the buglethe bugle€¦ · 01-11-2007  · of the month karlo and parent and former board member,...

Post on 20-Jul-2020






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WPS Students of the Month


Facilities Presentation Planned


Little Children, Big Hearts


HERO Leadership 2014


What’s Happening in Art at WHS


WMS Students of the Month


Professor Wylde’s Traveling Show


Dr. Seuss Literacy Night


WIS Jumps Rope for Heart


2nd Grade Concert


Wellness Policy for a Healthy School


Board Seeks Pay-to-Participate Input


HS Athletics Pre-Participation Screening


Alumni Association Meetings


Mark Your Calendars—May


Inside this issue:




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The BugleThe Bugle A P R I L 2 0 1 4

Woodridge High School Earns Bronze Ranking By: Christy Weaver, Bugle Editor

On April 22, the US News and World

Report rankings of high schools were

released. Woodridge High School

earned a BRONZE ranking out of 832

Ohio high schools. Among the

rankings, only 22 received gold, 93

earned silver, and 129 earned bronze.

More than 19,000 schools nationally were analyzed for ranking.

Nearly every public high school in the United States was evaluated

during the calculation of rankings. U.S. News and World Report

teamed with American Institutes for Research (AIR) to determine

how well high schools serve all of their students, not just the ones

planning to go to college. According to the U.S. News Best High Schools, a Best High School

is one that:

Attains performance levels that exceed statistical

expectations given the school's relative level of student

poverty, as measured by state accountability test scores for all

the school's students in the core subjects of reading and math.

Achieves proficiency rates on state tests for their least

advantaged student groups (e.g., black, Hispanic and

economically disadvantaged students) that exceed state


Prepares its students for college, as measured by student

participation in and performance on Advanced Placement (AP)

exams or International Baccalaureate (IB) exams.

From that methodology, schools were evaluated using a

three-step process.

Step 1: Overall performance of students on state tests

Step 2: Least advantaged students performed better than

state average

Step 3: Performance on college level Advanced Placement

exams or International Baccalaureate exams

Based on our bronze ranking, Woodridge High School met the

first two of the criteria above. Woodridge High School was ranked

at the Bronze level in both 2007 and 2008 and Silver in 2013. We

are very proud of our continued rankings on the U.S. News and

World Report and believe that this achievement only attests to our

high level of standards for excellence.

Remember to

Vote May 6!

Renewal Levy on May 6th Ballot By: Walter Davis, Superintendent

The Woodridge Board of Education has placed a renewal levy on

the May 6th ballot. Not a new tax, Issue 8 will enable the district to

maintain current levels of funding as long as it is renewed this

year. This particular issue accounts for nearly twenty-three

percent of the district’s general fund operating budget. As such, it

is critical to the continued solvency of the school district.

The Levy Committee is co-chaired by Woodridge parent Scott

Karlo and parent and former Board member, Jeff McHugh.

Traveling around the district, you will see levy yard signs as well

as two billboards along State Road. Post cards are being mailed

to voters reminding them of the issue and urging them to vote. The

committee is working hard to ensure that voters are aware of this

important initiative.

Don’t forget! Issue 8 is on the May 6th ballot. Be sure to vote on

May 6th!


This month, we feature our most experienced Board of Education member, Marilyn Hansen. Mrs. Hansen has lent her skills and expertise for a total of 34 years to the Woodridge Board. She was elected in 1977 and began her first term in January of 1978. Mrs. Hansen,

during her time with Woodridge, has worked with the past six superintendents including Roger Edwards, Dick Clapp, George McGuire, Dr. Jeff Graham, and current superintendent Walter Davis. She has always been well known for being actively involved with the district including attending sports games, concerts, graduations, and community events.

Establishing her family in the Peninsula area in 1969, Mrs. Hansen has resided in the area since then. She and her husband Dewey have two adult sons, Greg and Brad, and own Hudson Extrusions, Inc. a plastic tubing and extrusion specialist company in Hudson, Ohio.

A 55 year member of the National Ski Patrol, Mrs. Hansen still patrols at Boston Mills during the winter. She is the treasurer of her church, the Woodridge Levy Committee, and the Peninsula Home and Garden Club.

