the commonwealth. (scotland neck, n.c.) 1910-12-01 [p ]. · 2017-12-17 · rhode island reds and...

Post on 01-Aug-2020






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PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS.r ii 1: house f o 11 go on g n o c e uTkJ Henderson, spent Thanksgivingweek here. New Shop I THE HABIT OFThe Coming, Going and Whereabouts of Our Miss Mary Mabry, of Weldon. hasbeen spending some days with theXMAS! People and Other Folks.

Misses Butts.Miss Lizzie Fly the spent a day or Mr. William Dickens, of Weldon,

I am now prepared to do all kindsof Shoe and Harness Repair Work.Please give me a trial and if work isnot satisfactorially done it won'tcost yon anything. My shop is next

two in Norfulk last week. was a visitor here ThanksgivingJ) is looking forward to Xrnas, and of course everybody wants" good' ' things to eat, so we are keeping (as in the past) the best of everv week.Mr. Danfurd E. Jcsey was at home

thing in GROCERIES. Please place your afternoon orders early as! night comes on so fast. from Wke Forest College Thanks

giving.Mrs. L. C. Grady has returned

from a visit to relatives in Duplin

to Mr, jj. M. ranee's Stables.If you need a Mattress of any kind

or Bed Springs, call on J. J. Lassiter,at the same place, and he will makethem for y6u, and guarantee goodwork. He can also repair Mattres

county.J. W. ALLSBROOK. Mr. Wilmer Rasberry, of Rich


You can make provision for your declining years by regularlysaving part of your earnings. Begin NOW.

Deposit Your Money with Us.

Make OUR Bank YOUR Dank.

Per Cent, interest (compounded4 quarterly) allowed in our fr

savings departmentPlanters & Commercial Bank.

Claude Kitchin, President. O. J. Moore, Cashier.

Telephone No. 81. Miss Bessie and Master LeRoyTwisdale have returned from a visitSquare, was here from Thursday toMain Street.

Monday. to Spring Hill. ses, uouches, Lounges, or any kindof Upholstered Furniture.

Prices reasonable.FRAZIER H. BUNCH.

Miss Kathleen Robertson spent Messrs. W. E. and John Fenner,rlast week in Enfield with her sister, Jr., of Rocky Mount, were here aLOCAL NEWS.

few days ago to see their people.Mrs. J. B. Dunn.

Mr. Fred M. Shute, of the Wil A large "buck" was killed lastSaturday morning over the river byliamston Enterprise, was here Satur Savings BankMr. W. E. night and Sunday.

Messrs. John and Walter BassMrs. S. J. Everett, of Greenville, have moved their families to the

fire :Atv? you prepared? If not,

wouldn't it be wise to get apolicy in one of the seven com-

panies represented at thisavncy?

Bernard Allsbrook.

Special Announcements.

zms Gathered Prom the Townanil Country.

Christmas just 24 days.Court at Halifax Monday..Put your girl in nomination today.Thanksgiving day was very quiet

Howerton residence on Main street.visited her mother and other relatives here the past week. Post Master W. A. Willcox on last

Saturday morning examined a classNEW MILL MAN!

Have sold out my interest in the Cotton Oil Mill hereand am doio a cotton seed product business, fritmingyour cotton, buvincr and exchanginc: yourseeJ.nrotctinir

Mrs. C. L. McDowell and MissesAnna Kitchin and Hattie Leggett

Department of First NationalBank of Tarboro, N. C.

Pays five per cent (5 pc) Com-

pounded Quarterly.Three per cent (3 pc) Com-

pounded Semi-Annuall- y, onChecking Accounts. We makea specialty of banking by mail.Capital, Surplus and Resources$155,000.00. Write H. H. Tay-lor, Cash'r, or J. E. Morrisett,Asst. Cash'r, Tarboro, N. C.

of four candidates for rural routesspent Thanksgiving in Norfolk. running out from Scotland Neck.

