the comparison study of pali and sanskrit

Post on 07-Jul-2018






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  • 8/18/2019 The Comparison study of Pali and Sanskrit



     ITBMU  –   Pāḷ i for first semester of master first year

    What is Saṅskrit? saṅsk ṛta >sakkata- bhāsa (Sanskrit) (ṅ is dropped, sk > kk, ṛ  > a)-This is according to Myanmar texts.The sakkata has another meaning:done

    well/honoured/duly attended. (sat + kata)

    saṅsk ṛta > saṅkhata (s > h, hk > kh, ṛ  > a) (conditioned, modified, changed)saṅkhata- bhāsa (modified language) – this is original form, more correct because Sanskrit is an artificial language.

    prākṛti > pakati (is called prākrit in English) (prā > ppā > pa) pakati/pakata- bhāsa (natural language) 

    Sanskrit letters:

    Sara (vowel):14

    a, ā, i, ī, u, ū, e, o, ṛ,ṝ, lṛ, lṝ, ai, au

    Byañjana :33 (25 for vagga, 8 for avagga)

    Vagga (group)k kh g gh ṅ c ch j jh ñ

    ṭ  ṭh ḍ  ḍh ṇ t th d dh n

    P ph b   bh m

    Avagga: y, r, l, v, ś, ṣ , s, h (ś is called ga-shah, ṣ is called pa-shah)

    47 (14 sara + 33 byañjana)

    47 + ṃ, ḥ = 49

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    Location for the sounds- place of articulation.

    agga (group) vagga Non-



    Kaṇṭhaja(guttural) k kh g gh ṅ  h a, ā Tāluja (Palatal) c ch j jh ñ ś, y  i, ī  Muddhaja/(Lingual/Celebral)

    ṭ  ṭh ḍ  ḍh ṇ  ṣ, r ṛ , ṝ  

    Dantaja (Dental) t th d dh n s, l lṛ , lṝ  Oṭṭhaja/ Labial) p ph b bh m v u, ū 

    ai = kaṇṭhaja-tāluja au=kaṇṭhaja-oṭṭhaja

    y r l v| | | |

    a ā i ī ṛ   ṝ   lṛ   lṝ   u ū  (mūlasara) \ / \ / \ / \/e ar al o (guṇasara)| |

    ai au (vuddhisara)

    (basic/original vowel)Mūlasara: a, ā, i, ī, u, ū, ṛ , ṝ , lṛ , lṝ  Gunasara: e, o, ar, al

    Vuddhisara: ai, auBecause the same place where the sound comes out,so y is linked for i, ī , v is linked for u, ū. 

    r is linked to ṛ , ṝ ; l is linked to lṛ , lṝ  ai, au, ar, al are called diphthong,y, r, v, l are called semi-vowel.

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    Types of changes of assimilation supta > sutta (slept)

    2.svarabhakti (insertion) e.g. arya> ariya (noble) tṛṣnā  > tasinā (insertion of ‘i’) (attachment)

    dve > duve3. sampasāraṇa (contraction) 

    e.g styāna > thīna (st> tth > th, yā is contracted to ‘ ī’) (sloth) 4. metathesis (changing of the position of consonants)

    e.g ārālika > ālārik a (cook)  pariyupāsati > payirupāsati (attends on; associates; honours) kareṇu > kaṇeru ( young elephant) 

    5. compensation 

    e.g. medhāvin > medhāvī (‘n’ is elided, ‘‘i’’ is upgraded) (wise one) 6.haplology (drop the neighbouring sound because of similarity)

    e.g. gacchissasi> gacchisi (‘ssa’ and ‘si’ is simlar, ‘ssa’ is dropped)(you will go)viññāṇa + ānañca + āyatana >viññā + nañca + āyatana

    >viññaṇañcāyatana (infinite consciousness)

    (‘ṇa’ and ‘nañ’ are similar, so ‘ṇa’ is dropped, )(where ananta + ya > ānantya > ānañca >, ty >cc > c , n>ñ) 

    AssimilationFrom the strongest to the weakness

    1.  mutes2.  sibilants (ś, ṣ, s,) h3.


    nasals ( ṅ, ñ,ņ, n, m, ṃ) 4.


    l, v, y, r

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    Rules of changes1) ṛ  > a, i, u (mūla); ar, ār (guṇa)2) ś, ṣ, s > h3) h, ṛ, r, ṣ, + n (dental n) > ṇ (lingual)4) ḥ  > r , ś , ṣ  , s ,

    ḥ  > ṃ , ( ḥ is elided) , ( ḥ is assimilated)5) ar, al, ul > aṃ, uṃ 6) ā = a + ṃ  ū = u + ṃ   ī = i + ṃ 

    Other Rules1. Law of mora: long vowel+single consonant =

    short vowel+double consonants2. Contractions: ai > i, ava > o > u, au > u , .e.g. kopya > kuppa

    3. False analogy e..g suggati =duggati4. Due to the following vowel, the preceding vowel is changed

    e.g. iṣu > usu5. Due to the preceding vowel, the following vowel is changed

    e.g. kuraṅga > kuruṅga6. The vowel is changed to the same place of articulation of the

    earlier near consonant e.g.. jugupsā > jigucchā 7. Due to stressed/accent on first syllable,

    the following unstressed/non-accent syllable is dropped.e..g udaka > udka > ukka > oka

    8. After the accented first syllable, the ‘a’ vowel of second syllablechanges to ‘i’. e.g. carama > carima

    9. Due to the stressed consonant, the neighbouring vowel changes to

    that same place of articulation .e.g. navati > navuti

    10. Due to palatal/gutteral/labial consonant, the following ‘a’ vowel

    can change to ‘u’. e..g ar  jaka > ajjuka11. The syllable with long vowel before a stressed syllabus is changedto weaker form. e..g nyagrodha > nigrodha

    12.Unstressed final vowel can be changed to weaker form.

    e.g. sadyas > sajju

    13. Long vowel of second syllabus becomes short e.g. al ī ka > alika14. Long vowel of second syllabus becomes something else, this change is

    called qualitative change/total change/chaotic change

    e.g. maireya> meraya 15. Short vowel in first syllabus becomes long

    e.g. a jira > ā jira

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    16. Sampasārana (contraction of vowel or consonant) ya/yā > i/ī va/vā > u, ū, o aya > e ava,āva > oaya, āya, avā > ā apa, ar > o

    ayi, avi > e

    17. Svarabhakti (insertion of vowel ‘a’,’i’, ‘u’ ) 


    1) ṛ > a, i, u (mūla) , ar, ār (guṇa) a) ṛ to ar√k ṛ  > kar (ṛ  > ar) karaṇa (making, doing , production)√tṛ  > tar taraṇa  (crossing over) √mṛ > mar maraṇa (death)√dhṛ > dhar dharaṇa (carrying, bearing, learnt by heart )

    ṛṣi + ya > ārisyaṃ  (recluseship) Skt :√ṛ  (to go, to wander) Pāḷi: √i√ṛ  > ar + ya > arya > ariya (insertion of ‘I’)

    ārṣi+ ya > ārs + ya > ārisyaṃ (insertion of ‘i’ between ‘r ’ and ‘s’)Ārisyaṃ  is bhava taddhita.

