the bataan death_march

Post on 13-Jun-2015






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The Bataan Death March

By: Aliah Baez


The Bataan Death march took place in 1942, which was during World War II and took place in the Phillipines. It consisted of 75,000 American soldiers and Phillipino prisoners from war. It was an actual march that occured after the Battle of Bataan and they marched 60 miles.

As the prisoners were forced to walk for hours a day people were killed. To stop walking was a way to get killed and you were killed either by Beheading, throat-cutting, and shooting which were common causes of death. Other causes of death were bayonet, rape, disembowelment, rifle-butt beating, and dehydration. If prisoners stepped off to the side to get water they were immidiately shot and were often teased by the Japanese when they were aloud to get water full of maggots.

The world learned about the things that had happened through three officers who had escaped the march. The treatmeant of the soldiers were inhumane and were the worst that anyone had ever done. General Masaharu Homma was the commander of the Jappanese troops in the phillipines and was later on executed for the things that had happened.

The number of prisoners who passed away on the Bataan Death March isn't completely known, but historians have estimated that 6,000 to 11,000 men died. This is considered one of the Japanese war crimes. Today there are many places around the world that have memorials for the people who died during this event. In New Mexico there is an event every March known as the Bataan Memorial Death March and people go on a marathon that is 15 miles long and they also carry things on their back. It took until 2009 for a formal apology on behalf of Japan to the United States for the things that happened to the U.S. soldiers.


This event had an impact on the countries who were involved in the march. It gave some countries better relationships and others bad, but over time things became neutral. Veterans still hold grudges against Japan though because they were actually involved in it and witnessed what the Japanese did. Also, it gave the U.S. and the Filipino's time to prepare for the upcoming battles. These battles were the Battle of Coral Sea and The Battle of Midway.


The Bataan Death March didn't really have an impact on World War II and probably mainly because many people weren't aware as to what was going on. It was only one of the many things that was going on during the time and could only anger other countries even more.

The End

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