the book of stories and fairy-tales

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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The Book ofStories

And Fairy-Tales

by Gleb Tyan 5B

It was one beautiful day when domestic cat saw the snow outside the window. It was his first winter and he was very surprised. He thought that someone spilled milk above and it was slowly falling on the streets.He was looking white flakes spreading all around and he dreamed that once he will get on the street.One cat, which didn’t have a home, was searching for some food in snow for itself. But its nose didn’t feel anything because of cold weather. Suddenly it saw a domestic cat near the window. Its life was wonderful! It was sitting at home and people gave to it lovely meal. At that moment the other cat was suffering without meal on the very cold snow.But the domestic cat thought that the street cat was very happy. There was a lot milk near the street cat but it didn’t want to drink it.Don’t be envy to someone. Everyone lives by his own life and should value what he has.

by Eugene Hapina 5C

There is a small city in the deep Pacific Ocean. This city is a home for about 500 fish and other water creatures. It is a very homey town and it is very quiet. This town is also as colorful as a tropical forest and it is very beautiful. You can get lost here in your thoughts as you explore its beauty. It is settled right under the sun in the afternoon. It is a very green town, full of plants and exotic fish. This town is located near the Hawaiian island of Maui. This is the wonderful town of Olina, meaning “joyful” in Hawaiian.In this little town there is a small school. This school is the life of many teachers and children. The itty-bitty school, located in the center of the town, is more than 100 years old. The school building is painted green with bright pink spots all over. This school teaches swimming, safety, and first aid. It is called Beach Water Middle. One student from the Beach Water Middle School is a little Fish. This specific Fish seems to be a troublemaker. He has a golden color with one spot on his fin. He comes to school every day not willingly. This little Fish is quite popular and very loud. He makes jokes and has many girlfriends. He’s just cool. He lives on the west side of Olina. His name is Finny.

by Artyom Evtushenko 5 «B

There lived three colors The Red, The Yellow and The Green. Once they wanted to travel and started. They were walking for a long time and found the road and over the road hang the traffic lights – but it was old and did not work, they climbed it and began to live inside. Suddenly the next day cars appeared. The Red heard the cars and got out to see at them. All the cars stopped, when saw him. And then the green saw that the red did not sleep and got out to see what was happening in the street. The cars saw him and started. And then the Yellow - the smallest of them - got up to see what was going on, and noticed that when he got out, the cars did not notice him. So, the lights did not notice when the night came and they went to bed. And the year passed, but they didn’t notice that. They grew up and began to boast. The Green said that he was loved by everyone, and the Red cried that everyone obeys him, and the Yellow could not say anything, he was offended and went away. No one noticed that at first, but when they noticed they at once ran to look for him. The Yellow had gone far away, and like it or not, when the colors cry, they leave a trail behind them. The Yellow left a trail of yellow, and the Red with the Green could find it easily. They found the Yellow and said that he was special, he can let someone go, and make someone stop. And since then they lived happily together.

by Maya Kopalina 5B

Once there was a girl named Raisa. One day she went to the forest to collect berries and mushrooms. While she was gathering forest fruits she found a clearing and decided to rest. After a while she heard someone`s soft voice. The sounds came from a field of yellow tulips, but the voice wouldn`t stop talking. In the middle of the field she saw a huge red rose, which was singing. Rose suddenly said in a human voice: “Girl, pick me, pick”. Raisa said: “I can`t, you are prickly, what can I do?!” Rose asked in a sad voice: “Please, help…” Raisa gained strength and picked the rose. The flower fell and turned into a fairy. Raisa was scared and fell in tulips.The fairy said to Raisa in a tender voice: “Raisa, you disenchanted me, thank you! I`ll reward you for that.” The fairy gave the girl a basket of berriers and mushrooms, sweets and a bouquet of flowers. When she grew up, Raisa didn`t forget this wonderful day of her life.

by Samir Gumbatov 5C

Once upon a time there was a small fox. His name was Nick. It was the first of September. It was his first day at forest school. His mother gave him a cake and some sweets to eat it with new friends at school. When Nick came to school he saw that there were many small forest animals. All of them were talking, laughing and eating sweets. "So many animals and so little sweets" thought Nick. " I don't need friends. I will eat them myself" he said, hid behind the bush and ate everything. After school he went home alone. He was happy. He didn't notice a hole and fell down. The hole was very deep. He couldn't get out of it. He started crying. Suddenly he heard somebody talking. There were some pupils from school. They saw Nick and helped him. He was very glad. "Now I see, why we need friends” he thought. We really need friends.