    √vṛsa> vassa  +ti >vassati  (rains)  (ṛ >ar, r ṣ > ss)

    √ṛ + (ā)paya + ti > appeti ) (absorption) (rp>pp , aya> e) arpaya + ana + ā > appanā ( rp > pp , aya> e, the final vowel of ‘ana’ is elided

    √ṛ  with causative suffix, means to cause to move, to cause to reach Note : √ap + e > appe + ana > appana + ā > appanā

    mṛdu + a> mardava> maddava (state of soft, softness) (ṛ >ar, rd > dd, u >o > av). Pāḷi: mudu + a (taddhita) ( u > a)

    ṛ ju> arjava >ajjava  (honesty/straightness)(ṛ > ar, rj>jj, u >o>ava). By Pāḷi way, uju + a >ajjav + a > ajjava (u > a, j > jj,final vowel u > o > av), ujuno bhāvo ajjavaṃ (uju= straight,honest, ajjavaṃ = honesty,straightness)

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    ṛṣabha> ar ṣabha > āsabha (ar > ā, ṣ > s)usabhassa bhāvo āsa bhaṃ (the state of bull, bull-like, strong and eminentqualities like compassion, perseverance, long-lasting effort)

    √smṛ  + a + ti > sumarati (remember ) ( ṛ  > ar , insertion of u, just like padma> paduma)

    > sarati  (ṛ  > ar ,sm > ss)Anu+√smṛ +a+ti> anussarati (remember ) (ṛ  > ar ,sm > ss) anu + √smṛ + ti > anussati (sm > ss, ṛ  changes to a) 

    b) ṛ to apṛṣata > pasata/pasada  ( spotted )(ṛ  changes to a, ṣ > s , sometimes t changes to d)vṛk ṣa > vakkha (ṛ >a, k ṣ > kkh) (tree)

    / rukkha

    ṛk ṣa > acca /accha (bear)  (k ṣ > kkh > cch > cc) note: kkh can be changed to cch by these examples:

    akkhi > acchi (eye), or sakkhi-karoti > sacchi-karoti

    ṛk ṣa > ikka  (bear)  (ṛ  > i, k ṣ > kk)

    k ṛṣna >kaṇha (black) mṛga > maga (deer) sak ṛd + āgāmī  > sakadāgāmī (once – returner) 

    c) ṛ to i pisodara ( pisada + udara (the dear which has the spotted womb), when 2words are combined, letters (da of pisada) are dropped)

    pṛṣata > pisada/pisata  ( spotted )(ṛ  changes to i, ṣ > s, sometimes d changes to t)ṛṣi > isi  (recluse, hermit/seer )√k ṛ + ta > kita  ( primary derivative)In Pāḷi, the formation of the word “kita” is explained as √kir + ta > kita (r is dropped) (primary derivative)√kir –  to removek ṛṣna  > kiṇha  (black ) (ṛ > i, ṣ > h, hṇ > ṇh) 

    mātṛ  > māti  (mātito ca pitito ca , from mother and father )mṛga > miga (deer ) (ṛ  > i) 

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    mṛga + √yā > mṛgayā > migavā (to go for deer, to go for hunting)(√ya - to go)  y changes to v, just like āyudha > āvudha  skt: m ṛ  ga yā (wild animal) > magava (  ṛ  > a, y > v) Note : this explains how maga can changes to magava (deer hunter)magava + ika > māgavika ( this is taddhita (second derivative)) 

    ṛṇa > iṇa  (debt ) (ṛ  > i)na + ṛṇa >an + aṇa> anaṇa or aṇaṇa (na > an, ṛ  > a)

    aṇana + ya > āṇaṇya (the last vowel ‘ a’  for aṇana is dropped)na + ṛṇa + ya >an + aṇa + ya > āṇaṇya (debtlessness, state of debtless) 

     It is bhava taddhita. 

    d) ṛ to e√ bṛ h > baha (noun, increase) , √ bah (to grow) Bṛhat + phala > vehapphala (one of the heavenly plane) (b> v, ṛ  > e ,t + ph become pph) Pāḷi: bahat + phala > vehapphala (b>v, a > e, t + ph become pph)Bahat is like gacchat/gacchant(note: ‘a’ can be changed to ‘e’, just like itra/atra> ettha) Note : √ bṛ h > brah (brahma , the great one)

    e) ṛ to uprāvṛsa > ppā-vusa >pāvusa  (raining season) (first p is removed because there is no double consonant at the beginning ofword for Pāḷi) , vṛ sa> varsa > vassa (vassati rains) 

    kud + √k ṛ + tya > kukkucca (dk> kk , ṛ  > u , ty > cc)

    for Pāḷi, suffix is :√kar + (r)icca, both r are deleted).Kukutassa bhāvo kukkuccaṃ (the state of bad deed = wicked deed) Nirvṛta > nir + vṛ ta> nibbuta (rv > vv> bb , ṛ > u ) (extinguished )

    ṛtu > utu ( season)ṛṣabha > usabha (bull )  (ṛ > r, ṣ > s) mātṛ  > mātu  (mother ) (ṛ  > u)

    prāvṛta>ppā- vuta> pāvuta (pr> pp> p, ṛ  > u) prā +√vṛ  + ana > pārupaṇa (clock/garment)  prāvaraṇa>ppāvuraṇa>pāpuraṇa>pārupaṇa 

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    (due to ‘v’, ‘a’ becomes ‘u’, ‘v’> ‘p’, interchange position between ‘r’ and ‘p’) 2) ś ṣ s > hasmi  > amhi (we are) 

    asmā  > amhā (we are) praśna  > pañha (question)(pp > p, ś > h, n > ñ , ñ and h are interchangeable)k ṛṣṇa  > kaṇha (black ) (ṛ  > a, ṣ > h, then hṇ > ṇh)k ṛṣņa  > kiṇha (black) (ṛ  > i)essati  > ehati / ehiti (will come)(ss > h), eti (ā + √i + ti ) to come√hū +ssati > hessati  > hehiti (‘ss’ changes to ‘h’, a > i)√kar + ssati > kāhati  (will do/make) (ar > ā, ss > h) 

    3) h, ṛ, r, ṣ, + n (dental ) > ṇ (lingual)√k ṛ > kar + ana > karaṇa (doing, making, production)√gah + nā + ti > gaṇhāti (takes, holds, seize)

    hn> nh> ṇh (because of ‘h’, ‘n’ changes to ‘ṇ’)( *according to kaccayana √gah +ṇhā + ti, ‘h’ of gah is elided)

    k ṛtsna > kasiṇa (all, complete, whole)(ṛ  changes to a, i is inserted,t is deleted)k ṣaṇa > >kkhaṇa > khaṇa (moment ) (k ṣ> kkh > kh)k ṣaṇa > cchaṇa > chaṇa ( festival ) (k ṣ > kkh> cch > ch)( * ussava = feast, festival, ceremony)

    √tṛ  > tar + ana > taraṇa ( going across, passing over )√mṛ > mar + ana > maraṇa (death) √dhṛ> dhar + ana > dharaṇa (carrying, bearing, learnt by heart ).

    pokkharī + nī   > pokkharaṇī   (lotus pond)  pokkharaṃ assa atthīti pokkharī (pokkhara + ī) [assatthi taddhita] pokkharī + nī   > pokkharaṇī  (final vowel ‘ī’ is changed to ‘a’, ‘n’ changes to ‘ṇ’)

