the blueprint for black sovereignty by bro. reggie

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Blueprint to Sovereignty for the

Black Man and Womenin America

Presented by Bro. ReggieSeba, Sons of AfricaOfficer in the OAAU

Contributed by Professor P. Delices

Presentation on

We in the Conscious Community have heard the many comments that these debates don't produce solutions to Black People.

This is short sighted and untrue - what Sa Neter, Polight, Sutek, Right Angle, King Simon and others have done was to invest out of their own pocket to create an Audience of the Fiercest Warriors on the Planet - The Weapons - The Young Masters - Black Man of America to introduce Potential Solutions and Hindrances to the Black Man in America.

To the Young Black Man and Women of America

Whether your Orientation or Ethnicity is Nile Valley, Israelite, Moor, Christian or Conscious!!!

You have been Betrayed, Hoodwinked, Lead Astray from your Freedom and your Pursuit of Happiness

Not from your Oppressor but our own people.

Sometime, last year – Brother Polight debated Malik Zulu on Sovereignty or Black Power – It was a Great Debate – Today, I am going to introduce to you our Path of Sovereignty for the Young Black People in America!!!

A Plan for you to Implement and this I believe will be the Highest Watched Video by those interested in Solving our Peoples Problems and must be on your Shelves!!!!!

This is not Entertainment!!!Your Children’s Lives Depend on this Teaching

Many of you have heard me speak about Kemetic Science Kemetic Science is my Science and Spirituality but my Religion is Sovereignty for the Black Man and Women.

What Separates me from other Scholars is that I use Nile Valley Culture for its clues to the Creation of the longest and most successful Civilization on the Planet and it is this Science and History that I want to share with youfor the Creation of the Next Reign of the HumanSpecies.

I have read countless books and scholars on BlackLiberation Theory and I want to offer what I believeis the Best Thinking on the subject.

I have read completely Dr. Amos Blue Print to Black Power and Dr. Claude Anderson's Powernomics and though there are very good points they also have shortcomings.

My work will cure their shortcomings and give you a Straight-line to Liberation.

I have spent more than 30 years learning fromunder some of our Top Black Scholars -Dr. Jeffries, Dr. Clarke and Dr. Ben to name a fewand for the last five years, I have been workingwith Professor Patrick Delices on Sovereignty as theOnly Path to Black Power.

I know many of you have heard the teachings of the Moors on Sovereignty but this Paper will put our people on the Direct Path to Sovereignty and cure their defects.

How do we form a Nation out of our condition in North America and where did we go wrong?.

I admit that many of you will immediately reject my Blueprint It is not your fault - you have been trained to reject Nationship. You have been trained to be distracted.

Distraction from Nationship has been encoded in your DNA and you have forgotten about Your Great Past. The Past when you gave Civilization to the World. It is not your fault because your orientation of the nationalism may have been through the Moorish Science Temple and you may have not even heard of the Republic of New Africa or have studied any of the Great Words such as the Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey.

Some of you – Have laughed at my Voice, Laughed at my Mannerism, even laughed at me for my Patience with the Black Man who disagrees with me.

I am 49 years old and know that for many of you, You are using new found knowledge less than 10 years on your Person and have not been initiated and not called a Master by Masters.

You have been betrayed by Many – so Why should you Trust Me!!!As Ptah Hotep, Christ, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Honoroble Elijah Muhammad, Minister Malcolm X and Noble Drew Ali, and others!!!

My Love for the Black Man in America and this Mission overcomesmy personal emotions!!!! In Kmt Philosophy, we call it Sia, Hu, HekaAnd Maat.

To understand what I am going to speak about, I will tell you that I have been in Federal Court and State Court and many of today's leading case laws in Federal Court on Civil Rights point to a case that I represented my self - Pro Se and spoke Truth to Power.

You can find information about my case by looking up Mabry "failure to State a Claim" and you will find a vary long opinion written by Federal Judge Castel.

Here you will the Securities and Exchange Commission using a my case as the Legal Standard to Defend Itself and about 30 other cases that Cite my Case!!!!

My case is so significant that it is applies to every Civil Case where a Suit is challenged by a 12(B)(6). My work is in the History of theUnited States Law in interpreting Discrimination.

This is Proof we can be Godlike.

I have presented in many venues and I have also presented to the City Council of New York on Reparations.

Here are some of the Pictures from the Historic Presentation

You have been Distracted by Groups Black Elites they have worked with the Rich and Powerful of the United States Government to Blind you from Justice, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for you the so called Underclass and your family.

As a Reward, they have taken it for themselves. I have documents to show you who, when and why which I will show you at another time so that you can see the Grand Conspiracy for your Rights dismantled.

There are three ways to get power for Black People in the United States

1. Domestic Dependant SovereigntyThis is the Sovereignty that the Native American has issued by the Marshall

Trilogy of cases.

2. Sovereignty arising from the CityThis type of Sovereignty, I will explain and it is the path to the Sovereignty for

the Black Man of America.

3. Force

I understand that some of your attention Spans are short and want information quick and are not use to long and rigorous study of ideas to make an Iron clad case for the Future of Our People.

