the cecil whig (elkton, md.) 1901-10-12 [p ]

Post on 31-Jul-2022






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Resolutions Passed On The Deaths Of

President McKinley And Stump

—Convention Decided Not To Name a

Candidate For Jud^e.

Tin* Republicans eef the Second JudicialCircuit assembled in convention, in Elk-ton, in the Opera House, on Monday, atnoon, but adjourned without naming acandidate for {.ln* vacancy on the benchcaused by the deatJi of Associate Jnelge*Freelerick Stump, of Terryville, severalWeeks ago.

T\ illiam .1. Smith, of Elkton, chairnmnof tin* Slat** Central Committee fur Cecilcounty, called the convention to order.John K. Wilson. Esip. of (Vntrevi)le. waschosen chairman, and Joseph \V. Har-per. of Kent county, secretary. In tak-ing the chair Mr. Wilson made a short.address in which he referred to the noblelife of Judge Stump and the high esteemin which every member of the Har inthis Judicial Circuit held him.

The following dtdegates wen* reportedto be entitled to votes in the convention:

(Veil county Robert C. Thackery.James T. Alexander. John L. Moon* andTheodore J. Vanneman.

Talbot county Hr. Isaac A. Barber.Charles (Nickerson. W. S. Covingtonand (Inion Miller.

Caroline county William It. Massey.John A. Sigler and Hilbert Hagadone.

Kent county John H. Trie. Isaac R.Keavci ton. T. 11. M. Bramble. Joseph\\ . Harper. Charles England and IsaacTilghmcii. one-half vote each.

Hue. a Anne’s ceenntv William E.Thompson. J. Trank Harwick, John K.Wilson and William T. Reed, Sr.

The fidlowii.g committee was appoint-ed on resolutions : John L. Moore, of< eeil couniy: J. H. Trie, of Kent county:

- I iiompson, of <jneen Anne*’*comity; Hi. Isaac* T.arhcr. of Talbotcounty, and William Massey, of Caroline county.

A number of tin* delegates from thelower counties were of the opinion thatit Woul I he to tin* interest of the Repub-lican Legislative and eouuty tickets notto name a candidate for Judge. (Veilcounty was opposed to this.

"’lii'ii til.' iliiiinmin slnt.-d Unit rhenext in ord. ;• was the nomination of acandidate tor Judge. Ex-CeengivssmanHa idler. ¦! Talbot county, made a mo-tion that the convenlion adjourn withoutmaking a nomination. It was carriedwithout a dissenting vole.

The following resolutions won* report- Ied by tin* committee* and adopted by theconvention :

”We. the Hepnldiean party of theSecond Judicial Circuit of Maryland, inconvention assembled, express our sor-row and regret at the sudden and un-timely death of onr beloved President,William McKinley. and extend to Mrs.McKinley oiir heart felt sympathy in herand fin* nation's great bereavement.

doplotv the sad happening whichhas made necessary tin* assembling <*fonr reprosentalives. Honor is due tin*name arid tin* memory of Judge Fivd-'•rick Stump, not alone from bis politicalsyinpa?iii/ers. but those politically op-posed '*i him as well. We* mourn the lees<*d’ on- was unassuming and kind:\vho<¦ life-titin* of service* on the be*n*hwas ehara*l**i*i/.ed by eipial fnirn*ss andability, and whose* <*<n<**ptions of tin*duties of his olllee led him in the dis-charge* -if hi- functions to know m*ith**rfriend ->• f. • . but to be guided by a sens,.<d' duty ami justice*.'*

COUNTY CONVENTION.Tin* I. legatees elected -*lt the* Re*pnbli-

eau primaries ln*ld in 'the* several electiondistrict* of Cecil county, on Friday, Oe-t"be*r 4th. asscnihleii in e*ounty conven-tion at dice ef Heorge* A. Blake*, onSat nr lay. Mr. Knoeh Met 'nllongh. oftin* Se\. nth dislrie*t, was e*hose*n chair-inan. -ml H.,.rge* A. Blake. Esq.. <>fFJkiteui, secretary. Tin* following gen-ih*nn*u wo* named a e*ornmittoo on cn*l--entials :

See--:; 1 district N. A. Cdm ary.Third distried- Jann*s T. Ah*xamler.Fourth district —Heeerge* T. IVtersou.F'ifth distriet—Samuel Burns.Seventh district J. Christie* Jack.Eighth disiriet H. L. Regan.Ninth district J. W. Hamhh*ten.Ninth elistriei John L. Crothers.The* e-oinmitle*e i*e*ported tin* following

ele*le*gnte s entitled to seal s in the* Ceenven-tiee!l

Se'-ond district—Charle*s Fi’e*i*maii. C.A. Ste*ve*ns, Isaac He*an. W. C. Tyh*. N.A. Coin,ary.

