the aquarian path to’s like, the closest thing i can say is it’s like a beam of...

Post on 11-Mar-2020






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Copyright © 2013

Smashwords Edition

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Cover design by Lloyd Matthew



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Greetings, dear readers! My name is Irma Kaye Sawyer.I was born in Orange, California, on January 11,

1965, under a birth chart of my own very interesting mix, from the very “out there” (strong Neptune) to the very grounded and practical (Virgo stellium).

In this work I quote “The Keepers,” which is short for my Guidance Team, The Akashic Wisdom Keepers—a collective of high-frequency consciousness in the Akashic Field. The Akashic is an energetic space that exists at the level of the fifth dimension and higher that is rather like the “master computer” and record of planet Earth, and of the Universe itself.

My journey with The Keepers goes all the way back to 1996, when I first began communicating with the “Archangelic Collective,” or AAE, as I liked to call them. What started as channeling evolved into more of a telepathic connection by the time I began working with The Keepers in 2007—the difference being that I am not in a trance, and am fully awake with eyes open when I communicate with them telepathically. Though it’s rather hard to describe what

it’s like, the closest thing I can say is it’s like a beam of light that goes right into my Crown Chakra, which then contains the information and energy.

I have been told that much of the work contains “light codes” that serve as a “remembrance” on a deeper spiritual level. The messages are meant to appeal to both the mind and the spirit, and to provide healing guidance.

It is my great honor that you hold this work in your hands. I hope you find it healing, enlightening, and beneficial.

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences regarding this material!

Namaste and blessings,

Irma Kaye Sawyer




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Beloveds, you have asked us how you can step into greater abundance for yourselves in this time, and we say this: Many of you in the light worker, Adult Indigo, and other communities have agreed to participate in the transformation of the oppressive monetary system on the planet. Many of you have been both the “haves” and the “have-nots,” and you have been given a well-rounded education in this area.

Now is the time to “become magicians.” What do (real) magicians do? They are divine alchemists, and create something from nothing. This is possible, Dear Ones. You cannot be powerful creators as long as you believe that you are not, and if you believe that the system, or “The Man,” has power over your future.

Work with your own beliefs and energy field. Clear away vestiges of limiting thoughts that may stand in your way. To step into greater abundance is directly related to stepping out of the current money game.

It is true there is an alternative economy that has been created and is growing stronger by the day. It is

an economy based on cooperation, unity, respect for others, sharing, bartering, and so forth.

Another key to abundance is removing fear and anxiety around it. We understand that is often not easy to do, but it is essential. Fear is a powerful abundance blocker in some cases.

You may say to us, “I know some people who have nothing but fear and anxiety about money, yet they have plenty—so what is the deal with that?”

For some, Dear Ones, to be abundant financially is their karmic path. It is very much about one’s attitude toward their abundance that matters. To hoard one’s wealth in a spirit of worry and stinginess is missing the boat, so to speak. Of course, you are free to do whatever you like with your life path, but generosity is a great key on many levels.

You have said to us, “I have tithed my wages, and I am generous to others, yet I still am weighed down by these concerns.” A powerful affirmation to use in this time is: “I am a child of Source. All that Source has is mine. I remove all blocks to this understanding and step fully into my true abundance. And so it is.”

Lack is a tool of the oppressive powers of the world that operate out of darkness and control, and it is thick indeed.

This is not to say that there is no way out of it. Love, trust, light, and generosity are your tools. Be magicians. Make it so. This is the task at hand.

We also see that abundance is directly related to self-awareness. Poverty is not the truth of your be-ing as a child of the One. It is a time to “override” the existing program of control, and you are the ones who make it so. Ask, and you will be guided.

Dear Ones, you are clearing and transmuting so


much. It is truly more than you know with your conscious mind, and your Higher Self is definitely “on board” with this. As you step more fully into your soul roles and missions, greater abundance will flow to you, for some of you have been bringing in light technologies, techniques, and teachings that have been somewhat ahead of their time. Have faith that the world is preparing to receive your healing gifts. And so it is.

Key Quote:

It is hard to let old beliefs go. They are

familiar. We are comfortable with them and have spent years building systems and developing habits that depend on them. Like a man who has worn eyeglasses so long that he forgets he has them on, we forget that the world looks to us the way it does because we have become used to seeing it that way through a particular set of lenses. Today, however, we need new lenses. And we need to throw the old ones away.

