the aware life teleseminar jennifer ·...

Post on 24-Jan-2020






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Lisa: Hello, hello, hello! Welcome to The Aware Show Teleseminar Series. This is Lisa Garr. I am really, really happy about today’s call. I’m happy on many, many levels because I get an opportunity to interview my mentor! Honestly, I get to do that, which is just awesome for me, and every breath that I speak today, it’s filled with gratitude for this particular person because she’s not only an amazing healer, and incredible intuitive person, my goodness... She doesn’t make a move without intuiting it, it’s beautiful to watch. Today our call is about healing, just that. If you are in need of that today, right now, wherever you’re sitting in this moment, and you forgot for just a minute like I do, that you yourself are a healer, today is that reminder, for you to be able to connect back into that in your life, so, in case you also want to know a little bit more about inter-dimensional healing, which... My audience is so cool, you guys are so in tune with the different dimensions of healing, you know that we’re not just these three levels that we see right here, you know that there’s four, five, six, out to 12 – we’re talking about the 12 dimensions today – of inter-dimensional healing, and this is really the future of healing, it’s actually not even the future, it’s here right now, just not a lot of people are talking about it. You’re going to get a chance to experience what that really means, to heal into the 12th dimension, with prayer circles, soul songs, body dialoguing, and all of this is facilitated by a spiritual catalyst – I love that term – Jennifer Mclean, she is not only an incredible entrepreneur but an author, creator of the body dialogue system of healing, but she is truly a spiritual catalyst, she has a wonderful heart centered way of living her life, and she created the healing with the masters series – I believe it was four or five years ago, Jennifer?

Jennifer: Yep, five years ago now.

Lisa: Five years ago, and it has skyrocketed to... it’s an authentic truth beacon, basically, ha ha! Hi Jen! Hi sweetie! How are you?

Jennifer: I am... You know what, I have to be honest, I am having a few little health challenges right now but everything that shows up in my life is an opportunity, so I see this as an opportunity for old stuff clearing out, making way for the new.

Lisa: Yes, and that’s why I love you, because you are so authentic and you’re never going to pretend to be something you’re not...

Jennifer: And by the way, I have a really sexy voice now too, so it kinda varies, very low and sexy, ha ha.

Lisa: Ha ha ha! We got this whole new level of healing here! So let’s talk a little bit about inter-dimensional healing, and about what it is that you do, and bringing that conversation... So, I said earlier it’s a future conversation but it’s also here now, and it always has been, right?

Jennifer: Well yeah, I want everyone in this moment to know that we are all multi-dimensional beings, that there truly is no space and time and from a cerebral perspective it’s like yeah, yeah… heard it before, I watched the quantum physics stuff, you know... Read a couple of books on quantum physics... But it’s a reality, and when we can feel it and sense it and know it with a sense of faith and knowing in our bodies and our beings, in our soul and our mind together, we can actually move in a multi-dimensional reality. When we move in a multi-dimensional reality we are free from the rules and regulations of three dimensions. The reality is we’re also... The non-reality is, he he he, we are also human beings living within the confines of a three dimensional life, that seems exceptionally real. Everything is energy, it’s proven, quantum physics has gone to the atomic level, and proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that everything is moving, the furniture we’re sitting on is moving at a lower vibration, so it creates form that we can sit on, but the reality is if we started understanding the matrix so to speak, like that movie, that Neo figured out what the matrix was and could move through it in a new way, we can do the same. Some of the concepts like the law of attraction started thinking this way, and one of the things that I think is so cool about quantum physics, is that it gives you an opportunity to allow the mind to understand the constructs, and whenever the mind is engaged and in a place of nodding its head and says “Okay, that could be real, that’s possible”, it opens the capacity for the heart to open up completely, and then truly experience it, for the heart is the way that we can experience this multi-dimensional reality in a real way. The heart is the mechanism, the heart is the transportation vehicle, the heart is the manifestation and creation vehicle, the heart is all of it. The heart is the pathway to a multi-dimensional life. It’s interesting, many of us have gifts, Lisa, and we all have these gifts, and some of us don’t think they are gifts because it’s who we are.

Lisa: Maybe, yeah.

Jennifer: I was recently talking to Laurie Reyon, who’s one of my contributing speakers on my membership site, and she shared something interesting with me, she said, “you have this capacity to feel and sense an audience”, so right now, as I sit here, just before the call started I started working on the audience, and you may have felt a shift about

four minutes in, before the call started, I can see everyone who’s listening now and well into the future. That’s that multi-dimensional aspect. I can feel it, sense it, know it, I can see you. I actually see you right now, I can see the... Whenever I do this I always get a little emotional, because the spectacular beauty of every person on this call, almost overwhelming. And so that’s one of my gifts, I was talking to her about her gifts and how I was a little jealous, and I shared... This is kind of an off-handed way that I can do this, and she said “you’re a time traveler, and you don’t even know that is a big gift, that some people can’t do.” The reality is, all of us can do all of these gifts, but we have specializations. That happens to be mine. So, by being able to see every person, I’m living in this multi-dimensional reality to be able to do that. I don’t know exactly how I would teach someone how to do it, but all of us have a gift that sits in this multi-dimensional reality, and we start to think about the things that you do that other people can’t, and start honoring that and start playing there, and honing that skill and expanding that skill and trusting that skill. That gives you this potentiality of living way beyond three dimensions. That’s where all healing happens, in the multi-dimensional reality. All manifestation happens in that space.

Lisa: Right, I just drew a little chart here, which is really interesting because as you were talking, if you look at the first three levels of dimensions, and those levels are, yes we see the physical, but those are where the jealousy, and the competition...

Lisa: I call them lower vibrating three dimensional emotions. By the way, those are also the... The three dimension is a platform upon which we stand, so those emotions are really important, and relevant and valuable. I don’t want to diminish the value of three dimensions, I just want to bring our attention to, there is more.

Lisa: It goes up to another level. So then, I have this... It’s interesting you say platform, because I drew three boxes, and it gets up to the nine ten and 12 levels, where you can shape shift, time travel, manifest...

Jennifer: You can actually start doing that in five and six.

Lisa: That’s what I was wondering, the gap. What’s the gap there?

