the best body studio..will steele personal training

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

Reality TV Show ProposalTitle: The GymFormat: Informational / Occupational / Magazine Reality TV seriesTarget audience: 16+Episode format: 54 minutesDuration: 13 episodes per season

Potential for 4 seasonsShort Pitch: An aspirational Informational / Occupational / Magazine Reality TV

series called ‘The Gym’ about the Personal Trainers and their participants, at an exclusive private fitness studio in London, who want to achieve certain personal fitness goals, to receive: personal health benefits; injury prevention; self-respect; a body that is functional bio-mechanically, and good body image; and must overcome the obstacles of: their own personal demons; laziness, wanting to maintain an unhealthy lifestyle and past injuries.

Long Pitch: This is a show about six Personal Trainers working with twelve people from all walks of life. It’s a show about: the opportunity to change your life through changing your body; effecting a lasting change in behaviour that the will maintain a healthy physique for the rest of your life; discovering who you really are and how to develop into the best possible version of yourself; using exercise and fitness. It’s a show about how to overcome the challenges that occur in your life, by demonstrating that through being more aware of yourself you can make better choices.

Tagline: Tone up, lose weight, get fit, feel great!

Show summaryThe Gym: a show about six knowledgeable and charismatic Personal Trainers with differing specialities, who help twelve very different people to achieve their personal fitness goals, whilst leading ordinary lives, presented in an educational but also entertaining format.

Central ThemesChanging attitudes about health and fitness: “You don’t play sport to get fit, you get fit to play sport”.The opportunity to change yourself is always there.

This is not a show about how to look better naked – though that will be an additional bonus to the participants. This is a show about helping people to change their attitudes to care and maintenance of their bodies.

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

Most people would not treat a valued possession that they own and use on a regular basis, like for example their car, with the same disrespect that they treat their most important possession – their bodies.

The show hopes to help people understand that:body image – be it being super skinny or super ‘ripped’ – is not an indicator or fitness or

good healthfitness is an integral component of long-term healthbeing fit and healthy isn’t all about deprivation: not eating chocolate; never drinking alcohol

- the most important part of maintaining fitness is to work within your own personal lifestyle parameters

getting fit and staying fit can be fun

What is fitness?Everyone looks at fitness in a different way and it means different things to different people. To any athlete, elite fitness is a way of life, to a soldier being fit or even super-fit, can be a matter or life or death, to a labourer or gardener they have to be fit enough to do their job.

Perhaps the best definition of fitness means being able to carry out whatever physical tasks your life entails effortlessly, be that carrying your shopping, doing your garden or running around after your kids.

This show, hopes to demonstrate that for most people, basic fitness means being able to carry out mundane tasks in everyday life without difficulty. Again this means different things: for some people getting out of bed or off the couch can be a struggle, without mentioning having to run for a bus!

Why be fit?Being physically fit is not just about looking good naked – that is just an added benefit.

Considering that our bodies are the second most essential tools in doing anything that we want, we really don’t treat them very well. Most people take their bodies for granted until they face a crisis, something goes wrong with their body, for example a heart attack and they are forced to address their fitness.

This show will educate people to the benefits fitness has to:

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

Physical healtheg reduction of: cholesterol, blood pressure, risk of heart-disease, risk of injury; the

possibility of becoming over-weight or obese; prevents illnesses such as diabetes and helps with illnesses such as asthma; increases range of motion and functional strength, strengthens immune system,

Mental healtheg improvement of self-esteem and confidence, reduction of anxiety and depression, more

easily able to handle stressLifestyleeg prolongs life – is an investment in your future, improves energy levels, contributes to

better sleep, improves sex drive, enhances balance and coordination

The show aims to promote the understanding that fitness needs to start at the beginning of our lives and be maintained to the very end. As well as encouraging the idea that it is never too late to start to improve your fitness levels – and any improvement is an advantage.

How to be fit?Unfortunately because our bodies are the closest things to us, we all think we know how to treat them best. This is not usually the case. Most people wouldn’t dream of trying to maintain their own car – they would take it to a professional, a qualified mechanic, even for a basic ‘tune-up’. This show will demonstrate how working with a professional – a Personal Trainer – can significantly improve the way that you look after your body. Why? Because they have the passion to have acquired the knowledge to train in the most effective ways to achieve the best possible results.

