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The 5 Golden Keys To Manifest What You Want

Online Workshop

WithThomas Di Leva

I'm a personal development coach and meditation teacher, with more than 25 years of experience in the field of personaldevelopment and spirituality.

I've been coaching 1000s of people in my home country of Sweden in television broadcasts and live events for more than two decades.

Thomas Di Leva

Al Gore, the UN Ambassador Jan Eliasson & me

Swedish Singer/SongwriterI’m also a

after a show in Gothenburg, Sweden

So Now Let Me Present To You...


THE 5 GOLDEN KEYS#1. How To Unlock Your True Potential Which Is Limitless Love and Abundance.

#2. Get 3 powerful affirmation techniques you can start implementing in your every day life IMMEDIATELY.

#3. Discover 4 amazing Tips on manifesting easily with Creative Visualization.

#4. I’ll guide you through an easy to folllow but very powerful Dream Manifestation Method.

#5. The 3 Diamond Strategies for creating your perfect life.

By Implementing The 5 Golden Keys To Success In Your Daily Life You Will...

* Manifest Success and Wealth on Auto-Pilot

* Develop More Fulfilling Relationships

* Radiate Happiness and Love Around You

* Become The Ultimate You

luck·y  (lk)adj. luck·i·er, luck·i·est1. Having or attended by good luck. See Synonyms at happy.2. Occurring by chance; fortuitous.3. Believed to bring good luck: hoped to draw a lucky number.

Lucky - Definition

>>> Why is one person a genius in her work while another lives all his life without doing or accomplishing anything worthwhile?

>>> Why is one person healed from a so-called incurable disease while many others isn’t?

>>> Why are some people happy and harmonius in their relationships while others are very unhappy and frustrated in their relationships?

>>> Why is one person sad and bitter and another happy?

>>> Why is one person joyous and prosperous and another personpoor and struggling?

>>> Why is one person a great success and another a miserable failure?

What Is THE SECRET Behind All This?

A Broken Dream... Leads To A Broken Heart.

When You are Sad and lonely

Dive deeper and deeper

Into your meditation practice.

Awareness = Awakening

Daily Meditations With Affirmations Will Gradually Make You Stronger And Unbelievably Motivated...

Health, wealth, success and love is like air. It is all around us.

SUBCONSCIOUS BLOCKSLet me introduce some common

Which Prevents Us From Living The Life Of Our Dreams 100% In Our

Daily Lives...

* It can’t be done.* I will fail.* I haven’t got a chance.* I have to work 9 to 5 to get paid.* I am wrong.* The world is coming to an end.* What’s the use nobody cares.* I’m too old now.* I just can’t win.* I can’t trust anybody.



How To Unlock Your True Potential Which Is Limitless Love and Abundance, so you can have everything you desire and more - living your heart’s purpose, constantly being prosperous and in the flow with your career, wealth, health and realtionships.

1. Always think positive thoughts and stay focused on your dreams and goals.

2. Always believe that your dreams and desires are constantly manifesting for you.

(Because things of the same vibration are inevitably drawn to one another).

3. Always feel that everything is possible and nothing is impossible.

4. Always be persistent in your efforts and keep keeping on.

Émile CouéBorn in France, in 1857 was a French psychologist and pharmacist who introduced a method of psychotherapy, healing, and self-improvement,

based on affirmations and meditative self-hypnosis.

Most of us are familiar with his most famous affirmation, "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better."

He also was known to state that each person had the solution to their own problem and often said "You have in

yourself the instrument of your cure."


Get 3 Powerful Affirmation and Visualization methods you can start implementing in your everyday life IMMEDIATELY. Easily Manifest life changes and goals like a law of attraction expert.

1. Write Down Your Positive Affirmations On A Piece Of Paper.

3. Use Positive Affirmations In Your Meditations.

2. Say Them In Front Of A Mirror.



4 amazing Tips on manifesting easily with Creative Visualization.

2. Try to hold the mental image (of what you want to attract) in your mind as long as possible.

1. Make sure that your mental picture of your goal or dream you want to manifest is as clear as possible.

4. Attach Intense Emotion To Your Mental Pictures.

3. Make your mental picture as vivid as possible.


- Louise Hay, World Leading Affirmations Expert

“Every thought we think is creating our future. Look at the problems in your life. Ask yourself, what kind of thoughts am I having that create this? Make a list of your fears, and then give yourself the opportunity to turn each fear into a positive affirmation. Because...You are the power in your world! You get to have whatever you choose to think!"

