the church mouse july 2018 hilton united methodist … july 2018.pdf · this particular piece spoke...

Post on 30-Aug-2018






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The Church Mouse July 2018

Hilton United Methodist Church

Pastor’s Corner

Recently I was scrolling through Facebook and came across the following post from Matt Rowe a pastor

from Jamestown, N.Y. This particular piece spoke to my soul longing for rest and refreshment from the

busyness that often plagues our families and personal emotional and spiritual lives. I encourage you to

read it and this summer take time for Sabbath for yourself and your family. Pastor Jennifer

Some thoughts for the onset of Summer 2018...

As we move into the summer months, it’s very common to see churches shift into a lower gear. Sunday

school classes take a break, pastors assume that families will take time to vacation together, and overall,

people look for a change in their normal rhythms. They want a little rest. They want to feel like they’ve

had some time away.

Rest is an important, vital part of our spiritual lives. When we fully accept God’s design for us as human

beings, we quickly realize that we were never meant to maintain a pace of life that demands more than

our capabilities. Human beings were never designed to live at break-neck speed.

And yet, this is what our culture often tells us. We are flooded with activities and invitation to

participate in a myriad of things. We are given technology that enables us to maintain constant contact

with every person in our lives. It also tells us that we should never really withdraw and allow for some

quiet. Being constantly engaged is hailed as a virtue.

More and more, the pace of our world shouts loudly against a human being’s need for rest, quiet, and

even regular withdrawal from interaction with others.

But God offers us another way. God invites us into a pace of life that nurtures us and leads to an

experience of abundant life, even in the midst of this hectic broken world. The need for Sabbath in our

lives – an intentional day or time period where we delight in rest, renewal, and things that delight our

hearts – is becoming more and more acutely apparent as we watch people suffer from greater and greater

stress and anxiety. It seems that people in our world are slowly losing the ability to be still.

It’s true. Human beings seem to be losing the ability to be still, and rest in God’s presence. Our deeply

spiritual nature as human beings suffers when we depart from anything God has designed for us. The

real nature of God’s commands are not restrictive. They don’t keep us from things, they lead us to

things. Even when they seem to command us to refrain from something, it is because God wants us to

experience the fullness of life.

It is sad when we live as if we are slaves to a pace of life that drains us of joy and fullness. We all feel

that pull toward busyness, but it eventually bleeds us dry. It certainly has that effect on me. We don’t

have to look very far to see that we're a mess in this part of our humanity. And sadly, even as Christ-

followers, our lives often look about the same as the world around us. con’t…


Pastor’s Corner continued….

But somewhere in this mess, we can see a unique opportunity for the church of Jesus Christ to shine a

bright light into the world. We can offer a different way of living – one that sets time aside for worship,

prayer, joy in gathering, and deep relationships that exist for the sake of themselves.

In a time when churches are struggling, I often think that we’re moving toward a new day; one where

the followers of Jesus can offer something to people that we have almost entirely forgotten: We are

created by a loving God, who really does know what’s best for us. Perhaps it’s time to look again at a

life of worship, service, deep relationships, and yes, rest, as a pathway to the abundant life Jesus offers


As you move into the season of summer, I pray that you will consider how living in God’s prescribed

rhythms might bring you the peace and renewal you long to experience.

In Your Service,

Pastor Matt

Youth Corner

Hello Church! What a busy close to the school year the youth have had. With our goal of Kingdom Bound 2018 in sight, the youth are working hard to raise the money for the trip. Our Pasta dinner was a hit! Many thanks to all who helped and Nina Neri for the delicious meal. With that behind us, we are turning our focus to a car wash and the Carnival. The Car Wash will be Saturday, July 7th from 12:00 non to 3:00pm in the church’s westside parking lot. Hope you will stop by! We look forward to the Hilton Fireman's carnival that runs from July 11-14. A signup genius has gone out with many opportunities to help. If you did not get an invite, or cannot find it, visit, search for, select Hilton Firemen’s Carnival. Please take some time and find a slot that works for you. In the midst of all of these "bigger" events, we are also organizing a "RENT A TEEN" campaign that will help those in need of some outdoor help. Please reach out to Marisa Pulci at 585-698-9401 if you have any questions or would like to sign up. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. God is work at in HUMC in marvelous ways and it is fun to watch. In Him, Joe Neri



Are you looking for something to do, or some way to

serve your church this summer? HUMC has a

wonderful service opportunity available to people of all

ages! It’s our SHIPWRECKED VBS! These first 2

weeks in July will be critical in planning & preparation

for VBS. Many have already stepped forward to serve

in this annual ministry, but many more, with servant

hearts are needed. Service opportunities range from

small tasks to large, involved tasks. Please consider

offering to make a donation via, or registering as a volunteer through our

online registration page, Opportunities range from prayer

support to being a Site Leader, with many levels in between. Please visit our SHIPWRECKED

VBS Registration Page to take advantage of these service opportunities.

