the comparative study between the using of game and preaching method in teaching reading for the...

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Presented to Research on Language Education’s Assigment

The Lecturer is “Mrs. Tintin Susilowati”


NIM: 210910042






A. Research Title

The Comparative Study Between the Using of Game and Preaching Method

in Teaching Reading for the Tenth Grade Students of MAN 2 Madiun in

Academic Year 2012/2013

B. Background of Study

English has four skill. They are speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Skill

reading is important to study English successfully, because reading is one of way to

get information and knowledge through text. Skill reading can be defined as physic

and cognitive activities, the information and knowledge are gotten by reading.1

Reading is an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text,

resulting in comprehension. The text presents letters, words, sentences, and

paragraphs that encode meaning. The reader uses knowledge, vocabulary, skills, and

strategies to determine what that meaning is.

In teaching reading, the focus is on providing the students with high quality of

reading understanding and fluency. The students still difficulties to understanding

1 Iskandarwassid dan Dadang Suhendar, Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa, (Bandung: P T. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2009), 226.


English text. They often stop to reading because they find that English texts are hard

to understand. They do not catch the meaning of the English text.

To confront the problem, the teachers usually use the teaching method to

teaching reading. It hopes the teacher to make the students understand the meaning of

English text and they don’t feel difficult to study reading the text.

Game methods and preaching method is one of the type’s methods to teach

reading. Teachers use those methods to make students like to study teaching reading.

A game method is methods where teacher teach reading text with invite students to

play and enjoy getting the meaning of English text. Beside that, preaching method is

method where teachers as authority and students only follow command’s the teachers

when they study reading text. Game methods are effective to teach reading English.

Based on the description above, the researcher want to know the comparative

between using of game and preaching method in teaching reading. This study takes

place at since the English teacher of the school has been applying the methods in

teaching reading. As the sample, this study focuses on the tenth grade students of the

schooling year 2012-2013. The title of study is the Comparative between Using of


Game and Preaching Method in Teaching Reading to the Tenth Grade Students of

MAN 2 Madiun in Academic Year 2012-2013.

C. Research Focus

To avoid irregularities in the research, this study only focused to know the

comparative between the using of game and preaching method in teaching reading

to the tenth grade students of MAN 2 Madiun in academic year 2012/2013

D. Statement of The Problems

Regarding to the background of the study, the problem statements are formulated

into :

1. How is using game in teaching reading for the tenth grade students of MAN 2

madiun in academic year 2012/2013 ?

2. How is using preaching method in teaching reading for the tenth grade

students of MAN 2 madiun in academic year 2012/2013 ?

3. Is there any significant differences on using of game and preaching method in

teaching reading for the tenth grade students of MAN 2 madiun in academic

year 2012/2013 ?


E. Objective of the Study

The objectives of the study in this research can be stated as related with the

problem statement. Therefore the objectives of the study are as follow:

1. To know using of game in teaching reading reading for the tenth grade students of

MAN 2 Madiun in academic year 2012/2013.

2. To show using preaching method in teaching reading for the tenth grade students

of MAN 2 Madiun in academic year 2012/2013.

3. To get the significant differences on using of game and preaching method in

teaching reading for the tenth grade students of MAN 2 Madiun in academic year


F. Significance of the Study

This study focused on the comparative between the using of game and

preaching method in teaching reading and the result is expected to have benefits

pointed to:

1. Teachers

This study is expected to give teachers a contribution in their teaching skill

and their teaching method, particularly the tenth grade students of MAN 2



2. Students

This study is expected to give students an awareness of increasing their

reading ability.

3. Researcher

With this method the researcher gets knowledge and could apply in the future.

4. Readers

This study is expected to make readers interested in observing the comparative

between using of game and preaching method in teaching reading.

G. Theoretical Background

Researcher has some theories that are relevant studied and used as the main

inggredient in connection with the theme of the discussion.

A. Teaching

Teaching is one of educative activies. In educational system, teaching

plays an important role in which an interaction between a teacher and students

occurs. Teaching is a process of transforming knowledge to students. In


teaching process, a teacher stands in front of the classroom to present a certain

subject matter and students are required to sit and listen it.2

Teaching is also defined as the process of providing guidance and

assistance to students in the learning process.3 Thomas M Risk explained that,

"Teaching is the guidance of learning experiences". So, teaching is process

transfer of knowledge from teacher to students in the learning process.

