the church's journey in art and song

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the Church’s Journey in Art and Song

the Church’s Journey in Art and Song Planning Guide



About This Guide

5 Preparing to Embark

8 List of Abbreviations

Planning the Journey: Assembly Song

10 Maps for the Journey

20 Songs for the Journey

Planning the Journey: Reflections

87 About the Reflections

88 Welcome

89 Reflections (4)

100 Closing Prayer

Planning the Journey: Visual Art

102 Sources for Visual Art, Atlanta Event

Nuts and Bolts

111 Directory of Copyright Administrators

117 Contributors and Acknowledgments

The Church’s Journey in Art and Song: Planning Guide Copyright © 2015 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, administered by Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for registered participants in the 2015 Worship Jubilee, “Called to Be a Living Voice,” to download and reproduce materials from this Planning Guide for local use, but not for sale, providing each copy carries the above copyright notice. Please refer to the copyrights and licensing information in the “Songs for the Journey” (pages 20–86) and “Directory of Copyright Administrators” (pages 110–117) sections of this Planning Guide for further information on reproducing copyrighted songs and artwork.

About This Guide


Preparing to Embark

About the Journey It is often said that the Lutheran Church is a “singing church.” Singing by the gathered people of God, while not unique to Lutherans, is a hallmark of who we are. Lutherans have a rich tradition of the visual arts, as well. In a Lutheran understanding, both of these artistic forms can rightly be used to communicate the word of God and, therefore, when joined together, might be a rich way of commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation in 2017. However, music and visual art did not begin in sixteenth-century Germany, nor did it end there. These art forms are lively and ever-evolving. Inspired by the same Holy Spirit, we do well, therefore, to integrate music and art from many times, places, and peoples to fully observe this forthcoming anniversary. Participants at the 2015 Worship Jubilee, “Called to Be a Living Voice,” gathered on a Wednesday evening in July at the majestic Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, Atlanta, to experience one manifestation of this journey—not a chronological or linear journey—but, rather, a journey exploring some of the themes of the Reformation: How do we gather as the church? For what do we give thanks and for what do we repent? Because of

reconciliation, how do we rejoice? How is God calling us into the future? At that event, songs and art were diverse as the church itself, and included selections from:

chorales of European origin such as A Mighty Fortress and Built on a Rock;

songs from nineteenth-century English and American traditions such as Amazing Grace;

contemporary hymns and band-led songs such as Gather Us In, Give Us Clean Hands, and O Blessed Spring;

plainsong such as Ubi caritas et amor; African songs such as Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading, and

African American spirituals such as I Will Rejoice; songs from Central and South America such as Mirad cuán

bueno; and songs from Asia such as Come Now, O Prince of Peace. !


While these diverse songs were led by an equally diverse team of musicians, everyone joined in singing all the songs together as a church. Equally diverse were visual arts used to accompany the singing, from third-century wall painting to twenty-first-century watercolor. Participants in this journey also paused for moments to hear spoken reflections that included excerpts of writings from throughout the centuries.

Adapting the Journey The community that traveled through the first version of The Church’s Journey in Art and Song had been together for only a few days, yet represented worshiping communities from across the whole church with all their different musical vocabularies, resources, histories, and pieties. The planners also knew that many of the participants were members of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (ALCM) and, accordingly, approached their task with consideration of context—of time, of place, of the gathered assembly’s ability. But like anyone who studies a map or guidebook, decisions about what to do and how to get there will vary according to interest, experience, and ability. Anyone who plans to adapt or recreate this journey during the 2017 anniversary year may want to use the same songs, art, and commentary as used in Atlanta. Others may want to customize the program for their particular context.

Perhaps, some will want to add additional parts for choirs, brass, or other instruments. Others may want to simplify for use with more modest musical resources. Some may want to have the reflections spoken by a live person, while others may opt use the pre-recorded video clips provided. Some may choose to substitute different hymns or songs from those sung in Atlanta. Some may use the artwork files as they are presented, even when substitute songs are sung. Some may choose to not use artwork at all or to use local art instead. Some may add other forms of art, such as dance. The possibilities are plentiful!

Using This Planning Guide

To facilitate the planning of The Church’s Journey in Art and Song in the diversity of local contexts, planners for the Atlanta event assembled this Planning Guide. Growing out of the Atlanta event, this guidebook and accompanying website1 include several items that will eventually appear in the Reformation 500 Sourcebook, including: !

1 Alternatively, you may go to and click on the link for

Church’s Journey, or copy-paste this URL:


the complete order of songs with the stanzas sung; for ELCA congregations, graphic (TIF) files for the songs not

in Evangelical Lutheran Worship or at, and for those songs for which selected stanzas were sung;

short commentaries about how musicians might lead the singing in ways suited to the musical style;

a link to the archived live-stream of the Atlanta event, which can be used to experience the various musical styles;

an extensive compilation of references to alternative songs, beyond those used in Atlanta, that relate to the journey’s main themes;

source information for related instrumental parts, concertato or stanza settings, and similar musical enrichments;

a link to video recordings of the Atlanta reflections as read by

four different voices; the texts of these reflections if a “live” reading is desired;

links to the electronic files containing the artwork that

accompanied the singing;

and, finally, information on how to obtain permission for local

use of these songs and artwork. Whether local planners craft an event similar to the one presented during “Called to Be a Living Voice,” or whether they use alternate songs, differing instrumentation, artwork, and commentary, it is hoped that these resources provide a foundation for commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation through assembly singing and visual art that is grounded in our tradition, expresses the church broadly, is honest, and is always looking forward. Blessings on your journey! !


List of Abbreviations

Song Collections CCLI Christian Copyright Licensing International ( CW Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal (Milwaukee: Northwestern Publishing House, 1993) ELW Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2006) LBW Lutheran Book of Worship (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1978) LLC Libro de Liturgia y Cántico (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1998) LS LifeSongs (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1999)

LSB Lutheran Service Book (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2006) TFF This Far by Faith: An African American Resource for Worship (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1999) WOV With One Voice (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1995) WP Worship & Praise (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1999) Other Song Collections Cited Come, Beloved of the Maker: Hymns of Susan Palo Cherwien, Vol. 2 (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2010) O Blessed Spring: Hymns of Susan Palo Cherwien (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1997) Sing to the Lord: The Paul Manz Hymnary, compiled and edited by Scott M. Hyslop (St. Louis: MorningStar Music Publishers, 2009) Music By Heart: Paperless Songs for Evening Worship (New York: Church Publishing, 2008) Leadership “Helps” Cited Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2010) Leading the Church’s Song (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1998) Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2007)

Planning the Journey Assembly Song


Maps for the Journey A complete journey through the church’s full treasury of art and song would no doubt take a lifetime! To organize the festival of art and song presented in Atlanta, themes were developed in response to central questions of the “Called to Be a Living Voice” gathering:

The Spirit gathers the church around word and sacrament. God hears our cries for mercy and pours out abundant grace. The Spirit leads us into Christ’s future with glad and generous hearts.

Or, another way of saying it:

How do we gather as the church? For what do we give thanks and for what do we repent? Because of reconciliation, how do we rejoice? How is God calling us into the future?

The version of this journey presented in Atlanta followed one pathway through these themes, the movement through art and song punctuated with moments for rest and reflection:

The Spirit gathers the church … Jesu, tawa pano Mirad cuán bueno Gather Us In Built on a Rock Welcome Reflection 1 … around word and sacrament. O Blessed Spring Taste and See A Mighty Fortress Reflection 2 God hears our cries for mercy … Come Now, O Prince of Peace Give Us Clean Hands I Will Rejoice Reflection 3 !


… and pours out abundant grace. Amazing Grace Reflection 4 The Spirit leads us into Christ’s future … The Church Tú diste a Israel Ubi caritas Closing prayer … with glad and generous hearts. Now Thank We All Our God Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading

Of course, many different pathways may be taken through these themes, with art and song selections speaking to a local heritage, musical strengths, or mission in the local community. What follows across the next few pages (12–19) are a number of “maps” containing possible songs to sing along this journey.

Songs sung in Atlanta appear in boxes connected by dotted lines; brainstorming ideas for alternate songs and other leadership ideas surround them. Like the process of writing a sermon or planning music for worship, many ideas are suggested yet need to be saved for later. What’s shown on these maps is inspired by an observation made by writer Anne Lamott, that the first draft for any plan “is the child’s draft, where you let it all pour out and then let it romp all over the place, knowing that no one is going to see it and that you can shape it later.”2 As with any map, one can choose different paths or go visit other “sights and sounds” along the way. The options for assembly song and visual art are neither intended to be prescriptive nor exhaustive. Rather, it is hoped that they offer entry points for creative imaginings of this journey that speak to a diversity of local contexts. Have fun with your planning: enjoy the spirit of adventure and exploration through all of the possibilities! !

2 Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life (New York: Anchor

Books, 1995), 22.

Songs sung in Atlanta appear in boxes like this!


Behold, How Good and Delightful (Psalm133)

Mirad cuán Bueno LLC 475

Gather Us In ELW 532 WOV 718

Built on a (the) Rock CW 529 ELW 652 LBW 365 LSB 645

Behold, How Pleasant (Miren qué bueno) ELW 649 LLC 468

Here, O Lord, Your Servants Gather ELW 530

O Holy Spirit, Enter In CW 184

ELW 786 LBW 459 LSB 913

Come, All You People (Uyaimose) ELW 819 TFF 138 WOV 717

Come into God's Presence LS 77

Sing, Praise, and Bless the Lord (Laudate Dominum) Taizé Community

In Christ There Is No East or West CW 539 ELW 650 LBW 359 LSB 653 TFF 214

What Is This Place ELW 524

I Was Glad WP 68

Alabaré LLC 582 LSB 799 WOV 791

Jesus, We Are Gathered Jesu, tawa pano

ELW 529 TFF 140

Planning Sketch “The Spirit gathers the church …”

another version of Psalm 133

Ideas for a “global gathering”

Teach by rote? Let children lead?

or contemporary version of Psalm 122 (an entrance psalm)

Other options from chorale tradition

Could work in straight or swing style

Come, Let Us Worship God CCLI # 3603918

Come, Now Is the Time to Worship

CCLI # 2430948

Gifted Response CCLI # 4301570

Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether ELW 470 WOV 703

Descriptions for each of the songs listed here begin on page 21.


O Blessed Spring ELW 447 LSB 595

WOV 695

Planning Sketch “… around word and sacrament.” (Baptism)


Before I Can Remember

ELW 457

WP 145

I'm Going

on a Journey

ELW 446

TFF 115

I Bind unto Myself Today

ELW 450

LBW 188

LSB 604

Water, Blood, and Spirit


LSB 597

To the Bath and the Table

(Crashing Waters at Creation)

Music By Heart, pp. 104–105

We Know that Christ Is Raised

ELW 449

LBW 189

LSB 603

Work with a dancer to create a liturgical dance with a bowl of water?

Other hymn ideas Paperless, Rote Option

Tie-in to Journey Idea

Use one of the concertato settings in the choir library?

We Are Raised to

Newness of Life

CCLI # 7016538

Descriptions for each of the songs listed here begin on page 31.


A Mighty Fortress CW 200, 201

ELW 503, 504, 505 LBW 228, 229

LS 81 LSB 656, 657

TFF 133

Planning Sketch “… around word and sacrament.” (Word)

Praised be the Rock

TFF 290

Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil ELW 512 LS 83 TFF 131 WOV 713 WP 52 Thy Strong Word

CW 280 ELW 511 LBW 233 LSB 578

The Word of God Is Source and Seed ELW 506 WOV 658


Use one of the concertato settings

from the choir library?

Ancient Words CCLI # 2986399

Word of God Speak CCLI # 3912788

A Mighty Fortress CCLI # 5488935

Descriptions for each of the songs listed here begin on page 36.


Taste and See ELW 493 TFF 126

Planning Sketch “… around word and sacrament.” (Communion)

Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness CW 311

ELW 488 LBW 224 LSB 636

Now the Silence CW 231

ELW 460 LBW 205 LSB 910

In Peace, In Peace, Through Christ the Door Come, Beloved of the Maker, p. 83

Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness Vengo a ti, Jesús amado

ELW 489 LLC 388 O Bread of Life from Heaven

ELW 480 LBW 222

Here Is Bread ELW 483 WP 58

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence CW 361

ELW 490 LBW 198 LSB 621

Of the Glorious Body LBW 120

Two settings of a classic text

Do we have the resources to do a mash-up of the two?

Remembering the plainsong “roots”

Text commissioned by ALCM

There’s also an independent anthem

for this text by David Ashley White


Mystery CCLI # 5208445

Revelation Song CCLI # 4447960

Descriptions for each of the songs listed here begin on page 41.


Come Now, O Prince of Peace ELW 247

LS 13

Planning Sketch “God hears our cries for mercy …”

From the Inside Out CCLI # 4705176

Kyrie Eleison Have Mercy CCLI # 6016038

Lord Have Mercy CCLI # 2989578

As Rebels, Lord, Who Foolishly Have Wandered

LSB 612

By Gracious Powers ELW 626 WOV 736

Comfort, Comfort Now My People CW 11

ELW 256 LBW 29 LSB 347

Even as We Live Each Day (In the Midst of

Earthly Life) CW 534 LBW 350 LSB 755

Evening and Morning CW 430 ELW 761 LBW 465 LSB 726

Give Us Clean Hands CCLI Song Number 2060208

God, When Human Bonds are Broken ELW 603 WOV 735

Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord

CW 522 ELW 784 LBW 471

LSB 777, 778 Holy Woman, Graceful Giver O Blessed Spring, p. 60

Hope of the World LBW 493 LSB 690

How Long, O God ELW 698

I Will Rejoice TFF 271

In the Singing ELW 466

Kyrie! God Father CW 266 ELW 409 LBW 168 LSB 942

Let Streams of Living Justice ELW 710

Lord, Listen to Your Children (On Bended Knee, with Needy Hearts) WP 91

Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying ELW 752 LS 94 TFF 247 WOV 775

Lord, Who the Night You Were Betrayed

ELW 463

O God of Love, O King of Peace

CW 519 ELW 749 LBW 414 LSB 751

Our Father, We Have Wandered ELW 606 WOV 733

You, Dear Lord (Tú, Señor, que brillas) ELW 702 LLC 429

Generations of Kyrie


A nod to the Reformed tradition French Huguenot Tune

Love Power & Grace

Descriptions for each of the songs listed here begin on page 47.


Planning Sketch “… and pours out abundant grace.”


Your Love Is Strong CCLI # 5295221

Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice CW 377 ELW 594 LBW 299 LSB 556

That Priceless Grace ELW 591 TFF 68

May God Bestow on Us His Grace CW 574 LBW 335 LSB 823, 824 Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle

CW 122 ELW 355, 356

LBW 118 LSB 454

O Day Full of Grace CW 254 ELW 627 LBW 161 LS 71 LSB 503

By Grace I'm Saved, Grace Free and Boundless CW 384 LSB 566

What Wondrous Love CW 120

ELW 666 LBW 385 LSB 543

Amazing Grace CLLI # 4768151

The New Song We Sing CCLI # 5135587

This Is Amazing Grace CCLI # 6333821

Your Grace Is Enough CCLI # 4477026

Grace, Grace, Grace

The Whole Story

Lots of musical settings and room for

diversity here

Descriptions for each of the songs listed here begin on page 60.


Planning Sketch “The Spirit leads us into Christ’s future …”

The Church CCLI Song Number 5713181

Holy Spirit, Come CCLI # 3052648

Tú diste a Israel (God, with a Mighty Hand)

LCC 476

The Church of Christ in Every Age ELW 729 LBW 433

Where True Charity and Love Abide

(Ubi caritas et amor) ELW 653

Rise, O Church, Like Christ Arisen ELW 548

Sing with All the Saints in Glory

ELW 426 LSB 671 WOV 691 Holy Spirit, God of Love

CW 180

How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord ELW 580 LSB 853

Lord, Help Us Walk Your Servant Way

LSB 857 Where Charity and Love Prevail

ELW 359 LBW 126 LSB 845 TFF 84

Ubi caritas (Taizé) ELW 642 WOV 665

Donde hay caridad y amor Where Charity and Love are Shown LLC 337

Come to Us, Creative Spirit ELW 687 WOV 758

Now to the Holy Spirit Let Us Pray CW 190 ELW 743 LBW 317 LSB 768

We Are Called to Stand Together LSB 828

Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love

ELW 708 LS 146 TFF 83 WOV 765

To Be Your Presence ELW 546

Spirit’s Gifts

Descriptions for each of the songs listed here begin on page 68.