     Note: like gharī + nī > gharanī   (mistress of the house),is changed asabovePokkharaṇa + yā (vibhatti) > pokkharaññā ( ṇ y >ññ)

    [dative,locative/genitive for pokkharaṇa]

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    4) ḥ  > r ś ṣ  sḥ > ṃ , (is elided) , ( is assimilated)

    duḥkha > (ḥkh > kkh) > dukkha ( suffering) ( ḥ is assimilated) 

    √as + yuḥ  > siyuṃ ( ‘a’ is elided, insertion of ‘I’ , ‘ḥ’ changes to ‘ṃ’)note: yuḥ is similar to eyya (optative, sattami) of Pāļi) √as + yuḥ  > assu ( sy > ss , ḥ is elided).  Note : In Pāļi, √as + eyyuṃ > siyuṃ 

    (a is elided, eyyuṃ changes to iyuṃ ) (they would be/should be)√as + eyya >siyā ( a is elided, eyya changes to iyā) (third and second

     person, singular)

    √dā + yuḥ > dad + yuḥ > dajjuṃ  (should be given, [third person , plural])(dy > jj, ‘ḥ’ becomes ‘ṃ’ )( dādā is abbhāsa, reduplication of root of √dā) Note : api + √dhā > dhādhā > pi + dah + a + ti pidahati (first dhāchanges to d, second dhā changes to h) 

    harṣa > haṃsa (raising of hair)(r>ḥ , ḥ >ṃ , ṣ>s) e.g. lomahaṃ saharṣa > hassa  (laugh, joke, jest)(r ṣ is assimilated ) or it’s is past participle (haṭṭ ha)

    √k ṛṣ -> √kar ṣ+ a + ti > karṣati > kaṃsati  (drag) (‘r ’ changes to ‘ḥ’, then ‘ḥ’ changes to ‘ṃ’, ‘ṣ’ changes to ‘s’)>Kar ṣati > kassati (‘r ṣ’ changes to ‘ss’)√k ṛṣ > kasati (‘ṛ’ changes to ‘a’)So, there are 3 forms for root k ṝ s: kaṃsati, kassati, kasati 

    śleṣman >sseḥma > semha (catarrh/phlegm)(śl > ss, ṣ > ḥ (h with dot), ḥ >h , the first consonant ‘s’ of ‘ss’ isdropped. n is dropped)

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    The law of morae The law of morae is sound system/syllableOne mora is short vowel, can be called lahu (light)Two morae are long vowel, or short vowel with niggahita( nasal) – aṃ,iṃ,uṃ. Two morae can be called garu (heavy)In pāḷi, there are ekamatta/dvimatta/aḍḍhamatta. Ekamatta duration is a blink of eye or a snap of finger.Dvimatta is twice of ekamatta duration.

    Ekamatta refers to short vowel, dvimatta refers to long vowel. Aḍḍhamattameans half matta, e.g. consonants only like ‘k ’, ‘kh’.Skt:matra or Pāḷi :mattaEkamatta is the same as one mora, lahu. Dvimatta is same as two morae,garu.

    The sound system that are lahu and garu are important in composing versesor poetry. They define the length of one lines or two lines, like one lahu of 2groups, or 2 garus of one groups. Like sound system in the sabbapāpassaakāranaṃ Because the sound system, changes happen between Pāḷi and sanskrit, so

    Sanskrit is different from Pāli vice versa. The sound system can explain thechanges.

    As result of law of mora, Pāḷi has these types,1.Short vowel + double consonants

    2.Long vowel + single consonant

    Skt : jīrṇa > jī + rṇa (‘ī’  is long vowel, while ‘r ṇa’ is double consonant)

    To change toPāḷi: jiṇṇa  (‘ī’ changes to ‘i’, ‘r ṇa’ becomes ‘ṇṇa’) (Type 1) 

    to speak smoothly, ‘r ’ is assimilated to ‘ṇ’.This is called vācāsiliṭṭha in Pāḷi. The reason ‘ī’ is changed to ‘i’ becauselong vowel cannot happen with double consonants

    Skt:māṃsa  –  mā + ṃsa (long vowel, double consonants)where ‘ṃ’ (niggahita) is similar to 2 moments or duration of 2 consonants> ‘ā’ (long vowel) is changed to ‘a’ (short vowel)

    Pāḷi: maṃsa  (short vowel, double consonants) ( Type 1)

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    Skt: nadīṃ (where ‘ṃ’ duration is same as duration of double consonant.So it needs to change to type 1 to become


     Even though ‘ e’  in semha is long vowel, it should be recite as short vowel

    like simha , like ettha should be recite as ittha.

    Oṣṭha > oṭṭha (lip)(ṣṭh is assimilated to ṭṭh).‘ o’  should be pronounced like ‘ u’  sound, because itis followed by double consonant.

    Skt : lākṣā  (lac)(k ṣ > kkh) >lākkhā, then first ‘k’ is dropped(kkh>kh) )

    > lākhālākkhā > lakkhā (keep the ‘kkh’, but ‘ā’ is changed to ‘a’)

    so it can be type 1 [short vowel (‘a’) and double consonants (‘kkh’) ]note:lakkhā does not exist in tipiṭaka, but lakkha exist.lākkhā > lākhā (kkh becomes kh)

    so it can be type 2 [long vowel (‘ā’) and single consonant (‘kh’)]

    Skt: Dīrgha (long vowel, double consonants) is changed toPāli: dīgha (type 2 : long vowel, single consonant) ‘r ’ is droppedOr diggha (type 1: short vowel, double consonants)

    where long vowel (‘ī’) becomes short vowel (‘i’) and rg > ggh

    upek ṣā  > upekkhā (equanimity) ( k ṣ > kkh)note: the pronunciation should be upikkhā (short vowel ‘i’ due to influenceof double consonants).

    vimok ṣa > vimokkha (liberation /deliverance) note: the pronunciation should be vimukkha (short vowel ‘u’ due toinfluence of double consonants -kkh).

    dātra  > dātta  (sickle)  (tr> tt)note: the pronunciation should be ‘datta’ (short vowel ‘a’ due to influence ofdouble consonants-tt).

    dārvī   > dābbī   ( plant’s name) (rv>vv>bb) 

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    sarsṛpa > sāsapa  (mustard )  (ar>ā, ṛ >a) valka > vāka (bark )  by law of compensation, after removing ‘i’, ‘a’ is upgraded to ‘ā’ niryāti > nīyāti  (to liberate, to get out) (compensation: ‘r ’ is elided, ‘i’ changes to ‘ī’) or

    niryāti > niyyāti (‘r ’ and ‘y’ is assimilated, ry > yy ) Pāḷi: nir + √yā + ti, √yā = to go 

    ābṛhati  > abbahati ābahati ( ‘ā’-long vowel ,’ b’-single consonant ) is same as( short vowel (‘a’), double consonants(‘ bb’) )-> abbahati

    Pāḷi: abbahati (ā + √ bah + a + ti) ( to draw out) 

    Durk āta > Dukkata (badly done/wrong action) Nīda > nidda > niḍḍa (nest) (‘ī’  is long vowel, ‘d’ is single consonant) is same as short vowel (‘i’) +double consonants (‘dd’)

