the accent fall 2012 issue, vol 1

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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The Best of Edition


Fall 2012 Issue | Volume 1

“Shout  out  to  Stephen  Barret  for  formatting  the  fall  packet”  –  Cory    Ha  Woon  Lemke    “Shout  out  to  Beta  Omicron,  Happy  63rd  Birthday”  –  Topher  George      “Shout  out  to  Marlee  Newman  for  writing  all  of  the  Accent  Articles!”  –  Spencer  Arias    “Shout  out  to  all  of  the  Alumni  who  wrote  Accent  Articles”  –  Spencer  Arias    “Shout  out  to  Michelle  Monroe  for  writing  a  lot  of  articles”  –  Spencer  Arias        

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I present to you the best of edition of the Accent! In these pages represents many of the wonderful articles submitted to the accent in the past six months. Re-reading all of the articles submitted reminds me why I am proud to be apart of the western district. I hope that reading this publication will give you an idea of what is going on in the district and encourage you go write for the accent in the future. I am always availiable to give you ideas on what to write about, and I hope you concider doing so in the following months, esspecially with district season coming up. I have really enjoyed all of the chapter update’s and a new google doc will go up in a few weeks to sign up for a day for next semester. Although this publication presents the Accent to you all in one convinient place, I encourage you to go read the accent whenever you can. New articles are posted at least once a week, and with more and more people writing, articles are being posted more often. For Ideas on what to write about, check out the fall packet accent page which can be found on the western district website (, and write a short paragraph or two. MLITB, Spencer Arias Western District Publisher Beta Omicron Chapter, Arizona State University | 602-885-1863

Step one: Log in to your western district website account. If you don’t have one, you should register for the accent, by clicking on register and following the step-by-step instructions. The Webmaster will then have to accept you as a member of the western district website. Step two: Hover your mouse over The Accent at the top of the page

Step three: Click on Submit to the Accent

Step four: (1) make up a creative title that will make people want to read your article, and (2) write your article in the box below. (3) You can upload pictures, video, music, or other media in your posting as well as switch to (4) HTML mode if you would like. (5) You can format your article however you would like as well, but I suggest you use plain text as it is easier to read. Step five: click publish!

Step six: Voila! your post is now submitted. You now just have to wait for me to approve it. The only reason it would not be approved, was if there was something inappropriate in the post or if there was any problems that I would then contact you to fix.

Dakota and I were friends before we were brothers. Kappa Kappa Psi, did not bring us together. What it did do for us though was much more. It gave us a bond that will be very hard to break. She is someone who I would make fly out and be in my wedding if and when that happened. She is someone who I will keep in touch with after she is gone even though I have done an awful job at doing that with other brothers who have moved on to do bigger and better things. This bond was created because the passion that we share for what this organization stands for outweighs much else. She made me become a better musician, by giving me someone to look to for advice. She pushed me when I didn’t want to go further. She displayed true leadership when she had our entire chapter help out with the North American Saxophone Alliance (NASA) Conference, and did so much of the work that she got offered jobs at other schools just for doing what Kappa Kappa Psi stands for by working 35+ hours in 3 days on one event. I was right beside her the entire time, trying to make her not go crazy. She was the person I always went to when I was having personal issues, or was frustrated with chapter issues. She is by far one of the best brothers I have ever met, and I am going to miss her very much. – Spencer Arias BO

I am going to miss Amanda Fischer so very much. Amanda was the Vice President of Membership when I was going through my process, and ever since I met her I have loved her. Her comical sarcasm is so refreshing. She knows when to have fun, but knows how to get down to business, and never confuses the two. Her dedication to everything she commits herself to is unwavering and truly inspirational. Most of all, she has a big heart and is someone I could always look to for advice. I am going to miss her quirky demeanor at meetings, but I’m super glad she’s staying close so I’ll get to see her from time to time. – Mark Martinez BO Similar to Mark, I feel particularly close to Jonathan

Saturay who was my Vice President of Membership during my process. Jonathan has had such an important impact on me as a brother and has really helped make me the person I am today, and for that, I am forever thankful. It is really sad to see him leave our chapter, and it definitely hurts knowing that I will not see him in the chapter meeting room when fall rolls around again. However, on the flip side, it is comforting to see Jonathan in the real world making his mark as a band director helping other people. While I have greatly enjoyed my time with him, as Robert Frost points out, tomorrow is a new day with new happenings and new things to look forward to. All we can do is enjoy what we have while we have it, and that is something Jonathan Saturay has taught me. I have no regrets. – Cory Ha Woon Lemke BO

You know how there are some decisions you make in a mere moment that end up drastically changing your life? I believe everyone reading this can relate–we all decided to attend First Degree having essentially no clue the impact it would have on our lives. And what is perhaps the most interesting thing about it is the way it changes lives even after life as an Active has come and gone.

I hear little snippets of the 5 & 8 all the time, often when I least expect it. Working in retail dealing with multiple just downright difficult customers in a row and all of a sudden I find myself saying “emotional poise…cheerfulness at all times…” and I’m smiling to wish them a wonderful day. Sure that is a tiny consolation, it doesn’t win me employee of the year by any means, but it ensures that I am giving my best 100% of the time. It gives me pride in my work, reminds me that I am part of an organization that values hard work and doing the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing. Thinking about all of the Sisters who are my role models and all that they have accomplished puts my frustration in perspective. In addition, it gets a reel of some of my most treasured memories going in my head and suddenly work doesn’t bother me anymore, it’s just a phase in my life.

Beyond the 5 & 8, Tau Beta Sigma has given me such an extensive tool kit for being successful. The idea of challenging tradition is one that has been ingrained in my way of thinking because of ΤΒΣ. That has had an enormous effect on who I am and what I do, larger probably than I give it credit for. Do you know how quickly people let go of their ideas and dreams because they are told “it’s always been done this way,” “it’s impossible to change something once it’s already started,” “it would take a long time or a lot of work,” “it’s easier to just stay the same,” or a myriad of other silly reasons? It’s alarming! Even if the group has a leader step up to take charge of the change, many people I’ve met since graduating are too unsure of themselves to even participate or support a leader changing the norm. All it takes is some creative thinking, a determination to challenge oneself to better the situation, with a little fortitude and courage to see it through completion.

One of the most difficult things to do in the “real world” is to keep that spark; remember what you’re capable of, what you have already accomplished and what you have yet to accomplish. Once you leave the realm of staying up till unnatural hours of the morning, spending hours in class thinking about all the emails you could have sent in that time, having weekly meetings that end up giving you your social life for the week, it feels like Never Land, and you’re just too grown up. And here we have a full circle; it is so easy to get discouraged and slip into the mundane day-to-day life, then those little pieces of wisdom from the past come back to reignite that spark and remind me that I’m a Sister in the bond, and, with my Sisters, I am best.

Westside love and MLITB, Rachel Goldman Tau Beta Sigma Western District President 2011-2012 Epsilon Kappa, UCLA

Being an Alumna. What a SCARY thought for me, not only in terms of life, but in terms of Kappa Kappa Psi as well. So many questions that I have to ponder about my new found relationship with this Fraternity (it’s an ongoing process)… What does this status represent and how should it be portrayed? What should ideal Alumni model? How should I deal with Life Membership, Alumni Associations, which events to attend, both Chapter and District? Should I continue my membership in the band program or a different one, or stop all together? How would that affect Lambda Alpha? Is it my time to let others lead and thrive completely, or will that lead to me being uninvolved and forgotten? I’m sure those of us who have graduated, no matter the year, and those of us who will graduate (hopefully all of you!), have started to think about these things.

Our passion for music, band, and Kappa Kappa Psi will never stop, even though our time as a student will. The title we all proudly earned of being called a Brother will never go away, although the title of student will, eventually replaced by what you choose to make it.

Becoming a graduate, an Alumna of this wonderful organization, and writing this article, have truly given me time to reflect on what I can take away from my experiences as a Brother and where to go from here. There are the countless lessons I’ve learned that contributed to my toolbox of life skills, the memories forged of the exciting milestones reached as individual Brothers, Chapters, Districts, Nationally and Jointly, and the bonds built over time and many miles. I would not be the person I am today without the combination of these things and my participation in band.

As hard as it is for me to step aside from Lambda Alpha and being Active to let those who work hard, learn well, and contribute nothing but their best carry our Chapter and ultimately this Fraternity forward, I must realize that, like it was for me, this journey from Prospective Member to Alumni is incredible, irreplaceable, and valuable. Without this necessary step, I would prevent Brothers from achieving, succeeding, and even making mistakes in order to learn. I am now there not to be their biggest critic having gone through my four years, but to be their biggest supporter in whatever way they need me. This goes for the Nation, the District, Lambda Alpha—all of my Brothers and Sisters. Without this experience as a whole that I have given so much to and gained so much more from, I would not know where the path following college would lead.

I am proud to say that my last year at UCI and the thought of graduating and being an Alumna of Kappa Kappa Psi made me sit down and think harder than I had previously about where I wanted to take my life. I was TERRIFIED of a life without music and band being constant presences; I was worried that there are some kids and individuals who would never get to experience what joy music brings. Finishing my degree in History, I have decided to pursue another BA, but this time in Music Education, and hopefully my teaching credentials. There is no place that I would rather be than working with kids, teaching them the life skills and lessons that are intertwined with the notes on the page. Waking up every day to fulfill and live my passion for music and band, what they represent, to share that with others…I could only imagine.