Miss Bessie Cherry, who is teach

m Scotland Neck.The farmers are about through

gathering their crops.Oar votinar contest is now nnir


nts at Bnrroughs-Pittman- - No Court. your interest by pivinjr you competition. COM L TO SEKing school at Crowells, was at homeV"ieeier Company's store, call for a for the Thanksgiving holiday. On account of the sickness of JudgercKei. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dunn, Misses M. H. Justice, there is no court at

Halifax this week. The Judge hopes

STEWART OH WOMMACK. Have boupht th old SamKitchin property, and will gin and carrv on gen ; d cot-ton seed, hulls and meal business. FASY TO FIND- - SICKUS PHONE US. We hove new meal and hulls on hat mlnow. We are fixed to protect your interest and will do ii.

J. jy. STEWARD,'Wyvwll

IT WILL BE TO YOUR INTER-o?- tto see me before purchasing a

Tombstone. My customers have alltven thoroughly pleased. Not asingle exception. Clee Vaughan.

to be able to have court next Mon-

day, the 5th, and all Jurors, witness J1869-191- 0

earn?st. Let every body-- get busyand make it lively from the start.

Our friend, Mr. A. A. White, is.

quite sick at the home of his son,Mr. A. B. White, about five milesfrom town. We hope he may berestored to health.

es, and suitors are summoned to be

Annie Dunn and Mary White, fromEnfield, were here Thanksgiving day.

Miss Helen Hilliard, of Windsor,was at home to spend Thanksgiving.Miss Helen is teaching school atWindsor.

Mrs. E. M. Gordv and daughter.

present on that day. Wilson Allsbrook, Scotland Neck, ..... North Carolina.The criminal docket is rather largeSEE THE UNIVERSAL FARM

Fence. The highest in quality ar.dthe cheapest in price. Hardy Hard-ware Company.

there being 28 prisoners in jailtrial.:'ir. Warner Alexander hr.s v.r.r- Corner of

Ninth and Main Streets. Take no Chances but Come Direct tocnrsecl the Baptist parsonage andhas moved there. We understand When you have a cold get a bottle

FOR RENT MY STORE ANDdwelling, commencing January 1st,1911. Mrs. K. Jenkins. the church will select a more desire- - The same old man

At the same old location for a parsonage.of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Itwill soon fix you up all right and willward off any tendency toward pneu-monia. This remedy contains no

SEE THE-HACKN- EY WAGON.The wagon with IS spokes to the The Baltimore Store,The County Commissioners meet inwheel. Hardy Hardware company. opium or other narcotic and may beregular session at Halifax Monday.

It will be quite a busy day, for the given as confidently to a baby as toan adult. Sold by all dealers.county officers ' will file their bonds

HANDSOME LINE OF MEN'S.Boy's and Children's Clothing, line Men's and Boy's Overcoats.Quality and prices guaranteed. Ed-

wards & Company.

and be sworn in for another term.

The jNew StoreWhere You Are a Sure Winner.

Don't forget when youcan't find WHAT YOU



Catarrb Cannt be Cured' On account of the absence of the with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they

Miss Mary, of Weldon, was hereThanksgiving day, the guest of Mr.and Mrs. W. R. Cherry.

Rev. 0. L. Powers, of High Point,occupied the pulpit of the Baptistchurch Sunday morning and atnight preaching to large congrega-tions. We have heard both sermonsspoken of in high praise. Mr. Pow-ers is a speaker of ability and power.

Messrs. W. T. White, Willie H.and J. L. Allsbrook were in HalifaxSaturday to stand the examinationfor R. F. D. carrier's position.There h a vacancy on Route No. 2

from Scotland Neck. Mr. W T.White is now carrying the mail onthis route as substitute, and standsfirst in line for regular appointment.

Miss Pattie Thorne, of the Wash-

ington graded school, and Miss

pastor, who is attending Conference,REMEMBER WITH EVERY 50preaching at thecents cash purchase at Burroughs- -

cannot reach the seat of the disease.Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis-

ease, and in order to cure it you mustPittman-- heeler Lompiny s store i

.1 - iU ir:... t-ii-

there will be noMethodist churchProf. J. B. Aikenvice at night.