Third district He-urge A. Blake*. R. C.r l hack**ry. Janu s T. Ah*xanle*r. lle*nnni,Je*fl’*rs. Heeerge Ricketts, Jr.

I'onrth elistriei- A. L. Saxton. H*orge*T. Tete-rs.ii,. Jedm Drummond. He*nryMeFaddem. Charles E. Hay*s.

Fifth dist riel Join, 1.. Moore, KinseyMatthews. J. W. Lodge*. Samuel Burns.It. H. I *l,l)e*rWetehl.

Sixth li ri*t Samm-l Hambhdem.Benjamin W. MeVey, Alfre*e| Kirk.Wayne* Reynolds. Frank Fewte*r.

Se*ve*nt h district Enoch McCullough.W. T. CeMilson, J. Christie* Jack. William11. Cede*. W. (Carson, M. H.

Flight), elistrie-t—Atwood Montgenm*ry.James T. F'nlton, Charle s A. Hruhb. H.L. Be g in. M. *1 >.. William R. (tilling.

Ninth elistrict—J. W. Hnmhleton,Haims England. Amassa Churchman.Jed,n L. Cre)tl,e*rs. He*erge* W. Hifford.

The* following e]e*]e*gat e*s Were* se*h*cte*dtee re*pre*se*nt Ce*cil con nly in the' Seen mlJudicial Circuit Convention. at Elkton.on Me unlay : —Thooelore J. Vanncmnn.ef Tort Deposit: Jehn L. Moore*. of NorthEast; Roh. it C. Thae*ke*ry ami James T.Ale xander, e>f Elkton.


j Twelfth Annual Convention of the Cecil

Couniy Union Will Be Held in Elkton

Presbyterian Church October 22.

The Young Te*oph*’s Soedcth*s ef Christ-ian Fhuleavor of Cecil e*e>nnty. will hole]their twedfth annual cenve*ntien in theFllkton Treshyte*rian Chnre*h, on Tne*s-elay. Oetedeer -*_M.

The* present eitlle*e*rs of the* conventionare* Tresiele*nt, Rev. S. M. Terry, ofChesapeake Ci-ty; Viee-Tivsident, JohnF. Johnson, of Bay Vh*w; RecordingSe*e*re*lary. Miss Alice Settle*, of Le*els;Cer,vspondi„g Se*<*retary, Miss H. A. Me-Cauh*y, e?f Leeds; Treasure*,*. E. H. Car-hart. ef Zion; Si,pe*rii,t*,,ele*nt of Mis-siems, Preef. C. M. Smith, of Tend Iposit.

The* program of exercises has aboutbe*en e*eunph*te*el ami is as fedlows :

A FTf:RNOON SESSION.-Jm, p. in.—Opening of Praise and Con-

secration. h*d by Presideuit. Re*v. S. M.Terry, Chesei peake City. subje*e*t, “Ne*ar-l,e*ss tee Hod,"

-..’>o- Re*peuis freun See*ie*tie*s and Offi-cers,

IIJMI“How Can We* Secnre* BetterTh*dge Ke*e*pingV" An open elisciissioa.h*el by Re*v. E. T. Terry and Rev. W.W. Shaw.

•LlTe"How Shall the* Practical Workof the* Se,e*ie*ty. Be*yoml the* Re*gnlar Se*r-viecs lie* Fhilarge*d?" An .pe*n discussion.

1e*el by Re*v. H. K. Shaw and Re*v. B. F.Jester.

4.15 - Question Box.4 A (Jniet Heuir Se*rvie*e*. “Friend-

ship of Jesus." eondlieteil by State TlV*-iehuit Hemry N. Hanna. Bedair. M-I.

o.MO-—Appeintme*nt of Committee** ai,el:le|j ,i l*llllle*,,t.

EV ENI N( i—Service* of Song.

7.". n Adeli*e*ss. Re*v. Win. J. ofNe*wark. He*l.

Music Solo. Mr. .led,*., T. Evans, ofElkton., Aeldre*ss, Re*v. Maurice* Pei,fieldF'ike*s. of Baltimore. Mel.. *’Thre*e HivatI Mseoveries."

