the connection

Post on 24-Mar-2016






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online magazine focused on Christian communication



Angels’ use of theinformation age


What has God learned since the beginning?

A FRESH WORD volume 1 Special Edition

Prophecy and the Apocalypse

Angels are light-years ahead of the information age.

If God chose to communicate by the Internet, He would re-assign angels to desk duty, layoff earth-based prophets, and retire all pastors. Messages would be delivered via computer through instant messaging, social networking, and internet forums. Fortunately, heaven already has an Internet system. We recieve millions of messages daily through our five senses, a personal communication system used for transmitting infor-mation. Instead of sending pulses of light through optical fibers, God touches us with His Spirit. Of course, it depends on which of the senses His spirits flows that determines whether or not it’s a text message or photo. But even God’s word texts create vision. Visions are mental images spun in our imaginations. The imagination is the thinking and active mind we refer to as thoughts. Thoughts are mental or intel-lectual activity of the conscious that we share in the form of conversation. LET’S TALK

Our innate communication system is remarkable but we are learning something new about the Internet that God already knows, it’s impersonal! Communicating with people without being in their presence may work in business forums but it leaves much to be desired for building personal relationships. The spirit of our words change when not supported by the context of our presence. In the absence of one another we tend to be bolder when we speak and more apt to exagerate. The art of interpreting nuaunces is lost in the process of communicat-ing on the Internet and may be the reason God chooses to use messengers and periodically meet with us face-to-face. Angels descend from heaven to personally tap into our innate Internet system. One avenue of communication used

is the production of dreams and visions. Angels take our everyday occurences and situations and create reality movies. In fact, Cornelius, a devout man, having sent many prayers to God, was told that his prayers and alms had come before God as a memorial. Certainly Cornelius was concerned that his messages were piling up, snail mail is usually slow. Finally, an angel appeared and directed a movie in which Cornelius, the main character was told to send for Peter. In the meantime, Peter, who was nearby, slipped into a trance in which the angel used Peter’s hunger to serve up a scene involving unclean animals on the dinner table (Acts 10:9). Peter was foggy about the interpretation, but it was a message about being open to diverse cultures, a timely message for America today. At the downstairs door there was commotion. A band of soldiers arrived and whisked Peter away. By the end of the story both Cornelius and Peter had been involved in an elaborate pro-duction through which angels were able to engage more than two of their five senses to deliver God’s message. I admit, social network forums like facebook are effective at delivering messages, but it is not nearly as friendly or intimate as face to face encounters. Facebook has its advantages and can lead to intimate relationships, but the original purpose precludes it from being a medium capable of transfering the most important component of communication-PRESENCE. What Zuckerberg could not say face-to-face was said behind closed doors, at a distance. That prevented him from detect-ing the emotions experienced by the recipient of his words or from having to be responsible for words he unleashed. Perhaps the internet has shed more light on why God sends messengers instead of mailing in His answers. It is another reminder for us to reach as far and wide as possible to com-municate, but to never assume that words alone can represent us in any personal or meaningful way.

YOUR VOICE IS LIKE A SPACESHIP CARRYING WORDS words launched in the form of prayers that can be ut-tered in a closet on the east side of town and destined for the northern corner of God’s throne. Why is it that SOUND, created by God, TRAVELS ONE MILE IN FIVE SECONDS, but prayer travels at a much slower rate of speed? Space-ships are designed to gain enough momentum to overcome gravity, leave the atmosphere, and cross the threshold of earth’s gravitational field at a speed approximately 37 times the speed of sound. So, if we do the math, it will take about 13.3 minutes for a ship to reach space. In comparison, it took daniel’s mes-senger three full weeks to return with the answer to his prayer. In one particular story, a voice had traveled as far as heaven, from the city of Sodom and Gomorrah, to be heard. Who’s voice was it? Not a man’s. It was the voice of a city inhabited by sin. It was not the first time God’s creation spoke with-out the assistance of His creatures. Abel’s blood ascended the heavens, having been spilled on the ground, to confess that Cain murdered its master (Genesis 4:10). In actuality, prayer travel in-volves many thresholds that must be crossed, some not so friendly. PRAYER BATTLES

