the brainweb: phase synchronization and large-scale integration

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Francisco Varela*, Jean-Philippe Lachaux*, Eugenio Rodriguez‡ and Jacques Martinerie*The emergence of a unified cognitive moment relies on the coordination of scattered mosaics offunctionally specialized brain regions. Here we review the mechanisms of large-scale integrationthat counterbalance the distributed anatomical and functional organization of brain activity toenable the emergence of coherent behaviour and cognition. Although the mechanisms involvedin large-scale integration are still largely unknown, we argue that the most plausible candidate isthe formation of dynamic links mediated by synchrony over multiple frequency bands.



The functional and anatomical specializations of thebrain that are evident from physiological,neuropsycho-logical and neuroimaging studies present a uniqueproblem.How does the brain orchestrate the symphonyof emotions, perceptions, thoughts and actions thatcome together effortlessly from neural processes thatare distributed across the brain? What are the neuralmechanisms that select and coordinate this distributedbrain activity to produce a flow of adapted and unifiedcognitive moments? This is the large-scale integrationproblem — the central topic of this review.

Neural assemblies: a framework for analysisNeural assemblies provide a conceptual framework forthe integration of distributed neural activity1–3. For ourpurposes,neural assemblies will be defined as distrib-uted local networks of neurons transiently linked by rec-iprocal dynamic connections4–10. A useful analogy isfound in Worldwide Web systems such as Napster, inwhich geographically distant computers briefly transferdata to each other within transient assemblies that areformed on a static network of hardwired connections.In the brain, the emergence of a specific neuronalassembly is thought to underlie the operation of everycognitive act. Neurons that belong to a given assemblyare linked by selective interactions; that is, they interactpreferentially with a sub-ensemble of other neurons thatare interconnected (FIG. 1). These interactions are medi-ated through direct (monosynaptic) or indirect (poly-

synaptic) connections that are typically reciprocal11,12. Inthis context, as discussed by Phillips and Singer13, it isuseful to distinguish between two types of connection.On the one hand, there are reciprocal connections with-in the same cortical area or between areas situated at thesame level of the network.On the other, there exist con-nections that link different levels of the network in dif-ferent brain regions to the same assembly and embodythe true Web-like architecture of the brain. Connectionsof this type have been traditionally described as feedfor-ward and feedback (or as bottom-up and top-down)(BOX 1). These neural assemblies have a transient,dynamical existence that spans the time required toaccomplish an elementary cognitive act (a fraction of asecond). But, at the same time, their existence is longenough for neural activity to propagate through theassembly, a propagation that necessarily involves cyclesof reciprocal spike exchanges with transmission delaysthat last tens of milliseconds. So, in both the brain andthe Web analogy, the relevant variable required todescribe these assemblies is not so much the individualactivity of the components of the system but thedynamic nature of the links between them.

Phase synchrony as a mechanism for integrationClearly, any mechanism for neural integration mustinvolve interactions between the participating localnetworks, but the specific nature of such interactionsremains a point of debate. For some authors, the

THE BRAINWEB: PHASESYNCHRONIZATION AND LARGE-SCALE INTEGRATIONFrancisco Varela*, Jean-Philippe Lachaux*, Eugenio Rodriguez‡ and Jacques Martinerie*

The emergence of a unified cognitive moment relies on the coordination of scattered mosaics offunctionally specialized brain regions. Here we review the mechanisms of large-scale integrationthat counterbalance the distributed anatomical and functional organization of brain activity toenable the emergence of coherent behaviour and cognition. Although the mechanisms involvedin large-scale integration are still largely unknown, we argue that the most plausible candidate isthe formation of dynamic links mediated by synchrony over multiple frequency bands.


*Laboratoire deNeurosciences Cognitives et Imagerie Cérébrale,Hôpital de la Salpétrière,Paris 47 Boulevard del’Hôpital, 75651 Paris Cedex 13, France.‡Escuela de Psicología,Universidad Católica deChile, Santiago, Chile.Correspondence to F.V.e-mail:

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hierarchical organization of the brain suggests that theassociative areas that mediate between sensory andmotor areas provide the basis for integration (see REF. 14

for an example). By contrast, we and others have arguedthat networks of reciprocal interactions are the key forintegration4,10.Among various modes of reciprocal inter-actions, we favour phase synchronization between theparticipating neuronal groups, which is certainly themost studied mechanism.Note that the terms synchronyand phase have been used in the literature with widelydifferent connotations; here we adhere to the meaningderived from dynamic-systems analysis (BOX 2).

We describe here the experimental evidence thatsupports the above framework, as well as its limitationsand the questions that remain unanswered. In order tostudy integration through synchronization, we need tofocus on the temporal dynamics of neural networks inthe millisecond range. We therefore concentrate on dis-cussing results obtained with methods that have fasttemporal resolution; that is, recordings of electrical andmagnetic activity at various resolution levels. The possi-ble contribution to, and links with, ‘slow’ imaging meth-ods are discussed in BOX 3.

