the art of warfare (taw) bloodline champions di information

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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8/7/2019 The Art of Warfare (TAW) Bloodline Champions DI Information 1/12


Boot Camp Manual 1.0

Property of The Art of WarfareTAW



The Art of Warfare

Boot Camp Manual 1.0 Drill Instructor Version

Property of The Art of WarfareTAW


STEP 1 - Preparation & Introduction


 Open the Black Pages and go to your division. You will be using the

following pages: o Applicant Report 

o Bootcamp 

o Grant TS Access 

  Go to the Applicant Report and check the staff notes for the applicant for any special

information, including if it is a bootcamp


 Click on the applicants name to bring up the

Recruit Info. 

 Check the following information on the Recruit

Info page: 

o The applicants country matches the

continent of the battalion they are

assigned to. If not, then it is worth asking

the applicant if this is correct while

conducting the bootcamp. 

o The applicants age. If they are younger

than 15, check their date of birth (dob) to

see how far they are from their 15th


 Drag the recruit to the channel BOOTCAMP. 

 Introduce yourself and welcome the recruit. Make sure you are pronouncing their name


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Boot Camp Manual 1.0

Property of The Art of WarfareTAW


 Briefly explain what the boot camp is about (Introduction to TAW, Policy Walkthrough,

TeamSpeak and Game Configuration). 



STEP 2 - Membership Requirements


 The minimum age for joining TAW is 15 years. If there is reason to believe that the

recruit is younger than 15, carry on with the boot camp and leave a note when updating

the applicant report. Inform the recruit that the application will be reviewed by the staff. 

 Ask the recruit if they can attend their battalions practices.

The practice times can be found by clicking on the >> Bloodline Champions [BL] <<

channel and reading the description. 

 If the recruit can make both mandatory practices, carry on with the boot camp.

 If the recruit cannot make both practices, stop the boot camp and inform the battalions

XO and TS. Inform the recruit that the application will be reviewed by the staff.

STEP 3 - Boot Camp Manual & Recruitment

 Provide the recruit with the applicant version of the boot camp manual. Send a copy to

the recruits e-mail address and post the link in channel.

 Ask the recruit who recruited them.

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Boot Camp Manual 1.0

Property of The Art of WarfareTAW




 Make sure the recruit is using Push-to-Talk, set to a non-character key.



 Make sure that the recruit has all sound notifications disabled. To do this, uncheck all

boxes in Settings->Options->Sound Notifications.


 Members are required to be on Teamspeak when playing at all times.

 It allows them to request open slots on full TAW servers, talk to other members, and

organize scrims.

 Checking in and checking out:  (callsign) checking in/out.

 Breaking in: (callsign) break.

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Boot Camp Manual 1.0

Property of The Art of WarfareTAW


 Clear comms/channel


 Honor, friendship, loyalty, fair play, and respect. 



 These activities include participating in BLC-US, BLGaming, and KTK tournaments hosted

by the Bloodline Champions community, as well as having our own inhouse games.

Training Seminars

 Training Seminars are offered by the Training Instructor Staff of both battalions.

 Training seminars are additional trainings that are non-mandatory and are created to

focus on skill or tactical trainings.

 They allow you to acquire new skills and to improve on your area of expertise.

 Benefit from the experience and knowledge of other players, learn about custom maps,

and obtain the skills necessary to earn TAW proficiency badges.

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Boot Camp Manual 1.0

Property of The Art of WarfareTAW



No Cheating, Glitching, or Exploiting

 TAW takes cheating and accusations of cheating very


 We do not tolerate any of our members taking part in

cheating, glitching, or using exploits.

  If you come across anyone doing so, do not accuse that

player of cheating. Spectate, make a demo/screenshot,

and present your evidence to the staff. They are the

ones who can do something about it.


 As a member of the TAW you are not allowed to be a member of any other clan, team,

or organization that supports any game supported by TAW.


 TAW does not maintain alliances with other clans, teams, or organizations.


 There are two mandatory practices per weekFor North America the dates are

Saturdays and Wednesdays at 9:00pm EST/2:00am Server Time and for Europe the dates are

Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8:00pm Server Time/3:00pm ESTthat you are required to


 You need to be in the >>Bloodline Champions [BL] << channel on time. Screenshots are

taken to account for the presence of members.

  If you cannot attend a practice or arrive too late for the screenshotwhich is always

announced before takenyou need to fill in the excusal form. This is the European

Excusal and this is the North American Excusal  

  If you fail to make it to a practice and do not send in an excusal, you will receive an

AWOL (absent without official leave). After three AWOLs you will be discharged from


 You will receive external participation credit if you attend training seminars or float

for the other battalion. Make sure to be on time for the screenshot as well.

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Boot Camp Manual 1.0

Property of The Art of WarfareTAW


TAW &Real Life

 We appreciate dedication and commitment by our members.

 TAW respects the real lives of all its members.

 Members can send in excusals for absences and can request to be put on leave for a

period of 30 days. Additional 30 days can be granted by the division staff in special


  In the worst case, members can request discharge from TAW.