Few consider the battles en-countered by our voices. Whenever


the return of our words are delayed, we ought to prepare for battle. There are instances when we are preventing our own prayers from being answered. A forgiving attitude towards others is essential to effec-tive prayer (Mark 11:26). Husbands who do not treat their wives with consideration and respect cannot have thier prayers answered (I Peter 3:7). But Daniel didn’t do anything wrong to delay his answer to prayer ( 9:3-4). Prayer battles begins with an acknowledgement that we our-selves have not contributed to our prayers going unanswered. We must turn toward God and away from the world. Block out all distractive thoughts that attempt to answer prayers that are meant for God. Humans have about three thou-sand thoughts a day and many of them are adversarial. Theses lying wonders are the first to show them-selves in an attempt to plant seeds of doubt. Turn away from thoughts such as, God doesn’t want me to have what I am asking for or, maybe I’ve done something wrong. These words of defeat replace genuine an-swers. Resist thinking that you have to wait forever for God to answer your prayers. Set time limits and expect answers. God expects you to answer Him when He talks, and He extends the same courtesy to you. Sometimes winning the prayer battle requires summon-ing others to pray and fast with us. When there’s a battle in heaven, like the prayer battle Daniel fought on his knees while the angel descended

from heaven opposing conflict, words need the assistance of prayer partners. Angels assisted with Daniel’s prayer but people can help us too. Esther asked her uncle Mordecai to gather the people and fast for three days before she went into the inner court of the king’s house. If you really want to win the prayer battle, you must be humble enough to share your problem with someone you can trust, somone who is willing to pray with you. Re-member, Satan is the prince of the power of the air and battles against the very words we speak to God (Ephesians 2:2). Air is the heavenly realm of disbelief where our words are subject to be attacked. Satan’s first line of offense is to hurl nega-tive words by questioning the merit of what is said and the facts upon which it is based. Given the oppor-tunity, Satan will convince anyone who will listen to disbelieve that God is really listening to them. If he is successful, our prayers dissipate in mid-air because we lose our faith. The moment we stop believing, our words vaporize. No word is granted an audience with God unless it is backed by faith. Prayers must be supported by facts that are based on God’s Word, which produces faith. Start your countdown...ten...nine...eight...send your prayer...stay on your knees...summon the help of a partner...and expect an-gelic involvement when prayers are delayed. excerpt from THE SECRET LIFE OF YOURWORDS

Partner with ME

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h a v eG r e a t v i s i o n s l i t t l e

b t es a n c

God shoved His hand into the abyss puncturing the first layer of sea water, stretched His fingers toward a formless mass submerged below, withdrew a piece of material, and called it “earth”. Okay, maybe I could have been a little less descriptive, but how do you prove to someone how important they are without going into detail? Here’s what actually happened. The Spirit fluttered above the water, God divided light from darkness, pushed air in-between the waters, separated the sea from land, gathered a pile of dirt, and squeezed it together. In the fist nine verses of Genesis, God talks about an earth for which He had a vision: an earth He could barely see and could not touch: an earth said to have been inhabited by the fallen angel Lucifer before man arrived. There is a consensus that Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 is separated by time. In-between those two verses, Lucifer (Satan) is said to have fallen from heaven to earth and wasted it. Satan actually destroyed God’s perfect vision of what earth was supposed to be. But God has taught us to look past the waste of others and see the hidden value of things shrouded by darkness. Who looks at a pile of dirt and sees a person worth dying for? When there is little to no substance to make your vision come true, imagine or conjure in your mind a really big plan, and dream your vision. Take the images from your dreams and use them as the substance for your visions. Let nothing or no one deter you from making that vision a reality. If your belief in the vision is strong enough, and you are loyal long enough, it will come true. When you need encouragement, step outside and scoop a pile of dirt with your hand. Take it inside and set it on the table. That is what you started as.