Olfe*ring for Id\pci,s*s e,f County I'nion.Annen„ce*me*„t of Otfice*rs ami Commit-

le*e* Reports.Adjourn,,, e*nt.

DISTRESSING ACCIDENT.An Elkton Lady Jumped From a Second

Story Window and Receives Fatal In-juries.

About four oVloe*k Monday nteirning,as William ShaflVr. e*mploy,*d at Ke*ysA* Miller Lninhe*r Company yards, inElkton, was going out We*st High str*et.on his wav to work, he* netie*e*d a ladylying in the* front yard of Mrs. Chlek.Sin* was elressed in he*r night clothing,anel Mr. Shafi’er started to he r assist-ance*. He* spoke* to hen* several time's,but soon found that she* was in an nn-conseious condition. ID* attempti'd toareuise* seune* ene ed’ the* household. hutwas nnsne*e*e*ssr„|. 11. finally notilie**!‘••me of the* neighbors and the* lady wa

lre el for.The* in,fort in,ate* was Mrs. Mercy A.

Coz/.euis. widow of tin* late* Captain Wil-liam Cey./,e*ns. of Elkton. She hael beenin ill he*aith fee,* senile time*, and it is he-lieve'd she got „p from he*r be*e| seune*time* during the* early morning and jump-ed out of the* se*eeu,d-steu*y window. Hr.llowarel Bratton was sum,muicd amire*i,ele*re*e| n,e*ilie*al abl. One* ankle* wascrushed ami splinte*i*e*e|, and it is alsofeared she* is hum internally. Mrs. Coz-xeuis is <|ni.t<* an age*e| lady, ami he*r re-e*ove*ry is unlikely.


8 INDUSTRIAL NEWS. |60000000000000000000000000

A lie*w ‘Jo-Imrse* ]M,we*r henlel* is he*ii,giust alle *e I in the* planing mill ed’ the* Keys\ Milh*r ImmU‘l* Company, at Elkteui.I his we*e*k, by He*eu*ge* Medjuilkiu.

Work on tin* m*w foundry being builtm*ar the* railmad hy the* Powers F'onndryCompany, is he*ing pushed ahead as fastas possible*. The* foundations have* beenlaiel ami the* brick work he*gnu. A fullde*seript’nui ef tin* plant was giveui in tli *Whig about twe We*e*ks ago.

Work eui the* e*euistnictieui of a ne*wiron railroael hrielge* eve*r the* Christianae*re*e*k, euie* mile north ed’ 1 ron Hill, this*eUlllty, tee I‘i*phl(*e* the* eelie* wasln*d awayby tin* freshet last spring, is being push-ed rapidly almael, Se*ve*ral ireui girele*rswhieh <ldsappeare>el with the* wash-emt.w*i*e* re*seue*el from tin* e,*e*e*k ami se*ut tothe* Eelge* Meeor Bl'ielge* Werks. FTaiin*cabins have* he*e*i, built along the* railreiadfor the* large* feu*ee eef Die*,, ill WeU'k teedwell in. We)i*k •ui the* large* graniteabutments on either sole* eef the* e*re*ek.was he*gun oil Meeinljiy. A le*mpee,*aryt re*ssle bridge* is mew be*ing nse*el. Nodeday will be* eanse*el it, travel eluring the*eeei,slru<*tiee|| eef file* m*W hrielge.

To Decide When Interest Begins. .

Tin* Orphans’ Court u, We*elnesday,he*ai*el e vieh'iice* in the* matter eef the peti-tion of Raymond R. Phillips, win, hy the*will of Ex-Sheriff J. Ross Conoly, wasde-vise*d .$loOO, anel wine alleges that atthe* time* of e|e*atll sale! testator steeeed inloco parentis tee said cliihi. The* willfurther appoints a guardian to said childami stale's that should he* elie* before In*arrives eef age*. SIOOO of saiel sum shallgee tee the* l,i*irs of te*stator*S wife*. Neepreevisieei, is maele* fee,* payinemt eef interestanel tin* preee-ceding* are* tee ele*vdop atwhat time* intcre*st on saiel sum he*gins.The* evidence slnewcel that the* child waslake*n ley e]e**el at the* age* eef 2 yearsand he* i* now 13.



Cecil County Jail, Almshouse and In-

sane Asylum Visited By Officers c*Prisoners’ Aid Society.