Box 1 | Bottom-up and top-down activity

With only few exceptions, the brain is organized on the basis of what we can call theprinciple of reciprocity: if area A connects to area B, then there are reciprocalconnections from B to A11,12. Traditionally, the sensory end is taken as the startingpoint, so that perception is described as a feedforward or bottom-up hierarchy from‘lower’ to ‘higher’ stages of processing. Vision has become a paradigmatic example ofthis approach, and the successive stages of elaboration of the visual stimuli from retinato the various visual areas have been extensively studied98. However, an alternativestarting point can also be found in the endogenous activity that is provided by thestates of preparation, expectation, emotional tone and attention (among others), whichare necessarily active at the same time as the sensory inflow. Endogenous activityconcerns activity typically from the frontal lobes or the limbic system, or in the middleof the whole network as temporal and associative cortices,but far removed from thesensors. This activity is referred to as top-down or feedback, and there ispsychophysical and physiological evidence for their active participation even in earlystages of sensory perception1,33,68,99,100. Bottom-up and top-down are heuristic terms forwhat is in reality a large-scale network that integrates both incoming and endogenousactivity; it is precisely at this level where phase synchronization is crucial as amechanism for large-scale integration.

Figure 1 | Schematic representation of transient distributed neural assemblies withdynamic long-range interactions.

Box 2 | Phase and synchrony

These terms have been used with widely differentmeanings, and some clarification is needed. In general,two signals x(t) and y(t) are correlated if we can predictthe variations of one as a function of the other. This canbe estimated by the widely used correlation coefficient(EQN 1):


where x̂ is the zero-mean,normalized transform of x(EQN 2):


High values of Cxy(τ) (that is, close to 1) indicate thatx reproduces the variations of y, with a time lag t thatcan be different from zero, as observed in the visualsystem101. Similarly, if one is interested in the relationbetween the signals at a specific frequency f, one canband-pass x and y narrowly around f, and estimatetheir coherence, which is simply the correlationcoefficient between the band-passed signals102. Thisclassical measure has been extensively used in thestudies reported in this review.

Synchrony measures the relation between the temporalstructures of the signals regardless of signal amplitude.Two signals are said to be synchronous if their rhythmscoincide. This idea can be made more precise in severalways. In its classical sense, the term synchrony has beenapplied to signals that had a dominant oscillatory mode,either originally or after filtration around a chosenfrequency f. Such a signal x(t) can be written in thefrequency domain as EQN 3,a formulation in which theinstantaneous amplitude a(t) and phase φ(t) of x(t)appear as clearly separated entities:


Working with brain signals, this separation allows usto focus on phase as a measurement that contains allthe information about the temporal structure of neuralactivity.Perfect synchrony between x and y meanssimply that φx(t) = φy(t). Relationships between thetemporal organization of x and y are best observed bytheir instantaneous phase difference (EQN 4):


where n and m are integers that indicate the ratios ofpossible frequency locking. Although most studies havefocused on the case n = m = 1, evidence for 1:2 and 1:3phase synchrony also exists.In neuroscience, we are interested in the case when Φ

is approximately constant over a limited time windowT, which has a typical duration of hundreds ofmilliseconds. This is defined as a period of phaselocking between two events, and can only be estimatedin a statistical sense.Phase locking therefore becomesan indicator of the dynamic phase relationship betweentwo local networks independently of their amplitudeand is one the central concepts of this review.

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sense, the large-scale integration and the well-knownvisual-binding problem address the same question butat opposite ends of the spatial continuum. It is parsimo-nious to assume that they share common mechanisms.However, this is an empirical issue, and the evidence ispresented here.

Local and large-scale integrationWhat does ‘local’ mean? On a spatial scale of less than2 mm, the cytoarchitectonic packing and the mixtureof excitatory and inhibitory interneurons clusteredtogether in (say) a CORTICAL COLUMN are prone to syn-chronize into a common resonance mode16. However,this tight interconnectivity is not just restricted to sucha small area, as collaterals are known to extend overseveral millimeters, linking larger patches of neural tis-sue. For example, in columns of the primary visualcortex separated by 2–7 mm, which have non-overlap-ping receptive fields, neurons that share similar featureproperties tend to synchronize16. A similar observationhas been made in hippocampal slices over distances ofseveral millimeters17. Destexhe et al.18 recorded corticalactivity from Brodmann areas 17 and 18 of the catwith electrodes separated by 1 mm during deep sleep,rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep and wakefulness.During REM sleep and wakefulness, they observedoscillatory activities (BETA and GAMMA rhythms) thatcorrelated between electrodes separated by as much as5 mm; the strength of the correlation decreased withelectrode separation. These correlations and the syn-chronization of activity are related to one type of con-nection mentioned before: reciprocal connectionsbetween areas situated at the same level of thenetwork13. So, local integration occurs over a local net-work distributed over an area of ~1 cm throughmonosynaptic connections with conduction delays oftypically 4–6 ms (REF. 19).