Planning Sketch “… with glad and generous hearts.”

Now Thank We All Our God CW 610

ELW 839, 840 LBW 533, 534

LSB 895

Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises

(Haleluya! Pelo tsa rona) ELW 535 LLC 420 TFF 158 WOV 722

Ite, missa est (Now Snuff the Candles)

Sing to the Lord 28

Sent Forth By God's Blessing CW 318

ELW 547 LBW 221 LSB 643

Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise

ELW 826 LSB 680 WOV 801

Rise, Shine, You People CW 556 ELW 665 LBW 393 LSB 825

O God of Light ELW 507 LBW 237 LSB 836

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart LSB 806 TFF 292 WP 41

Let All Things Now Living CW 260 LBW 557 ELW 881

Tell Out, My Soul, the Greatness of the Lord LSB 935

A Story for All People WP 2

God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending ELW 678 LBW 408

Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices

CW 242 ELW 833 LBW 560 LSB 811

Soli Deo Gloria (O God of Blessings) ELW 878

House of God Forever CCLI # 5295702

Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading

(Njoo kwetu, Roho mwema) ELW 401

LS 66 TFF 103

WOV 687

Descriptions for each of the songs listed here begin on page 77.


Songs for the Journey Now that you’ve scanned the pathway, the following pages (21–

85) provide additional details about each song that appeared on the idea maps. These songs are organized alphabetically in their respective sections.

Songs for the Journey

21 The Spirit gathers the church …

… around word and sacrament.

31 Baptism

36 Word

41 Communion

47 God hears our cries for mercy …

60 … and pours out abundant grace.

68 The Spirit leads us into Christ’s future …

77 … with glad and generous hearts.

And, like the maps on the previous pages, songs used in the Atlanta version of the journey appear in boxes.

Details for each of the listed song options include:

sources and acknowledgments; scriptural references that could be incorporated into newly-

written reflections (if used in lieu of the pre-recorded video reflections);

where possible, little leadership “helps” and references that help you envision how songs could be led in your setting;

a “starter” list of corresponding choral and instrumental settings;

and, finally, contact information for the listed copyright administrators (pages 111–116). !


The Spirit gathers the church … Alabaré

Tune and Sources Alabaré LLC 582 (F maj.) LSB 799 (F maj.) WOV 791 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Manuel José Alonso and José Pagán, © 1979, 1998 Manuel José Alonso, José Pagán, and Ediciones Musical PAX, admin. OCP Publications. Scripture References Revelation 5:8–14; 7:9–15 Additional Languages Spanish Leadership Helps For a recording with Spanish text and guitar chords, see: The following arrangement may also provide leadership ideas: Nelson, Ronald A. Alabaré: “Sing Allelu.” Setting for two-part, accompanied,

and opt. Orff instruments. AMSI 658 (1993).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music OCP Publications LicenSing Online

Behold, How Good and Delightful Mirad cuán Bueno

Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015 Tune and Source Mirad cuán Bueno LCC 475 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Puerto Rican traditional. Translation by Martin A. Seltz, b. 1951, © 1998 Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Psalm 133 Additional Languages Spanish Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. Other leadership ideas might be found in the Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship.3

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Translation Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online One License

3 See chapter 10, “Latino/Hispanic Song,” 64–70.


Behold, How Pleasant Miren qué bueno

Tune and Sources Miren qué bueno ELW 649 (C maj.) LLC 468 (C maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Pablo Sosa, b. 1933, © Pablo Sosa, admin. GIA Publications, Inc. Scripture References Psalm 133 Additional Languages Spanish Leadership Helps Like Behold, How Good and Delightful (Mirad cuán Bueno), this setting of Psalm 133 could function well with guitar or piano accompaniment along with light percussion such as claves, shakers, conga drum, or guiro. In his setting, Sosa used the chamarrita dance form, a “light and playful dance for couples, with a certain air of rural naiveté, suitable for children’s songs … it is only natural to be inclined to move as you sing.”4 For possible percussion rhythms, consult the entry in Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship5 or figures from the following arrangement: Barnhouse, III, Marshall S. Piano setting in Miren qué bueno: Ten Tunes by

Pablo Sosa Arranged for Solo Piano. GIA Publications, G-7703 (2011).

4 Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 496. 5 Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 274.

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music GIA Publications, Inc. One License

Built on a Rock Built on the Rock

Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015 Tune and Sources Kirken den er et gammelt hus CW 529 (C-dorian) ELW 652 (C-dorian) LBW 365 (C-dorian) LSB 645 (C-dorian) Acknowledgments Text: Nicolai F. S. Grundtvig, 1783–1872. Translation by Carl Doving, 1867–1937. In ELW 652 and LBW 365, text © 1958 Service Book and Hymnal, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Music: Ludvig M. Lindeman, 1812–1887. Scripture References 1 Kings 8:27–30 Isaiah 57:15 Matthew 16:13–23; 18:19–20 John 14:27 Acts 17:24 1 Corinthians 3:11–16; 5:1–2 2 Corinthians 6:16 Ephesians 2:14, 19–22 1 Peter 2:5–7


Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. Other leadership helps for this sturdy Scandinavian chorale could be found in: Behnke, John A. Setting for SATB, 3–5 oct. handbells, brass quartet (2 tpt.,

2 tbn.), opt. F horn, organ and assembly. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6914 (2001).

Bunjes, Paul. Setting for SATB, organ, 2 tpt., and assembly. Concordia Publishing House 97-4571 (1962).

Cherwien, David. Organ introduction in Interpretations on Hymn Tunes, Vol. 7. AMSI SP-104 (1988). Reprinted in Augsburg Organ Library: Autumn, 9780800675790 (2003).

Ferguson, John. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).

Hassell, Michael. Setting included in Jazz Pastorale for Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800658052 (1998).

Nystedt, Knut. Setting for SATB, organ, and assembly. Augsburg Publishing House, 11–1322 (1962).

Wold, Wayne L. Setting for vocal or instrumental descant with reproducible parts for C or B-flat instrument in Voices on High, Set 2. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-10-739 (2005).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text ELW 652 LBW 365

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online One License

Come into God’s Presence Source LS 77 (D maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Music Matters, © 1995 Music Matters. Music: Russian folk song. Scripture References Revelation 5:12 Leadership Helps This scalar, diatonic melody may be sung as a round by the measure. It could be led or introduced by children, perhaps accompanied by handbells playing the tonic (D) and fifth (A), either in a regular rhythmic pattern or as a drone using the “singing bell” technique. The unison conclusion in D major allows for easy pivot to another D major selection from this part of the journey such as Gather Us In or O Holy Spirit, Enter In. Or, if you’d like to include more opportunities for your choir, consider a similar text set as a five-part anthem: Inwood, Paul. Come Into God’s Presence for SSATB. GIA Publications, G-

5820 (2003).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Music Matters, Inc. OneLicense


Come, All You People Uyaimose

Tune and Sources Uyaimose ELW 819 (F maj.) TFF 138 (F maj.) WOV 717 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text, st. 1: Alexander Gondo (st. 1) and editors of With One Voice (sts. 2, 3). Translation (st. 1) by I-to Loh, b. 1936, alt., © 1986 World Council of Churches and the Asian Institute of Liturgy and Music. Text (sts. 2, 3) © 1995 Augsburg Fortress. Music: Alexander Gondo, notated by I-to Loh, © 1986 World Council of Churches and the Asian Institute of Liturgy and Music. Additional Languages Shona Leadership Helps This Trinitarian song of praise from Zimbabwe could probably be sung in four-part harmony. Handheld percussion instruments such as drums, shakers, rattles, or claves could also be added.6 Though the voice parts move in 6|8, some of the percussion should move in 4|4. Like much African music, layering and repetition are assumed.7 Put your hands together and move!

6 Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 325. 7 Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 696.

For other examples of leadership ideas, watch: or

See also: Wesby, Roger. Uyaimose (Come, All You People) for SATB and percussion.

Lawson-Gould, LG 52838 (1996).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music World Council of Churches Not covered; please contact copyright administrator

Come, Let Us Worship God Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 3603918 (G maj.) Dorothy Elder, © 1980 Lorenz Publishing Company Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Lorenz Corporation CCLI


Come, Now Is the Time to Worship Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 2430948 (D maj.) Brian Doerksen, © 1998 Vineyard Songs Leadership Helps A sample of this song can be heard at:

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Vineyard Music UK CCLI

Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether Tune and Sources Union Seminary ELW 470 (G maj.) WOV 703 (G maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Percy Dearmer, 1867–1936, alt., © 1931 Oxford University Press. Music: Harold Friedell, 1905–1958, © 1957, 1985 HW Gray, admin. CPP/Belwin, admin. Alfred Music. Scripture References Matthew 18:20 1 Corinthians 12

Leadership Helps This hymn could also be placed in several sections of the journey, including the communion part of “… around word and sacrament.” Three possible preludes for this tune can be found in: Biery, James. Organ setting in Tree of Life: Hymn Preludes for Organ. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780800655372 (1995). Callahan, Charles. Prelude on Union Seminary for Organ. MorningStar Music

Publishers, MSM-10-506 (2008). Ore, Charles W. Setting in Eleven Compositions for Organ, Set 8. Concordia

Publishing House, 97-7287 (2008).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Oxford University Press Please contact copyright administrator

Music CPP/Belwin, admin. Alfred Music CCLI OneLicense

Gather Us In Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015

Tune and Sources Gather Us In ELW 532 (D maj.; D-dorian) WOV 718 (D maj.; D-dorian) Acknowledgments Text and music: Marty Haugen, b. 1950, © 1982 GIA Publications, Inc.


Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. Other ideas may be found in: Haugen, Marty. Setting for 2-part voices, keyboard, and guitar. GIA

Publications, G-2651 (1983; Celebration series). Haugen, Marty. Setting with greeting and Kyrie for SATB, presider, cantor,

2 woodwinds in C, 5 handbells, keyboard, and guitar. GIA Publications, G-4641 (1997; Ritual Prayer series).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music GIA Publications, Inc. OneLicense

Gifted Response

Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 4301570 (D maj.) Matt Redman, © 2004 Thankyou Music Leadership Helps A preview of this song is available at

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Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Capitol CMG Publishing CCLI

Here, O Lord, Your Servants Gather Sekai no tomo to te o tsunagi

Tune and Source Tokyo ELW 530 (C-dorian) Acknowledgments Text: Tokuo Yamaguchi, 1900–1995. Translation by Everett M. Stowe, 1897–1979(?), © 1958 The United Methodist Publishing House, admin. The Copyright Company. Music: Isao Koizumi, 1907–1992, after the Japanese gagaku style, © 1958 Isao Koizumi, admin. JASRAC. Scripture References Psalm 102:25–27 John 10; 14:6 Romans 10:12–13 Ephesians 1:7–14; 2:13–22 Additional Languages Japanese Leadership Helps Unaccompanied unison singing may be utilized for this quietly flowing pentatonic melody which, in turn, might be best served with a broad half-note pulse (depending on the size and acoustics of your worship space). Percussion instruments such as finger cymbals or windchimes can help demarcate the phrases, and chordal accompaniment can be light and spare. Melodic doubling by a woodwind instrument would also be effective.8 An introductory organ setting is listed on the following page:

8 In Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship see chapter 12, “Asian Song,”

76–78, and specific comments about this hymn, 234.


Burkhardt, Michael. Organ setting in Eight Improvisations on Twentieth-Century Hymn Tunes, Set 2. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-10-533 (1999).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text The Copyright Company CCLI LicenSing OneLicense

Music JASRAC Not covered; please contact copyright administrator

I Was Glad

Source WP 68 (E maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music © 1999 Jay Beech, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Psalm 122:1 Matthew 18:20 Leadership Helps A sample with instruments and rhythm can be heard at

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Jay Beech, admin. Augsburg Fortress

Augsburg Fortress OneLicense

In Christ There Is No East or West Tune and Sources McKee CW 539 (C maj.) ELW 650 (C maj.) LBW 359 (C maj.) LSB 653 (C maj.) TFF 214 (C maj.)

Acknowledgments Text: John Oxenham, 1852–1941. In CW 539 and LSB 653, st. 2 by Mark A. Jeske, b. 1952, © 1993 Mark A. Jeske, and st. 3 by Michael A. Perry, 1942–1996, © 1982 Jubilate Hymns, Ltd., admin. Hope Publishing Company. Music: African American spiritual, adapt. Harry T. Burleigh, 1866–1949. Scripture References Matthew 8:11 Luke 13:28–29 John 10:16; 17:11 Galatians 3:26–29 Colossians 3:11–17 Leadership Helps While organ or piano accompaniment may work well for the steady 4|4 meter, it can also be swung in a 12|8 style. If unison singing is desired, some alternate harmonies could be gleaned from See also: Ferguson, John. Organ setting included in Many and Great: Introductions and

Accompaniments for Global Hymns. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-10-767 (2008).

Highben, Zebulon M. Setting in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).


Page, Anna Laura. Setting included in Blest Be the Tie: Ten Hymn Arrangements for Piano. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-15-838 (2008).

Wood, Dale. Setting in Wood Works for Organ, Book 2. Sacred Music Press, KK 400 (1989).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text CW 539, st. 2 LSB 653, st. 2

Mark A. Jeske Not covered; please contact copyright administrator

Text CW 539, st. 3 LSB 653, st. 3

Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Jesus, We Are Gathered Jesu, tawa pano

Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015 Tune and Sources Jesu, tawa pano ELW 529 (F maj.) TFF 140 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Patrick Matsikenyiri, b. 1937, © 1990, 1996 General Board of Global Ministries, GBG Musik. Scripture References Acts 18:20 Additional Languages Shona

Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. The approximate Shona pronunciation is: Jeh-soo tah-wah pah-noh moo zee-tah reh-nyoo.9

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music General Board of Global Ministries OneLicense

O Holy Spirit, Enter In Tune and Sources Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern CW 184 (D maj.) ELW 786 (D maj.) LBW 459 (D maj.) LSB 913 (D maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Michael Schirmer, 1606–1673. Translation by Catherine Winkworth, 1827–1878, adapt. Music: Philipp Nicolai, 1556–1608. Scripture References Isaiah 11:2 Ezekiel 36:27 Romans 8:9 1 Corinthians 2:13; 3:16 Revelation 2:10

9 Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 233.


Leadership Helps Bender, Jan. Setting in The Master Organ Works of Jan Bender, Vol. 4, edited by

David Fienen. Concordia Publishing House, 97-7101 (2005). Busarow, Donald. Setting in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011). Graber, John. Instrumental setting in Hymns for Instrumental Ensembles, Book

4. Augsburg Publishing House, 11-9256 (1970). Manz, Paul O. Instrumental setting in How Lovely Shines the Morning Star for

Oboe and Organ, Op. 16.5. Concordia Publishing House, 97-5306 (1975).

Sampson, David. Instrumental setting in Instrumental Descants for Festive Hymns. Concordia Publishing House, 97-5622 (1981).

Wold, Wayne L. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Setting ELW 786 LBW 459

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Setting LSB 913

Verlag Merseburger Not covered; please contact copyright administrator or use a melody-line version

Sing, Praise, and Bless the Lord Laudate Dominum

Sources In the United States, most Taizé collections are administered by GIA Publications, Inc. Collections with this chant include Taizé: Songs for Prayer (G-4956) and Songs and Prayers from Taizé (G-3719).

Acknowledgments Text and music: Jacques Berthier, 1923–1994, and Taizé Community. Scripture References Psalm 117 Additional Languages Latin Leadership Helps As with most chants of the Taizé community, various instrumental settings abound, and these can be adapted for available combinations of instruments. Several audio and video recordings exist online including

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music GIA Publications, Inc. OneLicense


What Is This Place Tune and Source Komt nu met zang ELW 524 (B-flat maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Huub Oosterhuis, b. 1933. Translation by David Smith, b. 1933, © 1967 Gooi en Sticht, BV, Baarn, The Netherlands, admin. OCP Publications. Music: A. Valerius, Nederlandtsch Gedenckclanck, 1626. Setting by Adrian Engels, © 1967 Gooi en Sticht, BV, Baarn, The Netherlands, admin. OCP Publications.