    Udūkhala > udukkhala (mortar/pestle) In the same way,long vowel + single consonant becomes short vowel+ double consonants

    mahāphala > mahapphala ( great fruit/great result ) mahābala  > mahabbala ( great power/great strength) ubhenaṃ  > ubhinnaṃ  (of both,[dative/genitive , just like purisānaṃ]) dvīnaṃ  > dvinnaṃ  (of two) 

    Pāḷi: pasibbaka (bag) – because it is sewn, so it is called pasibbaka (pa + √siv + aka )

    √siv + ya + ti > sibbati (to sew) ( vy > vv> bb)

     Note: the root ‘siv’  belong to divādi group)

    skt: prasevakasevaka (servant) , pasevaka (something which give you service)  pāḷi:sevati √sev + a + ti , √sev belongs to bhuvādi group ,root ‘sev’ means to serve, to attend, to associate

    Prasevaka > pasevaka > pasibbaka (Sanskrit pra is same as Pāḷ i pa) long vowel(‘e’) + single consonant(‘v’) becomes

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    short vowel(‘i’) + double consonants (‘vv’) , then ‘vv’ becomes ‘ bb’ 

    5)ar, al, ul > aṃ, uṃ where ar, al changes to aṃ; ul changes to uṃ 

    Sulka > suṃka  (tax) gharṣati > ghaṃsati  (to rub) śarvarī   > saṃvarī   (night) vidarśayati > vidaṃseti  (ar > aṃ , ś > s, aya > e) ( to show) 

    Pāḷi vi + √dis + e + ti ( ‘e’ is causative suffix) (to make someone to see) √dṛś > darś + ana > dassana (rś > ss) (seeing)  Note: ‘ṛ’ changes to its guna form ‘ar ’ √dṛś> dis (ṛ  > i, ś > s) √dis + a + ti > passati (see) 

    Rule: Contractions: ai > i, ava > o > u, au > u 02/08/2013 aiśvarya > issariya(dominance, supremacy)  (ai>i, śv > ss)kopya > kuppa ( shakeable) (o > u, py > pp),for example:akuppā me cetovimutti (my mind liberation cannot be destroyed) 

    gonaṃ  > gunnaṃ autsukya > ussukka (zeal, earnestness) (au > u, ts > ss, ky > kk) 

    k ṣaudra > khudda (honey) (k ṣ >kkh >kh (where first letter k is dropped, au > u, dr > dd)bhadra > bhadda (good, pleasant, auspicious)

    indra > inda (lord, king of devas) 

    raudr > rudda ( fierce, cruel, horrible) (au > u, dr > dd)


    aśrauṣma > assumha/assumhā (we heard) (śr > ss, au > u, ṣ > h , then hm >mh), aorist/past tense, first person, plural of suṇāti 

    avaṣyāya  > ussāva (ava > o > u, ṣy > ss , y > v) (dew)

    long vowel + single consonant changes to short vowel + double consonants bhūmi > bhummi (earth)

    kātuṃ  > kattuṃ  (to do)kātabba > kattabba ( should be done/ought to be done) 

    (Short vowel + niggahīta) and long vowel are two morae.

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    siṁha > sīha (lion)viṁśati > vīsati  (twenty) jigiṁsati > jigīsati  (to desire)bhiṁsanaka > bhīsanaka (dreadful, horrible) e.g. bhiṁsanaka-vane (in the dreadful forest)

    daṁṣṭrā > dāṭhā (canine tooth) (aṁ > ā, ṣtr > ṭṭh > ṭh)where short vowel (‘a’) and niggahita equals to long vowel (‘ā’)first letter ‘ṭ’ of ‘ṭṭh’ is dropped due to the long vowel ‘ā’ where vara-dāṭhā dhātu means sacred tooth relic 

    vismaya > vimhaya (wonderful, astonishment, surprise ) (s> h, hm > mh) 

    snuṣā > sunṣā> suṇhā  (Daughter-in-law) (ṣ > h, nh > ṇh) or  suṇisā 

     jyotsnā  >  juṇhā  (moonlit night, full moon day) jyotsnā > dyot –  snā > jju - ṇhādyot > jju –  t (dy > jj, o > u, t is dropped )snā > hnā > ṇhā (s > h, hn > ṇh)note : 

    *‘J’ is derived from ‘d’ *Double consonant ‘ jj’ at the beginning of word is not accepted in Pāḷi,so ‘ jj’ becomes ‘ j’.*In triple consonants (‘tsn’), the first consonant (‘t’) is dropped.

    root √ jut means to shine, to be bright

     jyotsnā > jyo-t-snā > dosinā (moonlit night) e.g. dosinā-ratti (night with moonlight)(j >d, ‘y’ is dropped, ‘t’ is dropped,

    insertion of ‘i’ between ‘s’ and ‘n’)

     Note : dosa + ita (apagata) free from fault/defects like cloudsdosehi itā apagatā dosinā

    u + √ jyut > ujjota (light , lustre) pa+√ jyut > pajjota ( light, lustre, splendour, a lamp)

    uṣna > uṇha (heat)  ( ṣ > h, hn> ṇh) 

    yuṣme > tumhe ( you) (y > t, ṣ > h, hm> mh)

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    raśmi > ramsi  (ray, rein) (ś > m, sm > ms)or raṁsi 


    False analogy Analogy means comparison between one thing and another made for the

     purpose of explanation. Here, the analogy is drawn between Pāḷi andSanskrit.

    Some changes cannot follow the normal grammar rules but follow the way

    of pronunciation.

    1. Sakkoti or Sakkuṇāti (is able) sakkoti = √sak + ṇo + ti , where ‘k ṇ’ becomes ‘kk ’. ‘sak ’ becomes ‘sakk ’ 

    sakkuṇāti = √sak + uṇā + ti, here the ‘k ’ becomes ‘kk ’. The reason of double‘kk ’ because it follows the analogy of sakkoti.

    2. Sugati or Suggati ( good destination) 

    Duggati = dur + gati , where rg becomes gg

    Original word is sugati (su + gati) but there is also suggati in poems. The

    suggati follows the analogy of duggati where ‘g’ becomes ‘gg’. 

    3. Pakkami or Pakkāmi (aorist, third person singular) (step out/went away) Skt: pra + √kram + iPāḷi: pa + √ kam + i > pakkami or pakkāmi Pakkāmi follows the analogy of pacāmi, gacchāmi where there is longvowel ‘ā’ before ‘mi’.

    4. Appasacca/ Bahusacca appassuta + ya = appasucca ( ‘a’ after the ‘t’ is dropped, ty >cc) becomes appasacca due to influence of pronunciation of sacca.

    so also, bahussucca becomes bahusacca

    appassucca > appasacca

    bahussucca >bahusacca

    Skt:Appa + √śru + ta (śr > ss)skt:√śru Pāḷi:√su vi + √śru + ta > vissuta 

    5. Ending vowel as  becomes oāpas > āpo  (water )manas > mano  (mind )

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    tejas > tejo (heat )

    tejasā / manasā are the instrumental case. padasā

    The instrumental case of pada is padasā. Because it takes the analogy oftejasā, the ending vowel ‘a’ of pada becomes ‘as’. 

    Vāyu > vāyo (wind) Here,ending vowel ‘u’ is changed to ‘o’, because it follows the falseanalogy of tejo, āpo etc. 

