companies largely, who exist to further their own cause – getting people onto their products as soon and for as long as possible. They are INVESTED in people becoming sick and then selling them long-term and expensive medications and treatments that ‘manage’ but do not cure the disease and steer people away from the real and simple cure which has always been available and effective – to get your body back into alkaline balance. Dr Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in the 1920s for discovering that cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline bodily environment. These companies and organisations are driven by the factors other businesses are – largely profits. Is there a profit in curing disease? No. If they really wanted to prevent and cure cancer, they would encourage us to stop drinking from plastic bottles containing BPA, stop eating processed meat products, stop using toxic chemicals found in beauty and personal

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care products and stop using pesticides on our lawns. That message, however, isn't as sexy and emotional as sharing tear-jerker stories of how so many of the people we all love have been killed by cancer. Where facts fail, emotion can always persuade people to part with their money... especially if a famous person is telling you to pledge more. Stop giving your hard-earned money to cancer industry charlatans. Instead, learn the truth about cancer cures like Gerson Therapy. Get the toxic chemicals out of your home, out of your bathroom and out of your kitchen. Stop buying synthetic chemicals in your foods, drugs and home-care products. A last note on this: Do not give the power of your health to your doctor. Your well-meaning doctor is working in a flawed and profit-seeking system, not one with your best health as its priority. YOU need to be responsible for your health. If I had listened to my doctor’s advice years ago when I went to him with a mild bout of insomnia, I would be taking anti-depressant tablets, as he advised…I was certainly not depressed and I later realised the insomnia was because I was up late working on my computer with bright lights and stimulating activity just before bed (doh, obvious now). MISTAKE #10: Forgetting Body & Household Products You skin is you body’s biggest organ and absorbs a huge amount of what we put into it – body lotions, deodorants, hair dyes, shampoos, shower gels.

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There are many harmful chemicals in these types of products. Be mindful of what you put on your body and use in your home. Minimise the chemicals. Here’s some things to get rid of: Ditch anti-perspirant deodorants – these contain very harmful aluminium compounds that are linked with Alzheimer’s disease. Use other body sprays or natural deodorants. Choose shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, body lotions, sun creams, make-up that do not contain parabens or sodium lauryl sulphate. Choose non-fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is a neurotoxin and hardening agent. If it hardens your teeth, what is it doing to your organs? Also, fluoride and chloride affect your pineal gland negatively. It has been reported that fluoride was first used in Nazi Germany to ‘dumb down’ the population. Why is it in our water supplies today? Get rid of it from your life. Make sure your home has good, clean fresh air circulating. If you use chemical air fresheners, candles and sprays, GET RID OF THEM. They can spark allergies, hayfever, asthma, coughs and other respiratory and immune problems. EXTRA MISTAKE #11: Romanticising Restaurant Food From reading this report so far, you can see how easy it is to eat unhealthy foods, even by accident.

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You cannot rely on restaurants using non-GM foods and foods without additives. Remember, even the most fancy restaurant is looking to minimise expenses and maximise their food’s shelf life. Plus, we seem to equate ‘posh’ restaurants with rich, creamy sauces and decadent, dense desserts…HIGH FAT. In my experience, it is very difficult to eat low fat when eating out, especially low fat, meat-free and dairy-free. Given that we now know that meat and dairy are second rate foods, I would much rather prepare my own divine, tasty, HEALTHY foods at home that pay through the nose for low-grade food. Take delight in preparing meals at home and inviting friends and family over. Or going out with friends but eating first and just ordering a salad – focusing on the conversation rather than the food. Of course, if you have a gourmet organic vegan restaurant near you, knock yourself out ;-) EXTRA MISTAKE #12: Not Getting Help

This is the biggest mistake of all.

This is the mistake that keeps most people from EVER having the kind of body and levels of health and vibrancy that they truly want.

I know, since we’ve all been eating all of our lives, we tend to think we know about proper diet and can bimble along on our own. We don’t often like to ask for help.

Hey, I’ve been there myself.

When I was at University, I was very unhealthy – eating ‘full English’ cooked breakfasts with sausages, bacon, fried

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eggs most days and then a chocolate bar, crisps and a can of soda for lunch and then a chicken pie and fried chips or meat lasagne in the evenings.

I was a smoker, drank a few times per week and I was very unfit and out of shape.

