the best books to learn financial planning for managers

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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As schools reopen after the short interval of summer vacations it is time to catch up on

your reading list.

So, here is a list of the best reads for aspiring managers to get a head-start on Financial Planning, Marketing and Management

Start with why

A highly inspirational business book written by Simon Sinek. The basic premise of this book which is a favorite of modern entrepreneurs is that most of the times in businesses people focus on “what they do” and “how they do it”. But the book suggests that instead business owners should focus on “why they do whatever they do”.

This is because in people-relationship related sectors like financial planning, people usually do not buy what the business does but instead buy into why they do it.

Gen-savvy financial advisor

The author of this book is Cam Marston, who here examines how one can apply some conclusions of the research conducted on the three biggest generations in context of financial advisory firms.

The three generations being – baby boomers, Gen X and Gen Y.

This book is different than most others in the subject of demographics and generations which only talks about the broad differences across these generations based on their preferences.

A relatively short read this is a book best suited for firms targeting clients outside their traditional demographic.

Decisive: How to make better choices in life and work

Written by Heath Brothers this book takes a deeper look at how our brains make better decisions. This book explains how we make wrong decisions and how to fix such issues.

While this might look like a book on behavioral finance but in actuality this book is not just a collection of research theories about the stupid mistakes we make because of the way our brains are wired. It is instead a remarkably practical approach at how people may do things differently to combat such challenges.

The Power of Habit

This book has been written by Charles Duhigg and is another behavioral-finance book.

A read that comes in highly recommended from financial advisors. The main concept of this book is that habits are in a loop which consists of

three major parts:

- A cue that prompts us to do something- The routine we engage in - A reward at the end that keeps us hooked

The focus is not only what habits are but also an endeavor to understand them better and change them accordingly to make sure they playout in the various contexts.

These were the most highly recommended books

To learn financial planning

Hope you enjoyed the list

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