the colours

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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Forgetting what you don’t know and what you can’t see. Not caring the friendships that you destroy, You only feel good with the misery of others. As long as your dark ego request, I know you, like no other. You will obey. Not like you are physical, Your soul is corrupt, and tries to corrupt Speak of the life of others, I see you, like no other Speak evil of the life of others, I see your colours,


I see you, like no other

Not like you are physical,

I see your colours,

I know you, like no other.

They were never bright

But now, they are everlasting dark

Your soul is corrupt, and tries to corrupt

You only feel good with the misery of others.

Speak of the life of others,

Speak evil of the life of others,

Jugging evil of others with only what you see,

Forgetting what you don’t know and what you can’t see.

So you keep on hateing,

Not caring of the evil that you make,

Not caring the friendships that you destroy,

As long as your dark ego request,

You will obey.

So why do hate me?

For just one mistake?!

I can´t believe it!!

Or was because I defy you?!

You teased me

When I reply you fell offended,

Or maybe because deep insaide you realise

That I can see you as you really are

Many things you have done to me

Said horrible words

Acts that show you lack of character and moral

Manipulate others not to help me

Listen behind the door!!

Waiting for the slightest mistake to criticize

The ends justify the means!!!

Why can’t they see?

How can they be so blind!

So why, why this hatred!!??

You long for me.

For my energy, desperately

Why is it so appalling to you?

I can see it

I would share it with you

If you just asked...

But not anymore

I can’t...

Your hate hurts me

Your lack of character pulls me away

You pettiness decussate

I pity you because

You’re not worth it

I will not fight for you...

Not anymore

I do try to ignore you

I really do...for years

I choose not to reply

If I did you would do worst,

I’m tiered,

Can’t protect you

Not any more...It is time...

You will fill the fully weigh of you decision

Be responsible for the consequences

You will taste your own poison

And I will not help you!

Neither lift a finger against you

Because i know my seal

I know what I’m capable

If I did…

I just may finish you off!

And I refuse to low my seal to you level

I simply refuse it

I will be bigger that you’re hearted

I will overcome your need of me

Because as insignificant at may be me

It is what makes us different

And in point of view

Make be better than you.

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