the brine shrimp, biomass 8 2>,,,:, cyst … c\aporat~on and cnstall~rat~on arc conaructed...

Post on 01-Mar-2019






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c l ~ d A l~nntl nrt w~ th XOo irilrroll\ c;111 III\U hr (Ired In I ~ i ~ r v r r f ~ n x tllc hlomaar llalvrvt r l ~ t a ~ l d h r stoppml. \ c l ~ r l ~ the tlenritv IS rcdllccd to 100 s(lultr pet IIIIC I lnrvrrlv<l hlomnss nl~mtld he clennccl w ~ t h lic*hwstcr tn \ c i ~ r l ~ OIY lllr atlhcr~np salt nntl then alircnd out 111 thin l i~v r r In lrlnrtlr Irnys l iu lhc pllrpour ol'qrllck ficennp nl 2 <"(,

1,111 I IIC nllowrd t ..... I..... 11.

hr cvst prtduct~nn. thr poplllatlon rhtu~ld 11 rrnch n dmwv of !nore tl~nn 200 ntltllts

o 4 1 t ~ c 8 rmc r c l ~ r ~ u l i s t ~ ~ c Iirhavlour of tllc population 1111\ 10 hc s\vllrtrctl cruel to cvst-l~ear~np t'rolll !hi11 ol II~II!~~III~.~IC~III~~. I~II which, IIIC pnp~l lat~nt~ has tn Itr SII~I~CCIC~I lo CIIYIII~~I~CII~II~ IIIPIS \Vhrli the cII~~~IvPCI tnvr:rvi snnlcnt ofthe pon~l water rrtnalns at I PPIII, thc ~ ~ o p ~ ~ l ~ l t i ( v l I* ~ lo~l~inated \VIIII ~ ~ i ~ t ~ p l ~ ~ ~ \ - l ~ c ~ r n y Sc~i~nle\ l l ~ ~ ~ ~ r v c ~ , II <I~II?IIC I~~I~ICII~II 111 d ~ s ~ t ~ l v t ~ l o\vgen CC~IIIVIII I>CI<IN I p111ii t,r?ater IIIC strcr\ cond~t~tln 111 tllc ~ i a ~ l ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ t ~ o r i . tc%tlll~n!: In tlic su.~trh ovcr to r\st.hennnp In tvt~~nlc? A \ tl~r mllnc 11nt111e c~l'tkr. wnrrt hng d l m t

rclat~onrh~li towards the oxygen content o f the water. the lncleahc In sal~n~ts would result In lowcnng of oxvgcn level t)unnp the th~rd month (rf culn~rc. the h a l ~ t i ~ t ~ II~ pond wntcr has to he lncrcnscd from I00 pp! 11, 200 ppl. hv punrplnp lnph sal~nc water l'hls would rcslkll In the rrlcasr ofcvst\ from the fcmnlc populatton

Thc Ilherntml cvsts tcnd to flail and arc dnvcn towards thc inner penpl~cn ofthe pond hv wlncl actton . . ('vsts sht~l ld he collected e\en nlonnnp when thev are Ilontlnp In the wntcr crrlu~nn u ~ t h tlic help o f a scmp nc! hn\,inp a n ~ e \ l ~ r i l e ol' 100 nncron\ l o fac~lltate easy I~nncst of cvstr. a nct harrlcl could he crcctcd alonp the Inner penphew 01' the pi~nd. so as to nuold contnmlnntlon o f cvst\ w th the eup;scd sandy,mudd~ area, 01' the pond Il' the cvslr arc not hanestnl da~lv nnd Icft to hc m l w i with ennd\ nrca Tor lonper pn~cxi. 11 I\ I~kclv that thc cvsts nlav pet dried and hlown awnv hv the wlnd. thur sprcndlng them to aln~ust the enrim- water nrca In the salt pan bunher, cvsts tvhlch were expciscd to hvdration and dchvdratlon w ~ l l reduce thor \ * ~ a h ~ l ~ t v