B. Teaching Reading

1. Definition of Reading

As one of language skill, reading can be defined as an activity to grasp

language patterns from their written representation.4 Reading is an interactive

process that goes on between the reader and the text, resulting in

comprehension. The text presents letters, words, sentences, and pargraphs that

encode meaning. The reader uses knowledge, skill, and strategies to determine

what that meaning is5. In addition, reading is combination of decoding and

2 Indah Yunitasari , “The Using Of Numbered Heads Together Technique In Teaching Reading English To The Tenth Grade Students of MA Ronggo Warsito In Academic Year 2012/2013”,( Proposal Thesis, STAIN Ponorogo, , Ponorogo, 2012), 7 3 Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, Strategi Belajar Mengajar (Jakarta: Rineka cipta, 2010), 39 4 H. Douglas Brown, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (San Fransisco: Longman, 2000), 7 5 Grace Stovall Burkart, Center for Applied Linguistics, (Washington, 1998)


oral language. Reading is the way to get information and knowledge that we


Reading is an essential skill for learner of english as a second

language. Beside that, reading is the process of reader combining information

from a text and their own background knowledge to build meaning. In

conclusion, reading is a way of understanding linguistic message through the


2. The goal of teaching reading

Teaching reading plays an important role in language teaching. For the

students, reading has goal that are as obtaining information, understanding

ideas or theories, discovering author's view points, and seeking evidence for

their own point view.6 Reading is also useful as part of the process of language

acquisition. It provides the students with oppurtunities to study language and

its vocabulary, punctuation, grammar, and the way they construct sentences,

paragraph and text.

6 Jordan, Class Readers, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), hal 143.


According to William, the purposes for reading are:7

a. For information, but also read with a goal to finish the newspaper

fairly rapidly.

b. For general comprehension

c. For pleasure, like read a novel, a short story, a newspaper article or a

report of some type to understand the information the text.

C. The factors affect with reading success or failure.

In reading, there are factors that influence success or failure. They are:

1. Physical Conditions

The physical condition that influenced the good reading is as follow:

a. Have your eyes and ears checked

b. Read at sometimes everyday

c. Make sure that your reading light is right

d. Read in a quite place

2. Speed Reading

7 Fasiatul Mucholifah, "The Teaching Reading Through Reading Guide Strategy for The Eighth Grade Students

of MTs Darul Huda Mayak Ponorogo in Academic Year 2009/2010", (Thesis, STAIN Ponorogo, Ponorogo, 2010), 20 (dikutip dari buku Teaching and Researching Reading, karya Will iam Grabe and Fredricka L. Stol ler,(England: Longman, 2002) 11)


Reading speed depends both upon reading habits and reading skill. The

way how to read speedily by read a group at words instead of a single word at

a glance.

3. Oral Reading

If the reader is a good reader, the reader is able to read aloud with

clarity and expression. The reader doesn’t stumble over words or read in

monotone. Rather, the reader read that the listeners understand and enjoy what

the reader is reading.

4. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an important and influence in reading. If we have better

vocabulary so the reading also better. Whether vocabulary is poor, keep on

trying to learn the meanings of new words.

5. Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension has much ability. These abilities include a

long and varied list of reading skill and habit.

6. Ability to Use Reference Materials


A good reader is familiar with reference material, such as dictionaries,

encyclopedias, catalogs, and libraries. The readers know where he or

she can find the references and how to use them.

7. Pattern of Reading

An effective reader has a pattern of reading that covers a wide variety

of interests. The reader read both fiction and nonfiction, magazine, books on

different subjects, skim a newspaper and read carefully the most important

parts, and reader probably make good use of the public library.

D. Definition of Game

Game is one of way to teach reading. Game is structured playing, usually

undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Key

components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally

involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. Many games help develop

practical skills, serve as a form exercise, or otherwise perform educational,

simulational, or psychological role.8 Games help students to understand a meaning

8, 1 November 2012, 12:30


of reading enjoyfully. They can increase their knowledge easily and teacher can

get the goals teaching easily and successfully.

E. Preaching Method

Preaching method is one of method to teach reading. The definition of preaching

method is explanation with speak. Teacher speak in front of the class to speak and

to explain, students listen and write a note about what teacher’s explanation.