    6. Suvaca or Subbaca (obedient)

    Dubbaca (dur + vaca) where rv > vv > bb

    Su + vaca = suvaca

    Because suvaca takes the false analogy of dubbaca, so subbaca also exists in

    the texts.

    7. Naccana 

    Kita = root + suffix or

     base + suffix

    Example: pacana = √ pac + ana (pac is root, ana is suffix)

    Kita cannot be joined to kita.√naṭ + ya > nacca (ṭy >cc), nacca is a kita. Nacca + ana >naccana . Here ‘ana’ suffix is joined to kita ‘nacca’. This isnot correct according to the grammar rule because suffix ‘ana’ must be joined only to root/base to become kita.

    The reason is : Naccana follows the false analogy of nacca. 

    8. Drākṣyati / dakkhati 

    √dṛś + syati > drāk + ṣyati > drāk + ssati (will see) (ssati is future tense)  or  

    √dṛākṣyati > dda-kkhati > dakkhati or dakkhiti (dṛ>dd, ā > a, kṣy > kkh) > The root of dakkhati is √dṛś or √dis Note: root ‘dis’ cannot become dakkh. ‘Dis’ root must be join to the futuretense ‘ṣyati’ to become ‘dakkhati’. ‘Dakkhati’ is the result of combination

    of root ‘dis’ and future tense verbal termination.In Pāḷi grammar, ‘dis’ can be changed to ‘dakkha’. There are conjugationlike dakhissati (he will see), dakkhissanti (they will see), dakkhissasi… 

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    By Sanskrit grammar, ‘dis’ is not same as ‘dakkha’.So, dakkhati is completely false analogy.

    9. Pūrvāhṇa (Pubbaṇha) (forenoon/morning)

    Pubba + anha > pubbaṇha (n > ṇ) Due to ‘r ’ in pūrvāhṇa, dental ‘n’ changes to lingual ‘ṇ’ because of grammar rule 3) h, ṛ  , r, ṣ , + n (dental n) > ṇ (lingual ). But the ‘r ’ cannot be seen in the Pāḷi ‘ pubba’.

    Majja + anha > Majjaṇha  (midday/noon) Sāya + anha  > Sāyaṇha (evening) These follow the analogy of ‘ pubba’where ‘n’ becomes ‘ṇ’. 


    Stem form:guṇavant / guṇavat Nominative singular : guṇavā , guṇavanto Nominative plural : guṇavanto , guṇavantāInstrumenal singular :guṇavantena /guṇavatā Ablative singular : guṇavatasmā /guṇavatā 

    Dative/genitive :guṇavato

    Guṇavantaḥ > Guṇavanto is original form.It comes from the Sankrit ‘Guṇavantaḥ’. Ending letter ‘aḥ’ becomes ‘o’.Guṇavanto, Guṇavantā, guṇavantena is following the declination of puriso, purisā, purisena.

    So, also for the kamma declination follow the guṇavant/guṇavat


    9th August 2013 

    Rule:Due to the following vowel, the preceding vowel is


    i > u 

    If there is ‘u’ vowel in the following place, the vowel ‘i’ in the preceding place is changed to ‘u’ vowel.Or, if the following vowel is ‘u’, the preceding vowel ‘i’ is changed to ‘u’. 

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    iṣu  > usu  (arrow) iksu > ucchu ( sugar cane) (ks > kkh > cch ) 

    śiṣu > susu ( young ) (ś>s, ṣ > s) śisumāra > susumāra

    suṃsumāra  (crocodile/alligator) kiṣku > kukku (a kind of metrics system) (ṣk > kk) skt:niśthivati  > niṭṭhibhati / nuṭṭhubhati (to spit out) prefix=niś, root = thiv śth > tth, v> b > bh

    a > u

    If the following vowel is ‘u’, the preceding vowel -‘a’ is changed to ‘u’. 

    samudga > sumugga (basket/container) (dg > gg)asūyā  > usūyā (envy)/usuyyā 

    a > i If the following vowel is ‘i’, the preceding vowel-‘a’ is changed to ‘i’. tamisrā > timissā  (darkness) sarīsṛpa > sirīsapa  ( snake) or siriṃsapa, where long vowel (ī) is similar to short vowel (i) + ṃ 

    Rule:Due to the preceding vowel, the following vowel is

    changeda > u If the preceding vowel is ‘u’, the following vowel-‘a’ is changed to‘u’. k uraṅga > kuruṅga (a kind of deer) 

    udaṅka > uluṅka (laddle) (d> l) pukkaśa > pukkusa (the lowest caste, refuse-clearing) (ś > s)pṛthagjana > puthagjana > puthujjana (worldling ) (ṛ  > u , gj > jj) / pṛ thag + janaFirst, ṛ  changes to u, becomes puthag. Then, due to preceding ‘u’ vowel, puthag becomes puthug.

    Pāḷī: puthu + jana > puthujjana. The j becoming jj is because of g inSanskrit.

    13. Aug 2013

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    u > a Due to preceding vowel-‘ā’, the following vowel-‘u’ changes to ‘a’ āyuṣmant > āyaṣmant > āyasmā (mant means endowed with, āyuṣ means life, āyuṣmant means long life)

    ( ṣ > s, mant>mā) āyuṣ + o > āvuso ( [Vocative], friend; brother) (y > v) 

    mastuluṅga > matthaluṅga  (brain) (st > tth)śaṣkulī > sakkhalī   (ear-lobe) (ṣk > kkh )

    a >i

    Due to preceding vowel-‘i’, the following vowel-‘a’ changes to ‘i’ śṛṅgavera > siṅgavera > siṅgivera  (ginger ) (ṛ  > i)

    ni + √sad + na = nisanna (Sanskrit word)Type of Change 1: By compared Pālī and Sanskrit, change is due to the preceding vowel ‘i’ in ‘ni’ 

    nisanna > nisinna ( sitting down/seat down) Type of Change 2: By following Pāļi grammar, root ‘sad’ becomes ‘sīd’ ni + √sad > sīd + na > nisinna (dn > nn, ī > i) 

    i > a

    Due to the influence of preceding vowel ‘a’, the following vowel ‘i’ becomes ‘a’.Pokkharinī > pokkharanī   (lotus pond) 

    Rule:Due to the preceding consonant, the following

    neighbouring vowel changes to the same place of articulation.muti/muta (like diṭṭha maṅgala, suta maṅgala, muta maṅgala –  the blessingof what is seen, what is heard, what is known)

    √mant + ta > muta (known/understood) ( n is dropped, ma > mu) 

    ud + √ majj + a + ti > ummujjati (emerge from the water) ( ma > mu)saṃmārjanī   > sammujjani  (dives into water)(rj > jj, mā > mu)Consonant ‘m’ is oṭṭhaja/labial sound. ‘A’ vowel of ‘ma’ 

     becomes ‘u’ vowel, because ‘u’ is same place of articulation with ‘m’.

     jugupsā > jigucchā (disgusting) (ps > cch) (ju > ji)

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    Consonant ‘ j’ is tāluja/ palatal sound. ‘U’ vowel of ‘gu’ becomes ‘i’, because ‘u’ is of same place of articulation with ‘m’.

    majjā > mijjā > mījā > miṃjā  (marrow)Because of consonant ‘ j’ which is tāluja/palatal sound, the vowel ‘a’ of ‘ma’ 

     becomes ‘i’.(ijj):Short vowel (i) + double consonants (jj) is same as

    (īj) : long vowel (ī) + single consonant (j)Then, long vowel ‘ī’ becomes ‘iṃ’  because of the rule ī = iṃ 

    bhūyas > bhiyyo  (exceedingly, more, in higher degree)(ū>i ,y > yy, as > o)Because of ‘y’ which is taluja/palatal, vowel ‘ū’ before it becomes ‘i’. ‘I’ vowel is of same place of articulation with ‘y’.