Jennifer: Absolutely you can do that, but here’s the thing, why do you want to do that, right? Some people... We are in a different time now, than we were... I’ve been doing this since I was 23, so that’s 27 years I’ve been playing in this space. I’ve been on a very intense spiritual journey since I watched Shirley MacLaine’s Out On A Limb, when I was 23 years old. I read her book after I saw the show, and then I read her entire bibliography at the end, with all of the books that she recommended, I read all of those and started

this journey. We’re at a completely different place than certainly we were 27 years ago. When I was 25-27 I did the harmonic convergence, I was at all of these crucial things not knowing what my path was, but now we’re at a completely different space. We’re in a space of no longer dabbling, right? A lot of us dabbled, did this as a hobby. A lot of us went gasp, wow! when intuition showed up. Well we’ve passed that now. Now is time to live it, and it’s fun to be amazed and to be in a place of gratitude, but I believe we no longer need to be in a place of awe. You’ve had enough guests on your show over the last 15 years, Lisa, where... This is real, this is not something we need to be in awe of anymore, when we can get to that place in our being, in our heart, where it’s just commonplace within our being to expect that our intuition is going to be accurate, where it is commonplace to expect that our intention is so thoroughly in our heart, and we are outpicturing from our heart in such a powerful way, that we believe and trust with faith that life is going to show up. I can feel some of your audience right now saying “Yeah, that’s good for you Jen, you’ve been doing this blah blah blah.” I can feel them saying that’s not their reality, it is your reality. Can I ask your audience a question right now?

Lisa: Yeah, definitely.

Jennifer: What would it feel like in your body, in your being, right now, just a what if question. This is just fantasy, we’re just creating a pretend space. What would it feel like in your body and your being and your life right now, if you had what it is you desire? Think of the one or two things that you really desire in your life. It might be health, or abundance, that seems to be the most common one. What would it feel like in your body, if you had that? There’s a bunch of people that are now trying to do this with their mind. It doesn’t work from the mind. When you outpicture from the mind... I recently had a conversation with Drunvalo Melchizedek, who’s really a specialist at being in the heart. He talked about, when you manifest from the mind, there’s a backward consequence. You know there’s an equal and opposite reaction? Newtonian law lives in three dimensions. When you manifest from the heart you’re manifesting from a multi-dimensional reality, and the mechanism of the universe absolutely supports you and comes together so that all are served by you receiving what you desire. Moving your attention into your hearts, right now, and sometimes that’s not an easy thing to do... I will give you two little techniques. One is, it’s called arcing from your pineal gland, which is right behind your third eye in the middle of your forehead between your eyes, and you just picture your attention and intention moving from that pineal gland out the back of your head, arcing around and moving right in between your shoulder blades, right into your sacred chamber, which is your heart, your sacred heart. There is a specific place that is an energetic place, beyond the physical heart, near the physical heart, but it is what I call the sacred chamber. Just imagine that you’re in your pineal gland, and you are now moving out the back of your head, with intention and attention really strongly, back in through your shoulder blades, right into your sacred chamber, which is found

slightly below and behind your heart, that’s the entrance. About half of your audience is now in their heart. So for those who are still having a challenge, imagine that you are in that pineal gland again, and there’s an elevator that opens up, and there’s a doorman that says “To the heart!” Ha ha ha, the doorman is exactly how to get that elevator there, and the doorman happens to be your higher self, and that doorperson is directing that elevator straight into the sacred chamber, and you’re going deeper and deeper and deeper into your body, you can feel yourself moving into your body, and then that elevator door opens, and you’re in your sacred chamber.

Lisa: Is that what you do when you intuit your feelings right away, on the spot, in the moment? I love what you said, what I got is that we no longer have the luxury of questioning our intuition, and I see that you make decisions in the moment, and you intuit things in like five seconds.

Jennifer: Yeah, Okay, so everyone right now I’d like everyone to just stay in their heart, and I would like to do a little experiment now, we just went into the heart, I’d like everyone to just stay in the heart for the rest of the conversation. You’re going to hear with different ears now. If you come out of your heart it’s Okay, just use those two exercises to get in, so... I just wanted to make sure that I was addressing the audience to make sure they’re staying in their heart, listening from their heart. We’re going to go through this whole call now from this place in the heart, and I don’t know if you can feel this Lisa, but the energy just expanded about ten-fold.

Lisa: Totally.

Jennifer: We have this huge audience in their heart. So from that place, Yes! The answer to your question is yes. When we live from our heart, we can hear. When we live from our heart we are in a place of such perception, there’s a bunch of people that are kind of moving in from their mind, so if you get out of your mind, get into your heart, there’s about... 40 people that are multitasking – stop! Give yourself the gift of this show and this moment, and bring your attention to now, and into your heart. And as we feel people in their heart now, and we have this conversation, we’re going to have a much richer, multi-dimensional conversation as a result. Every decision I make comes from this place in the heart, however, we live in this three dimensional reality, and when we are in three dimensions, it’s challenging sometimes to not live from the mind. Most people live and try to manifest from the mind, because their heart has been vacated, the mind and the ego are the only things left to take over, and they are not equipped from the job. They are not equipped to live in a multi-dimensional reality, they are equipped to live and keep us alive in three dimensions. Imagine someone who’s been given a job to simply

keep you alive in three dimensions, and they’re handed instead this whole different occupation, whole different calling, to live a life of manifestation, beauty, love, support, openness, compassion, safety... The mind and the ego just don’t have the skill sets. The skill set for all of those things are found in the heart, and that is the place of our power. Listen, when we are in this place, Lisa, it’s the coolest thing. We no longer need this thing called protection, even. Some of the more woo woo people talk about protection and putting up shields – we don’t need that. The reason we don’t need it is because when we are in the heart, we see everything. We’ve got a 360 view, which is called our intuition, that is limitless.

Lisa: It seems like there’s no barrier.

Jennifer: There are no barriers. It’s interesting, one of the things you and I talked about that we should talk about is what some people are struggling with lately?

Lisa: Yes, yes.

