the chester county marine

Post on 07-Nov-2021






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The Chester County Marine

Volume xiv, Issue 11 Gene Gerard & Dave Buckta, editors November 2017

Meetings: 4th Monday of every month @1930

430 Acorn Lane Entrance on Chestnut St. Downingtown, Pa 19335

Next Regular Meeting-- Date: December 18, 2017 @ 1930

Chester County Detachment #286

P.O. Box 828, Downingtown, Pa 19335-0828 Detachment HQ’s: 610-518-5375 (leave message)

Commandant Doug Forsythe

Board of Trustees (eff:1/1/2017)

Commandant Doug Forsythe

610 656 1389

Sr. Vice Jerry Myers 610-721-2112

Junior Vice Bob Strehl


Jr. Past Com Jim Copeland


Judge Adv Dan Condron


Trustees Pat Powell 610 952 5045

Gene Gerard 610-256-6267

Walt Simcox 610-486-6079

Appointed Officers Adjutant Jack Meighan 484 888 2972 Service Officer Kathy Van Gorder 610-489-3756 Paymaster Larry Samples 610-269-9067

Chaplain Kathy Van Gorder 610-489-3756

Sgt. at Arms Leo Burke 610 913 6212 Standing Committees Audit Bill Stellfox


Membership Bob Strehl 215-421-2465

Nominating Jim Copeland 610-883-0283 Ways & Means Jerry Myers 610-721-2112

From the Commandant’s Desk

Semper Fi – Doug Forsythe

Welcome Marines, FMF Corpsman, FMF Chaplains, Associates and

Auxiliary & Visitors:

Hope this writing finds all of you and yours in good spirits and health. I ask you

all to continue your prayers for our Members Gene Gerard, Walter Simcox, Rudy

Spina, Jim Miller and Elmer (Van) Van Gorder. Please let us know of any others

that are suffering and in pain. If any of our members pass on, please contact

Kathy Van Gorder and Kay Croll. Halloween and Thanksgiving has passed and I

for one have so many things to be thankful of. During this time, we performed in

the West Chester Halloween parade, Veterans Day ceremonies at the VA

Coatesville. Marine Memorial Sunday, I was honored to be part of an Opioid

Addiction panel with VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin along with Kay Croll. The

Marine Ball was outstanding and thanks to the Chairs for that Jedi Burns & Ken

Schweitzer. So many other to thank for making all these EVENTs and functions

so honorable. I can’t forget the Major Samuel Nicholas ceremony on the Marine

Corps’ 242 birthday. We started out 0800 raising the Independence Hall 13-star

flag, proceeded over to the Tomb of the unknown soldiers laying a wreath with

taps from our very own Dan Fitzpatrick. We then proceeded for a double

ceremony for the gravesite of Samuel Nicholas and with descendant Gale Steel

wishing to hold our Gideon. I want to remind all that our Christmas Covered

Dish is Monday December 18th. Barb Oberst and Joanne Brown will provide

dish request for us. Let’s make this our biggest party yet. I am happy to

announce that the Kitchen install has been completed and the final inspection

and test this coming week. I want to throw a big ole Congratulations to Lee Beyer

for his Unanimous selection as the Marine of the Year 2018. Congrats Lee, a

well deserving honor. How about the Ladies Auxiliary for that Outstanding Bingo

Thanksgiving Dinner? Joanne, Barb, Lisa, & Deb thank you!! TOYS 4 TOTS is in

full swing with many members participating this year. We ask you to bring in a

donated toy or gift up to age 17 appropriate.

We have fallen short of maintaining our “deceased members” plaque. (Jim

Barger & Ed Dymek). Kay Croll & Kathy Van Gorder need to be notified to

update. Any Uniform or Footlocker needs see me or call me for these orders.

Please review the calendars on the back of our newsletter for upcoming

EVENTs. Please volunteer yourself where your health/availability allows.

Congratulations to Barb Oberst for her completion of the Food Handling course.

Please help to bring in new members for the Ladies Auxiliary. They are

desperately short of help.

In closing, please continue to help bring in guests, speakers, potential members,

associates and auxiliary to our home. If you can help during Bingo EVENTs,

please contact Past Commandant and Legion of Honor Jim Copeland and Barb

Oberst President Detachment Auxiliary. Please keep all our Marines, Sailors,

Corpsmen, Chaplains, Soldiers, and Veterans at home and overseas in your

prayers. God bless us all and this great nation. Please remember all our family

and friends that support us and need our support.