— Kenich Ohmae It has been said that the love of money is the root

of all evil, but actually it is the fear of money that causes the distortion. Money is just the energy of Source in motion, and to love it is a proper attitude. Not in a greedy or unwholesome way mind you, but with a gracious and thankful heart. To fear anything binds you to it. You must let go of fear in all forms, especially fear of your own greatness to create an abundant life.


Generosity is one of the most powerful things anyone can do to increase their own personal abundance flow, and positively affect the All, along with gratitude. Even if you have just one dollar to give, give with an open and generous heart. If you do not have financial resources to offer, you may give of your time, love, and talents. If it helps another obtain their basic needs, such as housing, food, or health care, all the better.

As one grows in wisdom and alignment, they can see this principle of Spiritual Abundance demonstrated in their own life. They truly know that Spirit/Source provides for all of their needs, often even before they ask.

Take time every day to declare the truth of your sovereign nature, and your ability to act as a co-creator/magician to create all that you require to live an abundant and successful life.

Also, for those who are abundant, share with those who for the moment are not, as this also benefits all.

Poverty and lack programming can be cleared. There are some who may have karmic impressions of this, which is impacting their current reality. There is an energetic “overlay” of poverty consciousness in the energetic grid that impacts the three-dimensional world. You can “unplug” from it, Beloveds. It is possible.

As we have shared with you many times before, it is your Father/Mother’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Lack, poverty, and dis-ease are not your true spiritual reality; abundance, health, and love are.

The so-called powers that be (for now) have had power in the outer world, but cannot touch your true inner life. You do not have to outwardly protest to


declare “game over.” You do this in your own heart, and through your own will, which is the Divine presence in action within you.




Dear Ones, we understand that for many who have been traveling an awakening path, your financial, emotional, and other circumstances may be in the process of quite a radical change and transformation.

We understand that many of the usual "safety nets"—especially of a financial nature—have seemingly been taken away. Keep in mind, Beloveds, that many of you are here to lead by your own example.

This speaks much louder than any words you could ever say, or teachings that you could give. In fact, it is a teaching in itself. Your success empowers others to step out and follow their dreams, and no longer remain frozen in fear of failure.

One of the most powerful things you are demonstrating by your leaps of faith are the fact that government agencies, corporations, and others are not the source of your abundance—Source/Spirit, and your own abundant nature are.

Leap, and the net will appear; take the step, and

there you will find the bridge. These are magical times of creation, and You Are That.

Beloveds, we hear you and your disdain for the gross level of consumerism that is exercised today in your world. Like a child that is being ignored, it will raise its voice that much louder to get your attention.

This is what is happening with certain energies and activities now. It may seem that they are gaining strength, but in actuality the opposite is the case. For those who can rest in the wisdom eye of the heart and the Self, you are indeed blessed, for you know that what you are truly looking for is not found in "stuff."

Be patient with those who have yet to receive that realization. More and more beings are awakening to their own divine truth every day.

Beloveds, you really can have a beautiful, magical life that surpasses all of your expectations, no matter how painful or difficult your past has been.

You can have your view cleansed and expanded. You possess everything that you need to make this a reality. It is only the impediments that need to be abandoned. Drop your fetters, and soar upon the wings of Spirit, beautiful Beings! You are the ones who make it so.

There are no forces conspiring to keep you from your Joy, though it may appear as such. There are, however, bountiful energies in full support of your Joy being revealed to you in its fullness.

One of the gifts that are continuing to be revealed in this powerful time is the multi-dimensional nature of your being. There are friends and experiences waiting for you in Spirit that are every bit as "real" as what you experience in your daily life.

Many teachers have spoken about the importance


of watching your words, and keeping your thoughts, actions, and intentions pure. This is especially significant in these times. The energies are "ripe" for greater manifestation on all levels—in the positive, and also in what may be considered the negative.

Kindness begets more kindness. Love begets more love. Generosity begets abundance, and so forth.

On the same token, fear begets fear. Greed and stinginess begets lack. And constant complaining lowers one's energetic frequency. Check up, Dear Ones.

Many are at a place in your world where there is seemingly so much struggle. They are struggling for love, for peace, for prosperity, and for some, even a struggling to survive. This has become a great distraction, and understandably so.

You are invited to step into the divine alcove of the heart, the wisdom-eye where all things are known, where new worlds are born, and solutions are found. If the outer world appears in more chaos, find more peace within. This is one of the reasons why you are here as divine manifestations of the One.