Most people actually only in the gym to look good, not necessarily to be fit or healthy. This show will educate people that fitness for body image alone is “forced fitness” and will not as beneficial in the long-term (and can actually sometimes be harmful) in comparison “maintained fitness” – an integral part of lifetime health.

This show wants to teach people that getting fit, being fit, and staying doesn’t start with the body at all, and it starts in the mind. Maintaining good fitness and health is a combination of body and mind coming together and working in harmony with each other. The show will address issues like overcoming the disrespect most of us have for our bodies, which can range from an indulgent cake with morning coffee every day, to binge drinking every weekend,

Overcoming the mental obstacles, like attitude will also be tackled in the show. Most people don’t enjoy exercise, and most people don’t like going to the gym, they go because they want to feel like they are making some sort of effort at staying in shape. This show

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

hopes to teach people that being fit and healthy can be exciting and fun, as well as addressing many of the excuses that are easily found, to stay unfit.

Exercise gives the brain lots of signals that there is something ‘wrong’. When you exert yourself physically your body responds with a variety of signals: breathlessness, sweating, increased heart rate and temperature, nausea, dizziness, dehydration weakness and shakiness, all of which your brain interprets as ‘bad’. This show intends to reveal how to overcome what your brain is telling you – to stop exercising – through disguising exercise,

Getting fit and timingFor most people fitness is such a low priority in their life, there isn’t time to train and there is never a right time to train. This show will emphasise that the time to train is now, and the sooner that you start, there better, because the older you are, the harder train will be, especially at first, (because you are weaker) and slower the progress will also be.

Many people join a gym as a New Year’s Resolution. Often they don’t last more than a couple of weeks. The show will present the main reasons for this: that people don’t really know what they are doing in terms of achieving their fitness goals; people often don't have any structure to reach fitness milestones (and therefore little motivation); people are reluctant to be in a gym because of the perceived intimidation by people who are fitter than themselves, self-conscious of how they actually look and often bored with doing the same exercises over and over again without getting the results they want.

This show intends to expose how to address all these issues, by finding the emotional responses in people that will produce the results that they want, through disguising the time spent exercising by teaching people new skills, and by inspiring people to become engaged with fitness.

Who can get fit?

The participants in this show are deliberately drawn from a wide range of people, who have vastly different starting points, challenges and goals, in order to show the audience that becoming fit and healthy is definitely not a “one size fits all” experience.

The show hopes that the majority of viewers will be able to relate to at least one participant, because they share similar lifestyles and / or challenges to getting fit.

The show proposes that all of the participants have an interesting enough journey to fitness to attract a wider audience than only those interested in healthy lifestyles.

The Setting for the Show

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

People join gyms for all kinds of reasons, many of them having nothing to do with really being fit. “New-Year’s-Resolution-Users”, who have been mentioned before, have an attitude similar to other gym users who may even use the gym all the time – “I am making an effort to be fit”. An example of this is many woman who will do three or four spin classes a week, however, they will be able to leave the classes with their make-up still intact because they will neither have exerted themselves nor sweated!

Though most gym users will say that they want to tone up, lose weight, get fit and look better (with women generally adding that they do not want to have big muscles), men and women use gyms differently as much, because of what their specified fitness goals are, as because of not wanting to be out-numbered by the opposite sex.

Woman will generally be more focussed working on their “legs, bums and tums”, whilst men will concentrate on their upper bodies. Hence women will favour going to classes (where training also has a more social dimension and they can chat to their friends) whilst men will be more inclined to work with weights.

In “average” gym clients can come and go as they please, pretty much doing whatever they like, often using only one type of machine, or doing the same workout week-in-week-out which not contribute effectively to their health or fitness goals, at all.

This show is uses a private fitness studio where the participants are constantly supervised and monitored to ensure that they achieve their fitness goals in the most efficient and safest ways possible.

Central ConflictTime – helping people want to make time to care for themselves, and look after their health needs.The differences of time constraints for men and women (particularly working women.)


Main Cast – 6 Personal Trainers

A Gym Instructors will conduct gym inductions, showing new gym members how to use gym equipment, so that they can work out effectively and safely. They will also probably be able to inform gym members what muscle groups the equipment train.

Fitness instructors will supervise basic group training classes such as High Impact Training, Circuit Training, and Group exercises. They will know their way around the gym, and will be able to give basic training programmes to gym members.

