the carpenter’s christian church volume 17 issue #11...

Post on 04-Jul-2018






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The Carpenter’s Christian Church

Volume 17 Issue #11 NEWSLETTER July 2018

1340 US 127 Bypass, Harrodsburg, KY 859-734-0670

Welcome New Members

Welcome our new members. We are glad that God has lead you to The Carpenter’s Christian Church. He has a special purpose for every one of us joining together as a body of believers. Our prayer for you is that you seek God’s will in your life and serve Him to the best of your ability. Brian Carrice

Trey & Audra Compton Tim, Monnie, Caleb & Sammy Berger

Eulaine & Kenny Goodpaster Vicki Johnson Ryan Abrams Chase Allen Trevor Allen Blake Brown

1st Annual Chigger Flynn Golf Outing

Tuesday, July 3rd Bright Leaf Golf Course

Tee off at 6 PM - Nine holes of FUN! PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED

Fee: $25 per person

T Shirts $10 pre-pay

The Carpenter's Christian Church


JULY 16-20 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. Ages Preschool – 5th grade





For more information contact Stacy Charles, Children’s Director at

Greg Warren Senior Minister

VBS is a Great Outreach Opportunity Throughout the year, there are four major “seasons” that are great opportunities for us to connect with folks in the community who do not have a church home. At Christmas time, we put on a drama / musical. In the spring, we do another drama / musical, host a community Easter egg hunt, and roll out the red carpet for those who don’t normally attend church except for Easter Sunday. In the fall, we host a fall festival that is usually attended by over 1,000 people. During the summertime, our main outreach is our Vacation Bible School program. We get lots of kids who don’t attend TCCC who participate in our VBS. Not only is that week a great time to share the gospel with those children, but it’s also an opportunity to build a connection with their parents. You can help us make the most of this opportunity by first inviting all the children you know in your circles of influence. Perhaps you can even offer to stop by and pick them up if transportation is a problem for the parents. Secondly, you can help us follow up with family by inviting the parents to join you for a Sunday morning service. Often, after they’ve seen their children come home excited about a week of VBS, the parents may be more open and receptive to an invitation to find a church home. Do you have folks in mind? Don’t miss this great opportunity to evangelize by simply issuing an invitation.

Remember when…? I keep a file of our old newsletters and bulletins (all the way back to 2003 when I began at TCCC). I like to pull them out sometimes and just reminisce about the early days of our church. Thought I’d share a few memories from the early days with you. August 3, 2003 – My first Sunday as minister at TCCC. We met in the building that now serves as Campbellsville University’s H-burg Campus. Sermon was entitled, “Is Church Really for Me?” Special music by The Master’s Servants. Attendance 86. Offering -- $1,818. Georgia Mingo joined the church. Following the service that morning, we enjoyed a meal (imagine that!) and a concert by The Master’s Servants. August 10th, 2003 – Sermon: “Purpose # 1: Reaching the Lost.” Special music by Roberta Machal. Greg & Dana Warren joined the church. We were so excited on our first Sunday that we forgot to join! Held an evening ordination service to install our first elders (Maurice Baker, Chigger Flynn, & Richard McKinley) and our first deacons (Earl Moore and Mike Votaw). August 17th, 2003 – Sermon: “Purpose # 2: Grow, Baby, Grow!” Special music by Brenda Brown. Welcomed new members Ruby Bartley, John & Roberta Machal, Bob & Brenda Brown, and Zelma Drury. Involvement testimonies by Earl and Lois Moore. Special music by Carla Wilson. It’s fun to look back with nostalgia. But it’s also important to realize that we are in exciting times RIGHT NOW and even more exciting times lie ahead. Can’t wait to see what God does next!

From my heart to yours,


John Kesel Assoc. Minister

Sunday Connection Areas Have New Names

The Carpenter’s Christian Church (TCCC) Sunday morning Connection areas have been renamed as Connection Point (two of these) and Connection Point Central to more effectively serve our first-time visitors as well as others in attendance each week. One of our terrific Connection Team members is there to provide first-time visitors a gift as our token of appreciation to them for being our special guest that day. Also, anyone who needs a Bible can stop by one of the three Connection Points to receive a copy of God’s Word. This is a gift from our Senior Minister Greg Warren. In addition, a Connection Team member is there to give you and your family more information and help you locate: * our Children/Youth Ministries * a Sunday School class * a Wednesday evening Life Group * other ministries/events/locations Connection Team members are also available to try to answer any questions you may have about TCCC, and so much more. Where Can These Three Connection Points be Found? Connection Point Central is located in the front lobby next to the entrance of the church office. There is also a Connection Point located near the front entrance of the church and a Connection Point near the back entrance of the church. Please direct anyone who is a first-time visitor and/or needs more information about TCCC to one of these three Connection Points.