It has been said that all things come to those who do not resist and are in the flow. It may not be what the ego desires, but it will be what the soul requires.

There are powerful energies of manifestation afoot. Part of the reason why there has been a delay in your own personal manifesting is because you have been in a period of clarity and purification. You will see a greater unfolding of this in your now moment.

You have been given certain life experiences not as a punishment, but to serve as an expansion and education, and a window into what is. You have a choice to let experience shape you positively or

negatively. Many have discovered that as they step off the abyss and make the leap of faith, as your Goethe once said, “Bold and mighty forces will come to your aid,” and this is very true.

When you choose the thought of expansion, of love, and of trust, you become further aligned with the reality of the situation, which is that you are an eternal being having an experience in this dimensional time and space—and you are also much more.

What you choose to do with these experiences is up to you.

As you step into greater mastery of your experience here, you will be better able to manifest the experiences that offer you greater joy, expansion, and abundance. The only difference between a “victim” of life and a “victor” is one’s attitude and state of consciousness, moment to moment.

The error—if you were to call it that—is the belief that you are somehow less than, and must be a beggar in the creation. It is your Father/Mother's good pleasure to give you the whole of the Kingdom, if you would allow it.

Beloveds, you have asked us how to make the mental shift from the "default programming" of Egoic limitation, strife, competitiveness, and so forth. It really does come down to a deep mindfulness of your own thoughts.

To practice this, you can do the thought experiment of how certain thoughts make you feel. Limiting, Ego-based thoughts can actually cause restriction and stress in the physical body. Thoughts that are based in love and unity relax the body and the mind, allowing more light and grace to flow through, infusing you and the environment. It is a practice that


builds upon itself, until one day you discover your consciousness carries more light than darkness, more love than fear. Keep at it, Dear Ones. You are deeply loved.

This may be a time where many are noticing a deficit in their lives, not just financially, but also in the area of unconditional love. Those who you depended on may have let you down, and they have been withholding to you. It is not always easy to remember that the lack of love extended by others has little or nothing to do with you, but this is helpful knowledge. For example, it may have been a reasonable expectation to expect your parents, siblings, or others to have protected and provided for you, but in many cases they did not.

This was not meant to punish you, but to awaken you to yourselves and all of your potential. You can let past pain limit you, or you can see it for the illusion that it was and is. Let the fire of transmutation light your way. There are great resources to do this now. It is beneficial to drop all that you no longer wish to carry now.

You have never been operating under a deficit of any kind, in any real sense—you have just had some contrast experiences, for your Soul's expansion and growth. All the love that you wish to experience is here NOW, and it is placed within your infinite heart.

You can be content with too much weight, not enough money, no significant other, or any other condition of Mind. We invite you to seek the source of joy that has no condition and is unchanging.

Whatever your individual journey is, you may radiate love and goodness, which will transform the world, and in the process, transform you.

Beloveds, another way to create the space for more joy and abundance in one's life is through a clarity of heart, and the bringing of these energies into the now moment.

The word grievance itself has to do with grief and a sense of injustice or injury from the past. For every bit of Soul energy that you give away or lose through resentments or unforgiveness, this is energy that is no longer yours to use for your health, wealth, and happiness. The good news is that you can reclaim this energy at any time by practicing forgiveness, and calling these joyful energies back into your heart center, where they may be shared in joy with others, making the cycle of creation complete once again.

You are being called to act as Magicians, to literally create something from nothing in the outer world.

Poverty has long since been used as a tool of oppression in all ways, and you are breaking through the "glass ceiling" of this now.

You are in the process of creating a positive, new economy based on resource sharing and freedom. As you give support to your brothers and sisters in their pursuit of their dreams and missions, you support your own dreams, though it may seem counter-intuitive, especially to Ego. If you wish to receive, give.

When you are "in flow," you have stepped into a magical tide. For those who are wholeheartedly committed in service, Source/Spirit is wholeheartedly committed to them.




Q: Keepers, you have spoken previously about an energetic overlay that people are coming out from under in these times. There seems to be a particular focus right now on Creatives, Light workers, and others who are wanting to break free of limiting or degrading conditions in which to earn a living, and have a desire to connect with more means of “right livelihood.” You have also spoken many times on “Being Magicians,” in our own lives. Can you give more guidance on these topics? Thank you.

A: Beloveds, thank you for your questions, as they

are indeed timely ones. There is much that we can comment on this issue, and we will do our best to be as concise as possible.