The HUMC family has been an outstanding resource in the 20+ years I have been part of the

VBS Ministry. Thank you for that support in the past, today, and into the future. With your

help, HUMC VBS ministries have reached over 1000 children.

The approximate average cost of materials per participant is $25. HUMC does not charge for

kids to participate in VBS. We do have a love offering opportunity, as well as a chance to

make a donation to offset costs, but we believe VBS should be available to all of the children in

our community. If you would like to donate online, to help sponsor a student (or students), you

can do so at

Each year at HUMC VBS, we have a mission focus. In recent years, that focus has been to fill

a need in our local community. Once again, this year, we are partnering with the Missions

Team to collect school supplies and backpacks for our Cadet Cupboard families. The

generous donations of our VBS and HUMC families have been a beautiful outpouring of grace

for our Cadet Cupboard families in the past. I am sure they will be again this year!

Keep your eyes open for SignUpGenius to go live at the beginning of July.

SHIPWRECKED VBS runs July 16-20, from 9:00am – Noon. Stop by and visit us!

Thank you for your

continued support of this

vital ministry!

Dan Van Vleck, HUMC VBS Director 585.355.1040


July 2018


We are excited to announce that we are collecting school supplies for our Summer

Cadet Cupboard families again this year! Last year we collected enough donations to

provide backpacks full of school supplies for over 40 children. Your donations

relieved the financial burden that so many families face when it is time to prepare

children to return to school in the fall.

There will be a link to Sign-Up Genius emailed to our congregation. Feel free to

purchase anything from our list. We will continue to collect donations until Sunday,

August 5th. Donation containers will be available at the church entrance. Please feel free

to contact Katie Paxton-Johnson (730-3620 or if you have any

questions or you would prefer to make a monetary donation. Thank you for making back-

to-school so positive for our Summer Cadet Cupboard families!


Hilton Methodist Church

Mission Team

School Supplies Needed:

Backpacks (solid colors preferred – black and navy are very popular)




Composition Books (wide ruled)

Colored Pencils


Glue Sticks

Lined Paper (wide ruled)

Pencil Box/Zippered Pouch

Tip Erasers/Other Erasers

Monetary Donations (Checks made payable to Hilton UMC)



Open Table is closed for the summer. My thanks to the chefs: Kevin

Sullivan, Pat Holenbeck, Mary Hall and Bev Thompson, Karen and Bob

Blank, Friendship Circle, for providing delicious meals each month.

Thanks to Scott Campbell for coming in each month as our representative

for the Board of Health--food Handlers. Also, to Ed Earnhart for filling in for Scott at our June dinner.

Many thanks also to all those who volunteered to help prep, set up the fellowship Hall, serve and clean

up. Each position was important in making each dinner a success.

My thanks also to those who came to eat-- supporting the efforts of our chefs and many volunteers.

Enjoy your summer.

Janet LaBorie

Playground Patrol

Kids of all ages are invited to join us at the Parma Town Hall

Playground on Saturday, July 28th at 2pm.

We will provide snacks and drinks. We will have some crafts to do

also. Invite some friends to come along. We will also be inviting those

already at the playground if they would like to join in our snack and

craft fun.

We welcome adult fellowship while the kids are playing.

Contact Jim & Sally lee or Deb Bunt for more information.

Hope to see you there!

The Nurture Team

Church Picnic

DATE: Saturday, August 4th

LOCATION: Earnhart’s (663 Moul Rd) and

Emerson’s (667 Moul Rd) compound

Parking available in both driveways


3PM to 5PM swimming in Earnhart pool. Bring suits and towels, sunblock and bug spray.

5PM dinner. Drop food off at Emerson’s house. Bring chairs and dish to share. Ed will grill

hamburgers and hot dogs. Paper products and beverages will be provided.

6:30PM desserts and coffee/tea and lemonade/water


TREASURERS’ REPORT June 2018 As of June 1, 2018, we have the following balances in our major financial accounts:

Account Definitions:

Checking Accounts Account utilized to pay all internal and external invoices using Quicken.

Savings – General Account where all 2018 full year Offerings are held until released each month.

SUMMARY: As of June1, 2018, ……we have $748.00 in the Checking account (in Quicken as shown above). We

have NO outstanding invoices; and all salaries have been paid for May.