Mr. (Joldsborough S. GriMitb. presi-dent. and Rev. William C. Stoudenmire,general agent of the Maryland Prison-ers’ Aid Association, who recently madea visit to the Cecil comity jail, alms-house and iiismne asylum, in their re-port say :

"The jail at Flkton contains six pris-oners. ail male and all colored, excepttwo. Five of these are insane or im-becile. The jail is fairly well kept bythe sheriff and his son, .ms turnkey orwarden. The crying need of (Veil is a

new. modern jail. We learned that theold building was infected with typhoidfever. Religions service have been re-gularly given the prisoners by Mrs. Alexauder, except when typhoid fever brokeout in the sheriff's family.

"The alms-house at Cherry Hill con-tained 35 inmates white males, 24;white females. 7: colored males, 4. Thisalms-house is iu good sanitary condition,and excellently kept by the superintend-ent. Mr. Moody, and bis wife, the ma-

tron. There have been no improvementsmade during the past year except neces-sary repairs. Then* are. however, a fewimprovement* about to be put in. Reli-gious services are held every Week byRev. Mr. Perry, of the Methodist Pro-testant Church.

"The insane asylum contains 33 in-mates white tunics, 1(1; colored, males,5; white females. It; colored females, 3.This institution is iu very good sanitarycondition and most carefully kept by thesuperintendent. Mr. A. T. Abernathy,and his excellent wife, the matron. The(rounds are ample, and divided so as to<epaiale the males from the females,where they can take exercise and get thefresh air. A com fort able shelter is pro-vided. so that during excessive beat orrain they can remain in the fresh air.These inmates are taken across the roadTo religious services at the alms-houseevery week. These institutions aremodels for the uses designed, and arelocated iii a beautiful elevated plot ofland, with a healthful and productivefarm iu connection. Several of thecounties au insane asylum iu con-nection with tlie alms-house."


Col. Edwin H. Brown Selected By Gover-

nor Smith to Fill Vacancy On Bench

In This Judicial District.

C.overuor John Waller Smith has ap-pointed Col. Fdwiu 11. Brown, of Cen-treville. to the position of AssociateJudge of this, the Second Judicial Cir-cuit. Mr. Brown’s appointment is untilbis successor shall be eleeted. It is totill the vacancy now existing iu this cir-cuit caused by the death of Judge Fred-erick Stump. Mr. Brown is the Demo-cratic candidate for this position to bevoted for at tin* coming election. Hequalified ibis week and took Ids placeupon tlie bench at Denton. The newjudge was given a hearty welcome iu the(’ iroliue (*ourt.


MBs Helen F. England. youngestdaughter of Leroy Fiiglaiid. of nearZion, and Thomas A. Trainor, of Cal-vert. were quietly married at the BayView Methodist Protestant Parsonage,last Friday evening, by Rev. B. F.Jester.

IIAINFS- WILSON.A very pretty wedding was solemnized

Wednesday evening, iu St. Paul’s Pro-testant Fpiscopal Church. Cent reville.the eoiitraetiug parties being Miss Laur-ilie Wilson, daughter of the late JohnF. Wilson, of Flkton. and Warren Jack-sou Haines, sou of L. Marshall Haines,

of this town, and a member of the firmof J. T. Jackson iV Co., of Philadelphia.Rev. James Mitchell, the rector. oMl-ciated. The church was decorated withplants and Mowers. The bride was givenaway by her brother, John F. Wilson.Miss Bertha Wilson, of Philadelphia,was maid of honor, and Misses NannieWilson and Isabella Turpin were flowergirls. Frederick T. Haines, a brother ofthe groom, was best man. The usherswere Robert 11. Patton, of New York:Dr. W. F. M. Sowers, of Washington,I >. ('.: Lieutenant (Jordon Johnson. C. S.A..; Lieutenant John (J. Constable, f.S. A.; and Fverell B. Wilson, of New-ark. N. J. After the ceremony, a recep-tion was hebl at the home of the bride'smother. Mr. and Mrs. Haines will re-side at 1 DOl Chestnut street, Philadel-phia. Guesls were present from Phila-delphia. Baltimore. Washington. NewYork. West Chester, Rising Sun. Flktonand Wilmington.

