the 40 day soul fast participants guide

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estiny mage Books by r. indy rimm

40 Day Soul Fast

40 Days to Discovering the Real You

pcoming eleases in the oul Fast eries

Reclaim Your Soul

Reclaim Your Health

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40 Day

Soul Fast P P ’ G

Your Journey to Authentic Living

Dr. Cindy Trimm

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© C 1 –D . C

A v . T U S A . T . T

. P . U ,

S T M . C © 1993, 199 , 1995, 1996,, 1, . U N vP P G . S - AMP A ® B , C © 195 , 1958, 196 ,

196 , 1965, 1987 T L F . U . S NL H B , N L v , 1996,

. U H P ., W , I 6 189. A v . S KJV K J V .

S NCV T H B , N C V -®. C © 5 T N , I . A v . S

CEB Te Common English Bible C © 1 C - E B C C R D v C

I . (CRDC), N v , . A v . U P . S ESV T H B , E S V ® (ESV®), © 1 C , G N P . U

. A v . S WYC W B C © 1 P. N . A v . S -

NKJV N K J V . C © 198 T N , I . U . A v .

DES INY IMAGE ®PUBLISHERS, INC.P.O. B x 31, S , PA 1757- 31“Promoting Inspired Lives.” T D I , R v v P , M P , F B , D I F , H v C -


F U.S. , 1-8 -7 -677 .F , 717-53 -3 .R I : . . .

ISBN 13 P: 978- -768 - 19 -5ISBN 13 E : 978- -768 -8757-F W D , P U.S.A.1 3 5 6 7 8 / 16 15 1 13 1

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Introduction ................................................................................9

What Is a Soul Fast? ...................................................................11

Week One: The Power of Forty ..................................................................13

Day One: Awareness .................................................................................... 17

Day wo: Godliness ....................................................................................19

Day Tree: ruth ........................................................................................... 1

Day Four: Commitment ............................................................................... 3

Day Five: Patience ....................................................................................... 5

W T : The Purpose of a Soul Fast ...................................................... 7

Day Six: Capacity .......................................................................................31

Day Seven: Wholeness ...................................................................................33

Day Eight: Balance ........................................................................................35

Day Nine: Peace ............................................................................................37

Day en: Goodness .....................................................................................39

Week Tree: The Nature of the Soul ........................................................... 1

Day Eleven: Discipline .................................................................................... 5

Day welve: Simplicity ..................................................................................... 7

Day Tirteen: Uniqueness .................................................................................. 9

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Day Fourteen: Passion ..........................................................................................51

Day Fi teen: Joy .................................................................................................53

Week Four: The Properties of Thought .....................................................55

Day Sixteen: Beauty ..........................................................................................59

Day Seventeen: E ortlessness ............................................................................61

Day Eighteen: Authenticity...............................................................................63

Day Nineteen: Focus ............................................................................................65

Day wenty: Order ...........................................................................................67

Week Five: The Importance of Identity ....................................................69

Day wenty-one: Faith ............................................................................................73Day wenty-two: Gratitude ....................................................................................75

Day wenty-three: Destiny ........................................................................................77

Day wenty- our: Identity .......................................................................................79

Day wenty- ve: Purpose ........................................................................................81

Week Six: The Power of Words .................................................................83

Day wenty-six: Integrity .....................................................................................87

Day wenty-seven: Responsibility .............................................................................89

Day wenty-eight: Potential .....................................................................................91

Day wenty-nine: Impeccability ..............................................................................93

Day Tirty: Compassion ..................................................................................95

Week Seven: The Power of Doing ..................................................................97

Day Tirty-one: Respect ......................................................................................1 1

Day Tirty-two: Loyalty ......................................................................................1 3

Day Tirty-three: Credibility ................................................................................1 5

Day Tirty- our: emperance ...............................................................................1 7

Day Tirty- ve: Morality ...................................................................................1 9

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Week Eight: Sealing the Healing ............................................................... 111

Day Tirty-six: Justice ........................................................................................ 115

Day Tirty-seven: olerance .................................................................................. 117

Day Tirty-eight: Ethics ......................................................................................... 119

Day Tirty-nine: Interdependence ......................................................................1 1

Day Forty: Community ................................................................................1 3

Appendix A: he 40 Day Soul Fast Handbook ............................................ 133

Appendix B: 24 Questions .............................................................................161

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I f .—M G

Is not this the kind o asting I have chosen: to loose the chains o injustice and untie the cords o the yoke, to set the oppressed ree and break every yoke? (I 58:6 NIV)

W Te 40 Day Soul Fast Leader’s Guide! T v - j . I

— G — . T x

! M , v , , , , , — , - , x — , . W v , “S ’ ,” “B ,” “H ’

.” T v ’ -. W “ - ,” I v v —

- v , , — . W v ,

. W , , . A - , M G , , “A ’ .” W . O W ,

I v , “O , . I .” -

J , “W — ”

I , I v -. F

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The 40 Day Soul Fast ParticiPant’s Guide

, . I -D S , , . I v j

j , , ! I , ! L j !