Firstly, there indeed are energetic overlays in your grid system that are profoundly shifting and changing. For many who identify as Starseeds, Light workers, and so forth, there was an agreement to venture into 3D density for both experience and to serve as Wayshowers, guides, and so forth. We agree with the statement that abundance isn’t necessarily anything

you “attain,” but an energetic and consciousness that you expand into.

We see that what is happening in the current astro-cosmic energetic is a further dropping of illusory beliefs, and a stepping more fully into the truth and reality of your be-ing, as a spark of Source/Spirit. You will see that many gurus and teachers throughout the ages have pointed to the illusory nature of three-dimensional Earthly life, and have cautioned to beware of the over-identification with one’s “role.” When you see that both the play and the actors are part of the dance of Maya, (cosmic illusion) you are free to change your role as needed—once you become awakened to these facts.

You may for a time be a particular gender or race, but this is only a very small part of who you are. Part of the issue of lack and poverty is the identification on some level with this as a role. It is true that some cannot properly manifest their soul’s mission and karmic path while in lack or poverty, and it is essential for these limitations to fall away.

We see that stepping into these new energies of light, love, prosperity, and harmony is a three-fold process, which includes:

1. Stop identifying with limitation and its subsequent suffering.

2. Identify yourself as a Cosmic Creator, and trust in this. It is like learning any new set of skills—at first, perhaps you will not be entirely confident, but over time, and with practice, you become more proficient through your successes.

3. Search your energetic being (Akashic means are particularly helpful) to identify areas of fear, blockages, and so forth. Release these areas with love,


and offer yourself and all involved great love and forgiveness. That was then, and this is now. Dear Ones, this is essential clarity.

Another helpful key in prosperity work is to

always hold the thought “How does this benefit Source and all sentient beings?”

You have all seen selfish ideas, projects, and people rise to Earthly success, and this has made a negative impression on you. It is important to cleanse yourself of anger and judgment for those who have created out of selfishness and disconnect. That is the old way, and to despise it binds you to it.

Forgive them, Dear Ones—it is time. Thoughts, ideas, and projects that benefit all

sentient beings are extremely powerful. This concept is demonstrated in your prayer and healing groups. You are aware of what you can accomplish in groups with a common goal of serving others. As your practitioners of the Mahayana tradition have taught: “Think Bigger.”

This is a great key. Think of yourself, your light family, and your

entire global family in these workings. As you become more aligned with your soul’s

great light and purpose, you will continue to magnetize the correct people, tools, and circumstances to assist in your tasks, which is also a form of natural abundance.

Q: What can you tell us about those who identify as Light workers and Adult Indigos who are having issues with abundance, illness, and so forth? It is hard to move forward in one's mission when someone is

experiencing pain or poverty. Thank you. A: Beloveds, we have said many times that 2012

and 2013 are pivotal times in your world, and a time when many will be called to step more fully into their missions.

There is a new, supportive economy that is beginning to emerge that is "off the grid," so to speak. There are many friends, both seen and unseen, who are here now to assist you. Just look at the growing global family that has come together through the advent of Internet connections.

Many Crystal and Indigo children and adults have a defiant streak that is part of their nature.

We have also said many times that a New Way is not going to be created by fighting the old.

There are some Light worker and Adult Indigos who stay in poverty as a form of defiance, which is counterproductive.

As you commit to your mission and to being of service fully, Source/Spirit will also meet you 100% in this aim. If you are not living a life where even your basic needs are met, you are not empowered to serve out your soul's missions.

Claim your portion of the "pie," so to speak, and drop all patterning of lack, insecurity, and doubt.

It has been said that the Universe configures itself around your thoughts and beliefs, and that is why it is important to check up and challenge beliefs that are not in support of your advancement and success. Ask Spirit to show you what needs to be healed and transformed, or you may work with a guide or counselor to help clear the way.

One way to create and support economic merit is


to support others and the "grid" whenever possible, either through the donation of time, money, or energy.

As you become a servant of Universal Light and Love, you become a powerful vessel of Grace. As you give, so shall you receive. This is spiritual law.

Now is the time for all those on an awakening path to come together with shared light and common intentions:

1. For all beings on Earth to be fed, clothed, and

housed.2. For all wars and violence to be eradicated off the

face of Earth.3. For the Eco-system and environment of Earth to

be restored to balance and health. 4. For Love, Light, Peace, Wisdom, and

Abundance to prevail on Earth.