SPECIAL COMMITTEES (2015) Americanism Dan Condron 610-458-0797 Budget Finance Bill Stellfox 610-823-9856 Building Maintenance Leo Burke 610-913-6212 Bylaws Bill Stellfox 215-823-9856 Chicken BBQ Doug Forsythe 610-827-9281 Color Guard Jedi Burns 610-517-1107

Detachment Donations Gene Gerard 610-269-7498 Eagle Scouts Larry Samples 484-433-0086 Fund Raising Larry Samples 484-433-0086 Golf Outing Jerry Myers 610-721-2112 Locker Box Doug Forsythe 610-656-1389

Marine Corps Ball Gerard (Jed)Burns 610-517-1107 Marine Of The Year Larry Samples 484-433-0086 Memorial Day Jim Copeland 610-883-0283 Medal of Honor Grove Doug Forsythe 610-656-1389 New Member Packets Jim Copeland 610-883-0283 Bob Strehl 215-421-2465 Kay Croll 610-696-7589 Scholarships Phil Murray 610-636-2204 Flag Retirement Leo Burke 610-913-6212 Web Sergeant Bill Stellfox 215-823-9856

SPECIAL EVENTS Bingo J. Copeland & L. Burke 610-913-6212 Medal of Honor Cemetery Doug Forsythe 610-827-9281 Toys For Tots Phil Murray 610-636-2204 VAVS Dan Condron 610-458-0797


Chester County Marine, the only publication paid for by Chester County Detachment MCL #286, is published monthly as a service to the membership and other interested organizations. We will reprint any article deemed to be newsworthy and not political. The editor reserves the right to modify any items selected for printing. The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of National MCL, Inc., Pennsylvania MCL, Inc. or the Chester County Detachment. All members and other interested parties are invited to submit articles for publication.

Liaisons American Legion #475

Tom Logan 610-696-3323

Auxiliary Barbara Oberst 610 518-4845

Jim Copeland 610-518-3444

DAV #90 Ken Schweitzer 610-489-2703

Marksmanship Dennis Brown 610-692-4782

Military Order of the Purple Heart

Doug Forsythe 610-656-1389

Spring City Vets Home

Ken Schweitzer 610-489-2703

Viet Nam Veterans of America Chapter 436

Ken Schweitzer 610-489-2703

VFW #845 Jim Copeland 610-883-0283

W. Chester Veterans Council

Jim Copeland 610-883-0283

Doug Forsythe

WCU SVG Scholarship Fund

Gene Gerard 610-256-6267

11/27/2017 Page 2

CC MCL Newsletter

Dave Buckta and Gene Gerard are publishing the CC Marine Newsletter as a team. Please send all of your

newsworthy items, including photos and links to

Winter Uniform

Winter uniform is in effective 04 November, 2017 as


• Red Cover

• Long Sleeve White Shirt with tie

• Black Trousers

• Black Shoes & Socks

• Red Satin Jacket when appropriate

Marine Corps League Uniforms available online:

Detachment Christmas Party!!!

After December’s membership meeting on Monday,

18 Dec 2017

Decorations courtesy of Women’s Auxiliary

Please bring a covered dish or other goodie


CC MCL Newsletter Page 3

Minutes From Meeting on – October 23, 2017

Meeting Opened: 7:36 PM

Roll Call of Officers:

Officer Member Present

Commandant Doug Forsythe X

Sr. Vice-Commandant Jerry Myers X

Jr. Vice-Commandant Bob Strehl X

Judge Advocate Dan Condron

Jr. Past Commandant Jim Copeland

Adjutant Jack Meighan X

Paymaster Larry Samples X

Chaplain Kathy Van Gorder X

Sergeant at Arms Leo Burke X

Service Officer Kathy Van Gorder X

Trustee Gene Gerard

Trustee Pat Powell X

Trustee Walt Simcox

8 officers present

Prior to the start of the meeting, Eugene P. Hough the Executive Director of Saving Hallowed

Ground spoke to the detachment and showed a short video explaining the organization’s mission

of promoting engagement with and appreciation of the past by connecting individuals and

communities with historic preservation and commemoration initiatives. Hough said he hoped to

involve veterans at the Coatesville VA Hospital in doing conservation work on monuments,

cemeteries, etc. At the conclusion of Hough’s presentation, Adjutant Meighan made a motion to

donate $200 to Saving Hallowed Ground for chemicals used in cleaning monuments. Senior

Vice-Commandant Jerry Myers seconded the motion, which was approved by a vote of the

detachment members.