Mending Hearts

The Mending Hearts went to Harrodsburg’s own Kentucky Fudge Company for our monthly fellowship meeting. Everybody certainly enjoyed their meal and

especially the Gourmet Grilled Cheese sandwich and Tomato Bisque soup (my favorite). In July we will change our date because of a conflict and we’ll be meeting on Monday, July 23rd and going to Pat’s Place in Bardstown. We’ve never been there so it will be another adventure for us to try. Come explore with us ! Just meet at the church at 11:00.

Wanda Waldridge

The Willing Hands met on Tuesday, June 12th. April Wilhoite and her friend Brenda Washburn were kind enough to join us and do a demonstration on Young Living Essential Oils. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them both for taking the time to

show us the benefits of this product. We had several guests in attendance and I think I can speak for all of us in saying that we were impressed by their demonstration. We are gearing up for this year’s craft fair. The craft fair will be held on Friday, Sept 28th and Saturday, Sept 29th. Anyone who makes homemade craft items or is an independent sales rep for a company such as Avon, Pampered Chef, Essential Oils, etc is invited to set up a booth. See Wanda Waldridge for information. The kitchen will be open both days. We will serve lots of goodies including everyone’s favorite, brown beans w/cornbread. Our contest this year will be pies and cakes, with all entries being auctioned off at the beginning of the auction. The auction will begin immediately following the close of the kitchen on Saturday. We need donations of items for the auction. Themed baskets, gift cards/certificates, individual items – all are appreciated. Our July meeting will be on Tuesday, July 10th at 7:00pm. This is what we call our salad meeting. Each lady is asked to bring a salad of your choice for our refreshments. Remember to bring a recipe for the freezer meals. We would like to extend an invitation to join the Willing Hands to each and every lady at TCCC. If you have any questions, you can see me or any other member of the Willing Hands.

May God bless each and every one of you,

Teri Giles

Stacy Charles, Children’s Ministry Director

Hard to believe it is already July. Where did June go? Half of the summer is over and we are now into the one of the most exciting months in the life of our children's ministry - VBS is coming!! The weeks leading up to VBS are hectic and busy, but the week of VBS is fantastic, life changing, and unbelievable. God is so good, and He brings together so many people in our church to make sure this week is a wonderful week for our children. It is amazing - we already have over 80 volunteers but can still use more! Please pray about how the Lord could use you the week of VBS and find the spot that works best for you - this may be cooking something for our hospitality room, riding a bus, crowd control, helping decorate, cleaning the church each night after VBS . . . you name it, there is a place where you are needed, and you can serve. SHIPWRECKED VBS - JULY 16-20 - 5:30 - 8:30 PM - Don't miss it and don't let any child you know miss it! DONATIONS STILL NEEDED - We are still in need of juice boxes for cafe each night. We will need close to 1500 juice boxes for the entire week. Right now, we have around 500, so we are still in need. If you would like to donate, please drop off to the church office or take to the gym and leave them in the kitchen or near the kitchen. Johni Watts and Marsha Durr will be heading up and coordinating our hospitality room this year for our VBS workers. This is a treat for our VBS workers each night and gives them an opportunity to sit down, relax, get something to drink and eat, and unwind. Many of our volunteers come straight from work each night and don't have time to get something to eat, so we feed them. Please consider baking something for our hospitality room or providing chips, drinks, or cookies that will be put to good use throughout the week. We appreciate our church and all it does to support the children's ministry. TEAM KID - Back to School Bash - our TEAM KID Back to School Bash will be held Wednesday, August 15th from 6:30 - 8:00. We will be kicking off another year of our TEAM KID Wednesday night ministry with a cook out for our students and some fun and fellowship time. Our students have been on break for the summer, but this allows us a chance to get back together, share about our summer adventures, and kick off another great year with our children grades preschool - 5th grade. This will also be the time that our 5th grade students will leave us to join the TCCC Youth group and become youth members. Again - lots of ways to get involved during the month of July at TCCC and to get your children involved. Love to see everyone come out to TCCC SHIPWRECKED VBS 2018. It is going to be a great week in the life of our church and we are blessed to be able to offer this week to our TCCC children and many children in the Mercer County community. Please be in prayer for this week and the many lives and hearts that will be touched by God's word. VBS 2018 - Open Registration by going to The Carpenter's Christian Church FB page or register your child at the Connection Counter in the lobby of TCCC.