Large-scale synchronization concerns neural assem-blies which are farther apart in the brain (> 1 cm; trans-mission delays > 8–10 ms over polysynaptic pathways)19

such as, for example, assemblies between occipital andfrontal lobes or across hemispheres, which are separatedby dozens of milliseconds in transmission time. In thiscase,phase-locking synchrony (BOX 2) cannot be basedon the local cytoarchitecture but must instead reside indistant connections, either cortico-cortical fibres orthalamocortical reciprocal pathways5,20. These pathwayscorrespond to the second type of connection discussedabove; that is, feedforward and feedback connectionsthat link different levels of the network in different brainregions13 (BOX 1).

Although the distinction between local and large-scale synchronization is fairly clear, it should not betaken rigidly. Neural synchrony can be establishedbetween regions whose separation falls in an intermedi-ate spatial scale, such as between parietal and visualareas21,22.However, there is no simple continuum fromstrictly local, to regional to long-range networks.Ourintention is to highlight the contrasts between local andlarge-scale binding, not to oppose them but rather tobring out the specific role of each one.

Direct evidence supporting phase synchrony as abasic mechanism for brain integration has recently beenprovided by extensive studies of visual binding. Thevisual-binding problem can be stated as follows: howare the different attributes of an object brought togetherin a unified representation given that its various features— edges, colour, motion, texture, depth and so on —are treated separately in specific visual areas? One pro-posed solution is based on the idea that visual objectsare coded by cell assemblies that fire synchronously15.So, visual binding refers to the ‘local’ integration of neu-ronal properties (that is, integration that takes placewithin neighbouring cortical areas, all specialized in thesame modality), which allows the large-scale integrationnecessary for vision in the context of a complete cogni-tive moment. We argue that synchronization of neuralassemblies is a process that spans multiple spatial andtemporal scales in the nervous system (FIG. 2). In this

Box 3 | Synchrony and metabolic activity

Large-scale integration through synchrony converges naturally with studies of large-scale interdependencies analysed through metabolic brain imaging. In fact,mostfunctional brain imaging research during the last decade has focused on detecting thebrain regions involved in various sensorimotor or cognitive tasks.However, as we arguehere,brain organization cannot be understood if the coupling between brain regions isnot analysed. Several works have already shown the importance of these ideas usingpositron-emission tomography (PET) or functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) data92,103,104.

Functional connectivity involves the identification of regions whose interaction during acognitive task is reflected by a temporal correlation between the haemodynamic signalsobserved in these regions. To study these connections, several approaches have beendeveloped103,105–107.Whereas functional connectivity concerns the correlation betweencerebral signals and might have various origins, effective connectivity represents thestrength of an effective connection established during a cognitive task; that is, the directinfluence of a region on another. Two steps are necessary to form these maps of effectiveconnectivity. First,a model must be defined: a group of cerebral regions is selectedtogether with the connections that exist between these regions. This model of interactingregions is established from a priori anatomical knowledge and/or from maps of functionalconnectivity. The next step is to estimate the strength of the existing connections betweenthese regions by, for example, solving the structural equations associated with thepredefined model104.

Connectivity maps are established for a given temporal range, typically a few minutes.So,one cannot investigate phase relations directly but several alternatives to thesemethods can be considered.One possibility is to estimate a coupling coefficient thatvaries across time through Kalman filtering108, thereby proposing a measure of temporalintegration. A complementary line of research is to use fMRI in monkeys to guide theimplantation of microelectrodes109. This approach opens the possibility of, first,identifying effective connections in the whole brain during a task and, second, analysingthese connections over time with electrodes selectively positioned in the interactingareas. An equally challenging approach is the use of metabolic imaging to estimatecurrent sources by solving the INVERSE PROBLEM, while retaining the temporal relations ofthese sources110,111.

Finally, it is now possible to modify directly the activity of selected cerebral areaswhile measuring the effect of this modification in the rest of the brain. This procedure has been performed in humans using transcranial magnetic stimulation(TMS) in combination with electroencephalography, fMRI and PET112. In a recentstudy using a combination of PET and TMS, a correlation was found between thenumber of TMS pulses in the frontal eye fields and the metabolic activity in thesuperior parietal and medial parieto-occipital regions113. These and otherdevelopments are central for bridging evidence from electrical and metaboliccouplings concerning large-scale activity.


Mathematical analysis aimed atlocalizing the neural sources ofthe electromagnetic fieldmeasured at the scalp surface.


Cylinder of cortex with adiameter up to 1 mm thatgroups neurons with strongreciprocal connections.


Neural rhythmic activity (12–25cycles per second).


Neural rhythmic activity (about25–70 cycles per second).