For those people – I will make the point simple and then you can decide if you want to deny yourself and your Children a Plan that will secure Our Future.

The Key to the Protection, Sovereignty and Pursuit of Happiness for the Black Family in the United States is in the Structure called City, not the State, not the Federal but the City.

Europeans hide concepts in Plain Sight and teach around it so that you will not be able to understand your rights and provide the perfect cases to challenge their law. The concept of Citizenship and Rights comes from the City not the State. However it was the Black Man of the Nile who taught Greeks the concept of the City and Rights.

Solon, who would be the Athenian Legislator studied in Kmt, Sais in 590 B.C. He becomes one of the Seven Sages of Greece which he and several of the sages had contact with the Mystery System of Kmt – See Stolen Legacy.

He is known as a reformer. The Reforms of SolonIn desperation, the Athenians in 594 B.C. gave Solon special authority to revise their laws1 to deal with the economic crisis and its dire social consequences that had brought their society to the brink of internecine war. As he explains in his autobiographical poetry, Solon tried to steer a middle course2 between the demands of the rich to preserve their financial advantages and the call of the poor for a redistribution of land to themselves from the holdings of the large landowners. His famous “shaking off of obligations”3 somehow freed those farms whose ownership had become formally encumbered without, however, actually redistributing any land.

Though Citizenship, Rights and Sovereignty is accredited to the Ancient Greeks – it did not begin there.

Black People in the U.S. have been manipulated and distracted into chasing State and Federal Laws and Government but it is actually the City that control us and we have not put any energy into controlling it. The key to becoming Sovereign is in Cities that Serve Black People.

We must Migrate as our Ancestors did to a City of our Choice and completely control it by Votes.

Yes, some of you believe in Anarchy but after Anarchy, you will still have to go back to the Citizenship Model or you will create a Barbarian Model of Government or a Religious Model of Government and even Religious Models follow the guidelines of the City – although manipulated by a Religious Hierarchy instead of an elected structure.

Black People created Civilization out of Barbarism, out of Feudalism – Force is used to overthrow or defend but it is not a Model of Government!!!

To further illustrate this: When a Black Person gets Shot by a White Cop Unlawfully – it happens in a City. It is the City Laws that hired that cop. It is the City Laws the protects that Cop. It is the City that prevents you from getting Justice. It is the City that Taxes you, throws road blocks into your Self Employment, controls the rents, controls the ticketing, controls housing, food distribution, building codes. It is the City that is Disenfranchising you as an instrument of the State and Federal Government. Yet the City can be made to serve the Black Man in America.

Key to Citizenship is the Hidden Word City. We have no Citizenship because we do not control our Cities!!!!

If you are short for time – and or you believe that Religion or your so called Spirituality or your Debate with Nile Valley Africans or vice versa is more important than Sovereignty then I understand. For everyone else, I will break this down for you.

Many of you would ask what about Reparation?

I will say that Reparations only works in the context ofSovereignty and the same groups that are conspiring against you

have not even told you that the Reparations Case was Lost!!!



Again, Your Black Leadership has Lied to You and have not posted this in Ebony, Jet, Black Enterprises or even in the Black Newspapers.

Why do they want to Keep the Lie Going? Obviously to Keep You Distracted in something you cannot Win!!!!

Reparations can however be Given by Cities!!!!

To understand what I am going to speak about you must Understand Sovereignty and Sovereignty and the Associated Rights must be a Fringe, must be connected to you as a Commandment.

This is True because in your Holy Books - All of them - God Gave You - Man and Women Sovereignty!!!!

I can of course go to the Nile Valley and bring up the Fight between Horus and Set – It was over Sovereignty.

Ideas of Sovereignty are the energy that creates the energy towards Power. Power as presented by Dr. Wade Nobles is the ability to define your reality and have others respond to that reality as if it was their own.

Power forms this Way: Man and his ideas - Local Followers of Idea become Greater Followers. Power is then expressed in Group Conviction, force of ideas, defense, weapons, warfare to gain control over land and Group Will.

Power then creates and manipulates Laws, Economics, Politics, Culture, Rights, education, industry, Science and Technology and pursuit of Happiness and this is building block of Nation Building. However, these ideas crystallize itself in the City.

The formation of laws in the United States and most other nations work this way. It is the Ideas of Sovereignty infused in the Individual and spread to the Colony/ City (Local Government), State, and Federal Laws.

Laws are the enforcement of power and are systemized through Laws and Legislation (Elected Officials passing Laws), or Court Opinions.

In the Kemetic Worldview the Heru or Nwsuit (Emissary of God/Power, Beneficent King/Dictator) was the representation or symbol of the holder of Sovereignty and was responsible for the Land. He/She is the symbol of the Bee - The Nwst Bity that manages the affairs of the People and the State.

In the Hebraic System - Yah (Power) gave laws to Moses and this would be ultimately the bases of Laws for Israel and Judah in their system.

Yeshua Christ (Power) rewriting and making clearer the Laws and the Laws and introducing the Divine City/State/Nation.