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Setting OCP Publications LicenSing Online


… around word and sacrament. | Baptism I Bind unto Myself Today

Tune and Sources St. Patrick’s Breastplate (or Deirdre) ELW 450 (G min.; G maj.) LBW 188 (G min.) LSB 604 (G min.) Acknowledgments Text: attributed to Patrick, ca. 372–466. Translation by Cecil F. Alexander, 1818–1895. Music: Irish melody. Scripture References Deuteronomy 6:8 Matthew 28:19 John 6:39 Romans 6:4 Ephesians 6:10–17 1 Thessalonians 5:8 1 Peter 1:1–9 Leadership Helps Wyton, Alec (1921–2007). Setting in Preludes and Fanfares for Organ. Sacred

Music Press, KK 217 (1982). See also:

I'm Going on a Journey Tune and Sources Wet Saints ELW 446 (E-flat maj.) TFF 115 (E-flat maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Kenneth D. Larkin, 1929–2011, © 1994 Amity Music. Music: Edward V. Bonnemère, 1921–1996, © 1994 Amity Music. Scripture References Romans 6:4–5 Leadership Helps The Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship10 and Leading the Church’s Song11 both contain helpful advice for leading song from the African American tradition. In addition, these anthems may provide other ideas for instrumentation and overall style: Hayes, Mark. I’m Going on a Journey for unison or two-part, accompanied,

with opt. flute. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800675523 (2002). Highben, Zebulon M. I’m Going on a Journey for unison voices, accompanied,

bass guitar, T sax., and opt. assembly. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800664022 (2009).

10 See chapter 8, “African American Song,” 54–58. 11 See chapter 6, 73–80.


Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Amity Music Corp., admin. Augsburg Fortress

LicenSing Online OneLicense

O Blessed Spring Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015

Tunes and Sources Berglund ELW 447 (F maj.) WOV 695 (F maj.) O Waly Waly LSB 595 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Susan Palo Cherwien, b. 1953, © 1993 Susan Palo Cherwien, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Music, Berglund: Robert Buckley Farlee, b. 1950, © 1993 Robert Buckley Farlee, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Music, O Waly Waly: English melody. Scripture References Genesis 2:9 Isaiah 55:10–12 John 15:1–5 Romans 6:1–11 Revelation 22:14

Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. See also: Bernthal, John. Setting using Berglund in Lift High the Cross: Hymn

Introductions and Descants for Organ and Trumpet. Augsburg Fortress, 0800657314 (1998).

Cherwien, David. Setting using Berglund for SATB or 2 part voices, organ, opt. C instrument, assembly. Augsburg Fortress, 9781451420753 (2011).

Cherwien, David. Life Tree (O Blessed Spring) using O Waly Waly for SAB, flute, organ, assembly. Concordia Publishing House, 98-3190 (1995).

Diemer, Emma Lou. Organ Setting of O Waly Waly in Eight Hymn Preludes for Organ. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800651862 (1993).

Engebretson, James. Setting for Berglund in Hymns for Ensembles, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698625 (2011).

Farlee, Robert Buckley. Setting using Berglund for SATB, oboe, organ, opt. assembly. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800654245 (1994).

Farlee, Robert Buckley. Setting using Berglund in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 1. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698410 (2010).

Helgen, John. Setting using O Waly Waly for SATB, accompanied, and opt. assembly. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-40-4900 (2009).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Music Berglund

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense


To the Bath and the Table Crashing Waters at Creation

Source Music By Heart, pp. 104–105 (D maj.)12 Acknowledgments Text (ostinato): adapt. from Gordon W. Lathrop, Holy Things.13 Text (hymn): Sylvia G. Dunstan, 1955–1993, © 1991 GIA Publications, Inc. Music © 2007 Mark Howe. Scripture References Genesis 1:2 Exodus 14:21–22 Matthew 3:13–17 Mark 1:8–11 Luke 3:21–22

12 Music By Heart: Paperless Songs for Evening Worship (New York: Church

Publishing, 2008), ISBN 9780898695908. 13 Gordon W. Lathrop, Holy Things: A Liturgical Theology (Minneapolis: Fortress

Press, 1993), ISBN 9780800631314.

Leadership Helps If “paperless” singing is familiar in your context, you may consider this selection that connects with the reference to “bells that are chiming and calling” in the hymn Built on a Rock. The text of the ostinato comes from an inscription printed on a church bell:

To the bath and the table, to the prayers and the word, come, every seeking soul.

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Ostinato

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Text Hymn Stanzas

GIA Publications, Inc. OneLicense

Music Mark Howe Not covered; please contact copyright administrator


Water, Blood, and Spirit Crying Tune and Source Filter LSB 597 (D min.) Acknowledgments Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955, © 1999 Stephen P. Starke, admin. Concordia Publishing House. Music: Jeffrey N. Blersch, b. 1967, © 2003 Jeffrey N. Blersch. Scripture References John 10:10 1 John 5:5–8 Leadership Helps Blersch, Jeffrey N. Water, Blood, and Spirit Crying for SATB, trumpet,

timpani, organ, and assembly. Concordia Publishing House, 98-3828 (2005).

Copyrights and Licensing Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Concordia Publishing House OneLicense

Music Jeffrey N. Blersch Not covered; please contact copyright administrator

Waterlife Before I Can Remember

Tune and Sources Spirit Life (or Waterlife) CCLI Song Number 806124 ELW 457 (F maj.) WP 145 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Handt Hanson, b. 1950, © 1991 Prince of Peace Publishing, Changing Church, Inc. Scripture References Mark 1:8 John 3:5 Ephesians 5:26 Leadership Helps A worship band may be useful for helping lead this song, or perhaps a melody instrument with piano.14 Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Prince of Peace Publishing, Changing Church Forum, Inc.

CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

14 See also Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, chapter 9,

“Contemporary Song,” 59–62.


We Are Raised to Newness of Life Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 7016538 (E-flat maj.) Allison Gilliam, © 2010 Billingsly Square Music

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Celebrating Grace, Inc. CCLI

We Know that Christ Is Raised

Tune and Sources Engelberg ELW 449 (G maj.) LBW 189 (G maj.) LSB 603 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: John B. Geyer, b. 1932, alt., © John B. Geyer. Music: Charles V. Stanford, 1852–1924. Scripture References John 3:1–6 Romans 6:1–11; 8:11, 18–23 2 Corinthians 5:17

Leadership Helps Ellingboe, Bradley. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008). Engebretson, James. Setting in Hymns for Ensembles, Vol. 2. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780806698625 (2011). Heller, David. Setting in Laudate Dominum: 13 Hymn Tune Descants for Choir

and Organ. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-50-9800 (1991). Hopson, Hal H. Concertato setting for SATB, 2 tpt., 2 tbn., handbells, and

assembly. H. W. Gray, GCMR 03566 (1989). Sedio, Mark. Setting in How Blessed This Place: Hymn Preludes for Organ.

Augsburg Fortress, 9780800658038 (1998). Setting in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for

Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text John B. Geyer LicenSing Online


… around word and sacrament. | Word

A Mighty Fortress Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015

Tune and Sources Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott CW 200, 201 (C maj.) ELW 503, 504, 505 (C maj.) LBW 228, 229 (C maj.) LS 81 (C maj.) LSB 656, 657 (C maj.) TFF 133 (C maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Martin Luther, 1483–1546. In ELW 503, ELW 504, LBW 228, LBW 229, LS 81, LSB 687, and TFF 133, translation from Lutheran Book of Worship, © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress. In ELW 505, translation by Frederick H. Hedge, 1805–1890, alt., © 2006 Augsburg Fortress. In LSB 657, Spanish translation by Juan Bautista Cabrera, 1837–1916. Music: Martin Luther. Scripture References Psalm 46 Matthew 12:29 Mark 3:22–27; 5:1–20 Luke 11:14–23 John 2:1–11 Additional Languages Spanish (LSB 657)

Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. For additional stanza settings or introductions, one may also consider: Blair, Dallas. Instrumental setting in Hymn Introductions and Descants for

Trumpet and Organ, Set 2. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-20-702 (2000).

Burkhardt, Michael. Descant (rhythmic version) in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).

Callahan, Charles. Partita on Ein Feste Burg (organ). MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-10-800 (1987).

Farlee, Robert Buckley. Descant (isometric version) in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).

Krapf, Gerhard. Organ setting in Reformation Suite. Concordia Publishing House, 97-5002 (1971).

Langlais, Jean. Instrumental setting (C-instr.) in Sept Chorals pour Trompette ou Flute ou Hautbois avec accompagnement d’Orgue ou de Piano ou de Clavecin. Editions Combre, LM.P04414 (1972).

Ore, Charles W. Setting in Eleven Compositions for Organ, Set 8. Concordia Publishing House, 97-7287 (2008).

Rose, Richard. Setting in Hymnal Companion for Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion: Reformation, Praise. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6716 (2001).

Setting in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000).

Wolff, S. Drummond. Setting included in Reformation Suite: Settings for Organ and Brass Quartet. Concordia Publishing House, 97-5920 (1986).


Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text ELW 503–505 LBW 228, 229 LS 81 LSB 687 TFF 133

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Setting CW 200

Bärenreiter Verlag Not covered; please contact copyright administrator or use a melody-line version

A Mighty Fortress (2) Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 5488935 (C maj.) Christy and Nathan Nockels, © 2009 sixsteps Music Leadership Helps A preview of this song may be heard at:

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Capitol CMG Publishing CCLI

Ancient Words Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 2986399 (E maj.) Lynn DeShazo, © 2001 Integrity's Hosanna! Music Leadership Helps A preview of this song may be heard at:

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Capitol CMG Publishing CCLI

Lord, Let My Heart Be Good Soil

Tune and Sources Good Soil CCLI Song Number 806698 (E maj.) ELW 512 (E maj.) LS 83 (E maj.) TFF 131 (E maj.) WOV 713 (E maj.) WP 52 (E maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Handt Hanson, b. 1950, © 1985 Prince of Peace Publishing, Changing Church, Inc. Scripture References Matthew 13:3–23 Mark 4:3–20; 13:1–23 Luke 8:4–15


Leadership Helps A sample may be heard at: A prayerful or gentle accompaniment from a worship band may be ideal, or perhaps piano with a clear melody instrument.15

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Prince of Peace Publishing, Changing Church Forum, Inc.

CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Praised be the Rock Tune and Source Ahimidwe mwamba wano TFF 290 (G maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Aaron Lwehabura. Translation by Howard S. Olson, 1922–2010, © admin. Augsburg Fortress. Music: Haya tune. Setting by A. Louise Anderson Olson, © admin. Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Psalm 19:14 Psalm 46

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Setting Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

15 Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 227.

The Word of God Is Source and Seed Tune and Sources Gaudeamus Domino ELW 506 (F maj.) WOV 658 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Delores Dufner, OSB, b. 1939, © 1983, 1993 Sisters of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, MN, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Music: David Hurd, b. 1950, © 1995 Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Ezekiel 37 Matthew 13:1–8 Mark 4:1–9 Luke 8:4–15 John 1:1–14; 11:1–53; 12:20–33 Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Sisters of St. Benedict, admin. Augsburg Fortress

LicenSing Online OneLicense

Music Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense


Thy Strong Word Tune and Sources Ebenezer (or Ton-y-Botel) CW 280 (F min.) ELW 511 (F min.) LBW 233 (F min.) LSB 578 (F min.) Acknowledgments Text: Martin H. Franzmann, 1907–1976, © 1969 Concordia Publishing House. Music: Thomas J. Williams, 1869–1944. Setting by Richard W. Hillert, 1923–2010, © 1969 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture References Genesis 1:3 Isaiah 9:1–2 John 1:1–14 1 Corinthians 1:22–24 2 Corinthians 3:18; 4:6 1 Peter 2:9 Leadership Helps Several concertato, stanza, and introductory settings are available for this sturdy Welsh tune including: Burkhardt, Michael. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008). Engebretson, James. Setting in Hymns for Ensembles, Vol. 2. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780806698625 (2011). Long, Larry J. Setting in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress,

9780806698434 (2011). Ore, Charles W. Setting in Eleven Compositions for Organ, Set 2. Concordia

Publishing House, 97-5385 (1976).

Rose, Richard. Setting in Hymnal Companion for Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion: Reformation, Praise. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6716 (2001).

Schalk, Carl F. Concertato setting for SATB, brass, timpani, organ, and assembly. Concordia Publishing House, 98-3881 (2006).

Setting in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Concordia Publishing House OneLicense


Word of God Speak Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 3912788 (C maj.) Pete Kipley and Bart Millard, © 2002 Wordspring Music, LLC

Leadership Helps A preview of this song may be heard at: Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Music Services, Inc. CCLI


… around word and sacrament. | Communion For Everyone Born (A Place at the Table)

Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 4065421 (F maj.) Shirley Erena Murray and Joy F. Patterson, © 1998 Hope Publishing Company Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Here Is Bread

Tune and Sources Here is Bread CCLI Song Number 983717 (C maj.) ELW 483 (C maj.) WP 58 (C maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Graham Kendrick, b. 1950, © 1991 Make Way Music, admin. by Music Services in the Western Hemisphere (ASCAP). Scripture References Luke 22:19; 24:35 1 Corinthians 10:16–17; 11:26

Leadership Helps A sample excerpt can be heard at:

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Music Services, Inc. CCLI

In Peace, In Peace, Through Christ the Door Tune and Source Truth from Above Come, Beloved of the Maker, p. 83 (G-dorian)16 Acknowledgments Text: Susan Palo Cherwien, b. 1953, © 2003 Susan Palo Cherwien, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Music: English folk melody. Leadership Helps Of this communion hymn, Susan Palo Cherwien writes: “CrossAccent (Journal of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians) editor Mark Bighley wrote asking for a hymn text to honor the work of the Inter-Lutheran Commission on Worship (ILCW) in producing the 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship. Mark suggested that the opening letters of the stanzas spell out ILCW (following the example of Philipp Nicolai), and each stanza begin

16 Susan Palo Cherwien, Come, Beloved of the Maker: Hymns of Susan Palo

Cherwien, Vol. 2 (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2010), ISBN 9780806698090.


with a line of text from the communion liturgy of the LBW.”17 This text has also been set to original music in: Shute, Linda Cable. Anthem for SATB, accompanied. MorningStar Music

Publishers, MSM-50-6064 (2006).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

Tune and Sources Picardy CW 361 (D min.) ELW 490 (D min.) LBW 198 (D min.) LSB 621 (D min.) Acknowledgments Text: Liturgy of St. James. Translation by Gerard Moultrie, 1829–1885, alt. Music: French folk tune, 17th cent. Scripture References Isaiah 6:1–3 Habakkuk 2:20 Matthew 26:28 Mark 1:22–25 Luke 2:8–15; 22:14–19

17 Ibid., 121.

Acts 1:10–11 1 Corinthians 11:23–26 1 Thessalonians 4:16–17 Leadership Helps Bell, John L. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence for SATB, accompanied. GIA

Publications, G-5489 (2001). Denisen, Doug. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence for two-part, accompanied,

and opt. flute. Neil A. Kjos Music Company, ED 6324 (2006). Miller, Aaron David. Descant and alternate setting in Vocal Descants for the

Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008). Miller, Aaron David. Piano setting in Hymns in Jazz Style. Augsburg Fortress,

9780800678531 (2007). Setting in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for

Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000). Wolff, S. Drummond. Setting in Hymn Descants, Set 1. Concordia Publishing

House, 97-6051 (1990).