In closing, talk to your local Alumni! I would encourage all of you Alumni to stay connected and contributing in a manner that is most productive and healthy for you AND those Actives of your home Chapter or that you will be around after becoming an Alumni; I’ve already seen it happen in many ways—so many Western District Chapters have started Local Alumni Associations! Utilize the wonderful tools and resources you have—the Alumni Association, Brothers and Sisters you are close with, the Nationals team, District Has Beens, Governors and Counselors both past and present; we’ve all pondered those questions and many others before, there have got to be some thoughts floating around! Finally, Active members: work with your Alumni to set a standard. Model the relationship between Active students and those that have graduated. Like with the Prospective Membership Education process, expectations and goals need to be set and both parties (actives and PMs) must be communicating and contributing!

Being an Alumna doesn’t look so scary or uncertain anymore. The questions will keep coming, answers retuned or rebuilt, but I know one thing—the love for music and Kappa Kappa Psi, and the love I have for my Brothers and Sisters, will be forever constant and forever strong.

Congratulations to the Class of 2012, our most recent Alumni! Here’s to many more graduate Brothers!

AEA forever and always and MLITB, Charlene Ronne Lambda Alpha

The Best are in the West!

Hello and happy summer! Well…almost summer for all of us at UCLA. I’m Melanie Lim, the secretary of the EK chapter of TBS at UCLA, and I wanted to tell ya’ll about what has come to be our chapter’s big annual service project: the Girl Scout Project. Who knows, maybe it will inspire another chapter to do a similar project! Basically, we help local girl scouts earn their musician/dancer badges. In the past the event has been held on the UCLA campus, or during one of the girl scouts’ camping trips, but this year we changed it up and held it in an underprivileged part of LA at Walton Middle School in Compton. The event was being put on in an attempt to spark interest in the area, and girls from all around the area came out with their families to learn more about Girl Scouts. We helped the Brownies (2nd and 3rd graders) earn their dancer badges, and we helped the Juniors (4th and 5th graders) earn their musician badges. We had prepared for there to be about 80 girls in total, but only about 40 girls actually showed up. The Brownies were split into 2 group leaders with 2 group leaders each, and then throughout the day went through 4 stations, learning about movement, music, and even learning the guard dance to our stand tune “Ow!/Word Up,” all working towards earning their dancer badges. Similarly, the Juniors were split into 2 groups with 2 group leaders each, but instead they went through 4 more music oriented stations, learning about different types of music, making their own instruments, and learning how to play their instruments along to one of our fight songs, “The Mighty Bruins,” working towards earning their musician badges. At the end of the day, we put on a short concert for the girls and their families, and the girls performed with us, which was the last step needed to earn their badges. By the end of the day, it felt like we had really inspired the girls to continue on with Girl Scouts, and maybe even got them interested in music. Some of the Sisters had even developed close relationship with the girls they were working with; some girls asked us if we were going to be there every week. All in all, I think my fellow sisters will agree with me when I say that it was a truly rewarding experience, especially working in an underprivileged area. I would highly encourage other chapters to seek out similar projects. Finally, I would like to commend our Director of Service and Music, Nathalie Ferare on a successful Girl Scout Project. Can’t wait for next years! MLITB, Melanie Lim Psi

Band Day! The day that every member of the Sun Devil Marching Band can barely wait to play for hundreds of squealing High School students looking to find their future home. This year we performed ‘The Music of Stan Kenton’ with Artistry in Rhythm, El Congo Valiente, Pegasus, and Malaguena. However, what can we learn besides putting on a great show? We can take a few lessons from this year’s show alone from an era of music beginning to be lost to modern ears, to an entire style that flows throughout our state. Stan Kenton’s Band ran from 1930-1970’s and was a major player with Chase, and Chicago among others.They quickly became a Tour De Force pushing the limits of the jazz band creating a sound all their own. That combined with a Latin swing and choral structure gave this year’s show a sound all of its own. These two things however could teach us a few things more than just the music. Claimed to be one of the more difficult shows in the past decade, it taught us the inner discipline to go actually go out and practice. This year pushed us not only intellectually but all technique wise. At the end of the day, I feel we grew as an ensemble and it could end up teaching us more musically for years to come; opening up doors for us to come. AEA, Andrew “CQntinuum” Glenn BO

The Gamma chapter has had a busy and productive start to our school and band season. While we graduated some wonderful brothers last year and were sad to see them go, we are excited to always be looking towards the future which is one of the themes in Gamma’s activities this quarter. Zeb Watkins – CFR Barely three weeks into our quarter, Zeb made his way over to Gamma on October 11th, after visiting the Beta and Iota Gamma chapters. It was so much fun getting to know Zeb and testing his knowledge of all the Chapter designations over lunch (he knew a ton of them!). All of our officers met with him and discussed our responsibilities as well as how we can better serve the chapter and thus, better serve the bands. Our entire chapter met with Zeb after marching band practice and had an excellent discussion about what we think is going well, what we can improve on, and his impressions of Gamma from the few hours he was able to spend with us. My roommates and I had the pleasure of hosting Zeb in our apartment, and we stayed up late into the night talking all things Kappa Kappa Psi. Reflecting on his visit, Zeb made it possible to see our own potential for the future and how impactful we can really become: for that, the entire Gamma chapter is grateful. The Tenino Marching Band Festival For the last three years, the Gamma Chapter has helped one of our own alumni the high school band director at Tenino High School, put on his very own marching band festival. Tenino is a very small town about an hour and a half south of Seattle and the marching band programs in their town and in the surrounding areas are still developing. The first year we went down, there were only two schools that marched; just two years later, that number has swelled to five. The Gamma Chapter helps out by running the warm ups for our respective sections, helping out with technique and helping the bands rehearse the songs that they all play together at the conclusion of the festival. We also run a clinic where we talk about what music in college is like and address questions the high school students may have. Our final job is to provide the entertainment while the scores are tallied up, and even though it absolutely poured when we went to perform our songs, we had a blast performing in the rain and the kid loved it! It is extremely rewarding to know that one small Saturday out of our lives can make an impact on hundreds of future musicians and that is why we love this project so much. Fall Rush The Gamma Chapter only has one rush class per year and we are right in the middle of the process right now. Our Vice President, Cerise, has been talking to all of the bands about our chapter and she has helped recruit twenty or so potential prospective members for our chapter to consider. She has worked hard this year to make sure that Active Brothers are meeting all of the PPM’s by collaborating with our Social Chair, Megan, to have fun events for us to hang out at, as well as organizing more reflective meet and greet sessions where we can connect with the potential prospective members on a deeper level. We have bid voting coming up next Tuesday, and the following Sunday and Monday are Bid Night and First Degree which has created an air of anticipation throughout our entire chapter. We are going to have an exceptionally strong class this year, and we are excited to see what they will bring to the future of Gamma. Gamma is in a really good place. Our membership has never been as strong as it is right now. We are planning on bringing in a wonderful class of prospective members in the next few weeks. And district season is only a few months away! We hope to reconnect with many of you that we haven’t seen in a while and meet all of you we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet. AEA, and MLITB, Ben Horst Recording Secretary – Gamma Chapter Kappa Kappa Psi University of Washington


It was that time of year, when the campus was a-bustling Where every band member ran to their set, truly hustling The time of year when prior days seem the longest And that time of year when the band seems the strongest Making schedules galore and asking for help along the way It was finally time for U of A Band Day. The day was the 6th of October, and the time, 6 in the morn TBS and KPsi Omegans, from their beds they were torn Hanging signs, setting tables, filling big water jugs By 7:30 setup was done, but coffee was still needed in mugs For the day had hardly begun, the high school bands had to perform! So we sat at our stations and watched them drive up in uniforms Band by band, they came and went Until it was time for the Pride of Arizona’s time to be spent Twice we performed: afternoon and night Both performances were out of sight! Finally the time came to clean up our mess And when that was done, our energy was less As a tradition, we gathered as brothers and sisters In the center of the field in circle, despite blisters We sang, “All Hail, Arizona,” our school’s alma mater And then split into KPsi, TBS, and their sons and daughters Our songs were sung in Arizona Stadium, echoing in the dark And then they were finished, leaving our melodic mark Then that was it- Band Day was done! Now it’s time to prepare for our next marching show- and that will be Fun.. Our POA night performance: Kirstin Fullmer TBS Omega President

Our Historians put together a fantastic History of the Pride of Arizona, which featured both pictures from the past Prides and past Omega chapter members!

A couple of lovely Omegans getting the “Water Before” station set up.

Above: The entrance to happiness.

Just a few of the wonderful items up for sale at UA Band Day. Theta chapter began the year off with a retreat to discuss the topic of Brotherhood and how it pertains to us in the band

setting. We also discussed the idea of being ‘visibly KKPsi’, wherein we strive to display the qualities of a good brother, even when we are not wearing letters. We also just had our Chapter Field Representative visit, and Zeb could not have been more awesome! We had a lot of really good discussions about brotherhood and how our chapter discusses topics and gets things done. In other news, we are organizing a reading band to celebrate the Month of Music in November. This will give some non-music major brothers a chance to conduct in front of a band of their supportive brothers, and we are getting some brothers from University of Oregon to come up and play as well! We look forward to continuing the year in the bond, and seeing everyone at Western District Convention and possibly even National Convention! Go Beavs! AEA, Greg Urban President – Theta Chapter Kappa Kappa Psi Oregon State University



On September 22-23 we hosted, one of Mu phi’s biggest and most memorable/super funsies/uber exhausting service projects of the year which is our symphonic winds band retreat. It’s a weekend where our band gets to hash out concert music (since we don’t have a marching band) bond as sections, and as a band unit. This year was our 4th year hosting this retreat with the theme being Hunger games! Our chapter which this year consists of 7 fantastic brothers, worked very hard day and night to execute what was a super successful retreat! To be honest we were a bit worried in the beginning because this is the smallest our chapter has ever been however we at Mu Phi don’t give up easily and try to overcome any adversity we face (and sometimes we’re just stubborn mules). Yet we quickly realized and learned that just because we’re small we’re not completely impaired from pulling off a project of this magnitude. It isn’t about numbers it’s about quality, and my fellow brothers of Mu Phi are perfect examples of Ideal brothers. We have a completely new tone in our chapter and are super excited to further our development. Today marks our 2nd year as an active chapter and we have accomplished a lot. We still have much to learn and are always welcoming any advice from other fellow chapters. :] AEA, MLITB Mango President, Mu Phi