Jennifer: Many people are struggling with this concept of being stuck. And they’re stuck, they’re stuck with abundance, they’re stuck with relationship, they’re stuck with their health. They just don’t feel any movement. Well stuck, is... When you’re in the heart, so everyone bring your attention back into your heart, take that elevator down or feel that access point. Another access point that I often use is imagining your eyeballs are rolling back into your head, and they become little pearls, and the home for the little pearls are in the sacred chamber, and they go deeper and deeper and float as if in the still pool of your being. They float down, and down, and they just make their way naturally into that sacred chamber. I just want to talk a little bit about the sacred chamber if that’s Okay, Lisa.

Lisa: Yeah, definitely.

Jennifer: So the sacred chamber is different for everyone. For some people it’s a place in nature, for some people it’s simply a sensation, for some people... I heard about one guy, it was only the sound of whales – that was his only indication that he was in his sacred chamber. Sound, smell, it could be a sight... For me, I happen to have all of that, I’ve been gifted and practiced through the years of developing vision and sensation, and I think so that I can help everyone who has a different modality to get there – but just trust it. Trust that you’re in your sacred chamber, and whatever is there, is actually what your sacred chamber is for you. So in this place, when you’re in this place of your sacred chamber, there is no stuck. There’s no such thing. There’s no obstacle, there’s no stuck, and I can hear some of you who have moved into your brains, saying “You don’t live my life, Jen.”

Lisa: Right, right, of course, you don’t know my circumstances, but I, but I, but I... Uh-huh.

Jennifer: Exactly.

Lisa: Yeah, and I get that, too, I get where it gets so difficult. You can’t see the forest through the trees, and I get that experience, but that’s why we have calls like this, that’s why Jennifer is talking like she is, because if we forget that this is truly where we were even birthed at. We were born in this 12th dimension, and it’s as we grow older, we just sink down out of that 12th dimension. When you’re born, your veil is so beautifully thin and... Also right before death, that’s the inter-dimensional place, where the cares are left away, and they’re not there. But then there’s life, enter in life, enter in challenge, bills, lots of things going on at once, struggles, relationships, all of that great stuff, so at what point do we create all that, Jennifer?

Jennifer: Well you know, it’s interesting because we come down to this planet to accelerate our multi-dimensional aspect, ironically.

Lisa: Ooh, talk about that.

Jennifer: The best place to experiment with the things that we really, really want to expand on, is to go to a place where there is compression. To go to a place where there is an obvious polarity. Where you have to nudge against it and it nudges against you, to push you to the expansion. If we are having this sense of struggle in our life, it’s only because we think it’s struggle. If we think that we’re stuck, it’s because we think we’re stuck. Lisa, I know from whence you came, I’ve lived a life of perceived struggle and stuckness. I don’t know how many times in my life I’ve talked about this, and even in my early books I talked about being stuck on obstacles... I don’t talk about it anymore because it’s not real. It’s a perception, it’s a label that we put on something to help make us feel better! I’m not saying that in a derogatory sense, it’s what we need! When we’re in the midst of something really crappy, we need to label it something so we can compartmentalize it aside. That’s Okay to do, and that’s what lower vibrating emotions do too, they compartmentalize something as angry, envious, upset, those things are perfect, they’re important. They’re important because it’s the energy release that’s needed in order to move on to what’s next. So we come down to this beautiful playground – I don’t like it as a school, I never liked school... I wasn’t good at school. So, I don’t like calling it a school, because that feels way too structured – it truly is a playground, I believe, that we came down here with a very specific set of things that we wanted, desperately wanted to experience. When we’re on the other side, we go “Oh my

God, this is such a huge opportunity to come to three dimensions and play!” I’ll give you an example for me, one of the things that I came to play with is forgiveness. When I was on the other side, planning this lifetime... Everyone by the way who is here, is incredibly important to this time and stage. This was a big, huge life, during this 2012 transition, this is big stuff. We are in a huge shift in all of evolution, so everyone who is listening here, you are a very important part of this, there are billions upon billions of souls that wanted to be here now, and you were chosen. We were all chosen to be here, so this is a big life, and I decided I wanted to have a really big experience, and leverage the energies that are here right now supporting us in this tremendous expansion of consciousness. So, I said, I want a level ten experience of forgiveness.

Lisa: As a soul, you said this?

Jennifer: As a soul, I said, I want level 10. I want level 10 everything.

Lisa: Why in your right mind would you say this, but as a soul you said this, yes.

Jennifer: As a soul, my mind would never have chosen that! But my soul was in. They were in at this time. Guess what happens when you’re creating a level 10 experience of forgiveness? You’re creating its opposite in order to experience it. So I created a level 10 experience of childhood. It was a very, very challenging childhood, there was abuse, there was narcissism, there was emotional abuse, there was... it was very challenging. I created that because I wanted to experience level 10 forgiveness. So I experienced someone... I experienced child abuse, sexual abuse, and I have since completely seen who my perpetrator is, why they were. Listen, when I was in that soul room, ready to come down to this planet, planning with my soul group what I was going to do, I said I want a level 10 experience of forgiveness. One of my soul group volunteered and stood up, and said, “I will do this for you. I will give you that experience.” I am so honored and grateful that soul said yes.

Lisa: Oh, my God…

Jennifer: So, you can see how it changes everything, you can see everyone in your life now, as part of your soul group who stood up and said yes, I will give you that challenge.

Lisa: Completely different – so – then how do you explain the karma of it all, and... I mean, when you find somebody to teach you lessons, that has that karma with you... Can you avoid it, can you heal it, can you close it – when you hit it?

Jennifer: Yeah, we’re in a new energetic paradigm, as I said we are now living in a multi-dimensional... The veils are thinner, we’re moving into 4th and 5th dimension right now, many say that we’re already in the 4th dimension being held in the 3rd, so that a lot

of us can get this. We can change whatever we want, so... I don’t believe there’s any such thing as karma anymore, I think it was dissolved in 2000. I don’t think that we’re playing in that paradigm anymore, I think there was a paradigm that was needed, and that it’s over.

Lisa: Well what I mean is like when people show up in your life to create that experience so that you can move on from it.