Muhibbin Syah, (2000) said that metode ceramah adalah metode mengajar dengan

menyampaikan informasi dan pengetahuan secara lisan kepada siswa yang pada

umumnya mengikuti secara pasif.9 Preaching method is economis method to send

informations. This method often used teacher in elemantary school. Junior high

school, senior school until university. With the result that preaching method often

reputed effective and best method to teach.

There are the strength about preaching method:

1. Teacher ease to organize the class.

2. Teacher can explain many material in a time

3. Ease to do (Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, 2000)

9, 1 November 2012,



There are the weakness about preaching method;

1. Make students passif

2. It contain compulsion element for students.

3. Contain critical power students

4. Teacher difficult to control knowledge and understanding the students.

5. It make students bored

H. Theoretical Framework

Based on theoritical analysis above, the theoritical framework can be stated as follow:

1. If the result of using game for teaching reading is good, so the students'

reading skill will increase.

2. If the result of using game for teaching reading isn't good, so the students'

reading skill will not increase. Finally, the teachers again used the preaching

method in teaching reading.

3. If the students' scores taught by using game are better than using the preaching

method, so the using game is more effective in teaching reading.

I. Hypothesis


Hypothesis in this research can be stated based on the theoretical analysis and

theoritical framework. The hypothesis as follow:

Ha: There is significant differences between the using of game and preaching method

in teaching reading for the tenth grade students of MAN 2 Madiun in academic year


Ho: There is no significant differences between the using of game and preaching

method in teaching reading for the tenth grade students of MAN 2 Madiun in

academic year 2012/2013.

J. Research Methodology

One of most important things in this research is method of study. The method

is the way, which used to reach the aim of the result.

A. Research Design

This research applies a qualitative approach. For qualitative researcher.

The purpose of phenomena can understood carefully if conducted through

interaction with thw subject by deep interview. Besides that, it can do through


observation now to the location of phenomena.10In education, qualitative

research is frequently called naturalistic because the researcher frequents

places where the events he or she is interested in naturally occur. Moreover,

people engaging in natural behavior gather the data: talking, looking, and so


Thus, in the qulitative research, natural setting takes place. The

statement offers an idea that data is collected naturally by observing a

phenomena while it is happening and conducting a verbal communication with


B. Researcher Role

The characteristic of qualitative research is not being able to separate from

participant observation. Nevertheless, the role of research determines the

entire of scenario. Therefore, in this research the researcher is a key

instrument, as the full participant and as a data collector, whiles other

instruments support the data.

C. Research Location

10 Syamsudin and Vismaia S. Damaitanti, Metedologi Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa, Bandung:Remaja

Rosdakarya, 2006. 94 11 Robert C Bogdan, Qualitative Research for Education: an Introduction the Theory and Method, London: Allyn and Bacon, 1982, 3


This study taken places in MAN 2 Madiun. Some reasons for selecting the

place are:

1. English is taught to the students of MAN 2 Madiun

2. The place of the research is reachable

3. Game and preaching method is frequently applied in teaching reading to

the tenth grade students of MAN 2 Medium in academic year 2012/2013.

D. Data Source

Data source is subject or somebody who can give data as material or

analysis the research. Data is obtained from population and sample. Data

source in the research is the subject where have come from obtainable

information.12 It means that data source in a research is subject where the data

can obtained.

E. Technique of Data Collection

Collecting data in this research, the researcher use observation and interview.

1. Observation

12 Suharsini Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 1992), 102.


Observation has a goal of obtaining information by seeing and hearing

phenomena while it is happening.13 Moreover, observation involves watching

and listening to the events, then recording what occurred. This method is very

useful to check and clarify the phenomenon. In this research, this method is

used to find the comparative between using of game and preaching method in

teaching reading for the tenth grade students of MAN 2 Madiun in academic

year 2012/2013.

2. Interview

Interview is the dialog between the interviewers with respondent to get the

information. Interview divided into three kinds, they are unstructured

interview, structure interview and semi structure interview14. Thus, interview

method has a goal of getting information done through verbal communication

between an interviewer and respondent. The interviewer can obtain

information used as source of data. This technique was applied to find the

conclusion or the comparative between using of game and preaching method

in teaching reading.

13 Ibid, 128 14 Endah Yunitasari, “The using of numbered Heads Together Technique in Teaching Reading English to The Tenth Grade Students of MA Ronggo Warsito in Academic Year 2012/2013”, (Proposal Thesis, STAIN Ponorogo, Ponorogo, 2012), 23.


