the atlantic world (aztec and inca)

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Aztec and Inca EmpiresSPANISH CONQUEST

Opening Activity (5 Minutes)

How can leadership (ex: ruler, emperor, etc.) affect a civilization?Create a T-Chart with “Positives” on the left side and “Negatives” on the right side.

Essential Question and Learning Goals

Essential Question: How has the Age of Exploration influenced our modern era?

Learning Goals:1. Describe the class structure of the Aztecs2. Describe the governmental structure of

the Inca3. Explain the downfall of Aztec and Inca


Aztec Empire

“The Aztec Empire Summary” (~5 minutes) Questions to keep in mind when watching video:

1. What was the major city of the empire? 2. Why was water so important to this civilization? 3. What role did sacrificing individuals play in this


Aztec Empire

Quick facts: Valley of Mexico-- Tenochtitlan (Modern day Mexico

City)-- CAPITAL Chinampas

“Agricultural islands used in the Valley of Mexico” Population: 5-15 million 80,000 square mile empire Great military power

Conquest Local rulers govern own area

Three Class Society

Nobles: EMPEROR Military leaders Priests Government officials (rulers)

Commoners: Merchants Soldiers Farmers

Enslaved Individuals: Captives of war

Aztec Religion

Massive public rituals (ceremonies) Priests made offerings to gods:

Blood offeringsHuman sacrifice

Great TempleThousands sacrificed every year

Huitzilopochtli: Sun God (MOST IMPORTANT GOD)

Formative Assessment (5 Minutes)

What role did tributes (offerings) play in the Aztec society?

What types of tributes did these individuals make?

Montezuma’s Influence (Aztec)

Most famous of the Aztec leaders Becomes emperor Empire weakens Greater demand of:


Increased oppression:Rebellion/UprisingUnity begins to fade

Inca Empire

Quick Facts:South America:

Ecuador ChileLargest empire of AmericasValley of Cuzco (beginnings)Pachacuti Influential ruler

Inca Empire

“Inca Civilization” video clip (~4 minutes) Questions to keep in mind when watching video:

1. What is their best preserved city? 2. What did they construct to easily navigate across

the vast empire? 3. What did this group create to access water in

more locations? 4. What was the Inca’s most important resource?

Incan Operations

Powerful military Diplomats

Surrender Keep customs Gain loyalty of empire

Cuzco (CAPITAL) Temples Plazas Palaces

Inca Government


Irrigation systems, terracing farms, food storage

Mita Labor systemALL able-bodied citizensFarming, producing goods, road work

Inca Religion

Nature Spirits Moon Stars Thunder

Most important gods: Viracocha (Creator) Inti (Sun)

Sacrifice and exchange of goods to pay tribute

Atahualpa’s Influence

Empire split after death of Huayna CapacAtahualpa and Huascar (sons)

Atahualpa tries to claim entire empire Civil war ensues Atahualpa wins Empire torn apart Unity in Incan empire fades away

Summative Assessment (5-7 Minutes)

What actions did the leaders of the Aztec (Montezuma) and Inca (Atahualpa) take that led to the downfall of their empires? (5-7 sentences)

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