STORAGE OF HARVESTED CYST 1 In~rtallv. the hanested c\rt\ rhrnlld h r nnrcd ln

saturated hnnc water Cleantnp of the cvsts should be done w ~ t h d~ffercnt me4i-rlzcd raves to renio\.c the corrnpondlnp s17d Impurltle\ Whm the cvRs arc hcpl In the hnnc. hcavc lmpurltaer =cxtld nnh to the hortn~n The floallnp cv'its and ImporItle\ rhnuld he collected and kept mtrpcndcd In seawater Then tlic \~nhlc cvrts sink to the hcmoni of the contnlncr. wh~lc the Impuntler and dead cyst\ tend to float Thus. the v~ahlc cyst\ can hc collcctcd and n~adc delivdratd, 1111 thctr mnlsture content rcachcs lo less than Iflna I h e d cvsls ctuld he packed In vacuum nr wtth nttrogcn. In metal cnntatncrs or pnl\~ethvlcnc bnps

Ahnut 2()0 kp ol II\C hlomars and 10 LC ot d n cvstr cnuld he produced dunns a <-month opcrauon from I ha pond

ECONOMICS -- - Arrrmr~r hlo~nasr and cyst prnductlon w ~ l d

+Id a profit. IT two crops per year are sch~r\,ed from I ha pond. uqlh a pav-hack per14 hang : vears and 44 59 ' 0 lntcrnal rate ol~rclurn


,-I*- nr* 0.1,.",""." *.r.Cc+

H c a d ~ u a r t ~ m Drmw ce"1~a, NO ? 4 1 ~nstmvt. Nar%haH~Roao o'Rt.nnm*.ts, F g m Aoumntnr

ChCnn.rYI:w:lw 'r~monrr Dlrsmr iPmonmI1 b5Y851

Omrr RLI'AR'II H','d,T*i

Cowtaer R m m "8 *. 2>,,,:,

T c h x Ml&Cl(l'rl ClHA IN 1clspr.m KCVt ,:,ON Far 41 4411('1UR51 F nvll ~ , o ~ . n . s i i n r p na 4" M,~uL; .~u t x p e r i ! ! ~ ~ 1lc.11 sva11on ol CIRA. MndnlS ~ , , c , , ~ ~ d ~ I .pnmrn.I staim ot CIHA UadraR + n v a ~ n n pol' 503'1: Anna :lI't . R l n l 'idd" T ~ m ~ h n n e 0111445344

Kahdwlp Research CRnlm

O r f e u Tel~pnone CM757.233111

NaqakkaI Rclesrch Ctll l fr ~ * r a . ~ n - c t m r y hrnr..k.l Rerearch Csntta of CIRA hACi4MML "U?505 * *.aia Trampnorm 01844092% p**- 4 4 . :T,"Iz>",*.̂ &-dk:??fr*r..- 0, P r(."~h.nll." .nu 0, K 0 h*

L~~wc-. . m SI,,, R Y D ~*th?~.t ~ ~ a u d a r n D, DI A P R R.nrhnvJr.n ~hu~mrr,~lb.tnv. n s"11 bla- LII and D, (UC.1 Mln.r.# P"".".

-. - - - 1 . 1 . . ' . .



CHENNAI - 00 0(

Apr one elf 1111

luvenller I

rropriate and nutritionally halanced feed is : ttnportnnt inputs In ninlny the larvae. nncl adults of finfish and shellfish In

nqui~c~~lture practicer Such fecd dcterm~nes the rucceln arlcl l t t~t r econrmlical re'ltrrn o l c~rlture operallons I.ive fc-utlr I IW~ III aquaculture include alpae, rotlfen. copcpc~ls, rlatlcscri~r~r and the h r~nr uhrinllr. Ar/rmrrr o f wlt~ch, thr l~rlnc shrimp ranks first hv vinc~e of its acrvlnp RI a ~nmplctr Iiml. as IIY Ia.vac arc fed to postl;~rvel staprs e l l sllrin~p. crah and fish. ~uvcniles and prr-i~tlttlts arc ~ ~ r r t l In nuncry rearinp nnd adults arc pl\,rn nr lhc mnlllratlon dlct for thc developnlent o f hroodqt(x.k

n the context o f the hrinc rhrimp as the mort- liccl in srluac~dttrrc, thc I'0titrn1 l n ~ t ~ t u t e o f \villcr A~II~CLIIIII~C has tlntfenaken Kcsearch

and Development Programmer to develop a su~tahle technoloyv lor the htomarr and cvrt produfllon o f the hrlnr rhrrmp in th~r brochure, there are two pan,. the firrt one deallng w ~ t h the h~olngv o f the hnne shnmp and the aher pan dcsllny w ~ t h the methodolog) to he adopted for the hlomasr and cvst product~on lnformatlon on the hloloyv o f the hnne shnmp would help the h n e r r for haler undcrrtand~ny of the prcsedure meant for the ruwerqlul ach~wment o f blomar\ and cyrt product~on