Judgment Day Believers Proclaim May 21 Is Day Of Armageddon

Participants in a movement that is proselytizing that the world will end this May 21, Judgment Day, gather on a street corner on May 13, 2011 in New York City. The Christian based movement, which claims thousands of supporters around the country and world, was founded by the Oakland, California-based Harold Camping. Camping is President of Family Stations Inc., a religious broadcasting network that promotes the belief that May 21, 2011 is Judg-ment Day. Camping claims to have come to this date by a deep and complex study of religious texts. Camping was wrong on his prior end-of-the-world prediction in 1994. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Rewind about 2000 years. There is a group of people living in Jerusalem huddled in houses awaiting the end of the world-judment day. According to Jesus disciples, all except two individuals, Ananias and Sapphira, emptied out their bank accounts, produced the deeds to their property, and laid all at the feet of the Apostles to be redis-tributed and dispersed among the community. After all, Jesus was on his way back to earth. Followers of Harold Camping, prophesier of Judgment Day, are emtying their bank accounts and living like May 21st is the last day of thier earthly lives. If Harold is wrong, they stand to lose thier fu-ture and must begin the journey of rebuilding thier lives. But Harold is aligning himself on the side of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1), the two individuals that retained a portion of the proceeds from the sale of their property in case something went wrong. When asked, “Are you going to do something with all your money before the 21st? Are you going to donate it to charity or something?” Harold an-swered, “What’s the point? In other words, Judgment Day is the end of the world.”


Is there a Moses or Daniel alive today keeping up with heaven’s current events? Certainly. But stories like Camping’s make it much more difficult for others to put faith in modern day prophets. God always has His prophets, people who represent Him in face-to-face encounters with others. There is only one recorded incident con-cerning the extinction of prophets when Elijah thought that he was the only one left (I Kings 19:14). God recited the numbers: I have seven thousand in Israel that have not bowed their knees to Baal. The

single most characteristic mark of a true prophet is their rela-tionship with God, and the presence of something in life that has played a role in shaping the individual that can be equated to having been called by God. The identifying mark of Moses prophetic gift was water. God draws us out of something and in contrasts uses the very thing He takes us out of to defiine us. Water and the lack of it remained a constant in Moses life. He was successful when water was plentious and floundered when the water abated. Prophets have a supernatural gift from God that is readily manifested in the natural realm. The response to anyone declaring to be a prophet of God is assessed by their call, history, and evidence of some supernatural phenomena linked to their words.


Will there be an earthquake May 21st as predicted by Camping insisting that he will be glued to the telvesion until he is resurrected? In 1994 Camping predicted the final judg-ment and nothing happened. The current prediction is based on Paul’s words to the church at Thessalonica, “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as tra-vail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are the children of light, and the children of day: we are not of the night, nor of the darkness”

(IThessalonians 5:1-6).

FOUR PROPHETIC WORDS Personal Words are directly to the individual. We are all encouraged to have a personal relationship with God and for those who do, God speaks to them frequently. Sea-sonal Words refer to messages from God that are limited by a period of time, and can be for a group or a single individual. A National Word is directed to a nation and all those within its borders. Lastly, the Global Word, used in Campings message is to the world. Missing is the element of surprise. If Jesus return is as a thief in the night, there should be no notice given; the thief takes every precaution to prevent the household from knowing it. Paul encourages the believer to be watchful and pay attention to the signs of the times, but the actual day of Jesus appear-ing is not fully known (Luke 21:25-28).