Fall Quarter at UCLA is flying by, and Epsilon Kappa is hard at work, determined to uphold the ideals of Tau Beta Sigma. We started the season with a week and a half of band camp coupled with our traditional social activities, hosted jointly with the Psi Chapter of KKPsi. New to our usual line-up was a pre-band camp BBQ, which was incredibly successful! New and returning band members were able to get to know each other over a complimentary meal. On her way to band camp the next day, a sister noticed a freshman waiting by a streetlight. When asked if the freshman wanted to join her, he declined because he was waiting for another new band member he’d met at the BBQ! It was so awesome to hear our event had been a catalyst for a new friendship within the band. Besides hosting social events for the band, EK has continued to spend our time focusing on service. In addition to stepping up on the field, EK has co-hosted the UCLA Wind Ensemble Concert reception and performed for a local elementary school’s annual carnival. Additionally, inspired by other sisters and brothers in the district, EK went door to door on Halloween night asking for canned goods for the Downtown Los Angeles Women’s Shelter. Epsilon Kappa is currently looking forward to hosting our biggest recruitment event of the Fall: Spaghetti Dinner! Band members are invited to eat dinner and learn more about who EK is and what we do. This is a time when sisters get to explain why they are in this amazing organization, reminding us of our commitment and showing band members the projects and ideals we are passionate about. - Sarah Cox EK

You know your bond is getting stronger when you leave a super long meeting smiling and content with everything you’ve covered. Joint meetings followed by chapter meetings are interesting and can go one way or the other. Gamma Kappa and Alpha Chi’s meeting Oct 14th was productive and fun! Every officer had a lot to go over as we prepare for 2nd degree, Alumni BBQ, Band Day, socials, and fundraisers. Everyone seemed to be intensively listening yet still having a fun time. Even when things go awry or something not as planned occurs, brotherhood and sisterhood is something/someone we can always rely on. We are here for each other when we need a shoulder to lean on, someone to vent to (but spread no rumors), or just a brother/sister to be understanding. There should never be a surprising moment when one of us does something outstanding, but rather a remark similar to ‘oh cool, there’s a leader I am proud to know and call them my brother/sister. Someone who is maintaining our high standard.’ We should always be looking for ways to better the bands, our chapter, and ourselves. When we all achieve our goals at the end of the year, and we gave 100% to the entire journey there’s no one else I would rather be with than my brothers and sisters and to proudly call ourselves Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. Knowing that we have made a positive impact upon the community truly makes the experience a rewarding one. - Elyssa Hartsock GK



Beta Omicron has undergone a lot of changes recently. The reason for many of these changes is the size that the chapter has grown into. This year, BO has over 50 members in the chapter and over 30 prospective members. With a chapter that looks to be over 80 members, a lot of new challenges arise from committee organization, to how meetings are run. We have have met these challenges head on and imposed changes that have redefined the way we work at Beta Omicron in practically every aspect. The following is a written work of some of these challenges and what we are doing in response of them. General The Executive Council took the first challenge of how our committees were structured and reconstructed the operating procedures of each committee. With a chapter of leaders, we wanted to give as many people the chance to take on a leadership role as possible while still not having more committees than necessary or with similar focuses. After the smoke had cleared, our council came out with eight committees in total. Our returning committees were Membership, Service and Awards, Fundraising and Budget, Alumni Relations, Historian, and Music, all with new goals and focuses that we thought gave each more purpose and meaning to our chapter. We created a Correspondence Committee and we reformatted the Social Committee into the new Brotherhood Committee. Within these committees, we created designated positions to allow more brothers to “lead” in some aspect. Each committee has a chair, secretary, and treasurer to help track committee work, attendance at meetings and committee spending. Each committee also has other specific positions within them. One of the newest positions that we are excited about is our Leadership Chair. In the past, our Music Committee has not really had a focus other than to promote music, and often had trouble conveying this. Within this committee we created the Leadership Chair. This chair is responsible for finding ways to promote leadership within the chapter and also the side projects of “teching” at a local high school we feel is in need of “help” staffwise during the Fall and recruitment/promotion for the music programs at ASU (such as the Sun Devil Marching Band, Concert Bands, and Wind Ensembles) in the Spring. This year, this group has been working with Williams Field High School in Gilbert, AZ. Every Tuesday evening, the “Leadership Team” travels from Tempe, AZ to Gilbert, AZ to help make their program better by helping with sectionals, cleaning drill, and provided moral and motivation to these high school students. This high school recently qualified for State Competition in Arizona. It has been an experience for this team to be able to go out there use the knowledge they’ve received over the years to help this program improve and grow. Also as part of our Music Committee’s new found focus, anytime there is a convocation concert at the School of Music here at Arizona State University, we have taken it upon ourselves to host a free breakfast for students early in the morning to lift their spirits and prepare them to succeed in music. This has been an ongoing project for several years, but recently we’ve made some important changes. For one, we have brought the cost to our Chapter down from $100 or more per breakfast to a mere $30 by redoing our menu after cost analysis and data collection, combined with smart shopping in the form of couponing, sales, and rewards programs. Our breakfast menus are now flexible to allow for the most cost-efficient expenditures each time while still providing quality nutrition to our fellow musicians. In addition, we are streamlining the workforce necessary to complete each breakfast and are reducing the amount of waste each one creates by using sustainable practices such as washable serving platters for food rather than napkins or paper plates. The Music Committee also undertook 2 big projects. They created a new jazz combo and helped revitalize the a cappella group which helped promote music within the chapter. They also are in the works to create a Wind Band Composition Competition thats purpose is to get new works for Wind Band created. The winning composition will be chosen by reading through all of the pieces as a reading band , and deciding as a band which piece is the most appropriate for the high school level. We then will publish the score and parts multiple times to give copies to Williams Field High School, the Chapter, and ASU to create a stronger musical presence in the community. The last major change and goal of our chapter has been to enhance and strengthen our bond with the brothers and sisters in the rest of the State of Arizona. The executive council and a handful of active brothers from Beta Omicron recently took trips up to Flagstaff and down to Tucson to extend our hand in fellowship to our brothers and sisters of Gamma Kappa and Alpha Chi, and the joint Omegas. This trip was a success. The brothers and sisters of Flagstaff and Tucson welcomed us with open arms and were pleased and excited to hear of our efforts in this new initiative. As a chapter without a Tau Beta Sigma chapter, we wanted to reach out to these sisters more and work with them more in hopes that we have a better understanding of what “sisterhood” is and what it means to be and work with “sisters” as well as work more with our brothers in the state. With five chapters within no more than a couple hours of each other, we felt we needed a “Stronger Arizona” to help promote music not just within our communities but also our state. Membership The major goal for this year was to overhaul the way we handle the entirety of membership in order to better fit our changing needs as we continue to grow; we currently sit at 56 Active members and 31 Candidate members. Our class for this year, Delta Mu, is notable not only for its impressive size, but also for its diversity – this year marks the first year that we have recruited members of our dance team and Sparky’s Crew, which are both part of our Marching Band program at ASU, into our Candidate class, joining our already healthy representation from all across the Arizona State University bands. However, as I mentioned, such growth for an already large Chapter brought about the need for changes across every area of the education process. Though we are far from complete, the membership committee was led on a large-scale revamp of the education process. We restructured our pre-process interviews to feature four rooms: Music, Brotherhood, Service, and Executive Council. Each of the first 3 rooms featured a representative from the related committee asking pre-written questions to groups of 1-4 potential Candidates, with a representative from the Membership Committee present as an official note taker. The pre-written questions forced us to carefully consider what we wanted to know about people when considering potential future Brothers, and the structure of the note taking streamlined the collation process into a large presentation for the Active Brotherhood to prepare them for voting. Formerly, we had our Candidates formally interview each Active member, and required them to type notes of these conversations and include them in their binders. With 56 Active members, this was no longer feasible in an 8-week process. Our new system features giving each Candidate a composition book, where they must document each of their interviews, but we leave the specifics of documentation and interview structure open to allow room for creativity and efficiency. Rather than typing notes as they ask a list of formal questions, they could, for example, go out to the zoo with the Active, and could simply paste their ticket stub and write a short summary of their ‘interview’. This encourages actually getting to know each other rather than trying to obtain a list of ultimately forgotten facts, and feels much more in line with how we actively practice Brotherhood at Beta Omicron. We changed the structure of our lessons from straight lecture to an activity-focused learning system, where lecture is minimized and Candidates learn our history and practices through interactive, seminar-based learning. This allows the material to come alive, eliminates boredom or the feeling of taking a class, and promotes class bonding in an unprecedented manner. This, of course, is in addition to the many bonding activities planned to make our soon very large Chapter still feel intimate, such as our tentative Candidate retreat. Finally, we have updated our CMEP process, which had formerly all but vanished from daily relations, to become far more formalized and integral to the Membership Committee’s work. Shortly after we welcome our Delta Mu class as Active Brothers, we will begin an approximately four week long program for Actives, new and old, to go over the essentials of the process. This will refresh the minds of our older members, and will ensure that the Delta Mu class is intimately familiar with the knowledge base of Kappa Kappa Psi in a way that no class in recent memory at Beta Omicron has been before.