Mystery Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 5208445 (A maj.) Charlie Hall, © 2008 sixsteps Music Leadership Helps An excerpt can be found at:

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Capitol CMG Publishing CCLI


Now the Silence Tune and Sources Now CW 231 (F maj.) ELW 460 (F maj.) LBW 205 (F maj.) LSB 910 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Jaroslav J. Vajda, 1919–2008, © 1969 Hope Publishing Company. Music: Carl F. Schalk, b. 1929, © 1969 Hope Publishing Company. Scripture References Habakkuk 2:20 Matthew 26:26–29 Luke 15:20–24 Revelation 19:7–9; 22:1–5 Leadership Helps Ore, Charles W. Setting in Eleven Compositions for Organ, Set 2. Concordia

Publishing House, 97-5385 (1976). Pelz, Walter L. Organ setting in Hymn Preludes for Holy Communion, Vol. 3.

Concordia Publishing House, 97-5488 (1980).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

O Bread of Life from Heaven Tune and Sources O Welt, ich muss dich lassen (or Innsbruck) ELW 480 (F maj.) LBW 222 (G maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Latin hymn, ca. 1661. Translations by Hugh T. Henry, 1862–1946 (sts. 1, 3), and Philip Schaff, 1819–1893 (st. 2). Music: Heinrich Isaac, 1450–1517. In ELW 480, setting by Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685–1750. Scripture References Exodus 16 John 6:31–35; 19:34 2 Corinthians 3:18 Leadership Helps Brahms, Johannes. Organ setting in Werke für Orgel, edited by G. Bozarth.

G. Henle Verlag, M-2018-0400-2 (1988). Miller, Aaron David. Piano setting in Hymns in Jazz Style. Augsburg Fortress,

9780800678531 (2007). Ore, Charles W. Setting in Eleven Compositions for Organ, Set 1. Concordia

Publishing House, 97-5019 (1971). White, David Ashley. O Bread of Life from Heaven (does not use O Welt, ich

muss dich lassen) for two-part, accompanied. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800650919 (1992).

Wolff, S. Drummond. Setting in Hymn Descants, Set 2. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6068 (1990).


Of the Glorious Body Tune and Source Pange lingua LBW 120 (E-phrygian) Acknowledgments Text: Thomas Aquinas, 1227–1274. Music: Plainsong, Mode III, Vatican collection, arr. Lutheran Book of Worship, © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Matthew 26:26–29 Mark 14:22–25 Luke 22:14–19 1 Corinthians 11:23–26 Leadership Helps The body of music that organists know today as chorale preludes has its early roots in the so-called alternatim style wherein keyboardists would improvise their own stanzas that alternated with stanzas sung by the choir.18 A nod to this practice would be appropriate in a journey through the musical traditions of the church, though local planners would have to carfeully consider how an alternatim rendering would affect the overall length and balance of the journey. Two settings that could be used for the Pange lingua melody in this way are: de Grigny, Nicolas. Setting in Livre d’Orgue. Schott, ED 1877 (1967). Hakim, Naji. Pange lingua pour orgue (variations). Alphonse Leduc, AL 29129


18 See Leading the Church’s Song, 52.

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Setting Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Revelation Song

Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 4447960 (D maj.) Jennie Lee Riddle, © 2004 Gateway Create Publishing Leadership Helps For a preview, visit:

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Capitol CMG Publishing CCLI


Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness (1) Tune and Sources Schmücke dich, O liebe Seele CW 311 (D maj.) ELW 488 (D maj.) LBW 224 (D maj.) LSB 636 (D maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Johann Franck, 1618–1677. In CW 311 and LSB 636, translation by Catherine Winkworth, 1827–1878. In ELW 488, translation from Lutheran Book of Worship, © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Music: Johann Crüger, 1598–1662. Scripture References Isaiah 61:10 Matthew 25:1–13 John 6:35, 48–51, 57–58 1 Corinthians 11:23–26 Revelation 19:7–8; 22:17 Leadership Helps Some planners may consider pairing “old” and “new” settings of the same text side-by-side. Johann Franck’s communion chorale could be an ideal candidate for this practice, though leaders will want to carefully consider how to transition from one version to the other (the dominant-tonic relationship between A major and D major makes this a little easier). Brahms, Johannes. Organ setting in Werke für Orgel, edited by G. Bozarth.

G. Henle Verlag, M-2018-0400-2 (1988). Zipp, Friedrich. Setting for three-parts, two treble instruments, and opt.

cello in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 1. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698410 (2010).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text ELW 488

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness (2) Vengo a ti, Jesús amado

Tune and Sources Canto a Borinquen ELW 489 (A maj.) LLC 388 (A maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Johann Franck, 1618–1677 (stanzas), and Esther E. Bertieaux, b. 1944 (refrain). Translations of stanzas by Albert Lehenbauer, 1891–1955 (Spanish), © 1964 Publicaciones “El Escudo,” and Lutheran Book of Worship (English), both admin. Augsburg Fortress. Music: Evy Lucío, b. 1934, © 1968 by Peer International Corporation of Puerto Rico. Scripture References Isaiah 61:10 Matthew 25:1–13 John 6:35, 48–51, 57–58 1 Corinthians 11:23–26 Revelation 19:7–8; 22:17


Leadership Helps For helpful ideas about rhythm, instrumentation, and general style, consult the entries in Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship19 and Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship.20

Additional Languages Spanish

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Music and Setting PeerMusic International Not covered; please contact copyright administrator

Taste and See Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015

Tune and Sources Taste and See ELW 493 (F maj.) TFF 126 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: James E. Moore, Jr., b. 1951, based on Psalm 34, © 1983 GIA Publications, Inc. Scripture References Psalm 34:1–8

19 Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 317–318. 20 Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 219.

Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. See also: Louis, Kenneth W. Taste and See for SATB, accompanied. GIA Publications,

G-5637 (2001).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music GIA Publications, Inc. OneLicense


God hears our cries for mercy … As Rebels, Lord, Who Foolishly Have Wandered

Tune and Source Welcome LSB 612 (D maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Stephen P. Starke, b. 1955, © 1992 Stephen P. Starke, admin. Concordia Publishing House. Music: Jeffrey N. Blersch, b. 1967, © 2003 Jeffrey N. Blersch. Scripture References Matthew 26:26–29 Luke 15:11–24 Leadership Helps Blersch, Jeffrey N. Organ setting in A Thousand Voices, Vol. 3. Concordia

Publishing House, 97-7246 (2007).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Concordia Publishing House OneLicense

Music and Setting Jeffrey N. Blersch Not covered; please contact copyright administrator

By Gracious Powers Tunes and Sources Berlin WOV 736 (G min.) Telos ELW 626 (E min.) Acknowledgments Text: Dietrich Bonhoffer, 1906–1945. Translation by Fred Pratt Green, 1903–2000, © 1974 Hope Publishing Company. Music, Berlin: Janet Hill, b. 1944, © 1995 Augsburg Fortress. Music, Telos: Robert Buckley Farlee, b. 1950, © 2006 Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Exodus 13:21–22 Mark 10:35–45 Leadership Helps Roberts, William Bradley. By Gracious Powers for unison or SATB voices,

accompanied. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800678210 (2007). Schulz-Widmar, Russell. By Gracious Powers for SA(T)B, accompanied, and

opt. oboe or violin. Augsburg Fortress, 9781451451573 (2012).


Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Music Berlin Telos

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Come Now, O Prince of Peace Ososo, ososo

Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015 Tune and Sources Ososo ELW 247 (G min.) LS 13 (G min.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Geonyong Lee, b. 1947, © Geonyong Lee. Translation by Marion Pope, b. 1928. Scripture References Isaiah 9:6 1 Corinthians 12:12 2 Corinthians 5:17–20

Additional Languages Korean Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. Like

Here, O Lord (see page 26), light percussion could be used to mark the ends of phrases and stanzas.21 See also: Setting in Let the Peoples Sing, Vol. 3: An International Christmastide, edited by

Marian Dolan. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800677701 (2005).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Geonyong Lee OneLicense

Comfort, Comfort Now My People Tune and Sources Freu dich sehr CW 11 (F maj.) ELW 256 (F maj.) LBW 29 (F maj.) LSB 347 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Johann G. Olearius, 1611–1684. Translation by Catherine Winkworth, 1829–1878, alt. Music: Trente quatre pseaumes de David, Geneva, 1551. Scripture References Isaiah 9:6–7; 26:8–9; 40:1–11 Matthew 3:3 Mark 1:2–3 Luke 2:29–32; 3:4–6

21 Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 141.


Leadership Helps deSilva, David. Comfort, Comfort Ye My People for SATB, accompanied, opt.

cello, 2 C-instruments, and percussion. Concordia Publishing House, 97-7393 (2010).

Rose, Richard. Setting in Hymnal Companion for Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany (parts for melody, harmony, and a descant are provided in the ranges most appropriate for each instrument; includes transpositions for instruments in the key of C, B-flat, E-flat, and F, plus parts for percussion). Concordia Publishing House, 97-6710 (1997).

Schalk, Carl F. Setting for SATB in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).

Even as We Live Each Day In the Midst of Earthly Life In the Very Midst of Life

Tune and Sources Mitten wir im Leben sind CW 534 (E-phrygian) LBW 350 (E-phrygian) LSB 755 (E-phrygian) An additional translation may be found in: Come, Beloved of the Maker, p. 84 (E-phrygian)22

22 Susan Palo Cherwien, Come, Beloved of the Maker: Hymns of Susan Palo Cherwien,

Vol. 2 (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2010), ISBN 9780806698090.

Acknowledgments Text: Martin Luther, 1483–1546. In the collection Come, Beloved of the Maker, translation by Susan Palo Cherwien, b. 1953, © 2005 Susan Palo Cherwien, admin. Augsburg Fortress. In LSB, text © 1941 Concordia Publishing House. Music: Latin, 13th cent., adapted by Johann Walter, 1496–1570. Scripture References Psalm 69:15 Psalm 124:4–5, 8 John 19:34 Romans 14:7–8 1 Corinthians 15:30–31, 53–54 2 Corinthians 1:9–10 Leadership Helps Sanders, Bernard. Organ setting in Four Preludes for Hope. Concordia

Publishing House, 97-7441 (2012).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text LBW 350

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Text LSB 755

Concordia Publishing House OneLicense

Setting LBW 350

Gesangbuchverlag Stuttgart GmbH Not covered; please contact copyright administrator or use a melody-line version


Evening and Morning Tune and Sources Die güldne Sonne CW 430 (F maj.) ELW 761 (F maj.) LBW 465 (F maj.) LSB 726 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Paul Gerhardt, 1607–1676. Translation (sts. 1, 2) by Richard Massie, 1800–1887, alt. In ELW 761, LBW 465, and LSB 726, translation (sts. 3, 4) by Hermann H. M. Brueckner, 1866–1942, © 1930, 2006 Augsburg Fortress. Music: Johann G. Ebeling, 1637–1676.

Scripture References Genesis 8:22 John 14:2–3 Revelation 5:8–10

Leadership Helps Krentz, Michael E. Setting for unison voices, accompanied, in Choral Stanzas

for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011). Manz, Paul O. Instrumental setting in Three Hymns for Flute, Oboe, and Organ.

MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-20-871 (1994).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text ELW 761 LBW 465 LSB 726, sts. 3, 4

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Setting LBW 465

Gesangbuchverlag Stuttgart GmbH Not covered; please contact copyright administrator or use a melody-line version

From the Inside Out Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 4705176 (C maj.) Joel Houston, © 2005 Hillsong Music Publishing Source and Acknowledgments For a preview of this song, visit:

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Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Capitol CMG Publishing CCLI

Give Us Clean Hands Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015

Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 2060208 (A-flat maj.) Charlie Hall, © 2000 Sixsteps Music Scripture References Psalm 24:3–6 Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. An excerpt is also available at:


Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Capitol CMG Publishing CCLI

God, When Human Bonds are Broken

Tune and Sources Merton ELW 603 (E-flat maj.) WOV 735 (E-flat maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Fred Kaan, 1929–2009, © 1989 Hope Publishing Company. Music: William H. Monk, 1823–1889. Leadership Helps Engebretson, James. Instrumental setting in Hymns for Ensembles, Vol. 1.

Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698083 (2010).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord Tunes and Sources Mendelssohn da pacem LSB 777 (E-flat maj.) Verleih uns Frieden CW 522 (E min.) ELW 784 (E min.) LBW 471 (E min.) LSB 778 (E min.) Acknowledgments Text: Medieval antiphon, adapt. Martin Luther, 1483–1546. Translation by Laudamus, Hanover, 1952, © Lutheran World Federation. Music, Mendelssohn da Pacem: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, 1809–1847. Music, Verleih uns Frieden: Plainsong, Mode I, from Gesangbuch, Nürnberg, 1531, 1676. In LSB 778, setting by Carl Schalk, b. 1929, © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship. Scripture References Psalm 62:2, 6 Psalm 122:6–9 Isaiah 31:5 2 Thessalonians 3:3, 6


Leadership Helps It may be helpful to review ideas for leading chant in the assembly as presented in Leading the Church’s Song23 or Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship.24 Other “helps” for introducting the melody or including the text could include: Ferko, Frank. Setting using Verleih uns Frieden in Eleven Hymn Preludes

for Organ. Augsburg Fortress, 11-5818 (1989). Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix (1809–1847). Grant Peace, We Pray for SATB,

accompanied, arr. Carl F. Schalk. Concordia Publishing House, 98-2212 (1974).

Pepping, Ernst (1901–1981). Setting using Verleih uns Frieden in Praeludia Postludia, Vol. 1. Schott, ED 6040 (1969).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Lutheran World Federation Not covered; please contact copyright administrator

Setting Various Not covered; please contact copyright administrator or use a melody-line version

23 Leading the Church’s Song, 26–35. 24 Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 31–34.

Holy Woman, Graceful Giver Tune and Source Alabaster O Blessed Spring, p. 60 (E min.)25 Acknowledgments Text: Susan Palo Cherwien, b. 1953, © 1994 Susan Palo Cherwien, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Music: David Cherwien, b. 1957, © 1995 Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Mark 14:3–9 Leadership Helps Planners looking to emphasize themes of reconcilliation and God’s gift of grace will want to pay close attention to this text. Of this hymn, Susan Palo Cherwien notes: “Written for the 25th anniversary of the ordination of women in the ELCA and its predecessors, the hymn is based on the account of the woman with the jar of ointment (Mark 14:3–9). It celebrates the hidden treasures in all God’s people—female and male, clergy and lay—with Christ at their center.”26

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

25 Susan Palo Cherwien, O Blessed Spring: Hymns of Susan Palo Cherwien

(Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1997), ISBN 9780800656799. 26 Ibid., 119.


Hope of the World Tunes and Sources Donne Secours LBW 493 (D-dorian) Eirene LSB 690 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Georgia Harkness, 1891–1974, © 1954, 1982 The Hymn Society, admin. Hope Publishing Company. Music, Donne secours: Trente quatre pseaumes de David, Geneva 1551, setting © 1969 Concordia Publishing House. Music, Eirene: Francis R. Havergal, 1836–1879. Scripture References Psalm 146:5–10 Matthew 9:36 Mark 6:34–44 John 8:12 Romans 8:18–28 Colossians 2:13–15 1 Timothy 1:1 Leadership Helps Goudimel, Claude. Two settings using Donne secours in Choral Settings for

the Hymn of the Day, Vol. 2, edited by Paul Thomas. Concordia Publishing House, 97-5810 (1984).

Schalk, Carl F. Concertato using Donne secours for SATB, 2 tpt., 2 tbn., timpani, organ, and assembly. Hope Publishing Company, HSA 101 (1982).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Setting LBW 493

Concordia Publishing House OneLicense

How Long, O God Tune and Source Land of Rest ELW 698 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Ralph F. Smith, 1950–1994, © 2003 Augsburg Fortress. Music: North American traditional, setting © 2006 Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Psalm 13 Leadership Helps Ferguson, John. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008). Held, Wilbur. Organ setting in Seven Settings of American Folk Hymns.

Concordia Publishing House, 11-5829 (1984). Kadidlo, Phil. Setting for solo voice (or unison voices), accompanied, in

Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).

Osterlund, Karl. Organ setting in American Hymn Trios. Augsburg Fortress, 11-10616 (1995).

Setting in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000).