Jennifer: Right, so when you’re in your heart, when you’re in that place of knowing that everything in your life is here for you, when you come from this place, this new perspective of knowing that everything that is here is something that I requested, so that I could have this experience to move forward in my evolution. When you come from that place, everything is now different. I still have a human reaction, I have a temper. I talk about this a lot in my series, it’s something that I’ve played my whole life, it’s one of the patterns that I chose to play with, is anger. I still have a human reaction, but I now have these tools of going into my heart, I have these tools of things like body dialogue, and ho’oponopono and EFT. These are the things that I use daily to allow myself to move that lower vibrating emotion, and use it. We can use these moments now.

Lisa: Well I see that you have moved... I don’t think you spend that much time there any longer, I mean I listen to the recordings that you did for the 11/11, those were incredibly channeled, beautiful healing sessions. You’ll find this if you look at the website which is, for you all listening. The healing prayers to create your life, the vibrations that come through, and the energies and frequencies that come through those healing prayers... I was listening to them, and I had them on in the background, and I literally had to stop what I was doing, because it was so beautiful, so powerful, and I can hear it when you hit the frequency, and I can hear it when... the combination of spirit infusing and your learnings, and then the whole thing... your pace intensifies, your mission gets infused through the whole thing and it’s beautiful the way that...

Jennifer: What’s happening there, Lisa, is that... Well first of all, thank you for talking about the frequencies, because there is a code that’s infused in every word I say that allows the audience to... The code moves into your being if you choose it, if you don’t you just can say “No thanks.” But everyone, it’s moving around right now, it’s available to you right now, the code, and it just moves into your being, and it’s like a little key that opens the frequency of what I’m talking about.

Lisa: Oh, wow.

Jennifer: There’s a higher frequency energy that’s happening right now on the call just from our conversation. The words and the concepts are actually moving into your being, and I can feel the audience kind of moving into their heart, keep moving into your heart, keep moving into your heart. It expands those codes exponentially. So what happens now is when life shows up from this place, it now doesn’t show up as such huge trauma. It now shows up as a place of... I say this a lot, and I’m going to say it again, for those who have heard me before, you’ve heard this before. Everything that is showing up in your life right now, and I know some of you are going through really challenging times. I’m feeling it, and I’m in a space of allowing for you to have space of allowing for what’s showing up in your life, and I don’t know if you felt, there’s a wave of energy that moves through the call, and that space is basically where you’re at when you are in your heart. Where you’re at when you realize that life is here for me. Everything that is showing up is showing up for you, in support of you, and one more really crucial thing is, it’s not only showing up for you, it’s showing up because you are ready for it. There’s that old saying that God doesn’t give you any more than you can handle? It’s way beyond that, this is way beyond that. God gives you exactly what you are ready for. So if you’re having a huge challenge... There’s a part of my soul... I look from both my human vision and my soul vision. My human vision is compassionate right now, for the challenge you’re in. My soul vision is in celebration for what’s possible now, from whatever is showing up in your life, and how it is going to guide you and nudge you to the greatest expansion you’ve ever experienced in your life. It’s here for you.

Lisa: There is a woman who is a regular, and she says she grew up to emotional views, narcissism, extreme criticism, judgment, and she has been bawling her eyes out since you started being in her heart, and she says she wants a level 10 experience of non-judgment too and thanks you so much and I appreciate how many times you keep bringing us back to our heart, because it is, in the western mind... I keep going back up as well, Jen, I keep going back up to my head, we all do.

Jennifer: Yeah, I do too.

Lisa: And I really appreciate that, that’s where you see true transformation happening, and that’s where you see that people resonate with this level of... Stress exists in the head, and in the mind, and anxiety exists in the head and mind, so in many ways, disease, so this is the opposite. This is the alternative but this is also the norm. This should be the norm.

Jennifer: There’s no question this is the new norm. I hang out with a group of friends now that we have these conversations. It’s like, what does it feel like in your body? What does it feel like in your being? Listen, I was in the 80s... I’m saying ‘listen’ a lot for some reason. Whenever I do a turn of phrase in a call, there’s something present here that’s

relevant, so there’s something about hearing with your heart that being... That’s why I keep saying listen, it’s weird, ha ha, I said it like 20 times in the call so apologies. But there’s a resonant energy that’s there, I never say... Not never, but I don’t often say words unless there’s some kind of energetic force behind them, so when I’m telling you that word is somehow keying people into their energy of hearing from their heart. So listen!

Lisa: I got it, we’re listening! We’re a listenin’, yes I can tell.

Jennifer: I kind of lost my train of thought there...

Lisa: Well, I want to ask you about body dialoguing.

Jennifer: Sure!

Lisa: When you get into that place... This is the other thing that’s on the special offer about the body dialoguing, but when you get a message from the body that there is an owwie, and injury, a disease, a cold, a sickness, whatever. You have a technique that can teach – that you can actually communicate what that specific thing in the body wants.

Jennifer: Actually you know, Lisa, this is even broader than that, it’s not an owwie in the body. An owwie in the body is certainly a really good signal to go into the body. It’s any kind of emotional upset. Anything that’s emotionally upset.

Lisa: Okay, Okay.

Jennifer: So you go through your day and someone cuts you off in traffic, your boss says something unkind, or someone did something that felt undermining, at all, that’s the time that you can do body dialoguing, and body dialoguing is a great five minute system that really helps you move to a completely new energetic signature from it. Ho’oponopono, EFT, Byron Katie’s The Work, there’s all kinds of systems out there that do something that’s a little similar, the idea is with body dialoguing in particular, is the body holds it all. What I’ve been shown and what I’ve seen through 20 years of working with individuals, both hands on and through phone and group coaching, is that the body holds all of it. When we have an event that occurs in our life that is lower vibrating event, I used to call it trauma but trauma creates the word trauma, ha ha.

Lisa: Ha ha ha, yeah, it’s true.