Collecting data use interview and observation because the researcher

cans exploration the different interpretation, interaction, and variety opinion

about some fact.

F. Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging

the interview transcript, field notes and other materials that accumulated to

increase understanding of theme and enable you to present what you have

discovered to others.15 Data analysis is the last process of the research before

writing the report of the research. It used to answer the question and to prove

the hypothesis that will done.16

Qualitative data analysis is a process of searching and arranging the

data taken from the observation, interview and documentation. Qualitative

data analysis consists of three current flows of activity; they are data

reduction, data display, and data verification.17

1. Data Reduction

15 Robert C Bogdan, Qualitative Research for Education, 153 16 Purnawan Junadi, Pengantar Analisis Data, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1995), 2 17 Marthew B. Miles and Michael Huberman, An Expanded Sourcebook Qualitative Data Analysis, (California: Sage Publication, 1994), 10.


Data reduction is a stage of summarizing, classifying, and

focusing on essential things. Through the data reduction, the

researcher may focus on the comparative between using of game

and preaching method in teaching reading.

2. Data Display

Data display is a stage of organizing the data into pattern of

relationship. The data display can make the collected data easier to

understand. In this stage, the researcher presents the comparative

between using of game and preaching method in teaching reading.

3. Data Verification

In this stage, the researcher make conclusion. The conclusion

can be in a form of thick description. The conclusion is the answer

of the researcher problems, the comparative between using of game

and preaching method in teaching reading.

G. Checking the Data Validity

Validity of data is important concept that renewable from validity

concept and reliability concept. To get data valid and reliable, the researcher


must be deep accompanying in the location. Because of in qualitative research,

the researcher is as instrument. It means the degree of data validity can be

checking with observation.

H. Research Procedure

In this research, there are four research procedures as below:

1. Planning

This procedure includes arranging the research plan, choosing the

research location, organizing permission, choosing the informants, and

preparing the research equipment.

2. Application

This procedure includes:

1. Understanding the research preparation

2. Entering the field

3. Interact with the subject while collecting data

3. Data Analysis

It includes analyzing data along after collecting data.

4. Writing the research report


3. Organization of Thesis

The writer organizes this research report in order to make the reader easier to

understand. The following shows the content covered in this research.

Chapter I is introduction. This chapter explains about general background of

the study, research focus, problem statements, objectives of the study, significant of

the study, research methodology and organization of thesis.

Chapter II is review of related literatures. It covers the definition of reading,

definition of teaching reading, definition of game , definition of preaching method,

the theoritical framework and hypothesis.

Chapter III discusses the research methodology. It covers about research

design, population and sample, instrument of data collection, techique of data

collection, and technique of data analysis.

Chapter IV discusses the analysis and interpretation of the research.

Chapter V that draws some conclusion and suggestion.



Arikunto,Suharsini, Prosedur Penelitian, Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Jakarta: PT. Rineka

Cipta, 1992.

Bogdan, Robert C, Qualitative Research for Education: an Introduction the Theory and

Method, London: Allyn and Bacon, 1982.

Brown, H. Douglas, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, San Fransisco:

Longman, 2000.

Burkart, Grace Stovall, Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, 1998.

Djamarah, Syaiful Bahri, Strategi Belajar Mengajar, Jakarta: Rineka cipta, 2010.

Iskandarwassid dan Dadang Suhendar, Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa, Bandung: PT. Remaja

Rosdakarya, 2009.

Jordan, Class Readers, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Junadi, Purnawan, Pengantar Analisis Data, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1995.

Miles, B. Marthew and Michael Huberman, an Expanded Sourcebook Qualitative Data

Analysis, California: Sage Publication, 1994.


Mucholifah, Fasiatul, "The Teaching Reading Through Reading Guide Strategy for The

Eighth Grade Students of MTs Darul Huda Mayak Ponorogo in Academic Year 2009/2010",

(Thesis, STAIN Ponorogo, Ponorogo, 2010).

Syamsudin and Vismaia S. Damaitanti, Metedologi Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa,

Bandung:Remaja Rosdakarya, 2006.

Yunitasari,Indah, "The Using Of Numbered Heads Together Technique In Teaching Reading

English To The Tenth Grade Students of MA Ronggo Warsito In Academic Year 2012/2013",

MA Ronggo Warsito In Academic Year 2012/2013,Thesis Proposal, STAIN Ponorogo,

Ponorogo, 2012, Ponorogo.

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