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

Personal Trainers are the next level. Knowledgeable about Human Anatomy, Physiology, and Biology, they are able to design bespoke gym programmes for individuals. They have great people skills; an outgoing, friendly personality and can easily work one-to-one. Moreover they are wholly dedicated to helping their clients achieve their personal health and fitness goals, as well as raising their confidence and helping them to train for specific sports or events.

Personal Trainers are in a very small percentage of people who enjoy training beyond what their body wants to do. Good Personal Trainers are passionate about health and fitness but not necessarily interested in sport. People in general struggle to train a good personal trainer will make that struggle easier, by distracting the client from the ‘grind’ of training, making it interesting (through learning a new skill) or fun (by introducing a competitive angle.)

Exceptional Personal Trainers often come from an individual, professional sports background with an emphasis on competing with yourself, where the body is working on its own, and there is a need for discipline. These sports include athletics, gymnastics, boxing and martial arts. Another route to being a Personal Trainers is through the health and fitness industry from hands on experience themselves, having put their own bodies through rigorous training to change them from below average to elite athlete. They already know the whole journey, because they have experienced it themselves.

A good Person Trainer will have his or her own specialisation, but will be able to take on any client, with any type of goal or issue. As they grow and develop as trainers they will often add academic qualifications to the hands-on experience. Most of all a good Personal Trainer is actually fit, not just someone who looks fit.

Profiles of 6 Potential Trainers:

Boxing / Martial Arts – Male (mid 40’s)Initial became interested in martial arts for self-defence, discipline and social (meeting people and making new friends) reasons. Having been an outsider himself, both physically and socially, he can easily relate to participants whose fitness leaves them on the edges of society. He believes in taking away the discomfort (fatigue, sweat, boredom) of training by teaching the participants new skills, in order that the learning experience becomes more absorbing, and the training time appears to go quicker.

Boxing / Kick Boxing – Female (30’s)Started Kickboxing as a hobby, but became passionate about it soon becoming a professional athlete. After retiring, she furthered her qualifications to increase her knowledge of strength, conditioning, sports psychology for athletes and cognitive

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

behaviour therapy. She emphases the benefits that fitness can bring to your life (better quality of sleep, more energy, better mental state) to her clients and believes in helping them to achieve realistic goals and sustainable lifetime fitness, no matter what their lifestyle.

Nutrition – Male (30’s)His degree in Nutritional Science and a Diploma from the Institute of Optimal Nutrition, gives him the perfect background to advise on nutrition in areas such weight control, stress management, digestive health, female health, pre-conceptual care and sports nutrition, as well as its use in the support of degenerative conditions such a MS, arthritis and cancer. This, combined with his training in Sports and Exercise Science as well as Fitness Training and Sports Therapy gives him unique skills a Personal Trainer.

Rehabilitation – Male (30’s)With a degree in Sports and Exercise Sciences, a personal training qualification, and a fully registered Osteopath he has worked in the health industry for over 10 years, designing and implementing effective and intelligent treatment and rehabilitation programmes. His unique background allows him to offer his clients an additional aspect to their exercise programming and fitness needs through his detailed knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and function of the human body.

Athletics – Female (30’s)A former athlete herself, she went on to qualify in Sports Science including sports therapy and massage; Personal Training level 3; and Athletics coaching. She is a highly skilled and knowledgeable trainer specialising in weight-loss and toning as well as pre-event training. Inspirational and a confidence builder she is driven to help people not only reach their fitness goals but go far beyond them.

Weight Loss – Female (40’s)A fitness, weight loss and body transformation expert who works specifically work with women to achieve their weight loss, health, fitness, body transformation or post natal goals. She has a rare perspective having personally had to deal with all of these issues at some point in her life. Having gained experience working for a number fitness groups as a Personal Trainer she also worked in semi professional football as a Sports Therapist as well as teaching exercise health and nutrition to families as a preventative measure to stop obesity. Her philosophy focuses on training for real women and understanding what is achievable for their body type. This is driven by the belief that women should be real women and not the often skeletal creatures presented by the media.