Service The Service and Awards Committee of Beta Omicron has dedicated much of its time to creating a service system that will better suit our large chapter size, and our specific ideals of service. The chapter is currently voting on a system that will be based on a collective pool of credit hours per year. This pool of credit hours will be composed of service goals that are explicitly outlined by the individual committees. The committees will submit requests at the beginning of year, as part of their budget request and planning form they will request a portion of the collective hours that their committee will strive to meet throughout the year. The committee goals will create the Chapter Service Goal. This Chapter Service goal will be quantified into how it fits into the five purposes of Kappa Kappa Psi, as well as it’s concordant committee. The Service and Awards Committee will be bearing the responsibility of assisting committees in fulfilling their service commitment. The idea behind this service system is that it will allow for a higher level of chapter participation in service. This system also permits an environment that is more likely to create an engaging environment within the committee that inspires brothers to participate as a team in order to meet their credit commitment. This will create a greater bonding experience between brothers. The Vice President of Service and committee heads will be responsible for “evaluating” brothers on their progress towards their individual goals, and act in a way that supports their progress. Should they notice a membership participation issue, the committee heads should approach the brother one on one to evaluate their situation, and to assist them in their participation. This will create individual accountability, as well as a way for brothers to manage their day to day lives with the responsibilities of Kappa Kappa Psi. This system allows for flexibility while also increasing our service output. Meaningful service is also supported by this module as there is more room for committees to establish project ideas themselves that fit into their goals and interests. The chapter will be able to track exactly where we are putting our time in accordance with our purposes and our committee goals. This collective experience will increase the bonding aspect of our service as brothers share the responsibility of serving together in meaningful ways. In terms of service activities that the Beta Omicron Chapter has participated in this year, we have been pretty busy as well. The largest of our projects, so far, being our ASU Band Day that required participation from every member of our chapter in order to complete. The ASU Band Day experience has a huge impact on high school students and, for many, is the event that inspires them to continue band at the college level. There is nothing more enjoyable than making a positive impact on the musical community while serving with your fellow brothers. For Beta Omicron, Band Day is all of those experiences in one intense day. Other larger projects we will be approaching this year include doing a Corner Concert series as well as serving with the Special Olympics. The Corner Concerts will be mini concerts held on the walkways of campus, that will raise money for underprivileged band programs. This winter, we will be helping run, as well as performing music for, the Arizona Special Olympics. Beta Omicron is striving to have a positive service impact that extends from our campus, to the community. Financial Over the last few months, we have been working very hard as a chapter and as committees to raise money. Back in August, the Music Committee organized multiple profit shares with local restaurants such as Chili’s and Applebee’s. Band members attended these during a break from camp, and we made a profit from what they spent. The Music Committee has organized a profit share to run throughout the semester with Applebee’s on a weekly basis to occur after our weekly chapter meetings. We are also partnered with Raising Cane’s on game days, which has become the unofficial “hangout” of the Sun Devil Marching Band, and we will be having one shortly at Organ Stop Pizza to celebrate the Month of Musicianship. Because of the diversity of the active members, we have been forming successful relationships with many of the local businesses surrounding the ASU Campus, most of which are happy to donate food and money to events such as ASU Band Day. Band Day was when a majority of our fundraising season started. The Fudget (Fundraising/Budget) Committee had been selling merchandise such as Sun Devil Marching Band lanyards, bracelets and CDs from past years to band members since school started, but nothing we sold could be compared to the money we made selling them on Band Day, along with the programs for the event. Our merchandise/program vendor table was a clear success, earning us more than we have made in the past. This large dollar amount was added to the $1050 we had made the previous day by cleaning up the Sun Devil Stadium following the home game against the University of Oregon. Cleaning up the stadium is a huge campus fundraiser that hundreds of clubs and organizations fight for every year. We managed to snag a spot cleaning the stadium after our highest attended game of the season, making us more money. To continue on our money efforts, we just had homecoming in which we had approximately 85 alumni band members march, each of whom paid a fee to us with a few Kappa Kappa Psi alumni also donating. Needless to say, our fundraising has started off very successfully, and we plan to continue. A silent auction is the next thing on our fundraising agenda. We plan to hold this event at our final marching band showcase, Pass in Review, in December. We will be making themed baskets, all created with items donated by local businesses, so this will be pure profit for our chapter. Basket themes include a coffee/tea/cocoa basket, a pamper basket (with lotions and soaps, etc), a date night out basket, and a Sun Devil Marching Band basket, to name a few. These baskets will be up for auction online a week before the Pass in Review concert, and will be claimed during the event. Our goal for all these fundraising events is to have higher District and National convention attendance. We want to raise enough money to be able to pay for substantial amounts of trip costs to attend both conventions. District Convention last year was in Arizona, so many of our brothers could afford to go easily. With it being so far away this year, people are more hesitant to go because of the cost. The same can be said for Nationals. We want to make it as cheap as possible for our chapter, so we can have amazing stories to tell and many more friends to make. Beta Omicron is already making waves this year, and the more money take in, the bigger those waves will be. Correspondence The goal of our Secretary was to increase Beta Omicron’s correspondence with chapters both in and out of the Western District. At a district level, we will be sending homemade or e-cards when chapters in the district put a class through Third Degree. On a national level, our Secretary has planned a penpal program that, while mostly open correspondence, will have designated sections concerning our purposes and ideals as a Fraternity. This program has had its bumps along the way and has yet to actually begin, but we are hopeful for its future. Additionally, we have implemented a monthly video chat with a Brother or Sister from a chapter outside of the Western District. These chats take place over skype and are structured so that the out-of-chapter Brother or Sister can give an introduction about themselves, allows Beta Omicron to ask them questions about their chapter, experience in their organization, etc., and lets them ask us any questions they might have. In doing these chats, the hope is that they will serve as a reminder that Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma are much more than what we see on our own campuses, and that there are Brothers and Sisters all over the country who share our same goals, passions, and ideals. The chats let us learn about programs other than our own, and can be used as a teaching tool to gather information that can possibly be implemented into various chapters. Beta Omicron saw the addition of a new committee this year – the Correspondence Committee. This committee is comprised of the individual committee secretaries who are responsible for recording the minutes from their committee meetings. In the Spring, the committee will be in charge of writing bi-weekly emails to chapters spanning the nation, sharing news of what is going on in Beta Omicron and hopefully finding new things to do and bring them back to the chapter. We are excited with how things are going this semester and we look forward for the rest of the Fall and the Spring semester!

Alumni Relations Once a Brother, always a Brother. This is the motto for Beta Omicron’s Alumni Committee. With this mindset, we have moved forward this year trying to make sure that our alumni stay as informed, and involved as their busy lifestyles permit. It is through the use of social networking, email, and The BOMAN, Beta Omicron Monthly Newsletter, which we keep our alumni in the loop. Whenever we need a helping hand that our actives can’t handle alone, it is our alumni who step in to help us. For example, while the actives are all performing during our Band Day performance for the future of our band program, it is our alumni who took over the logistics of running Band Day duties. We even had some alumni help with Homecoming this year in planning and getting information out to other alumni. However, we do not only inform them of our times of need, but our times of bonding as well. We had an outstanding number of alumni in attendance at our First Degree held on Sunday, October 21st. It was perhaps the largest amount of alumni at a First Degree we’ve seen in a long time. It is exciting to think about how many will be attending Third Degree as well when that time comes. We recently had our Homecoming on Saturday, October 27th. For our alumni, we held a barbeque before their rehearsal so that they could socialize with their fellow band members from the past. It was at this event that we held Alumni Band registration as well. However, we ran into a major issue with this event, and that issue was finding people to work it. Since it was held during marching band rehearsal, the majority active Brothers were unable to help. We resolved this issue by turning to our own alumni Brothers. They stepped in to help make sure everything went as smooth as possible, and the event was a success. One of the major goals this year for the Alumni Relations Officer was to increase the connections between individual alumni and actives. Before, it was mostly the Alumni Relations Officer who had the majority of the ties with the alumni. We have been doing our best to reach this goal in various ways. One way we’ve been doing this is by implementing a “Shout Box” to our monthly newsletter. This segment of the newsletter is where actives can write messages to certain alumni for everyone to see. Usually, they are congratulations or thank yous for certain actions. Another way we’ve been planning on achieving this goal is by having as many alumni/active events as we can fit into our busy calendar. This has, and will include a variety of football viewing parties, as well as dinners. For example, we will be celebrating our chapters charter date by having a viewing party for the ASU vs USC game! This way our alumni and actives can watch and cheer on ASU to victory over USC together! Historical Preservation The Historian Committee has been really focused on streamlining our activities to make them not only more efficient, but also more professional. First off, we have two designated photographers for the Chapter. Having multiple people, and not just our Historian, dedicated and excited about taking pictures at events not only helps document more of these events, but also to capture multiple perspectives. We are also working on a system to more effectively collect pictures from the rest of the Chapter as well, so that we can have an even richer visual history of this year. Additionally, we have a Kappa Kappa Psi bulletin board in the School of Music that we are striving to take the next level, beyond just an assortment of pictures. Since our chapter usually tends to be more marching band oriented, this bulletin board offers a crucial opportunity to our chapter to have a positive presence in the School of Music, and potentially attract more non-marching band members. Each bulletin board will be themed after one of the purposes, in hopes of explaining through words and photographs what Kappa Kappa Psi is all about. Lastly, we have amended the “Meet Your Brother” segment of the Historian report at meetings. This activity is somewhat like “show-and-tell,” and allows Brothers a chance to get to know a little bit about a particular Brother each week. Though “Meet Your Brother” adds a lot of life and character to our meetings, it has, in the past, tacked on way too much time to the meetings. In order to increase efficiency, but still hold on to this wonderful tradition, we decided to put a five item limit on what Brothers could present. So far, this system has worked out fantastically and the Chapter seems to be very pleased with how much quicker that part of the meeting proceeds. Overall, we are thrilled with my committee and all of the awesome help and ideas they have given our Historian. We have quite a bit more work ahead of us as we approach district season, but we are pleased with how we have improved and polished our procedures up thus far. – BO Exec Council

