the clan - handout #2 - cthulhu rebornthe clan written by kevin anderson & stéphane gesbert ....

Post on 25-Jun-2020






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GEEDUNK Props is property of Michael Fanara ©2010 by Little Ferret Films. All Rights Reserved. If you have any questions regarding this prop, please ask them: little.ferret.� Little Ferret Films is a friend of the HPLHS, but they are separate organizations.

P gan CallPagan Call : Copyright © 1997-2010 Kevin Anderson & Stéphane Gesbert .

Clan Papers #2 – A short note dated 1020 A.D. (English)

Mother,I trust

Your daughter Unn.

a is is we in Ythancæstir and that Jens has returned. We have almostcompleted the final batch of Blue Stone required from the Odin Mine andwi be returning soon. I wi travel to Ferriby and return to Ythancæstir soonestwith our longship. I’m pleased to hear that Father ’s contact in Quentovichas been successful. Had we know before that the Blue Stone was to be found in Greenland and in the kingdoms of our cousins –the Russ! What irony!

Thanks to the pestilence that descended on the nearby viage, running the mine has become a simple task. I have learned much that wi aid us from the manwho cas himself Wanderer. Our future truly lies in his hands,, Mother, I canfeel it. As it was wri�en: “a�er day comes night. The time of men wi pass and they wi return to where they came from.” We sha paint thewith the blood

earth redof men. Let us rejoice. Anno Domini 1020.

Print document on regular white paper. Trim page as appropriate to appear as paper background indicates. Feel free to tear edges as needed for the right look.

documentsPROPThe CLAN

written by Kevin Anderson & Stéphane Gesbert .

THE CLAN - HANDOUT #2This prop document is designed for use with adventures from the game book Cthulhu: Dark Ages, published by Chaosium, Inc. Speci�cally for the adventure campaign Pagan Call. It could, of course, be used for other adventures as well.

NOTE OF UNNThis document is a short note dated 1020 A.D. from the Deep One hybrid Unn to her mother (written in English).

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