Key Financial Key points tracked; May 2018 Ministry Shares, Health premiums and Retiree premiums are paid in FULL Year to

date. All Repeating expenses and Church Mutual Insurance were paid in full … Year to Date.

Our total Annualized income for May was $16,634 with expenses of $16,987 (approximately

$4,000 below our monthly average). The YTD Annualized offering is $6,251 below our

annualized YTD budget. Monthly income was $4,198 below our Monthly targeted income.


MAY 2018

Treasurer’s Facts: The cost to provide heat and lighting to HUMC is $11,000 per year.

Communications: I am looking for feedback …. Does this Treasurer’s report provide too much information, not enough,

or just right??? I would like some feedback!

If you have any questions on any of this information or would like to see specific information or more

details … please contact me…. email is

Dennis Sneddon








Budget vs Income Profile

Budget Income Plan Actual YTD Income

Account Name As of January 7, 2018 As of June 1, 2018

Checking (in Quicken) $7193 $748.00

Savings - General $0 24875.10

Reserve – Capital $10,550.00 $10,705.10

Remembrance Fund $3,550.00 $3,552.03

Endowment Fund $108,857 $106,087.08


2018 Graduates High School: Future Plans:

Samantha Grover Hilton High School Monroe Community College Maxwell Jamerson Hilton High School Middle Tennessee State University Julia Postilli Hilton High School Geneseo College

College: Degree:

James Brumbaugh R.I.T. B.S. Mechanical Engineering Brian Hurlimann Brockport College B.S. Criminal Justice Abigail Van Vleck Grove City College B.S. Biology

Graduate School: Degree:

Noah Cole Canisius College M.B.A. Zachary Cole Ithaca College Doctorate of Physical Therapy Troy Green Robert’s Wesleyan Master’s Strategic Leadership Jessica Mucci St. John Fisher Master’s of Education

July Birthdays

Holenbeck, Ed 7/1

Ballerstein, Linda 7/2

Fox, Charlie 7/2

Bassett, Jill 7/4

Trembley, Jack 7/4

Laborie, Keith 7/7

Thompson, Aaron 7/7

Lanceri, Cheri 7/8

Trembley, Sue 7/8

Perkins, Sharon 7/9

Roy MacWilliam 7/9

Coyle, Nancy 7/11

Holenbeck, Patricia 7/12

Cole, Noah 7/14

Earnhart, Ed 7/17

Neri, Daniella 7/21 * 1st Birthday

DeNeve, Carol 7/24

Schuler, Lara 7/26

Johnson, Sophie 7/27

Lonville, Philip 7/27 * 1st Birthday

Maxwell, Charlie 7/31

July Anniversaries Mike & Alyssa Ranaletta 07/01/2017 1

Sam & Sue Emerson 07/02/1966 52

Mac & Ernestine McKenzie 07/08/1967 51

Michael & Nancy Postilli 07/12/1997 21

Marcia & Ben Adams 07/17/1965 53

Allan & Janice Lower 07/22/1972 46

Jim & Pat Butts 07/24/1965 53

James & Sally Lee 07/28/1962 56

Joe & Jenna Neri 07/31/2004 14


Servants for July 2018

Lay Liturgists Greeters

1 Bob Comstock 1 Carol DeNeve & Pat Holenbeck

8 Evelyn Seeger 8 Charlie & Alice Maxwell

15 Alea Floyd 15 Dan, Pat, Caroline & Abby Van Vleck

22 Dan Van Vleck 22 VBS Kids

29 29 Ingrid Richardson & Pat Holenbeck

Ushers Guides

1 # 3 – Will Rickman 1 Sue Emerson

8 # 4 – Ernie McKenzie 8 Sparky Hess

15 # 5 – Pat Holenbeck 15 Sam Emerson

22 # 6 – Dennis Sneddon 22 Ann Hurlimann

29 # 1 – Ed Earnhart 29 Pat Butts

Jr. Church Assistant Nursery Assistant

1 Carol DeNeve 1 Troy Davis

8 Karen Blank 8 Samantha Striemer

15 Ed Earnhart 15 Brianna Neri

22 Sue Sutherland 22 Sophia Striemer

29 Kathy Blackburn 29 Trent Green

Sound Booth: Acolytes

1 Patti Sullivan 1

8 Pat Holenbeck 8

15 Patti Sullivan 15

22 Patti Sullivan 22

29 Pat Holenbeck 29

Communion Servers Coffee Hour

8 Ingrid Richardson 1 Scott Campbell

Pat Holenbeck 8 Sally Lee

Debby Comstock 15 Elaine Ehrlich

Carol DeNeve 22 Sam & Sue Emerson

29 Kathy Blackburn

Thank you for serving this month. If you are interested in learning about serving on Sundays or how to

sign up, please contact Pat in the office (392-8761 or and she will put you in

contact with the person coordinating that area. Or you may visit search for


Pilates and Yoga

5 week Summer Session

At Hilton United Methodist Church

Taught by Karen Blank

Contact Ed Earnhart for more information:


July 7-8 Tuscarora Field Days Tuscarora Nation, Lewiston NY July 20-22 Seneca Veterans PowWow Salamanca NY July 28-29 Summer Music and Dance Festival Ganondagan State Historic Site Victor NY sponsored by Friends of Ganondagan (FOG) Sept 21-23 Native Nations Festival Watson Homestead 9620 Dry Run Road, Painted Post NY 14870. Sept 28-29 Seneca Indian Fall Festival Cattaraugus Territory Nov 11 Canandaigua Treaty Celebration Noon till 9pm Court house lawn Canandaigua and Elementary School Commemorates the 200+ years of the treaty parade, food, vendors, educational presentations, social

Office Notes:

• Summer Office Hours will be from 9:30 a.m. until 12 noon, Monday thru Thursday. The office will

be closed on Fridays during July and August.

• After those hours, please leave a message on the answering machine and I will get back to you the

next day. I also check the church e-mail account regularly (

• There will be a newsletter for August this year. Deadline for submission is July 18th.

• Announcements for the weekly bulletin are due in the office on Wednesday morning.

• Volunteers needed: I am looking for people who would be willing to work a day in the office when I

am on vacation. You would need to answer the phone and greet anyone who comes in. Hours are

from 9:30 am until 12 noon. Dates needed: Monday, August 6th – Thursday August 9th. Please

call the office if you are interested.

Thanks to all of you who have assisted me in the office this year. I greatly appreciate all of the tasks

that you do. Have a wonderful summer! Pat Van Vleck


A LETTER FROM THE BOARD PRESIDENTS – Project Chacocente Dear Project Chacocente supporters,

Nicaragua remains in the throes of violent unrest that has brought the nation to a standstill.

Initially spawned by the Ortega government’s April 17th announcement of increased social

security costs and reduced benefits, student-led protests continued even after the proposed

changes were rescinded days later, owing to widespread and longstanding dissatisfaction with

the Ortega regime’s history of corruption and subversion of democratic principles.

Demonstrators have blocked roads and highways in an attempt to force talks that would lead

to the departure of Ortega and his wife, Rosario Murillo, who is vice president. Government-

sponsored paramilitary gangs and at least some police have responded to demonstrators with

deadly violence; to date more than 200 people have been killed and over 2000 wounded.

Looting and vandalism have been common. There has been some dialogue mediated by the

Roman Catholic Church, but little definite progress. The future is uncertain.

We continue to monitor the crisis, remaining in close touch with our staff and dear friends in

Nicaragua, whose safety and that of our students and teachers remains our highest priority.

Although Chacocente Christian School was initially able to keep its doors open, the closure of

roads and the threat of sporadic violence have required that classes be suspended for virtually

all of June to date. Because public markets have been either closed or inaccessible, earlier

this month our staff distributed to the families of Project Chacocente the food that had been

purchased for this June’s school lunches.

In this time of crisis, with prayers that the conflict might be resolved swiftly, peacefully and for

the benefit of all the people of Nicaragua, we will continue to direct our financial resources

toward paying our staff and teachers their livelihoods and providing emergency relief, as there

is need and as we are able, to the families of the Project and the surrounding community. We

hope to be able to re-open Chacocente Christian School in the near future and resume fulfilling

our primary mission of alleviating poverty through superior primary and secondary education

and effective witness for Christ.

We ask for your prayers for Nicaragua and for Project Chacocente. We also ask that you

continue to support the Project financially, as generously as you can. Like the Apostle Paul

(Philippians 1:3-5), we thank God for you and for “your partnership in the Gospel from the first

day until now.”

With warmest regards in Christ,

Rev. John Shaver and Larry Gage

Project Chacocente USA


Register at:


The Hilton United Methodist Church

21 West Avenue

Hilton, NY 14468

July 2018

** If you no longer wish to receive the HUMC monthly newsletter, please be a good

steward of our church’s money and let us know. Thank you.

July 16th – 20th

Rev. Jennifer Green – Pastor

Patricia Van Vleck – Office Manager

Office Phones: (585) 392-8761

(585) 392-3460

Parsonage Phone: (585) 392-8094

E-mail address:

Website: www/

Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World

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