Stadium Cleanup

First Degree Car Wash

Raising Canes Profit Share

Band Camp


Like many of the chapters of the Western District, the Psi chapter has been kept extremely busy this fall quarter by our involvement with the UCLA Marching Band and football season! Here’s an update on what we’ve been up to so far this year! Marching Band Our top priority commitment has been the major focus of our chapter this quarter, as football and a record number of Olympic sport gigs have kept us busy in both marching and pep band. Our band split this year to send pep bands to both Cal and ASU, and we’re now preparing for another possible trip with a bowl game. On top of these sports, there have been many events for preparing for the opening of the new Pauley Pavilion, including a gala ceremony performed with the student athletes and a student opening ceremony last week. The Marching Band hosted and performed with many Southern California schools at the UCLA High School Band Day during halftime at the OSU game, and at the Utah game the band welcomed back over 200 alumni to perform with us at halftime for our Band Alumni Reunion show. To celebrate the end of a great marching season, Psi and Epsilon Kappa will be hosting a banquet at the end of the quarter for the entire marching band. Service Band camp is always a busy time for service, with many of our projects done jointly with Epsilon Kappa. These projects include bringing water to the band, building the director’s tower, painting numbers and sets on the practice field, and helping new band members move-in to their dorms. Psi has also continued its tradition of providing water and snacks to visiting bands at the Rose Bowl on game days. Several weeks ago a pep band of brothers and sisters performed at the UCLA Lab School carnival to get the children excited about music, and a group of brothers from Psi and Mu Phi helped run the Edison High School field tournament a few weeks ago. Earlier this week, a few brothers and sisters put on a concert reception for the UCLA Wind Ensemble concert, providing desserts and drinks for guests and performers. We are currently working on a very large band historical project for our director, which involves interviewing band alumni to record their person stories and memories of the marching band. Fundraising Psi held its usual bake sale on campus several weeks ago, raising money for our chapter and the marching band. We are currently preparing to sell our popular SUC shirts to the band and student body to celebrate the upcoming rivalry week with that other school from across town. In the future, we plan to host a night of laser tag and have a local profit share for the marching band to raise money while having a great time! Brotherhood and Sisterhood Despite the business of fall quarter, we work hard to keep the bonds with our fellow brothers and our sisters strong. Outside of the brotherhood building activities in meeting, we have held such events as a “V for Vendetta” watching party earlier this week for brothers and a Brotherhood/Sisterhood game night several weeks ago with Epsilon Kappa. Last week a group of brothers attended Mu Phi’s First Degree at Fullerton, where we saw five prospective members become candidates. Recruitment Lastly, we haven’t done too much in terms of recruitment, since that process begins in winter quarter for our chapter. We have been keeping our eyes out for outstanding and enthusiastic band members, and have kept a list of names for potential nominations. We held our annual Day at the Park several weeks ago, providing pizza and games and talking about what Kappa Kappa Psi is, and in a couple of weeks we will be hosting our joint open info meeting with Epsilon Kappa. However, the brothers of Psi are very excited for next quarter’s candidate process, particularly the members of the Beta Omicron class, which was initiated last spring quarter, who will be able to see the process from the perspective of an active brother. AEA and MLITB, Western District! Bradley Scott Psi Chapter President Kappa Kappa Psi University of California, Los Angeles


Brothers, In the past few months I have had the distinct pleasure of working beside a wonderful Brother and Sister from our joint organizations. Some of you may be thinking, “that isn’t out of the ordinary, I work with them all the time.” But our story is a little different; it begins when we all signed on the dotted line. On July 11, 2012, I reported to Naval Training Center Great Lakes for Navy Boot Camp. With each of us from different walks of life and from different parts of the country, I stumbled on two musicians that happened to be there as well. We were separated into a performing division because of our musical backgrounds. First I met Tyler Waltman, a sister from Stillwater. We hit it off right away but didn’t realize our Greek connection until several weeks later. Then a late addition came into the division. Keyondra Ruth, that I would later find out was a Brother from ECU, was added because of her status as an MU. Another person that understood my geekyness! Throughout boot camp we supported each other, Ruth and I even shared a rack for several weeks. Then our sixth week rolled around and a picture brought us closer. I showed her a picture of my Little and my Alumni Advocate after Alumni Ritual and she told me that she had also been in Kappa Kappa Psi! The next day we were talking about it over some paperwork and Waltman overheard and explained that he was a Sister. From then on we bonded in a way that no one could really understand, other than a Brother or Sister. I guess that it just goes to show that our Fraternity Hymn is exactly right. “I do not know how long ‘twil be, or what the future holds for me. But this I know, if I must die, I am a Brother of KKPsi.” I will never forget these two individuals. Having them by my side made life seem a little more normal in a really stressful time. In the Bond, Dakota “Brigit Ceol” Flint Beta Omicron-Kappa Kappa Psi 2010-2012 US Navy-Aviation Electrician 2012-2016

Some of the most wonderful people I know are Sisters of Tau Beta Sigma. I can’t imagine what it would be like without them and without their influence on college band programs throughout the nation. I never had the opportunity to meet Wava but I know she was a very strong woman and that her strength and motivation will live on in the hearts of all those wonderful TBS sisters. She will surely be missed. MLITB – Amy Golding BO

After Epsilon Kappa’s weekly meeting tonight, it suddenly seems clear how much of an impact Wava has made on the lives of band members everywhere. And simultaneously, there is no way to fathom how far Wava’s generosity of mind, heart, and hand has reached. I am so thankful to be a member of Tau Beta Sigma–for the sisterhood, the passion for music & service, the ever increasing standards pushing sisters to improve, and for the life lessons I have learned with my best friends.

Wava’s passing is truly heartbreaking, but also full of hope as I am reminded of what she has done for sisters, brothers, and bands. She has touched countless people’s lives and will continue to do so even after her death. How do you pay tribute to someone who has made such an impact? I love what Dawn said:

“Let us all reflect on how the actions of one person have made significant contributions in many lives, and then choose to live our own lives accordingly”

MLITB, Sarah Cox

Tau Beta Sigma, Epsilon Kappa University of California, Los Angeles

This is a great loss, but let us look at the wonders she has left behind. The treasured moments she shared with everyone she met. The love she had for music. The beautiful family she helped create. I never had the pleasure of meeting her myself however, I felt the legacy and the impact she had on the life’s of sisters and brothers that spoke of her. What A wonderful thing we can say that, “we lived in the time of Wava, the founder of Tau Beta Sigma”.

MLITB AEA, Cameron Gerhold Gamma

The passing of someone special is always hard to accept, but the easiest way to cope with such a tremendous loss is to remember all the time that you were able to spend with them and the memories that you were able to share. Wava Banes Henry was an extraordinary woman, who I had the absolute pleasure of meeting in Denver, Colorado while waiting for a flight that would take us both to National DLC in Oklahoma.

From the moment I introduced myself, being the star struck Sister of Tau Beta Sigma I was, she just had an incredible sense of extreme adoration for Tau Beta Sigma and all the things that it represents. Being able to talk to her one on one about her life experiences is one of my fondest memories I have had since becoming an active Sister in Fall of 2005.

She was such a firecracker or a woman and it was with her courage, strong will, complete devotion, utter determination and absolute love for music, service and Sisterhood that she was able to become the Founder of such an incredible organization! Tau Beta Sigma has FOREVER changed my life and it has taught me so many beautiful things, but most of all, it has given me the absolute honor of meeting so many fantastic individuals, many of which I call my greatest and best friends.

Wava will live on in our hearts and minds every time we pick up our instruments, every time we conduct sorority business, every time we travel to District or National events and most of all, every time we reaffirm our ritualistic vows. I cannot thank her enough for the legacy that she will leave behind now that she has joined the great sorority in the sky.

May you rest in peace, Wava, my founder, my hero, MY SISTER!


Katie “FLOUNDER” Kozma Zeta Xi Chapter San Diego State University Right before she entered the room the summer before last, they told us not to “overwhelm her with attention” but I can’t imagine any other person that could handle the attention of hundreds of sisters and brothers more than Wava Banes Henry would have been able to. Her ambition and, as mentioned, spunky personality was absolutely contagious and I can see that in every sister of Tau Beta Sigma I have met and every person who has had the opportunity to meet her. Her dedication to promoting diversity in bands created a sorority that strongly exemplifies that dedication every day–and has allowed spotlight to shine on every sister I’ve met who is following in Wava’s footsteps.

When we closed our meeting last night, thinking about Wava and what Tau Beta Sigma has done for us, and me as a brother of Kappa Kappa Psi, I could only think about all of the people to come that won’t have the opportunity to meet this inspirational woman. But what I’ve realized since then is that what is so wonderful about Wava is the passion and loyalty that she showed for greater bands and that she instilled in all of us and I know all of the sisters of Tau Beta Sigma will continue to do what they do and teach new members to achieve the standard set by Wava Banes Henry.

mlitb. Kaila Gamma

I never knew Wava personally but that doesn’t mean her impact was any less. On Tuesday, as Beta Omicron sang the Kappa Kappa Psi hymn I looked around the room at all my brothers and knew just how blessed I am to be part of this organization and the honor it is to work alongside another wonderful organization, Tau Beta Sigma. Wava was a wonderful woman full of love and determination. It is crazy to think that it took just one person with a passion, desire, and goal to change thousands of lives. We are so used to thinking that anything in the past was AGES ago. This Tuesday was a reminder that it wasn’t that long ago that this woman had a love for music and wanted equal opportunities as the men around her, not just in band but in the service of the bands. Even though her desire had a rough start, it didn’t discourage her. I love and respect all my TBS sisters and so happy that Wava pursued her desire over 60 years ago. Her life was the perfect example of what it means to strive for the highest. Wava will be dearly missed but her spirit lives in us all and I know she is looking down on us and smiling. MLITB<3 AEA, Gladys “Tiana” Keena Beta Omicron I never had the honor of meeting Wava in person, but I frequently heard stories of her strength, courage and exuberant attitude. Although she and I never personally interacted, her commitment to Tau Beta Sigma has affected me in a profound way by allowing me to meet and befriend so many wonderful Sisters. She may no longer be with us, but her legacy lives among us every day, in the service that Tau Beta Sigma provides to college bands throughout the country and in the Bond that connects us as Brothers and Sisters.