One signpost of awakening consciousness is the feeling of Gratitude—a profound gratitude that evokes happiness in all areas of your life.

To the Egoistic/Self-cherishing aspect of Mind, there is never enough.

To the Light of the Soul/Self, all is Grace, and there is a bounty all around. This type of energy also creates more abundance, as it is not attached to what the outer form may look like. The Universe may have a majestic idea that you have yet to think of.

Your Soul's true Mission is one of Joy, not one of suffering or servitude. Yes, you will be of "service" to others, but you will be inspired to share of your gifts freely, in a state of mutual reception and appreciation.

On the way to discovering your Mission, there may be tasks along the way that are not always seen as

agreeable, but specifically in these times, you will understand that all is in support and formation of the manifestation of your gifts. These tasks are providing you Keys to your success and greater wisdom by facilitating patience, kindness, compassion, restraint of negative emotion, and other positive soul virtues.

Others have asked how to increase one's financial prosperity and abundance, and we say this: Just as there is a quickening in the vibration of Gaia and with yourselves, there is also a greater opportunity for more effective manifestation in all areas. This is why you have been in a process of preparation in the past of dropping density, especially in the form of archaic fears and worries.

It is essential that you develop a strong sense of Trust, not only in the Universe to provide for your needs, but also in yourselves.

It is true that you are able to serve your brethren, both human and animal, in a much higher and more effective way when you are prosperous and abundant than when you are not. Dedicating one's life and the fruits of one's labors to the benefit of all is right livelihood, and will always be fully supported by Spirit.

The economic oppression that exists on your planet has been the reality for many that make up what has been called the 99%, or the non-elite, but it is not really a question of "fighting" the powers that be, but simply be-ing the power that you are.

The reward is the Light, and you are That. You were made for these times. You are the power of the ancestors expounded. You have never been lost, Beloveds, and all has been hills and valleys on the way. There will still be mountains to climb, but you


will find the air to be sweeter and your stamina to be enhanced due to the density that you have dropped.

There are those who claim they are "free" of the oppressive monetary system, yet still judge and criticize others in their choices of livelihood and expression of prosperity in the world. As long as anyone has a charge on any issue, they are not free of it. To attack those who are in the ministry of offering healing or counseling services to others in any form is particularly harmful.

You are now at an important tipping point in your world, and it is important that you offer support to each other. If you cannot offer support, then at least refrain from harm.

It has also been noted that many who identify as Light workers and Adult Indigos have issues around worthiness and prosperity. It does not serve you, Source/Spirit, or the world at large to have an empty cup, especially if you are a practitioner, or are in service work of any kind.

Every person who is successful through right livelihood creates an energetic opening for others to step through. It is also appropriate to offer a percentage of profits to charity or some time for no charge/pro bono work, when you are able. As we have said before, money itself is neutral, while greed, selfishness, and oppression are not.

As a current means of exchange in your world, you can do many things of benefit to other sentient beings while you are in a state of abundance. Prosperity indeed does not solve all problems, but it does free you up to follow your Guidance in direct and viable ways.



Beloveds, you may notice that when in a charged, high vibrational atmosphere the "coincidences" or synchronicities may flow consistently, and often. This is due to the fact that manifestation occurs more rapidly the higher one goes vibrationally.

This is also why manifestation is sometimes slower on the three-dimensional plane, and is an area that many Law of Attraction teachings seem to be somewhat missing.

You can hope, wish, and intend all you want, but if your own personal thoughts and frequency are vibrating at a lower rate, you may either manifest slowly, or not at all. Yes, it is the Father/Mother's good pleasure to give you the kingdom, but you cannot receive it unless your hands are open. This is what "Seek ye first the Kingdom, and all good things will be added unto you" truly means.

Abundance on all levels, including health, joy, and prosperity, are natural for those who are in spiritual alignment.

You may note that there are those who are in spiritual alignment, but may be dealing with ill health, or a lack in some area of their being. This is not accounting for karmic factors. There are some very high beings that will experience limitation for their own growth and in some cases, to even lighten the karmic load of others.

Beloveds, to use Spiritual laws to manifest on a material level, first and foremost, is not the most skillful way that they can be applied. The guidance to "seek ye first the Kingdom" is wisdom. You are truly free to create as you will, but if you create from a sense of spiritual deficit, this does not produce optimum results.