by Ann Ivanisova 5C

One day girls Nastya and Sonia went on vacation to the mountains. On the way to the mountains they saw a lake, river, forest…When girls arrived, they saw a cave, and decided to go there. When they went there they saw a miracle. Ahead there was a city of gems, and there was a big lake. When the girls came to this lake a mermaid jumped from it.

She had a long iridescent tail. When they went around the lake they saw a unicorn. He had a beautiful bright mane. Then Nastya and Sonia went to the castle. And saw a Princess there. She had a lush, pink dress. Princess saw them and told to go to her castle. She fed them and they rode a unicorn…. But then mother woke Nastya up. It was just a dream….

by Adam Pushkarniy 5C

Once there was a donkey. He had a very bad master, who always beat and scolded him. One day, there was a fair in the city and the owner got a plan to sell some unwanted stuff. Master said to the donkey "Hey donkey, prepare your back, I need to drag these things to the fair". Donkey was angry because the fair was high in the mountains. The donkey and his master were on the way to the fair, it was very hard for the donkey to climb the mountain. On the way owner beat donkey and cried: "Go quickly, or the fair will finish." At last, they reached the fair. Donkey felt so thirsty and wanted to drink water but he was unable to say this, just stuck his tongue and was breathing hard. The owner turned to the donkey, "You moved so slowly and now you want to drink!" and he kicked the donkey at head. The donkey was so frightened and ran away from there with his all strength. The donkey thought "I need to find water, or else I’ll will die". While thinking and walking at the fair donkey saw a dog drinking water, the donkey came up to the dog and asked "Dear sir, could you please give me some water”. "Doesn’t your owner give water to you?”asked the dog. "My owner only beats and shouts, it’s not so easy to get food and water from

him" the donkey answered. “May be you work not very hard” said the dog". “I work very well ", - the donkey said. "Anyway, I will not give you water, even its not enough to me"- said the dog. And the donkey started to look for water again.

On the way, he met a horse who was also drinking water. The donkey immediately asked, "Dear horse, could you give me some water, please". The horse turned and said. "B-R-R-R, does your owner give you water or not?" "I have a very bad master; he regularly beats me and very rarely gives water and food," - complained the donkey. "Are you kidding? All owners are good, you lie to me. I will not give you water. And get out of here as soon as possible or else I will hit you with hoof" – said the horse. And the donkey ran away from there.

Suddenly he saw two donkeys that were drinking water. And again, the donkey repeated his request “Dear respectable donkeys, could you give me some water please," Donkeys, said: "Yes, of course, drink," then they asked, "why doesn’t your owner give you water". The donkey answered, "I have a very bad master; he always beats me, and gives food and water rarely. I'd really like to leave him". "Oh! Yeah! Our boss always gives us food and water. We just need to work well. If you want to join us get into the van” – said one of the donkeys. At last the donkey was happy with his new boss and friends.

by Alexandra Dotsenko 5 “A”

Once before New Year Father Frost fell ill. He had drunk a lot of hot tea and had a high temperature and a sore throat. Fortunately his friend Snowman was passing by and visited him. The Snowman screamed: “You are so hot! You need help!” He gave Father Frost some ice-cream and put some ice on his head. But it didn’t help. The Snowman put father Frost on the sledge to look for help. They were going through the forest for a long time. At last they saw a little village where little people in green suits lived. At first little people were afraid of guests but then they understood the guests were not dangerous. The little people were elves. They cured Father Frost and decided to help him. They helped to make, pack and dispatch presents to all children. The children were happy to get presents. Father Frost was also happy to find new friends.

by Ulyana Vinokurova 5C

Once there was a girl named Diana. She lived in a normal family, mom, dad, and elder brother. Mom was a housewife, dad worked as a builder and the children went school. They studied well, but sometimes the children had bad behavior. When the New Year came all the children wrote letters to Santa Claus with the greatest desire in the world. Children usually ordered Santa Claus toys, but Diana did not need toys. She wanted her mother to give birth to a baby brother or sister, and every year a girl asked Santa Claus to let her mother give birth to a baby brother or sister.