Jennifer: I call it a lower vibrating event. So a lower vibrating event happens in your life that is something that in fact, as we talked earlier, we kind of created to allow us to move

through the patterns we chose to experience this lifetime, and that event creates a set of beliefs and a thought, and that event energetically gets held in the body, and it gets held in the body for a reason. There’s a couple of reasons, one is that it’s held until we are in a place energetically strong enough to manage it, number one; and number two, it’s held in a place of protection. I was shown once that it looked like a walnut, with a shell around it, so that we are protected from it. Sometimes these huge events that happen that are so intense, that we can’t deal, so it gets held in the body in this hard shell, so the energy of that event is protected. We are protected from it. But when we are in a place where we have the capacity and the wherewithal we can then use our life’s adventures to move back into our body and have a conversation with that aspect of our being, and that aspect of our being will actually show us who and what we really are, so we can use an event that’s right current, and someone shows up in your life, and is upsetting you, you can use that moment to go... Because all they’re doing is resonating with that piece inside of you that wants to be healed. That piece inside of you that wants to be realigned. We create the outside aspect of it, and when we don’t listen, the volume gets bigger and bigger and bigger until we can’t help but listen to it, and that’s what many of us on this planet are facing right now. We didn’t listen for the longest time and the volume is really high. A high volume looks like a financial crisis, health crisis, relationship crisis. That’s a high volume. So at any point in time when we start listening, and we start having a conversation with these aspects of our being that got held in our body, we can change all of our lives in an instant.

Lisa: Maybe we could... I don’t know if you could do this on a broad way, Jennifer, but if we could go through a body dialoguing session with people on the call with themselves, and maybe you could teach them how to...

Jennifer: Absolutely, it’s a seven step process and I’ll try and remember each of the steps, ha ha.

Lisa: Awesome, no that’s great.

Jennifer: Would you like me to do with one of your folks?

Lisa: Ooh, yeah! OK good. If you press *2 to raise your hand, then we can do this specifically with you, and first person that came in is from Taos, New Mexico, I’m just going to grab you because I know your energy is very strong. Diane, from Taos, New Mexico, are you on the line?

Caller: I sure am, Lisa.

Lisa: Good girl!

Caller: God bless you!

Lisa: You were ready!

Caller: No, I wasn’t ready…

Jennifer: Good girl, *2! Got a quick wrist! Hit that *2 right away. OK, Diane, and this is for everyone, so I want you to know that Diane is the soul catalyst for this group, so just like there’s a musical term called entrainment, and that when you pluck a C string in a room full of violins, the C string vibrates on every violin. Diane is the C string for our group, and we’re going to pluck Diane’s energy so to speak. She’s going to assist all of us in clearing something that this soul group most needs and that’s why Diane has been chosen. So Diane, no pressure! *laughter*

Lisa: Welcome!

Jennifer: OK, so the other thing that I’d like everyone to know is that you get to do your own process, every question I ask Diane, you can ask your own body, and do the process with her, so body dialogue... I do body dialogue sessions every Saturday in a group environment of 1,500 or more people and we just use the one person to move all of us, and actually one of the packages includes some of these body dialogue sessions that are really high vibrating. OK Diane, you ready?

Caller: Yes, I am ready.

Jennifer: OK, so tell me... What’s up?

Caller: I have a huge knot at the back of my head that I got... My son is 42, I was six months pregnant with him when I fell down the stairs, and I’ve had this knot on my head, and I re-injured it two years ago, I hit a shelf, and it’s huge and I’m not a person who goes to the doctor. I want to deal with it myself, but I would like it to be gone.

Jennifer: Okay, Okay good. So, one little thing I would say is that I love when people want to heal themselves, I just think it’s the most beautiful honorable thing, and I’m also a big fan of the medical model. The medical model is a miracle, and sometimes you need it. I actually went to the doctor this morning, and I got on some antibiotics finally after a week of saying “I can do this!” Sometimes we need some allopathic help, so I always recommend that if you’re feeling something extreme, please – please – seek medical attention. Anyway, thank you for giving me that opportunity to say that because sometimes we poo-poo the medical model and there are some amazing, amazing

doctors out there that are doing both homeopathic, allopathic and naturopathic stuff, which I’ve happened to have found one. That’s the kind I recommend if you can.

Caller: Yeah, yeah. I go to Norm Shealy.

Lisa: Right, right.

Jennifer: Great. So, now that I’ve taken everyone out of their hearts and into their minds with that comment, ha ha ha...

Lisa: Well you know, I’ve got to tell you something though Diane because I was in the same position as you, I don’t have a regular doctor and I have an enormous respect – my father is a medical doctor – but I was noticing a pain in me last night, and I looked it up on the internet and all it said was go to your doctor go to your doctor, and I thought OK, I’m going to heal this myself right now, because I don’t have time to go to the doctor today. And so, we’re representing both sides of the fence here, girl.

Jennifer: Yes, I mean, I’m a big fan of doing both, if there’s something that’s medical emergency-ish, you know, seek medical attention if you can. Okay, so bring your attention into... Everyone, think of something... We’re going to do something physical with Diane, so we’re going to do a physical healing with everyone. So bring your attention to something in your body that has been in pain, or has been acute or chronic. Something in your body that is causing upset, it could be a disease, it could be something like what Diane is talking about, so just bring your attention to that part of your body. And just for a broader sense, afterwards in the call if you like to do body dialoguing on your own, you could also if you’re upset, just say “where do I feel this in my body?”, and bring your attention to that aspect. So, if someone isn’t having any physical ailment, think of something that was recently upsetting, and just ask “where do I feel that in my body?” And there’s an aspect of your body that’s going to say… “Over here! Come here, I want to talk to you!” So Diane, where in your body do you want to go, do you want to go straight to this aspect?

Caller: Yes.

Jennifer: … knot? OK, so bring your attention to the knot, and just allow yourself to kind of get to know it. I want everyone to know that we’ve been coming from our heart, so we’re really safe here, this is a very safe call. Very sacred energy present here, and I just felt a huge... All the archangels are here, they just asked me to tell you that, all of your guides and allies are here, we’ve got hundreds of thousands of guides here right now.

Caller: That always makes me cry...

Lisa: Go for it, girl.

Jennifer: Yeah, they’re here, they’re here. They’re here for each of us, so each one of you has this. Good. I want you to bring your attention, sweetie, to that beautiful knot, and we’re just going to be present with it, describe it to me, and the rest of you describe in your mind’s eye, what does it look like, feel like, what’s the sensation? So, what does it look like and feel like in the sensation, as if you’re inside, on the other side of it, not just looking from the outside, but you know, inside communicating with it, and it’s showing you what it looks and feels like.

Caller: It’s an egg.

Jennifer: It’s an egg! OK. Now is it hot, is it cold, is it tense, is it light, is it dark, is it...