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MesoscaleThe previous considerations bring to the fore the mostadequate level of analysis for large-scale integration — themesoscale6,23–27. In the timescale of many cognitive events(hundreds of milliseconds), a cortical neuron might fireonly a few spikes, which is not sufficient to activate a tar-get neuron unless these spikes coincide in time with manyothers from additional input neurons2,27–30. This indicatesthat the most relevant level of observation for integrativefunctions is the analysis of the coordinated behaviour oflocal neural groups through synaptic interactions.Ob-servation at this level requires us to record activity eitheras multi-unit spike density or as summated dendriticcurrent,which is measured as local field potentials (LFPs).LFPs blur the individual contribution of participatingneurons but highlight their common action because ofthe topographic arrangement of neurons. One clearexample is found in the hippocampus, where the align-ment of pyramidal cells allows for the addition of theirindividual contribution to the measured electric field.The LFP therefore reflects the modulation of the tempo-ral pattern of spikes that act on another local network. Bythis analysis, large-scale integration is optimally examinedat the mesoscopic scale, which is naturally complement-ed by the analysis of single-neuron activity (microscale),as well as by the use of extracortical recordings (macro-level) that represent a synthetic measure of multiplelocal circuits (FIG. 1). The mesoscale approach to synchro-nous assemblies has required the development of meth-ods adapted to that level of resolution, beyond thosetraditionally used for single-neuron recordings (BOX 4).

Evidence for large-scale synchronizationResults from LFPs and multi-unit recordings. Large-scalesynchronization is best illustrated by a series of studiesby Roelfsema et al.31–33, who recorded LFPs from severalelectrodes implanted in the cortex of cats. Cats were pre-sented with a grating that signalled the onset of a trial.When the orientation of this grating changed (2–4 slater), the animal had to press a response key to obtainfood reward. The dynamic changes in the correlationbetween the electrodes placed in visual, association,somatosensory and motor areas were then analysed overtime (FIG. 3A). There was a selective increase in the corre-lation between the respective LFPs during the executionof the task. A coherent pattern appeared as soon as theanimal focused its attention on the stimulus. This pat-tern was further increased until the task was completed,particularly between areas of the visual and parietal cor-tex, and areas of the parietal and motor cortex (FIG. 3A).Interestingly, this coherent pattern disappeared duringthe reward period, and neural activity shifted to low fre-quencies with no correlation between areas. This isdirect evidence that large-scale synchrony (at least asinferred through correlation) emerges as the underlyingbasis for an active, attentive behaviour.

Convergent results have been reported by Bressleret al.34–36, who recorded from the cortex of monkeys thatwere trained in a GO–NO-GO paradigm consisting of apreparation and discrimination task (FIG. 3B). Thestrength of coupling between widely spaced cortical

Single units

~1 µm

~1 mm

~1 cm

~1 cm

>2 cm



EEG electrode





Distant brain regions

Large scale


Local scale




100 ms




y (H






100 ms



y (H





100 ms

100 ms

Figure 2 | Neural synchrony as a multiscale phenomenon. A | Local scale: within a smallbrain region or local network, at least three levels of analysis can be distinguished. a | Synchrony between single units in monkey area V1 stimulated by a drifting grating, asmeasured by a cross-correlogram. b | Local field potentials (LFPs) from eight recordingelectrodes in the suprasylvian gyrus of an awake cat. Maximum separation between electrodeswas 7 mm. The overlapping traces show a brief episode of synchronization between the fastoscillations. c | Transient episodes of synchrony within a population of neurons recordedintracranially over the occipito-temporal junction in an epileptic patient performing a visualdiscrimination task. TIME–FREQUENCY ANALYSIS revealed an enhancement of the local energy inthe gamma band around 300 ms following the visual stimulation. This enhancementcorresponds to the transient synchronization of underlying populations. d | When recordedfrom a surface electrode, such synchronous patches appear as spatial summation of corticalresponses that give rise to transient increases in the gamma band. B | Large scale: patches oflocal synchrony in distant brain sites can enter into synchrony during cognitive tasks.Synchronous patterns between distant scalp electrodes were recorded in normal subjectsengaged in a face recognition task. B lack lines link electrodes that are synchronous during theperception of the face. (iEEG , intracortical electroencephalographic electrode; EEG ,electroencephalography.) (Panel Aa is adapted from REF. 123; Panel Ab is adapted withpermission from REF. 18 © (1999) Society for Neuroscience; panel Ac is adapted withpermission from REF. 54 © (2000) B lackwell Sciences Ltd and from REF. 124 © (1999) ElsevierScience ; panel B is adapted with permission from REF. 55 © (1999) Macmillan Magazines Ltd.)

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through functional interdependency that is subservedby large-scale coherence of LFP oscillations37–42. So,large-scale integration seems to operate in networkswith dynamic topography and multiple frequencies.