Mrs. Hansen states, “I would like to continue my interest in making Woodridge Local Schools the best of the best school district. My philosophy is to ensure every student reaches their full potential educationally and socially by their graduation.”

As you can see, Mrs. Hansen is an incredibly well-rounded and

experience woman. We are extremely lucky to have her on our

Board of Education and would like to thank her for her continued

support and dedication to this district.

Meet the Bulldog By: Christy Weaver, Bugle Editor

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Jump Rope for Heart is a national educational fundraising program sponsored by the American Heart Association and the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance.

During March, the students at WPS participated in the Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser collecting donations for the American Heart Association. After all of the donations were counted the children had raised $4,412.00. Eleven students raised over $100.00 individually. Kindergartener, Kyle Bartilson, raised the most securing $265.00 in donations.

Due to the efforts of our students, The American Heart Association will provide a gift coupon for the purchase of new physical education equipment at WPS. The students at WPS truly have big hearts and they did their part!

Little Children, Big Hearts By: Keith Shovestull, WPS Teacher

What’s Happening in Art at WHS? By: Chelby Benson, WHS Teacher

Ms. Benson’s Drawing & Painting I & II

students have started Mural Paintings.

This year our mural painting project has

taken a new twist- murals are being

painted on Rain Barrels! The students

have discussed water conservation and

the challenges our community faces

when it comes to water conservation

and waste water management. With help from Summit County Soil and

Conservation District, we were able to track down rain barrels that were

donated from the City of Avon Lake.

Thanks to help from township employees and our custodian team, we were

able to transport the barrels back to Woodridge High School. It truly has

been a team effort and students have stepped up to the challenge!

Together, teams of students are painting a total of seven (7) rain barrels

which we will be auctioning off in the upcoming months. The teams have

collaborated on designing and painting these barrels. We hope these will

begin a community conversation and awareness of creative venues for

citizens to take when helping protect our local ecosystem. Follow us on

Twitter @woodridgeart to see the process of mural painting and get

updates on when our art opening and auction of the barrels will take place.

HERO Leadership 2013-2014 By: Lynn Doskocil, WMS School Counselor

The WMS H.E.R.O.s are composed

of 7th and 8th grade volunteers.

H.E.R.O. stands for "Helping

Everyone Respect Others". They

work as a team to eliminate social

cruelty at WMS by planning

assemblies, making posters, giving

morning announcements, preparing

slide shows and music, and

researching ways students can better get along. We would like to thank this

year’s volunteers for their hard work and dedication to making WMS a better

place for all!

Front Row: Alex Vass, Elijah Roberson, Jabron Driskill, Nick Davis, Luke

Hosford. Row 2: Allee Berry, Michael Massey, Robert Singletary, Jordon

Vass, Anna Schmeltzer, Gavin Lamp. Row 3: Casey Joyner, Kaley Reinhart,

Lana Norris, Molly Howard, Amanda Dunn, Audrey Galehouse, Claire

Gardner. Back Row: Nikolai Starr, Ben Kellar, Daunriae Butler, Nick Tomic,

Lexus Morehouse. Not pictured: Marissa Bowers, Austin Fleming, Jada

Howell, Krysten Alheit.

Facilities Presentation Planned By: Walter Davis, Superintendent

Beginning in December 2013, the Woodridge Local School District Board

embarked on a process to develop a long-range comprehensive facility

master plan that would serve the students, staff, administration and

community for years to come. The process has included meetings with Board

members, community members, administrators, principals, staff, students, and

other stakeholders. The District engaged the team of Chas Schreckenberger

of Braun and Steidl Architects, and Charles Warner of Warner Concepts, LLC.,

to facilitate the development of the long-range facility master plan. The team

gathered demographic, housing, enrollment, and facility information to develop

a comprehensive profile of the district.

A planning committee was formed, and through a series of meetings,

workshops with administrators, students, staff, and parents, have developed

an educational framework that will include guiding principles for future

instructional and support programs. Community Dialogues were held to

ascertain the values of the community and to form a framework for facilities

options. Options for new buildings and/or renovations to existing schools were

presented to the community at those forums and a preferred option was

selected. The information gathered during the entire process, along with the

preferred option, will be compiled into a master plan and report that will be

presented to the Board of Education on May 13 at 6:00 p.m. during their

regular business meeting in the High School Library.