The Same as Allah (Power) giving the Laws through the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and this became the Islamic Empire

For the Moor - it is the Prophet Noble Drew Ali (PBUH) as a Prophet who reminded us of Sovereignty.

For the Nation of Islam – The Prophet Elijah Muhammad (PBUH) proved the possibilities of the Black Man in America.

For Black People involved in any of these systems - the only thing different is that we are following laws without understanding Sovereignty and having Power!!!!

Essential to this study for Black People is to completely understand Power and Laws in the Territory that we are in and then decide how they are going to over-rule the Oppressive Power manipulating the Laws that Keep us Powerless.

We live in the United States of America - Make no illusion that this is the Most Powerful System of Power and Laws in the World.

However it is only 250 plus years old and like Rome it can give up its Power to the People.

The Key to Power is the Ideas that that germinate to get a People to want Power. These ideas are embedded in the Words Sovereignty and the Rights of the Sovereign.

We go back to the point that I have made: Power comes from Man and his ideas - those ideas are in fact the ideas of Sovereignty.

Sovereignty is best first articulated in Kemet and then best Articulated in a little Island called Haiti that defeated Three European Powers.

I want to read you a few lines of

The Declaration of Independence Jean-Jacques Dessalines The Commander in Chief to the People of Hayti Citizens

This was part of my study with Professor Delices!!!

It is not enough to have expelled the barbarians who have bloodied our land for two centuries; it is not enough to have restrained those ever-evolving factions that one after another mocked the specter of liberty that France dangled before you. We must, with one last act of national authority, forever assure the empire of liberty in the country of our birth; we must take any hope of re-enslaving us away from the inhuman government that for so long kept us in the most humiliating torpor. In the end we must live independent or die.Commander-in-Chief Jean-Jacques Dessalines

Independence or death… may these sacred words bind us and be the signal for battle and our reunion.

Citizens, my countrymen, on this solemn day I have brought together those courageous soldiers who, as liberty lay dying, spilled their blood to save it; these generals who have guided your efforts against tyranny have not yet done enough for your happiness; the French name still haunts our land.Everything revives the memories of the cruelties by this barbarous people: our laws, our habits, our towns, everything still carries the stamp of the French. Indeed! There are still French in our island, and you believe yourself free and independent of that Republic which, it is true, has fought all the nations, but which has never defeated those who wanted to be free.

What! Victims of our own credulity and indulgence for 14 years; defeated not by French armies, but by the pathetic eloquence of their agents’ proclamations; when will we tire of breathing the air they breathe? What do we have in common with this nation of executioners? The difference between its cruelty and our patient moderation, its color and ours the great seas that separate us, our avenging climate, all tell us plainly that they are not our brothers, that they never will be, and that if they find refuge among us, they will plot again to trouble and divide us.

Native citizens, men, women, girls, and children, let your gaze extend on all parts of this island: look there for your spouses, your husbands, your brothers, your sisters. Indeed! Look there for your children, your suckling infants, what have they become?… I shudder to say it … the prey of these vultures. Instead of these dear victims, your alarmed gaze will see only their assassins, these tigers still dripping with their blood, whose terrible presence indicts your lack of feeling and your guilty slowness in avenging them. What are you waiting for before appeasing their spirits?

Remember that you had wanted your remains to rest next to those of your fathers, after you defeated tyranny; will you descend into their tombs without having avenged them? No! Their bones would reject yours. And you, precious men, intrepid generals, who, without concern for your own pain, have revived liberty by shedding all your blood, know that you have done nothing if you do not give the nations a terrible, but just example of the vengeance that must be wrought by a people proud to have recovered its liberty and jealous to maintain it let us frighten all those who would dare try to take it from us again; let us begin with the French. Let them tremble when they approach our coast, if not from the memory of those cruelties they perpetrated here, then from the terrible resolution that we will have made to put to death anyone born French whose profane foot soils the land of liberty.

We have dared to be free, let us be thus by ourselves and for ourselves. Let us imitate the grown child: his own weight breaks the boundary that has become an obstacle to him. What people fought for us? What people wanted to gather the fruits of our labor? And what dishonorable absurdity to conquer in order to be enslaved.

Enslaved?… Let us leave this description for the French; they have conquered but are no longer free.

Let us walk down another path; let us imitate those people who, extending their concern into the future, and dreading to leave an example of cowardice for posterity, preferred to be exterminated rather than lose their place as one of the world’s free peoples.

Primary Evidence – Sovereignty in the Mdu Ntr of Ancient KmtContext

Several Thousand Years ago The People of the Nile Valley came up with the concept of Nation

and Sovereignty

I want read the Statement of Senworset III

Senworset or the Greek name Sesostris III, (flourished 19th century bce), king of ancient Egypt (reigned 1836–18 bce) of the 12th dynasty(1938–c. 1756 bce), who completely reshaped Egypt’s government and extended his dominion in Nubia, the land immediately south of Egypt.