Main Cast – 12 participants (6 men and 6 women)a young housewife with young kids (Female, 25-35)

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

Issues: Doesn’t like exercise, does not exercise at all but has busy lifestyle so often tired, finds it difficult to find time to exercise (reason: holiday, wedding, to give her more energy to be able to run around after the kids, look good for the husbands)

a desk jockey from the financial sector (Male, 35-55)Issues: was active when he was young and played sport, long hours, eating late at night,

overweight, bad diet, a lot of social eating and particularly drinking (at lunch time too) & de-stress in the evening, high-blood pressure

a semi-professional athlete – junior tennis player (Female, 25-35)Issues: upping their game, wanting to become pro work on their game, sport specific

training, nutritional advice, sports therapya retiree (Male, 65-75)Issues: osteoporosis, arthritis: mobility issues, strength prevention rather than cure, good

basis because of their good nutrition in youth (comparison)a middle-aged, peri-menopausal celebrity woman (Female, 50-60)Issues: bone density, ballooning weighta young adult (Male, 18-21)Issues: In reverse to the old person, bad, diet, never walk, sedentary lifestyle, different

ways of eating, not sat down together,Yes: cardio, treadmills and cross-training, body weightNo: free weights or extreme training

a person who recovering from an injury/broken leg (Female, 18-50)Issues: Dealing with rehabilitation, deteriorated fitness, no high impact, has it set properly

counter balance to build strength in the other lega person with a Type II diabetes (Male, 25-35)Issues: overweight, medication and health issues can potential come of medication, very

weak, sick and dizzy like being drunkDisabled person (accident or ex-soldier – Female, 18-40)Issues: in a wheelchair, independence, upper body strength, para-athletes?Disabled person (accident or ex-soldier – Male, 18-40)Issues: in a wheelchair, independence, upper body strength, para-athletes?a morbidly obese person (Female, 30-40)Issues: Body image issues, higher percentage of body fat than men, menstrual cycles and

giving birth becoming a trouble, clothes women have more to loose, mentally stronger, cry for help, guidance and education, healthy weight loss so that she doesn’t have rolls of skin, when did they get morbidly obese, a lot of psychology, restriction of movement and things that they can do

a gay man who is underweight and wants to build their strength (Male, 30-40)Issues: vulnerability, feel weak, less attractive, harder to find a partner

Supporting CastMD (Eric Asher Medical Director at

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

NutritionistOccasional celebrities – for Personal training sessions (eg: Chris Evans, Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver, Tom Jones, Brian Cox)


Recruitment strategy

1. Radio and TV with health and fitness programmes or segments in magazine shows2. The Metro newspaper and other free press in the London area3. Health and fitness press4. Sports centres and health clubs/gyms5. Local hospitals, day clinics and medical centres6. London colleges and universities7. TA centres and military establishments BFBS radio and military blogs8. Health food shops9. Sports bars10. Supermarkets

Initial application form online, for both Trainers and Participants, for must efficient data capture and easier filtering.

Auditions for Personal Trainers

Minimum Criteria:Age: 29-45Physique: AthleticBackground: Ex-sports/Ex-Forces with a minimum 8 years’ experience in the fitness

industry with a contextual main sportQualifications: Minimum NVQ Level 3, degrees and/or other higher qualifications

desirablePersonal: Must be extremely fit and be able to pass the fitness assessments and

personal aptitude tests

Fitness Assessments:1. 2.4k run (1.5 miles) - minimum requirement 10 min 30 seconds2. Sit ups- As many as you can do in 2 minutes - minimum requirement = 503. Press ups- As many as you can do in 2 minutes - minimum requirement = 404. Burpees- As many as you can do in 2 minutes - minimum requirement = 405. Pull Ups- As many as you can do in 2 minutes - minimum requirement = 10

Aptitude Tests:

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

– 2 minutes on camera demonstrating themselves and their fitness attributes.– Final Interviews.

Auditions for ParticipantsRecorded interview about why they want to participate (screen test.)

PilotIntroduction to the gym (6 minutes)Tour of the studio, and explanation of the difference between a normal gym and this private fitness studio.

Introduction to trainers (18 minutes [3 x 6])Backgrounds: family background, how much fitness was part of their life, what they did before they were Personal Trainers, how they became Personal Trainers, what motivates them, how they work, past and present clients, life outside training.

Introduction to participants (27 minutes [2.25 x 12])Backgrounds: family background, what they do, how they got to where they are, what motivates them.