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What Is a Soul Fast?

T 40 Day Soul Fast v , v v

— , G - v . T S F , ’ . T - j x — -

v — v G . Y v x j v ,

v v v , v . T j x z .

Te 40 Day Soul Fast v . F ’ , I v v v M - F , .

P “ - .” G v . P S F v v . I ,

, v S G .

W - j . W

- v “T P : E Y C .” T x Te 40 Day Soul Fast, ,

v . I , “T P S F : T S -L C .” I , “T N S : T E Y .” I , “T P T : Y A W Y T .” W v “T I I -: B M M Y M .” I x “T P

W : H H Y S .” I v , “T P D :

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The 40 Day Soul Fast ParticiPant’s Guide

G ’ C F .” I , “S H : TC P L v .” A , j

“A C !”

T v . T Te 40 Day Soul Fast,

- x . E , . T v v “A S ” . U v , f , , G v .

The Soul of The MaTTer

B . Y v

j ’ . Y v v . G v . —D . P M G

T 40 Day Soul Fast . W , . W v

, — .

Ov x , v

x z .M G v “do our best to enter that

rest” (H . :11 NL ). A , v v .

L v ( C 1 :6 MSG)— ! A

L j !

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (3 J 1: NKJV).

Y ’ v . Y S .—C. S. L

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Week One

Video Listening Guide


W v

L v v , .

Ev v .

Giving away your personal power to things undermines who you really are.

It’s not about what you’re eating, but what’s eating you.

Te 40 Day Soul Fast .

Y .

By placing a lid in one area of your life, you are placing lids on every area.

T x .

You will place a lid on your own life as long as you think it someone else’s responsibility to make you happy or success

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The 40 Day Soul Fast ParticiPant’s Guide

Sometimes the best place to be is up against a wall.

You will resemble those with whom you assemble.


Ev j .

Capacity building starts with someone challenging you, or you challenging yourself.

W v B ! D . “ .” W

hist y is i t b i tm , b c s I t w it it.

—Wi st C c i

W v B ! D . “ .” W

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Week One

The Power of Forty:Enlarging Your Capacity

C v Te 40 Day Soul Fast

. C , , . I ’ “the ullness o God” ( E . 3 ).

D Te 40 Day Soul Fast, rans orming, Cleansing, Aligning, Preparing, Loosing . I

v . H v ,

v v .

T Awareness , D O — rans orming . B

.Cleansing — v

. T Godliness .

T ruth Aligning with. W .

Preparing Commitment . C v , -

.O v , Patience . P

G Loosing — H . R ’ v !

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Day One


God’s Spirit touches our spirits and con rms who we really are (R 8:15).

, j , awareness . T v -

— ’ F , I - . W v

- , v v . I j .

I , . Y v j -

v , , , , .

W x — x v . — . S. E

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Day wo


We’re being shown how to turn our backs on a godless, indulgent li e,and how to take on a God- lled, God-honoring li e. Tis new li e is starting right now, and is whetting our appetites or the glorious day when our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, appears. He ofered Himsel as a sacri ce to ree us rom a dark, rebellious li e into this

good, pure li e, making us a people He can be proud o , energetic in goodness ( :1 -1 ).

A v - S F , I : Godliness.G “G -” — v . I

C .

A P C , “ Examine your motives, test your heart!” (1 C . 11: 7).M v , , , . C . C v

. P v — , , , v .

I godliness . T . E “ ” P “have

your li e on a rm ooting” ( P . 1:1 )!

, v x v . —W P

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The 40 Day Soul Fast ParticiPant’s Guide

aCTIon STepS

• M j v B : G H — f H . H : “Prosper!

Reproduce! Fill Earth! ake charge!” (S G 1: 6- 8.)

• S . A A

G v A v ’

• A v A - , , G -

, , v

• I v “ , ” — — v “G - , G - - ”

• W G v L . F , xG v H .

Tink o your suferings as a weaning rom that old sin ul habit o always expect-ing to get your own way. Ten you’ll be able to live out your days ree to pursue what God wants instead o being tyrannized by what you want (1 P :1-).

