the children of kampung pasir pekan

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan




    Name : Ee Li Ching

    Class/Group : PPISMP/RBT/BM/BILecturers Name : En. Mohan A/L Palaniandy

    Date of Submission : 22 December 2010

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    I felt that the story is quite interesting

    and suitable for us to understand and

    apply it into our life. This is because from

    this story I have learn a lot of knowledge

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    CHARACTERSThe characters in this story is Timah (main character),

    Adil, Timah's mother and Kahir.

    Based on the story, I think that Timah is a:

    responsible and helpful girl

    > During holiday, Timah helps her mother harvest

    paddy at Padang Terang to earn money.

    > She helps Kahir watering the watermelon.

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan



    > Even highly educated but she still helping her mother

    and neighbours reap paddy and tape rubber

    brave> she was walking along on the sawah bunds and

    doesnt scared of the buffalo to attack her


    > She is the varsity student

    > She study extra hard and wanted leave the varsity

    with a degree.

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    Based on the story, I think that Adil is a:

    Responsible and caring person

    > He carried a bundle of paddy straw to feed his

    buffaloes and used his toe to spread out the straw to

    make it easier for the buffaloes to feed

    > He concerned about Timahs safety

    > He buys fresh grass to feed the buffaloes

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    Based on the story, I think that Timahs mother

    is a:


    >Her husband die eight years agodutiful wife

    > She prepared Timah favorite food

    hardworking women

    > She helps the neighbors reap paddy and tap rubber> She ploughing the land to sow the seed

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    Based on the story, I think that Kahir is a:

    hardworking person

    > He hope that he will get a full certificate and

    successful apply for a place at the University of


    > He hope to open an agricultural farm of about a

    thousand acres

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    We should learn from this four characters

    especially Timah, the main character in the

    novel. She always try hard, do not giveup easily and work hard in life.

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    PLOTPlot is often designed with a narrative

    structure, storyline or story arc, that

    includes exposition, rising action and

    climax, followed by a falling action and


  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    In my opinion, the plot in this story is quite boring.

    Because based on the story , I did not see the

    events in the story become complicated and there

    is not highest point of interest and the turning

    point of the story.

    Besides, in this story do not mention that whetherTimah has go to the Education Office or not.

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    Based on page 75 in the story, Timahs

    mother was surprised when Timah want

    follow her go to harvest paddy because

    Timah already told her that she wanted goto the Education Office . But timah told that

    she will drop in tomorrow after visiting the

    school where her formerly taught ( Rising


  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    Based on page 77 in the story, after helping

    her mother, Timah told that she wanted to

    go Kahir's orchard but her mother felt

    curious that why Timah didnt go to theEducation Office. Timah felt that it is not

    urgent. (Climax)

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    In this story, author did not further mention

    about the Education Office, the place Timah

    had decided to go

    Finally, Timah boarding the plane going back to

    Versity (Resolution)

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    THEMEAfter understanding the whole story, I think that

    the most suitable theme of this story is

    struggle of life

    This is because according to the story:

    > Timah study extra hard for her final year andwant leave the varsity with a degree. She wanted to

    improve her family life

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    > Kahir hope that he will get a full certificate and

    successful apply for a place at the University of

    Agriculture. He wanted to open an agricultural

    farm of about a thousand acres

    > Timahs motherwork hard to earn money

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan



    In my opinion, the main setting in this story is barn

    (evening), timahs house (night) and Kahirs

    orchard (morning). For example:

    Barn (evening)

    > He carried a bundle of paddy straw to feed his


    > Timah walking on the sawah bands and surprised

    when see Adil at there.

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    Timahs House (night)

    > Timahs mother was busy collecting the rain water

    in tin cans

    Kahirs Orchard (morning)

    > Timah went to Kahirs orchard to help him

    watering the watermelon.

    > Kahir gave Timah a bundle of tapioca shoots.

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan



    In my opinion, as a human we must always help

    each other like the story as written:

    Timah and her mother help Mak Nik reap paddy

    They also help Pak Yusof tap the rubber in rubber


    Timah helps Kahir watering the watermelon

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    In my opinion, to fulfill our dream, we need to

    work hard no matter you are rich or poor like the

    story as written:

    To improve her family life, Timah study extra hard

    for her final year and want leave the varsity with adegree

    Kahir hope that he will get a full certificate and

    successful apply for a place at the University ofAgriculture to open an agricultural farm of about a

    thousand acres

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan


    In my opinion, As a human being, we must filial

    our parent because our parent had sacrifice a lot

    for us like the story as written:

    Timah helped her mother during school holiday to

    earn money

  • 7/28/2019 The Children of Kampung Pasir Pekan



    This is a worthwhile story for us

    to read ..

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