During the reigns of his predecessors, the provincial nobles of Middle Egypt had enhanced their power through royal favours and intermarriage with the families of neighbouring potentates. Around the middle of Sesostris III’s reign, the rich provincial tombs, which were a mark of the nobles’ power, abruptly ceased to be built. Simultaneously, the memorials of middle-class persons increased at Abydos, the Upper Egyptian shrine of the popular god Osiris. Sesostris III strengthened the central government, minimizing the power and influence of the feudal nobility. Egypt was divided into four great districts, each of which possessed a hierarchy of officials and scribes directly responsible to the vizier. The vizier possessed a ministry, and countrywide departments of the treasury, agriculture, war, and labour resources were created. These assumed governmental functions and kept strict accounts of income and disbursement. So effective were the reforms that in the following dynasty, in spite of weak rulers, the central government under the viziers continued to function effectively for over a century.

I have made my boundary further south than my fathers, I have added to what was bequeathed me.I am a king who speaks and acts, What my heart plans is done by my arm.One who attacks to conquer, who is swift to succeed, ln whose heart a plan does not slumber.Considerate to clients, steady in mercy, Merciless to the foe who attacks him.One who attacks him who would attack, Who stops when one stops,Who replies to a matter as befits it. To stop when attacked is to make bold the foe's heart,Attack is valor, retreat is cowardice, A coward is he who is driven from his border.……Now, as for every son of mine who shall maintain this boundary, 18 which my majesty has made, he is my son, he is born to my majesty, the likeness of a son who is the champion of his father, 19 who maintains the boundary of him who begat him. Now, as for him who shall relax it, and shall not fight 20 for it; he is not born to me. Now, behold, my majesty caused a statue 21 of my majesty to be made upon this boundary, which my majesty made; in order the ye might prosper because of it, and in order that ye might fight for it.

I am not saying that other Black Civilizations and Nationsdid not have these Ingredients. However these two best represent the ingredients that we need at hand.

As an Illustration, I will read to you the Declaration of Independence of the United States

The Declaration of Independence: A Transcription

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

…..We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

The Ingredients and Rights

Essential to the Declaration of Independence by Commander Jean Jacque Dessalines The Border Stelea of Senworset IIIThe Declaration of Independence of the United States are the following:

Inalienable Rights, Land, Citizenship, The Duty to Fight, Misery for a People who does not, A Declaration and commitment to Fight, A protracted Fight involving descendents until the goal is reached.

Now, The European has completely understood Sovereignty and how to secure it and we have not. They have the Taste, we do not. Even though Blood is on our Mouths, on our Women’s Vaginas and on the Bodies of our Yet to be Born!!!

From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy and other Sources - Sovereignty

Sovereignty, though its meanings have varied across history, also has a core meaning, supreme authority within a territory. It is a modern notion of political authority. Historical variants can be understood along three dimensions — the holder of sovereignty, the absoluteness of sovereignty, and the internal and external dimensions of sovereignty. The state is the political institution in which sovereignty is embodied. An assemblage of states forms a sovereign states system.Each component of this definition highlights an important aspect of the concept. First, a holder of sovereignty possesses authority. That is to say, the person or entity does not merely wield coercive power, defined as A's ability to cause B to do what he would otherwise not do. Authority is rather what philosopher R.P. Wolff proposed: “the right to command and correlatively the right to be obeyed” (Wolff, 1990, 20). What is most important here is the term “right,” connoting legitimacy. A holder of sovereignty derives authority from some mutually acknowledged source of legitimacy — natural law, a divine mandate, hereditary law, a constitution, even international law. In the contemporary era, some body of law is ubiquitously the source of sovereignty.

A final ingredient of sovereignty is territoriality, also a feature of political authority in modernity. Territoriality is a principle by which members of a community are to be defined. It specifies that their membership derives from their residence within borders. It is a powerful principle, for it defines membership in a way that may not correspond with identity. The borders of a sovereign state may not at all circumscribe a “people” or a “nation,” and may in fact encompass several of these identities, as national self-determination and irredentist movements make evident. It is rather by simple virtue of their location within geographic borders that people belong to a state and fall under the authority of its ruler. It is within a geographic territory that modern sovereigns are supremely authoritative.

There is of course Sovereignty in the International State – I want go into this at the moment except to leave you with - Alain de Benoist – He says:On the international level, sovereignty means independence, i.e., noninterference by external powers in the internal affairs of another state. International norms are based on the principle of the sovereign equality of independent states; international law excludes interference and establishes universally-accepted rules. Thus, sovereignty is eminently rational, if not dialectical, since the sovereignty of a state depends not only on the autonomous will of its sovereign, but also on its standing vis-a-vis other sovereign states. From this perspective, one can say that the sovereignty of any single state is the logical consequence of the existence of several sovereign states.

Again, I use Ancient Kemet as my way to Think and that it express in its thousands of ethical, moral, scientific, spiritual text what Civilization has inherited.

It contains all of the notions of Civilization and best illustrates the successes, failures and best practices of Civilization because it best represents every aspect of man in Civilization – in written form.

