the coming of the headstone

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Brother Joseph Coleman

LCA, Forest Hills, New York

September 8th, 1985

The Coming of The headsTone


[Singing: “Oh Lord, Send The Power Just Now”]Oh, praise God. My. Thank You, Lord. Glory. Thank You, Jesus. Oh,

my, my. My, my. Well, we are here. It’s been identified with dreams and revelations. The only thing left for you is to obey every Word and get on fire.

I’d like to direct your attention to the reading of the Word. Amen. Well now, the season is on. Eight dreams starting on September 8th until November 17th, and 1 and 7 is 8. It started with an 8, eight dreams, ends on an 8, and there’s seventy-one days between September 8th and November 17th. So we’re together again. What can happen? You, if you can just get started, God is here with the Power and He’ll do the rest. Now some is going to be sealed. Make no mistake in the matter. Sha! Amen. It’s a new season. Isaiah 28 and Psalms 118. Isaiah 28, verse 14. Amen. Isaiah 28:14.

Isaiah 28:14-16

14 Wherefore hear the word of the Lord, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:16 Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.Verse 17 through 22 is what He gave me on Mount Tremblant, but

that’s not for you. But you read it anyway. That’s what’s going to happen to the enemy. But this is for you, the Stone. Amen. This is this season, and a key is being turned this morning. Amen.

Psalm 118, verse 17. Psalms 118:17-24

217 I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.18 The Lord hath chastened me sore: but he hath not given me over unto death.Been a long time testing, twenty-five years, and trying and training

and tutoring to get to this spot. That’s me. Right here in this… this verse right here. Therefore, I know where I’m standing, so I’m going to speak in the nineteenth verse. Make—Make sure you’re speaking also.

19 Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the Lord:20 This gate of the Lord, into which the righteous shall enter.21 I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation [present tense].22 The—The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.23 This is the Lord’s doings; it is marvellous in our eyes.24 This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.May God add the blessing to the reading of His Word. Just a short

prayer. Every head bowed. Amen. Everybody ready? I don’t know what’s going to happen. I have not been this way before. This is all new to me. Praise God.

Lord God, we have read the Word, we have given testimony, we have told dreams; now Heavenly Father, send the Fire. Lord, send the Fire. Lord, send the Fire. Lord, send the Fire. Seal ‘em, heal ‘em, deliver them, and confirm the Word with the outpouring of the Holy Ghost. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen. You may be seated.

The Seven Thunder revival is on. What devil’s going to stop it? Impossible. Impossible. Impossible. Praise God. You may be seated. Glory! You feel that Fire? Hallelujah! Glory. It’s here. I spoke it. Here it is. Here you are, Sister Mary Wiltz. Here you are, Sister Laura. [Ed: Brother Coleman speaks in tongues.] Glory. The Lord has woke up. He’s here. Glory! You can’t deny it. You know He’s here. Glory. Glory. Hallelujah,

3praise God, thank You, Jesus. Father, we praise You, we thank You for Your Fire. Isaiah 4:5, Fire. Glory! Oh. Oh Lord, pour out the Fire tonight, Lord. Hey! Ya! Let It come right off the video tape tonight. Seal them tonight. You’re going to seal some this morning. You’re going to seal some tonight. The Angel of the Lord is here. Glory.

Now, the Fire’s on you. You were prayed for last Sunday, now He’s going to visit you in your neighbourhood to bring to pass that Word. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Word shall never pass away. Glory to God! Hallelujah! Glory. Amen. You may be seated.

The Fire is here, you believe it? How many believe it? Glory. Now you know something’s going to happen to you. Sha. Sha! I may not be long. I won’t be around here. I’m looking to get mine. I’m looking for my hair to grow blacker and blacker, to become younger and younger under this Fire. I’m looking for my healing. I’m looking to be strengthened. I’m looking for my wife to be healed, to be strengthened. May the Fire open that blind eye. May the Fire heal that glaucoma. Hallelujah! Glory. My. You may be seated. I don’t want to ruin my voice.

The title: “The Coming Of The Headstone.” The subject: The Stone of Power. He promised me a Stone of Power

for the Third Phase. And that Stone of Power is here. Glory. Amen. I may read Daniel 2, I Chronicles 14, and I Peter 2. I don’t know

if I’ll ever hit it. But if you want to write it down, I’ll be talking about verse… Daniel 2, verse 31 through 35; I Chronicles 14, verse 8 through 12; I Peter 2, verse 3 through 8. These Scriptures, Fire is going to strike ‘em and the Revealed Word will be like a template, be placed over them. So I may not have to read ‘em; you go home and read it. Sha!

My inspiration from here to the finish: ‘Once more, Lord.’ Show these intellectual believers, show these bullheads, all these demon powers that there’s a Voice, a Voice that can tame these devils. Lord God, take empty vessels, consecrated vessels that have emptied out. Fill them vessels, seal them vessels and use those vessels, and shape the nation just a few days before the Coming of the Lord. These are quotes from “Perfect Strength, Perfect Weakness”. So I may not give you the page, I’ve already marked your Bibles. Hallelujah. Glory.

4What can we say? This is it. It’s here. It’s started already. What is

it? What is here? What has started already? The hour is come for you to make the Headstone for Christ to come into It. You may be seated. Glory.