Sunday morning,will conduct ser- - take internal remedies. Hall's Ca- -VO'J tret a cuance at me r my lsuiiais

in Gold. Wilson Allsbrook,arrh Cure is taken internally, and actsdirectly on the blood and mucous sur Scotland Neck, N. C.

1F YOU WANT GOOD COFFEEuse the Universal Percolator. Har-

dy Hardware Company.faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a

We understand that Messrs. Chas.A. Jones and J. E. Bowel's haverented Prince's and will con- -

WHAT IS NICER THAN A BEAU-- ; duct a les stables. They expectquack medicine. It was prescribed byone of the best physicians in this coun-

try for years and is a regular prescrip-tion. It is composed of the best tonics

"HItit ul set ot I nina tor a Amas Lrilt.See Hardy Hardware Company'scomplete line.

inown, combined with the best bloodr ...

IF YOU WANT SHOES THATtare better see ours and be satished.Edwards & Company.

Rebecca Knight, of the East Caro-

lina Teachers Training School, werepleasant visitors at the home of Mrs.0. N. McDowell from Thanksgivingd3y to Sunday. Both these ladieswere former popular teachers of the


their first car load of horses to ar-

rive in a few days..$80.00 per month straight salary

and expenses, to men with rig, tointroduce our Poultry Remedies.Don't answer unless you mean busi-ness. Eureka Poultry Food Mfg. Co.(Incorporated) East St., Louis, 111.

The attention of all our readers iscalled to the advertisement of E. T.Whitehead Company appearing cnthis page. This firm is going to

purifiers!, acting directly on the mucoussurfaces. The perfect combination ofthe two ingredients is what producessuch wonderful results in curing Ca-

tarrh. Send for testimonials free. F.J. Cheney & Company, Proprietors,Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c.

Take Hall's Family Pills for

large list. R. E. Prince, Raleigh,

Scotland Neck graded school andX. C.

RHODE ISLAND REDS ANDWyandott Cockerels for sale, onedollar each. Mrs. G. W. Bryan.

For your Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Ladies' andGents' Furnishings, etc.

Anything in The Ready-to-We- ar Line.

We make a specialty of Clothing and can sell you a

suit for less money than it can be bought elsewhere.

Get in the habit of visiting our store. You will be pleas

ed with our goods and at the same time wive money.

The Baltimore Store,The Store That Undersells.

Staten's Old Stand, Main St. L WAXMAN, Proprietor

they have many friends here who arealways glad to see them.


WANTED. SECOND HANDbasrs and burlap; any kind, anyq uantity, anywhere. Richmond BagCo., Richmond, Va. 0t

King off ExternalsIs the one Standard prep-aration universally andenthusiastically endorsedby Doctor, Druggist, Lay-man. G0WANS CuresPneumonia, Croup, Colds,Coughs, Pleurisy and allailments caused front In-flammation or Congestion.

GowAns Preparation has 006 ofthe largest and most satisfactorysales of any preparation carriedin oar stock. We consider it awonderful success.

THE MURRA Y DRUG CO.,tWholesale Druggists

Columbia, S. C.,Julj 11, 1H10


All DnliUli. l. so. 25.COWAN ME0ICAIC0.. DURHAM. N. C. MMrnfiaM fty IMr IranM

the entire house or a Dart of it.loca'ed. Apply to Mrs. W. B. rjpjj ring to the lucky one read about it. PiiifetftEa Class Holds Service at County

Hone. Other Halifax News.JUST RECEIVED.-Heaters- ,

Cook Stoves--NEW LOTand Ranges.

T 1 i 1 Halifax, N. C, Nov. 29. On Wedjous. r rices lower tnan ever.