WPS Students of the Month By: Pat Kennedy, WPS School Counselor

Congratulations to our

Woodridge Primary School

Building Character Students

of the Month for March.

These students were chosen

by their classrooms for doing

an excellent job showing

Self-control, our Word of the


Front Row: Jacob Igleheart, Finley Getch, Anan Barlow, Annalisse Barnes,

Libby Bragg, Claire Gregory. 2nd Row: Xander Heisler, Hannabella Basinger,

Cassie Fritz, Emma Matlack. 3rd Row: Mallory Cyc, Payton Kidder, Tyler

Robbins, Liberty Young, Tyler Mathis. Back Row: Marcello Varner, Adriana

Fuentez, Kayla Mayner, Emily Durate, Ker Roh Lay, Erick Williams. Not

pictured: Ariana Woods.

Congratulations to the WMS Students of the Month. This month’s theme was effort. Left to Right: Nick Tomic, Syeeda Abdulzahir -Forest, Tanner Laughorn, Aryana Cherry, Muhammad Kadirov, Liz Presley.

WMS Students of the Month By: Jesse Hosford, WMS Principal

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Professor Wylde’s Traveling Show Makes a Stop at WPS By: Patty Roman, WPS Teacher

The second grade students at

Woodridge Primary School enjoyed an

afternoon with wild animals from every

animal group in our very own

gymnasium. Professor Wylde’s

Traveling School Show engaged the

students with live trained animals, while

covering state mandated science

standards. They learned about animal adaptation while viewing the animals

up close. They even had the chance to touch a live animal. Our favorite part

of the show was when our very own teacher, Mr. Bonnay, held out his hand

and called for a kookaburra. The kookaburra flew across the audience and

landed right on Mr. Bonnay’s hand!

Professor Wylde’s Traveling School Show was brought to us by the

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. We thank our wonderful PTO for making this

assembly possible, through a PTO School Improvement Grant.

WIS Jumps Rope for Heart! By: Jason Ciocca, WIS Teacher

In early March, the Intermediate School participated in Jump Rope for Heart to help the American Heart Association fight against heart disease and stroke. Each class actively took part in jump roping activities during P. E. class. Each student was to raise money for the American Heart Association and for their class. The whole school took part in the fundraiser but 105 students raised money. Those 105 students raised $4247.17 which just missed topping last year’s total of $4328. The top eight individual money raising students were Caitlin Blakeslee with $210, Davelynn Lambert with $152.50, Joe Colby and Layla Kahook with $150, Thalia Johnston with $131, Molly McDermott and Anastasia Bakuhn with $125 and Jacoby Engelhart with $110.

The top five money raisers get to write their name on the Jump Rope for Heart Banner that hangs in the gymnasium of the Intermediate School. The top three money raising classes were Mrs. Noonan’s which raised a total of $346.50, Mrs. Daniel’s class, which raised a total of $363, and Mrs. Chluda’s class, which raised the most money with a total of $604.14. This year we included two different drawings in which students could win extra prizes. The teacher autographed t-shirt drawing was won by Taryn Graham from Mrs. Chluda’s class.

In order to be entered into this drawing each participant must have raised $20 or more. We included a $30 drawing this year. The winner of this drawing would “Win the Gym” for themselves and five of their friends for 20 extra minutes. The winner was allowed to use any of the P.E. equipment and play anything they wanted. The winner of this drawing was Madison Karlo from Mrs. Campbell’s class. A special “Thank You” goes out to all of the students who helped raise money for the American Heart Association’s fight against heart disease and stroke!

Wellness Policy for a Healthier School Environment By: Suellen Roberts, Pisanick Partners, LLC.