T , . —J. J. P

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Day Tree


You with open minds; truth-ready minds will see it at once. Pre er my li e-disciplines over chasing a ter money, and God-knowledge over a lucrative career. For Wisdom is better than all the trappings o wealth;nothing you could wish or holds a candle to her (P v 8:9-11).

A j , v - . ,

v v G C .

T . T v is . W v , . I , ,

v , v

v v S . A , “ What you’re a ter is truth rom the inside out. Enter me, then; conceive a new, true li e ” (P . 51:6).

. T v , , v . A . Ex . U . S . Live the truth!

L v . I

, “I’ v , ,

, .” —S C v

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The 40 Day Soul Fast ParticiPant’s Guide

aCTIon STepS

• S S H G . (S J 16:13.)

• I v H S v “ ” - . (S D : NIV.)

• A H , ,

v “to nding yoursel , your true sel ” (L 9: 3).

• W , v

• H f G

When the Spirit o truth comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own but will tell you what He has heard (J 16:13 NL ).

T v . M , , , . —W C

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Day Four


Sel -sacri ce is the way, My way, to saving yoursel , your true sel .What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul or? (M 8:35-37)

T , ,

, ’ v . C . Y v G , G

. T .

T , v , , , v ’v

— x v . J H , “By your stead astness and patient endurance you

shall win the true li e o your souls” (L 1:19 AMP).

I , v v . C v

- v v ! I .

A , , . —E H

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The 40 Day Soul Fast ParticiPant’s Guide

aCTIon STepS

• I “ ,” “ ” I .

• W v

• I .

• N v .

Staying with it—that’s what is required. Stay with it to the end. You won’t be sorry (L 1:19).

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Day Five


We continue to shout our praise even when we’re hemmed in withtroubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn orges the tempered steel o virtue, keeping us alert or whatever God will do next (R5:3- ).

Y . O ’v v , .

P . P !

J x “possess your soul” (L 1:19 NKJV). A , -

.D v : “For you have need o stead ast patience and endurance, so that you may per orm and

ully accomplish the will o God” (H . 1 :36 AMP).

I v v v , x

. —H D v T

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The 40 Day Soul Fast ParticiPant’s Guide

aCTIon STepS

• W

• H v

• V z x x .

Let patience have its per ect work, that you may be per ect and complete, lacking nothing (J 1: NKJV).

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Empowering You for Life!

lookIng for More?P v . . . I S F M v ,

. . v v , -, , v 40 Day Soul Fast . , I

- I Cv , v , .T “D L Q ,”

v , - .L ’ ! J I v

v — . Ev f . N v does ! Y

. D ’ — ’ x . P . P !

I v . L ’ - v . L ’ . F , v . J v . I x , Executive Li e Coaching v -

, U v v ,, .

A , I !

D . C

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More Empowerment

Initiatives From

Dr. Cindy Trimm

exeCuTIve lIfe CoaChIng

I T P !

Ex v L C D . C 5 - x - v . J é é D . - j .

The TrIMM foundaTIon:

F S A , F v - .

D . v . K D . ’ :

Heal Your Soul, Heal Our World.

, !

V . I . !

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The L fe E powe e t P og a p ov es ou w th 365- a s of l fe st ateg eses g e to u lock ou fullest pote t al. As ou e powe e t e to , eacha D . C T w ll sha e ke p c ples a s ghts that w ll take ou

whe e ou wa t to be a ea f o to a . I ag e whe e ou l fe coul be th st e ext ea ! B ak g just a few a just e ts, tak g el be ate act o w tha l ttle focuse effo t a co sc ous te t o , ou w ll ake qua tu p og ess.Th s s what th s p og a s all about.

Rece ve a a l e-v eo teach g packe w th p act cal l fe p c ples that w llequ p ou to:

ţ G , ,

ţ D v

ţ D

ţ A ’

ţ Ex f

ţ L

ţ P “ ” v

S g up to a at www. ou l fee powe e o call us at 866-444-7258.

Soon To Be releaSed:Heal Your Soul, Heal Our World

Reclaim Your Soul

Reclaim Your Health

Te Creed

Te Quest Te Journey

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About Dr. Cindy Trimm

A - , - , , D . - , v , . S v .

L Ebony z ’ Power 100 “ 1 f ,” D . ’ ,

C ’ V , - B C N N B C B C ’

N B L .

D . x v - . S

, , v , , D . -


P v , , , v -, D . - v v v — , , , .

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