Fun Segment (3 minutes)The Personal Trainer auditionsEarning their places.Going on their journey with them, seeing them be the best of the best.

Episode 1General Segment (3 minute) – different content per episodeThe Gym ManagerBriefing the participants on questions to ask a PT that you are hiring:What were you doing before being a PT? (With best responses being: Professional

athlete, ex-Armed Forces, Health practitioner)What made you become a PT?How long have you been a PT for?What do you specialise in?The best PT for you will put you at ease, have a good personality fit, and a good age fit.

Participant consultation (5 minutes) – same format per episodeFor the featured participant of the episode:

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

• Why are they there?• Discussion of personal fitness goals (where do you want to get to?)• Edited recap background (telling where they might have gone wrong in the past)• Relationship with fitness from secondary school: did they always hate PE at school?

Did they play sport?• Where did their relationship with fitness breakdown and what do they do to keep fit

now?• Have you ever joined a gym before? How many gyms have they joined? What did

you use it for?• Comparable scenarios, case studies• Medical history and medication• Picture of the human body, they circle the parts that they want to work on• Body measurements• Photographs

Fitness assessment (3 minutes) – different content per episodeReason for the fitness assessment: working to their own fitness levels and the own abilities so the trainer can get an accurate picture of the participant’s fitness levels, whether past injuries have healed properly, or past issues are impacting them now.

For the featured participant: strengths and weakness(with the whole fitness assessment shown completely over 12 weeks)

Exercise with voiceoverEDIP – Explain, Demonstrate, Imitate, Practice – the working style that will be used throughout the show: explanation of fitness assessment, purpose (to see if there is discomfort or pain and what the participant is capable of), used to test the biomechanical range of movement

Explanation of the featured participants programme (3 minutes) – same format per episodeExplanation of the statistics gathered (the interesting ones relevant to the featured participant)Bit by bit – not being told about the whole 12 weeks (to avoid fear and demotivation)

Actual workout for the featured participant (12 minutes) – same format per episodeWarm upSee some of what the featured participant is doing: trainer specific

Everyone else’s week (22 minutes) – same format per episode

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

Each participant: highlights and low-points x 1 min

Fun Segment (6 minutes) – different content per episodeCelebrity Personal TrainingA training session with one of the trainers

Episode 2General Segment (3 minute) – different content per episodeThe Gym ManagerWhat is health & fitness?The changes between generations that contribute to bad fitness (hardly walking anywhere;

technology: mobile phones, video games, spending time online rather than in the real world, diet

Being able to do normal, everyday things, like running for a bus without it stressing youTo be able to hold your own body weight well without crisisHow does / why should fitness training change over your lifetime

Participant consultation (5 minutes) – same format per episode

Fitness assessment (3 minutes) – different content per episodeReason for the fitness assessment: working to their own fitness levels and the own abilities so the trainer can get an accurate picture of the participant’s fitness levels, whether past injuries have healed properly, or past issues are impacting them now.

For the featured participant: strengths and weakness(with the whole fitness assessment shown completely over 12 weeks)

Exercise with voiceoverMeal diary – 1 week of everything that is going into their mouth: purpose (information capture about nutrition), issues: people are paranoid about telling anyone about what they eat.

Explanation of the featured participants programme (3 minutes) – same format per episode

Actual workout for the featured participant (12 minutes) – same format per episodeSee some of what the featured participant is doing: trainer specific

Everyone else’s week (22 minutes) – same format per episodeEach participant: highlights and low-points x 1 min

Fun Segment (6 minutes)

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

Going shopping with the participantComparison of what the participant chooses and what the nutritionist choosesCelebrity chef cooking up what they can do with it

Episode 3General Segment (3 minute) – different content per episodeThe Gym ManagerBody FatWhy we need some body fat: insulation, toxin removal, energy storage (to be used for

example when you get sick)Advertising emphasises total lean/zero body fat but removal of body fat to have only

muscle and skin, for vanity purposes alone, is unnatural and unhealthyBody fat and geneticsMeasures of body fat

Participant consultation (5 minutes) – same format per episode

Fitness assessment (3 minutes) – different content per episodeReason for the fitness assessment: working to their own fitness levels and the own abilities so the trainer can get an accurate picture of the participant’s fitness levels, whether past injuries have healed properly, or past issues are impacting them now.