1 BIOLOGY 1 The hnnc rhnmp has denved Its name hy l ~ v ~ n g

In h ~ y h sallne watcr med~um It 8s a pnmltl\e cruvtnLean prownp to n r l r r of ahout I 0 cm In length I t I r lnrnd In large numher In h~gh sallne lagoons %all lakes and wit pan areas where v~nuallv ne~ther cnmpet~tors lor f w d nor nnv predators do occur

'The hrlne shrlmp has two strams, one hlsexual (presence o f male and femalc) and the other pnnllenopenclic fonlv female) Adull males can h r ~denttfinl hv the prernce of n palr o f large-simd clnsperr In the antcrlor pmlon of the an~nral, whdc femnles do not posrcss such claspers However. adult fcnlllles possess an ov~wc or utcn~s

In the hlrvxunl stmln. the spmn from the malc is tnnsfurrcd to thc ovlasc o f the linralc dunny the course of copc~lat~on. thus the ews prcwnt In thc oviwc are fenlllsml and Iilnher mrhNonlc development takcs placc In Ihc case o f panllenopenet~c stram. cmhryon~c dc\~rlopmcnt starts directly as socm as the ews reach the ov1sac Thr ernhryo drvelops e~ther Into naupllus or coated w ~ t h shcll to form cyst, in the wlsac. dcpcndtny ulwn the pmal l inp env~mnmental conditions o f water nlcdium In other wnds. when the env~ronmcntal

feamrcs rrr favmrahle. adult female releaw n a u p l ~ ~ Onlv cyst9 are rcleared under unfa\numhle cond~t~nns Thus Ar lemt~ exhrhrlr an er tnodlnan mcchant~nr to produce the succcrr~ve gencntlnns The rate of relcaw o f ellher naup l~~ or n r t \ from a slnplc female IS ahnut 300 numhcrs

The cyst mcasurcs 200-300 mlcmns In d ~ m n c r The size of thc freshly hatched naupll~ls IS 4Ml-5lNl microns The juvcn~lcs nnd adults are filler faedm and feed on algae and m~cropantcles of I n s than 50 m~crms The llfc span IS ahout 6 months Adults reach maturitv In thc first ? week\ nllcr hatchlnp and thcv produce cont~nuouslr. naupllr ot msts thrnuphwt rhnr l ~ f e span at an ~ntcwal o f 5-7 days

METHODOLOGY FOR CULTURE I In a tvplcal salt pan area the wit 1s produced

durrne the d n r e a m whew the ponds meant for rcsennr c\aporat~on and cnstall~rat~on arc conaructed Seauate~ a hrack~shuater IS alloucd 10

flow Into the reurvo~rs As and when rcqu~red water I r pumped Into evapnratlon pnndr from uherc 11 19 apaln pumped Into crvnalllser ponds when the sallnln of water rcschs 240 ppt The napmarlon ponds w ~ t h a ral~nltv rinse o f 10-200 ppt offer an excellent %ope for Arrtmar c v ~ and h~omass productlon wlth 3llsht mnd~licatlonr

POND PREPARAnON 1 - Culture pond shmld be rcctangulrr In shape and

mnrn 0 7-1 ni uater In order to ma~nta~n the water tcmpmturc w d l h c l w the lethal level o f 4 0 ' ~ For a pmod of 7-10 dnvq. the prmd hottom rhould he cxpmcd

to sun drvlny I f thc wul p l i 15 hrltm '. llmc should hc added at a rate of l M n Lpha to r a w thc WII pl4 to 7