Caller: It’s hot.

Jennifer: It’s a hot egg, how big is it?

Caller: It’s about the size of a chicken egg. A small chicken egg, maybe a bantam.

Jennifer: OK, good – and so, we’re all just going to acknowledge that part, and we’re just going to say to that aspect, I’m present with you, I’m listening to you, I am not going anywhere. I’m present, I’m here now, I’m listening to you, I’m here in a space of support, I am listening, I want to hear what you have to say, I am not going anywhere. So just keep kind of, having that conversation, and when we bring a level of presence and that level of support to an aspect of our body, it usually shifts a little bit. Did anything change when you said that to it, Diane?

Caller: Well it sends energy all the way down to the soles of my feet.

Jennifer: Good. So we’ve got some movement here.

Caller: And heat, lots of heat.

Jennifer: Lots of heat, good. Good good good. Heat is a sign of release.

Caller: Oh, good.

Lisa: Can I ask you, Diane, where you mentioned that you fell down the stairs when you were six months pregnant with your son...

Caller: Yeah, I was at the top of the stairs and I stepped on my night gown, and because I was pregnant I threw myself backwards because I didn’t want to fall on my baby. So I went down the stairs on the back of my head and my elbows.

Lisa: All the way down?

Caller: All the way down!

Jennifer: OK, so bring your attention back to that beautiful egg, and bring your presence to the egg again, I’m present, I’m here, I’m centered, I’m grounded. I’m listening in support. Good, and now we’re just going to ask that beautiful egg, “How have you served me?” And the rest of you can ask your body part, how have you served me? In other words, what are you here for? How... What’s the purpose of your being here? How have you served me? Are you getting an answer at all, Diane? And Lisa, you can do yours too, whatever your thing was last night. How have you served me? Are you getting an answer at all, Diane?

Caller: In some way, it’s protected me, but I don’t understand.

Jennifer: That’s OK, that’s OK. It’s telling you it has protected you, so what I want everyone to do, is... Most people usually get that answer, there might be something else here. Some people get a broader answer, so we just want to acknowledge and feel the energy that this is sharing with us, that this is protection. Does that feel true?

Caller: Yep.

Jennifer: OK, so just feel the energy of protection. Right, good. Did you feel the shift there?

Caller: I got the energy rush again.

Jennifer: Yeah, there’s a nice shift. Good. So, as you feel this energy of protection, we’re going to ask it a deeper question. We’re going to ask, when was the very first time you felt... OK, I’m getting another question here, I apologize. What was the thought that was in your head, when you were stepping on your night gown, the thought just before you stepped on your night gown and started to fall, what was the thought? And it’s the egg, you’re going to ask the egg that, because it knows, it’s held it, what was that thought?

Caller: Oh wow.

Jennifer: And the rest of you, ask the same question. What was the thought the minute before you fell, the minute before. And ask the egg, don’t use your mind, you’re using your mind.

Caller: It isn’t working, because I’m using my mind!

Jennifer: Exactly, exactly. So bring your energy back into your body, back into this relationship with this egg, right? …and, there you go, now ask the egg to tell you. You don’t have to think about this, the egg is going to share it with you. What was the thought? There it is, what was that thought?

Caller: Be careful.

Jennifer: And what was that thought related to?

Caller: I don’t like stairs. I have to be careful when I go down stairs, I don’t like them.

Jennifer: Stairs are scary, there you go.

Caller: They are! Stairs are scary, yes!

Jennifer: Again, everyone, whatever that thought was, allow it to come through, and I want to find out, who implanted this fear? And it’s not just stairs, it’s other stuff too. Who implanted that fear? There’s someone in your childhood, how old were you when you had that first sensation of… life is not safe? Stairs are scary, other things are scary.

Caller: Yeah, really young.

Jennifer: How old were you, about three it feels like?

Caller: Yeah.

Jennifer: About three years old, OK good. And for the rest of you, just ask the egg, ask the aspect of your body, how old were you when you were implanted with this fear? Good, good good good, this is good. Can you feel the shift in energy now, again, every time we go to another layer?

Caller: Yep, yep.

Jennifer: That’s good. So we’re going to bring our attention now to the little ones, bring your attention to that three year old.

Caller: She’s in my lap...

Jennifer: Yeah, there she is. And here’s what we’re going to do, we’re going to hold this position of support, just as we did, and we’re going to share with the little one, I’m here in support, and just as if it was an adult that we trust and love, we are going to be that adult

for this little one, OK? We’re not going to mesh energies, we’re going to be really present, and in support, and be that higher self almost to that little one, does that feel OK?

Caller: Yeah, it does.

Jennifer: Yeah, can you feel how powerful you are?

Caller: Really good!

Jennifer: As she sits in your lap, how powerful you are, good, beautiful. So as you feel that, and we’re going to ask the little one, just to share what happened, and here’s what we’re going to do, we’re not going to get involved in the story, we might not even hear the words of the story, basically what we’re allowing her to do is purge the energy of it. She’s just going to share and share and share until she’s out of breath. For the rest of the audience, let that little one just share the... Just get the essence of the story. You don’t have to dive into the story, just get the essence of it, and again, holding that space for her to share everything. Purge, purge, purge that, and I can feel my little one just going, “Oh my God, and then this happened and this happened and this happened...” And I’m just holding space and nodding and hearing her and looking in her eyes, and having her know that she is completely heard.

Caller: And rocking her!

Jennifer: There you go, good. And whatever she requires, if she requires to be in your lap and laughing, and requires a hug – whatever she needs – you’re there in support.

Caller: Wow.

Jennifer: Feeling that she can trust you and ask for what she needs. Right now, all of these little ones are asking for what they need now around us, and whatever it is you can supply it.

Caller: *long sigh…*

Jennifer: Beautiful, there was a big shift, nice sigh.

Lisa: Yeah!

Jennifer: Usually when we sigh it means that something is transmuted. And so now, as we’re with our little ones, and we are transmuted and transformed to this, we’re going to ask a question, we’re going to move our attention back to the egg, while still keeping our attention with the little one, and we’re going to ask both of them a question, and for the rest of you, ask your little one and whatever body part this question: “What is it that you

need now? What do you need now?” And it’s usually a God quality. So Diane, what does your little one need now?