These laws given were to be used wisely and respectfully, with the understanding of impermanence, as all material things will one day pass away. Seeking the kingdom of love and sovereignty within, and creating from that place, guarantees that you will be in alignment, and will manifest both material and Spiritual creations of greater lasting value.

Regarding abundance, part of the issue is this: If you are in your head thinking "I give so much away and/or do for others, why is it not coming back to me?" you are interfering with Spirit's purposes, so to speak. Yes, it is true that the Universe is responding to your vibrational frequency more than it is to your words and thoughts, but what you habitually think and say will eventually become a part of your frequency—so choose wisely.

The place of true love, expansion, and abundance is not found with the "thinker," but resides deep in the expanse of the Spiritual Heart. As it has been written, you are at home when you are in the Kingdom, where

all goodness, health, and abundance reside. Your journeys have taken you to many foreign

lands where you have forgotten, Dear Hearts. It is time for you to return Home.

Do you remember the story of the feeding of the five thousand? This is to illustrate the infinite potential of Source Energy, and the utilizing of Cosmic Law through an awakened consciousness. Using Universal Laws through an Egoistic filter is not the highest possible application, as it can serve to simply create more "things" to distract, and as material things are finite, they will ultimately fade away.

As it has been said in many ways, it is Source's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom—in fact, it is your Divine birthright. It is possible, however, to choke off the flow with misguided beliefs and/or thinking. The Law of Attraction cannot necessarily correct any misgivings or archaic patterning that one is manifesting. Beliefs can be transformed through healing practices, conscious awareness, and by letting go.

To believe that using the Law of Attraction principles will guarantee everyone the same degree of success is naive and impractical, as karmic and other factors are in play. "Seek ye first the Kingdom" means to align with the Soul/Self first and foremost in one's life. Abundance is your natural state, and as you align with the frequencies of love and light, so shall all good things be added unto you. This is not conjecture—it is part of Universal Law.

Notice the lives of beings like Joel Goldsmith (the well-known Spiritual healer from early Science of Mind days). He would often receive the resources that he needed for his next project before he even knew


what it was. These are the possibilities when one is aligned with the nature of infinite consciousness—the need is met before the desire is even formed.

Q: There seems to be a lot of people who are interested in using Law of Attraction and other spiritual teachings for personal gain. What do you have to say about that?

A: Beloveds, as we have said in previous talks

with you, abundance is your natural state, as Divine Children. Those who seek material success before spiritual success are indeed putting the cart before the horse, so to speak.

Teachings that benefit only an individual or small group, and do not benefit the whole, are not highly recommended. Further separation is not the answer—Unity is.

The nature of abundance is to be shared. That is keeping with the Divine "flow" of things, that all beings may benefit.




I decree that I am a sovereign being of Spirit and of Earth, and that divine prosperity is my birthright. I appreciate the opportunities that I have been given to experience all states of prosperity—including the lack of it—to give me a complete and total education in this area.

I decree that I now live in a state of grace and flow as a Divine Being and Child of the Universe. All that I require to live a comfortable existence flows to me with ease and grace. My life is prosperous, and I also extend my abundance to others who may require assistance through grace and blessing.

I decree now that Spirit will correct any misperceptions that I may carry regarding abundance, so that I may find full faith and comfort in these facts.

I understand also that abundance may come in many forms including money, energy, opportunities, and contacts with others.

And so it is!


I decree that I am a sovereign being of Spirit and of Earth, and that Soul Empowerment is my birthright. I appreciate the opportunities that I have been given to experience all states of empowerment—including the lack of it—to give me a complete and total education in this area.

I now call back and activate any and all disconnected or submerged Soul energies in the form of gifts, talents, and blessings across all time lines, bodies, and energy systems. I give thanks for the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and integration that is occurring now through this process.

I dedicate this to the benefit of all sentient beings everywhere.

And so it is!


Q: I have often questioned the whole “mass consciousness creates,” because if it truly did, all of us should be abundantly wealthy. You can't deny that we all want to live prosperously, so if we create, why has this not been a created reality for the masses?

A: There are several aspects to answer in this

question, and we will take them one at a time. Yes, it is true that all would like to live in abundant

health, prosperity, and so forth. But as you know, this is often not the case for many beings. There are many factors in play—personal karma being one of them.

It has been noted by the Dalai Lama and others that with a deeper understanding, collective karma is a reality, which explains why some countries are continually at war with each other, and so forth. You are headed for a time in your future where you will no longer have to experience lessons and karma in such obtuse and dramatic ways.