Ity – SoveriegnKmt – the Black CommuntyRmt – the Citizen, the HumanMaat – Justice and Balance

Along with the Great Texts of the Citizen – Ptah Hotep, Khun Anup, and the Great Text of the Divine Citizen – The Book of Gates, The Pyramid Text, The Coffin Text, The Ast and Re Epic, The Ausar Drama.

Challenging the Ideas, Power and The Laws of the United States for the Survival of Black People!!!

In making my argument, I want to rule out certain notions that are confusing us and holding us back.

Reparations, Suing the United States Government, and the Moorish concepts of Sovereignty

First , as I have already stated the Reparations Case in the United States has been Lost as far as winning any proceeds from Banks. They aren’t going to give us anything- we have to take it!!!See: Farmer-Paellmann v. Brown and Williamson

Second -the United States does not give Black Folks the Right to Sue the United States. Our Leadership continues to deceive us that we can – But the Native Americans can sue!!!

Third – The Moorish Teachings of Sovereignty are Outdated.

Federal sovereign immunity

In the United States, the federal government has sovereign immunity and may not be sued unless it has waived its immunity or consented to suit.[1] The United States as a sovereign is immune from suit unless it unequivocally consents to being sued.[2] The United States Supreme Court in Price v. United States observed: "It is an axiom of our jurisprudence. The government is not liable to suit unless it consents thereto, and its liability in suit cannot be extended beyond the plain language of the statute authorizing it."[3]

The principle was not mentioned in the original United States Constitution. The courts have recognized it both as a principle that was inherited from English common law, and as a practical, logical inference (that the government cannot be compelled by the courts because it is the power of the government that creates the courts in the first place).[4]

The Native Americans however, have our Rights and can Sue the Unitized States Government:

The Native American from a number of Supreme Court Cases in American Law called the Marshall Trilogy and subsequent related cases received two major sets of rights and later a third important right later in time. The first two rights were the doctrine of “Federal Trust Responsibility” and “domestic dependent nation” status. The Third is the Appropriations Act. These three instruments which we will examine later give the Native American important rights in America and the lack of these rights is plaguing the descendant of the Freed African Slave.See:

I feel strongly that the descendant of the freed African Slave is similarly suited to have these three rights bestowed on them to make us whole. To make our case we must re-examine the Supreme Court Cases that these rights arise from to make our case. However, this is not a Straight Line to Sovereignty – This is on the Nation Level – My teachings is that we should seek Sovereignty Black City by Black City.

In the series of cases known as the Marshall Trilogy, Johnson v. M'Intosh (1823) Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831) Worcester v. Georgia (1832) the Native Americans were given rights that the African in America never received. These rights fall under what is known as:

Tribal sovereignty in the United States is the inherent authority of indigenous tribes to govern themselves within the borders of the United States of America. The U.S. federal government recognizes tribal nations as "domestic dependent nations" and has established a number of laws attempting to clarify the relationship between the federal, state, and tribal governments. The U.S. Constitution[1] and later federal laws grant local sovereignty to tribal nations, but do not grant full sovereignty equivalent to that of foreign nations, hence the term "domestic dependent nations".

These Rights and Privileges include:Domestic Dependant Sovereign StatusLand GrantsSeparate Tax SystemRight to Suit on the United States GovernmentImmunity on many laws in the United States Court


I have read completely the cases and believe that through legislation, vote, and court cases – Black People can get these same rights – Our leadership has misdirected us and Booker T. Washington went for land grants for education instead of separation. However at the same time – I believe fighting for these rights is a long term process and have a more direct plan.

For completeness – here are few lines from Worcester v. Georgia where if rights were granted to the Native Americans, we stand for those same privileges. Especially, since these rights stand for the Native Americans even though after the Civil War, Native Americans still have these rights after they lost their rights for Fighting for the Confederates against the United States.

I want to read you a little of the thinking behind what allowed Native Americans to get these Rights.

In the lines below the Supreme Court of Chief Justice Marshall to figure out the Rights of the Native Americans reviewed in words such as this ….

But power, war, conquest, give rights, which, after possession, are conceded by the world, and which can never be controverted by those on whom they descend. We proceed, then, to the actual state of things, having glanced at their origin, because holding it in our recollection might shed some light on existing pretensions.The great maritime powers of Europe discovered and visited different parts of this continent at nearly the same time. The object was too immense for any one of them to grasp the whole, and the claimants were too powerful to submit to the exclusive or unreasonable pretensions of any single potentate. To avoid bloody conflicts which might terminate disastrously to all, it was necessary for the nations of Europe to establish some principle which all would acknowledge, and which should decide their respective rights as between themselves. This principle, suggested by the actual state of things, was "that discovery gave title to the government by whose subjects or by whose authority it was made against all other European governments, which title might be consummated by possession……

There is no great wording in the Supreme Court to dealing with the disenfranchisement of the African and the separation of this man from the continent. If the Native Americans have rights we are similarly situated because they are still giving present day Native Americans land and privileges!!!!

I want to address a very confusing and distracting issue about the Sovereignty issue and this goes against the Sovereignty that the Moors say that they have. What they say and what the Law in the United States says is in conflict. The fact is that their version of Sovereignty or Rights supposedly bestowed upon them by the United States Government has been Rejected by the United States Government.