Wood, Dale. Setting in Seven Folk Tune Sketches for Organ. H. W. Gray, GB 357 (1966).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Setting Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

I Will Rejoice Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015

Tune and Source I Will Rejoice TFF 271 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Grayson Warren Brown, b. 1948, © 1979 Grayson Warren Brown, admin. OCP Publications. Arranged by Larry Adams. Scripture References Revelation 19:7a Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. See also: Brown, Grayson Warren. I Will Rejoice for SATB, cantor, piano, and guitar.

OCP 10328.

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music OCP Publications LicenSing Online

In the Singing Tune and Source Bread of Peace ELW 466 (D maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Shirley Erena Murray, b. 1931, © 1996 Hope Publishing Company. Music: Carlton R. Young, b. 1926, © 1996 Hope Publishing Company.

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Kyrie Eleison Have Mercy

Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 6016038 (D maj.) Keith Getty and Stuart Townend, © 2010 Thankyou Music Leadership Helps A preview is available at: Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Capitol CMG Publishing CCLI


Kyrie! God Father Tune and Sources Kyrie, Gott Vater CW 266 (E-phrygian) ELW 409 (E-phrygian) LBW 168 (E-phrygian) LSB 942 (E-phrygian) Acknowledgments Text: Latin Kyrie trope, ca. 1100. Translation by W. Gustave Polack, 1890–1950, alt., © 1941 Concordia Publishing House. Music: Kyrie fons bonitatis, ca. 800, adapt. In CW 266, setting © 1993 Kermit G. Moldenhauer. In ELW 409 and LBW 168, setting © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Psalm 28:2 1 Timothy 2:5 Leadership Helps Bender, Jan. Setting in The Master Organ Works of Jan Bender, Vol. 2, edited by

David Fienen. Concordia Publishing House, 97-7099 (2005).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Concordia Publishing House OneLicense

Setting CW 266

Kermit G. Moldenhauer Not covered; please contact copyright administrator or use a melody-line version

Setting LBW 168

Augsburg Fortress Not covered; please contact copyright administrator or use a melody-line version

Let Streams of Living Justice Tune and Source Thaxted ELW 710 (B-flat maj.) Acknowledgments Text: William Whitla, b. 1934, © 1989 William Whitla. Music: Gustav Holst, 1874–1934. Scripture References Isaiah 61:1 Amos 5:24 Luke 4:18–19 Leadership Helps Benson, Robert A. Setting in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011). Cherwien, David. Organ setting in O God, Beyond All Praising. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780800657246 (1998). Farlee, Robert Buckley. Setting in Gaudeamus! Hymn Preludes for Organ.

Augsburg Fortress, 0800655389 (1995). Shute, Linda Cable. Descant and alternate setting in Vocal Descants for the

Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text William Whitla OneLicense


Lord Have Mercy Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 2989578 (A-flat maj.) Steve Merkel, © 2000 Integrity's Hosanna! Music Leadership Helps A short excerpt with light accompaniment can be heard at: Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Capitol CMG Publishing CCLI

Lord, Listen to Your Children On Bended Knee, with Needy Hearts

Tune and Source On Bended Knee CCLI Song Number 659072 (C maj.) WP 91 (C maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Handt Hanson, b. 1950, © 1991 Prince of Peace Publishing, Changing Church, Inc. Scripture References Psalm 5:1–3 Leadership Helps A short sample of this song can be heard at:

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Prince of Peace Publishing, Changing Church Forum, Inc.

CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying

Tune and Sources Children Praying ELW 752 (D maj.) LS 94 (D maj.) TFF 247 (E-flat maj.) WOV 775 (E-flat maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Ken Medema, b. 1943, © 1973 Hope Publishing Company. Scripture References Psalm 5:1–3 1 Peter 3:12

Leadership Helps If you’d like to include unaccompanied singing on your journey, this shorter text could be repeated enough times so that the accompaniment (piano or guitar) can “let go” and let the assembly’s voice take over. For some other ideas, see:; or, to really hear the possibilities of gospel style:


Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Lord, Who the Night You Were Betrayed

Tune and Source Song 1 ELW 463 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: William H. Turton, 1856–1938, alt. Music: Orlando Gibbons, 1583–1625. Scripture References John 17:20–23 1 Corinthians 10:16–17 1 Peter 2:25 Leadership Helps Farlee, Robert Buckley. Setting in Gaudeamus! Hymn Preludes for Organ.

Augsburg Fortress, 0800655389 (1995). Weber, Paul D. Organ Setting in Hymn Preludes for Holy Communion, Vol. 3.

Concordia Publishing House, 97-5488 (1980).

O God of Love, O King of Peace Tunes and Sources Ack, Bliv hos oss LBW 414 (G min.) Erhalt uns, Herr ELW 749 (E min.) Nylunda LSB 751 (D maj.) St. Luke CW 519 (F min.) Acknowledgments Text: Henry W. Baker, 1821–1877. Music, Ack, Bliv hos oss (LBW 414): Koralpsalmboken, Stockholm, 1697. Music, Erhalt uns, Herr (ELW 749): J. Klug, Geistliche Lieder, 1543. Music, Nylunda (LSB 751): Sandra J. Voelker, b. 1952, © 2002 Sandra J. Voelker. Music, St. Luke (CW 519): Jeremiah Clarke, 1674–1707. Scripture References Psalm 25:7 Psalm 46:9 Isaiah 43:25 Ephesians 4:15–16 1 Thessalonians 5:23–24 2 Thessalonians 3:16 James 4:1–2


Leadership Helps Bender, Jan. Setting for organ using Erhalt uns, Herr included in The

Master Organ Works of Jan Bender, Vol. 4, edited by David Fienen. Concordia Publishing House, 97-7101 (2005).

Cherwien, David. Prayer for Peace (O God of Love, O King of Peace) using Olive for two-part (mixed), organ, and opt. assembly. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-50-9209 (2003).

Ellingboe, Bradley. Setting using Erhalt uns, Herr for SATB, accompanied, in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).

Engebretson, James. Setting for Erhalt uns, Herr in Hymns for Ensembles, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698625 (2011).

Pelz, Walter L. Settings for organ using Erhalt uns, Herr in Triptych on Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Your Word. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-10-808 (1997).

Rose, Richard. Setting for Erhalt uns, Herr in Hymnal Companion for Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion: Reformation, Praise. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6716 (2001).

Wolff, S. Drummond. Setting using Erhalt uns, Herr included in Reformation Suite: Settings for Organ and Brass Quartet. Concordia Publishing House, 97-5920 (1986).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Music LSB 751

Sandra J. Voelker Not covered; please contact copyright administrator

Our Father, We Have Wandered

Tune and Sources Herzlich tut mich verlangen (or Passion Chorale) ELW 606 (A min., C maj.) WOV 733 (A min., C maj.)

Acknowledgments Text: Kevin Nichols, 1929–2006, © 1981 International Committee on English in the Liturgy. Music: Hans Leo Hassler, 1564–1612, arr. Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685–1750. Scripture References Luke 15:11–32 Leadership Helps Brahms, Johannes. Organ setting in Werke für Orgel, edited by G. Bozarth.

G. Henle Verlag, M-2018-0400-2 (1988). Burkhardt, Michael. Organ setting in Five Lenten Hymn Improvisations.

MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-10-309 (1990). Kuhnau, Johann. Organ setting in Two Lenten Chorale Preludes, edited by

Richard Peek. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-10-321 (1997). Wolff, S. Drummond. Setting in Hymn Descants, Set 2. Concordia Publishing

House, 97-6068 (1990).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text International Commission on English in the Liturgy



You, Dear Lord Tú, Señor, que brillas Danos tu luz

Tune and Sources Tú, Señor ELW 702 (D min.) LLC 429 (D min.) Acknowledgments Text (Spanish): Anonymous. Translation by Fred Pratt Green, 1903–2000, © 1982 Hope Publishing Company. Music: Gerhard Cartford, b. 1923, © Lutheran World Federation. Scripture References Psalm 88 Additional Languages Spanish

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text English

Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Music Lutheran World Federation Not covered; please contact copyright administrator


… and pours out abundant grace.

Amazing Grace Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015

Tune and Sources New Britain CW 379 (F maj.) ELW 779 (F maj.) LBW 448 (F maj.) LSB 744 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: John Newton, 1725–1807, alt. (sts. 1–4), and anonymous (st. 5). In LSB 744, Spanish translation by ¡Cantad al Señor!, © 1991 Editorial Concordia. Music: Columbian Harmony, Cincinnati, 1829, and W. Walker, Southern Harmony, 1835. In CW 379, setting © 1964 Abingdon Press. In ELW 779, setting by Edwin O. Excell, 1851–1921, alt. In LSB 744, setting by Joseph Herl, b. 1959, © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture References Psalm 73:26 Luke 15:4–32 John 1:14–17 Romans 3:22b–24 Ephesians 2:1, 4–9 1 Timothy 1:12–14 Hebrews 4:16 Additional Languages Spanish (LSB 744) Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. See also:

Bolcom, William. Organ setting in Gospel Preludes, Book 2. Edward B. Marks, HL00009606 (1990).

Carter, John. Setting in Gospel Treats for Jazz Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800677596 (2005).

Dake, Kenneth. Setting (st. 3) for SATB in Four Prayer Responses. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-50-8980 (2015).

Helgen, John. Setting in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).

Heller, David. Setting in Laudate Dominum: 13 Hymn Tune Descants for Choir and Organ. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-50-9800 (1991).

Long, Larry J. Descant and alternate setting in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).

Ore, Charles W. Setting in Eleven Compositions for Organ, Set 8. Concordia Publishing House, 97-7287 (2008).

Rose, Richard. Setting in Hymnal Companion for Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion: Reformation, Praise. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6716 (2001).

Setting in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Spanish (LSB 744)

Concordia Publishing House OneLicense

Setting CW 379

Abingdon Press CCLI

Setting LSB 744

Concordia Publishing House OneLicense


Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 4768151 (F maj.) Louie Giglio, John Newton, and Chris Tomlin, © 2006 sixsteps Music Leadership Helps For a brief audio excerpt visit: Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Capitol CMG Publishing CCLI

By Grace I’m Saved, Grace Free and Boundless Tune and Sources O dass ich tausend Zungen hätte (or Dretzel) CW 384 (F maj.) LSB 566 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Christian Ludwig Scheidt, 1709–1761, abr. Music: Cornelius Heinrich Dretzel, 1675–1775, alt. Scripture References Isaiah 64:6 Romans 3:23–24 Ephesians 2:4–9 Titus 3:4–7

Leadership Helps Bender, Jan. Setting in The Master Organ Works of Jan Bender, Vol. 3, edited by

David Fienen. Concordia Publishing House, 97-7100 (2005). Ore, Charles W. Setting in Eleven Compositions for Organ, Set 1. Concordia

Publishing House, 97-5019 (1971).

Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice Tune and Sources Nun freut euch CW 377 (F maj.) ELW 594 (F maj.) LBW 299 (F maj.) LSB 556 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Martin Luther, 1483–1546. In ELW 594, hymnal translation © 2006 Augsburg Fortress. In LSB 556, translation by Richard Massie, 1800–1887, alt. Music: Etlich Christlich Lieder, Wittenberg, 1524. In ELW 594, setting © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Matthew 7:21–29 Romans 3:28 Galatians 4:4–5 Ephesians 1:3–10; 2:1–5 2 Timothy 1:9–10 Leadership Helps Bender, Jan. Setting in The Master Organ Works of Jan Bender, Vol. 4, edited by

David Fienen. Concordia Publishing House, 97-7101 (2005). Distler, Hugo (1908–1942). Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice for SATB.

Concordia Publishing House, 98-1901 (1967).


Eggert, John. Organ setting in Six Hymn Preludes, Set 2. Concordia Publishing House, 97-5912 (1986).

Helgen, John. Setting for SATB in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).

Wolff, S. Drummond. Setting in Hymn Descants, Set 2. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6068 (1990).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text ELW 594

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

God of Grace and God of Glory

Tune and Sources Cwm Rhondda CW 523 (F maj.) ELW 705 (G maj.) LBW 415 (G maj.) LSB 850 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Harry E. Fosdick, 1878–1969. Music: John Hughes, 1873–1932. In CW 523, setting © 1982 Concordia Publishing House. In LBW 415, setting © 1969 Concordia Publishing House. In LSB 850, setting by Henry V. Gerike, b. 1948, © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture References Joshua 1:9 1 Kings 3:5–12 Psalm 27:14 Proverbs 9:13–16 Isaiah 2:4–11 Micah 4:3

Leadership Helps Biery, Marilyn. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008). Blair, Dallas. Instrumental setting in Hymn Introductions and Descants for

Trumpet and Organ, Set 2. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-20-702 (2000).

Costello, Michael D. God of Grace and God of Glory for two-part or unison voices, accompanied, children’s choir, assembly, organ, brass quintet, and opt. percussion. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-60-6004, (2009).

Costello, Michael D. Setting (excerpted from MSM-60-6004) in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).

Engebretson, James. Setting in Hymns for Ensembles, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698625 (2011).

Pelz, Walter L. Instrumental setting in Hymn Settings for Brass and Organ, Set 2. Augsburg Fortress, 11-10272 (1992).

Rose, Richard. Setting in Hymnal Companion for Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion: Reformation, Praise. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6716 (2001).

Setting in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Setting CW 523 LBW 415 LSB 850

Concordia Publishing House Not covered; please contact copyright administrator or use a melody-line version


May God Bestow on Us His Grace Tunes and Sources Elvet Banks LSB 824 (F maj.) Es wolle Gott uns Gnädig sein CW 574 (D-phrygian) LBW 335 (E-phrygian) LSB 823 (D-phrygian) Acknowledgments Text: Martin Luther, 1483–1546. Translation by Richard Massie, 1800–1887, alt. Music, Elvet Banks: David Lee, b. 1956, © 2004 David Lee. Music, Es wolle Gott uns Gnädig sein: Der Lxvj. Deus Misereatur, Magdeburg, 1524. Scripture References Psalm 67

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Music Elvet Banks

David Lee Not covered; please contact copyright administrator

O Day Full of Grace The Day Full of Grace

Tune and Sources Den signede dag (or Weyse) CW 254 (C maj.) ELW 627 (C maj.) LBW 161 (C maj.) LS 71 (C maj.) LSB 503 (C maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Scandinavian folk hymn, ca. 1450. Translation by Gerald Thorson, 1921–2001, © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress. In CW 254, st. 3 by Mark A. Jeske, b. 1952, © 1993 Mark A. Jeske. Music: Christoph E. F. Weyse, 1774–1842. Scripture References Luke 2:11 Acts 2:1–4 2 Corinthians 1:21–22; 4:6 Colossians 1:13–14 Revelation 21:23–24 Leadership Helps Bender, Jan. Setting in The Master Organ Works of Jan Bender, Vol. 2, edited by

David Fienen. Concordia Publishing House, 97-7099 (2005). Biery, Marilyn. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008). Carlson, J. Bert. Setting for SATB, accompanied, and opt. assembly.

Augsburg Fortress, 9781451485905 (2014). Hillert, Richard. Setting in Choral Settings of Hymns, Vol. 5. Augsburg

Publishing House, 11-5424 (1985). Hobby, Robert A. Concertato setting for brass, percussion, and assembly.

MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-20-447 (2002).


Rose, Richard. Setting in Hymnal Companion for Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion: Pentecost. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6715 (1998).

Sedio, Mark. Setting in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).

Wolff, S. Drummond. Setting in Hymn Descants, Set 2. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6068 (1990).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text ELW 627 LBW 161 LS 71 LSB 503

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Setting CW 254

Elfred Bloedel Not covered; please contact copyright administrator or use a melody-line version

Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle

Tunes and Sources Fortunatus New CW 122 (C min.) ELW 356 (D min.) LBW 118 (D min.) LSB 454 (D min.) Pange lingua ELW 355 (E-phrygian) Acknowledgments Text: Venantius Honorius Fortunatus, 530–609. Translation by John Mason Neale, 1818–1866, alt. Music, Fortunatus New: Carl F. Schalk, b. 1929, © 1967 Concordia Publishing House. Music, Pange lingua: Plainsong, Mode

III, Vatican collection, arr. © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Psalm 98:1–2 Isaiah 52:9–10 John 19:30 Galatians 4:4 Philippians 2:7–8 1 Peter 2:24 Revelation 22:2 Leadership Helps For a discussion of how alternatim practice could work with the Pange lingua tune, see page 44. Leadership ideas for Fortunatus New may also be found in: Busarow, Donald. Descant for Fortunatus New in Vocal Descants for the

Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008). Pelz, Walter L. Setting using Fortunatus New for two-part, accompanied,

in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).