CC MCL Newsletter Page 4

New Members:


Minutes from Previous Meeting:

The minutes from 9 /24/2017, were provided to members. A motion to accept the

minutes with one correction was made by Tom Logan and seconded by Lou Netta. The

motion passed.


The Chapel of the Four Chaplains at Valley Forge has asked for a donation.

Commandant Forsythe recommended that the detachment donate $100; Hank Detering

made a motion that a $100 donation be sent to the Chapel of the Four Chaplains, which

was seconded by Jerry Myers. The motion passed.

Paymaster Report:

Paymaster Larry Samples presented the paymaster’s report and reported that the

Chicken Barbecue brought in $675.00. A motion to receive the paymaster’s report

subject to audit was made by Kathy Van Gorder and seconded by Lou Netta. The

motion passed.

Dave Buckta said the detachment will be switching internet providers from Homestead

to Go Daddy.

Members or Family Members Sick or in Distress:

Members were asked to keep Gene Gerard, Rudy Spina, Jim Miller, Walt Simcox, and

Kathy Van Gorder’s husband Van in their prayers.

Report of Officers:


Standing Committees:

Nominations – Because of Jim Copeland’s absence, a slate of candidates was not

announced. Kay Croll asked if the officers in present positions were nominated. Doug

said he thought all present officers were running for reelection with the exception of

Gene Gerard.

Doug Forsythe said that pursuant to the bylaw change of 3/8/2014, which altered Article

8, § 8.1 he would submit his name for a third consecutive term as detachment

commandant. Lou Netta nominated Doug for Commandant, which was seconded by

Leo Burke. Doug said he understood the duties of the office of Commandant and would

be willing to serve.

Special Committees:

Dennis Brown (Marksmanship): The next meeting has not been scheduled.


CC MCL Newsletter Page 5

Lee Byers (Toys for Tots): Volunteers are needed for 12/11, 12/12, and 12/13/2017 to pick

up toys. Last year the Limoncello Restaurant had 17 full boxes at their restaurant. This

year Limoncello will host an EVENT at a facility of the Chester County Historical Society on

Sunday 12/10/2017, for Toys for Tots. The boxes have to be picked up on Sunday night

12/10/2017, so the truck can begin the regular pickups on Monday, 12/11/2017.

Last year over 44,000 toys were collected in Chester and Montgomery Counties, which

were distributed to 14,000 kids.

Unfinished Business:


New Business:

The following awards for participating in the 2017 Marine Corps League Pistol Match were


Tim O’Hara - Third place, individual marksman, Al Harper, Pat Powell, Bob Saenz, Pat

Vollmer, and Charlie Wertz – 3rd Place Team Expert; and Pat Powell - 10th place open


Dennis Brown, Tim O’Hara, Walt Simcox, Pat Vollmer, Charlie Wertz also received an

award for 2nd place, team expert at the 2017 Rifle Match.

The October issue of Leatherneck Magazine had an article about the work of our

detachment in honoring Commandant Samuel Nicholas at his gravesite in Philadelphia.

Good of the League:

Eight members of the detachment participated in the 10/22/2017, Beirut Lebanon Marine

Barracks Memorial Ceremony in Philadelphia. Five survivors of the bombing were present

as well as Gold Star families.

Dennis Brown participated in the Vietnam Veterans Honor Flight on 10/15/2017, to

Washington, DC. The veterans visited the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, World War II,

Korean and Vietnam Memorials.


Ceremonies at Oaklands Cemetery on Marine Memorial Sunday will begin at 11:00 AM on

11/12/2017. The West Chester Veterans Day Parade will follow with muster at 1:30 PM and

step off at 2:00 PM.

The Chester County Council of the Boy Scouts will host a breakfast honoring veterans at

Immaculata University on 11/9/2017. On Friday, 11/10/2017, ceremonies at Independence

Hall, the Revolutionary War Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and Samuel Nicholas’ grave will

take place in Philadelphia.

Closing: 9:06 PM


CC MCL Newsletter Page 6

DATE: Oct 25, 2017

EVENT: Halloween Parade WC

LOCATION: West Chester, Pa.

MEMBERS : Jed Burns, Al Yusko, Doug Forsythe

SUMMARY: Detachment was again asked to lead parade

SUBMITTED BY: Doug Forsythe

DATE: Nov 03, 2017 EVENT: Certificate of Appreciation to Giant Food Market

LOCATION: Giant Food Market Lionville, Pa

MEMBERS: Doug Forsythe

SUMMARY: To recognize Giant mgmt

for their donation of product for MCL

18th annual Chicken BBQ.