Weekly Drills by Company E.Regular weekly drills by tlie members

of Company F., First Maryland Regi-

ment. Wave been begun in their Armory,at the corner of North and High streets.Flkton. under Lieutenant Fdward F.Taggart. Captain William A. Wright

¦ 1.0 was elected a Major at the recentencampment at Queenstown, ha- receiv-ed his commission and is now uo longerin charge of the Flkton Company. Tin*company will be re-organized in a shorttime by electing a Captain and Fir-tLieutenant. Second Lieutenant FdwardF. Taggart resigned several weeks ago,but it was not accepted at the hond-qun rters.

district, 81-25; Maryland Water Com-pany, Hivrli School, 85.09; G. A. Mall,repairs, No. 7, Ninth district, $30.86;Henry Vinsinger, furniture, ManualTraining School, $07.00; Mrs. JohnWright, cleaning. No. 6. Third district,82.00; G. A. McKinsey. repairs, No. 7,Sixth district, $4.75; M. C. Anderson,cleaning. No, 5. Fourth district. $1.09;d. R. Anderson, cleaning. No. 4. Fourthdistrict. 84.00; C. A. Benjamin, coal,I'iftli district. $363.94; C. A. Benjamin,new house, No. S, Fifth district, $2.25;Jlirshhurg Art. Co., Manual TrainingSchool, $2(.94: Frishy Boyer, cleaning.No. 4, First district. $2.00; Manly Dren-nen, insurance. No. S. Fifth district,84.20; C. K. Finck, Institute, 82.50; J.F. Simpers, new house, No. 8, Fifth dis-trict, 8833.00; J. F. Simpers, extras. No.8. Fifth district, 82.50; C. C. Anderson,Conowingo. repairs. No. 3, Eighth dis-trict, 830.35; W. W. McGuigan, repairs*No. 3, Eighth district, $2.30; Alonzolilies, repairs, No. 3, Eighth district,80.75; James A. Biehey, repairs, No. 3,Eighth district, $25.00; J. F. Berriker,repairs. No. 3. Ninth district. 85.00; J.F. Berriker, repairs, No. 1, colored. Ninthdistrict, 82.75; Thomas Massey, furni-ture. No. 4. First district, 84.00; JohnBoyer, incidentals, No. 3, First district,81.50; 11. C. Warfield, donning, No. 2,Sixth district. $3.00; C. E. Beatty, paint-ing, No. 3. Fifth district, 810.80; C. E„Beatty, painting. No. 5. Fifth district,820.50; S. B. Gray, repairs, No. 1, Ninthdistrict, $9.00; S. B. Gray, repairs, No,10, Fifth district, 80.50; Alfred Kirk, re-pairs. No. 4, Ninth district. 817.05; ScottiV Hargen, repairs. No. 2, Fourth dis-trict, 820.00.

The following schools having raisedtor library purposes, ten or more dollars,the Treasurer was ordered to add tendollars to each one:—(ora Wiloy, No.5. Sixth district; Mary Kimble, No. 6.Fourth district; L. V. Hartnett, No. 5.Ninth district; Mary C. Anderson, No. 5,Fourth district; School No. 5, Fifth dis-trict; High School, North East.

The resignations of the followingteachers were received and accepted:—Misses Estelle Van Denson, Helm Miller,Hattie Evans, Eloise Walmsley.

Miss Hattie Evans was appointed toNo. 3. Third district, as an assistantteacher, and the appointment of MissHelm Miller was confirmed as teacherof No. 8, Third district.

Mr. Garcy was authorized to soli theold school at No. 8. Fifth <listrict,(Burns).

REPUBLICAN MEETING.An Address by Henry R. Torbert, Esq.*

of Cecil County.

Hyattsville. Md.. Oct. sth, 1901.An enthusiastic meeting of RepnbJi-

'•ans was held in Masonic Hall, here lastevening. Mayor Michael V. Tierney waschosen by the Hyattsville RepublicanFlub to preside over the meeting, but howas unable to serve, and in his stead Mr.

1 rank B. Metzemtt was elected chair-man. with Mr. E. A. Moffntt. as secre-tary. Mr. Metzemtt made the openingaddress, at the conclusion of which he in-troduced Mr. Henry H. Torbert, of Cecilcounty, as the speaker of tin* evening.Mr. Torbert referred eulogistieally to thelife of the late President McKinley anddeclared that the martyred chief had awide-open heart for all, and that if Re-publicans followed in his foot-steps theywere sure to he triumphant, lit* addedthat “William McKinley was slain, butthere was an able hand to take the helmin tin* person of Theodore Roosevelt,”

The speaker talked at length upon thepolicy to lie pursued by Republicans intin* coming campaign in Maryland anddenounced the disfranchisement of theilliterates. At the conclusion of his ad-dress Mr. Torbert was loudly applauded.