Wolff, S. Drummond. Setting using Fortunatus New in Hymn Descants, Set 2. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6068 (1990).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Music Fortunatus New

Concordia Publishing House OneLicense


That Priceless Grace Tune and Sources That Priceless Grace ELW 591 (G maj.) TFF 68 (G maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Emmanuel F. Y. Grantson, b. 1949, © 1999 Augsburg Fortress. Music: Ghanaian traditional, arr. James M. Capers, b. 1948, © 1999 Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Romans 3:24

Leadership Helps If this song is a strong possibility for your version of the journey, it may be helpful to consult the “African Song” chapter in Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship.27

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Setting Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

27 See chapter 11, “African Song,” 71–75.

The New Song We Sing Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 5135587 (A maj.) Meredith Andrews, Jason Ingram, and Keith Everette Smith, © 2007 World Music, LLC Leadership Helps For a brief excerpt visit: Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Capitol CMG Publishing CCLI

This Is Amazing Grace Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 6333821 (B-flat maj.) John Farro, Jeremy Riddle, and Phil Wickham, © 2012 Phil Wickham Music

Leadership Helps An example for full band can be heard at:

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Music Services, Inc. CCLI


What Wondrous Love Tune and Sources Wondrous Love CW 120 (D min.; D-dorian) ELW 666 (D min.; D-dorian) LBW 385 (D min.; D-dorian) LSB 543 (D min.; D-dorian) Acknowledgments Text: A General Selection of ... New Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Lynchburg, 1811, alt. Music: W. Walker, Southern Harmony, 1835. In CW 120, setting © 1993 Elfred Bloedel. In ELW 666, setting by Paul J. Christiansen, 1914–1997, © 1955 Augsburg Publishing House. In LSB 543 and LBW 385, setting by Donald Busarow, 1934–2011, © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Psalm 17:7 Psalm 69:13–14 John 8:58 1 John 4:7–10 Revelation 5:6–13

Leadership Helps If familiar enough in your setting, this rugged hymn could even be sung unaccompanied. Or, consider a gradual crescendo to match the gradual movement across the four stanzas from humble awe to ceaseless praise!28 Some other ideas could be found in: Benson, Robert A. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008). Larter, Evelyn. What Wondrous Love Is This for SATB, accompanied, and

violin. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800621575 (2008). Larter, Evelyn. Setting for SAB, accompanied (excerpted from AF

9780800621575) in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).

Osterlund, Karl. Organ setting in American Hymn Trios. Augsburg Publishing House, 11-10616 (1995).

Setting in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000).

White, Louie L. Setting in Reflections on Southern Hymn Tunes for Organ. Belwin-Mills, MS 1865 (1966).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Setting LBW 385 LSB 543 ELW 666

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

28 Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, 280.


Your Grace Is Enough Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 4477026 (G maj.) Matt Maher, © 2003 Thankyou Music Leadership Helps For a brief preview see:

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Capitol CMG Publishing CCLI

Your Love Is Strong

Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 5295221 (B maj.) Jon Foreman, © 2008 Rubadub Rublishing Publishing Leadership Helps The CCLI website includes a brief excerpt of this song:

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Rubadub Rublishing Publishing CCLI


The Spirit leads us into Christ’s future … Come to Us, Creative Spirit

Tune and Sources Castlewood ELW 687 (D maj.) WOV 758 (D maj.) Acknowledgments Text: David Mowbray, b. 1938, © 1979 Stainer & Bell and the Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes, admin. Hope Publishing Company. Music: Richard Proulx, 1937–2010, © 1986 GIA Publications, Inc. Scripture References 1 Samuel 16:17–23 1 Corinthians 12 Leadership Helps Farlee, Robert Buckley. Organ setting in Many and Great: Hymn Settings for

Organ. Augsburg Fortress, 11-11033 (2000).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Music GIA Publications, Inc. OneLicense

Donde hay caridad y amor Where Charity and Love are Shown

Tune and Source Donde hay caridad y amor LLC 337 (C min.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Joaquín Madurga, © 1981 Joaquín Madurga y San Pablo Internacional, admin. OCP Publications. Translation by Martin A. Seltz, b. 1951. Setting by Patrick Loomis. Scripture References John 13:34 1 John 4 Additional Languages Spanish

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music OCP Publications LicenSing Online


Holy Spirit, Come Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 3052648 (D maj.) Kate Miner, © 1999 Eternalux Leadership Helps For a preview of text and music see: Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Music Services, Inc. CCLI

Holy Spirit, God of Love

Tune and Source Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich CW 180 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Brigitte Katerine Boye, 1742–1824. Translation by George T. A. Rygh, 1860–1942, alt. Music: Ein New Gesengbuchlein, Jungbunzlau, 1531, alt. Scripture References John 15:26 Leadership Helps This short hymn could be introduced with organ settings by D. Buxtehude (BuxWV 182) or J. S. Bach (BWV 605 from Orgelbüchlein).29 Perhaps if the

29 For BuxWV 182, see; for BWV

605, see

assembly needs a moment of “rest” on the journey, the organ setting could be offered as a “reflection” on the text, its single stanza printed in the worship bulletin or projected in the worship space.

How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord Tune and Sources Repton ELW 580 (E-flat maj.) LSB 853 (E-flat maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Fred Pratt Green, 1903–2000, © 1982 Hope Publishing Company. Music: C. Hubert H. Parry, 1848–1918. Scripture References Matthew 11:28–30 Luke 5:1–11 Hebrews 12:1–4 Leadership Helps Organ, Anne Krentz. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008). Sedio, Mark. Setting in How Blessed This Place: Hymn Preludes for Organ.

Augsburg Fortress, 9780800658038 (1998).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense


Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love Tune and Sources Chereponi CCLI Song Number 186208 ELW 708 (F maj.) LS 146 (F maj.) TFF 83 (F maj.) WOV 765 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Tom Colvin, 1925–2000, alt., © 1969 Hope Publishing Company. Music: Ghanaian folk tune, adapt. Tom Colvin, 1925–2000, arr. Jane Marshall, b. 1924, © 1969 Hope Publishing Company. Scripture References Matthew 25:14–30 Mark 10:35–45 Luke 10:25–37 John 13:1–20 1 John 4:7–12 Leadership Helps A variety of leadership styles are possible with this option, including a transparent organ registration (such as in this example: or piano with light hand percussion.30 See also: Biery, James. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).

30 For possible rhythm patterns see Musicians Guide to Evangelical Lutheran

Worship, 293.

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text, Music, and Setting

Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Lord, Help Us Walk Your Servant Way

Tune and Source St. Flavian LSB 857 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., 1923–2007, © 1997 GIA Publications, Inc. Music: The Whole Booke of Psalmes, London, 1562, arr. Richard Redhead, 1820–1901. Scripture References Mark 10:35–45 Leadership Helps Bender, Jan. Setting in The Master Organ Works of Jan Bender, Vol. 3, edited by

David Fienen. Concordia Publishing House, 97-7100 (2005).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text GIA Publications, Inc. OneLicense


Now to the Holy Spirit Let Us Pray To God the Holy Spirit Let Us Pray We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost

Tune and Sources Nun bitten wir CW 190 (F maj.) ELW 743 (F maj.) LBW 317 (F maj.) LSB 768 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Medieval German Leise (st. 1), and Martin Luther, 1483–1546 (sts. 2–4). In ELW 743, sts. 1, 4 © 2006 Augsburg Fortress, and sts. 2, 3 © 1969 Concordia Publishing House. In LSB 768, translation © 1969 Concordia Publishing House. Music: J. Walter, Geistliche Gesangbüchlein, 1524. In LSB 768, setting by Lutheran Service Book, © 2006 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture References John 16:13 Acts 2:3–4 Romans 8:26 1 Corinthians 12:3 Ephesians 4:3–6 Leadership Helps Krapf, Gerhard (1924–2008). Organ setting in Reformation Suite. Concordia

Publishing House, 97-5002 (1971). Ore, Charles W. Setting in Eleven Compositions for Organ, Set 2. Concordia

Publishing House, 97-5385 (1976). Schalk, Carl F. Setting in Two-Part Canons on Classic Hymns and Chorales, Set

3. Concordia Publishing House, 98-1764 (1965).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text ELW 743, sts. 2, 3 LBW 317 LSB 768

Concordia Publishing House OneLicense

Text ELW 743, sts. 1, 4

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Setting LBW 317

Gesangbuchverlag Stuttgart GmbH Not covered; please contact copyright administrator or use a melody-line version

Setting LSB 768

Concordia Publishing House Not covered; please contact copyright administrator or use a melody-line version


Rise, O Church, Like Christ Arisen Tune and Source Surge ecclesia ELW 548 (D maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Susan Palo Cherwien, b. 1953, © 1997 Susan Palo Cherwien, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Music: Timothy J. Strand, b. 1958, © 1997 Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References John 20:19–31 Leadership Helps Sedio, Mark. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Sing with All the Saints in Glory Tune and Sources Mississippi ELW 426 (E-flat maj.) LSB 671 (F maj.) WOV 691 (E-flat maj.) Acknowledgments Text: William J. Irons, 1812–1833, alt. Music: William Bradley Roberts, b. 1947, © 1995 Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References John 14:1–3 1 Corinthians 2:9 Revelation 7:9–17; 21:1–5 Leadership Helps Costello, Michael D. Concertato setting for SATB, flute, organ, and

assembly. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698311 (2010). Kohrs, Jonathan. Instrumental setting in Four Tunes for Piano and Two

Instruments. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800658786 (1999). Roberts, William Bradley. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year.

Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Music and Setting Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense


The Church Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015

Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 5713181 (E maj.) Mack Brock and Chris Brown, © 2010 Sony/ATV Tree Publishing Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. The CCLI website also contains a brief preview: Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Sony/ATV Music Publishing CCLI

The Church of Christ in Every Age Tune and Sources Wareham ELW 729 (A maj.) LBW 433 (A maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Fred Pratt Green, 1903–2000, © 1971 Hope Publishing Company. Music: William Knapp, 1698–1768. Scripture References Matthew 14:13–21 Mark 6:41 Luke 6:12–16 John 6:1–14, 35

Leadership Helps Diemer, Emma Lou. Setting in Celebration: Seven Hymn Settings for Organ.

Augsburg Publishing House, 11-9097 (1975). Ellingboe, Bradley. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008). Wolff, S. Drummond. Setting in Hymn Descants, Set 2. Concordia Publishing

House, 97-6068 (1990).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

To Be Your Presence Tune and Source Engelberg ELW 546 (G maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Delores Dufner, OSB, b. 1939, © 2000 GIA Publications, Inc. Music: Charles V. Stanford, 1852–1924. Scripture References Isaiah 58:6–9 Matthew 25:31–40 Mark 10:45 Ephesians 3:16–19 Leadership Helps Arnatt, Ronald. Instrumental setting in Hymn Descants and Free

Harmonizations. Augsburg Fortress, 11-6710 (1990).


Engebretson, James. Setting in Hymns for Ensembles, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698625 (2011).

Sedio, Mark. Setting in How Blessed This Place: Hymn Preludes for Organ. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800658038 (1998).

Setting in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text GIA Publications, Inc. OneLicense

Tú diste a Israel God, with a Mighty Hand

Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015 Tune and Source Una nueva comunidad LCC 476 (D maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Angel Mattos-Nieves, © Augsburg Fortress. Translation by Martin A. Seltz, b. 1951, © Augsburg Fortress. Music: Jose Ruiz, © Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Deuteronomy 5:15; 26:8 Additional Languages Spanish Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website.

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text, Music, and Setting

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Ubi caritas et amor

Tune and Sources Taizé Ubi caritas ELW 642 (F maj.) WOV 665 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Latin antiphon, 9th cent., and Taizé Community. Translation (refrain) by With One Voice, © 1995 Augsburg Fortress. Music: Jacques Berthier, 1923–1994. Text and music © 1979 Les Presses de Taizé, admin. GIA Publications, Inc. Scripture References John 15:9–16 1 Corinthians 13:13 1 John 4:13–21 Additional Languages Latin Leadership Helps Various ideas for leading this chant can be heard at


Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Latin

GIA Publications, Inc. OneLicense

Text English (Refrain)

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Music GIA Publications, Inc. OneLicense

We Are Called to Stand Together Tune and Source Ascended Triumph LSB 828 (C min.) Acknowledgments Text: Martin E. Leckebusch, b. 1962, © 2000 Kevin Mayhew, Ltd. Music: Henry V. Gerike, b. 1948, © 1973 Henry V. Gerike. Scripture References Matthew 28:19–20 Luke 24:48 2 Timothy 4:1–5 Hebrews 11

Leadership Helps Sampson, David. Instrumental setting in Instrumental Descants for Festive

Hymns. Concordia Publishing House, 97-5622 (1981). Wolff, S. Drummond. Setting in Hymn Descants, Set 2. Concordia Publishing

House, 97-6068 (1990).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Kevin Mayhew OneLicense

Where Charity and Love Prevail Tunes and Sources Martyrdom TFF 84 (G maj.) Twenty-Fourth (or Primrose) ELW 359 (F maj.) LBW 126 (F maj.) LSB 845 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Latin hymn, 9th cent. Translation by Omer E. Westendorf, 1916–1997, alt., © 1960 World Library Publications. Music, Martyrdom: Hugh Wilson, 1764–1824. Music, Twenty-Fourth: attr. Lucius Chapin, 1760–1842. Scripture References Matthew 18:21–35 John 13:1–17 Romans 12:4–5 1 Corinthians 1:10–11 Ephesians 4:29–32 James 3:13–18; 5:16 1 John 4:7–21


Leadership Helps Ferko, Frank. Setting using Martyrdom in Eleven Hymn Preludes for Organ.

Augsburg Fortress, 11-5818 (1989). Kosche, Kenneth. Where Charity and Love Prevail (using Primrose) for

SATB, a cappella. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-50-3057 (2005).

Settings for Martyrdom and Twenty-Fourth in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000).

Wolff, S. Drummond. Setting using Martyrdom in Hymn Descants, Set 2. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6068 (1990).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text World Library Publications Not covered; please contact copyright administrator

Where True Charity and Love Abide Ubi caritas et amor

Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015 Tune and Source Ubi caritas ELW 653 (G maj., G-phrygian) Acknowledgments Text: Latin hymn, 9th cent. Translation © 1995, 2001 Augsburg Fortress. Music: Plainsong, Mode VI, arr. Richard Proulx, 1937–2010, © 1986 GIA Publications, Inc. Scripture References John 15:9–16 1 Corinthians 13:13 1 John 4:13–21

Additional Languages Latin Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. Leaders may also consider “grounding” the chant with a drone provided by a string instrument or shruti box.31 The plainsong melody could also be doubled by flute, oboe, or clarinet. Other “helps” for introducing this chant or including its text in your version of the journey could include: Demessieux, Jeanne. Setting in Twelve Choral Preludes on Gregorian Chant

Themes for Organ. Summy-Birchard, 0874876036 (1995). Duruflé, Maurice. Setting for SATB, a cappella, from Quatre Motets sur des

thèmes grégoriens pour choeur a cappella, Op. 10. Durand, DF 13901 (1960).

Visser, Larry. Setting from Paraphrases on Four Gregorian Themes for Organ. ECS Publishing, WL 600091 (1998).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Setting GIA Publications, Inc. OneLicense

31 See, or


… with glad and generous hearts. A Story for All People

Tune and Source Old Story New Today WP 2 (D maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Dori Erwin Collins, © 1999 Augsburg Fortress. Setting by Daniel Kallman, b. 1956. Scripture References Zephaniah 3:14–20 Luke 1:46–55; 3:1–6

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart Tune and Sources Give Thanks CCLI Song Number 20285 (F maj.) LSB 806 (F maj.) TFF 292 (F maj.) WP 41 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Henry Smith, b. 1952, © 1978 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music / ASCAP. Scripture References Psalm 126:3 2 Corinthians 8:9; 9:15; 12:9–10 Ephesians 5:18 Philippians 4:5–18 Colossians 3:15–17 Leadership Helps Honoré, Jeffrey. Setting for 3–5(6) oct. handbells and 3 oct. handchimes.