To create on a three-dimensional level actually takes a longer period than to create in Spirit, and in many cases this is a good thing, as this serves as a protection.

If everyone was instantly creating things—


especially out of their Egoistic Mind and its self-centered desires—that could create even more problems, you see?

Another factor to keep in mind is that there are beings operating out of very different energies and focuses, which can create quite a jumble. Yes, it's true there is only One, but while you are embodied in a 3D reality, there are two sides to the energy, and of this you are well aware. There are beings who have done quite well manifesting negative creations that harm others and serve their own ends. We say this to show that the energy itself is neutral.

Of course, willful harm of other beings has its consequences, and as it has been said, no karma will go unloved—it is the nature of spiritual law.

As you raise your own personal frequency and consciousness, your ability to create becomes more efficient and effective. There have been many teachings given on the Law of Attraction, so we will not comment deeply on that here, except to say that it is important to know that your positive creations will be made manifest—have no doubt.

So to impact the collective's karma positively is to affect your own: As above, so below. Wars, starvation, and general neglect of other human beings are impact karmic events.

Every day more beings are waking up and saying "no more" to this, and this will continue to have a positive impact.

Q: Is there a way for us to get rid of our "default

programming" so this can become a reality for us all, or is that just a pipe dream?

A: Yes, indeed! It is the default programming of

Ordinary/Egoistic Mind to react instead of respond—to live only for itself, out of greed and fear. Every time you choose to respond consciously instead of reacting out of fear, you become part of the solution on the planet. Every time you make a choice as a sovereign member of the planet, thinking of how your decisions will impact others, you also do this.

Having a planet with peace and abundance for all does not have to be a pipe dream, especially if enough beings choose it.

There are cosmic and energetic factors in place that are creating ideal scenarios for this to occur. We understand that you are in a period of great growth and transition, and that many are having a difficult time.

For many, this extends down to their own personal survival, and this is why we have often said that those who are well and sustained financially in these times would do well by giving back to others and the Planetary Grid that sustains all life in any way they can.

Developing and listening to one's true spiritual nature and turning down the false voices of separation and fear are essential in these times. There is deep love and support available to you at every turn.

Again, it is a matter of where you put your focus. The "God" that is involved with punishment,

vengeance, and destruction is a deity that is over two thousand years old. This is part of the reason that God is often referred to now as Source, Goddess, or Great Spirit—to help eliminate the fear and negative charge associated with the word and concept.

Regarding the upcoming earth changes, they are


likened to a boat that is journeying through a strong storm. Some will not make it to the other shore, but if the boat is strong, it will withstand the journey. Your Gaia is a most capable and intelligent vessel, and we tell you with certainty that she will withstand the storm.

It is time to quit giving your power away to some unknown deity to save you. You are That. You are the authors of your experience. What kind of tale do you wish to pen? There has certainly been enough lack, misery, and fear. It is time to write a new story.

Q: What do you have to say about those who are or have experienced horrible or traumatic experiences in their lives, and also those who are living in extreme poverty with not enough food, etc? How could anyone truly "choose" those experiences?

A: That is a good question, and it is one that we

can comment on. It is rather complex so we will take it in sections.

As far as "choosing," that is not always the case. Some experiences will find their way to you. There is a Buddhist saying: "No karma goes unloved," and this is true. Thoughts and actions do produce energetic imprints that stay with an individual even beyond their death in the form of Sankhara.

You are also experiencing a collective karma, which is reflective in the country, as well as in the communities in which you find yourselves. You are often there because you have something positive to contribute.

In some cases, the community has a particular

lesson or experience for you. On a Spiritual level, there may be a great teaching that is going on for someone in the form of developing compassion for others, or other spiritual qualities such as wisdom or understanding, for instance.

There are many here now who have not had many experiences that would be considered three-dimensional, so there is a process of learning going on in that regard, as well.

As we have said before, you are moving into an energetic reality where humans will experience their lessons in less harsh ways, and will utilize their higher functional abilities such as telepathy much more frequently.

Regarding those who are going hungry on your planet, this is something that can be helped and eradicated by you. The collective consciousness is extremely powerful, and there is a movement in place now to wipe out these types of travesties on the planet once and for all. Many of the "Crystal" and other spiritually advanced children will play a role in transforming the toxins and creating sustainable solutions that will help the Planet and her people.