    śayyā > siyyā > seyyā (bed/lying down) ( ś > s, a > i > e)Because of ‘y’ which is taluja/palatal, vowel ‘a’ before it becomes ‘i’ then‘e’. ‘I’ vowel is of same place of articulation with ‘y’.


     August 2013

    Rule: Due to stressed/accent on first syllable,

    the following unstressed/non-accent syllable is dropped. 

    udaka > udka> ukka > oka (water )( dk > kk > k (first k is dropped) )

    Due to stressed first syllable –‘u’ vowel, the following syllable-‘a’ vowel isdropped. Because dropping of unstressed vowel, ‘u’ becomes ‘o’.

    agāra > agra > agg (house)  (gr > gg)Due to stressed first syllable-‘a’ vowel , the following ‘ā’ vowel is dropped.  For example bhattagga (food-house) –  dining room, literally means house

    of food)

     jāgarati > jāgrati > jaggati (to watch) (gr > gg)

    Rule: 2.After the accented first syllable, if there is ‘a’ vowelin the following place, then that ‘a’ vowel changes to ‘i’. 

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    madhyama > majjhima (middle) (dhy > jjh)

    carama > carima (last)

     for example: carima-citta (last citta , same like cuti citta)

    parama > parima  (highest)

    candramas > candimā  (moon) Due to accented/stressed first syllable-‘can’, the ‘a’ vowel of ‘dra’ becomes‘i. Due to the law compensation, when ‘s’ is dropped, ‘a’ of ‘ma’ becomes‘ā’.‘Dr ’ becomes ‘d’, ‘r ’ is dropped. Synonym: candra/canda, indra/inda.

    Putraman > puttimā (One that has many children) (tr > tt, man > mā). Due to accented/stressed first syllable-‘ pu’, the ‘a’vowel of following unstressed syllable becomes ‘i’.By Pāḷi grammar, putta + mant > puttimant

    satyaka > sa-tya-ka > saccika (true, real)

    (ty > cc) (sacca + ika). Due to accented/stressed first syllable –‘sa’, the ‘a’ vowel of following unstressed syllable ‘tya’  becomes ‘i’ vowel. 

    ahaṃkāra > ahiṃkāra  (thinking of me/I –  egoism, pride of I) 

    Due to accented/stressed first syllable - ‘a’ vowel, the ‘a’ vowel offollowing unstressed ‘haṃ’  becomes ‘i’ vowel. 

    drākṣyati = drā –  k ṣya –   ti > (will see) ddā -kkha –  ti > dākkhati  > dakkhiti (a > i)

    (The first ‘d’ of ‘dd’ is dropped. Due to stressed on first syllable-‘da’, thefollowing vowel becomes ‘i’.)

    karṣyasi (ka - r ṣya - si) > kassasi > kahasi  (r ṣy > ss, then ss > h)or

    kar ṣyasi (kar - ṣya –  si) > kā-ssa-si > kāhasi  (will do/will make) ‘ar ’ becomes ‘ā’, ‘ṣy’ becomes ‘ss’, then ‘ss’ becomes ‘h’).

    kāhasi > kāhisi  . Formation is √kar + ssati (will do/make) Due to accented first syllable –‘kā’, the ‘a’ vowel of following syllable-‘ha’

     becomes ‘i’.

    hohati > hohiti,  √hu + ssati > hohati (will become)  ( u > o, ss > h)Due to accented first syllable –‘ho’, the ‘a’ vowel of following syllable-‘ha’ 

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     becomes ‘i’. ‘Ho’ can become ‘he’. hohati > hehati > hehiti 

    4 forms:hohati,hohiti, hehati, hehiti

    eṣyasi > essasi > ehasi (will come) (ṣy > ss > h)

    essati > ehati > ehiti Due to accented first syllable –‘e’, the ‘a’ vowel of following syllable-‘ha’  becomes ‘i’.


     August 2013

    Rule: Due to neighbouring consonant, the following vowel

    changes to that same articulation (place of sound).

    Because of ‘V’ is labial, the ‘a’ vowel changes to ‘u’ vowel. ‘U’ vowel isalso labial sound.navati > navuti  (ninety)

    prāvaraṇa > pāvuraṇa > pāpuraṇa > pārupaṇa (cloak) (‘v’ changes to ‘ p’, then metathesis between ‘ p’ and ‘r ’)

    Because of ‘M’ is labial sound, the ‘a’ vowel changes to ‘u’ vowel. ‘U’ vowel is also labial sound.

    saṃmati or sammati > sammuti (consent, agreement)like sammuti-sacca (conventional truth, concept that is accepted

     by many people)

    kammanā > kammunā ( karman + ā > kammena /kammanā/kammunā (instrumental case of kamman)

    This follows the false analogy of the declension of consonantal like-

    rājan/gacchat/satthar/brahman :brahmanā > brahmunā (instrumental case)

    Rule:Due to palatal/gutteral/labial consonant, the following a

    vowel can change to ‘u’.Due to the neigbouring consonant -(‘ j’) which is palatal, the following vowelchanges to ‘u’.arjaka > ajjuka (name of a plant that grown in India) (rj > jj)

    sarjarasa > sajjulasa (resin) (rj > jj, r > l)

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    kiknasa > kukkusa (red powder of rice husk)  (kn > kk) 

    Due to guttural ‘k ’, ‘i’ vowel becomes ‘u’. Due to dental ‘n’, ‘a’ vowel becomes ‘u’.

    preṅkhana > pekhuna (wing of bird) 

    (pr > pp > p where first ‘ p’ is dropped, ‘ṅ’ is dropped)

    rājinā > rājunārājan + ā > rājinā , rājunā , raññā  (instrument case of rājan) 


     August 2013

    Rule:The syllable with long vowel before a stressed syllabus 

    (underline) is changed to weaker form.

    Nyagrodha > nigrodha  (banyan tree) (ya > i)

    Kārṣāpana > kahāpaṇa  (coin) (ā > a, r is dropped, ṣ > h, n > ṇ)or (r ṣ > ss > h)

    dvividha > duvidha  (a biped, a man) (vi > u)

    sthāpayati > ṭhapeti  (keep)  (sth > ṭṭh > ṭh) (aya > e)Pāḷi:√ṭhā + (ā)paya + ti (ṭhā > ṭha) , ṭhapana√kī + nā + ti > kīnāti > kiṇāti  (buy) (root kī becomes ki)

    Śavasayana > susāna  (cemetery) Meaning: Chava + sayana (dead body/corpse, lying down/dwelling)

    śava - saya-na > su –sā-na (ś > s, ava> o> u, aya > ā) śava is chava, so ‘ś’ can become ‘ch’ according to this example.