Caller: Hmmm… Tenderness.

Jennifer: There you go, beautiful. So for the rest of you, whatever that need was, it might be something like love, acknowledgement, tenderness, Lisa, what was yours?

Lisa: Hmmm... It was an anti-acidity.

Jennifer: Anti-acidity, beautiful! OK, good. So we’ll use both of those as an example. OK?

Lisa: Alkaline, I should say, yeah. It was alkaline.

Jennifer: Alkaline, OK. So now, what, Diane, would it feel like? What would the full expression of tenderness look and feel like, in your body right now? Ask the egg, it can show you. It knows. It knows, and in your case, Lisa, what would alkaline feel like, in your body right now? For both of you, if you were the full expression of, Diane, tenderness, and Lisa, alkalinity, what would the full expression of that need be… feel like.. in your body? And for the rest of you, feel it. Whatever your need was. Feel it, allow it. And right now, I can feel this wave moving through everyone, nudging yourselves into remembering who you are. Nudging yourselves into remembering the full expression...

Caller: *long sigh…*

Jennifer: Yeah, there we go; and it’s moving as if a wave… gently over and over again… it moves through your body. Moving you, to this expression. And what we’re doing right now, is we are expanding an energetic vibration, what I call an energy signature, that your body has been wanting, and this event created, so that you can have this moment in time, to feel the full expression of what you came here to play with. Right now, feel the full expression. We’re going to take it a step further, what would it feel like if in six months from now, you were to fully live this expression? Lisa, if you were living in a place of alkalinity, and Diane, if you were living in a place of tenderness, and for the rest of you whatever that need was. Look at your life.

Caller: Ah, yeah.

Jennifer: Who’s in it? And it might be new people that you don’t know, feel their essence. What does a life with tenderness look and feel like?

Caller: Oh, it feels wonderful.

Jennifer: Right, feel that, allow it, can you feel the expansion of that energy yet?

Caller: Umm-hmm, umm-hmm – I had to stand up!

Lisa: Aw, good for you!

Jennifer: The whole call is now rising, rising, rising the energy.

Lisa: Yes!

Jennifer: So that signature now, is something that you get to play with. You now have the energy signature that came from that beautiful incident.

Lisa: Oh, my God, what was yours, Diane, because that absolutely completely transcended for me. I got a huge message of alchemy.

Jennifer: Yes, alchemy. Oh, beautiful. So, right now, bring your attention back to that body part that was upset, and tell me what does it look and feel like now?

Caller: It’s smaller.

Jennifer: It’s smaller, yeah. You know Diane, for me personally, I’m feeling that there’s probably two more things here that are ready to come out from this, two more needs expressed. So, I would listen to the call again, for those of you, by purchasing the series you can listen to these calls again, and listen to it again, and do the process again, and with that knot again. I want to just point something out, that you were pregnant, and it feels like there is an energy of... be careful… that got expressed through wondering if you could be tender, right? So, usually, the opposite shows up, so there’s this quality of tenderness, I’m sure you were exceptionally tender with your newborn.

Caller: Yeah, I was.

Jennifer: If there was a question in your mind when that happened. Whether you could be. So usually the energy that shows up at the end of it, is the thing that we had a question about to start with. So that’s something for the mind to chew on, so that the heart can open up further, ha ha ha. What I’d like to do, Lisa, is just finish this up with a little soul song. Do I have time?

Lisa: Yeah, you mentioned you have a flute in there.

Jennifer: Yeah, I’m going to do both a voice and a flute soul song, and this is a soul song for this particular soul group at this particular moment in time, to expand that need.

So right now, I’m going to expand alchemy, and alkalinity, and Lisa, I’m going to expand this soul song, I’m not doing this, this is coming through me, and Diane is going to expand this notion of tenderness, and all of the needs that you expressed are going to expand, so just allow the music to move it to a deeper level. So just listen and allow this music to just move you. Sound vibration has this really uncanny ability to move in really deeply, and just clear out any old resonant energy that’s no longer needed now, and also inculcate further and deeper the energy of this expression, so I’m going to start with a voice, I don’t know how long I’ll be able to go with that because my throat is a little upset, but, I’m…

Lisa: And you’re playing the flute?

Jennifer: I’m going to start with my voice, and then yeah, I’m going to play the flute.

Lisa: That is beautiful, and Diane I’ve put your voice on mute now, because I’m letting the whole experience happen here, so great Jennifer, thank you.

Jennifer: Okay here we go, so just allow your energy to move again into your heart, remember the elevator and the arcing back through the pineal gland into the shoulder blades, move your attention into the heart, and also being aware of that body part, and being really conscious of that need in this heart space, because it expands in the heart space, and here we go.

*singing/flute playing*

Jennifer: Just take a nice deep breath, and allow yourself to feel the expansion of you in this moment. And I say, so it is.

Lisa: Mmmm… You know, there is a person from Denver, Colorado, who has raised their hand as well, and that went to the people in Colorado and all around... as well…

Jennifer: Yeah, what’s so cool about this work, Lisa, is that every single time we go through a process like this... Listen, this is a very deep and sacred call. We went way deep and the vibration is super high, and when we do this, both on ourselves and especially in a group, we change the planet. There is no one that is not touched, when we as each individual takes this on and allow ourselves to know that whatever is in our life is here for us, and use it as an access point into our body, into a deeper aspect of our being that is calling for us to have conversations and shift and transform and transmute. We change the planet, every time.

Lisa: Can I tell you, there’s a listener from Italy, she says she’s been listening to Healing With The Masters, and The Aware Show for almost a year, and she says that we have both helped her so much, and this is the first time she’s been able to listen live, because of the time difference.

Jennifer: Oh, beautiful!

Lisa: She feels so incredibly blessed, the vibes are amazing and it’s just a huge thank you, and I just... I really love our energy together, it’s beautiful…

Jennifer: Yeah, it’s fun Lisa!