Did you hear what I said? You are going to make the Headstone. Glory. “Oneness”, page 31:

Now the Coming of the Lord is imminent. The Coming of the Lord. I’ll paraphrase it. Calling the Elected together in oneness with Himself, with the same kind of a Ministry that He had. You know how I shaped in the—in the Church Ages here, about the pyramid. But the headstone was never put on it. Remember how the Lutherans come, then the Wesleyans in the minority, and then down to Pentecost. And now, what’s He doing? Calling them from Pentecost. What did He do? He called out the Elect to make the Lutheran; He called out the Elect out of the Lutheran to make the Wesleyan; He called the Elect out of the—the Wesleyan to make the Pentecostals.

Now, now, ahora, now. What’s He doing this morning? I’m talking about this morning. What’s He doing? The Voice is here. The Voice is here. Now He’s calling the Elect Pentecostals out. And may I say, He’s calling the Elect out of the Shout to the Voice. Amen. He’s calling out the Elect Pentecostals to make the Headstone to come into It. A very same kind of a Ministry dropping right in on it, calling His children from all denominations and all walks of life. Amen. You may be seated.

Did you get it? He’s calling the Elect Pentecostals out to make the Headstone to come into it. Very same kind of a Ministry. I just showed you on “The Stature Of A Perfect Man”, I showed you the Capstone, L-O-V-E. Just beneath Him there’s a gap between Brotherly Kindness and the Capstone. And that gap is the Holy Spirit. And in the Holy Spirit will be Seven Thunder Stones to fit, fitly framed together into the Capstone. There’s a little gap, and that’s you. Calling you out of the Seventh Age, calling you into Revelation 5. Redeeming you. Hallelujah! Glory!

The Holy Spirit… You may be seated. The Holy Spirit. What is it? The Holy Spirit Itself, the Holy Spirit Itself, the Dynamics, Charity, Love, Joseph’s Rainbow Coat, Rebecca’s Veil. Hallelujah! Whatever you want to call It; It’s here, calling you by Fire. Glory.

5The Holy Spirit Itself between Brotherly Kindness and the

Headstone, listen, catches the Headstone. The Holy Spirit Itself is the only Ministry that can catch the Headstone.

[Ed: Brother Coleman leaves the pulpit and walks down the aisle and back again while he continues preaching.]

Did you hear what I said? Hallelujah! Glory to God! He’s calling you to catch the Headstone, to catch the Headstone. Hallelujah! Praise God! This is the day that the Lord hath made. Hallelujah! This is the Lord’s Day. Glory to God! He’s here. Glory! Glory! Glory!

[Ed: Brother Coleman is back behind the pulpit.] Sha! This is the Lord’s doing; it’s marvellous in our eyes. Sha!

Glory! You got it. Fire revealed to you this season. We’re here. You got it. You know your Message. You know your time, to catch that Headstone.

Oh, hallelujah, praise God. My God. What a revelation. What a revelation. What a revelation. Me? To catch the Headstone? To be like Jesus? Godman? Whew. My. You may be seated.

The Holy Spirit Itself. Not Luther, not Wesley, not the Birth; but when the Holy Ghost Itself is come upon you, then you shall receive Power. And Power is here because the Holy Ghost Itself is upon you. He’s upon you now. Glory to God. Glory to God.

“The Message Of Grace”, page 31: One day Christ was in the Pillar of Fire, that One that you see, amen, that we believe to be Jehovah God. That’s what the Angel was trying to get to us. He was in the Fatherhood then. He was the Father of Israel, a nation. Then He came and dwelt among His people as Christ, the Son. Is that right? Christ is the Son of God. Now He’s Christ, the Holy Spirit. Not a Birth; but Christ the Holy Spirit, which is the Anointing that’s upon you now. It can heal you. It can seal you. It’s upon you now. He’ll never leave you. He’s been with you. He’s been with you. He’s been with you. He’s been with you. And now, He shall be in you. He shall be in you. He shall be in you. He shall be in you. Glory. You may be seated.

Now you know what’s upon you, that’s the Anointing. And the Anointed One upon the people. Christ means “the Anointed”. And the Anointed One upon the people, Christ with us, the Holy Spirit that’s

6between Brotherly Kindness and the Capstone. That’s what I’m talking about. I haven’t been this way before. I don’t know where I’m at this morning. I know He’s here. Shh. I don’t know what to say. I have a lot of quotes, I don’t know where to go. I’m depending on Him. I ain’t got much time. The devil tried to stop this day, but the revival is on. Oh, my God.

And the Anointed One upon the people (you may be seated), Christ with us, the Holy Spirit. It’s Christ with us, Christ in us. You believe that? Be real reverent. Shh. Oh, my. My. Where are we at? Glory. I don’t know which… My. Yes, sir. Oh yes, sir. Brother Nino gave me the… Brother Fiore gave me the quote this morning, “The Pergamos Church Age”, page 236, paragraph 34:

The Scriptures, the revelation of the Scriptures is hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent and revealed to babes such as will learn. So let’s you and I be babes and just unload our hearts and say, ‘Lord, You tell us and we’re listening.’ Now watch. And then catch the spiritual application. Now remember that, words that will be said from tonight on. And I’m going to say words here, from today on. Catch the spiritual application, because we’re coming into a great mysterious Church Age. And I say, catch that Headstone. Glory! Amen.