Evidence from medium-range recordings. In addition tothese studies (which are exemplary for the analysis oflarge-scale integration), several other works have pro-vided indirect information on this issue. These studieshave focused on the strength and coupling at shorterdistances within an area or between close connectedbrain areas. Spike synchrony has been observedbetween neurons (up to 2 cm apart) with heightenedresponses during expectancy in motor areas43, in areas17 and 18 of the visual cortex of cat22,44 and monkey45,between the two hemispheres46, and between hippo-campi47. Coherence has also been observed betweenLFPs from somatosensory and primary motor cortexseparated by an estimated cortical distance of 2 cm(REF. 48), and between primary and premotor areas49

during visuomotor behaviour in monkeys50.

areas measured by frequency coherence (BOX 2) changeddynamically during task performance and as a functionof the structures considered. Importantly, these coher-ence changes corresponded broadly to beta and gammabands, and appeared in coherence episodes that lasted50–200 ms. This timescale has been consistentlyobserved in most studies, at all levels of spatial resolu-tion, and might be related to the time required for tran-sient conjunctions between distributed areas that partic-ipate in attention. Subsequent analysis of the same dataset36 showed that pre-stimulus coherence showed adynamic topography,organized in two large-scale oscil-latory networks — dorsal and ventral. The coherence inthese two networks was characterized by two differentfrequencies in the beta range. After the transition frompreparation to recognition, the two networks reorga-nized into a new network that had peak coherence at yetanother frequency (FIG. 3B). These observations are rep-resentative of several other studies showing that multi-ple areas coordinate their activities during normal per-ceptuomotor behaviour. This coordination occurs

Box 4 | Methods for the study of phase synchrony

Measuring phase synchrony in various experimental conditions is not straightforward;newdynamic imaging methods had to be developed,and some problems still remain. For the studyof phase locking (see BOX 2), two steps are needed. First, to estimate the instantaneous phaseof each signal and, second, to quantify the degree of phase locking during a period of timeusing statistical criteria (see figure). In practice,detecting phase locking between two micro-electrodes that record single units can be reduced to the straightforward estimation of theCROSS-CORRELATION between spike occurrences. In fact, this is what neurobiologists who carryout single-cell studies have done for many years114. By contrast, for brain recordings at themeso- and macroscale levels of analysis, this estimation is not so straightforward,as onecannot rely on the intrinsic timing of spikes and the recorded signals include many frequencies.The challenge is to provide a measure of synchrony adapted to the transient nature of cellassemblies,despite the theoretical limitations of temporal resolution of any spectral analysis.

Two methods for instantaneous phase estimation have been introduced recently53,77. Theyare equivalent115,and have adequate time and frequency resolution.Others have used anadaptive modelling of the signals to estimate the phase61,116.One limitation of these methods,however, is that they require the observation of multiple repetitions of the same cognitiveprocedure. To overcome this caveat, two methods have recently been proposed; they allow theestimation of synchrony on single-trials (‘one-shot synchrony estimation’) and its detectiononline while the subject is performing the task117,118.Whatever the method used, the estimated phases are buried in considerable background or

intrinsic noise.As a consequence,phase differences between electrodes fluctuate around aconstant value and the question of whether there is synchrony or not can only be treated in astatistical sense by means of several indicators, such as surrogate data or mutual entropy.

Several problems remain to be solved before phase locking can become a robust method forbrain imaging. First, typical brain signals have broad bands and it is therefore difficult tointerpret an instantaneous phase clearly. Consequently, the studies reviewed here have beencarried out on filtered signals within a frequency band of a few Hertz.A generalized idea ofsynchrony applicable to a broader class of signals is a much-needed development119. Second,a troublesome difficulty comes from the lack of spatial resolution of electroencephalography(EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG),used in all studies of normal human subjects.In fact, two separate sensors can actually record from overlapping neural populations,opening the possibility for spurious synchrony between sensors not due to a coupling between brain structures but to volume conduction.One way to solvethis problem is to use special techniques that enhance the spatial resolution of the data120,121.A more radical solution is to reconstruct the neural sources atthe origin of EEG and MEG signals122,and to measure synchrony directly between them110,111. This problem has been bypassed in studies on peoplesuffering from epilepsy or Parkinson’s disease by recording directly from intracranial electrodes implanted for therapeutic purposes53.

Last, it is important to distinguish between phase synchrony and frequency coherence (BOX 2), which has been extensively used in most of the papersreviewed here (for example, see REFS 34,59,61). In principle, coherence mixes the effects of amplitude and phase in the interrelations between two signals.Aswe are interested in exploring the hypothesis that phase locking is the relevant biological mechanism of brain integration, we favour methods that focusexclusively on phase information.

Raw signals

Filtered signals

Instantaneous phase difference

Stable phase-difference episodes2π


100 ms

Band pass filter


Statistical identification ofphase-locking synchrony


Mathematical techniques usedto estimate the spectralcomponents (amplitude,frequency and phase) of shortnon-stationary signals (forexample, Wavelets, ARMA,Hilbert).