Carl Albert and the Israel Doctrine in his cancelled debate with Lord Abba was prepared to address the whole issue of Moors and Sovereignty. He asked me for some legal research and my opinion on the Moorish question. 1) The Unitized States does not respect Moorish Sovereignty as they say:see the following case law

See See, Khattab, supra; Osiris, supra; see also, Thorton-Bey v. United States, 2009 WL 203502, at *2 (N.D.U1. Jan. 26, 2009); Howell-El v. United States, 2006 WL 3076412, at *3 (S.D. Ill. Oct. 27, 2006). Fatal to petitioner's assertion of immunity is the non-recognition of the Moorish Nation as a sovereign state by the United States. See, Benton-El v. Odom, 2007 WL 1812615, at *6 (M.D. Ga. June 19, 2007); Osiris v. Brown, 2004 WL 2044904, at *2 (D.N.J. Aug. 24, 2005); Khattab El v. United States Justice Dept., 1988 WL 5117, at *2 (E.D.Pa. Jan. 22, 198[]1[);] see also, We the People Beys and Els v. State of New York, 165 F.3d 16, 1998 WL 801875, at *1 (2d Cir. Nov. 12, 1998) (unpublished opinion). Petitioner cannot unilaterally bestow sovereign immunity upon himself. See, United States v. Lumumba, 741 F.2d 12, 15 (2d Cir.1984).

Because of this language the Moors have begun using words such as Indigenous and this Sovereignty is more in line with the Domestic Dependent Sovereignty that the Native Americans received under the Marshall Trilogy.

This is why the word Indigenous is constantly being used now in the language of Sovereign Groups but until there is a change of law or act – we will not get sovereignty under the United States Law.

So we must move to the Strategy, I am presenting!!!!

I want to make some comments about several notable books and important learning moments.

BluePrint to Black Power by Dr. Amos WilsonI believe the Blue Print to Black Power is a Must Read Book - However its path to Black Poweris not direct as it misses important factors of creating enough Unity. In virtually beginshis book as if we have cured all of the issues prohibiting unity and can now work on someNational Agenda. There are also major areas of the book that must be re-written, and I willhopefully include a few of these sections later.

Powernomics by Dr. Claude AndersonPowernomics is also a must read book - In my opinion it is the best book to tackle theEconomic Issues of Black America in that it has very well thought out structures and plans that we must undertake. Again this book, looks at Black America Nationaly and leavesout important factors that are precursors to success. In this paper, I have listed the factorsleft out by Claude Anderson and once my paper is fully understand - Dr. Claude Anderson's Powernomics can be implemented immediately.

The Booker T. Washington MovementHis belief was that African Americans should "concentrate all their energies on industrial education, and accumulation of wealth, and the conciliation of the South." [19] Washington valued the "industrial" education, as it provided critical skills for the jobs then available to the majority of African Americans at the time, as most lived in the South, which was overwhelmingly rural and agricultural. He thought these skills would lay the foundation for the creation of stability that the African-American community required in order to move forward. He believed that in the long term, "blacks would eventually gain full participation in society by showing themselves to be responsible, reliable American citizens." His approach advocated for an initial step toward equal rights, rather than full equality under the law, gaining economic power to back up black demands for political equality in the future.[20] he believed that such achievements would prove to the deeply prejudiced white America that African Americans were not "'naturally' stupid and incompetent."[21]

The Garvey Movement - A Learning MomentOne of our most three most successful political, cultural and economic movements - It's successwas destroyed by its leadership model. Ultimately, Our Leader Marcus Garvey was targeted as an undesirable and arrested on a series of Mail Fraud issues. The Garvey and UNIA weakness was theorganizational model that it choose and participating in the selling of stocks without knowledgeof the consequences. Finally, Garvey was arrested by himself and did not have the organizationalstructure to have proper representation. Alton Maddox successfully represented Al Sharpton on aseries of Tax related problems and was successful. If Alton Maddox was able to represented Marcus Garveythe he would have not be demised.

The Nation of Islam - A Learning MomentThe Nation of Islam is of course, our most successful and longest lasting organization. It hascured many of the problems of the previous movements. With its leadership in the Million Man Marchesit has given Black People in America its only real look at National Communication, National Unity,National Economics. It has successfully created the Black City Model but has not went far enough.It's drawback is two fold - It never morphed into an Organization that could include Black Non-Muslims thus never able to use this vehicle to go into politics and control the City of Chicago.

Alton Maddox and the Freedom PartyThe Freedom Party is certainly a component of a successful strategy but it is in fact operating in the wrong City and in addition the population of Blacks in New York or too diffused to successfully take over City Politics. Brooklyn is where most Blacks live but even that area is not enough to haveand impact on the entire City and thus will always be mired and distracted by the controlling City Politicsof New York. Right Idea, wrong City and the people need to understand this paper and Sovereignty.