Yet I remember back then thinking that I was ‘fairly’ healthy and couldn’t understand why I felt tired all the time and got frequent colds. I cringe now.

The final straw for me was wen I woke up one morning at the age of 19 and had an alcohol-poisoning rash on my legs (apparently quite common amongst students, the doctor told me).

I couldn’t believe I’d let myself get so unhealthy and was neglecting to take care of my body.

So I decided then and there that that was it. I was going to change. I was going to get fit and healthy.

Well, after a lot of hard work, researching, interviewing experts, using myself as diet guinea pig, exercising regularly at my local gym and trying all kinds of different things, I finally figured it all out.

Now, 15 years on, I am a Nutritionist and run marathons and ultra marathons, I salsa dance, I am fit and energetic. I have lost around 20lbs in fat, look young and healthy and have more zest for life at 35 than I ever did at 18 or 20.

It has been a very rewarding experience. I no longer feel that tired, fat, old-before-my-time feeling... like I don’t have the energy to live a full life... and I might end up settling for a short, painful and unfulfilled life because I didn’t have the good health to go for better.

I know that anytime, anywhere, I can go out and look and feel my best and bring positivity to my daily encounters.

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Plus, I have total confidence that I know how to remain very slim and healthy whilst still eating LARGE PORTIONS of tasty and very satisfying food – every single day. No restrictions.

I have totally cracked the diet code for having optimum health & healing, a hot body AND eating as much as I want and this report is showing you how to too.

I now have a FREE, weekly newsletter, please subscribe at if you haven’t done so already.

It’s free, there’s no obligation, I’ll never share your e-mail address with anyone, and you can easily remove yourself anytime with no hassles.

Each week I bring you videos and tips for living the alkaline diet lifestyle successfully and DRAMATICALLY improving your satisfaction with your health and body.

I’ve held seminars called The Natural Health & Vitality Conference... and taught tens of thousands of people all around the world.

In addition to my free e-mail newsletter, I’ve also written 3 books on healthy eating and my latest book The Alkaline 5 Diet, published by the world’s leading natural health and spirituality publishing house, Hay House, is available at You can download or order in paperback right now and be reading in literally MINUTES from now.

A5D is COMPLETE step-by-step guidance for choosing your healthy foods each day and making super quick and easy, inexpensive, tasty and satisfying meals.

This book is your key to easily avoiding the 10 mistakes we’ve looked at in this report.

To subscribe to my free newsletter AND check out A5D, just go here:

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Oh, And One More Thing...

In this day and age of ‘instant gratification’, I realise that this might just sound like the other typical ‘lose 10lbs by tomorrow morning’ diet book hype.

Well, that’s not the case.

I’ve spent a lot of time, effort, and energy writing this book. I wanted to design and create a way of eating that ANYONE could easily understand and start doing IMMEDIATELY for better health and fat loss, without any expensive and dubious ‘superfoods’ or any crazy restrictions, like only eating one meal for 2 days of the week.

I now believe that ANYONE can get in best shape and health ever with the Alkaline 5 Diet and I get e-mails every day with success stories from people who have done exactly that.

If you’d like to take your health, healing and physique to the next level, and have the kind of success that you’ve always wanted, then I strongly recommend that you get my book.

Check Out The Alkaline 5 Diet and Ordering Info here:

Speak to you soon and God bless you.

Your friend,

Laura Wilson

P.S. Do some friends a favour and FORWARD my website to their email addresses. It might be the biggest gift you ever give them.

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Medical Disclaimer: The information in this book is for informational and educational purposes only. It intended to provide general advice relating to achieving a healthy diet and weight management. It is not an attempt by the writers or publisher to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent disease, nor should it be construed to be such. Readers are hereby encouraged to consult with a licensed health care professional concerning the information presented, which has been received from sources deemed reliable, but no guarantees, expressed or implied, can be made regarding the accuracy of the information or any results that may arise. All matters regarding physical health should be referred to a qualified health- care professional and a health-care professional should be consulted before beginning any fitness or nutrition program. Alkaline Diet Health Tips and its staff are not a medical organisation, qualified medical practitioners or dieticians and do not claim any responsibility for the information presented within this book nor any medical conditions that a reader may have. All readers assume full responsibility for their own health, well being and nutrition and are highly encouraged to do their own reading and research in this area.

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