Ex-Slate Senator A. L. Hughes, ofWest Virginia, also made a speech.

SHIPPING NEWS.Tin* tug “Hercules,” Captain Moon,

brought to Chesapeake City, last Satur-day. a raft of timber. It was broughtfrom Norfolk. Va.. for 11. L. Gruhe,hound to New York through tin* Chesa-peake and Delaware Canal.

For several days, past week, tin* tug“Emma,” of tin* American Towing Com-pany, of Baltimore, was at Back Creek,near Chesapeake City, pumping out the*barge “Helen,” which partly sunk lastweek. The barge was loaded with lum-ber and railroad ties for Philadelphia,and was owned by the Southern Trans-portation Company. The cargo of thebarge had to be removed.

Successful Supper.The ladies of West End held a very

successful supper last Friday and Sat-urday evenings, in Jeffers* warehouse.About 8U1.29 were cleared, which will headded to tin* Improvement Fund of tin*Flkton M. E. Church. Those havingtables were;

Table No. 1 Mrs. Irvin Deiberf. aids.Miss Sallie Deibert, Miss Ida Saul. andMiss lieha Cochran.

Table No. 2 Mrs. Herman Jeffers,aids. Miss l.izzie Dean. Miss Mary Jef-fers, and Miss Florence Jeffers.

Table No. 3 Mrs. William Merry,aids. Miss Mollie Merry. Miss Ray Col-line. and Miss Gertrude Holt.

Candy Table Miss Annie Deibert andMiss Nona Dean.

Cake Table Mi\ William Dean andMrs. Amos Collings.

Scarlet Fever Under Control.The physicians of Elkton are working

ijuite successful in keeping scarlet feverfrom spreading to any serious degree.One new case was reported this week,Elizabeth, the little daughter of Mr. andMrs. Frank R. Scott. Most of the easeshave been very light ones.



The County Commissioners were in ses-sion on Tuesday. Present, Messrs, J,Polk Steele and W. W. McCiiiigaii.

Minutes read and approved, and var-ious bills were examined, passed and or-dered to be paid.

By direction of the Court, William D.Bratton, foreman of the September(Jrand Jury, appeared before tin* Hoardpresenting the report of that body, andurging that the recommendations in re-gard to improvements at the jail mlasylum he promptly taken up !., the(‘ommissiotiers.

The contract to furnish 78 tons of coni ¦for the use of the county buildings, wasawarded to George W. Hiles & Sou, ofSingerly, at a bid of $400.32.

BOARD OF HEALTH.The Cecil County Board of Health met

at the office of the Secretary, Dr. How-ard Bratton, on Tuesday.

One case of scarlet fever in the Thirddistrict, one ease at Singerly, and oneat North Fast.

Since September 25th, Mft<*en eases, in-cluding two adults, have been reportediu Flkton. Cases mild, with few excep-tions.

Twelve eases of typhoid fever, exclu-sive of the First district, since the lastmeeting. Thirty-two cases at sameperiod last year.

Whooping cough in the vicinity of('ha rlestown.

Twenty-five births were reported forSeptember.

Twenty-seven deaths, nine of personsunder two years of age. Accident. 1;Anaemia, 1; Apoplexy, 2: Asthma, 1;Bright’s Disease, 1; Cancer, 1; CholeraInfantum. 1; Consumption. 4; FnteroColitis, 1; (Jastro Enteritis, 1; HeartDisease. 2; Inanition. 5; Meningitis, 1;Old Age. 1; Paralysis, 2; Peritonitis, 1;Tetanus, 1.

ORPHANS’ COURT.The Orphans* Court for Cecil county,

was in session at their olflee, iu Flkton,on Tuesday and Wednesday. Present—Hon. M. S. MeNamee. chief judge; Hon.Charles F. Beatty and Hon. S. K.Blake, associate judges.

Sundry claims against estates of de-ceased persons were examined andpassed.

Bonds Approved. -Bond of Sophia W.Stryker, executrix of John B. Stryker:bond of Ella M. Status, administratrixe. t. a. of Hannah Stoats; bond of F. Riley, administrator of HenryRiley; bond of Joshua Clayton, Jr., ad-ministrator of Walter F. Clayton: bondof George K. L. Hess, executor of HenryHess.

Accounts Passed.—First and final ac-count of Lucy K. Gifford, executrix ofSamuel Gifford: tiftli account of Thos.(Lewis, guardian of John IL, and Eva(>. Lewis.