“Standing In The Gap”, praise God, page 18. I’ll paraphrase a lot of it. I’m only trying to identify the Headstone, that’s all. And then I’m finished. Amen. Glory. On paragraph… page 18, paragraph 76. He’s speaking about the pyramid, Junior Jackson’s dream. I can skip on down, and then he says: Luther, Wesley, Pentecostals, and then we come down to the end, the last Message is supposed to straighten all that up and bring these things to one Faith, to one Lord, to one Baptism, another Ephesians. Amen.

Now he’s talking about the Capstone. He says: Now however, it is the shape of a pyramid, but the cap on the pyramid was never put on. Now I’ve been in Cairo, Egypt, and the cap never did come because it was the cornerstone. It was the headstone. Now watch. In the Church, in the Church, It was the Cornerstone, Ephesians 2:20.

And you are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus—Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;

7So in the Church, Ephesians, Paul laid the Cornerstone. But It was

still the Headstone, which had to wait till our day. So you’re looking for a Baptism of the Cornerstone, which is Jesus Christ. Amen. May be seated.

In the Church, It was the Cornerstone. In the full Church (that’s now), It was the Headstone. Shh. And Peter spoke to the Sanhedrin Council, after the great healing of Dennis Cipollina. Amen! Say, ‘You builders rejected the Headstone. This is the Head Stone of the Corner.’

Where was he quoting from? Psalm 118, ‘I shall not die but live to declare, to declare the works of the Lord. This is the Head Stone of the Corner. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord hath made; we will be glad, we will rejoice in this day.’ The Headstone is here. Glory. Glory!

The Headstone was rejected. It never did come. But He placed Himself, I Thessalonians 4:16, the Lord, the Headstone shall descend from Heaven with a Shout, with the Voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God. And Jesus, the Holy Spirit Itself. I said Jesus. I say Jesus, the Headstone Himself. Glory! I say Jesus. I say Jesus. While His corporal body is still retained by the heavens, His glorified body, which is the Headstone, which is the Capstone, which is a tried Stone, which is a Foundation Stone. Hallelujah. Glory to God. While He’s there, He shall send the Holy Ghost Itself, which is the Headstone, which is the Cornerstone, which is the Holy Spirit. He shall descend from Heaven with a Shout, with a Voice, Trump of God; and somebody, somebody is going to catch that Stone.

I don’t care what happens. I don’t—I don’t—I don’t know what’s going on; I want to catch that Stone. I want to catch that Stone. Praise God. May be seated. Amen.

In the Church, It was the Cornerstone. In the full Church, It was the Headstone. So It never did come. It was rejected, Christ. And It will come. Now I believe that when It’s coming that the Church, catch it now, will shape into a place from justification, sanctification, Pentecostal Message, shaping, amen, will bring the Church to such a minority.

There’s the Shout. And then in the Shout comes the Revelation of the Seven Thunders, shaping down, praise God, to such a minority. And

8a Ministry will be among those people, listen to Malachi 4 prophesy, will be among those people, it’ll be exactly the same Ministry that Jesus Christ did. That’ll bring Jesus. Who’s where? In the Heavens. He’ll send the Holy Ghost Itself among those people who believe them Thunders. And Seven Thunders will give ‘em Faith for Rapturing Grace, which is that Ministry. Rapturing Grace is the Holy Ghost Itself. Sha.

That’ll bring… Then when Jesus sees the last one catch that Stone on the earth, up then that Angel stands there at the last of the Seventh Angel’s Message and cries, ‘Time no longer!’ Time cannot hold your time bodies. Hallelujah. Into Eternity you go. Then thirty, forty days on the earth, up comes the dead. The Headstone, the Holy Ghost is on the earth. They without us cannot be made perfect. Up they will come perfect. The whole thing will be the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! To catch that Stone.

This Ministry will bring you to Perfection, then up will come Malachi 4, up will come Wesley, up will come Luther, up will come Columba, Martin, Irenaeus, Paul. All the way down. Glory. Oh, hallelujah.

I believe the Bride will be called out during that time. I believe that there will some… I believe there will be some in the last days that won’t have to taste death but will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. I believe some of these people is here in this building, hallelujah, that will be… are being changed today. The Dove wants to come down onto your head, all the way down to your toes and change you. Hallelujah, praise God. Thank You, Lord. Glory.

The Church was shaped, shaped right into it, from Luther, Wesley, Pentecostals, and the Holy Ghost Itself, the Bride between Brotherly Kindness and Jesus Himself, the Headstone, to catch the Headstone. My. It won’t fit anywhere else. The Body can only fit with His Own Spirit, which is between the Body and Brotherly Kindness. It’s His very Own Spirit. Hallelujah. The Everlasting Covenant; that’s the Token displayed. Joseph’s Rainbow Coat, Rebecca’s Veil, Holy Ghost Veil, veiling away the world, veiling away sin at that time. Greater is He that’s in you. Hallelujah. You have overcome the world. You overcome denominations, lust of the eye, lust of the flesh, the pride of life. You overcome. The Holy Ghost is here now. Lord God, send the Power. Lord God, send the Power. Oh Lord, send the Power just now. Glory to God! Hallelujah. Glory. Oh,

9hallelujah, praise God. Glory. Amen.