Probability for a neuron to spikeas a function of the latency of thelast spike of a second neuron.


Task in which the subject mustproduce a motor response forone class of stimulus whileignoring others.

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Results from LFPs and surface recordings in humans. Wehave studied patients implanted with multiple elec-trodes in preparation for surgical resection for epilep-sy53,54. In these people, we observed reliable power emis-sion in narrow frequency bands in the gamma rangewhen the subjects performed a simple visual-discrimi-nation task. These intracortical oscillations showedlarge-scale synchrony between temporal and frontallobes that appeared only during the execution of the dis-crimination task. Similarly, Aoki et al.42 have providedconverging evidence obtained from cortical grids

Studying single units in the frontal lobe of a behav-ing monkey during a go–no-go task, Vaadia et al.51,52

found changes in spike synchronous patterns thatcould not be predicted from the firing rates of individ-ual neurons. Interestingly, the phase organizationchanged from locking to dispersion during the dura-tion of a trial. In the perspective of large-scale integra-tion, this indicates that a single neuron might changeits coupling to other neurons in its local vicinity and indistant regions, and thus participate intermittently indifferent ensembles.


17i 18i 21i

7c 51c 5mc 4c

17c 7c 51c 5mc 4c

17i 18i 21i

51c 5mc7c17cAa



















0.05 0.11





T ime lag

150 ms–150 ms




T ime (ms)5004003002001000–60


go c




Perceive Respond

Perceive Respond







T ime (ms)5004003002001000–60





Figure 3 | Long-range integration studies I. A | Studies of a behaving cat during a sensorimotor task. a | Cross-correlation patternbetween local field potentials (LFPs) from areas of the visual, parietal and motor cortex, while the animal waited for rotation of a visualpattern. Recordings from somatosensory and motor areas taken from the contralateral hemisphere (c) relative to the paw used in thetask (i, ipsilateral; m, medial; n.s., not significant). b | Strength of the correlation functions among the areas recorded during the taskperiod. Thick lines indicate a coefficient >10%, thin lines between 5 and 10%, dotted lines <5%. B | Studies of a behaving monkeyduring a go–no-go motor task. a | Coherence values for the gamma band between two electrode pairs over the course of a motortask. During the response onset, the striate–motor pattern changes (green lines) sharply, whereas it remains stable for thestriate–parietal pair (red lines). b | Maps of significant coherence values after the stimulation, expressed as lines between recordingsites, mapped onto the brain of one of the monkeys. Note the appreciable extent of large-scale interdependencies. (Panel A isadapted with permission from REF. 31 © (1997) Macmillan Magazines Ltd; panel Ba is adapted with permission from REF. 34 © (1993)Macmillan Magazines Ltd; panel Bb was provided by S. Bressler, and is adapted from REF. 36.)

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implanted over the motor cortex of patients performingthree visuomotor tasks. All subjects showed a decreaseof low frequency power emissions and an increase ingamma oscillations. In most cases, the active sitesentered into frequency coherence during task perfor-mance over distant regions.

Significant evidence for large-scale synchronizationhas been provided recently from macropotentials re-corded as electroencephalographic (EEG) or magneto-encephalographic (MEG) signals. Direct support forlong-range synchrony has been found by Rodríguezet al.55, who studied the perception of high-contrasthuman faces in healthy humans. A consistent pattern ofsynchrony between occipital,parietal and frontal areaswas established during face recognition (around 250ms after stimulus presentation). This synchrony wasabsent when the faces were presented upside down andnot easily recognized (FIG. 4a). In both cases, a new pat-tern of synchrony in the gamma range emerged duringthe motor response given by the subject to indicate per-ception of the stimuli (720 ms). Interestingly, thisstudy also showed that the two emerging synchronouspatterns were punctuated in time by a transient butactive process of phase scattering in which the proba-bility of finding synchrony between two electrodes fellbelow the level observed before stimulation (FIG. 4a).This alternation or balance between phase synchro-nization and phase scattering has also been observedwithin and across hemispheres during arm move-ments56 and has also been found between single unitsin behaving monkeys57,58.

Srinivasan et al.59 studied MEG responses during aBINOCULAR RIVALRY TASK, in which two different gratingswere presented monocularly, flickering continuously ata distinct frequency. Depending on which stimulus wasperceived, there was a marked increase in both inter-hemispheric and intrahemispheric coherence at theflashing rate of stimulus presentation. In another study,von Stein et al.60 have reported EEG coherence related tothe appearance of a supramodal object. They presentedstimuli such as pictures, spoken or written words andstudied coherence patterns between auditory and visualregions, searching for multimodal integration. A com-mon pattern appeared in the beta band between tempo-ral and parietal electrodes, although the low frequencieswere enhanced in this study by the use of a large analysiswindow of 2 s.