For the featured participant: strengths and weakness(with the whole fitness assessment shown completely over 12 weeks)

Exercise with voiceoverWarm up/step up: purpose (reaction times, coordination, body movement), what the trainer is looking for and how he interprets the information

Explanation of the featured participants programme (3 minutes) – same format per episode

Actual workout for the featured participant (12 minutes) – same format per episodeSee some of what the featured participant is doing: trainer specific

Everyone else’s week (22 minutes) – same format per episodeEach participant: highlights and low-points x 1 min

Fun Segment (6 minutes) – different content per episodeCelebrity Personal Training

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

A training session with one of the trainers

Episode 4General Segment (3 minute) – different content per episodeThe Gym ManagerBody Image as presented by the mediaHow the media brainwashes the public about what body image should and shouldn’t look

likeThe construction of the image: air-brushed / photo-shopped, waxed-up, tanned-up,

pumped-up, dehydratedImplants, liposuction and the unhealthy lengths we will go to in order to make our bodies

look like we are told it shouldComparison of body types across decades

Participant consultation (5 minutes) – same format per episode

Fitness assessment (3 minutes) – different content per episodeReason for the fitness assessment: working to their own fitness levels and the own abilities so the trainer can get an accurate picture of the participant’s fitness levels, whether past injuries have healed properly, or past issues are impacting them now.

For the featured participant: strengths and weakness(with the whole fitness assessment shown completely over 12 weeks)

Exercise with voiceoverSquats: purpose (to see the mechanical movement), what the trainer is looking for and how he interprets the information

Explanation of the featured participants programme (3 minutes) – same format per episode

Actual workout for the featured participant (12 minutes) – same format per episodeSee some of what the featured participant is doing: trainer specific

Everyone else’s week (22 minutes) – same format per episodeEach participant: highlights and low-points x 1 min

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

Fun Segment (6 minutes) – different content per episodePack of CardsWill’s training regime for the full deck of cardsTrainers putting their clients through the “pack of cards” regime

Episode 5General Segment (3 minute) – different content per episodeThe Gym ManagerBody building: art rather than health and fitness?Is body building healthy?Sports model are not actually fit, The anal routines that they must adhere to in order to

manufacture their bodies10k run: the fitness of a ‘model’ compared to a less attractive body typeInterview with a former wrestler

Participant consultation (5 minutes) – same format per episode

Fitness assessment (3 minutes) – different content per episodeReason for the fitness assessment: working to their own fitness levels and the own abilities so the trainer can get an accurate picture of the participant’s fitness levels, whether past injuries have healed properly, or past issues are impacting them now.

For the featured participant: strengths and weakness(with the whole fitness assessment shown completely over 12 weeks)

Exercise with voiceoverLunge: purpose (balance, coordination, strength), what the trainer is looking for and how he interprets the information

Explanation of the featured participants programme (3 minutes) – same format per episode

Actual workout for the featured participant (12 minutes) – same format per episodeSee some of what the featured participant is doing: trainer specific

Everyone else’s week (22 minutes) – same format per episodeEach participant: highlights and low-points x 1 min

Fun Segment (6 minutes) – different content per episodeCelebrity Personal Training

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

A training session with one of the trainers

Episode 6General Segment (3 minute) – different content per episodeThe Gym ManagerFood and trainingDiet is person specific: metabolism and when they feel hungry, likes and dislikes, food

intolerancesBreakfast as the most important meal of the day, (because no food intake for 8 hours)

kick-starts the whole body including the brainBigger portions earlier in the day: Comparisons - eat like a king for breakfast, a prince of

lunch and a pauper for dinnerPost and pre work-out meals

Participant consultation (5 minutes) – same format per episode

Fitness assessment (3 minutes) – different content per episodeReason for the fitness assessment: working to their own fitness levels and the own abilities so the trainer can get an accurate picture of the participant’s fitness levels, whether past injuries have healed properly, or past issues are impacting them now.