In the New Testament, the Book of Revelation (13:17-18) cryptically asserts 666 to be “the number of a man,” associated with the beast, an antagonistic creature that appears briefly about two-thirds into the apocalyptic vision. An Apocalypse is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception. The 2012 Apocalypse is predicted by an intersection of Prophets, Religious Scriptures, and Scien-tific evidence pointing to a possible apocalyptic event. In modern popular culture, 666 has become one of the most widely recognized symbols for the Antichrist or, alternatively, the Devil. It is not uncommon to see the symbolic role of the integer 666 transferred to the digit sequence 6-6-6. Some people take the Satanic associations of 666 so seri-ously that they actively avoid things related to 666 or the digits 6-6-6. This is known as hexakosioihexekontahexapho-bia. According to some premillennial Christian interpretations, Jesus will return to earth and defeat the Antichrist (the “beast”) Satan/Lucifer/ Devil in the battle of Armageddon. Then Satan will be put into the “bottomless pit” or abyss for 1,000 years, known as the Millennial Age. After being released from the abyss, Satan will gather Gog and Magog (peoples of two specific nations) from the four corners of the earth. They will encamp surrounding the “holy ones” and the “beloved city” (this refers to Jerusalem). Fire will come down from God, out of heaven and devour Gog and Magog after the Millennium, and the Devil who deceived them is thrown into Gehenna (the Lake of Fire and brimstone, or Hell) where the Beast and the False Prophet have been since just before the 1,000 years. Armageddon is actually a battle. According to the Bible it’s the battle where God finally comes in and takes over the world and rules it the way it should have been ruled all along.



It was the beginning of life for man and already God was gathering data about His newly formed image. Animals were herded in front of Adam one by one as he displayed intelligence, passing God’s aptitude test. Adam was the first to call Eve a woman, brillantly defining her as the mother of all living. He surmised that whatever you take from life you must give back, a principle for which enviornmentalists now advocate. But the most startling discovery came on the day that Adam ate of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This time God was not learning about man’s intelligence, but his ig-norance. It wasn’t God’s first encounter with the problem of sin, having watched one of His prized angels fall. Lucifer taught God an aweful lot about the effects of making bad choices but Adam was the first spirtual cadaver to respond to the symptoms of death in a human body. The emotional effect on God was much worst than the spiritual condition of man and most likely why God did not immediately toss the corpse into a furnace. Keeping Adam physically alive while spiritually dead is consistent with God’s behavior. He has always been a redeemer, a restorer, and yes, a learner. Given enough time, He developed a plan on how to bring life out of dead situations. It could not have been done if God hadn’t a tendency to love people to a fault. Love has always cost him everything in the relationships He has written about, down to the life of His only Son. Many of the characteristics that we identify as solely human nature, like man’s susceptibility to failure or frailties, ought to be redefined as personhood. Traits of weakness do not discriminate between natural and spiritual beings. I think that the emphasis we place on failure has more to do with our perception rather than reality. What we call weak or frail is not God’s definition at all.


No one can be certain how much time passed between Sa-tan’s fall and judgment, but God’s faith in restoration and recon-ciliation pushed Him to extend the inevitable-PUNISHMENT. Why else would there be an uncaged devil on earth during the innocence of man? God’s experience with Satan helped Him to discover a redeemable quality in man for which He was willing to risk per-sonal failure. In the Old Testament sin was a fairly new problem that God understood very little about. Sacrificing a lamb was a temporary solution to a major problem. God even enrolled in Job’s School of Suffering and granted us an excerpt of His dia-logue with Satan about commitment. One could speculate that God was learning about the limits of man’s ability to withstand temptation. After all, in the days of Noah, God dis-covered the limits of His own intolerance for sin (Genesis 6:6). It was the first time God spoke of personal regrets and repented. Of course, repentance then was defined somewhat differently. Today it is a response to our condition; back then it was the state of a person who became so full of something that it forced them to do things differently. Our future will always be altered by experience. Liv-ing is learning, and you can’t say you’ve learned anything unless your willing to do things differently. In the end, the part of man that is most like God, is his innate determination to never quit.




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