Level II. Concordia Publishing House, 97-7414 (2011).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Integrity Music, Inc. CCLI


God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending Tunes and Sources Rustington ELW 678 (F maj.), also suggests Hymn to Joy as an alternate tune LBW 408 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Robert L. Edwards, 1915–2006, © 1961, 1989 The Hymn Society, admin. Hope Publishing Company. Music: C. Hubert H. Parry, 1848–1918. Scripture References Matthew 25:14–30 Luke 19:11–27 2 Corinthians 8:8–14 Ephesians 4:11–13 Leadership Helps Highben, Zebulon M. God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending (using a new tune,

Nokomis, and incorporating Nun danket alle Gott) for SATB, organ, handbells (2 oct.), opt. assembly, and opt. children’s choir. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-50-6082 (2014).32

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

32 To hear how the tune NOKOMIS works with this text, visit and click on “MP3 Preview.”

Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading Njoo kwetu, Roho mwema

Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015 Tune and Sources Njoo kwetu, Roho mwema ELW 401 (G maj.) LS 66 (G maj.) TFF 103 (G maj.) WOV 687 (G maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Wilson Niwagila, © Lutheran Theological College, Makumira, Tanzania, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Translation by Howard S. Olson, 1922–2010. Setting by Egil Hovland, 1924–2013. Scripture References John 16:7–15 1 Corinthians 12:4–11

Additional Languages Swahili Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. See also: Organ, Anne Krentz. Setting in Global Piano Reflections. Augsburg Fortress,

9780800658014 (1998). Setting in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for

Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000).


Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text, Music, and Setting

Makumira University College, admin. Augsburg Fortress

LicenSing Online OneLicense

Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises Haleluya! Pelo tsa rona ¡Aleluya! te bendecimos

Tune and Sources Haleluya! Pelo tsa rona ELW 535 (G maj.) LLC 420 (G maj.) TFF 158 (G maj.) WOV 722 (G maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: South African, text and setting © 1984 Utryck, admin. Walton Music Corp. Scripture References John 6 Additional Languages Kiswahili Spanish

Leadership Helps For some ideas involving percussion instruments, see:, though if you want to move, move like this:! Leck, Henry H. Setting in Two South African Freedom Songs for SATB and

percussion. Walton Music, G-WW1248 (1984). Raabe, Nancy. Setting in Grace & Peace, Vol. 4: Hymn Portraits for Piano.

Augsburg Fortress, 9781451420883 (2011). Setting in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for

Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Setting Walton Music OneLicense

House of God Forever

Source and Acknowledgments CCLI Song Number 5295702 (C maj.) Jon Foreman, © 2008 Rubadub Rublishing Publishing Leadership Helps For a brief preview of music and text, see: Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Rubadub Rublishing Publishing CCLI


Ite, missa est Now Snuff the Candles

Tune and Source Seminex Sing to the Lord, p. 28 (F maj.)33 Acknowledgments Text: Walter Wangerin, Jr., b. 1944, © 1986 Walter Wangerin, Jr. Music: Paul O. Manz, 1919–2009, © 2009 Birnamwood Publications (ASCAP), a division of MorningStar Music Publishers, Inc.

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Walter Wangerin, Jr. Not covered; please contact copyright administrator

Music Birnamwood Publications Not covered; please contact copyright administrator

Let All Things Now Living

Tune and Sources The Ash Grove CW 260 (G maj.) LBW 557 (G maj.) ELW 881 (G maj.)

33 Scott M. Hyslop, ed., Sing to the Lord: The Paul Manz Hymnary (Fenton, Missouri:

MorningStar Music Publishers, 2009), ISBN 9780944529492 or MSM-90-66. This hymn is excerpted from Una Sancta: A Mass in Thanksgiving for the Unity of the Body of Christ (1986).

Acknowledgments Text: Katherine K. Davis, 1892–1980, © 1939, 1966 EC Schirmer Music Company. Music: Welsh folk tune, arr. various. Scripture References Exodus 12:21–22 Psalm 150:6 Ephesians 5:19–20 Leadership Helps Bernthal, John. Setting in Lift High the Cross: Hymn Introductions and Descants

for Organ and Trumpet. Augsburg Fortress, 0800657314 (1998). Blair, Dallas. Instrumental setting in Hymn Introductions and Descants for

Trumpet and Organ, Set 2. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-20-702 (2000).

Cherwien, David. Let All Things Now Living for unison or two-part, accompanied, assembly, and opt. flute. Choristers Guild, CGA 926 (2002).

Cherwien, David. Organ settings in Triptych on The Ash Grove. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800658250 (1999).

Deasley, Rick. Organ setting in Suite for Worship. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-10-528 (1999).

Ore, Charles W. Setting in Eleven Compositions for Organ, Set 5. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6107 (1991).

Powell, Robert J. Instrumental setting in Three for Thanksgiving: Three-Part Instrumental Settings. Concordia Publishing House, 97-5976 (1988).

Setting in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000).

Shute, Linda Cable. Descant and alternate setting in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).


Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text ECS Music Company CCLI LicenSing OneLicense

Now Thank We All Our God Sung at the Atlanta event, July 2015

Tune and Sources Nun danket alle Gott CW 610 (F maj.) ELW 839, 840 (F maj.) LBW 533, 534 (F maj.) LSB 895 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Martin Rinkhart, 1586–1649. Translation by Catherine Winkworth, 1827–1878. Music: Johann Crüger, 1598–1662. Scripture References Psalm 37:5–6, 39–40 Psalm 105:1–2 Psalm 107:21–22 Ephesians 5:19 2 Timothy 1:5

Leadership Helps To see how this song could be adapted from the Atlanta event, it may be helpful to review the archived recording at the companion website. See also: Burkhardt, Michael. Organ setting in Praise and Thanksgiving: Hymn

Improvisations, Sets 1, 4, and 5. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-10-751 (1989), MSM-10-754 (1991), and MSM-10-755 (1993).

Cherwien, David. Organ setting in Postludes on Well-Known Hymns. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800656560 (1997).

Highben, Zebulon M. God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending (using a new tune, Nokomis, and incorporating Nun danket alle Gott) for SATB, organ, handbells (2 oct.), opt. assembly, and opt. children’s choir. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-50-6082 (2014).

Long, Larry J. Descant (isometric version) in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).

Rose, Richard. Setting in Hymnal Companion for Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion: Reformation, Praise. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6716 (2001).

Sampson, David. Instrumental setting in Instrumental Descants for Festive Hymns. Concordia Publishing House, 97-5622 (1981).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Setting ELW 839

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense


O God of Light Tune and Sources Atkinson ELW 507 (G maj.) LBW 237 (G maj.) LSB 836 (G maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Sarah E. Taylor, 1883–1954, alt., © 1952, 1990 The Hymn Society, admin. Hope Publishing Company. Music: H. Barrie Cabena, b. 1933, © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Psalm 100:1 Psalm 119:105 Isaiah 51:4 Matthew 9:36 Mark 6:34 Luke 2:13–14 1 Peter 1:10–12 Revelation 5:11–14; 7:9–10 Leadership Helps Highben, Zebulon M. Setting in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Music and Setting Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices Tune and Sources O dass ich tausend Zungen hätte (or König) CW 242 (F maj.) ELW 833 (F maj.) LBW 560 (F maj.) LSB 811 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Johann Mentzer, 1658–1734. In ELW 833, composite translation © 2006 Augsburg Fortress. In LSB 811, translation by The Lutheran Hymnal, alt., © 1941 Concordia Publishing House. Music: Johann Balthasar König, 1691–1758. Scripture References 1 Chronicles 16:31–36 Psalm 95:6 Psalm 126:3 Psalm 150:6 Joel 2:26 Leadership Helps Burkhardt, Michael. Organ setting in Praise and Thanksgiving: Hymn

Improvisations, Set 1. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-10-751 (1989).

Costello, Michael D. Setting for unis. voices, accompanied, in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).

Long, Larry J. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).


Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text ELW 833

Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Text LSB 811

Concordia Publishing House OneLicense

Setting LBW 560

Gesangbuchverlag Stuttgart GmbH Not covered; please contact copyright administrator or use a melody-line version

Rise, Shine, You People Tune and Sources Wojtkiewiecz CW 556 (F maj.) ELW 665 (F maj.) LBW 393 (F maj.) LSB 825 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Ronald A. Klug, b. 1939, alt., © 1974 Augsburg Publishing House, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Music: Dale Wood, 1934–2003, © 1974 Augsburg Publishing House, admin, Augsburg Fortress. Scripture References Isaiah 60:1 Matthew 28:18–20 2 Corinthians 5:17 Ephesians 5:14 Colossians 2:13–15

Leadership Helps Cherwien, David. Rise, Shine, You People! Toccata and Fugue for Organ.

Augsburg Fortress, 11-10523 (1994). Farlee, Robert Buckley. Descant and alternate setting in Vocal Descants for the

Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008). Wood, Dale. Rise, Shine! for SATB, accompanied. Augsburg Fortress,

9780800655921 (1996). Wood, Dale. Setting (excerpted from AF 9780800655921) for SATB,

accompanied, in Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Sent Forth By God’s Blessing Tune and Sources The Ash Grove CW 318 (G maj.) ELW 547 (G maj.) LBW 221 (G maj.) LSB 643 (G maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Omer Westendorf, 1916–1997, alt., © 1964 World Library Publications. Music: Welsh folk tune, setting © 1972 Contemporary Worship 4, admin. Augsburg Fortress.


Scripture References Numbers 6:26 Matthew 13:45–46 Mark 4:8 Luke 8:39 1 Corinthians 10:16 Colossians 3:17 Leadership Helps Bernthal, John. Setting in Lift High the Cross: Hymn Introductions and Descants

for Organ and Trumpet. Augsburg Fortress, 0800657314 (1998). Blair, Dallas. Instrumental setting in Hymn Introductions and Descants for

Trumpet and Organ, Set 2. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-20-702 (2000).

Cherwien, David. Organ settings in Triptych on The Ash Grove. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800658250 (1999).

Deasley, Rick. Organ setting in Suite for Worship. MorningStar Music Publishers, MSM-10-528 (1999).

Ore, Charles W. Setting in Eleven Compositions for Organ, Set 5. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6107 (1991).

Powell, Robert J. Instrumental setting in Three for Thanksgiving: Three-Part Instrumental Settings. Concordia Publishing House, 97-5976 (1988).

Rose, Richard. Setting in Hymnal Companion for Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion: Pentecost. Concordia Publishing House, 97-6715 (1998).

Setting in Let it Rip! At the Piano: Congregational Song Accompaniments for Piano. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800659066 (2000).

Shute, Linda Cable. Descant and alternate setting in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text World Library Publications Not covered; please contact copyright administrator

Soli Deo Gloria O God of Blessings

Tune and Source Soli Deo Gloria ELW 878 (F maj.) Acknowledgments Text and music: Marty Haugen, b. 1950, © 1999 GIA Publications, Inc. Leadership Helps Pavlechko, Thomas. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg

Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music GIA Publications, Inc. OneLicense


Tell Out, My Soul, the Greatness of the Lord Tune and Source Woodlands LSB 935 (D maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Timothy Dudley-Smith, b. 1926, © 1962, 1990 Hope Publishing Company. Music: Walter Greatorex, 1877–1949, © Oxford University Press. Scripture References Luke 1:46–55

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text Hope Publishing Company CCLI LicenSing Online OneLicense

Music Oxford University Press Please contact copyright administrator

Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise Tune and Sources Thine ELW 826 (C maj.) LSB 680 (C maj.) WOV 801 (C maj.) Acknowledgments Text: Herbert F. Brokering, 1926–2009, © 1983 Augsburg Publishing House, admin. Augsburg Fortress. Music: Carl F. Schalk, b. 1929, © 1983 Augsburg Publishing House, admin. Augsburg Fortress.

Scripture References Psalm 145:10–13 Matthew 26:26–29 Revelation 5:6–14; 7:9–14; 19:1–16 Leadership Helps Schalk, Carl F. Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise for SATB, accompanied, and

opt. assembly. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800646127 (1983). Schalk, Carl F. Setting for SATB (excerpted from AF 9780800646127) in

Choral Stanzas for Hymns, Vol. 2. Augsburg Fortress, 9780806698434 (2011).

Shute, Linda Cable. Descant in Vocal Descants for the Church Year. Augsburg Fortress, 9780800679439 (2008).

Copyrights and Licensing

Administrator(s) License(s)

Text and Music Augsburg Fortress LicenSing Online OneLicense

Planning the Journey Reflections


About the Reflections

To help guide the journey, four reflections, weaving together insights from throughout the centuries, were pre-recorded by varied voices and projected at the Atlanta event. Some may choose to download and play these pre-recorded videos from the companion website34 while others may choose to have the reflections spoken in real time by a diversity of readers. If the latter is preferred, the texts have been provided here (pages 89–99). The welcome (page 88) and closing prayer (page 100) that frame the reflections were not recorded, but were offered “live” in Atlanta. These or similar words may be used to gather and send those who travel through your version of the journey. !

34 If this hyperlink does not work in your PDF reader, you may need to copy-paste

the URL:



Martin Luther reminds us that the prophets and the Church fathers and mothers “wanted nothing else to be associated as closely with the Word of God as music.” “Therefore,” Luther wrote, “we have so many hymns and Psalms where message and music join to move the listener’s soul, while in other living beings and sounding bodies music remains a language without words. After all, the gift of language combined with the gift of song was only given to us to let us know that we should praise God with both word and music, namely by proclaiming the Word of God through music and by joining sweet melodies with words.”35 !

35 Martin Luther, “Preface to Georg Rhau’s Symphoniae iucundae,” in Luther’s Works, Vol. 53, ed. Ulrich S. Leopold (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1965), 323–324.


Reflection 1

The Church’s journey in art and song might well begin with the “Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs”36 that the earliest Christians sang, making melody to the Lord in their hearts, giving thanks to God for everything in the name of Jesus, as they gathered to devote themselves “to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”37

And it would include the third-century fresco of the three women

coming to the empty tomb by light of Easter’s dawn, surrounded by other scenes from scripture painted on the walls of the baptistery in a house-church, wordlessly proclaiming the sacred story of God’s saving love.

The women stand ready to greet the newly baptized, rising from their own watery burial into Christ, and to welcome them into the communion of saints, the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. !

36 Ephesians 5:18–20. 37 Acts 2:42.


The Spirit who gathered those followers around Christ Jesus, the living and abiding Word of God, present for them in that holy community and in that sacred bath and meal and story, continues to call, create and sustain the Church through the very same means of grace.

The Reformers of the sixteenth century

knew that the Spirit was not creating a new church —a never-before-gathered church—in their day. In their foundational and central confession, presented in Augsburg in 1530, they wrote concerning the Church, “It is also taught that at all times there must be and remain one holy, Christian church. It is the assembly of all believers among whom the gospel is purely preached and the holy sacraments are administered according to the gospel.”38

Susan Palo Cherwien,

a Lutheran poet and hymn text writer, invites us to meditate on God’s life-giving Word active and alive whenever, wherever the Church gathers to worship in Word and sacrament. !

38 Robert Kolb and Timothy J. Wengert, eds., The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2000), 42.


“Even now God’s Word is causing newness to spring forth. It is this Word that is present in the trust of the worshiping people. It is this Word that is active in the openness of prayer. It is this Word that is tasted and transforming in the bread and wine. This Word drowns and revives in the baptismal waters. This Word knits together diverse people into one body for praise. This Word lives in the caring hands and gentle glances of God's people.”39 !

39 Susan Palo Cherwien, "Semper reformanda,” unpublished, © 2007 Susan Palo Cherwien.


Reflection 2

What shall we say amid our joyful songs of praise when we face the wrongs that are part of the Lutheran journey, the suffering and harm inflicted on others, the wounds that still scar Christ’s Body?