And a Ministry will be among those people till it be exactly the same Ministry that Jesus did. That’ll catch Jesus… That’ll bring Jesus and catch the whole thing away. You may be seated.

[Ed: Someone says, ‘Hallelujah!’] ‘Hallelujah!’ is right. I feel the same way. I feel like a ball of Fire is all over this place. Hey! Do you feel that Fire? You can’t stop it. Glory to God! Ha. Yah. May be seated.

What’s going on this morning? God’s calling out the Elected, the very Elected to make that Headstone! Sha! He’s calling you by Fire, a Fire Baptism, to make you ready for the Resurrection. Here’s the Fire. Hey! Hey! Hey! Yea! Praise God! Ah! Yea, yea! Glory! Glory! Glory! Oh, the Headstone is here. Glory to God. My. Glory. My. Lord, am I finished yet? I don’t know what to do. Amen.

Now, glory, Brother Branham said on “The Message Of Grace”, on page 8, speaking about Zechariah 4:7. I want you to notice, He never said He would bring forth the Cornerstone; He said He would bring forth the Headstone with shoutings, crying, ‘Grace, Grace.’ The Headstone will be in you, shouting, ‘Grace!’ It’s Grace, Grace to serve the Lord. It’s not Brother Coleman, ‘Do this. Don’t do that.’ What Brother Coleman say. It’s the Headstone in you that has called you to Perfection. Sha!

Jesus Christ is the Chief Cornerstone, He’s also the Headstone. And Malachi 4 has restored the Faith back to the fathers. And Brother Branham said on “Message Of Grace”: He will rebuild the Church again under the Power of the Spirit, and the Headstone of Power will bring Jesus into present tense. Glory! Amen! Now. Oh, hallelujah. Praise God. My.

And the Prophet of God said. I’m trying to close out now, just to find the right quote. Glory to God. And now, the tried Stone. Hallelujah. Where am I at? Page 65. Only a few more moments now. Short, quick message. Hallelujah.

“The Spoken Word Is The Original Seed”, volume 3, number 2, page 65:

Now this Ministry here has to hone into a place till the very same works that Jesus did. Because when He comes, the Headstone will catch right into it. There’ll be a Rapture come and they’ll be taken and they’ll

10go to Heaven.

There’s got to be a honing. So that’s why, praise God, on “The Stature Of A Perfect Man”, on page 48, down come the honing in the evening time. There comes Christ, the Holy Spirit, He come down with a Shout Message of Seven Thunders, Seven Virtues, to hone you. Whew. Glory. He brought the Church Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience, Godliness, Brotherly Love. Honed out. And then the Headstone, the Love of God, the Holy Ghost, Christ in the Person of the Holy Ghost comes upon you in the true Baptism, when you’re honed, when you manifest Seven Spirits by the Spirit, Holy Spirit Itself. And when Christ sees that, the Headstone, the Holy Ghost Itself, you catch It. You catch right into It. And you’re adopted, and you’re sealed, and you’re vindicated. And the manifestation of the sons of God is on in Pennsylvania, in Connecticut, in—in New Jersey, in New York. ‘Silver and gold have I none, such as I have.’ Hallelujah! ‘Such as I have, I give It unto you.’ Glory! Hallelujah, praise God. Thank You, Jesus. Let me put this right here. Alrighty. You may be seated.

I’m going to lay some stones in here now. Glory to God. “Adoption.” I’m almost finished now. Sha! Page 106, paragraph 32. I’ve got to identify the coming of the Headstone. Now, speaking about that pyramid again. Glory. They don’t know whatever happened to that… to that stone. Why wasn’t the capstone put on it, the headstone; the rejected Stone? He was rejected when He come. That’s right. Now listen. And then those stones that fit around that Headstone… Glory!

I Peter 2, open your Bible. Glory to God! Sha! Hallelujah. I Peter 2, verse 3:

3 If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.Have you tasted Him? Is He gracious? 4 To whom coming [To whom are you coming to], as unto a living stone…You’re coming unto the Capstone, you’re coming to the Headstone,

a living Stone, the Holy Ghost Itself, the Dynamics. Hallelujah! That’s where you’re coming. Glory! You’re coming to a living Stone.

…disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,

115 Ye also, as lively stones… [as quickened stones, Holy Ghost-filled stones] …are built up a spiritual house…Amen. Peter’s spiritual house, Paul’s holy temple, Malachi 4’s

Pyramid. Hallelujah, glory to God! You’re built up to a living Stone, the Holy Spirit. Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience, Godliness, Brotherly Kindness, catch that Stone! Glory.

…lively stones, … built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.6 Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.You shall not be ashamed. You shall not make haste. You may not

make haste when the Stone drops in here. You won’t run. You won’t be scared. He that believeth shall not be confounded. You have a revelation, it’s the living Stone, it’s the Capstone, it’s a tried Stone, it’s My Foundation Stone, it’s the Alpha and Omega, it’s the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. Hallelujah! Glory to God! That Stone’s all over you. Sha. Glory.