And on a one , sunny summer day mother told that they will have a little brother. Diana was very happy when she waited a brother to be born. And Diana believed that Santa Claus existed.

Daniil Kudrenok 5”B”

Once upon a time there lived a cat. He was fat and very beautiful. He was very clever, too. And his name was Cleverouster. But he was not a very good and kind cat. He always shoved off and was a real boaster. And everybody called him “Boaster-Cleverouster”. He offended animals, called them silly and never helped anybody. That is why animals didn’t like him at all. He was sure that he could do everything himself and he didn’t want to become friends with anybody because he thought they were not enough clever for him.

One day he walked along the street breathing fresh air. Suddenly he saw a group of animals discussing something interesting. He came closer and heard rather important news. They said that some fantastic and magic book of knowledge was brought to a “Cleverland”.

Cleverouster knew about this land of knowledge. But it was very difficult to get there. Cleverouster understood that it was his chance to become Cleverer. He wanted to get this book to be the cleverest cat in the world. He had to try. He took some food and drinks, a rain coat and map of Cleverland. So he started to go. He went and went and went. He went through the deep forest and high hills, he passed great valley and came to the field. Also he met different animals and birds. He sat on the grass, ate a sandwich and decided to sleep a bit, because he was very tired. Suddenly he heard some noise. He turned back and saw a little grey mouse. She came up to him and said “Dear Mr. Cat, could you help me? You are big and clever and I’m little and very weak. I heed some place to live, but I can’t dig a hole, for me and my family. And later I would help you. A cat couldn’t believe his eyes. A mouse came to him to ask for help! So he said “Go away, you, mouse. How could you break my dream? Your house is your problem. Go away or I’ll eat you and all your family and you won’t need any house. The mouse went away. The cat fell asleep again, but soon he was woken up by a strange noise. He opened his eyes and looked around. He saw nobody. The strange noise appeared again, but now Cleverouster understood where it was coming from. It was above him, high up on the tree. He looked in that direction and saw an owl there. The owl said “ Could you help me ? I lost my glasses and I can’t see well without them. Then I would help you.”

“Stop troubling me. I have more serious problems and I’m going to solve them. Go away.” The owl flew away. He continued his trip to the Cleverland and soon he saw the red roofs of it’s houses. He came closer and saw the gates. The gates were closed. Nobody was seen around. He tried to open the gates, but it was locked. He needed a key to open it. He knocked the gates and saw the guard coming from the house, which was built near the gates. The guard said “ Why are you troubling us?”-“I want to read the book of knowledge.” The guard said “If you have a key of a keeper Clever mouse you may come in Another way you may try to find it. The cat remembered the mouse and wanted to visit her. Cleverouster became angry and didn’t want to go back, but he has to. He ran quickly and very soon saw the field of his “camp”. He called for the mouse and she appeared in some time. Cleverouster said “Dear mouse, can you help me? I know that you have a key from the gates of Cleverland. Could you give it to me?”- No, I can’t give it to you. – “Why?” Asked the cat. “ I offended you, but I’m really sorry. What can I do for you?” The mouse asked him to dig a hole in the ground to find her house littered the ground. The key was there . The cat agreed and they started to dig. Soon they found a small room and the mouse brought the key to Cleverouser. They thanked each other and he went to the gates. He opened them and got to the Cleverland. Cleverouster went along the street and found a shining building with a writing “Cleverhouse”. He thought “Here it is!” He tried to open the door, but it was again closed. Then he knocked at the door and a dog came to his place from one of the houses. He said “What do you want?” The cat answered “I want to get to the Cleverhouse and to read the book of knowledge.” So you need the key of the second keeper-Cleverowl” –was the answer. Cleverouster asked “She is the owl which lives in the field on the big tree?” Cleverouster thanked him and again ran quickly. At last he saw the owl’s tree. He said “ Dear owl. I need your help. Where are you?” She said “ Who is there?”- “ It’s me Cleverouster. I came to help you with your glasses. The owl said “ I wore them here, at last”. They were looking for the glasses for two hours and tired went to owl’s home. At sunset Cleverhouster saw a shining object on a branch. The owl didn’t see it. Cleverouster climbed up the tree and took the glasses. He jumped down and the owl began to look for the key, which Cleverouster looked for. The owl found and gave it to Cleverouster and they both were happy. Cleverouster ran to the Cleverland again, but the owl decided to look at the book, too. Cleverouster agreed with her. Also they decided to invite Clevermouse there. Sometime later they appeared to the Cleverland. Cleverouster opened the door of Cleverhouse and they came in. They saw a glass box with the magic book. Cleverouster saw three holes near the box. They were in the shape of three marks : mark of mouse’s paw, mark of owl’s feather and a mark of cat’s paw. They touched them and the box unlocked. Clever owl put on her glasses and read for her new friends. The book was very thin and they were surprised. There was only one text. ” Nobody can know everything . But a very clever animal knows less than three normal animals. And if you want to know more, you may speak to you friends and read books.” The owl asked “ Is that all?” Cleverouster said “I went so much only for the book with one page?” But really, now he had friends, that were clever, too. They left the book, closed the house and went away. When Cleverouster came home it was difficult for him to make friends with, but at last animals saw, that he really changed. Sometimes, Cleverouster visits clever mouse and clever owl and they are talking about the past. Now Cleverouster has many friends and never shows off.