Goodbye, Wava. You will never be forgotten. MLITB – Kevin Nuno Lambda Alpha Though I don’t believe I met Wava in person, she still had a profound impact on my life through this organization known as Tau Beta Sigma. I’ve heard she was cool and very active up until the very end; I wish I could be like that.

solemn respects, MLITB – Ellie Brownson AX

I am deeply saddened to hear of the loss to our joint organizations, and I am mourning the loss of Wava with our Sisters of Tau Beta Sigma. I remember last NatCon in Colorado seeing Wava for the first time with her walker up on stage in front of everyone at 91 years old. The Tau Beta Sigma Sisters were telling me how when she came in to say hello during their meeting, and she said, “I wanted to come say hello, before something happened to you.” Hah. When she came in front of both organizations, the room was silent, ready to listen to what this amazing woman had to say. “I’ll always be here in spirit, so don’t do anything you shouldn’t do.” She was a spunky and bold woman, and I admire everything that she did for Tau Beta Sigma. She certainly was one of my role models. I found myself watching a video Jenny McDaniel posted of Wava and ended up crying quite a bit. I find peace of mind hearing her passing was peaceful & looking back at what a wonderful long life Wava led! Her actions and strength will never be forgotten. She lives on through all of us, especially in the hearts of our Sisters of Tau Beta Sigma. She promised she’d always watch over us to make sure we’re doing what we need to do! Through this sad time, I ask that we all do our best to support each other. Make Wava proud! Feel free to post on The Accent or The West FB page about how you are showing tribute to this beloved woman. MLITB Westside <3 Jeanette McMillan IK Western District President

As a sister of Tau Beta Sigma, Wava Banes Henry’s passing yesterday was definitely difficult news to hear. Her love for the sisterhood was unmatched and her legacy created an organization that many hold dear to their heart. We truly lost a phenomenal sister yesterday and I know that the rest of our chapters will continue to carry out her work ‘For Greater Bands.’ Thank you Wava for creating a sisterhood that I am so proud to be apart of. You will be missed by us all.

MLITB <3 – Cassandra Aayala Omega

The Immortality of Wava There is a saying: a man’s never dead until his name stops being said. In this case, I think “man” should be amended to “woman.” I will not pretend that I knew Wava very well. There are other sisters who will be able to tell wonderful personal stories of their times with Wava. I had the privilege of meeting her on two separate occasions, once at the 2007 National Convention in Florida and once at the 2009 National Convention in Arizona. Both times I heard her address the gathered delegates and do part of ritual, and I am grateful that I was able to be there for those times. I can go to my chapter and be one of the few that can say, “I met our founder.” But what made those two encounters really special for me was the glimpse I got of a person whose very spirit and being could never be kept down. At the 2007 National Convention, Wava was 87 years old. She flew from Colorado to Florida to be there, and during Opening Ceremony she danced with her husband in front of the entire delegation to the music of the band. She later addressed hundreds of sisters hanging on her every word, expecting aloof wisdom and ultimate sisterly knowledge. What they got was an explanation of how the TBS mascot should be the cockroach. It was pure Wava: well thought-out and off the beaten path, with a tendency not to take anything overly seriously. We, the sisters left behind in her wake, have a responsibility: to keep Wava alive. She, like the TBS cockroach, was made to be immortal. We make her immortal by continuing the work she started, by serving college bands and promoting women in the band profession. By graduating college and going out into the professional world to spread the value of music. And by sharing with other people the story of Tau Beta Sigma, why we exist, and the person who touched so many lives, even though she may not have met even a tenth of them. The day she died, I stood in front of my classes at Tehipite Middle School, a poor urban school in downtown Fresno, one of the highest poverty cities in California. I showed my students my shingle, I told them about my time as an active sister and why I chose to join Tau Beta Sigma. I told them about a woman who did not let her circumstances stop her, but instead changed her school, her community, and ultimately, the lives of thousands across the country. I saw Wava looking back at me in the faces of my students, all these people with the potential to change their worlds. I stood in line with other sisters from my chapter to get my picture taken with her, as so many others did. I saw my own emotion reflected in the faces all around me, the same thoughts running through my sisters’ minds: “I can’t believe I am listening to the founder! How lucky I am!” I am one of many; but Wava was one in a million. She will never be gone as long as sisters honor her legacy and speak her name: Wava Banes Henry Turner. Submitted by Janet “Dagny” Tenpas Life Member Eta Omega, California State University, Fresno I heard the news this morning, and I saw

many brothers and sisters posting about it on Facebook. But it didn’t really hit me until tonight’s chapter meeting, as we were singing the Kappa Kappa Psi Hymn. It was at this moment that I realized the true impact Wava Banes Henry made. She has touched so many of our lives, directly or indirectly. I never had the opportunity to meet her, but I just need to think of all of the wonderful Sisters that I have met, the Tau Beta Sigma chapters throughout the country, and the college bands that have benefited from those chapters to realize how much Wava Banes Henry gave to this world. She will be greatly missed. MLITB <3 – Matthew Heid Gamma

Two weekends ago 7 Brothers of Iota Kappa drove 3.5 hours to Pocatello to greet the colony members at Idaho State University! We arrived late Friday night and got to meet a few colony members. We had some funny discussions, like “Who would win?- A gorilla or a brown bear?” or “Do you pronounce it as BoiSE or Boize… and would you pronounce Lousianna like that?” This was our first encounter with the colony and they were really welcoming and excited to have Iota Kappa in town. After a late night of laughs and pizza with these cool kids, we finally called it a night so we could all wake up early for First Degree the following morning. First thing next morning, nineteen new faces walked in the room for Degree, with two members unable to attend the meeting for this event. Singing the hymn with them all for the first time is definitely an experience I will always keep with me. They were so excited! They definitely are eager to earn their letters and have the colony become a chapter of the Western District! Afterwards, we all went out to IHOP to continue to get to know the colony members. All of these members are so nice! I really cannot say enough nice things about them. They will be great, and there are so many freshmen in the group that will stand strong in the future to lead this group to strive for the highest. Just this past weekend the Bengal Marching Band from ISU marched for their homecoming game. Their new marching uniforms arrived this week, so the colony members had a lot of work on their plate the last few days helping check out uniforms before game day. They looked really sharp in their brand new uniforms! They played pretty well & had some alumni come on the field to play a piece from Austin Powers during half time. After the game, the last two members of the colony who were busy the previous weekend went through an informal ceremony. In a couple weeks, several colony members will be traveling to Boise for the annual DIII Marching Competition, now to be called the Mel Shelton Honorary Marching Festival. Iota Kappa is so looking forward to hosting this event & seeing all the Brothers, Sisters & colony members that want to come to our largest   event of the year! The colony President is Randil Jeffreys, a Brother from the Beta Sigma chapter at University of Houston. Some of the ideas Randil brings from his former chapter in the SWD are really wonderful & truly incorporate the musicianship that the Brotherhood needs. Randil is planning on graduating in May. The band director, Mr. York is also an Alumni of Kappa Kappa Psi! He is extremely supportive of the colony. And if you haven’t heard, Stephen Barrett, current Western District Webmaster and Life Member from the Iota Kappa Chapter, is the local sponsor for the ISU colony. Also, the Iota Kappa Chapter at Boise State University is the Big Brother Chapter. Second degree will be November 10th in Pocatello, Idaho, and Third Degree will vary pending Nationals approving the colony. If you have any questions, please contact Stephen Barrett or Erik Marrs, Iota Kappa President, at

Jeanette McMillan Kappa Kappa Psi Western District President – Iota Kappa Chapter - Boise State University

As you may or may not know, I am student teaching this year in a 5th grade elementary classroom. Although each class attends a general music class one day a week, we do not have a band, orchestra, or choir program at our school. The sad reality is, the arts take the first hit when schools lose funding. As a Brother, musician, and advocate for the arts in schools, I had to do something to show our kids that music is one of the greatest gifts in our society. Every morning, I play a song on my iPod as the kids are unpacking and getting ready for the day. Listening to 26 ten year olds sing One Direction at 7:30 in the morning always puts a smile on my face . In addition, it has become tradition for me to play “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz on my ukulele while they are packing up at the end of the day. This not only keeps them under control, but they love to sing and dance along. My goal is for my students to see how music can bring people together. This has been going well for my class, but how was I going to make a musical impact on the whole school? Solution, morning announcements. Every morning I am a guest on our school-wide announcements. My duties include reading birthdays, interacting with our principal, and singing. Yes, every morning you can find me on our announcements, singing a “good morning song” on my ukulele. My student teacher friends in the younger grades have informed me that their kids have all started singing along and clap when the song is over. Because of this one song, I have been asked to complete a tour of the 1st grade classrooms next Friday to sing for them. Have I ever been in a choir? No. Have I ever taken voice lessons? No. Was I willing to put myself out there, be goofy, and bring joy through music? Yes. My favorite aspect of music is its ability to bring people together. This is why I am so passionate about Country music, marching band, and Kappa Kappa Psi. There is nothing comparable to the joy I feel when tens, hundreds, or thousands of people are showing a combined passion for music. The appreciation of music is one of the reasons we are all able to be part of such wonderful organizations. Music is a universal language and it is my goal for my current and future students to gain a greater appreciation for this art that I love so much.