7 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient [remember Sister Wiltz’ dream], the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,Oh, hallelujah. The Headstone, Jesus Himself will come and be the

Head of the corner to them. They don’t know what’s going on now. Shh. But to us with the Thunder of Revelation, oh, He’s the Headstone, He’s the Cornerstone, He’s the Capstone, He’s all the Stones, He’s the Stone in me. And He laid the Foundation Stone in me before the foundation of the world. Where were you when the sons of God shouted for joy and the morning stars sang together? When He laid them Stones in you way back before the foundation of the world? In every age there was a Stone. Stone after Stone after Stone after Stone. And He was that Stone. Amen? Glory. Oh, my.

But those builders that rejected the Thunders, to them verse 8. 8 … a stone of stumbling, … a rock of offence, even to them which

12stumble at [the Seven Thunders] the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.Oh, thank God. You may be seated. Thank God you were appointed

the Revelation. Oh, my. This is the day which the Lord has made, that the Lord has brought about. We will rejoice, we will be glad in this day.

So I’m a lively stone? Whew. And I’m coming to the living Stone? Which is the Capstone? And I’m built up as an holy temple, a spiritual house, a Pyramid? My, my. Glory.

Oh, here we are, page 106. He was… Amen. Now the… That’s right. Then those stones that fit around that Stone, it’ll fit to every joint everywhere. The Pyramid is so perfect, you can’t run a razor blade between them, and when those stones go together. The stones that fit right under the Headstone will have to be like Him. Will have to be Him. And the mortar, the cement will be the Love.

Oh. Page 107: Now notice the Coming of the Lord Jesus is so close at hand until the Spirit from way down in here; Luther, just barely justification, sanctification… I’m nailing it down. I’m almost finished. Whew. Praise God. …Baptism of the Holy Spirit; and now, right… (now listen) …right into the time of the coming of the Headstone.

Do you see why I took the title? “The Coming Of The Headstone.” We are in it. We shape down from Pentecostals and shape right into I Thessalonians 4:16. And we’re in the Shout, we’re in the narrowing-down time. We are here. Glory. Feel the flesh of mighty men. Sha. Can you… We’re here at the time where sons of God like Brian and different ones are going right in the enemy’s face. God’ll heal leukaemia. Glory.

Now we’re in… Now identifying my—my title, “The Coming Of The Headstone”. The Church has got to be so perfectly like Christ until Christ and the Church can unite together. The same Spirit that filled the upper room. Not the work of It, Luther, Wesley; not the Baptism for a Birth of It; but the Holy Ghost Itself. Which is Jesus, the Headstone, the Capstone. We’re in it. How shall we be? To be in the Shout, to be in the Lord, in the… the Lord’s messenger in the Lord’s Message. You are the Lord’s messenger in the Lord’s Message? Or the Lord’s Message is in the Lord’s messenger? Whew. Amen.

13The same Spirit. And if the Spirit of Christ is in you, It’ll make you

live the Life of Christ, act the Life of Christ, do the works of Christ. ‘He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also.’ Jesus said that. See, now we’ve got… now we’ve got a Ministry coming that’s just exactly like the Life of Christ. Catch it now. It’s on “Adoption” here, page 107.

What does that Ministry identify? Here is the answer. The Coming of the Lord. Did you catch it? You mean, I’m going to identify a phase of the Coming of the Lord? Well, sure. The Prophet identified the Shout; you identify the Voice; then up will come the dead, and the dead in Christ shall identify the Trump of God, which will be the Headstone on the earth, the rejected Stone. Hallelujah. I wish I felt better, I feel like preaching now. Glory. Let me stay to this message, I’m almost finished. Glory.

“Daniel’s Seventy Weeks.” Glory. My. This is amazing. Not even an hour yet and I’ve already taught on the Headstone, the new season. And not even one hour yet. Hallelujah. Glory.

Daniel 2, you read it, I ain’t got time to read it. It’s about the Gentiles, about that… that rejected Stone. Maybe I will read something there. Get Daniel 2, to give me a background here. Yeah. Yes! Yah! Glory! He said, ‘Read it.’ He said, ‘Put the template over it.’ So I’m going to put the template over it, see, Daniel’s Seventy Weeks and to Daniel 2, the template, and watch Fire strike it. Amen.

Verse 31, and then 32 about the image head was of gold, and I’m trying… then the thighs and the whole body of it. That’s Medes-o-Persia and what’s the rest of it? Medes-o… Babylon, Medes-o-Persia and Greece and Rome. Amen. Verse 33, verse… Oh here, verse 34:

34 Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay [that’s Rome now], and brake them to pieces.Verse 35:35 Then was the iron, [and] the clay, [and] the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshingfloor; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

14OK. Let’s put the template over it now. “Daniel’s Seventy Weeks”,

page 29, page 136:But the… But the true Church all over the world has shaped down to

a place that there’s a Ministry among them just exactly like the Ministry of Jesus Christ. Now what have they got? They’ve got the thing in condition. Oh, hallelujah. I can hardly wait to say it. Now what’s the next thing? The re… This rejected Stone to the Pyramid, cut out of the mountain (without what?) without hands. God sent It. Do you see it? The rejected One. He’ll be coming to them for three and a half years in judgement. Do you see it? A Stone of stumbling to them, to the disobedient; but to you, a living Stone! Oh, hallelujah!