Jacob Bryant, Youth Ministry Director

We are finished for the year with CIY. Thank you, TCCC for your support through this summer. As you can tell, we are still seeing the fruits that CIY is producing. CIY is always a big event for us and one that when it comes close, we throw all of our eggs in the basket, so we can maximize the impact on our students. There is no way this would be possible without you all! I have had a lot of parents come up and say, “their student is going next year no matter what”. That is what we like to hear! Although your student may not have had a chance to attend CIY this year, they’ll have their chance next year. A couple quick things to keep in mind thinking about next summer:

CIY MOVE (going into 9th grade and just graduating HS) will be the second full week of June each year. CIY MIX (6th grade to 8th grade) will always be the last full week of June) Both camps are $300 without 8 hours of community service. It is $200 with 8 hours of community service. There are new policies going into effect this year concerning CIY. As the date draws nearer, we will have a meeting for parents to make it public.

It is our goal to have all of our students in the student ministry to attend CIY every year. It is a life-changing experience for them that they will remember for the rest of their life and has a huge impact on their eternal life through Christ. If you have any questions concerning camp, it is never too early to come find me about it. CIY 2018 may be finished, but now it is time to get CIY 2019 ready—“the harvest is plentiful”!

Are You Listening I came across the title of a Bill Hybels book “The Power of a Whisper”. It gave me food for thought. 1 Kings 19:11-13 Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Sometimes God speaks when and where we least expect it. Elijah probably expected God in the wind, earthquake, and fire, but God wasn't in those heart-pounding experiences. Instead God spoke in a gentle whisper. I think each year we get noisier as a people. We’ve been on this planet thousands of years and 2,000 years since Jesus walked the earth, yet 150 years ago life was pretty quite. But today it's a different story. At the turn of the century we invented motors, cars, and eventually planes. All of them were noisy. Then we invented other noisy things that came into the home and lives: record players, radio, TV, 8 track, cassettes, boom boxes, CD players, mp3's, I Tunes, cell phones. As if the sound wasn't loud enough, we invented earphones to stick in our ears! God is a God of surprises. But if we expect to hear the gentle whisper of God, we must be silent. We need to quiet our lives, our voices, and our thoughts so that we can hear. Often our inability to hear God is not about God's failure to speak but our failure to listen. What does it take to hear the whisper of God in my life? The less surrounding noise, the easier it is to hear and respond. Our busy lives are like placing ear plugs in our ears as far as trying to listen to God. It takes the practice of listening through prayer and meditation. It takes understanding the messages God gives you in your spirit and drawing close to God, so the Lord can draw close to you!. Does God still speak to His children today? The answer is “Yes”! Lord, quiet our voices, our hearts, and our lives so that we can hear your gentle whisper - and listen. What is God saying to you today? May you be encouraged by these words today . . Maryann Strickland Those serving on the Prayer Team: Maryann Strickland, Eileen Burberry, Larry Camic, Denise Delp, Paul Hensley, Mike Warren, Delmer & Phyllis Warren, Linda Vanderkamp, Linda Green, Lee & Donna Wright, Jacob Simoneau, Debbie Votaw

Dolls of HOPE About six years ago Dolls of HOPE started making dolls for children in the hospital then over the years Family Protective Services, Harrodsburg Police Department, Southeastern

Kentucky, and Guatemala. We meet on the 4th Tuesday of every month January-October at 10 am. We gathering together to sew, stuff dolls, and enjoy each other’s company. After some time we had leftover fabric so we decided to use the fabric to make quilts for pregnancy centers and other charitable organizations. This is when Dolls of HOPE Quilting was born. We meet the 1st Monday of each month at 10 am. We are always in need of 100% cotton fabric for the dolls and quilts. In May we delivered 15 baby quilts to Haven Care Pregnancy Center in Danville and toured the facility. Toboggans are made for Christmas shoeboxes for the Mission Team. If you would like to learn how to make toboggans on a loom contact Dora Higginbotham or Martha Lainhart. You do not have to sew or knit to help in this ministry. There are other ways you can help. We will continue to collect can goods and non-perishable food items for the Christian Life Center throughout the year. You can help participate in this project by placing your donations in the basket provided in the front lobby. If you have any questions contact Dora Higginbotham at 265-7548 or Martha Lainhart at 734-5893.