A colored man by the name ofHerbert Whitaker, living a fewmiles from town, lost by fire, severalnights ago, his barn and stables, anew buggy, a half bale of cotton,some fodder and farming utensils.

nesday evening of last week in Hux'sLdvvariis & umoar.y.hall there was a most enjoyableFOR SALE A FEW BUSHELS

of home grown Arr'er Oats or home entertainment by the children of thetown. Mrs. N. L. Stedman had forgrown

bushel.y oats. neebU cents per Tt ;s not known now what was the' "' Uhhard. ; cau?e 0f tj-,- e f;re jsj0 insurance. sometime had them in training and

J. W. Robretson'sPRICES



Complete line of Fresh Gro-ceries and Provisions.

Corby's Loaf Bread Freshtwice a week. 5c. loaf.

Prompt Delivery.

with catience. perseverance and-- PRICESA NEW FURNITURE Mr Frazier H. Bunch has openedinstallment. Edwards & dmpanv. UP b!1Ufc; '


Cloaks. Edwards & Company.

to Prince s stables. In connectionwith his shoe work Mr. J. J. Lassi-te- r

will make mattresses and do allkind of upholstering work. See ad-

vertisement in another column andgive these afflicted men a trial when urns mmn mmFOR CUT GLASS AND SiLVER-war- e

see Hardy Hardware Company.FINE FROST PROOF CABBAGE Scotland Neck.

N. C.J. W. Robertson,plants for sale at fiftc en cents per vou need anv thinpr in their line.hundred or one twenty-fiv-e thous-and. G. W. Bryan. Miss Georgia Anna Steptoe did

! at the home of her nephew, Mr. W. Beginning Dec. 5, ' 1 0. Ending Dec. 31, '10XEW SHIPMENT OF THE CEL-brate-d

Cameron Ranges justHardy Hardware Company.


N. Steptoe, near town early Sundamorning. The burial took place

Monday in the Episcopal cemetery,Ee. G. C. Bradley conducting theburial service at the grave. Mis.-Stept- oe

was about 70 years old aru-ha-

been living with her nephew fora number of years.

or Yearlings at scrub prices.Hilliard, WHAT?


property in charge at a bargrin.Something doing see me. Will H.Josey.

Li 1 fer Csderenei100 CARS Ob COTTON SEED

wanted. N. B. Josey Company.TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND

friends we want to buy your cot-ton seod. N. B. Josey Company.

Beautiful $50 Diamond Ring Beautiful $50 Diamond Ring


Rev. Charles A. Jones left Tues-

day morning for E;izadeth Citywhere he is attending the annualsession of the North Carolina Con-

ference, Bishop Hendrix presiding.Mr. Jones carried a good report to

conference, every thing paid in full.This closes Mr. Jones third year as

pastor of the Scotland Neck Method-

ist church. He has done well in his

work and made many friends with

COTTAGE ON MAINstt t, occupied by Mr. Malone,large lot with stables, for sale.Ap-p'- y

to N. B. Josey.

A Handbag withA Reputation Back of It

The woman who is a judgeof kandlag value will not missthis opportunity to examine ournew assortment of

BagsThe makers have a National

reputation as style originators.You'll find many exclusive

features in these bags, such asleather-covere- d loops illustratedabove, durable catches and handsewed frames.

The moderate prices we ask willsurprise you.

Every lenalne "LanrfeM" carrits;ie Diamond L" Trade Mart

pluck, drilled them so that they didtheir part splendidly and reflectedcredit on the trainer. Mrs. Stedmanwas assisted by the other ladies ofthe town. She wishes to acknowl-

edge their kindness and help in so

nany ways and offer her most sin-

cere thanks. The entertainmentwas for the benefit of the Baptistchurch. The proceeds amounted toover forty dollars. We would liketo say something about the program,the different parts, and the parteach child played, but space forbids.We were charmed with the "MerrySailors" by the boys; "Tripping,"and'! 'Rainbow" by girls, "Countryflirfation" by Master Emil Gowan,and Miss Maxime Westphall; and aninstrumental solo by Miss MargaretFoster.