The Perfect Time Is Always Now!


I’ll guide you through an easy to folllow but very powerful Dream Manifestation Technique, which with the collective spiritual force field of everyone attending this webinar, will breakthrough hidden barriers for manifesting your dreams!

Make sure you sit in a comfortable position.

And before we begin... think about what you want to manifest into your life. It can be a perfect relationship, healing, money or whatever you feel is most important to you right now.

Ok are you ready? Close your eyes.... Relax and feel that you are one with the world around you.

Take a deep, cleansing breath of fresh air in… feel the sensation of renewal enter your body.

Feel all of your cares and worries leave with each exhale.

Focus your attention on your breath… inhale deeply into your core… briefly hold the breath… and slowly release all of your tension and stress.

Feel the relaxation overcome your body as you exhale… with each breath you feel more and more relaxed.

Now imagine inhaling clarity… and exhaling confusion.

Imagine inhaling peace… and exhaling anxiety.

Imagine inhaling courage & power… and exhaling weakness.

Relax your body, be at peace, relax your mind sink deeper and deeper into yourself.

Now count down from 10 to 0 and see yourself moving down deeper and deeper to a place of total relaxation.. At 0 you will reach a deep level of relaxation and inner peace.

Each time you say a number or the word deeper you will go 10 times deeper....

10....9....deeper...and deeper...8...deeper...down....down...7....deeper...and deeper...6....5.... feel yourself moving down deeper and deeper....4......3....go deeper and deeper....2...1...0.

You are now at a deep level of consciousness feeling completely relaxed......

Now Imagine Yourself in a bubble of Golden Infinite Light. This Golden light is filled with joy, bliss and unversal love and wisdom... And it supports your dreams and wishes completely.

Just feel the infinite possibilities... Infinite power of this golden light that sourronds you....

Now Imagine What You Would Like To Manifest into your life...

Imagine that it has already happened.

Picture it as clear as possible in your mind.

Feel the joy, the bliss, the gratitude and the happiness. Experience it now.

Now repeat these affirmations mentally...

Every day in every way I am becoming more successful... MY DREAM IS COMING TRUE, RIGHT NOW!

I am a success.

Now you can let go of this wonderful feeling and intention. Imagine that the golden light which is sourunding you like a bubble is floating outwards towards the universe, containing your intention.It is now floating out in the universe... And attracting, magnetizing all the energy it needs for its manifestation.

Now count from 1 to 5... at 5 you can open your eyes and feel better, fitter and stronger than ever before... alert, refreshed and full of energy...

1....2... feel yourself rising from deep levels.... 3 move your fingers and toes.... 4 ...feel yourself rising further...5 ... open your eyes... Now give thanks to yourself and the infinite source.

Gratitude is the best attitude....


Finally you’ll get the 3 Diamond Strategies for Creating Your Perfect Life...

Diamond Strategy #3 – Remove the Subconscious Blocks to your Success.

Diamond Strategy #1 - Accept 100% Responsibility.

Diamond Strategy #2 – Know Exactly What

You Want.

Affirmations + Meditation = Success

Are you ready to create more success,

happiness, love, money,

health and harmony in your life?

Meditate Deep Like A Buddha With Hypnotic and Subliminal Affirmations

Attract And Manifest What You

Want With This New Brainwave

Affirmations Technology

Just Sit Or Lie Down... Relax And Let Zenmind Affirmations

Take You To Your Desired Destination In Life.

8 Modules:

Healing – Self Esteem – Abundance & Wealth – Relationships Success – Life Purpose – Spiritual Growth & the very powerful

Delta Superbooster...

* Both Hypnotic & Subliminal Versions

* Each MP3 session takes ONLY 25 minutes to complete.

* A unique combination of Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones.

* Comes with a complete PDF Instructional Guide.

Download the complete program instantly in digital mp3 format and listen to it anywhere in the world on your Computer, iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android or any other soundsystem.

Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones:

Brainwave Entrainment...

Scientifically proven to create deep meditational

states. They also have numerous health benefits and are a powerful tool

against stress anxiety and depression.