If it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is

giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy,

do it cheerfully. Romans 12:8

Lambkincare Ministry Isaiah 40:11

The (new) building in Danville has been secured for three times the space to serve those

who seek help and care from the Haven Care Pregnancy Resource Center. Work has begun for the extreme remodeling in this old restaurant. The current center is still open for all that have a need. Best to call ahead for an appointment, even to drop off a donation. Thank you to our “Dolls of Hope” ministry who made, donated and delivered 15 baby quilts! One shared immediately upon arrival!

Save the date for the annual Haven Care Banquet: October 22, 2018

If you have something to share with a new mom or baby, I will be glad to deliver to the Center.

Call me at 859-748-9813. Linda VanderKamp

The Mission Team is requesting volunteers for a fun, local mission for Mercer County students. The annual Mercer County Schools ReadiFest is Tuesday, July 24th from 2:30-5:30 at Mercer County High

School. The Carpenter’s Christian Church along with Harrodsburg United Methodist Church provides free school supplies for Mercer County School students who attend the event. We will be setting up and organizing supplies in the TCCC gym on Monday, July 23rd from 3:30 to 5 pm. We plan to begin packing bags at 5 pm. We need volunteers to organize, count and pack supplies as well as transport them to the high school. We also need volunteers to help give out the supplies at the high school on the 24th. There will be a volunteer sign-up sheet at the Connection Counter beginning July 14th. Please join us!

To my TCCC Family, As many of you know, I got married to a wonderful Christian man in April – Dan Parker. He is a minister, and we thought we might be settling in this area. But we have accepted a call to pastor a church in Murfreesboro, TN as of June 17th. I had hoped Dan and I would be at TCCC one more Sunday and could say "good-bye" to all of you and get my hugs, but that isn’t the case. Stephanie and I came to TCCC at the Bradshaw Building -- then Matt started coming – now they are married and….. and two grandsons later ….I am saying goodbye to so many dear friends and family who have helped me, prayed for me, and loved me and have been my family in so many ways. I have grown in the Lord under your watch care, I have learned to pray without ceasing, and have learned to fast and help others experience that power!!! Oh my what a difference you have made in my life!! I really have no words to tell

you what you all mean to me.

After 7/31/18:

202 Bonifay Dr. Smyrna, TN 37167 Please pray for us as we step out in faith to serve our Lord and Savior.

Nancy and Dan Parker

SPIRIT LIFTERS It’s officially summer! On the 4th of July Spirit Lifters will have a cookout at the home of Roy and Pat Sewell. We will have our signup sheet at the connection counter if you plan to go. We will take the bus if you would like to meet at the church and ride to Burgin. Meet at 5 pm. The cookout will be at 6 pm. Also, for July we will go to Sand Springs for concerts on Friday this month. Friday, July 13 we will see The Old Paths and Friday, July27 we will see Joseph Habedank and the Erwin’s.

Look for me at the connection counter and sign up!

Blessings Joanne

The next Community Service will be Sunday, July 22 at 6:30. Our host

church will be Bohon Church of Christ with

Trent Baker of Magnolia Street Christian bringing

the message.

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “The har-vest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask

the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” Matthew

Carpenter’s Team Missions 2018

CIY MOVE 46 Highschool students traveled to Anderson, Indian

26 Middle School students traveled to CIY in Cleveland, Tennessee

Nursery Schedule July 1 (1) Rebecca Lanham (2) Stephanie Abrams, Tori Gabbard, Savannah Higginbotham July 8 (1) Krysta Lenington (2) Maegan Doughty, Lorrie Bloyd, Jayden Seward July 15 (1) Tara Baker (2) Teri Orme, Allie Lupson, Lindsey Shepherd, Debbie Votaw July 22 (1) Jennifer Wilhite (2) Tia Taylor, Kristal Irvin, Gidget Sweazy, Lilly Frederick July 29 (1) Tara Short (2) Stephanie Abrams, Maegan Doughty, Tori Gabbard, Savannah Higginbotham