Oh Church, I tell you I feel like shouting. To know that He let me see this Revelation. I can never be the same. Oh, hallelujah, glory to God! I thank God I did not reject Him! I thank God I didn’t say one thing against the Thunders, Adoption, Joseph Perfection. Hallelujah. Lord, shut my mouth if I ever will speak. Aye! I don’t want to speak! Aye! You see what you’re doing when you open your mouth against God’s anointed? That anointed Message? That will lead you to that Guide? Whew. Still ain’t an hour yet.

The rejected One. The rejected Stone is the Head. May be seated. Is the Head of the Capstone and the very One That they rejected through the Gentile ages, Christ. And Christ was not cut and put over there as a vicar or a son of God, some great dignitary in the church. He is the Holy Spirit. And the Cap on the Pyramid will be Christ Coming. Whew. Do you see it, the Prophet says. I didn’t understand it then; I sure understand it now.

Oh. Now because they’re in shape. I’m going to tell you why they… we was in shape. See where I got this shaped here like a pyramid? And Rebecca made the drawing of the saints going up to catch the Stone. And so he’s referring to the drawing here. And it shows them arising, going up to make the march into Glory. You understand that now?

Christ the Headstone, the rejected Stone, the all-seeing Eye. They couldn’t even put It on your dollar bill. The Capstone was not put on your dollar bill, but they only knew It as the all-seeing Eye. They—They can’t put It there. We will put It there. What a glorious Message! The saints will cap the Pyramid with the Headstone Ministry! Glory to God.

15They will… Joseph said at the very, very end of the fourteen

years. Say it! They will sell their money for corn. Amen. They’ll take their money and try to buy the bread. Today, natural bread. Hope you’re reading “Joseph’s Fourteen-Year Prophecy”. And about the last year of the prophecy they give all their money. They only had one thing left, that was the land, and that was their bodies. And they’ll give it to Rome, to live, to eat. Oh, hallelujah. It’s all in “Joseph’s Prophecy”. And this is the twelfth year coming here now, I believe. Sha. You may be seated.

In 1987 they’re going to buy up the money. Amen, Brother Bellomo? They’re going to change your money on you. In Sears it’s coming out now with a card. And Sears don’t want your cheques or nothing; they will give you a card. Bye-bye, Sears, I’m tearing it up. No, sir. They ain’t going into my bank account. I don’t care if I’ve got a dollar there, but it’s none of their business. Sha! Glory!

Oh, who do you say this is? Alright, backslider, you think you’re tough? Sha. [Ed: Brother Coleman turns around and holds on to the Pyramid on the wall.] Think you can tough it out? Oh, you… maybe you can tough it out, but you’re sure going to pay for what you know, for rejecting the Headstone. Hope you know what I’m saying. ‘I rejected the Headstone?’ You sure did. You backslid and went away from It. Oh, praise God, that’s not for you! Oh, my. Sweeping out. Speaking to the Bride. Glory! Ha. You may be seated. I’m almost finished.

Where am I at? Pyramid, all-seeing Eye. And Daniel said he watched this Gentile age until the Stone come out of the mountain, that wasn’t cut with hands. Remember Billy Paul’s dream? “There’s A Man That Can Turn On The Light.” Brother Branham said, ‘Come on, Billy! We don’t have time for that. Overnight!’ Hallelujah! ‘Overnight, Billy!’ I don’t care if it’s my own son, they had their shake. Capstone time. Come on, Mama! Come on, wife! Come on, children! There’s no more time! Oh.

Wasn’t cut. They never put it on there. Wasn’t cut by man’s hands. It’s God’s hands that cut the Stone, you see it? And what did It do? It hit the image smack in the feet and broke it to pieces and ground it to powder. You fall on Him, He’ll turn you into a Headstone. Amen. If you fall upon Him by revelation. But if He falls on you, He’ll grind you to powder in the Tribulation Period. Make up your mind. There’s no in-between. Sha!

16Whew. Oh.

And broke it to pieces and ground it into powder. Hallelujah. What—What happened at that time? The coming of that Stone. See, the coming of the Headstone. Up went the Church into Glory and the Rapture, because it ended the Gentile dispensation. God ended it up; the Coming of that Stone. Oh, pianist, organist, we’re finished. I drove it in there.

There He is. Christ is that Stone. He wasn’t born of man; He was born of God. He’s coming for a Church that’s been reborn again by the Spirit of God. Because the strength of the Headstone runs all through the Church like a magnet. It goes from the top all the way back down to Paul. And Paul with the Chief Cornerstone, and the Chief Cornerstone to the early Bride and John the Baptist and right back to Adam. There’s a Magnet in there. The Word. Oh, sha! Glory!

I remember, amen, that mill there, that big stone, picked it up, that big magnet, some millstone and picked it up because they was magnetised to it. We have got to be magnetised to that Headstone. Now here it is. That Headstone is the Holy Ghost Itself. Here’s the Headstone, Love; and here is the Holy Ghost. Here is the Person, the Man, a Godman, a Godman Prophet that’s glorified. God Himself, Love. And beneath It is His very Own Person. Shh. And that’s what’s going to be in you.

Oh, the Headstone is the Holy Ghost. And every… Christ. Everyone of us has got the magnetism of the Holy Spirit. When that Stone strikes the image, the Church will flee to It, back into Glory where you come from. She’ll be taken up at the Rapture of the saints when She goes forth through that day. We’re right here close. That’s the Message here.