For the featured participant: strengths and weakness(with the whole fitness assessment shown completely over 12 weeks)

Exercise with voiceoverCalf raise: purpose (balance, coordination, strength, can they bend their feet), what the trainer is looking for and how he interprets the information

Explanation of the featured participants programme (3 minutes) – same format per episode

Actual workout for the featured participant (12 minutes) – same format per episodeSee some of what the featured participant is doing: trainer specific

Everyone else’s week (22 minutes) – same format per episodeEach participant: highlights and low-points x 1 min

Fun Segment (6 minutes) – different content per episodeTrainers training themselves

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

Girls versus boys competition

Episode 7General Segment (3 minute) – different content per episodeThe Gym ManagerGenetics, metabolism and the limits of your bodyDemographics eg African runners / the ‘naturally’ gifted at how they look / Michael Phelps

(mutated[?] advantages)Black athletes: all runners, no swimmersHow genetics and metabolism can restrict the recreation of a body presented in a

magazine through trainingTraining to the best of your genetic possibility not to be something or someone you can

never be

Participant consultation (5 minutes) – same format per episode

Fitness assessment (3 minutes) – different content per episodeReason for the fitness assessment: working to their own fitness levels and the own abilities so the trainer can get an accurate picture of the participant’s fitness levels, whether past injuries have healed properly, or past issues are impacting them now.

For the featured participant: strengths and weakness(with the whole fitness assessment shown completely over 12 weeks)

Exercise with voiceoverBurpee: purpose (raise the heart-rate, coordination, strength, cardiac strength, plyometric ability), what the trainer is looking for and how he interprets the information

Explanation of the featured participants programme (3 minutes) – same format per episode

Actual workout for the featured participant (12 minutes) – same format per episodeSee some of what the featured participant is doing: trainer specific

Everyone else’s week (22 minutes) – same format per episodeEach participant: highlights and low-points x 1 min

Fun Segment (6 minutes) – different content per episodeCelebrity Personal Training

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

A training session with one of the trainers

Episode 8General Segment (3 minute) – different content per episodeSupplementsHow do you decide on what you need?What supplements for what training?Can supplements be dangerous?Too many supplements?Case study: Jack3d

Participant consultation (5 minutes) – same format per episode

Fitness assessment (3 minutes) – different content per episodeReason for the fitness assessment: working to their own fitness levels and the own abilities so the trainer can get an accurate picture of the participant’s fitness levels, whether past injuries have healed properly, or past issues are impacting them now.

For the featured participant: strengths and weakness(with the whole fitness assessment shown completely over 12 weeks)

Exercise with voiceoverIsometric ability: purpose (muscle strength) what the trainer is looking for and how he interprets the information

Explanation of the featured participants programme (3 minutes) – same format per episode

Actual workout for the featured participant (12 minutes) – same format per episodeSee some of what the featured participant is doing: trainer specific

Everyone else’s week (22 minutes) – same format per episodeEach participant: highlights and low-points x 1 min

Fun Segment (6 minutes) – different content per episodeA vocational group training sessionCommand tasks and miniature obstacle course

Episode 9General Segment (3 minute) – different content per episodeThe Gym Manager

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

WeightUsing weight as a measure of what you can and cannot do. Weight is affected by: bowel

movements, dehydration, menstrual cycles, cortisone levels, balance on the scales as well as different scales

If you weighed 20 stone but looked like a super-model, would it matter that you weighed 20 stone?

Body Mass Index – is this a realistic measure?Bone density and muscle weight as part of weight

Participant consultation (5 minutes) – same format per episode

Fitness assessment (3 minutes) – different content per episodeReason for the fitness assessment: working to their own fitness levels and the own abilities so the trainer can get an accurate picture of the participant’s fitness levels, whether past injuries have healed properly, or past issues are impacting them now.

For the featured participant: strengths and weakness(with the whole fitness assessment shown completely over 12 weeks)

Exercise with voiceoverCore strength: half-sits & knee raises: purpose (current core strength) what the trainer is looking for and how he interprets the information

Explanation of the featured participants programme (3 minutes) – same format per episode

Actual workout for the featured participant (12 minutes) – same format per episodeSee some of what the featured participant is doing: trainer specific

Everyone else’s week (22 minutes) – same format per episodeEach participant: highlights and low-points x 1 min

Fun Segment (6 minutes) – different content per episodeCelebrity Personal Training

Episode 10General Segment (3 minute) – different content per episodeRealistic training goals

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

Panic training: I have 4 weeks to fit into my wedding dressPlanning, preparation, prevents piss-poor performanceTraining goals specific to your bodyTime and effort

Participant consultation (5 minutes) – same format per episode

Fitness assessment (3 minutes) – different content per episodeReason for the fitness assessment: working to their own fitness levels and the own abilities so the trainer can get an accurate picture of the participant’s fitness levels, whether past injuries have healed properly, or past issues are impacting them now.