KIDS Church July 1 (1) Michele Bugg, Kristie Bartley (2) Julie Popplewell, Tickie Popplewell, Staci Bast, Laney Bast, Stacy Charles July 8 (1) Stacy Charles, Angie Pankey (2) Kristal Irvin, Michael Irvin, Jessie Cocanougher, Tia Taylor, Michele Bugg July 15 (1) Michele Bugg, Nancy Flach (2) Jennifer Maddox, Reagan Maddox, Tara Baker, Brittany Long, Holly Moore, Laura Lee Currens July 22 (1) Michele Bugg 2) Heather King, Tanya Hensley, Lexey Goodlett, Dana Warren, Jennifer Wilhite, Stacy Charles July 29 (1) Stacy Charles (2) LeeAnn Turner, Baleigh Turner, Amy Raney, Heather Sanders, Michele Bugg

First Impression Greeters July 1 (1) Sue Abrams (2F) Erica & Steve Lupson (2B) Roberta Machal July 8 (1) Georgia Ellis (2F) Tammy Miller & Lois Moore (2B) Heather Musick July 15 (1) Linda Green (2F) Rita & Keith Monson (2B) Faye Price July 22 (1) Brian & Nancy Flach (2F) Julie & Tickie Popplewell (2B) Margaret Proctor July 29 (1) Laura Harris (2F) Tonya Robertson & Sandy Rogers (2B) Cheryl Spurlock

Frontline Parking Team

July 1 (1) Dave Johnson (2) Ronnie Pulliam & Kevin Sallee July 8 (1) Jim Barrett (2) Paul Hensley & Ronnie Robinson July 15 1) Wayne Green (2) Dennis Harris & Shannon Murray July 22 (1) Larry Votaw (2) Buddy Bugg & Michael Thrasher July 29 (1) Wayne Green (2) Paul Hensley & John Pendegrist

Communion to Shut-ins (Week of) July 1 Delmer Warren July 8 Shannon P Murray

July 15 Brian Bartley July 22 Paul Hensley July 29 David & Ann Myers

Connection Host July 1 (1) Ellen Baker (2F) Ericka & Lynn Hunt (2B) David & Betty Paris July 8 (1) Trish Releford (2F) Terrell & Sandy Royalty (2B) Need Volunteer July 15 (1) Ellen Baker (2F) Carol Watson (2B) Kim King July 22 (1) Trish Releford (2F) Lee Readnower (2B) Toni & Joe Myers July 29 (1) Need Volunteer (2F) Debbie Votaw (2B) Josh & Lorrie Bloyd

Connection Visitation Team

July 2 Red & Ina Adkinson, Mike & Merri Lee Warren July 9 Delmer Warren, Jim Hicks, Gerald Sheperson July 16 Bill and Cathy Abney, Laura Harris June 23 Terry and Marsha Durr, John Robertson July 30 John Kesel & Larry Camic

Church Bus Drivers July 1 Cary King July 8 Michael Griffieth

July 15 Jim Mattingly July 22 Cary King July 29 Michael Griffieth

Communion Preparation Kitchen Laura Harris, Lynn Shenault & Debbie Votaw Debbie Votaw