The Republic of New AfricaThe Republic of New Afrika (RNA), was an American social movement that proposed three objectives. First, the creation of an independent African-American-majority country situated in the southeastern United States. A similar claim is made for all the black-majority counties and cities throughout the United States. Second, the payment of several billion dollars in reparations from the US government for the damages inflicted on Africans and their descendants by chattel enslavement, Jim Crow segregation, and persistent modern-day forms of racism. Third, a referendum of all African Americans in order to decide what should be done with regard to their citizenship. Regarding the latter, it was claimed that African Americans were not given a choice in this matter after emancipation. The vision for this country was first promulgated on March 31, 1968, at a Black Government Conference held in Detroit, Michigan. Its proponents lay claim to five Southern states: (Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina); and the black-majority counties adjacent to this area in Arkansas, Texas, North Carolina, Tennessee and Florida.

The City of AtlantaAstute Scholars would look at and raise the successes and failures of the Black City of Atlanta.Black Folks have been Voluntarily Migrating to Atlanta and have formed a Successful CityThe only failure of the Black City of Atlanta is that it is built on Class rather than Ideas of Sovereignty.

With Relevant Data and Terms aside - I want to introduce the Blue Print which is called the Sovereign Black City Paradigm!!!

Paradigms are sets of rules written and unwritten that allow you to problem solve.Paradigms are in fact sets of rules when used together allow you to become successful.There are multiple Paradigms at any time competing some more successful and some limitedYou can graph paradigms to see which are successful by the number of problems that they solve over time

Those stuck in limited Paradigms - can become Blinded - not seeing success or failureChaos can be created such as assassination, wars, etc... to artifcially introduce new paradigms while destroying a successful paradigm

Here is my Paradigm - The Black City and Voluntarily Migration to that City!!!!The Path to Power in the United States:

I return to Ancient Kemet for Guidance:

1. Unlike all Civilizations the First thing that the Ancient People of Kemet did for National Sovereignty was to name their Land

Kemet - The Black Land. For Ancient Egypt this was an essential germ that created a Civilization lasting 4,000 years. On the Road to Nationshipand Sovereignty, we must see the essential primemover as the Black Community.

In the House of Konsciousness - we can continue to debate the subtle differences of our communities but one thing everyone should know is that the Nile Valley Africans wether you call them your Ancestors or Not - or a Land in which you subjourned - Understood Completely Sovereignty.And again at the core of their Notions were the Black Community.

How do we make the Black Nation Rise!!!

In being in Federal Court - I found a Sleeping Giant and a Necessary Tool for the Black Commmunity - in the structure of Government in the United States - the Sleeping Giant is the Local City Laws.

I found that City is the basis of Laws that actually Govern Black Folks Directly. The City had two sets of Laws - the Municipal Laws and in many Cities it has something called the City Human Rights Laws.

We Must Understand the Power of the City and Seize them

Black People by Population have the Power to control and legislate Power and create and add Power to the Municipal Laws and City Human Rights Laws. City Human Rights Laws give the Citizen and the Group a Cause of Action in the State Courts and in the Federal Courts for their Rights. This is crucial for expansion of the Model

Loeffler v. Staten Island University Hospital582 F.3d 268 (2d Cir. 2009)

Second Circuit rules that the Restoration Act "confirm[ed] the legislative intent to abolish ‘parallelism' between the City HRL and federal and state antidiscrimination law..." 582 F.3d at 278. The court described the City Human Rights Law as having a "one-way ratchet" where state and federal enactments serve only as a floor for coverage, not the ceiling. Id.

This trend is the product of New York City’s Local Civil Rights Restoration Act of 2005 (the “Restoration Act”), which requires courts to liberally interpret the NYCHRL, regardless of how similarly-worded state and federal laws have been construed. As a result, state and federal civil rights laws set “a floor below which the City’s Human Rights law cannot fall, rather than a ceiling above which the local law cannot rise.”


Earlier, I spoke about the Marshall Trilogy and how the Native Americans through both Court and Legislature have rights and privileges that Black Folks don't have. They have their own defacto Cities.

Surely, we should bring in a cause for the same Rights but where should a suit be launched from. The Answer is from the City. From Black Cities.

We have beenHoodwinked and bamboozled by people who know the Law including Classes of Black Folks to look away where our power lies. Our power does not lie in the Individual, our power does not lie in classes of individuals such as a Class Action Suit. Our Power Lies in the Black City

The creation of the Black City towards the Future!!!!

The fact of the Matter is that City Laws are probably the most crucial to our Black Strategy. City Laws control the Equity of Wealth and Pursuit of Happines for BlackPeople because they directly control

City Laws control the TaxesCity Laws control who can vend and where - It is the Cities Laws that do not allow Black People to Set up BusinessesReal Estate Laws and housing in their CityCity WorkforceThe Naming of StreetsPolice and Ticketing and Local Criminal LawsThe Laws prohibiting Communal KitchensThe privileges that Black People have currently who live in the Cities vs those who transmute.can control employment - Take for instance in NY - City Workers, Police, Firemen etc can live outside of NYC yet work in the City taking away jobs from Black Folks who live in the City.