And what of the dividing walls we are building or are content to live beside in our own day?

How can we sing the Lord’s song with the taste of dust and bitter ashes in our mouths?

We are given songs to sing at such a time as this. We cry out with the Psalmist:

Have mercy on us, O God, according to your steadfast love. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us.40

We are bold to borrow language,

words prayed by the Jewish people at Yom Kippur, their holy day of atonement, words that compel the entire alphabet to speak the truth about the sin that separates us from God and from the neighbors we are given to love. !

40 Psalm 51:1a, 3b, 10, Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2006), adapt.


“Hear our prayer; do not ignore our plea. We are neither so insolent nor so obstinate as to claim

that we are righteous, without sin, for we have surely sinned. We abuse, we betray, we are cruel. We destroy, we embitter, we falsify. We gossip, we hate, we insult. We jeer, we kill, we lie. We mock, we neglect, we oppress. We pervert, we quarrel, we rebel. We steal, we transgress, we are unkind. We are violent, we are wicked, we are xenophobic. We yield to evil, we are zealots for bad causes. You always forgive transgressions. Hear the cry of our prayer. Pass over the transgressions of a people who turn away from transgressions. Blot out our sins from your sight.”41 O God, we plead,

you who reconciled the world to yourself in Christ, come now and reconcile all people.

Restore to us the joy of your salvation and our mouths, once more, shall proclaim your praise.42 !

41 The confession from Yom Kippur evening service, Mahzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, ed. Rabbi Jules Harlow (New York: Rabbinical Assembly, 1972), 403, 405. 42 Psalm 51:12a, 15b.


Reflection 3

How can we keep from singing? So great is God’s faithfulness,

so wide God’s mercy, so deep the abyss of God’s love.

That’s how Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German Lutheran theologian,

envisions God’s saving grace: “The abyss of the love of God in Christ Jesus” that “swallows up past sin.” He writes: “The past and future of our whole lives

are merged in one in the presence of God. The whole of the past is comprised in the word forgiveness. The whole of the future is in safe keeping in the faithfulness of God. The future will be without sin,

a life which proceeds from God.” “All this takes place,” he continues, “when Christ comes to us.

… [T]he life of the one who experiences the presence of Christ is no longer a lost life, but it has become a justified life, a life justified by grace alone.”43 !

43 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Ethics, ed. Eberhard Bethge (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1962), 79–80.


We who once were lost, now are found in Christ and made members of his Body. In the rescuing light of God’s word,

we become aware of the God who loves us; we see our neighbors and their need; we even see, as if for the first time, the gift of all that God has made and are able to take our place in creation’s choir, singing “the praise of the triune God.”44

Praying alone in her small hut next to a church in medieval England,

Julian of Norwich “saw” God’s love for the entire universe, and from that showing, that sighting, she brings this wisdom:

“Grace transforms our failings full of dread into abundant, endless comfort,

… our failings full of shame into a noble, glorious rising, … our dying full of sorrow into holy, blissful life.”45

What does this mean? It means God’s creative Word is still creating,

for “if anyone is in Christ there is a new creation.”46 !

44 Ibid. 45 Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love, transl. Grace Warrack [1901], 46 2 Corinthians 5:17.


Nadia Bolz-Weber, Lutheran pastor of House for All Sinners and Saints, writes: Grace isn’t about God creating humans as flawed human beings

and then acting all hurt when we inevitably fail and then stepping in like the hero to grant us grace —like saying, “Oh, it’s OK, I’ll be a good guy and forgive you.”

It’s God saying,

“I love the world too much to let your sin define you and be the final word. I am a God who makes all things new.”47

Such grace is amazing. This is most certainly true. !

47 Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastrix: the Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner and Saint (Place: Faith Words, 2013), 49–50.


Reflection 4

Through many dangers, toils and snares we have already come. From its beginning this one and only Church of God

has faced dangers and snares, suffered dissent and division. From the beginning the Holy Spirit has been reforming the Church,

calling us to repentance and renewal, stirring up the gifts of God within us, so that we might ever more fully embody and ever more clearly make visible the unity that is ours in Christ Jesus.

For, “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one Baptism.”48

The Spirit was freshly stirring when in the 1960s

the Second Vatican Council opened windows for ecumenical dialog, including rich and fruitful conversations with Lutherans, addressing the wrongs and the wounds on both sides of that divide, exploring all that unites us, and working toward fuller reconciliation for the sake of our one calling: to be Christ’s body in the world. !

48 Ephesians 4:4–5.


The Vatican Council’s Decree on Ecumenism pictures the Church, “not just as a collection of individual pilgrims, but as itself pilgrim;”49

And reform, not as an occasional event on the Church’s journey, but as the practice of responding to the Spirit’s promptings all along the way.

It reads, “Every renewal of the church

essentially consists in an increase of fidelity to her own calling Christ summons the church,

as she goes her pilgrim way, to that continual reformation of which she always has need.”50

‘Tis grace that brought us safe thus far, and grace will lead us on. !

49 Richard R. Gaillardetz and Catherine Clifford, Keys to the Council: Unlocking the Teachings of Vatican II (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2012), 165. 50 “Decree on Ecumenism,” in Vatican Council II, The Basic Sixteen Documents: A Completely Revised Translation in Inclusive Language, ed. Austin Flannery, OP (Northport, NY:

Costello Publishing Company, 1996), 507–508.


In his book, Why Christian? Douglas John Hall, a minister of the United Church of Canada, reminds us that we are not given “a blueprint for the future.

There is no five-year-plan, nor five-hundred-year-plan either!”51 The church as we know it, he writes, is “only a beginning

—oh, the beginning of a beginning of a beginning!”

“Remember,” he continues,

“we’re talking about a people who are ‘on the way,’ who haven’t ‘arrived.’

Every day they start the journey over again, remembering that they’ve deviated from the route often enough before, and so not pretending to know exactly where they are, and certainly not presuming they’re going to arrive inevitably and unscathed at their destination.

If they relied on their own past experience, or their expertise as ‘travelers,’ they would soon give up the journey.

But they do not trust in themselves; they trust the One who said, ‘Follow me.’”52 !

51 Douglas John Hall, Why Christian? For Those on the Edge of Faith (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1998), 176. 52 Ibid., 123.


Closing Prayer

A prayer may be offered using these or similar words:

O God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord.53 Amen. !

53 Eric Milner-White and George Wallace Briggs, Daily Prayer (London: Oxford, 1941), 14; reprinted in Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2006), 317.

Planning the Journey Visual Art


Sources for Visual Art, Atlanta Event

The following pages provide details for the visual art used in the Atlanta version of this journey. Most images are public domain, and contact information for copyrighted images has been provided. At the Atlanta event, the art was presented via video loop projected onto a screen during each song. These video loop files are available for download at the companion website and

can be displayed via video projection using PowerPoint, Keynote, or another type of worship presentation software. Each piece of art used is also available as a still image (.jpg) and can be projected or included in a printed bulletin. !

The Church’s Journey: Title Slide

Artist Clayton Faulkner Medium, Date Photography, 2015 Permissions Photograph from Pixabay,, with permission granted

for future use Music Pairings Jesu, tawa pano

Mirad cuán Bueno Gracious Spirit, Heed Our Pleading


The Blind Singer (El cantor ciego)

Artist Francisco de Goya y Lucientes Medium, Date Etching, aquatint, drypoint, and burin on laid paper, 1824–1828 Permissions From The Metropolitan Museum of Art—The Collection Online, public domain Music Pairing Gather Us In

The Denial of Saint Peter

Artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio Medium, Date Oil on canvas, ca. 1610 Permissions From The Metropolitan Museum of Art—The Collection Online, public domain Music Pairing Built on a Rock


Women at the Tomb of Christ

Source Unknown Syrian wall painting in the domus ecclesiae (an early house church) in Dura-Europos, a Hellenistic, Parthian, and Roman border city built near the Euphrates river, now located in present-day Syria

Date 3rd century Permissions Public domain Music Pairing O Blessed Spring

The Crucifixion

Artist Lucas Cranach the Elder Medium, Date Woodcut, 1502 Permissions From The Metropolitan Museum of Art—The Collection Online, public domain Music Pairing Taste and See


A Mighty Fortress

Artist Mary Button Medium, Date Watercolor, 2015 Permissions From, © Mary Button; contact for permission to use this image after September 30, 2015

Music Pairing A Mighty Fortress


Artist He Qi Date 2014 Permissions From, © 2014; after September 30, 2015, please visit for licensing options

Music Pairing Come Now, O Prince of Peace


Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross

Artist Mary Button Medium, Date Watercolor, 2014 Permissions From, © Mary Button; contact for permission to use this image after September 30, 2015

Music Pairing Give Us Clean Hands


Artist Unknown German source Medium, Date Tempera colors, gold leaf, silver leaf, and ink on parchment, ca. 1170 Permissions From Getty Search Gateway,, public domain Music Pairing I Will Rejoice


The Return of the Prodigal Son

Artist Rembrandt van Rijn Medium, Date Etching, 1636 Permissions From The Metropolitan Museum of Art—The Collection Online, public domain Music Pairing Amazing Grace

Flower Beds in Holland

Artist Vincent van Gogh Medium, Date Oil on canvas, ca. 1883 Permissions From the National Gallery of Art, public domain Music Pairing The Church


Christ Asleep During the Tempest

Artist Eugène Delacroix Medium, Date Oil on canvas, ca. 1853 Permissions From The Metropolitan Museum of Art—The Collection Online, public domain Music Pairing Tú diste a Israel

Jesus Washes Peter’s Feet

Artist Unknown Ethiopian Medium, Date Distemper paint on goatskin, date unknown Permissions Photograph by Betsy Porter,; permission granted for

future use Music Pairing Ubi caritas et amor


Spanish Fountain

Artist John Singer Sargent Medium, Date Watercolor and graphite on white wove paper, 1912 Permissions From The Metropolitan Museum of Art—The Collection Online, public domain Music Pairing Now Thank We All Our God

Nuts and Bolts


Directory of Copyright Administrators Abingdon Press See United Methodist Publishing House

Amity Music Corp. Contact Augsburg Fortress

Augsburg Fortress Address PO Box 1209

Minneapolis, MN 55440-1209 Phone 800.421.0239 Fax 800.722.7766 E-mail URL

Bärenreiter Verlag (Bärenreiter Music Corporation) Address 224 King Street

Englewood, NJ 07631 Phone 201.569.2898 Fax 201.569.7023 URL

Beech, Jay Address Baytone Music

125 Cedar Lake Road S Minneapolis, MN 55405

Phone 218.291.1386 E-mail URL

Birnamwood Publications See MorningStar Music Publishers

Blersch, Jeffrey N. Contact Concordia Publishing House

or Address Concordia University, Nebraska

Music Center 118 800 North Columbia Avenue Seward, NE 68434

Phone 402.643.7379 E-mail

Bloedel, Elfred Contact Northwestern Publishing House


Church Publishing, Inc. (Church Pension Fund) Address 445 Fifth Ave

New York, NY 10016 Phone 212.592.1800 or 800.223.6602 Fax 212.779.3392 E-mail

Concordia Publishing House Address 3558 South Jefferson Avenue

St. Louis, MO 63118-3968 Phone 314.268.1000 or 800.325.0191 Fax 314.268.1329 E-mail

CPP/Belwin Music Address c/o Alfred Publishing

16380 Roscoe Blvd., Suite 100 Van Nuys, CA 91410-0003

Phone 818.891.5999 x 7 Fax 818.891.4875 E-mail URL

ECS Music Company See MorningStar Music Publishers

General Board of Global Ministries Address 475 Riverside Drive, Room 350

New York, NY 10115 Phone 212.870.3783 or 212.870.3914 URL

Gesangbuchverlag Stuttgart GmbH Address Permissions

Augustenstr. 124 70197 Stuttgart Germany

Phone 49.711.21490 Fax 49.711.21492.36 E-mail

Geyer, John B. Address 2 Bell Street

Tayport, DD6 9AP United Kingdom


GIA Publications, Inc. Address 7404 South Mason Avenue

Chicago, IL 60638 Phone 800.442.3358 URL


Hope Publishing Company Address 308 South Main Place

Carol Stream, IL 60188 Phone 800.323.1049 Fax 630.665.2552 E-mail URL

Howe, Mark Contact Church Publishing, Inc.

or Address Cathedral Church of St. Paul

2 Cherry Street Burlington, VT 05401

Phone 802.864.0471 E-mail URL

Integrity Music Address ATTN: Jonathan Lane

1000 Cody Road Mobile, AL 36695

Phone 888.888.4726 E-mail

International Commission on English in the Liturgy Address 1522 K Street NW

Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20005

Phone 202.347.0800 Fax 202.347.1839 URL

JASRAC: Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers, and Publishers

Address 3-6-12 Uehara Shibuya-ku Tokyo, 151-8540 Japan

Phone 813.348.1214 x4 Fax 813.348.1215 x4 E-mail URL

Jeske, Mark A. Contact Northwestern Publishing House

or Address St. Marcus Lutheran Church

2215 North Palmer Street Milwaukee, WI 53212

Phone 414.289.9886 E-mail

Lee, David Contact Concordia Publishing House


Lee, Geonyong

Address The Korean National University of Arts 1753, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu Seoul, 137-070

Phone 822.520.8114 Fax 822.520.8059 E-mail

Lutheran World Federation, The Address 150 route de Ferney

CP 2100 1211 Geneva 2 Switzerland

Phone 41.22.791.6111 Fax 41.22.791.0361 E-mail URL

Makumira University College Contact Augsburg Fortress

Merseburger Verlag Address Naumburger Str. 40

34127 Kassel Germany

E-mail URL

Moldenhauer, Kermit G. Contact Northwestern Publishing House

or Address Martin Luther College

New Ulm, MN 56073 Phone 507.354.8221 E-mail

MorningStar Music Publishers Address 1727 Larkin Williams Road

Fenton, MO 63026 Phone 800.647.2117 Fax 636.305.0121 E-mail URL

Music Matters, Inc. Address 409 Blandwood Avenue

Greensboro, NC 27401-2705 Phone 800.216.6864

Music Services, Inc. Address 1526 Otter Creek Road

Nashville, TN 37215 Phone 615.371.1320 Fax 615.371.1351


Northwestern Publishing House Address 250 North 113th Street

Milwaukee, WI 53226 Phone 800.662.6022 E-mail URL

OCP Publications (Oregon Catholic Press ) Address 5536 NE Hassalo

Portland, OR 97213 Phone 800.548.8749 Fax 800.843.8181

Oxford University Press Address 198 Madison Avenue

New York, NY 10016 Phone 212.726.6037 Fax 212.726.6444

PeerMusic International Address Peer International Corp. of Puerto Rico

PO Box 10192 San Juan Station, PR 00908-1192

Phone 787.723.5704 Fax 787.723.4381

Prince of Peace Publishing, Changing Church Forum, Inc. Address 13901 Fairview Drive

Burnsville, MN 55337 Phone 952.435.8107 or 800.874.2044 Fax 952.435.8065 E-mail

Sisters of St. Benedict Contact GIA Publications, Inc.

United Methodist Publishing House, The Address c/o The Copyright Company

PO Box 128139 Nashville, TN 37212

Phone 615.244.9848 Fax 615.244.9850 E-mail URL

Voelker, Sandra J. Contact Concordia Publishing House

Walton Music Contact GIA Publications, Inc.


Wangerin, Jr., Walter Addresses PO Box 1218

Valparaiso, IN 46384 or Valparaiso University Department of English 1700 Chapel Drive Valparaiso, IN 46383


Whitla, William Address 76 Evans Avenue

Toronto, ON M6S 3R8 Canada

Phone 416.766.6393 E-mail

World Council of Churches See Lutheran World Federation

World Library Publications Address 3708 River Road, Suite 400

Franklin Park, IL 60131 Phone 800.566.6150 Fax 888.957.3291


Contributors and Acknowledgments

The materials in this Planning Guide were compiled by Susan Briehl, David Cherwien, Clayton Faulkner, Chad Fothergill, and Scott Weidler, with assistance from Daniel Aune, George Donovan, and Martin Seltz. For assistance with downloads from the companion website or to report broken links, contact !

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