AEA and MLITB, Jenny “Nefertari” McDaniel

aka- Ms. McDaniel Western District Kappa Kappa Psi Vice President

Beta Omicron Chapter Arizona State University

Hello, West Side! The Ideals of Tau Beta Sigma (aka the Five and Eight) are the guiding principles for each Sister, much like the Kappa Kappa Psi Creed and Fraternal Code of Conduct. These are the qualities we wish to embody ourselves and the factors we wish to express unto others. Arguably one of the most important of the Five and Eight is Factor 8: “Fortitude and courage to see an ideal, to seize upon it, and follow it wherever it may lead you in Tau Beta Sigma.” As Sisters, we each seek to express this factor on a daily basis in the way we conduct ourselves on and off the field. Now, Sisters, I want to see how you would express this factor… graphically! Whether paint or pen, digital art or photography, the medium is up to you! Abstract or representational, it’s your choice! This isn’t a contest, but submission is only open to Sisters, and submitted designs will help inspire a current project of the Western District TBS Council. All artwork will be viewable via the Facebook Group and published in the Accent. Submit all artwork to me at by October 15th (also, not-so coincidentally, the day the first Distinguished Sister Award and Unsung Hero Award applications are due.) And feel free to submit as many pieces as you’d like! And for Brothers who would like to learn a little bit more about the 5 & 8, check out the National Website! I can’t wait to see all of your lovely artwork! MLITB! – Marlee Newman Western District Tau Beta Sigma Vice President of Special Projects Epislon Kappa Chapter at University of California Los Angeles

Interview by Marlee Newman/Photograph by Annie Leibovitz

I meet Cory for brunch at the top of Le Meridien Taipei, his penthouse suite an oasis of minimalist refinement that with a push of a button reveals the radiant heart of the city. It‘s truly a modernist’s paradise: orthogonal, clean lines, a simple earth tone palette, adorned with dramatic arced floor lamps and international contemporary artworks. It is a room filled with dynamic tension, a battle between the bold and the conservative. Looking around the room I know I’ve truly entered the inner sanctum of Cory Lemke. “I consider myself a pretty traditional person,” he says between sips of pink lemonade. Although he was born in South Korea, Cory spent his formative years in the suburban setting of southern Minnesota/northern Iowa. Family and family values have always held special significance in his life. As a sibling to an older sister, older brother, and a younger sister, being a brother is second nature to Cory, so it was only natural that upon joining the Sun Devil Marching Band he gravitated toward the Brotherhood of Kappa Kappa Psi. “I knew going into college that I was going to rush something. After I decided to do band, joining KKPsi just seemed right.” And right it was. Since joining, his passion for the organization has challenged him to strive to new heights as he now takes on his role as Kappa Kappa Psi Member-at-Large for the Western District. “I’m really excited!” His eyes light up with the excitement of a child receiving a new toy. “I’m excited to get to work with Marlee…” “Oh, you. Go on,” I chuckle and smile. “Really, I’m excited to get to work with TBS. I also look forward to getting to learn more about each KKPsi chapter in the district, seeing how each chapter functions—how their operations reflect their band programs and greater culture. I want to be able to apply each chapter’s insights across the district. I want to help people feel included, connected: I want to bridge the gap between the northern and southern chapters. I also want to focus on history a lot, why certain chapters went inactive, because in order to expand as a fraternity we will have to revisit schools that have inactive chapters.” I can sense the proverbial gears turning and see the passion burning in his eyes. This is a man truly inspired by his fraternity and what it stands for. Between bites of toast, he ruminates on what it means to be a Brother of KKPsi: “It’s about love and understanding. And it’s different from friendship. Like with a sibling, you may not always get along with someone, but you’d be there for him/her if they need you. It’s a constant striving to understand one another.” Yet his words transcend the boundaries of KKPsi and ring true with my own experience as a Sister of Tau Beta Sigma and as a big sister to my own biological sister. In fact, in our discussion Cory and I begin to realize how similar we are, from our views of our respective organizations and our life philosophies, to fact that we share nearly the same birthday and that we both chose trumpet over clarinet. I begin to think Cory is my long lost Gemini twin. We leave the hotel to take on the streets of Taipei. As fate would have it, we find ourselves amidst the 2012 Taipei International Jazz Festival. The city is alive with color and sound. It’s the perfect setting. “My mom says I was always interested in music. I listened to jazz a lot as a kid. I started band in fourth grade, playing trumpet, but I had taken piano before then. I played trumpet until my freshman year of high school, when I switched to horn, and then I played trombone in jazz band.” I ask my multi-instrumentalist friend what sort of music he’s listening to now. “The Sun Devil Marching Band,” he says through a grin. “I listen to a lot of foreign artists. I enjoy K-pop groups, like Big Bang, but I’m also really into French music, French pop music, and other foreign indie music.” As far as American acts go, Cory listens to a lot of Minnesota indie artists and openly professes his love for Lady Gaga, a sentiment with which I deeply empathize. I wondered if our similar tastes would extend into the realm of cinema. Surprisingly, they do not. Whereas nearly every DVD I own is either a Disney movie or a raunchy comedy, Cory is a man of pathos. “I really enjoy depressing movies, like historical Nazi war films or Korean war movies. Anything that makes you cry, even romance films too, but I really like depressing movies—politics, romantic tragedies… There’s a certain beauty in sadness. If you take a Korean war film for example, everyone is depressed, but these films are also unifying because they inspire people to do better. They inspire South Koreans to advocate for social activism and social justice.” The way he talks about these films alone was inspiring. I could only imagine the experience of watching the films themselves. He also recommends that I watch Iron Jawed Angels, a 2004 film about the American women’s suffrage movement. “I look up to strong women. Right now my older sister is getting her doctorate at University of Arizona. I’m inspired by her independence. Overall, I’m inspired by people who are the underdogs and go on to succeed.” The experience of being the underdog is one Cory can relate to. When it comes to his religious beliefs, Cory describes himself as “pretty Christian.” As a member of the LGBT community, Cory faces the threat of discrimination that comes with going to school in a state known for its bigoted politics. However, Cory at time “feels almost more of a pariah in the gay community for being Christian than [he does] in the greater community for being gay.” We continue to bond over our shared philosophies on life, love, and religion as we take in the sights and sounds of Taipei for the rest of the afternoon, culminating in our visit to the Mengjia Longshan Temple. It is one of the most exquisitely beautiful complexes I have ever been in. The vibrantly painted carved dragons ornamenting the architecture seem to come alive and breathe fire with the setting sun. Inspired by the image, I ask Cory if he has ever experienced a moment that he wished would last forever. “One day when I was in Hong Kong, I was really stressed over trying to get my visa. That day I went the Avenue of the Stars, a pier in Hong Kong Harbor. A typhoon was coming in. The sun was setting and it started to rain. I turned around and there was a rainbow over the entire city. I took it as a sign that things were going to be okay—I didn’t want to leave Hong Kong and I didn’t want that moment to end.” Thankfully, this was only the beginning of our time as counterparts, and I knew that come Convention 2013 I would be saying the same thing. As we stood there watching the sun set over the Taipei skyline, I could tell that this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. – Marlee Newman EK

Marlee S. Newman The girl whom we all adore

Flowing hair abound

Father and Mother Welcomed her with open arms

Younger sister too

From the big city Chicago Town, Illinois Roots firmly planted

California (Cal-i-for-ni-a)

Pacific thus drew them near The tree grows older

Her first love had come

Disney’s Mouse hath inspired The trumpet’s first sound

The Bruin’s loud roar

Psi and Epsilon Kappa Marching side by side

Invitation giv’n

Two thousand years plus nine more

Sisterhood had called

Family and love That is what they gave to her

All for greater bands

And here she is now Ready to serve, hair pulled back

Much love in the bond. Cory Ha Woon Lemke BO

With summer here, it seemed only appropriate to start looking back at what I did this past semester. One big event that happened was when I helped put on a big saxophone conference, where I got to use what Kappa Kappa Psi stands for to such a degree, the Arizona State University Saxophone Studio received high praise for putting on the best conference in years. Those leaders who made it happen taught me what I could do to make events like that work better. Hopefully in the future when I am tasked with putting on an event to that scale, I can use what I learned from Kappa Kappa Psi to make it run most efficiently, and in a way the community could be proud of. My question for you this week is to tell me one thing that you can take from this past semester that you did in Tau Beta Sigma or Kappa Kappa Psi, that taught you something that you could use later in life. – Spencer Arias BO Helping with NASA this

year was definitely a good learning experience. It was awesome getting to see how our chapter could help with an event that affected not only our school, but the music community on a larger scale – Brenda Martinez BO This past March was particularly busy for me, juggling studying for

finals with preparations for running for district office on top of my chapter obligations and co-organizing a Brotherhood/Sisterhood camping trip for Psi and Epsilon Kappa. It was a whirlwind of activity, and I didn’t have much time to relax… or sleep… for about two weeks. But I never allowed myself to get overly stressed, and everything turned out better than I could have anticipated. What this taught me was the value of organization, arranging priorities, but most of all having faith in yourself and trust those around you. The great thing about being involved in an organization such as Tau Beta Sigma or Kappa Kappa Psi is that you’re surrounded by people who want to see you succeed, and they will always be there to help you if you need that extra push, pull, or uplift. – Marlee Newman EK

In this past semester for Tau Beta Sigma I put together the Denny’s Profit share, making it very successful. The Dennys wanted to work with us and they wrote a very nice letter saying that I can get 20 percent instead of 10 percent of the sells with a flyer! – Anthony Henderson AX

