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No. 159 December 2018

The Nativity of Our Lord Christmas Eve at 4pm: Great Vespers and Blessing of Gifts

Christmas Eve at 6pm: Vesperal Divine Liturgy at St Aethelheard’s, Louth

Christmas Day at 10am: Divine Liturgy, St Matthias Church Centre, Lincoln.

Parish Newsletter �1

Divine Liturgy

Every Sunday at 10am in Lincoln (Matins begins at 9.15am)

Every Sunday at 10.30am in Louth

The third Saturday of every month at 10.30am in Grimsby

Great Vespers

During the winter months, Great Vespers is usually served each Saturday at 4pm in Lincoln.

Church Open

The church in Lincoln is usually open each Wednesday between 10am and 4pm. A priest is available for confession, advice and support.

(See the back page for how to find us)


The Parish of All Saints of Lincolnshire, Lincoln

with St Aethelheard, Louth, and Ss Marina and Kenelm, Grimsby

No. 159 December 2018

Fr George writes…

Born in a cave. Buried in a cave. Jesus!

In 1993 I made my first pilgrimage, alone, to the Holy Land to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. At that time the huge security wall which now surrounds the little town of Bethlehem (effectively turning it into a huge prison) had not yet been built. Access was possible to the open fields around the town.

Getting off the bus in Manger Square in the centre of Bethlehem I found myself in the centuries old town of which the prophet Micah had written long ago saying: “You Bethlehem Ephrata, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come the One who will be ruler over Israel. He is the Anointed One. The Ancient of Days.”

Facing me across the square I saw the low entrance to the Church of the Nativity. This is the oldest Christian church in the Holy Land. It was first constructed in 327 AD on the orders of newly converted Emperor Constantine. Why did he build it here? He built it to stand over the cave in which Jesus Christ was born.

Yes, the stable of the Nativity was not a wooden hut above ground (as seen in Western art and Christmas cards) - it was a cave below ground (as seen in the holy icons). I was able to visit other stable-caves around Bethlehem which are in use to this day.

The stable-cave in which Mary gave birth to her

Parish Newsletter �2

Do you still receive the Newsletter by post?

It costs £1.10 for every newsletter we send out in an envelope! For many people, this remains the best way of receiving information about what is going on in the parish. However, for some it may be more convenient (not to mention cheaper) to receive the newsletter by email.

If you are currently receiving the newsletter through the letterbox and would rather receive it by email, then please email me (email address on back page). Make sure you include in your email the full address on the envelope your newsletter came in, so that we can remove it from the list.

Fr Paulinus

No. 159 December 2018

Divine Son lies directly beneath the Altar of the Church of the Nativity. Usually it is a busy place full of pilgrims crowded together, shoulder to shoulder. I was greatly blessed in that I arrived very early in the morning before the crowds. I was able to enter the cave down the stone steps beside the Altar and found myself quite alone in the cave. I remained a long time in quiet prayer and contemplation. Here Jesus was born - and I was kneeling on the floor of the very spot. What a privilege ! The birth of Christ is not a myth - it is a fact. It is history. And this is where it happened.

The name of the town, Bethlehem, translates into English as “House of Bread”. To the Christian mind this links at once to our experience of receiving God in the transformed bread of Holy Communion.This Christmas every Orthodox Christian will want to receive the Christ in the Mystery of Holy Communion. However often you approach Holy Communion throughout the year the Christmas Communion is one that every true Christian longs for. This sacred Communion joins us once again to the very beginning of our Holy Faith.

Some of us will have been preparing for this Christmas Communion by 40 days of Prayer and Fasting and making extra gifts to Charity to help people in need. Some will arrive at the church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day who we have not seen near the Temple since last Pascha. These latecomers will join the queue for Holy

Parish Newsletter �3

Garden Tidy-up Day

Thank you to everyone who helped tidy up the garden! A large skip was filled and everywhere looks much tidier.

Choir Practice!

Every Friday at 1pm in St Matthias Church Centre. Come and sing! (Please note: no practice on Friday 28th December.)


It takes a lot of work to keep St Matthias Church Centre looking clean and tidy, and this work is done by a small group of dedicated cleaners. The more people help, the quicker the work gets done - so if you can spare an hour on Friday, once a fortnight, please contact Warden Eleni for details. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

No. 159 December 2018

Communion knowing that the priest will not turn them away. God alone knows the inner thoughts and secrets of the hearts of men and women.

It is not for us to judge our brothers and sisters. Judgement is for God alone.

The thoughts of our hearts may be private and known only to God, but receiving Holy Communion is not a private or secret matter. The Holy Communion is a Family Meal around the Family Table. Holy Communion is not a reward for the very devout. It is the battle rations of the Christian struggling against the trials and temptations of life. It is forgiveness received and strengthening of soul. It joins us to Jesus. The altar is our Bethlehem. We approach the Chalice of the Body and Blood of Christ the Saviour as the Shepherds of Bethlehem approached Christ in the Manger - with wonder, reverence and awe.