    Rule:Unstressed final vowel can be changed to weaker form.asau > asu (that/this) (pronoun) (au > o > u)

    utāho > udāhu  (or) (t >d, o > u)sadyas > sajju (immediately)  (dy > jj, as > o > u)

    hetos > hetu (root/cause) (os > u)


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    k ṛtvas > k ṛ -tv-as >kha-tt-u-(ṃ) >khattuṃ (k> kh, ṛ  > a , tv > tt, as > o > u, ṃ is added)

    (adverb forming multiplicative numerals like ekakhattuṃ (one time)

    adas > aduṃ (as > u, ṃ is added) (this/that) sākṣāt > sakkhi (with one’s own eyes )

    saha + ak ṣāt > sa + akṣā > sa + akkhi > sakkhi( k ṣ> kkh , final vowel ā > i, t is dropped) 

    saha (together) + ak ṣa (eyes, akkhi)Example: sakkhi > sacchi , sacchikaroti (to realize)

    Rule: Long vowel of second syllabus becomes short27/08/2013

    alīka > alika ( false)gṛhīta > gahita  (taken; seized; grasped, grip)prajñāvant > paññavant (having wisdom/wise)

    paññavā  (jñ > ññ)pānīya  > pāniya (water/drink/beverage) vālmīka > vammika (ant-hill ) (lm > mm, vā becomes va because of double consonant mm)

    sālūka  > sāluka  (lotus-stalk ) tatīya > tatiya (third )

    Rule: 1. Long vowel of second syllabus becomes short;

    2.because of stressed second syllabus, the unstressed first syllabus (dvi)

    is changed to weaker form (du)

    dvitīya > dutiya  ( second ) (dvi > du)

    Qualitative change on the second syllabus, or chaotic change, where the

    vowel on second syllabus becomes something else.

    parjanya = pa-rja-nya > pajjunna  (rain) (rj > jj, ja> ju, ny > nn)

    maireya = mai-re-ya > meraya (liquor/spirits) (mai> me,re > ra)

    mṛdaṅga > mutiṅga (ṛ  > u, da > ti) (small drum) 

    Rule:Short vowel in first syllabus becomes long

    ajira > ājira (courtyard)alinda > ālinda (terrace) anubhāva  > ānubhāva (power) 

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    pratyeka > pāṭiyekka (individual, single, separate) or pacceka 

    ( pra-tye-ka , pr > pp > p where first ‘ p’ is dropped, insertion of ‘i' between‘t’ and ‘y’, t > ṭ, k becomes double)pratibhoga > pāṭibhoga (pr > pp > p, t > ṭ) (surety)

    kunadī > kūnadī > kunnadī (small river) ūn > unn (long vowel ‘u’ and single consonant ‘n’ is similar to

    short vowel ‘u’ and double consonants ‘nn’)umā > ūmā > ummā (ūm = umm) rule as above kunadī (a kind of flower-azure/flax) 

    kumārga =ku-mā-rga > kūmār ga > kummagga(road that is difficult to pass, or bad road), 

    (rg > gg, ūm > umm) , rule as above kunadī  

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    Sampasārana (contraction of vowel or consonant) 

    ya/yā > i/ī   30th August 2013 styāna > thīna  ( sloth) (st> tth> th, yā > ī)


    dvyaha > dvīha (two days)(dvi+ aha >dvyaha, where ‘i’ becomes ‘y’)tryaha > tīha (three days) (tri + aha > try + aha, ‘aha’ can become ‘aṇha’) for example: majjha + aṇha = majjhaṇha (noon, mid-day)vyativṛtta > vītivatta (overcome/passed ) (ya > ī, ṛ  > a)

    va/vā > u, ū, osvasti > sotthi  (welfare/happiness) (va > o, st> tth)

    /suvatthi (insertion of ‘u’ between ‘s’ and ‘v’, st > tth)svapna > supina  (dream) (va > u, insertion ‘i’ between ‘ p’ and ‘n’) śvāṇa > soṇa  (dog ) (vā > o)śvabhra > sobbha (tank ) (va > o, bhr > bbh)*dveṣa > dosa  (enemy) (ve > o, ṣ > s) 

    According to commentary:

    Attano khādanatthāya mate sunakhe labhitvā pacatīti sopāko- Having gottendead dog and cook it for one’s consumption, this race is called sopāka

    śvan > śvā > so  (dog)*Compensation law:’n’ is elided, ‘a’ is upgraded, then ś > s, vā > o Sopāka coming from sā + pacati By Pāḷi way, śvā- pāka > sā- pāka > sopāka (dog-eater), (śv >ss > s, ā > o) 

    where dog (sā= śvā)/ sunakha/ soṇa = śvāṇa

    aya > e  jayati > jeti (conquer/win/ surpass) 

    trayadaśa > tedasa  (thirteen) terasa (tr > tt, aya > e, ś > s) or ‘d’ becomes ‘r ’ 

    adhyayana > ajjhena (to recite) (dhy > jjh, aya> e)

    sayanāsana> senāsana (lodging/dwelling place) (aya > e)

    1  (suttanīpata, ṭha (commentary), 167)

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    (sayana + āsana: sleeping and sitting place) *śavasayana > susāna (cemetery) (ava > u, aya > ā)

    ava > oavadhi > odhi (limit/boundary) (ava > o)

    avama > oma (lowly, inferior) (ava > o)pravaṇa > poṇa  (inclined  ) (pr > pp > p where first p is dropped, ava > o) bhavati > bhoti/hoti  (to be)

    Dviṣ -(contraction of consonant)√Dviṣ + a > ddiṣa > disa /desa (hate/enemy) 

    (dv > dd > d , where first d is dropped, i > e ṣ > s,)Dviṣ + ta > ddiṭṭha > diṭṭha (enemy/hatred) (dv > dd, ṣt > ṭṭ h)Dviṣ + ya > ddessa > dessa (dv > dd > d, i > e, ṣy > ss) Dessiya (coming from disī+ṇya > desīya )1. (Yo) saccaṃ dhammo dhiti, cāgo, diṭṭhaṃ, so ativattayī (kumbhīla-jataka) 

    Whoever has truth, dhamma, wise and given to liberality,

    he overcomes hatred. 

    2.Dhammakāmo bhavaṃ hoti, dhammadessī   parābhavo”.2 One who desires the Dhamma is grown,

    One who hates Dhamma is destroyed/perished.

    3. Na me dessā ubho puttā3  (I don’t hate my two children) Maddidevī na dessiyā (Doesn’t hate Maddidevī - the wife)

    4.Diso disā yaṃ taṃ kayirā, verī vā pana verinaṃ Micchāpaṇihitaṃ cittaṃ, pāpiyo naṃ tato kare4 

    Whatever harm an enemy may do to an enemy, or a hater to a hater,

    an ill-directed mind inflicts on oneself a greater harm.