Improve concentration and memory, relieve pain, help with greater motivation,

assist with learning, help you to become more creative, help with problem solving,

and a whole lot more.

Binaural beats when used frequently builds new neural pathways in the

brain so we become more focused, clear and simply have more brain power.

The scientists call it “whole brain functioning”.

Robert Monroe (Monroe Institute) reported that the use of binaural beats caused a wide range of positive effects, including "focusing of attention”, suggestibility, problem solving, creativity,

increased memory, better sleep, pain control... and enhanced learning

Norman Shealy – the inventor of the TENS unit – found that the effects of brainwave entrainment at 10 Hz dramatically increased levels

of serotonin, endorphins and norepinephrine.

The psychologist Devon Edrington, used brainwave entrainment audios to influence the learning ability of students. He found that

students who were taught, studied, and took tests while these tapes were playing did significantly better than a control group not

using the tapes.

The Zenmind Affirmations Recordings are very effective and powerful because we’ve carefully designed each frequency to suit

the core message in each affirmation perfectly.

The 5 Brainwave Patterns

Module 1: HEALING

! •! I have vibrant health and vitality! •! I am healing now deeply and completely! •! I have a strong and healthy immune system! •! Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better


! •! I believe in my words, my actions and in myself! •! I am powerful. I am worthy. I am lovable. I am free! •! I am beautiful inside and out! •! The Universe supports my every effort

Module 3: SUCCESS

! •! I Am a Success! •! Success follows me and I follow success! •! I easily achieve my goals! •! I can be, do or have anything that I want

Module 4: ABUNDANCE & WEALTH! •! I live in total wealth and abundance! •!Wealth flows to and through me through multiple streams of

a never ending source! •! Everything I give is returned to me in greater amounts! •! I allow myself to be rich

Module 5:RELATIONSHIPS• I Am Loved•! Each day I feel closer to my partner•! I now have my perfect partner in life•! I deserve to be loved fully and completely


! •! I am meant to do great things! •! I follow my heart and create my own destiny! •! I am free to be myself! •!My life’s purpose is manifesting for me perfectly now

Module 7: SPIRITUAL GROWTH! •! I give with love and receive with love! •! I am filled with Divine truth! •! The Divine provides me with the perfect answers! •! I am filled with light, love and peace


Deep Delta frequenzy 1hz, where healing, bliss and growth hormone

abilities of the brain dwell.This module contains all affirmations

from all modules subliminally.

Take Your Life To The Next Level Of Health, Wealth

And Happiness.You Owe It To Yourself!

Module 5: Relationships

Module 6: Life Purpose

Module 7: Spiritual Growth

Module 8: Delta Super Booster

Module 1: Healing

Module 2: Self Esteem

Module 3: Success

Module 4: Abundance & Wealth

Plus Complete Instructional Guide


Module 1: Healing

Module 2: Self Esteem

Module 3: Success

Module 4: Abundance & Wealth

Module 5: Relationships

Module 6: Life Purpose

Module 7: Spiritual Growth

Module 8: Delta Super Booster

Plus Complete Instructional Guide (PDF)

$67 $47X & Subliminal MP3 Audios

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Module 1: Healing - Hypnotic Session & Subliminal Session mp3

Module 2: Self Esteem - Hypnotic Session & Subliminal Session mp3

Module 3: Success - Hypnotic Session & Subliminal Session mp3

Module 4: Abundance & Wealth - Hypnotic Session & Subliminal Session mp3

Module 5: Relationships - Hypnotic Session & Subliminal Session mp3

Module 6: Life Purpose - Hypnotic Session & Subliminal Session mp3

Module 7: Spiritual Growth - Hypnotic Session & Subliminal Session mp3

Module 8: Delta Super Booster - Subliminal Session & Clearing Session mp3

The Zenmind Affirmations Complete Instructional Guide (PDF)

VALUE: 8 X $49 = $392

Bonus 1: Gamma Zen Bliss (Brainwave Meditation Mp3) Value


Bonus 2: Abundance Mantras (Video Meditation) Value $20

Bonus 3: Law Of Attraction – Fast Start Guide (E-Book) Value $27

Bonus 4: Develop Your Spiritual Healing (E-Book) Value $27

Bonus 5: End Procrastination Now (E-Book) Value $27

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