The Court heard testimony and argu-ment of counsel on Wednesday as to

whether J. Ross Cotioly, deceased, who,iu his last will and testament devisedsls(in to Raymond It. Phillips, payablewhen he becomes twenty-one years ofage, stood iii loco parentis to said child.The Court had not announced its deci-sion when we went to press.

The Court will meet in spi*eiil sessionmi Tuesday next.

S( ’ 1100 L GO MMISSI ON EH S.The (Veil County School Commis-

sioners were in session at their othee, inFlkton. on Tuesday. Present Messrs.Blake, Abrahams and Garey, The min-utes were read and approved.

The Secretary called attention t. aletter from Dr. J. S. Fulton. Secretaryof the State Board of Health, callingattention to the vaccine biws of theStale, and enclosing a form of certificatefor physicians to give the children. Allteachers are liable to a tine of $1() ineach ease where they admit a child whodoes not present a certificate from areputable physician that said child "hasbeen properly vaccinated." as an epi-demic of small-pox is threatened.

The following bills were* ordered to bepaid R. 11. Draper. Manual TrainingSchool. $4S.5(i; Brumfield A Foster,coal. No. 2. Second district. $1,117: (J. M.Campbell, freight, blackboard. No. 2.Fourth district, (Ml cents; B. M. Wells,freight. Institute. $1.(50; Prof. 11. N.Brown, expenses. Institute. $5.11; R.Fiiliugame. repairs. No. 1. colored. Sei -

olid district, $7.32: Prof. W. A. (’. Ham-mond. Manual Training School. $5.(50;A, M. Strickland. Manual Training

School. $1(52.57; Miss Martha Biddle,

pension. $10.00; B. M. Wells, freight.Manual Training School. 25 cents: J. F.Smithers. outbuilding. No. S. Fifth dis-trict, $40.13; Cadmus Price, hauling, etc.,$5.2(5; \Y. J. (*. Dulaney A Co., books.$577,110; W. J. C. Dulaney A Co., sta-tionery . $4(5.17: Martha Stewart, clean-ing, No. (5. Fifth district, $.3.00; W. A.Dennison, cleaning. No. 7. Fifth dis-trict, $4.25; Mrs. Grant, cleaning. No. 5.Second district. $4.10; R. W. Sen thor-ough, cleaning. No. 7. Third district.$5.00: J. S. Hopper, repairs. No. 5. Sec-ond district. $21.5(1; T. 11. Mercer, clean-ing, No. 2. Second district. $4.00; T, H.Mercer, cleaning. No. 1. colored. Seconddistrict. $4.00; Haines A Kirk, stoves.No. 7. Ninth district. $3.(54: Haines AKirk, stoves. No. (5. Sixth district. SLIH:Haines A Kirk, stoves. No. (5, Ninthdistrict. $15,115; M. F. Kirk, cleaning.

No. (5. Sixth district. $4.5(1; ('. J. Slew-art, furniture. Manual Training School,$232.02; P. Anderson, coal. First dis-trict. $305.30; Bennett Steele, coal. Sec-ond district. $2<55.25; Keys A MillerLumber Go.. Manual Training School,$141.5(1; Keys A Miller Lumber (V., re-pairs. No. 3. Fifth district, $3.(52; R. C.Jeuiicss. incidentals. No. 0. Fifth dis-trict, $5.00; Margaret McUomas, inci-dentals. No. s. Fourth district. $3.00;Maryland Water Company, No. Third


John R. Bond. one of (Veil county'smost prominent ami useful citizens. pas-seil away at his home, near Port De-posit. very suddenly, early yesterday.Friday morning. He had been enjoyinggood health up to Friday morning. deathresulting from apoplexy. The deeeasedwas seventy-three years of age. For a

number of years he was a member of thelumber firm of Bond Bros. A Company,composed of the late Jacob Tome. Thos.F. Bond and John B. Bond, which didan extensive business in Port Oeposit.The deceased was a son of the late Thos.and Mary Bond, of Port Deposit. Hewas a member of the Protestant Fpis-copal Church for many years. In poli-tics he was a staunch Republican, andin ISSO was that party’s candidate forState Senator against John S. Wirt, fFlkton. He was twice married. Awidow and several ehildren survive him

Mrs. (li'invc Thomas, of CharlotteHall. Tallot county; Mrs. Sarah Mitchellof Wilmington. Del.; Philip B. Bond, amember of the Flkton Bar. and RandallBond, of Port Deposit.