In the meantime, you can contribute to the tipping of the scales of the collective karma by working on your own consciousness, and by running more positive energies than negative energies, on a daily basis.

There has been a great mystery in place, all of which is not known even to us—the mystery of the illusion of separation and the loss of Human personal sovereignty. This is being profoundly shifted, as you are well aware, with the current Earth changes, and also aspects of energetic growth and ascension that you are experiencing.


Hold to the highest vision, Dear Ones, of what is truly possible. If you are able to envision it and feel it, it can be manifested, in truth.

The time for your creation is at hand. You know that the collective can be very effective in mis-creations of all kinds. This has been proven without a doubt. It is time to create manifestations of lasting beauty, peace, and abundance. It does not have to be complex, though Mind would like to make it so. Connect your hearts as One, in love, and declare it to be so.

You have the power to heal separation, take care of your fellow Earth family, and act as one mind—co-creators with Source/Spirit.

You have asked how to escape and get free from the overlay/matrix of unreality that pervades your world and your hard wiring. In truth, your hard wiring is not to be Ego-driven, separate from divinity, or compliant with a system that you know is out of alignment, but it is merely a force of habit which causes you to do so. Full support from the outer environment makes this so, through continual reinforcement. In the past, those who chose to "rock the boat" were ostracized, and even punished in their communities. Now there is more freedom and acceptance of a new way of being.

As we have said before, there is nothing to gain—only conditioning and habits to let loose.

How does one do this? This is accomplished through meditation,

activation, awareness, and fellowship with like and light-minded others. This is happening, Dear Ones, and the Soul Family continues to gather.

We understand that for those who are Empathic

and Highly Sensitive, you are having your "moments." Rest easy—there is great love and understanding here for you. While the frustration you are feeling is understandable, please do not stay in that energy for long, as it renders you much less effective spiritually. Let it serve as fuel or an impetus for you to awaken to a new reality in which there is abundance and peace for all.

You are at a significant place in the current unfolding on the planet. Hold only thoughts of success and expansion, Beloveds, as in truth, you cannot fail.

Yes, it has been said many times that divine abundance is your birthright as a child of Source/Spirit. Blockages to experiencing this can be of a myriad of karmic factors, but self-worth and alignment are often at the root. When one is in spiritual alignment, all aspects of their life are in flow, including their relationships with others, and the prosperity present in their life.

It also depends on how one defines being prosperous. For some, simply having needs met adequately is being abundant. For others, an overflow is their vision and expectation.

Remember also that you have been sharing the collective karmic experience of separation, and this sometimes may manifest as lack consciousness.

As your world transforms itself, this is one of the beliefs that is transforming along with it as you drop the fear of abundance and worthiness that has been passed on as a genetic and/or karmic impediment.

Money itself is neutral, and is attributed positive or negative aspects only by individual perceptions. It is true that there are negative aspects attributed to it due to the greed and mishandling by certain individuals,


but also bear in mind that there are others who are transforming the world positively by their prosperity. It is also considered abundant to work with alternative resources such as bartering, or a fair exchange of services.

You are more able and equipped to perform your Soul mission when you are prosperous than when you are in a state of struggle. Bless the experiences of contrast that you have had, for they have served you well.

As the collective is entering into a new phase of being, so are you. Everyone has had the experience of being "in flow," even if for just a short time, where you created effortlessly out of a state of joy and confidence. You will begin to experience this more often as you drop the fear and become more aligned with your True Being. Check up on your beliefs, too—there is a great key there for you. Though the economic world outside may look bleaker than usual, this need not be a deterrent.

Many in the current economy are being inspired to become "magicians" in their own lives, and create something from nothing.

Yes, Dear Ones, your attitude is a choice. You may become frustrated and downtrodden, or you may dig deep inside the well of endless resources inside you and mine the gold out of your experiences. It is your choice. Call your greatness forth, now is the time.


I hope you enjoyed this material that has been generously shared by The Keepers for our increased prosperity and abundance.

I specialize in assisting fellow empaths and light workers on their path to greater health, joy, and abundance.

The Keepers have shared with me an Akashic Abundance Activation to help remove the veils to personal abundance, along with any previous vows that may have been taken. This, in combination with the Abundance and Soul Empowerment Decrees given in Chapter Five, has proven to be a powerful tool for growth and expansion.

Abundant Blessings,

Irma Kaye SawyerLaguna Hills, CA

1 August 2013



COSMIC LOVEKeys for the Path of Light

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