Usher Team July 1 (1) Maurice Baker, Jim Barrett, Wayne Green, Don Kestler, Donnie Sexton, Larry Votaw (2) Larry Camic, Tommy Barnett, Buddy Bugg, Adam Chunglo, Eddie Donahue, Jim Hicks, Bobby Kendrick Cary King, Travis Lanham, Ronnie Pulliam, Brandon Selby, Chris Shackelford, Brandon Shope July 8 (1) Maurice Baker, Aaron Gabhart, Joe Milam, Johnnie Slone, Mike Warren, Richard Wilder, Deryck Wilhite (2) Delmer Warren Jeremy Cocanougher, Ed Delp, Chad Ellis, Steve Lupson, Garry Stevens, Keith Monson, Shannon Murray, Tickie Popplewell, John Robertson Gerald Sheperson, Noah Sheperson, Brandon Sutton July 15 (1) Maurice Baker, Jim Barrett, Mike Higginbotham, Chris Howard, Dave Johnson, Terry Durr (2) Lee Wright, Chris Baker, Steve Bragg, Brent Frederick, Keith Hensley, Kevin Higginbotham, Brian Kendrick, Clayton King, Kenny Milburn, Patrick McMullin, Joe Myers, Roger Pratt, Scott Sheperson, July 22 (1) Maurice Baker, Terry Durr, Aaron Gabhart, Joe Milam, Al Mueller, Chris Slone, Richard Wilder (2) Don Hill, Steve Anderson, Travis Bryant, Michael Chilton, Lee Claunch, Eric Keller, David Myers, George Neal, Chris Raney, Mike Riley, Tim Sallee, Mark Wilson July 29 (1) Maurice Baker, Jim Barrett, Terry Durr, Dave Johnson, Larry Votaw, Deryck Wilhite (2) Ron Cutler, Lee Wright, Donavan Bast, Chad Ellis, Kenny Hensley, Paul Hensley, Rayna Lake, Travis Lanham, Mac Mayes, Scott Noland, David Poole, Dave Reister, Caleb Warren

Prayer Room July 1 (1) Linda Green (2) Denise Delp & Maryann Strickland July 8 (1) Linda VanderKamp (2) Larry Camic & Donna Wright July 15 (1) Clara Daggett (2) Paul Hensley & Eileen Burberry July 22 (1) Mike Warren (2) Jacob Simoneau & Maryann Strickland July 29 (1) Linda Green (2) Denise Delp & Lee Wright

TCCC June 2018 Averages

Sunday school ……………..……132 Sunday AM ................................605 Offering ….................................. $13,271.33 2018 Budget ………………….… $13,542.00

Elders Serving in 2018

Maurice Baker (859) 613-1563 (Chairman) Lee Wright (859) 366-0339

Delmer Warren (859) 319-0546 Don Hill (606) 879-210

Larry Camic (859) 613-1593 Ron Cutler (502) 558-3496

SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES (Nursery provided) Sunday School 10 AM AM Worship 8:30 & 11 AM KIDS Church 8:30 & 11 AM KIDS Choir 6:30 PM (June-July Summer break) MS Student Engage 6:30 PM (June-July Summer break) HS Student Engage 7 PM (June-July Summer break)

NON-PROFIT ORG. US Postage PAID Harrodsburg, KY Permit # 49

The Carpenter’s Christian Church 1340 US 127 Bypass Harrodsburg, KY 40330 Return Service Requested

Greg Warren, Senior Minister John Kesel, Associate Minister

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 8:30 & 11AM Services/Kids Church

10 AM Sunday School

2 10 AM

Dolls of HOPE Quilting

5 PM

Finance Committee



Visitation Connection

3 7 PM

1st Annual Chigger Flynn

Golf Outing Bright Leaf Golf Course

4 Independence Day


Spirit Lifters 4th

Celebration Cookout

5 6:30 PM

Prayer Team meeting

6 7 8 AM

Men's Prayer Group

8 8:30 & 11AM Services/Kids Church

10 AM Sunday School

9 6PM

Visitation Connection

10 6 PM

Elders Meeting

7 PM

Willing Hands

11 12 5 PM

Spirit Lifters

Dinner & Concert

13 14 8 AM

Community Prayer

Harrodsburg Baptist

Host: Daryl Catlett

15 8:30 & 11AM Services/Kids Church

10 AM Sunday School

6 PM No Walls

16 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM


6 PM

Visitation Connection

6:30 PM

Mission Team Meeting

17 11 AM

Mending Hearts

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM


18 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM


19 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM


20 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM


21 8 AM

Men's Prayer Group

6 PM

VBS Pool Party At

Anderson Dean Park

22 8:30 & 11AM Services/Kids Church

10 AM Sunday School

6:30 PM

Unity Service

Bohon Church of Christ

23 3:30-5:30 PM

Packing for ReadiFest

6 PM

Visitation Connection

24 10 AM

Dolls of HOPE

2:30-3:30 PM


25 26 27 5 PM

Spirit Lifters

Dinner & Concert

28 8 AM

Men's Prayer Group

29 8:30 & 11AM Services/Kids Church

10 AM Sunday School

30 TCCC Newsletter

articles due

to church office

6 PM

Visitation Connection



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