the college interview, essay and readiness: introductory class #1

Post on 21-Dec-2014






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College Readiness, Interviews and College Essay Preparation

Heather M. Butts, J.D., M.P.H., M.A.Class #1

In Class AssignmentsHomework Assignments

OverviewWho am I?Are you committed to applying to college?Have you started to think about applying to

college?Have you visited a college campus?When do you think you should start the

college application process?Do you have a timeline in place for applying

to college?Do you have a checklist in place for applying

to college?

Why does college matter?Is college for me?2 year vs. 4 year vs. vocational school?More education = choices (you can be a

mechanic or own the mechanic shop)More education = access to people you

otherwise would not encounter and exposure to new and exciting possibilities

More education = higher paying job (upwards of 98% more money is earned when you have a college degree)

More education = more education!

Timeline - Junior High SchoolCreate a timeline for the next 4 yearsMake sure your grades are excellentMaintain excellent gradesStart to prepare for transitioning into high

schoolFind a mentorTake challenging courses: Especially the

STEM areas. 26% of students who do not take geometry go on to college whereas 71% of students who do take geometry go on to college:

Timeline – Junior High continuedTake challenging courses in the arts, computer

science, foreign languagesStart thinking about advanced placement and

college credit courses once you get into high school. Be prepared to discuss this with your counselor

Talk to your family or your mentor (remember them) If your family has not started planning financially, start looking into financial aid, scholarships and grants (some of this will depend on the kind of grades you get in high school so plan accordingly)

Timeline Freshman-Junior YearsDo well in schoolCultivate relationships with mentorsBegin to visit schoolsDo well in school!!Start to research scholarships and grant

programsCreate your resume

Timeline Freshman-Junior Years continuedGet involved in extracurricular activities you

actually enjoyReview your timeline and make sure you’re

on scheduleCreate a checklist of “to do” itemsHaving trouble in a particular area – get help

from teachers, after school programs and mentors

Surround yourself with supportive friends. If your friends aren’t supporting you then they’re not your true friends!

Junior Year/Summer before Senior Year

Review your resumeVisit as many prospective colleges as possible

and make appointments with admissions counselors and other counselors (is community college an option?)

List all the colleges you want to apply toRegister for SATsTake an SAT prep course (I.E.S of course!)

Fall Senior YearSpeak with your guidance counselor and

make sure you’re on track with grades and classes

Complete your college list and make sure you have a few safety schools and a few reach schools (your counselor and family will be able to assist with this)

Are you applying ED or EA anywhere? What are you waiting for!

Start preparing for the college interview

Fall Senior YearStart identifying who you will need letters of

recommendation from and give them plenty of notice

Take the SATs and make sure you’re having your scores sent to the appropriate schools

Keep filling out applications. Read read read!

Winter-Spring Senior YearMake sure your counselor has sent in your gradesMake sure you’ve finished your application and

get it in as soon as possible (some schools have rolling admission)

Keep those grades up – some schools want to see grades through senior year

Get into schools! Visit schools one final time and make your decision (wait list issues or no acceptance)

Thank everyone that helped you during the process (preferably with actual letters)

The College EssayDistinguish between short answers, direct

questions and general essay/personal statement

What does the school want from you – make sure you give them what they want!

College Essay TipsThink about what you want to write aboutDo you have a resume? If so take a look at it

to refresh your memory about what you’ve done. What have you accomplished?

What makes you unique or different?Do you have a favorite book or movie that has

had particular importance in your life?

Tips continuedOther topic areas:

A trying time in your life that you’ve overcome?Very substantial extracurricular activities that

you have or are participating in?Someone who has a great deal of meaning for

you and has been a great influence on your lifeDiscuss why you want to go to this particular

school and how the school will help you reach your goals/dreams (and discuss what THOSE are!)

Tips continuedYou’re stuck! You need more help deciding

what to write about:Talk with friends, teachers, family members,

trusted mentors (don’t forget about your mentors!)

Keep thinking! As long as you’ve started early enough you’ll have enough time to come up with a topic

Essay Writing TipsStart early!Write your first draft and the continue to

write drafts. You’ll need several drafts before you can finalize the essay

Have someone else read it to make sure it conveys what you want it to convey

No typos!Read it once more before considering it final

Take-aways (make sure you do this!)Make your essay consistent with the rest of

your application (if you have a 2400 SATs and 4.0 average you’re not struggling in school so don’t write an essay that says that)

You can use your essay to explain certain parts of your application, just don’t repeat what’s already in your application

Diversity is great – discuss this if it applies to you

Take-aways continuedRemember – your essay topic says a lot about

who you are and what you care about so choose wisely

Pitfalls to avoidDon’t try for tricks or something for shock

valueThe essay should tell your reader something

that the rest of the application does not tell them

Don’t go over the word limit (part of this is to test can you follow directions)

Don’t make up stories (honesty is the best policy)

In Class Exercise #1Write 200 words on the following topic:

Tell us about the neighborhood that you grew up in and how it helped shape you into the kind of person you are today.

In Class Exercise #2Pair up with a partner. One of you will take

on the role of the interviewer and one will take on the role of interviewee. Then you will reverse roles. Ask the following questions of each other:

1. Tell me about yourself?2. Who in your life has most influenced you?3. What do you do in your free time?4. What is your favorite book?5. Why do you want to go to college?

Homework Assignment #1List 5 items that you think should be on your

college checklist.

Homework Assignment #2Write down answers to the following Interview

Questions. Practice your answers with someone in your family. Have them ask you the questions and practice your answers with them.

1. Who do you most admire?2. What is your biggest weakness?3. What makes you special?4. What high school experience was most

important to you?5. What historical figure do you most admire?

Answer to Question #1

Answers to Question #2

Answer to Question #3

Answer to Question #4

Answer to Question #5

Homework Assignment #3Come up with 300 word answers to the

following essay questions:1. Write about a local or national issue that

has personal meaning for you?2. Select two people that have be role models

in your life and why?3. Select a technological innovation of this

century and describe its impact on you and your family?

Essay #1

Essay #2

Essay #3

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