Parish Newsletter �4


In every Orthodox Church, throughout the year, you will find flowers and greenery beautifying the iconastasis and icon stands. If you would like to make a small donation towards the purchase of flowers in St Matthias Church Centre, please see Mtka Annis.

Hidden Talents!

As an expression of the Universal Church, the parish is made up of its people. If you have a talent or skill that you think would benefit the work of the Church here in Lincolnshire, please talk to one of the priests. Whether your strength is gardening, administration, DIY, baking or designing websites, there is something that needs doing in your parish. Don’t be shy, we would all really appreciate your help.

No. 159 December 2018

Barnados Christmas Boxes

Continuing our parish tradition in Lincoln, we are once again collecting Christmas gift boxes for children who really need our love and help. It is very easy, and a practical way to help children in need. Follow these simple steps:

1.Take a box (like a shoe box) and cover it with Christmas wrapping paper.

2.Decide if it will be for a boy or a girl (or a young man or woman) and the approximate age, and put a note on the top of the box.

3.Buy some warm underwear, socks, gloves, a warm hat, scarf, etc, and a couple of treats, and put them in the box.

4.Give your box to one of the priests or the Churchwarden.

Parish Newsletter �5

Young Mothers’ Meeting

Beginning in January, a new social opportunity for mothers and young children to meet for fellowship, mutual support, and lots of tea.

The first meeting will take place on Thursday 10th January, from 1.30pm to 3pm. The group will meet every Thursday thereafter.

If you are interested - or know someone who might be interested - please do contact the Parish Safeguarding Officer, Emma Bonner (contact details on the back page).

Ideas for the Newsletter

Is there something you miss from the previous newsletter format? Is there something you would like to see as a regular feature, or perhaps an occasional article? Please contact Fr Paulinus. It’s your newsletter - let us know what you want to read!

No. 159 December 2018

Saints we Commemorate in December December is a month when we commemorate some very important saints, but how much do you know about them?

5th December: Sabbas the Sanctified.

Born in Cappadocia in the middle of the 5th Century, Sabbas entered monastic life as a child. As he grew and matured, he demonstrated himself to be a wise and holy teacher, as well as a capable administrator. He was appointed as head of the desert-dwelling monks in Palestine, and he became the spiritual father of many. As an old man he left his monastic life and went to Constantinople to teach and defend the dogmas ratified at the Council of Chalcedon in 451. However, he is most famous for his Typikon, which became the foundation of the structure of daily and seasonal services celebrated by the Orthodox Church throughout the world.

6th December: Nicholas of Myra, the Wonderworker

Nicholas was born in the city of Myra in Asia Minor, in the year 270. Little is known of his life, as most of the surviving sources about him were written several centuries after his death. However, he is well-known for rescuing three young girls from a life of prostitution, by dropping three bags of coins down the chimney of their house, so that they would have enough money to be married. From this incident we have the story of Santa Claus (Saint Nicholas) climbing down the chimney to leave presents for children.

Parish Newsletter �6

No. 159 December 2018

20th December: Ignatius, the God-Bearer of Antioch

One of the most beloved saints of the Patriarchate of Antioch, Ignatius was one of the earliest bishops of Antioch. Born around 35AD, he converted to Christianity as a young man, and became a fervent teacher and defender of the faith. He wrote many letters, which give us insight into the teachings and practice of the earliest days of the Church: it is from Ignatius that we learn that, almost from the beginning, the Church was governed by bishops, assisted by presbyters (priests) and deacons. He was martyred in Rome in the year 107AD.

27th December: Stephen, the Archdeacon and First Martyr

Selected by the Apostles to assist in the distribution of food and resources to the Christian communities, Stephen also became the first person to die a martyr’s death for his witness to Jesus Christ. We read in the Acts of the Apostles that Stephen was filled with the holy spirit and began to teach the Sanhedrin about God, and to condemn them for murdering Him. For this affront, Stephen was stoned to death. Even as he died, he prayed that those who killed him might be forgiven. One of the people present at the stoning was a young man by the name of Saul - later to become Paul, the glorious apostle.

Parish Newsletter �7

No. 159 December 2018

Addresses and Contact Details The Orthodox Christian Parish of All Saints of Lincolnshire, Lincoln, with St Aethelheard, Louth, and Ss Marina and Kenelm, Grimsby

Bishop: Metropolitan SILOUAN (

Priest in Charge: Fr Paulinus (M:07976 562318

Assistant Priest: Fr George (T: 01522 533854 E:

Assistant Priest: Fr Alban (M: 07397 220728 E:

Newsletter Editor: Fr Paulinus

Safeguarding Officers: Emma Bonner and Svetlana Simpson

The Community of All Saints of Lincolnshire, Lincoln:

(served by Fr Paulinus and Fr George)

St Matthias Church Centre, Burton Road, Lincoln, LN1 3TX



The Community of St Aethelheard, Louth:

(served by Fr Alban)

East Chapel, Louth Cemetery, London Road, Louth, LN11 9QP


The Community of Ss Marina and Kenelm, Grimsby:

(served by Fr Alban)

South Chapel, Scartho Road Cemetery, Scartho Road, Grimsby, DN33 2AJ


Parish Newsletter �8

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