Page 34 and 35. Oh, my God. The Gentile Church in the Laodicea. If the Jews are in the homeland, the Gentile apostasy has already taken place. And we have a president like we have. We have a nation that’s broke up like we have. We have atomic bombs hanging in the hangars. We have a church that’s lukewarm. We have a Church, a people that’s pulled themselves together. Now, we have a Ministry that patterns the Ministry of Jesus Christ for to catch that Stone when It comes. What’s left to happen? It might be at any minute. Nothing else left. We’re at the end time. Oh, anything can happen.

17Now did you hear what he said? I’m finished. Glory. My. He said,

we have a Ministry, in 1960, a Ministry like Jesus Christ. God met the Prophet on May 7th 1946 and gave him a Ministry like Jesus, to catch that Stone. Sha. Do you see it? Oh Church, I’m not the same no more. Glory to… This… Samson… ‘Once more, Lord!’ Glory! Hallelujah! ‘Once more, Lord!’

God gave the Prophet a Ministry; First Pull, Second Pull, the Person of Christ, St John 14:12, a Ministry of Christ. What for? To catch that Stone. Seven angels come from Eternity, the Stone, and the Prophet had shaped himself, centred himself, and he caught the Stone. He was raised up in the Power and caught the Headstone. And the Headstone, the Seventh Seal, said, ‘Return back to Jeffersonville. You have caught the Stone.’ Hallelujah! What a Message! Hallelujah! Glory to God! Oh, my!

Do you see it? The Prophet caught the Headstone, I Thessalonians 4:16. The Prophet caught the Shout, whew, and laid out the Shout for you and me. Now you understand what I’m preaching? I’m trying to catch that Stone. How? Faith honed, Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience, Godliness, Brotherly Kindness; you’re not there yet. Then Charity comes upon you. Then you have caught that Stone. Oh, hallelujah, praise God.

The Prophet of God said these words, I’m finished, “Message Of Grace”, page 19:

Oh God, let me take the Sword of the Word and cut through every organisation to bring the Baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ and the Power of the Reve… the Power of the Resurrection and the Holy Ghost back to the people. Glory! Praise God. Because He’s coming in Power. He’s coming into Power. He’ll stand alone. When you’re coming into Power you will stand alone. He said, when He’s coming into Power. When the Stone is in you with Faith, He’s coming into Power. The promised Word, Joseph Perfection, Adoption time, coming into Power, Seven Thunders. You will stand alone.

But it’s Christ in you coming in Power. Hallelujah, praise God. It’s a Magnet. Hallelujah. Then It grabbed this one. It grabbed Brother Fiore. He said, ‘Praise God, the Seven Thunders.’ It grabbed somebody else, grabbed somebody else. ‘Seven Thunders give Faith.’ Hallelujah! Glory to God! Yes, sir.

18Now It’ll cut through every theory, every man-made creed until you

bring the Saviour (here’s the purpose) back a sheep that’s gone astray, somebody, bring back to the Bible Doctrines again that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Oh, hallelujah, praise God, praise God. Do you believe it? We’re here. We have to be just like Jesus Christ, the Lord Himself. Glory to God. Daniel, you see it? What is the Headstone? It’s the Holy Spirit. Oh, my, my. Glory. Yes, sir. Here we are.

Where do we stand this morning? I Chronicles 14, verse 8 through 12. David was ready to enter into his Second Phase. His First Phase, he had killed the lion, he had killed the bear, he had killed Goliath. And then God took him to the Second Phase. He had already been king over Judah about seven years or so. Mighty men believed him. But then Israel, the church, finally seen that God was with him. They got rid of Saul. Sauls, big man, know everything. Praise God. They got rid of bullheads. Hallelujah. And they recognised that David was God’s man. David had a Revelation. Hallelujah.

Then God said, ‘David, I’m going to turn loose Saul against you. I’m going to turn loose those evil spirits, in 1983, in Fort Wayne. I’m going to loose those devils that’s jealous. They’re going to try to destroy you, try to destroy your family, try to destroy your daughter. Hallelujah. But I’m with you. I’m with you. I’ve been with you.’ Amen, Joanne? Stand. Praise God. Hallelujah. Jealous devils. They are finished. Glory! Hallelujah! They’re finished. Glory to God.

Then David was anointed king over Israel. David went out to Tucson and was anointed king over Israel. Hallelujah. Glory! But you, Judah, God bless you, Judah. You stood with David. Hallelujah. Now the Headstone, the Capstone is here to seal you, to fill you. Oh, hallelujah. Glory to God, praise God. Thank You, Jesus. Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Oh! [Ed: Brother Coleman speaks in tongues.] I feel like speaking in tongues. Glory to God. I know He’s here. Oh Lord, send the Power. Lord, send that ball of Fire. Glory! [Ed: Brother Coleman speaks in tongues.] Glory to God! Hallelujah.

Just about that time David was anointed king over Israel and Judah. As soon as Israel, I mean as David was anointed king over Israel, I Corinth…

19I Chronicles 14, here come the Philistines and spread themselves. They seen that they was together again. And here they come. Here come the personal demons to try to stop David. But the Lord awoke from His sleep with… a man like strong wine. Glory. They spread themselves. Hallelujah. And David said, ‘Lord, shall I go up?’ ‘Yes, go up.’ And David went up. And David said, ‘God hath broken in upon mine enemies…’ Shh. ‘…by mine hand like the breaking forth of waters.’ You believe that? At the last day, Jesus cried, ‘He that believeth on Me, out of your belly shall flow rivers of living Water.’ Oh, hallelujah, praise God. Amen.