by David Alexanyan 6 “B”

Once upon a time there lived a pretty girl Martha. She lived with her mother in the country. Martha was very kind and nice. But she was often sad. Her mother was ill. Martha didn’t know how to help her.

Once the girl went for a walk. Suddenly she saw a bird. It was a magic bird. But it couldn’t fly. Its wing was broken. Martha brought the bird home. She looked after the bird carefully. In a few weeks the bird was ready to fly to the forest. Before leaving the bird asked the girl what it could do for her. Martha said she wanted her mother to be healthy again. The bird flew away and the next morning Martha’s mother felt better. The magic bird helped the girl indeed.

by Maxim Andreev 6 “B”

Once there lived the girl Masha by name. And there was mother and a cat in this family.

One day mother went shopping and Masha stayed at home. She was bored. She went to her room where an old wardrobe was. She was playing in her room and heard a quiet voice from the wardrobe.”You have been a good girl. Here is a sweet for you”, said the voice, And the sweet fell down from the wardrobe. Masha took the sweet and thanked the voice. And every time mother left Masha went to the wardrobe and got a sweet.

One day Masha forgot to say “Thank you”. At that moment a strange creature jumped out of the wardrobe and started pulling Masha inside. The girl was frightened and was screaming loudly. Soon mother came back and drove the monster away. Now Masha is a polite girl and never forgets to say “Thank you”.

by Artyom Darbenyan 6 “B”

Once in the evening one little girl, Elly by name, went to the forest. She was afraid going through the forest. But she was very curious and went on and on. The forest was silent and looked mysterious. Suddenly she saw a very big house right in the middle of the meadow. There was light inside and she decided to come in. She did it. The light was turned off and she heard the sound of steps running upstairs. She realized that it was already late and she had to go home to have a party, because she had a birthday that day. But her curiosity was so strong. And she followed the sound. There was a big sign on the door “NO ENTRANCE”. But nothing could stop her. She turned the door handle slowly and… There was her whole family and friends waiting for her for the party. The room was beautifully decorated with colorful balloons. And a big cake was right in the middle of the room. Everybody shouted “Happy birthday, dear Elly!!!” It was a brilliant surprise.

by Alex Lashko 6 “B”

Long, long time age there live Kuzka. He was a house-hold creature. Nobody saw him. But everybody knew he was a hooligan. Because he liked to do tricks and evil jokes. He visited houses and did bad things. He broke dishes and cups, stopped clocks, spilled salt. People called him Kuzka the Hooligan. They noticed that he visited one old lady more often. Why? Because there were tasty cakes with meat, cabbage and jam every day. Kuzka liked the treatment a lot. When he came to the old lady he forgot about nasty tricks and behaved well. He stopped being bad. Now he is not a hooligan any more. He is good. Because he understood that to be nice and good is better.

Authors: students of 5-6 formsEditors: Olga Putilina,

Helen Kolesnikova

Gymnasium 52Rostov on Don


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