Receiving COA:

Three assistant store managers.

Great folks!

SUBMITTED BY: Doug Forsythe

DATE: Nov 03, 2017 EVENT: Certificate of Appreciation presentation

LOCATION: Lou Beverages Downingtown,Pa.

MEMBERS: Doug Forsythe

PURPOSE: To acknowledge their generous

donation to the 18th Annual MCL BBQ.

Receiving: Family of Deceased Owner Lou.

SUBMITTED BY: Doug Forsythe

11/27/2017 CC MCL Newsletter 7

EVENT: Arch of Sabers DATE: November 04, 2017

MEMBERS: Jim Copeland, Leo Burke, Doug Forsythe, Dave Buckta and Polly and Pat.

SUMMARY: Doug Forsythe provided a Marine Corps presence at the Arch of Sabers for

LT(jg) Danielle Buckta’s marriage to Shane Rowan. Doug was a member of the sword detail

consisting of 4 Navy officers and 1 sailor.

LOCATION: Saint Elizabeth RC Church, Upper Uwchlan, PA

SUBMITTED BY: David Buckta

DATE: Nov 09, 2017 EVENT: Monthly Bingo - Shut Ins

LOCATION: VA Coatesville, Bldg 59A

MEMBERS: Tom Tanner, Leo Burke, Bill Kennedy, Dan Condron and Conrad McGinley

(General Smedley D. Butler Detachment)

PURPOSE: Presented $175 in Canteen Books and Ice Cream & Tasty Cakes to 15 vets


DATE: Nov 18, 2017 EVENT: Detachment Bingo

LOCATION: CC MCL Chestnut Street

MEMBERS: Leo Burke, Jim Copeland, Dave Mundy, Mike Rapp, Joanne Brown, Barb

Oberest, Dennis Brown, Lisa Sundin, Mario Scherl

PURPOSE: 32 attendees with $325.


11/27/2017 CC MCL Newsletter 8

EVENT: Samuel Nicholas Memorial Ceremony

DATE: November 10, 2017

MEMBERS: Dan Fitzpatrick, Jim Copeland,

Gale Steele, Jed Burns, Doug Forsythe.


0730 - raised 13 star flag Independence Hall.

0830 - Wreath ceremony Tomb of the

Unknown Soldier Washington Square.

1000-1030 - Wreath laying and taps

Samuel Nicholas gravesite.

LOCATION: Friends Meeting House

4th & Arch St. Phila, Pa

SUBMITTED BY: Doug Forsythe

EVENT: West Chester Veterans Day parade

DATE: November 12, 2017

MEMBERS: Jim Copeland, Doug Forsythe,

Jack Meighan, Kay Croll, Steve Aikman

SUMMARY: MCL honored to lead this year's

Veterans Day parade

LOCATION: West Chester

SUBMITTED BY: Doug Forsythe

EVENT: Marine Memorial Sunday

DATE: November 12, 2017

MEMBERS: Jim Copeland, Doug Forsythe,

Jack Meighan, Larry Samples,

Hank Detering, Kay Croll, Steve Aikman

and Dan Fitzpatrick on Bugle

SUMMARY: Marine Memorial Sunday

LOCATION: Oakland's Cemetery

West Chester, Pa

SUBMITTED BY: Doug Forsythe

11/27/2017 CC MCL Newsletter 9

EVENT: Marine Corps Birthday Ball DATE: November 11, 2017


SUMMARY: Detachment members and guests gathered to honor and celebrate the 242nd

birthday of the United States Marine Corps. The guest speaker was Colonel Ken DeTreux,

Commanding Officer, Villanova NROTC unit and he was presented with a Ka-Bar. Lee Byer

was announced as the next Marine of the Year. After the ceremony and dinner, the Bulldogs

provided dancing music.

LOCATION: Coatesville Country Club, Coatesville, PA

SUBMITTED BY: Doug Forsythe

Marine Corps League Auxiliary

It’s hard to believe that we’re most of the way through November! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Our family doesn’t get to celebrate Thanksgiving, as Kyle’s family can only get together for Christmas on Black Friday most years, and, as I write this, my brain is fried, my feet are killing me after two days of cooking, cleaning, and decorating, so please forgive any memory lapses. We had a great time, and one relative told me that she reads what I post on Facebook about the Marine League, and is a fan of the Auxiliary! Sorry, ladies, she won’t be joining, as she lives in Tennessee.

Speaking of turkey, our turkey special for last week’s Bingo did very well, as usual.