The Philatha class of the 'Metho-dist Sunday school went out to the

connty home Sunday morning andheld a little service which was en-

joyable and we think helpful. Theyleft an appointment for each 4thSabbath morning. These youngladies will do good work we are sureas each is trying to be an active

worker, filling their place as best

they can.Mr. J. K. Elliott, with his friend,

Rev. Mr. Trueblood, of Wake For-

rest, spent Thanksgiving here withfriends. Mr. Trueblood filled an

appointment at the M. E. chnrch

Thursday evening.Mrs. N. L. Stedman had foT her

guests during Thanksgiving the fol-

lowing ladies: Mrs. Geo. Andrews,of Enfield; Misses Julia Rhem andJennie Small, of Tillery; Miss Helen

Pope, of Weldon; Mrs. Dr. Register,of Tillery.

Milton Norman, of Warrenton,spent Thanksgiving with his parents.

Miss Nettie Gilliam returned to

Roanoke Rapids Sunday.Mr. P. H. Westphall left a few

days ago for Cuba on business.Mr. H. W. Gowan left Tuesday for

Florida and other Southern Stateson a business trip.

Miss Lucy Butts returned to

Franklin Monday, having spentThanksgiving with her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Burwell, of

U. D. C. Meeting.

t'np Tmhlic creneraliy. We have heardir.

There will be a meeting of the U.D. C. atjthe Buck Kitchin Camp thisafternoon, Thursday, Dec. 1st. Allmembers urged to be present.

Mrs. Archabald Mcdowell,- -


many expressions of hope thatfor anotherJones may be returned



Burroughs-Pittman-Wheel- er Comp'jr

Holiday GoodsConsist of Jewelry, Silverwear, Cut Glass,

Stationery, Pictures, Etc'

OUR PRICESAre of the Lowest.

OUR GOODSAre of the Best.

We hold catalogues from Daniel Lowe& Company, Baird, North A. Company,and Loftes Brothers, three of the largestjewelry mail order houses in America,and we guarantee to duplieate theirprices.

Beginning December 1st with every25 cent cash purchase of

Holiday Goodsat the store of E. T. Whitehead Com-

pany a ticket will be issued good forone chance on a Beautiful Diamond

Ring. With every ticket issued a dup-

licate will be dropped in the ballot box,and on New Years Day the lucky num-

ber will be drawn from the box. Who-

ever holds the same number as the one

drawn will be declared the winner of

this beautiful prize.

Despair and Despondencyof the suffering tetell the storyNo one but a ccn

OVER 65 YEARS'despair, and the dependency BjUl Uuiu". .. . . r?II . n toPC.BUSG EXPERIENCEa aaiiy curaen 01 nt nrfQ hat are

(Mlforpletely upset the nerves if Ion continued.n.. p;' T?nv.-riJ- 3 Prescription is a positive cure

weakness and disease of the feminine organism.


SICIZ VOMEN WELL. DesignsCopyrights Ac.

AsTone sending a sketch and deBCrtptlra mayIt allavs inflamm i - and soothes pain.

- ' mil as good.It tones and buand mothcrhoo

PSi : T,..: y'- - cures.v.'-ar- s cfIt is non-secr- non-alcohol- ic and has n r .:ct ,vuzany E. T. WHITEHEAD COMFY.

quick)? ascertain our opinion free wnetner aninvention ts Prohb'rpat?laI1Com5"n,c-tion- s

strictly conBdential. HANDBOOK on Patenteent free. Oldest airency for eecuring patent.

Patents taken through Wunn ft Co. reoslTspecial notice, without charge, in the

Scientific American.A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Xfnrest elr--

f.lUNII &Co.36IBrowtatj'- - New YorkSnaob OfflceloH V St. Washington. IX C

Asg. Your Neighbors. how to cure- j i":'iCS s ' mailin11 you want a book that te'.ls ail y cysi v "them at home, send 21 one-ce- nt stamps to

covers.0. and he will send you a free. -- ; - -

d gs lilustraicopy o b in paper10,-r-evise.!, rr-- -o ri

Uutfalo, N. Y..ommon Sense Medical Adviser vn handsome cloth-bindin- g. 31 staniD3. Ac

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