The Woodridge Local School District participates in the USDA

National School Meal program to help provide tasty and

nutritious meals to students. As of 2004, participating schools

were required to create wellness policies for the purpose of

setting standards for nutrition and physical education/activity and to

promote healthy school environments. In 2010, wellness policy criteria were

strengthened, calling for greater public participation, transparency, and

accountability. The Woodridge wellness committee; with representation from

PE teachers, the food service supervisor, the district nurse, principals, board

members, administration, and parents; met April 7th to revise the district’s draft

wellness policy. Look for the approved policy in next year’s policies publication!

The second grade students at

Woodridge Primary School participated

in their annual music program on

Friday, April 4, 2014. Families were

invited to attend and watched as their

children sang songs and read the story

of “Where the Wild Things Are.” The

second grade students also made “wild

thing” head dresses in art class to go along with the theme of the

performance. We are very proud of the hard work each second grade

student put in to learning the songs for this performance!!

2nd Grade Finds Out “Where the Wild Things Are” By: Patti Wnoroski, WPS Teacher

Dr. Seuss Literacy Night Draws over 300 Community Members By: Kellie O’Hara, WPS Teacher

On Thursday, April 17, over 300

students, parents, and siblings in grades

K-3 joined our dedicated team of

teachers, tutors, and volunteers at

Woodridge High School for our first ever

Dr. Seuss Literacy Night! Organized by

2nd grade teacher, Kellie O’Hara,

Literacy Night was one of the most well

attended events that we have ever held for students of this age.

This event was made possible by a Third Grade Reading Guarantee Grant

that was attained with the assistance of Dr. Lori Wilfong, Ph.D., Associate

Professor from Kent State University. The focus of the evening was on

learning fun as a family. All activities included parent participation.

Each station was created by our Woodridge Staff. They included Story

Cubes, Bananagrams, You Read to Me/I Read to you, Sight-word Bingo,

Fiction and Nonfiction reading, Word Ladders, Mad Libs, Family Journal

Writing and many more. Many stations included handouts to go home with

the students so that they could play them at home.

Upon registration, each child was given a Dr. Seuss bag of books specifically

packaged for their reading level. In addition, they received a raffle ticket to

win prizes later in the evening. Once the night was done, everyone gathered

in the gym and games were raffled off to the students.

Families had the opportunity to have

their picture taken with the “Cat in the

Hat.” Students will receive a copy of

their picture with the famous Dr.

Seuss character in May.

We would once again like to thank

everyone who helped with this

amazing event and everyone who


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In the Classroom and on the Field Mark Your Calendars—May

Athletics Listed are Home Games

May 1: Grades 3 and 6 Ohio Achievement Assessment—Reading Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Rootstown HS 4:15 PM Girls Varsity Softball vs. Rootstown HS 4:15 PM Boys Freshman Baseball vs. Copley HS 4:30 PM May 2: Grades 5 and 8 Ohio Achievement Assessment—Math Boys Freshman Baseball vs. Revere HS 4:30 PM May 3: Boys JV and Varsity Tennis vs. Norton HS 10:00 AM Prom 7:00 PM—11:00 PM May 5: Grade 8 Ohio Achievement Assessment—Science AP Chemistry Exam Boys JV Baseball vs. Field HS 4:15 PM Girls JV Softball vs. Field HS 4:15 PM May 6: Grades 4 and 7 Ohio Achievement Assessment—Math AP Spanish Exam Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Field HS 4:15 PM Girls Varsity Softball vs. Field HS 4:15 PM PTO Social/Meeting @ WPS 6:30 PM May 7: Grades 3 and 6 Ohio Achievement Assessment—Math Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Glenoak HS 4:30 PM May 8: Grade 5 Ohio Achievement Assessment—Science AP English Exam COSI @ WPS All Day Girls JV Softball vs. Ravenna HS 4:00 PM Boys Freshman Baseball vs. Ravenna HS 4:15 PM May 9: Grade 3 Writing Diagnostic May 10: JV and Varsity Track TBA Boys JV Baseball vs. CVCA 11:00 AM Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Cuyahoga Falls City Championship 12:30 PM May 12: AP Biology Exam JV and Varsity Track vs. Stars of Track and Field 4:00 PM Boys JV Baseball vs. Streetsboro HS 4:15 PM Alumni Association Meeting @ WHS 7:00 PM May 13: AP Government Exam Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Streetsboro HS 4:15 PM Girls Varsity Softball vs. Streetsboro HS 4:15 PM Board of Education Meeting @ WHS 6:00 PM PSO Meeting @ WMS 7:00 PM May 14: AP History Exam Kindergarten Music Program @ WPS 2:15 PM Coffee with the Superintendent @ Admin Offices 4:00 PM WSO Meeting @ WHS 7:00 PM May 15: Girls JV Softball vs. Ravenna HS 4:00 PM May 16: Grade 5 Musical @ WIS 2:15 PM Showtime @ WHS 7:00 PM Boys Freshman Baseball vs. Field HS 4:30 PM May 17: Boys Varsity Baseball vs. Twinsburg HS 11:00 AM Showtime @ WHS 7:00 PM May 19: Blossom Band Festival @ Blossom Music Center 7:00 PM May 21: Market Day Pick Up @ WHS 3:30—5:00 PM Music Club Meeting @ WHS 7:00 PM WHS Sport Physical Day 6:00 PM May 22: WMS Bulldog Revue @ WMS 7:00 PM May 23: Cow Plop @ WIS May 26: Memorial Day—NO SCHOOL May 27: 8th Grade Washington DC Trip—Return May 30 Baccalaureate @ WHS 7:00 PM May 28: Booster Club Meeting @ Moose Lodge 7:00 PM Senior Awards @ WHS 7:00 PM May 29: Spring Sports Awards @ WHS 7:00 PM May 30: Celebration of Learning Day @ WIS June 2: Graduation @ Blossom Music Center 7:00 PM June 5: Last Day of School! Report Cards Issued 8th Grade Recognition @ WMS 8:30 AM 5th Grade Recognition @ WIS 11:00 AM 2nd Grade Clap Out @ WPS 2:30 PM