And, speaking of cooking…our oven’s ventilation system has finally been installed! We used it at Bingo, and it works beautifully. The air is much fresher, and having that light over the range top is very nice, indeed. Thank you, Marines!

I found out today that I passed my Certified Professional Food Manager Exam.

Please welcome our newest member, Sue Quackenbush. Some of you may already know her from her association with the Marine Corps League. Welcome aboard, Sue!

I just sent Operation Gratitude 14 scarves that I knitted, and I received a thank-you email from them.

I also bought about 15 crossword and word search puzzle books for their 2 millionth package drive. They’d like them by 12/9, but, even if they don’t get there in time, they will be used later.

I wasn’t able to attend the Marine Corps Ball, but I heard that everyone enjoyed it.

If you receive any Christmas gifts that you don’t like, and they fit the criteria for VA or Operation Gratitude donations, please consider bringing them to a meeting, and we can send them on.

The article I wrote and our group photo are in the November issue of Seniors. The newspapers were not delivered to HQ. I tried to get more copies, but couldn't. If anyone has a copy they don't need, would you please give it to me?

We will discuss dates for the Holiday party at our November meeting on Monday, 11/27, at 7:30 PM.

Barbara Oberst, Auxiliary President

Page 10 11/27/2017


CC MCL Newsletter Page 11 11/27/2017 Page 11

Membership Updates

CC MCL Newsletter

CC MCL Life Membership as of April 2017

Barger, James M. Dymek, Edward J. Logan, Thomas M. Sanders, Jeffrey A.

Beyer, Lee Engman Jr. , Ulrick F. Lowrey, Wesley Scherl, Mario

Bradford Sr., James Fay, Gary N. McCarthy, James F. Schweitzer, Kenneth

Brown, Dennis Flanigan, Rogers, C. McDonnell, James J. Sheldon, Raymond

Bullock III, Daniel W. Forsythe, Douglas R. McIlhenney, James D. Shields, William F.

Burke, Leo J. Gerard, Eugene Meighan, Jack Simcox Jr., Walter W.

Burns, Gerard F. (Jeb) Goncharoff, Jamie, W. Messinger, David B. Spano, Robert

Ceshan Jr. John J. Goodwin, Donald Meyer, Donald W. Spina, Rudolph Jr.

Condron, Daniel J. Grigson, D Roger Miller, James J. Stellfox, William E.

Copeland, James Guyer, Michael F. Morrow, Richard J. Strehl, Robert L.

Croll, Kay Halter, Frank T. Mundy, David J. Stone, Robert G.

Corcoran, Willi J. Harper, Albert B. Murray, Philip Supplee, Peter R.

Curtis, Allen Hinckley, John E. Myers, Jerry Tanner, Tom R.

D'Ambrosio, Joseph A Jacobsen, Leif O’Brien, John F. Van Gorder, Elmer S. Assoc

Detering, Hank Jefferis. Steven G. Patton, Jay F. Van Gorder, Katherine A.

DiMatteo, John Kane II, John K. Peterson, Mark A. Wertz, Albert R.

DiSciullo, Dominic Kay, Joseph Pinter, Julius Wahn, Mark

Donegan, Joseph P. Keers, William G. Pitt, Jr. Thomas A. Wood, Fred R.

Donovan, Robert F. Kutz, Walter Powell, Patrick B. Wertz, Charles

Dormer, Robert L. Lauser Jr. , James, C Ribble, Jack Woodward, William E.

Dulin Jr., Joseph E. LeClair, Fred Samples, Larry L. Yocum, James

Attention All Non-Life MCL Members

As a result of a change at National Marine Corps League Headquarters, all non-life members

dues will be Sept 01 of each year. Therefore, please contact Larry Samples for dues submission

or Bob Strehl for questions.

Please inform Larry Samples of any change in address, phone or email.

Again, this only affects non-life members.

11/27/2017 CC MCL Newsletter 12

December 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat





Jim Copeland












CC MCL Staff

Meeting 7:30pm

Doug Forsythe


VA Bingo

Dan Condron





Jim Copeland




Membership Mtg


Doug Forsythe


VA Popcorn

Sales Dan Condron













Chester County Marine

December 2017 EVENT Calendar

11/27/2017 CC MCL Newsletter 13

January 2018

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat









Jim Copeland





CC MCL Staff

Meeting 7:30pm

Doug Forsythe


VA Bingo

Dan Condron












Jim Copeland




Membership Mtg


Doug Forsythe


VA Popcorn

Sales Dan Condron









Chester County Marine

January 2018 EVENT Calendar

End of Newsletter

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