I~ntrh~np Tltr ldral IIWIC ftw ~ t o r h ~ n p I* thr lntr hen113 In thr c\cn~n!: or thr rnrt\ IIIHI~ In thr nlcunlnu

Iniballv. filtered n,atcr havlnu n snllnlt\ of 70 ppt IS pumped Into thr pond to a l n c l or 0 nl 'lhcn the pnnd uatct shnlld tw f r n ~ l ~ r e d c~thrr w ~ t h ownnsc or rnnrgnnlc f c n ~ l ~ ~ c n Ancr npp l r ln~ an ~ n ~ t ~ a l do\r of fmlllzerr. the n.nln Iwc l qhnlld hc ~ n c r r n r d to 0 7-1 0 n i In the case olorpan~c f r n ~ i ~ ~ c r . for example. ch~ckm manure. a total quanurr of 4.lUHI kg 1s rnlulrrd fol I ha pond, whlch shnuld hc applted I" 4 11) (9 rp l~ t doscs durlng thr 5-month cul t~~rc pcrl~xl T h r v $pl~t d o ~ cnuld he kept In punnv haps and plncml dm!: tllr lnnrl penpherv ofthe pnnd or la thc c m c r s . w, that n plndunl Icach~ng of mnnurc tnkes placc In the caw oI'tnor)mn~c fen~l~rers. a cornh~natl(in 01 urea. ullpcr pl~c(sphatc nnd d~an~monlum phosphatr, IS prcfcrrcd h tcrtsl qunntlt\ of 450 kg ofcach I\ rnlulrrd f i x I ha pond. wh~ch shrwld he spl~t Into 10-17 dow5 and nppl ld a! pencd~ml ~ n t m a l a durlnp. the entlrr culturc pcr~cd

1 STOCKING - - J For f 4 1 n p thr postlunar of chrlmp crah and

fish sn~nll-71red naup111 of ht~nc 41nmp arr prelcrml B ~ n w the \an I mnctuo Ra\ \tram o f hnnc rhrlmp vrcldr smallcr-stred n u s nnd lsnae and pcnscrcrs h~eher fecmlndlrv 11 Is prefcncd In culturr oprrallon mcr that ot loul lndlnn araln Thr naupllus ol the hnne qhnmp 15 known to tolcrntr w~de rnnpr o f rallnlt$ and temperature and hence the nacrplmr rtape IS ~dcal for ntocklnp purpour The quantum of cvrt\ requ~rcd lor tnoc~~lat~on 1% calculated hawd on thr \olumr of water prevnt In the pirnd and hatclllnp eflic~enc, of the cvrt; The opttmtrm rate of rtnch~n& 1% 40 n r c ~ p l ~ ~ pn lltrc I he cy ru have to hc kept In thc hatchlng tanks contalnlng seawater and 11 wmld take Vt.48 hour< fnr cmnplac

Thr total d~lratlrm II~ culnlrr I\ ' mnnlku. wh~ch. thr firqt two nilmlhr nrr dclined nu pllnv~mll pcrltxl, thc th~rd m ~ ~ n t l i a% the ~ndirrrnlmt p c r ~ t d a1111 thr In,! twu nlonthb a\ IIIII\,C\I ~)?r!c!il I>IIIIIIM Ihr $ r i * ~ + ~ ~ t ~wnwl. IIIC op11n1n1 r n ~ ~ ~ n w ~ t t r r n ~ l ~ .mr l~ t~o I r r hnvc I(, hc n ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ n c d . la,! cwvnplc. Ikr !r%ninlmlntrru 111' \a l~n~tv at l0(1 ~[II anel sddrt~on nf l r n ! l ~ ~ c r \ fur lllr upkeep nf Irn~lrt\ rrl pond wain. scr tt~nt lhr nuup111 nnaln adullhnnd. mntotnt~on nnd ~II~ULIIICIII

mult~pl~cat~on o l rcvrrnl prnrlntlem\ to wrtaln I~~orrlar\ prIwlucl~lrn

Whrn thc adult pnpolar~m nttrln6 a clm*rlu 01' ahnut 2fKb numherr pce l ~ t r r h~r~mnrr can he hnrvcrtr(l uwny a drap ncl crr d ~ p nrt wrth ?(Yl mlcronr III 11% rcwl

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