the bruno groening technique - ramachandra

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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The Bruno Groening technique

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The Bruno Groening technique

This is the most simple technique I have discovered so far for collecting prana / chi / life-force energy into

the body. The body needs prana for you to feel awake and energised and for all the organs to function

efficiently. Instead of reaching for a cup of coffee or something sweet to pick you up - both which will

eventually damage your energy levels - here is a technique that with practice will fill you with energy faster

and faster.

The technique itself is so simple. It's done for healing by many people, but works on many other levels and

is a highly nourishing practice, plus it is a fairly full spiritual practice on its own (when you ask for guidance

each time), which can take practitioners a long way along the spiritual path.

Another key benefit of this technique is that it clears the mind. Clearing the mind allows us to operate with

more harmony, and by the Law of Attraction, brings better outcomes into our lives.

You can also read an excellent article about the technique here:


- Sit down in a fairly upright position

- Back unsupported is better, but only if it's no strain. Otherwise relax in a chair.

- Feet flat on the ground - legs not touching each other and definitely not crossed.

- Palms of hands facing upwards - usually resting on the thighs

- Hands not touching, arms not crossed.

- Listening to beautiful uplifting music helps too

I also find sitting down with my forearms resting on a desk with palms facing upwards can be wonderful

too. This takes the strain our of computer work and it means I can stop periodically and recharge while I'm

working away at something.


- Just relax and ask Bruno (or your favourite guru) to help the energy come in and help with whatever is on

your mind (problems, wishes etc)

- feel your whole body - especially the feet, hands and top of head (main areas where energy comes in)

- allow yourself to go gradually into a pleasant trance

- half an hour morning and night is recommended by the peopel who teach this method


- Calm gradually replaces nervousness and anxiety (which are signs of low prana)

- Levels of prana coming into the body increase with time and practice

- Digestion works more effectively

- In time, emotional issues and diseases can be cleared and the body returned to full health and vitality

Stronger energy sensations come each time. I've heard that doctors who were impressed by instant

healings started trying the practice initially with little effect for a few weeks, and gradually developed to the

point where the usual "electrical" effects were felt in various places in the body.

Note: if strong and somewhat alarming electrical effects are felt in the body, just ask Bruno Groening or

your own teachers to help and ensure everything is safe. Just as when a limb has "gone to sleep" and the

blood flowing back into it causes "pins and needles", so it is when the energy flowing into old blocked

channels and it feels very uncomfortable too. Just be patient and know that all is guided and for the best.

This is a great blessing to feel those "electrical" pin-pricks in your hands!

As a note - Bruno Groening is said to have indicated that in general, sugar and coffee can reduce the

effectiveness of this practice - so most practitioners following his method avoid these substances as much

as they can. Curiously he was totally against alcohol and yet did not dissuade people from eating meat,

though I'm sure he frowned on overeating. I have personally found that any kind of overindulgence in

western sugary food really sabotages my energy work so please, eat fruit instead!

Like many saints, Bruno Groening (who passed on in 1959 I think) told people he would be able to help

many more people when he'd passed from the physical world. He advised people to ask him to take their

The Bruno Groening technique - ramachandra

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problems, their worries and their illnesses and he would happily bear them on his large shoulders. After the

one-day meditation workshop where I learned the technique, I asked him for help with my car and my tax -

both which were not looking very promising and both situations had unexpectedly positive results - and

there seemed to be signs he was helping. I also had a dream about being involved in an unfortunate car

crash the night after the one-day meditation workshop and also some strange signs before I left the house

to get in the car, so I decided to take extra care on our narrow roads and did actually slow right down and

find that I could have ended up in a difficult situation if I'd driven the way I normally do. Strange how things

work! And always good to ask for help from above. You will find wonderful blessings associated with

receiving this wonderful energy.

As a down-to-earth example of how this can work, I used to find my back would get very painful while

driving long distances. The yogic "moola bandha" muscle contraction helped a lot, but was a real effort to

maintain on a long drive. But I find just putting my left foot flat on the car floor (it's an auto) and placing one

palm upwards to connect to the healing energy (what Bruno calls the "Heilstrom" - the healing flow) is all I

need to make sitting in the car comfortable again - even on a long trip. And of course mantras work fine

with it too.

When doing the Bruno Groening technique, I feel like I am like a big laptop battery and I am now being put

back on charge - and each time I do it, I feel the battery is gradually learning to hold more and more charge

too. You just relax and soak up the energy.

Advanced applications

When you get really good at it, you will find that you can just work at your computer and you can feel the

energy coming into your feet as you breathe the energy in. The more you active those foot and hand

chakras, the more they will work for you!

And as a final note - I asked the German doctor who first taught me this technique and he did mention that

some people who consistently practised this had been surprised to find their 3rd eye opening and other

phenomena happening. So there is a lot more to this methof than you might think!

All the best and hope it helps you too,

Ramachandra :)

Bruno Groening (1906-1959)

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The Bruno Groening technique - ramachandra

2 sur 2 03/05/2014 22:36

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