Learning and attention.Miltner et al.61 showed that theestablishment of a visuotactile association was accompa-nied by gamma coherence between visual and somato-sensory cortices. This learned coherence vanishes after aperiod of extinction. By contrast, Sarnthein et al.62

observed a consistent increase in coherence between pre-frontal and posterior association areas in the THETA band(4–8 Hz) during a working memory task. This increasein coherence was possibly linked to hippocampal pace-makers, although other frequency bands (includinggamma) were also involved. In fact,phase-locked hippo-campal–cortical loops have been proposed to correlatewith the acquisition and retrieval of memories63.

Written presentation

Perception of objects

Coherence 13–18 Hz




















Auditory presentation


















Pictorial presentation


















–400 0T ime (ms)



y (H





400 800

–400 0T ime (ms)



y (H


Relative difference


ma em


elative difference




400 800





Perception condition

No perception condition







Increase Decrease

Figure 4 | Long-range integration studies II. a | Long-distance synchronization of theelectroencephalographic signal during a face-recognition task. The recognition of a high-contrast face leads to a highly selective increase in phase-locking values in the 40 Hz range 200ms after stimulus presentation (at t = 0) (upper time–frequency chart), which is absent when noface is recognized (lower time–frequency chart). The colour code indicates the degree ofdeviation from a reference period before stimulation. A second period of synchrony increaseoccurs after the motor response. In the middle panel, the perception condition is mapped ontosurface electrodes. Here the colour code corresponds to the gamma emission over the scalp.B lack lines indicate a significant level of synchrony over successive moments of time. Greenlines indicate a marked phase scattering between electrodes; that is, the likelihood of beingsynchronous has decreased below reference values (also seen in blue code in the upper andlower charts). b | Coherence (red lines) in the beta band between temporal (T) and parietal (P)cortex during multimodal object identification; Pz, Cz, Fz are electrodes on the cortical midline.(Panel a is adapted with permission from REF. 55 © (1999) Macmillan Magazines Ltd.)

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Themes for future researchDirect proof for the role of synchrony. The evidence avail-able so far regarding the function of synchronization isonly correlative. There is no direct proof that synchronyleads to changes in behaviour when it is selectivelyaltered. Such direct evidence has only been obtained inthe olfactory system of insects. Stopfer et al.76 showedthat odour discrimination deteriorates if synchroniza-tion patterns among olfactory bulb cells are disturbed.The search for similar evidence in the vertebrate brain isa daunting challenge,but future studies in this directionare a priority.

Long-range synchrony over several frequencies. Parallelphase synchrony over different frequency bands has beenreported in several contexts, most prominently as aninterplay between low and high frequencies33,34,77–80. Thisobservation raises the possibility that different bandsmight carry different dimensions of the integrationprocess. As these frequency bands are repeatedly foundin different individuals during the same behaviour, theyconstitute a characteristic frequency (or ‘eigenfrequen-cy’), a signature of the specific spatiotemporal distribu-tion of a resonant assembly. Friston81 proposed a methodfor studying modulations across frequencies and foundthat,during a hand motion, gamma frequencies in thefrontal cortex correlated with beta (20 Hz) activity in theparietal cortex. In a study of the behaving cat, von Steinet al.33 found a strong cross-coherence between gammaactivity in area 17 and beta activity in area 7 (FIG. 5). Ifmulti-frequency synchrony proves to be a pervasiveprocess during brain integration, then the basic syn-chrony mechanism will have to be extended into thestudy of cross-talk between frequencies and will probablyrequire novel methods of analysis.

Phase synchrony and phase scattering. There is someevidence that phase synchronization is accompaniedby phase scattering in other bands55,57,79 or betweendifferent neuron pairs58. We suggest that this novelobservation is crucial for the understanding of large-scale integration, which must implicate not only theestablishment of dynamic links, but also their activeuncoupling to give way to the next cognitive moment.Strictly speaking, the process of integration seems tobe based on the interplay between phase locking andphase scattering across different bands and at differentmoments in time. The cellular mechanisms responsiblefor such active phase scattering are unknown at pre-sent but most probably involve inhibitory modulationsof the neural rhythms, which lead to phase resetting ofa local ensemble.

Cellular mechanisms of synchronization. Recent stud-ies82,83 have emphasized the different roles of the betaand gamma bands, on the basis of an analysis of the ionchannels that give rise to the various rhythms. Oneimportant conclusion from this analysis is that the betaband is robust for the establishment of long-distancesynchrony; that is,over transmission delays of 10–50 ms.By contrast, gamma rhythms tend to be more labile for

Consistent with the putative functional role of syn-chronization, arousal and attention have repeatedlybeen found to modulate distributed patterns of syn-chronization fairly strongly64. Gamma coherence disap-pears during deep sleep induced by anaesthesia65,but itis enhanced during return to wakefulness or followingstimulation of the reticular formation66,67.More pre-cisely, Steinmetz et al.68 trained monkeys to switch theirattention between visual and tactile stimuli and showedthat pairs of synchronous cells in the somatosensorycortex followed the direction of attention. Synchronyincreased by 80% and decreased by 20% in neuronpairs that corresponded to the modality towards whichattention was re-directed.