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Woodridge Local School District

4411 Quick Road, Peninsula, OH 44264

Phone: 330-928-9074 Fax: 330-928-1542

High School Athletics Pre-Participation Screenings

WHAT: Pre-participation screenings that will

fill the requirements for the 2014-2015 sports


WHERE: Woodridge High School; check in at

the field house entrance

WHEN: Wednesday, May 21 starting at 6pm

6:00 pm Boys High School

6:20 pm Girls High School

6:40 pm Middle School



COST: $20 per student; Checks payable to: Woodridge High School

STAFF PROVIDING THE SCREENINGS: Physical Therapists and Athletic

Trainers provide the flexibility and strength screenings; sports medicine and

primary care physicians provide the medical exams, area nurses and EMS

provide BP/Pulse and coaches provide ht/wt.


to the High School Main Office to Mrs. Rausch to register. Call 330-929-3191

with any questions.


OHSAA Pre-participation form: History filled out completely by the

PARENTS and signed by the parent/guardian and student Authorization for release of healthcare information

PARTICIPANTS: PLEASE COME DRESSED FOR THE EXAM: flip flops or take your shoes off


tank top or t-shirt

Woodridge Alumni Association Upcoming Meetings By: Lisa Bates, Alumni Association

Next Meeting - May 12th at 7:00 pm in WHS

Library. We will be discussing a pre-game social

for the Homecoming Football Game and also

planning to host a Wine Pull for the community. Show up to help plan the fun!

Also on the Alumni calendar: A meeting scheduled for June 9th, 7:00 pm, at

Panera on Graham Road near Route 8.

Check out our new webpage - We are also on

Facebook, Woodridge High School Alumni and Twitter @WoodridgeAlumni.

Board Seeking Input on Pay-to-Participate Policies By: Walter Davis, Superintendent

The Woodridge Board of Education would appreciate community input

regarding its Pay-to-Participate policy. Each spring, the Board examines the

impact of Pay-to-Participate to determine what, if any, changes to make in

the procedure for the following school year. The Pay-to-Participate fees were

instituted two years ago. Students are assessed fees for their participation in

sports and extra-curricular clubs and activities. Last spring, the Board

instituted a “family cap” to limit the costs such that no family spends more

than $375. The Board would like to hear from community members as they

make plans for next year. Please go to the district website

( to find a brief survey on the topic. Your

input is needed and appreciated.

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