 TAW members treat each other and non-members with respect, regardless of rank or


 Wearing the TAW tag makes every member a representative of our clan. Respectful

behavior is expected of all members in Teamspeak, on the forums, and whenever


 We do not tolerate inappropriate or abusive language in Teamspeak, on any forums, or

on any servers.

 While we encourage our members to recruit new players into TAW, we do not recruit on

servers other than our own.

 All members should respect the person leading an event and follow their instructions.

 WEAPONS RED is the condition all members are in during warm-up in practices or

generally during trainings. It means that you are not supposed to join new games unless

specifically instructed otherwise.


TAW [at] E-Mail Address

 Every member of TAW receives an e-mail address. E-mails sent to

callsign[at] will be redirected to the e-mail account the person

signed up with.

 Make sure to always sign your e-mails with your call sign.

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Boot Camp Manual 1.0

Property of The Art of WarfareTAW



Server Funding

 Membership in TAW is free. However, we always appreciate donations to support

funding our servers. The Donations page can be reached via the Support tab on the TAW

main page.

Suggestions & Complaints

 Members of TAW are encouraged to offer suggestions at any time. Everyone is welcome

to do so on our forums or in TeamSpeak.

 However, our communications platforms are no place for complaints, and certainly no

battlefield for personal differences. If you have a problem, inform either your platoon

leader or a battalion staff officer in private.

TAW shop

 TAW has his own online shop that offers highly fashionable goods. You can find goods

from TAW or even specific divisions. If you buy something from a specific division, then

the donation goes to that division.

 TAW shop: 


IV TAW Organization


 We are all equal in TAW. You do not need  to address anyone with sir or their ranks.

 The military ranks in TAW show the responsibilities of members and usually go along

with certain functions.

 After 4 practices, every recruit becomes a  private first class and a full member of TAW

with access to all forums and the Black Pages. Until then, recruits are probationary

members; during this period it is not possible to request leave.

 We encourage members to step up to higher positions and to accept greater

responsibility within TAW.

 Promotions are awarded for good attendance and performance. Ranks higher than

Sergeant can only be attained by accepting a function.

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Boot Camp Manual 1.0

Property of The Art of WarfareTAW



















Medals & Badges

 Medals are awarded for achievementssuch as winning tournaments. 

  Proficiency badges can be earned by taking tests. If you want to take a

badge test, inform your TS to arrange a time. 

  For a full list of medals and badges see 

 Note that not all badges apply to every division or are available for testing.

  You can ask the TS of your division were you can find the badge tests.





Division Commander (DC)

Division Officer (DO)

1st / 2nd BATTALION



Commanding Officer (CO)

Executive Officer (XO)

Staff Officer (SO) 


Field Specialist (FS)

Training Specialist (TS)

Server Administrator (SA)



Platoon Leaders (PL)

Squad Leaders (SL)

Fire Team Leaders (FL)

Drill Instructors (DI)




Colonel (COL)

Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) min DC


Major (MAJ)

Captain (CPT)


Lieutenant (1LT) min CO 

2nd Lieutenant (2LT) min XO/SO 


Sergeant Major (SGM)

Master Gunnery Sergeant (MGS)1st Sergeant (1SG)

Master Sergeant (MSG)

Gunnery Sergeant (GSG)

Staff Sergeant (SSG) min PL/HDI



Sergeant (SGT) min SL/FL

Corporal (CPL) min DI



Lance Corporal (LCP)

Private First Class (PFC) full member

Recruit (REC) probationary member

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Boot Camp Manual 1.0

Property of The Art of WarfareTAW



 Please make sure that every time you log into the game you join the in-game chat

channel taw. 



 Go to the Black Pages and approve the recruit for a TeamSpeak account. 

  If the recruits call sign doesnt appear in the dropdown list, inform the Division

Commander and finish the TeamSpeak Account registration later. 


 The recruit should now go to the TAW main page and sign in. 

 Then the recruit should mouse-over the Member tab and click Generate TeamSpeak


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Boot Camp Manual 1.0

Property of The Art of WarfareTAW



 The recruit should receive a private message on the TAW page and an e-mail notification

of the same. The data included in this message with a private TS token. 

 Get the recruit to put in his TS token 





 Make sure their TS nickname is correct: callsign [** #] 

 Save the TS nickname in the bookmarks (ctrl+b) 

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Boot Camp Manual 1.0

Property of The Art of WarfareTAW





 Show the recruit how to move around channels and how to drag other users around. 

  Inform the recruit that the last chapter of the applicant version of the boot camp

manual is useful information for them to read at their own leisure. 

Concluding the Boot Camp

 Answer any remaining questions the recruit may have. 

 Move to the PUB PLAY/HEADQ UARTERS channel and introduce the recruit to the team. 

 Update the applicant report in the Black Pages. 

 Send in the DI checklist. 

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Boot Camp Manual 1.0

Property of The Art of WarfareTAW


 Complete the DI checklist and send it to the CO, XO, and SO of the battalion the recruit

has joined. 


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