For the featured participant: strengths and weakness(with the whole fitness assessment shown completely over 12 weeks)

Exercise with voiceoverArms – press-ups, dips: purpose (triceps strength) what the trainer is looking for and how he interprets the information

Explanation of the featured participants programme (3 minutes) – same format per episode

Actual workout for the featured participant (12 minutes) – same format per episodeSee some of what the featured participant is doing: trainer specific

Everyone else’s week (22 minutes) – same format per episodeEach participant: highlights and low-points x 1 min

Fun Segment (6 minutes) – different content per episodeAn activity that the participants are better than the trainersParticipants and trainers doing something like horse-riding

Episode 11General Segment (3 minute) – different content per episodeThe Gym ManagerConfidence

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

Getting fit to have more confidence looking good naked / with less clothes on (on the beach)

Feeling fit makes you more confident in jobs relationships and everything else effected by confidence

Men: often who have been bullied at school often want to be bigger, for self-confidence / Men’s feeling of ‘manliness’ if they are bigger

To have self confidence when shopping (more choice of clothes, colours, dressing up rather than dressing down) / less self conscious in restaurants about what they eat

Participant consultation (5 minutes) – same format per episode

Fitness assessment (3 minutes) – different content per episodeReason for the fitness assessment: working to their own fitness levels and the own abilities so the trainer can get an accurate picture of the participant’s fitness levels, whether past injuries have healed properly, or past issues are impacting them now.

For the featured participant: strengths and weakness(with the whole fitness assessment shown completely over 12 weeks)

Exercise with voiceoverLeg lift for hamstrings, knee raises for groin, abductors and adductors, quads, chest and back: purpose (flexibility) what the trainer is looking for and how he interprets the information

Explanation of the featured participants programme (3 minutes) – same format per episode

Actual workout for the featured participant (12 minutes) – same format per episodeSee some of what the featured participant is doing: trainer specific

Everyone else’s week (22 minutes) – same format per episodeEach participant: highlights and low-points x 1 min

Fun Segment (6 minutes) – different content per episodeAn activity for charity

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

eg a 24-hour spin-a-thon

Episode 12General Segment (3 minute) – different content per episodeAgeAge limitations: when you should and shouldn’t start training (Little Hercules)Age is not an issue to fitness: fit old people and the benefits to age-related issues eg

osteoporosis, mobility, bone densityHumans have different bodies at different ages and need to be trained in different waysTraining programmes need to tailored to age

Participant consultation (5 minutes) – same format per episode

Fitness assessment (3 minutes) – different content per episodeReason for the fitness assessment: working to their own fitness levels and the own abilities so the trainer can get an accurate picture of the participant’s fitness levels, whether past injuries have healed properly, or past issues are impacting them now.

For the featured participant: strengths and weakness(with the whole fitness assessment shown completely over 12 weeks)

Exercise with voiceoverArms – press-ups, dips: purpose (triceps strength) what the trainer is looking for and how he interprets the information

Explanation of the featured participants programme (3 minutes) – same format per episode

Actual workout for the featured participant (12 minutes) – same format per episodeSee some of what the featured participant is doing: trainer specificCool down

Everyone else’s week (22 minutes) – same format per episodeEach participant: highlights and low-points x 1 min

Series Wrap-up (6 minutes)Review of what everyone achieved

Additional training:

Using a group of Royal Marine commandos and Paratroopers for the contestants to undergo as a team, additional (real Elite military) boot camp training. This will be brought

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Will Steele

Director Of Health And Fitness Will Steele Personal TrainingSteele_wa@hotmail.com07782409073

in once a week for 1 hour in addition to their one-one training.

Season 2Training people up to get fit for extreme sports and life time ambitions like: skydiving, skiing, climbing Kilimanjaro, scuba diving. Training participants and taking them on the journey. Helping people conquer their fears working nota only as a fitness trainer but also mentor / life coach.

Season 3Training for an extreme challenge: the South Pole, Everest Base Camp.

Season 4Regional teams of people who go through training together, competing against teams from other regions, in live events.

Season 5Becoming a personal trainer at Steele’s Gym: Setting up and running Personal Trainer training programmes

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