And now, we are ready for our Second Phase, Adoption time. [Ed: Brother Coleman leaves the pulpit and walks down the aisle and back again while he continues preaching.] And the Holy Spirit, He said, ‘Today I will break forth upon your enemies like water.’ You Philistines, let me prophesy, you’re finished. You’re finished. The Lord. Hallelujah. Brother Frank, you’re free today in the Name of Jesus Christ. Lord God, may Frank Puma be set free. Hallelujah! Lord God, this day we send the Word for Steven. Sha. Oh! Refill my brother, Lord. May the Power of God come upon him and break forth like water. Hallelujah! Free! Free! Glory! Glory to God! Amen, Elisabeth, shout. Your father is free. Praise God! Glory! Hallelujah.

You believe it? You believe it? Raise your hand. Once more, Lord. Once more, Lord. Once more, Lord. Send the Power. Send the Power. Send the Power. Glory! Glory! Yes! Oh, halle… Praise God. Glory to God.

Do you understand? Somebody must have climbed up. Oh, get it! There’s got to be somebody ready in this Church, in America, in Canada, Europe, Africa. Somebody must have manifested Seven Virtues that the Headstone, Holy Ghost Itself can break forth upon that person or persons. Hallelujah.

I know where I’m standing. Glory to God. I know when I got my Birth. I know when Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience come in. And today, Lord God, You That wrote the Word, That descended from Heaven with a Shout, That revealed the Word; Lord God, this day, may You break forth upon the people like waters and drive the Philistines out and seal the people now. It’s on. The revival is on now. Oh, hallelujah.

20September 11th 1983, Seven Thunder revival, the Holy Spirit poured

out. Wasn’t nobody ministering nowhere. This is the Seven Thunder revival. Same Holy Ghost here now. That same Power is here. There ain’t enough devils in creation. Hallelujah. I know He’s here. Somebody is going to be sealed. Somebody is going to be healed. Today. Today. Tonight. Amen, O group? Somebody going to be sealed tonight. Somebody going to be sealed this morning. Somebody going to be refilled in that nursery, in the balcony. The Glory of God is all over this place. Hallelujah. The coming of the Headstone is here. Praise God. Praise God. Amen.

[Ed: Brother Bellomo exhorts and sings, “Somebody’s Praying Lord, Come By Here”. Brother Coleman joins him after a while and sings and exhorts while walking up and down the aisle.]

…Holy Ghost, come by here. Somebody’s… come by here. Glory! Somebody’s praying, come by here. Oh Lord, come by here. Hallelujah. Mm-mm. Oh, Lord. Yes, sir. Oh, Lord. You’re all over this place. Oh, Lord. Somebody’s praying… Hallelujah. Come on now. The Holy Ghost is here. Oh, the revival is on now. Good God Almighty. Hallelujah. Come by here… Oh. Glory, glory, glory! My, my, my, my, my, my. Oh, Lord! Yes, sir. It’s all right, Ann-Marie. Praise God. Refill my sister. Yes, sir. John Griffin. God bless you, Brother John. Amen. Oh. Come by here. Well, Lord.

[Ed: Brother Bellomo sings.]Oh, Lord. Come by… Yes, Lord. Somebody’s desperate, Lord. Hear

Your children, Father. Somebody going to be sealed today. Oh, hallelujah. My, somebody, somebody. Yes, Lord. Oh, Lord. Glory! Glory! He’s here. The Fire is here. Glory. Oh, Lord. Come on now. Come on. Get in the Spirit. Sha. Glory. Somebody’s shouting, Lord. Glory! Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Hey! Somebody’s… Amen, Brother Bellomo. Yes, sir. Sing it, brother. Hallelujah. Glory. My, my.

Lord God, seal Brother Ben, Lord. He’s been in the Way a long time. Oh, Lord. Yes, sir. Do you want this Fire? You can’t deny it. It’s here. Glory! This is God. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Oh. My, my, my, my. You can’t put It out. You can’t stop It. Don’t even try. Oh, do you want It? Do you want It? Do you want It? Glory. My, my. Yes, sir. OK, O group, you can have It tonight. Glory. Once more, Lord. Once more, Lord.

21Some… Yeah. Once more, Lord. Oh, Lord. Once more, Lord.

Oh, get in the Spirit. The Holy Ghost is here. Praise God, Virginia. My God. Once more, Lord. Oh, Lord. My, my. Oh, Lord. I feel It in my soul. Oh, God. Thank You, Jesus. Once more, Lord. Come on now. In the balcony, in the—in the nursery. Hallelujah, hallelujah. My, my, my. Brother Bellomo, we’re singing together. We’ll shout together. Yeah. Back before the foundation of the world God seen this day. Lord God, seal the Ministry, seal the deacons, seal the ushers, seal the people. Oh, hallelujah. Yes, Lord. My, my. Oh, Lord! Come by here. Lord God, seal my Brother Quinones, seal Brother Paul, seal my Brother John. Glory. Amen. I like this mic.

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