If large-scale synchrony is the basis for normalbrain functioning, then synchrony disruption shouldcause functional abnormalities69,70. In epilepsy, thelocal intrinsic frequencies become enslaved to a pace-maker and give rise to slow, uniform oscillations thatarise over minutes71,72. In Parkinson’s disease, TREMOR

has been proposed to arise from the spread of abnor-mal coupling patterns between the representations ofthe limb muscles in basal ganglia73. It has also beenproposed that a disruption of synchrony is related tothe fragmented cognitive experience of patients withschizophrenia74,75.

The studies that we have reviewed support the ideathat phase synchrony is essential for large-scale integra-tion. The evidence is well grounded in single-cellrecordings and LFPs studies in animals, and also in evi-dence from humans using more global measurementssuch as EEG and MEG. Similar characteristics seem toemerge at all levels of resolution. We seem to be scratch-ing the tip of a large new area of brain understandingthat could become a dominant area of research inneuroscience.




7c 51c 5mc 4c

00 –3.0

















10 20 30 40 50

Area 17 f (Hz)


7 f


60 70 80 90 100

Figure 5 | Interdependence between different frequency components from local fieldpotentials recorded from the cortex of a behaving cat. The dual cross-coherence is shownbetween two electrodes in area 17 and 7 in logarithmic values. The peak in the lower right, forinstance, indicates a phase relation between gamma activity in area 17 and beta activity in area 7.(Adapted with permission from REF. 33 © (2000) National Academy of Sciences of the USA.)


Task in which each eye of thesubject is shown a differentimage. This results in a bistablevisual experience.


Neural rhythmic activity (4–8cycles per second).


Abnormal rhythmic muscularactivity (4–8 Hz) observed inParkinsonian patients.

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temporal scale of brain operation7,88.The transient natureof coherence is central to the entire idea of large-scalesynchrony, as it underscores the fact that the system doesnot behave dynamically as having stable attractors,butrather metastable patterns — a succession of self-limit-ing recurrent patterns25,26,52,89–91. In the brain, there is no‘settling down’but an ongoing change marked only bytransient coordination among populations, as the attrac-tor itself changes owing to activity-dependent changesand modulations of synaptic connections.

The various aspects of large-scale integrationthrough synchrony constitute the basis for severalbroader considerations about brain dynamics as coordi-nated spatiotemporal patterns23,25,26,81,92,93. A central issueis the solution to the apparently opposing needs of localspecificity of activity versus the constraints imposed byother areas, which has been highlighted as the hallmarkof brain complexity94. Under this vision, the brainappears as a resourceful complex system that satisfiessimultaneously the exogenous and endogenous con-straints that arise at each moment by transiently settlingin a globally consistent state. These novel views on thebrain might throw light on the emergent principles thatlink neuron and mind, as the large-scale integration ofbrain activity can be considered as the basis for theunity of mind familiar to us in everyday experience95–97.

long-distance links and more probably serve to buildlocal patches of synchrony60. Electrical stimulation ofbrain slices at different frequencies under optical imag-ing provides support to these ideas5. In fact, the inter-play between beta and gamma bands has been found insome of the studies mentioned above. Further researchis needed to refine our understanding of the cellularbasis of the synchronization phenomena.

Relation between fast and slow brain rhythms. Althoughthe fast gamma and beta frequencies are most clearlyinvolved in the establishment of synchrony, they have tobe understood in the context of the slower ALPHA andtheta bands.The mutual influence between specific nucleiof the thalamus and the cortex is pervasive. The same istrue for nonspecific nuclei such as the pulvinar, whichprojects to multiple cortical areas. These reciprocal rela-tions can deploy across different frequencies (includingthe alpha range around 10 Hz (REFS 84,85)), which areinvolved in setting and resetting the cycles of excitatorypostsynaptic potentials on pyramidal cells.A slower pac-ing occurs in the theta band below 7 Hz in limbic struc-tures during memory consolidation86,87. These slowerrhythms could provide the slower temporal framing forsuccessive cognitive moments of synchronous assemblies,a slower beat within which beta and gamma rhythmsoperate.Research in this direction is much needed.

Beyond synchronyThe experimental evidence consistently shows that syn-chronous networks emerge and disappear in waves thatlast 100–300 ms; these transients represent a meaningful


Neural rhythmic activity (8–12cycles per second).

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AcknowledgementsThanks to Jean-Baptiste Poline for this help concerning metabolicimaging methods. This work was partly supported by the Ministèrede l’Education et la Recherche (Action Cognitique) and theFundacion Puelma (E.R.)

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