    2  suttanipātapāḷ i, 1. uragavaggo n, 6. parābhavasuttaṃ n (KN 5.6)

    3 cariyāpiṭ aka-aṭṭhakathā , 1. akittivaggo, 9. vessantaracariyāvaṇṇanā 

    4 dhammapadapāḷ i, 3. cittavaggo n (KN 2.3), verse 42 

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    aya > ā  3rd Sep 2013 paṭisaṁlayana > paṭisallāna (meditation)  (ṁl > ll, aya > ā) 

     paṭi + saṁ + √lī + anasvastyayana > sotthāna  (blessing ) (va > o , sty > tth, aya > ā) svasti + ayana = svasti + √i + ana (√i > e/ay )

    āya > ā vaihāyasa > vehāsa  ( sky) (ai > e, āya > ā) Kātyāyana > K accāna 

    / Kaccāyana  (name of a family) Moggallāyana > Moggallāna (name of a family) (āya> ā) upasthāyaka > upaṭṭhāka  (attendant) 

    its verb is upaṭṭhāpeti, ‘āpe’ is causative suffix,meaning is attendant, or, to make someone to stand near,

    for example gilāna-upaṭṭhāka (attendant to sick) the ‘āya’ in upasthāyaka represents causative suffix, so also ‘ā’ in

    upaṭṭhākapaṭisaṅkhāya > paṭisaṅkhā (having contemplated) (āya > ā) or ‘ya’ is dropped. This is gerund form with ‘ya’, abhiññāya > abhiññā  (having understood well)

    (āya > ā, or ‘ya’ is dropped)

    chamāya > chamā  (on the earth) (āya > ā) esanāya > esanā (having searched/looked/find) (āya > ā) āva > o 

    atidhāvana > atidhona (overcross / over – run) (āva >o) 

    ar > o

     Note: When joined with consonant, ‘ ar ’  can become ‘ o’  , or is assimilated.

    Type 1a: ‘ar ’ becomes ‘o’, when joined to consonant. punar + bhava > punobhava + ika > ponobhavika

    (‘u’ becomes ‘o’ due to ‘ika’ suffix)Type 1b: ‘ar ’ is assimilated when joined to consonant punar + bhava > punabbhava + ikā >  ponabbhavika

    (‘u’ becomes ‘o’ due to suffix ‘ika’, rbh > bbh)like Ponabbhavikā in the Dhammacakkapavattana-sutta.

     punar + bhava + ika + ā (‘ā’ is feminine because this word modified to taṅhā)

    Type2: ‘ar ’ remains same, when joined to vowel. Just like punar + upasampadā > punarupasampadā (second ordination)not puno rupasampadā 

     punar + utti > punarutti (repetition) 

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    So, ponobhavika, ponabbhavika (is correct),

     ponobbhavika, punabbhavika (is incorrect)

    avā > ā  07/09/2013 yavāgu > yāgu (gruel) 

    ayi, avi > e āścarya > acchariya (śc > cch, insertion of ‘i’ between ‘r ’ and ‘y’)> acchayira > accchera (marvel, wonder) 

    ācariya> ācayira> ācera  (teacher) 

    mātsarya > macchariya(stinginess/don’t want to share things with people) (ts> cch, insertion ‘i’ of ‘r ’ and ‘y’)> macchayira > macchera  (ayi> e)

    (māt = one’s own, sarya = to be/to become)The Kaccāyana explanation:√mas + cchara /cchera > macchera (‘s’ iselided)

    sthavī ra > thera (elder) (sth > tth, avī >e) 

    ayi > eprātihārya > pāṭihāriya > pāṭihāyira > pāṭihera (marvel/miracle)

    apa > o

    apavaraka > ovaraka (inner apartment) (apa > aba > ava> o)

    prati + apa + /ṣvaṣk + a + ti > paccosakkati/paccossakkati 

    (pr> pp > p where first ‘ p’ is dropped, ti > ty > cc,apa > o, ṣv > ss, ṣk > kk)  (to retreat/to go away) 

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    Svarabhakti (insertion) 10 sep 2013  Note: Insertion of some vowels, especially ‘a’, ‘i’,‘u’ in the conjunctconsonants which are connected with

    i.) nasal consonants,

    ii.) ‘r ’, ‘l’, ‘v’ and ‘y’.Can be at the initial position; or middle position - which is more common.

     Nasal consonants can be labial, or dental.

    i.) For labial type (“m”), “u” is inserted;ii) For dental type (“n”) , ‘i’ is inserted. There are three options for the conjunct consonants.


    2.Assimilation,3.Remove the final consonant. According law of mora, short vowel

     becomes long vowel.

    For example,

    ud + gacchati > uggacchati ( ‘d’ and ‘g’ are assimilated – this is option 1.)ud + hanati > ūhanati (option 3) like saṃ + ūhanati > samūhanati(simaṃ samūhanati, to remove the (old) sima).

    For consonant and vowel, there is no assimilation. but the letters remain asit is, like ud + āhara > udāhara 

    Insertion at the initial position

    i + strī > itthī (woman) (str > tth)u + smayate > umhayate (to smile) (s > h, h and m is interchanged)

    In Pāḷi, to smile is sita. /smi + ta, (sm > ss)

    Insertion at the middle position

     īryate > iriyati  (moves) Because of the insertion ‘i’ vowel between ‘r ’ and ‘y’, the first letter ‘ī’ becomes shortened. Where there is ‘y’, ‘i’ vowel is inserted. maryādā > mariyādā ( frontier/limitation) vāryate > vāriyati (to prevent )  jyā > jiyā (bow string ) 

    hyas > hiyo >hiyyo (yesterday) (as >o) kāluṣya > kālusiya  (darkening)pṛcchyate > pucchayate ( ṛ  > u)

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    vajra > vajira (diamond) 

    pūrṣa > purisa (man) [this is option 1. insertion]pūrṣa> possa>posa  (man) ( ū > o, ṣ >s)  [ this is option 2. assimilation]

    sneha > sineha (attachment)

    tṛṣṇā > tasinā (greed/craving)>taṇhā (ṣ  > h, then ‘h’ and ‘ṇ’ are interchanged in position) 

    tīkṣṇa> tīkhṇa > tikhiṇa (sharp) (k ṣ > kkh > kh where the first ‘k’ is dropped. Because insertion ‘i’ vowel,the long vowel ‘ī’ becomes short.)tīkṣṇa > tīhṇa > tiṇha ( the first letter of triple consonant is dropped, ṣ > h,then interchange between ‘ṇ’ and ‘h’).

    sūkṣma  > sukhuma (soft/gentle/subtle)(k ṣ > kkh > kh where the first ‘k’ is dropped). The ‘u’ vowel is inserted because of the labial ‘m’. 

    uṣman > usumā / usmā (heat) (n is dropped) 

    ‘u’ vowel is inserted because of the labial ‘m’. 

    rājñā >rājinā  (instrumental/ablative case of rājā) ‘i’ vowel is inserted because of the palatal ‘j’. 

    snuṣā  > sunṣā > suṇisā (daughter-in-law)  (insertion of ‘i’) snuṣā > sunṣā > suṇhā  (ṣ > h, nh > ṇh)

    plavati > palavati (to float) grahati > garahati (reproaches/blame/scold) 

    hrāyati > harāyati  (is ashamed, depressed/worried) By the law of morae, these hrāyati and harāyati are same. 

    dve > duve  (two) 

    ratna > ratana  (gem) 

    agni > agini / gini (fire) 

    ‘i’ vowel is inserted because of the dental ‘n’. 

    padma > paduma  (lotus) 

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    svāmi > suvāmi  (lord/master) >sāmi (sv >ss)

    ‘u’ vowel is inserted because of the labial ‘m’ 

    svakā  > suvakā /sak ā (one’s own) 

    klesa > kilesa (defilements) *aśnāti > asnāti / asati  (to eat )

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