MRS. ELIZABETH OWENS.Mrs. Elizabeth Owens, a highly es-

teemed and aged lady of Flkton. widowof the late Charles Owens, died at herotue, on How street, last Saturday morn-

ing. after about two weeks illness, fromdysentery. Mrs. Owens was for manyyears an active member of the TrinityProtestant Episcopal Church and was adevout Christian woman. She was sixty-six years of ace. but up to her last illnesswas quite active. Field children surviveher, three sons and live daughters, viz..Charles Owens, Richard Owens, HarryOwens. Mrs. Flora Blanchtield. wife ofJohn Blanchtield. of Flkton; Miss AnnieOwens. Mrs. Fannie Pansier, wife ofHarry Pansier, and Mrs. Fli/.abethCoales, wife of George Coales, of Phila-delphia: Mrs. Mary Hankins, wife ofGilbert Hankins, of Asbury Park. Herfuneral was held on Tuesday afternoon,services in Flkton P. K. Church, con-duced by Rev. William Schoiiler. In-terment in Flkton Cemetery.

WAPTFR C. CATHFR.\\ alter ('. Gather, a respected and aged

farmer of Cecil county, died at his home,near Principio. on Wednesday. October-ml. aged S| years. He had been infailing health for several months. Thefuneral was held from his late home.Saturday. October sth. at 11 a. m„ ser-vices being conducted by the Rev. R.W. Todd. Interment in West Notting-him Cemetery. The pall-bearers werenephews of'the deceased- Henry. Sam'l.Fdward and Stephen Cather. David andRobert Jettliess. One sister surviv s

him. Miss Hannah Cather. who withwilling hands and loving heart, tenderlyadministered to his wants until the end.Mr. Cather led a quiet and unassuminglife, but will be greatly missed iu thecommunity, as his hospitality knew nolimit. A XFIOHBOR.

•MRS. ELIZABETH .1. RUSSELL.Mrs. Fli/.abeth J. Russell, a highly es-

tci med lady of Havre de Grace. died atImr home, in that town, on Momlav.aged 7* years. She was tJie widow ofSamuel Rusncll. and had been ill morethen two years. Mrs. Russell was a•laughter of the bite (’apt. J. P. Wil-liams. and had resided in Havre detil lee all her life. She leaves five child-ren Mrs. Janies P. Russell, of Orange.N. J.: Mrs. Fsther Resin. John A. Rus-sell. S. Lewis Russell, and Miss SallicRussell, of Havre de Grace.

CAPTAIN JOHN DAVIDSON.Captain John Davidson, of Flkton.

•bed Wednesday night. at a hospital nearBaltimore, where he was taken severalmouths ago for treatment. The deceasedwas a life Imi;' citizen of Flkton. andfollowed the water for many years. Dur-ing tin- Civil War In* enlisted in theFnited Stales Navy. IP was about 114years of age, and is surviveil by threeehildren. His remains were brought toFlkton on Thursibiy night. His wifedied at her home, on Fast High street,several months ago.

MRS. OPIVFR F. CPOI’D.Mr-. Pola P. (‘loud, wife of Oliver F.

('loud, a well known citizen residingnear Pewisville. Pa., died at her home.Thursday. October .*. from tuberculosis.She was a daughter of John Scott, ofPewisville, and is survived by a hus-band and live children. Her funeraltook place on Sunday morning, servicesat St. John's M. F. Church, conductedby Rev. F. IP Collins. Interment wasmade in the adjoining cemetery.

MISS CPA IRF CAMBPIN.Miss Claire Cainbliu. eblesi daughter

of Janies A. Camldin. died at her home,on Mackall Avenue. Flkton. last Fridayevening, after several weeks illness, fromtyphoid fever and pneumonia, agedtwenty-two years. Her funeral was heldon Monday afternoon, services conduce¦•• Iby Rev. William Schoiiler. Inter-ment was made in the Flkton Cemetery.

MRS. MARHARFT J. BRINTON.Mrs. Margaret J. Brinton. died at the

home of her nephew. William J. Kear-ney. near Harrisville, Pa., on Tuesday,aired SO years. She had been blind forseveral years. The funeral services wereheld oil Thursday afternoon, intermentat West Nottingham Cemetery.

Pacing Horse Sold.The paeimr mare, Zarilda. owned by

Mr. Fdward Taylor, bas been purehasedby Mr. Mcßride, of Philadelphia, for•Shin. Mr. Taylor has also sold to Phil-adelphia parties the mare Nancy C.,owned by Manly Drennen, for $l5O.

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