City Laws also control the Right of Assembly, The Rights of Freedom of Speech, How economics are distributed and I have said Ultimately, the Persuit of Happiness.City Rights Laws are more important to us then Civil Right Laws

Most Cities are controlled simply by a City Council and run simply by a Mayor. All of these members are voted in by a population. The Sleeping Giants the Black Youth that do not Vote as a Matter of Fact in some cases - City Laws can restore the Rights of those Young Black Folks Criminalized to retain their Rights to Vote Locally.

Currently, we have Black Mayors and many Black Members City Councils across the States. However, our minds have been so misdirected and distractedwe have not focused our Attention.

We Must Put our Energy into bringing into Being a Black City.We Must look at the list of Black Populations in the United States Must begin Choosing Cities and Migrate to them or have Duel CityshipWe Must Have Million Man and Woman Marches to not the Capital but to a Black CityWe Must Uproot the Controlling Class of Black Leaders that have known of these rights, yet took them for themselves

Now within Black Controlled City we can execute the ideas of Garvey, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Booker T. Washington, John Henrik Clarke, Noble Drew Ali, Black Israelites.

As I Close, I want to also say what we Create must be Protected. Death and misfortune to those Blacks and Whites who would for their own personal gain or for their Religious gain or Racial Gain seek to takeover or destroy by any force other than Votes what Black People Create.

Creation of New Black Cities

In brainstorming, researching and developing the concept of Black Cities, I went to one of the most knowledgeable experts on City Elections, Mr. L. Smith. He directed me to look up the 1986 Mandela Plan.

The Mandela Plan was an attempt for a Black Community in Boston to become its own City by secession by a vote and referendum. The City was to be called “Mandela”. This would be an important strategy in cities were Black Voters are dispersed over large areas but as a Group carry voting Power. This would be highly effective in a City such as New York – where let’s say Brooklyn or the Bronx where there are large populations of Black Folk could separate from the City of New York.

More interesting white populations have attempted several times to secede to protect their citizens: Upstate secession, Staten Island secession , Peconic County is a proposed new county in New York that would secede the five easternmost towns of Suffolk County: East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, Southampton and Southold, plus the Shinnecock Indian Reservation.

Some Portion of you will say – What if the Federal Government attacks the Black Cities, What if the State attacks Black Cities – First, we should not fear the Future and Second if our cause is Right – then we will have more than a just cause to Fight to the Death and Win.

We most concentrate our Efforts on Build One City that serves the interest of the Black Family and then expand to create other Black Cities.

The purpose is not necessarily to create States but to create Satellites, Safe havens for our people.

Our Black Leaders who are in Partnership with the Establishment for Fee have misdirected you to not pay attention to the Cities in White America who have little or no Black Population. These Cities are in Idaho, Vermont, Montana, Wyoming, Maine, Utah, South Dakota, North Dakota, New Hampshire. Here, White Americans enjoy a Privileged Life with Property and Power and the Pursuit of Happiness. Hardly, does the news ever shine a light on the Cities in these States. Most of you do not know one City in these States – As much as you Hate Africa – you at least know Countries and Cities – Here you will struggle.

Wakeup CallUtah - As of 2010, there are 243 incorporated municipalities in the U.S. state of Utah. A municipality is called a town if the population is under 1,000 people, and a city if the population is over 1,000 people.[1][2] Incorporation means that a municipal charter has been adopted by the affected population following a referendum. In the Constitution of Utah, cities and towns are granted "the authority to exercise all powers relating to municipal affairs, and to adopt and enforce within its limits, local police, sanitary and similar regulations not in conflict with the general law.".[3] They also have the power to raise and collect taxes, to provide and maintain local public services, acquire by eminent domain any property needed to make local improvements, and to raise money by bonds.[3]

The Lie of Integration and the Truth of Racism

The United States has no intention of integrating those White Populated and Managed Cities. Obviously, for several reasons – they are there nest eggs of White Supremacy and they don’t need Black Labor or any other type of Labor. They do it themselves. They are Sovereign, Heavily Armed and Committed to the ideas of their Rights and Privileges.

Why is this Off your Radar

The Federal Government is taking Quick Action in St. Louis because this Black City may now have the Rationale and motive to control their City. This is exactly what they do not want Black folks to do. Black People in Cities such as Atlanta, St. Louis, Detroit must move to take over their City Government. We must start to train our Youth to run Cities. Our local Schools and colleges must be forced to teach Municipal Skills not math, science, ela in a vacuum. Our Education must be about City Development not aimless careers.

Make No Mistake – I am Talking about:

Black Nationalism, Citizenship, Sovereignty, Self Defense and the Pursuit of Black Happiness!!!!

Last Words before Closing Next StepsHonorary Doctorates in African Philosophy

Next Steps

Debate against my Plan

National Awareness of a Black City Plan

Choosing of Black Cities

Million Man Convention

Gathering Support from Local Citizens for Migration to their City

Action Plans Seizing City Politics by Vote

Migration to Black CitiesUsing the Best Practices of PowerNomics, Booker T. Washington, Garvey,

Message to the Black Man and other Black Successful Sysems.They can only work effectively when we take Cities

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