Lisa: It’s awesome, man! It is awesome, girl! I just got that, it really has been... I mean, we’re enormous together and it’s beautiful, and I thank you so much, and I want to tell people that the soul song that you heard, there’s also many of those experiences that you’ll be able to hear in this special offer there, as well. Jennifer does a whole 11/11/11 prayer circle over a series of a year, but it’s not just for that time and date, these vibrations, it’s as if she recorded the call yesterday. It’s incredibly current energy, and these portals that she opens up, and you get into, are... Oh, you don’t come back from them. You stay in those energies, and you keep going, and you take it as deep as you want to take it, and it’s what you can have at the time, and then you go back for it again and again, so that’s why having something like the special offer Jennifer put together is really a valuable tool for you, to be able to go back and re-visit and go deeper with every time you listen to it, and that’s at, and also there is one of the soul songs as a special gift for you guys there as well, so you can explore and dive in as deeply as you can, and I really appreciate this, Jennifer, because people are looking for information on how to go to these different frequencies, and the responses that we’re getting, just pouring in on the people that are entering in their experiences right now are so positive and so incredible and so deep and resonating, and that they feel so good right now, and so peaceful, it’s really nice.

Jennifer: Oh, thank you, and I’ve had a great… I mean, you know, you’ve got a beautiful audience and I can really feel the light and engagement and commitment and heart that your audience brings. So, it’s been delightful, my spending time with you. One thing I do want to point out in the special offer that we didn’t mention is there’s this really cool thing called Understand Men with Jen, ha ha ha.

Lisa: Oh yeah! I was listening to that too!

Jennifer: That was fun, yeah. I was an apprentice with Alison Armstrong, and her work, and we were asked to teach nine different sessions. So, this is my interpretation of

Alison’s work with a little bit of energy thrown in, body dialogue kind of stuff thrown in. So, it was really fun, and there’s nine lessons that will change your relationship and life. I love that part of the special offer, we just kind of threw that in and thought that might be fun, and people have really, really enjoyed that series. So not only do you get the transformational body dialoguing... There’s several body dialogues that you get to experience through the package, but you’ll also get the soul songs, and you’ll also get this Understand Men with Jen, and we also have some fun posters that are energized by my team, that when you read them and look at them and post them up, that you’ll actually experience the vibrational frequencies that will help you to maintain through what we’re in, which is very challenging times right now. They’re intense, they’re not challenging, they’re just intense. There’s lots and lots of energy here, and anything you can do to help lighten that load, we’ve kind of thrown in this offer.

Lisa: It’s interesting, though, it should basically be called the 12th dimension energy package because...

Jennifer: Ha ha really, right?

Lisa: It really is! All of the energies we’ve been speaking about throughout this call are infused in what is in the special offer, and the Understanding Men is also very, very healing for men. One of the stories my husband always tells to Alison is… I was sitting there watching Alison’s video one day when he was watching, like, MMA fighting on T.V., and I had it next to him in my laptop, and about five minutes in he started looking at it, looked at it again then he went back to the fighting, and then he looked at it again, then he went back to the fighting... Then he just turned the fighting off, and he was like, “what are you watching?” It was so cool, because it was explaining exactly why he was watching the fighting! This whole cool thing about he watches it to relax, and I’m like, “how do you watch that stuff”, and... it was just interesting, so I’m very excited you infused your energy into it as well. Hey, I love you, and I thank you.

Jennifer: I love you too honey, thank you so much and thank you audience for... I mean, this is really a committed audience, and I can feel, by the way, those who are listening on the recording later, I can feel you too, I can see you too! I can feel the level of commitment and engagement and it’s really, really fun, so thank you.

Lisa: People are standing up because you see them and thank you very much for that. Alright Jennifer, I’ll talk to you very soon.

Jennifer: OK, much love, much love to everyone.

Lisa: Much love to you too!

Jennifer: OK bye-bye now.

Lisa: Bye! I just want to take a second to let the listeners know about the special offer that Jennifer put together for this call, because it really is phenomenal. This is the way to get the energy infused into your life on a regular basis, is by listening to the recordings that she did, because they actually are encoded, as Jennifer said, with frequencies, and there’s exercises you can do on these calls, in order to get that frequency and that 12th dimensional energy into your life, so that it lasts, so that you are in that heart space, and from that space, when you really work in the 12th dimensional energy, you can multitask, and you can be in a space of love and harmony, and be effective, manifest your dreams and desires and your health all at the same time, there is no time or space in this dimension of healing. So, go to the website which is, and we worked really closely with Jennifer and her really, really great team to put this together, because there’s just a ton of value. She just kept adding value, adding value, because she knows the meaning of giving – you – the listeners, an enormous amount of value for what you’re getting here, and this is almost $600 worth of product, for $97, which is amazing, and Jennifer has dedicated so much of her life to this work, she has the soul songs of transformation on there, as well as the transformational body dialoguing which we just did, but it’s a two part series, it’s incredible in terms of what you’re able to shift with this type of energy. We got a little sample of it on the call, there’s a lot that needs to get shifted in our lives right now with the events that are going on around the world, in order to get us clear of all of that and get into that dimensional healing that we’re talking about. So once again, go there which is I really enjoyed the 11/11 prayer series. It’s healing prayers, and it is… on each call, she brings in a frequency that is incredible. That’s where the exercises are as well, where you can be able to repeat things, and come up with your own goals and ideas, concepts, but really this is all there to help you manifest what your desires are, and this could be any type of way of harmony, it could be financially, it could be health, it could be for other people, prayers are answered as she talks about on that call. There’s also a thank you gift on there, for everybody who’s staying on the call and listening, and I really appreciate that so keep the website up there which is, and you can get access to that entire package there, the replay is up there as well on that page. For my beautiful listeners, yes, you are amazing, and I am in so much gratitude to you as well, because what you bring to these calls makes the calls happen. Your engagement, your commitment, your connection, your love is just… it’s an entanglement theory. The entire calls are just quantum entanglement happening even if you’re listening to the replays, it’s a constant sense of quantum entanglement. We’re all kind of gathered together in all of this, and there’s so many different people that talk on that and validate what it is that we’re experiencing on these calls, this is next generation healing.

This is next generation entertainment, it’s bringing in healing throughout your transformational media, and that’s what we’re doing together. So thank you for being a part of it, thank you for being open, and allowing the healing to come through, and I just love you all. Until next time, I invite you to STAY AWARE.

–end of transcript–

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