This isn’t so much in the past semester as it’s been a process that I’ve been perfecting over the past 4 years as an active brother: the ability to manage my time effectively. when I think of time management, I think of the internet meme that I keep seeing sporadically: a picture of a triangle that says either “adequate sleep, social life, and good grades” at each point. On the bottom the words “College: Pick two” is scrawled out. How true this is! add KKPsi or TBSigma responsibilities and a part-time job to the mix, and we’re really stretched for time. Learning how to manage my time is one of the most valuable lessons i’ve taken from my time as an Active brother, which will (hopefully) translate into effective time management in my career. – Emily August GK

Music is the most important part of my life. It is what binds us together as Brothers and Sisters. I have been playing an instrument since I was very young. I started with the piano, as my Aunt is a piano teacher. When I was in 3rd grade I started playing the trumpet, but stopped when they got rid of the music program at my school. I did not have much exposure to music the next few years, but when I was in 7th grade I started playing the saxophone. I always loved music, but for me it was not until I started College that I really started loving music. I hated practicing and I just liked playing. When I started school at ASU, I began to appreciate music in a different way. I had decided that I wanted to study music composition, as I had started messing around with composing in high school. I had no idea the dedication or the preparation that it would take to get me into the program. As soon as I became serious, everything else in life seemed to get into place. I joined Kappa Kappa Psi, and I made friends, something that until I joined had always been a problem. It was my brothers that kept me going, that helped me through the triumph of getting into the School of Music. Now for the first time in my life I am happy. I have a relationship with music that cannot and will not be broken. That is because I discovered the instrument I was supposed to play. Being a composer is my musical outlet. I love playing Saxophone and Piano. I also play Trumpet occasionally, and I even learned how to play Oboe so I could play it in concert band for a semester, but these are just hobbies for me. I can spend hours sitting at the piano just reading music for fun. I did concert band every semester since I started ASU, even during marching band. For me this is for fun, and composition is my fun that is also serious. I can say this next part two ways depending on the way I look at it. Without composers there would not be musicians. Without musicians there would not be composers. I say neither is right. I think we can all be both, but that is just me. Composition is what keeps me sane. It also turned my life around for the better and got me to love music so much I want to make a career out of it. what ways has music changed your life for the better or what is your musical outlet, and what makes it special for you? Also if anyone is interested in listening to some of my music, check out my composers website

Sometimes I think music is the only reason I keep breathing. Even when nothing else can cheer me up or convince me that I can make it through another day, music keeps me going. Whether it’s getting to the “other side” of Youtube and listening to an obscene amount of music or practicing my flute over and over until I get that difficult part of a piece worked out, music just makes the world make sense. I’ve been blessed that music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I grew up singing at school and picked up the piano in 3rd grade and the flute later in 6th grade. I’m not entirely sure what it is, but there’s something about listening and playing music that just clicks like nothing else. Whether it’s well written lyrics or a series of notes that express what words cannot, music simply expresses what the soul feels. And for that reason, it is quite possibly the most important thing in my life. As I leave Saturday for my ROTC camp, I keep hoping that I get enough songs stuck in my head that music won’t leave me for 4 weeks. But in the words of Shakespeare, “The world has music for those who listen.” I’ll never be alone so long as I can hear the music. – Alexis Howell Iota Pi

Music truly works in mysterious ways. It somewhat amazes me how emotional simply listening to a song can really make me. During the candidate process last year, past Psi VP, Trevor Hershberger, did an exercise with the candidates in which he played several movie clips with and without the music. Though simple, it was simply astonishing how much the meaning and feel of the scene really changed. Music is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful things on this earth that connects us all. Everyone may not appreciate the same types of music, but everyone appreciates some type of music.

I think Dumbledore summed it up the best: “Ah, music,” he said, wiping his eyes. “A magic far beyond all we do here!” - Derek Lee Psi

Music is something that allows me to get in touch with my emotions when I am having a tough day. Listening to music is great, but I feel that playing music for so many years has enabled me to connect even more and understand that it is okay to listen to my emotions. I just find it fascinating and amazing! – Matthew Heid Gamma

Music has definitely been a powerful, positive force in my life. There is no greater medium through which feelings and ideas might be transmitted person to person than through music, and it has been a lifelong source of encouragement and self-improvement for me.

Whether it’s playing my clarinet, watching movies with great scores, listening to songs on my computer, or just looking up wacky songs from Youtube, music is a constant source of consolation, entertainment, and motivation. When I suffered from self-esteem problems in high school, it was listening to music that gave me solace and allowed me to get past the issues that I faced. Music just seems to soothe me in a way that nothing else could, and it truly is something very important to whom I am.

Perhaps the greatest effect that music has had on my life has been the friendships that I have built using music as a common factor. Most of the friends that I made growing up that I am still close to today, I met via our mutual love for music and involvement in music programs in school. In college, I have found yet another amazing, awe-inspiring group of friends with whom I share a fantastic commonality: our love of music. It was (and still is) enlivening and uplifting to be a part of a group in which so much powerful enthusiasm and spirit can be transmitted through music.

Since joining Kappa Kappa Psi, I have become yet further exposed to how music can bind people together, and I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to discover more about the sense of community and fellowship music can build with my Brothers and Sisters. It has been incredible to become a part of such a tight-knit and loving community that music has engendered, and it stands as a testament to the power of music to unite and inspire people. Music has allowed me to discover more about myself and about my peers, and it has been an enormous factor in making me a better person.

Kevin Nuno Kappa Kappa Psi Lambda Alpha Chapter University of California Irvine

It’s not every day you get to try something new. And it’s even rarer to get multiple consecutive days filled with new experiences. But I guess that’s what KKΨ and TBΣ are all about: making every day extraordinary. And this past weekend was just that. July 20th through July 22nd, 2012 was when my Washington Weekend started. It all began when I got stuck in traffic by LAX while on the way to my 3:30pm flight to Seattle. Except I didn’t actually get dropped off until 3:10. 20 minutes of airport security, running through the terminal, and getting lost, I made it to the flight, which ended up being delayed. Oh, and to top it off, this was the first time I had ever flown by myself anywhere! But I had Hillary and Nick to help quiet my fears and coach me through the way But enough about that, that’s not the interesting part. When I got to Seattle, some absolutely wonderful Brothers greeted me: Angela and Michael, Jane Oliver, and Jenny McDaniel. One wonderful car ride later, we were at Jon Casey’s! I have to admit, I’m usually very shy when it comes to getting to know new people, but these people were so friendly and so awesome, we all bonded so quickly! Between Jon using the flamethrower to light the bonfire, and Greg, Stephen, Stephen, Nick, Michael, Danielle and I playing some competitive rounds of Nertz, and hot dogs, watermelon, and chips, and Jenny, Angela and Ben singing and playing the piano, and Jeanette and other friends breaking the shelf they were sitting on, and everyone just talking and getting to know each other, this was a pretty great memory. On Saturday, I got to see some more of Seattle! At the Seattle Center, we were lucky enough to be able to participate in Bite of Seattle. Lots of food stands and a concert in the park made the beautiful, sunny day even more pleasant. Then we went to Pike’s Place, an indoor market filled with sounds and sights and smells, and interesting places like the original Starbucks. Later on Saturday, we went to an outdoor movie theater to see O Brother Where Art Thou, which, if you haven’t seen that movie, you should, because the music in it is great. Nearly everyone fell asleep except for me, but I have to admit, I’m impressed they could sleep with me howling along to every song. But since I’d never been to an outdoor movie theater before, this was another new experience. Finally, that night, most of us went to the home of our gracious hosts, Kaila Eason, Kerry Sloan, and Staci McMahon, to get some more bonding in. At around 2 am, right when most of us were settling down, what should happen except the fire alarm should go off? One evacuation, two fire department phone calls, and three encounters with drunk and confused and strange people later, the fire department arrived and cleared the building for reentry. Oh, but not before Jaelise beasted life and used her awesome firefighter skills to assess what was up. By the way, Jaelise, if you ever read this, you’re really cool. Actually, all of the people I met and spent time with on this trip were really cool. Each and every person. I have the strong belief that I made friends that I will have for a really long time, because I realized that if we can all become so close and have such a bond in such a short amount of time, think of how awesome of friends we’ll be when we have known each other for years. The worst part of this weekend was saying goodbye on Sunday morning, when I had to leave early for my flight, and even then, I wasn’t able to say goodbye to everyone I wanted to. Which is actually probably for the best, because I absolutely abhor goodbyes, and would much rather say ‘Until we meet again!’ So that’s my story of my wonderful weekend. You don’t really want to know about my silly plane rides back to LA, or about what I’ve done since then, but if by some miracle you do want to know, hit me up, yo! But for now, I’ll just say, ‘Until we meet again!’ Ciao, friends. – Michelle Monroe Psi

Those kool kats photoboming like nobody

Outdoor Movie Theater


President Jeanette McMillian Iota Kappa Chapter

Boise State University

Vice President Jenny McDaniel

Beta Omicron Chapter Arizona State University

Member-at-Large Cory Ha Woon Lemke Beta Omicron Chapter

Arizona State University


Alexis Howell Iota Pi Chapter

Cal Poly

President Jenna Goldman

Alpha Chi Chapter Northern Arizona University

Vice President of Membership Nicholas Cohen Omega Chapter

University of Arizona

Vice President of Special Projects

Marlee Newman Epsilon Kappa Chapter



Jaelise Jensen Theta Eta Chapter

Utah State Universty

Western District Advisors

Governors Brad Townsend

Oregon State University

James Llamas

Psi Chapter UCLA

Counselor Trevor Angood Lamda Chapter

University of Michigan

Webmaster Stephen Barret

Iota Kappa Chapter | Boise State University


Spencer Arias Beta Omicron Chapter | Arizona State University

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